6-—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday. July 21. 1949 ELIZABETHTOWN ieee, on of Xo ang Hes, Som | ! driving through a blinding rain IN) TO Y fy Verna Lutz. formerly of j Storm hear the Swatara Hill AN N OUN Ec EMEN 1 ore tbethtown. had chs Hen the | Church, attempted to pass a vevistration af Bl 4 T 4 : truck and skidded into a pole OUR SHOP WILL BE CLOSED ; ; % : demolishing his car and sustained 1 FOR roe WEEK a wi Sas y Be head injuries He was able to dh town and was treated by TUESDAY, JULY 19th to 26th Construction. Co. who has charge | PF: Wenger and retumed home | Naw Selling System Foods Fon Jot Waanlhor Str Easy to prepare. Easy on your purse. Improve your sununer salads with At i "RYONNAISE : Re Code By Richard Hill Wilkinson le to go to work Monday NDY had sensitive eyes and| | V novesd their equip Bid H P d lelicate hands but Leonie, born| | ent 1 v sect ear Poh ell a Woslarier of H : tra special inducement Modern Beauty Salon 20! wens ancrey | | =o bred of pines | ores yo ay ro 2 chi icin ra RIA CON : : hte, aE: . : oy aR Bh 3 1 WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY. PENNA : : is CARNIVAL CROWD OF SEASON Price Agreed Upon It wasn't until after they were mar.| Se an RSE ge 1 ture oh The Rheems Fire Company Right in The Pen ried that she discovered he was a which > _ p eted hysical coward : — i 1 preparing fol ind expects the Under a new m of selling phys Yu Ite Gy » Sund: es i Oo CK ! a 4 . She found out the night of Serena W th je (1) 4 » 3 Suna: - ‘ brite largest Carnival crowd of the hogs, buyers and nnn at the yr ofa won : Ee id 3 : kar : ; tH eason Saturday night July 23rd. markets agree on the price right Pooas 3 ao a pany, Pony This Coupen or 0) : noon. f ; ¢ relle al when. another famous Rheem in the pen before the hogs are tice k was there : As usual he was ase ol a 16-02. iar {ES Iwo 9 I N FARMERS i furnishiy tor 3 Sr fleem® | weighed. Thus the old weight. | He was a handsome devil, 2 . 5c toward the purch of | 200 In i \ : how will be presented roads 1s being by A this Tony, tall and bronzed and hase of a 32-02. jos 5 Eve | : home S { 1} ts to Appear Sat cnedue Is Deing ropumced 9 2 |'reckless. te hud been: Leonie's . 10c toward the purc od lve S : Wh J t Sunda Re 1 er . 4 ey pear | pen-to-pen system of marketing. : : a ae 1; ¢ ¢ 140. wy plaint ervice en Y ou N eed i t | urday the famous “Sleepy | The buyer is given a chance to rec- Shigeo Ten om clo Site Mayonna 0) Yin. bi » , sae: gone | Hollow Gang” from the W. F. I.| ognize quality and pay a premium 1eart, 4 - - S » id | PA 3 1 Or 108 - said she would iCAR STORE y DONECGA Hayloft Hoedown in Phila. | lor good hogs, Minute | suid és . AMERICAS L AVIATION SERVICE ett Potion | have mamical & py ACME MARKETS OR WIERD [> Mal Will D t funy Cake. P Ur him if it weren't Cx NOT VALID charge 3 y : Te Hep for his drinking. a ferred 1 us or pra noth The first thing Tony saw when & Thr YOUR CROPS OR ORCHARDS: he Florida Th he came through the door was Le- : : : — { n ous F onie and Andy dancing together, A Made of the finest Ingredients in dig | Tomatoes, Corn, Tobacco and other crops. he only act. of it's ki n th ; : scowl crossed his face. Then he OU" OWN medern kitchens. Robe: | world and starred for ‘es as #&s oF i laughed. When they whirled past ———————— gineer JUST CALL YOUR LOCAL AIRPOR wi} 4 T y Be 3 him he stepped up and . whacked LOAF CH EESE 5 : . Cc Pros X S at ie Latin Ra - Glendale Club y 1 Andy on the back. i - 2» box 73 or Ph LL. a . The quality of this Chester “Tony's cut,” he grinned. ‘Make or * -0Z Cc 3 ares Landis DONEGAL AIRPORT The Sting Corters, positively |] Wai se a |r PEANUT BUTTER #sco gest od Soo the test kating act in hoy ent even te the casual observ- Leonie flushed. Andy hesitated, ts Q . - -02Z Cc Lam I PHONE, MT. JOY 32-3334 busine will appear ming di er; but under the old weight- looked at Tony, then gave way smil PRESERVES ged) Pure Sirawhenty jar 3 S Elizab Re ) ect from Havana Cuba. schedule of selling hogs, breed- ing. “Sure thing,” he said. “Your . L 16-02 1c drivin _- Ti } | fea that hil ers who produce such quality dance, Tony.” > PORK & BEANS Asco 2 cans 2 Peris, 3 on ; re Yat ls stock would receive nothing As soon as she could, without ap- \ ues! Q I i 12-02 c Yona tio funny comedizn and h for the added #ime and SWIFT S PREM Handy Meat can 39 Greey : ode. musical to Br : xtra | pearing too obvious, she asked with a y musical. act I. ‘hoy i= care they had expended to Andy to take her home CORN BEE ! S ' 16-0z «3 3c ord ecently featured at Ra- bring their hogs to such a de- There she accused: F HA H Amour’ can 33 : traffic | Gio CH ¥ rie Hall Rov Re gree of excellence. “Why did you let him insult you? . £45 55 mi. | ber and his talented musicians to || The reason advanced for in-| Oh, the shame of it!" Asco Fancy Quality, Pure Tomato Ab pl=v the show. creased interest in market Ss Andy was startled and bewil- ed for . . [ There will be games. eats and that the weight-schedule system | dered. “Let who insult me, honey.” Peace The Plumbing and Heatina | musements for all at Rheems fails to recognize the difference *“Who?'* She stared at him. “Tony | J ( —— between hogs. It also fails to pay | Swift, of course! I was never so for true quality. humiliated in my life. Tw i In. Business of H. S. Meckley MAY FUES INTERFERE Under the old schedule-selling, if Yo ge “Tony? Oh, you mean be- | pojici am | oz i Fe > an 1 . t Tvarle > 5 elicious, vine-ripened : : i WITT! RAILROAD TRAFFIC ale Jt n and buyer it a market cause of what he said? Shucks, | tomatoes, seasoned just 14-02 < 7 3 1 vou think it vb J thet woul agree in the morning how vv . ips xe an Will Be Continued By ould yeu think 1 posse that | So Oe I os ook: oor | Youy Alavi mean any. [right Save more’ af bots | ’ 4 esentative of our ies can stop a train? Well that’s yoo EN 1 BS thing, He was drunk.” this special price. (| # Rept am ; oY : : i | ) A schedule of process up r . || 24 : i exactly what happened on the A : I'he appalling truth flashed i 1S Sons 7d distineuished collection th iccording to weight, Wis | "across Leonie’'s td : ~ . . ‘ Wa aa ii Pennsylvania Low Grade on Mon- | hogs” and the scales ined | mon brain in that mo. | ang’s Sweet Mixed Pickles oti" 23c¢ ] 4; ol superb Girarc Ire ! After an electric storm May | the price yO Ay NS yy BR I ; 1c storm IM: ace, been afraid of Tony, which was . ! AG | 1x Watches. 15 jewels, fie became so thick they were! But that system is gradually be-| (po po" Choice Alaskan Farmdale Lf Jay H. and Robert Earl Meckley Il : : 17] idl 4 : : 0 vol ing abandoned, Under the old ; ay he Fad Sled fhe isthe With E . 5 d Milk Teco Ve | rom $40.00, plus t ( Jo rai dot robable | Lo th 3 in ioe 2 ery i ste turned Pink Salmon nricne i pital | ¢ 1 lip )the ni 1 an sf bing rom 16 Too. . | ® [ | 3 chonizm of the l A week later, on Saturday night, 1602 5 He 4 2 A ke junes H 3 i i hi nd fouled t 1 50 Andy stopped by at Seth Lancey’s san oe "a car 0 | 4 i ¢ na touied ¢ nachil J 5 : : ; Ix i oF i. halt on} 14 cons ste re to see Seth on a matter of Shore I Adam H. Greer ; BR hal an hourdate. | ss. A couple of boys from his Garden Fresh Produce - - Priced Low! after > . : 5 were there, drinking at the . fal H. S. Meckley & Sons I 87 East Main Street. THAT IS HARD ON HIGHWAYS | ,. Minutes later, talking with | Fresh Picked Eastern Shore i yoo! : ds \ POSS1h a = > 7 il i MOUNT JOY £ State Polic wrested four truck | iu Seth, he heard a rumpus out front. ® 3 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY ||| | Gr veri nd an rem RnR gl ee LE Tame Cans ( Phone 3-4124 paid $50 fin and costs One | Quality hogs worth more money two boys were engaged in a brawl vid « == SS § w 15 tor ove nd one w: Another reason for the ne with tree men from the Bor YX . Ib hae nT Hi 1 7 14 and 8 tons and We otha | 1M 8 the fenr matt ail a, Andy Sod yy Large Sweet Calif. Plums 3° 29¢ Coo) 4 l 1 i 1 A 44 vatched a while. )thers joined in, e, C 1 of selling 1 may be Ibs ee, « Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin 3 12 ts They were that | Sat rane | began o ook as tou he pace | Large Elberta Peaches 2" 29¢ # i i | much ver the lotted tonnag Thi Lh | would be wrecked. Andy got out of & . Ik . ; ; llotted tor This me (when | Suid be wrecked: An tof Eating or Cooking Apples 3 25¢ overtu is used ng “=> . ~ pint 2 iG plored by , coopera. | , Leonie heard about it the next Large Cultivated Blu-Berries ™ 29¢ : ven } tives. ‘a : val ioe tn. | day. That settled things for her. i cio i Readir tions and studies wm » federal WHITE or GOLDEN FANCY SLICING 2 research and market t. Many | ¥ 3 ¥ E I market “operators also are BR ¥ 1) Kee | Oo ; worried about the decline in vol- Sugar Cor oO es Vi ume of hogs riving for sale at terminal markets. & 1 Ee ctns Be i Ha ears » ins nine 2 2 ad i Large Cucumbers 3 for (4g | 14¢ Large € Green Peppers 3 or 10¢ 3 Flo x £ Mrs Whole Sugared Frosted Liberty Strawberries 16-02 39¢ i Ventura Fordhook Lima Beans rku 33c Pasco Pure Concentrated Orange Juica 2 6-ozcans 49¢ ! Mis. ! morni Virginia Lee Bakery Treats For adelpi Flavor Johi Reg. 65¢ Large Gold-N-Snow| Always i = Get ¥ Heisey 3 if SE COCOARN T BAKE ¢ seama STOR ob Hel U L 5 Asco Orange Pekoe “jn; 1, N «39 ICED TEA |) al “If 1 ever see your ugly face he yo A ing th around here aga Mn ki 4 8- ; Sous 1ere gain, I'l kill 39¢ Jelly Streussel ¢ rez 28¢ ; David you COFFEE CAKES © Pe A A... was bewildered and un-| Ci R pkg 6 | or Ideal Tea Bags Mes happy. The next day he found inn. Raisin Buns 9c aaa at Ma Victor 1 en (left) and | himself brooding over the situation, Sugared Do’Nuls doz {9¢ | Iced or hot, “heat-flo” roasted Mrs. 1 Max J. en, of Cache coun- | 'By mid-afternoon he could stand it SUPREME ENR Coffee has richer Flavor Mrs ty Utah, did not know they would | no longer. Leaving Noah Tait in E ENR E I 7" day 3 be national wheat ch sions when | charge of operations, he drove ASCO COFFEE Ib i Mrs. ] this pho. “was taken on their 4,000 | ‘home. As he strode up the walk he| 2 2 | A HD 2 'bs 89¢ & Mrs acre farm, RYetween Cache Junction | heard a cry. He burst open the : g Hrs and Utah, door and found. Tony Swift trying Win-Crest olfee th 4]« abetht PF | The wheat, wi Victor Ras- | to Kiss his wife. Tony wasn’t drunk. < 2 bs 81c¢ i Tuesd Ff With an automatic electric egg mussen is hold is a sample of | He was babbling something about oa Ideal Vac. Pack Coffee ca" 53¢ i Mrs. the crop from the 2,000 acres of | Leonie really loving him, - 3 from cleaner I'll get your eggs really clean wheat land, which is owned jointly || Tony whirled at the sound Andy Save Here 1 Quality Meals 3 Murs by these two men and their brother | made. His lip curled. “Oho! The : : « « « easily, quickly, without fuss or Reuben, who was too busy farming | sissy from Bos——" tr home . . . that day get in the picture. / , S roy : Satur bother. Don’t let old-fashioned 2 day to ge I re. Andy strode across the floor. Large shank 4 : The Rasmussens’ wheat, whic His face was black. “I guess,” Smoked ed re Vir. cl animng methods rob vou of hard- was hard red winter of the Cache he said bitterly; “you're dumb, | Mr. a . ” 3 variety with a test weight of 64 after all. You need teaching.” severa earned profits. Install an electric egg pounds per bushel, took first. place | He struck out. Tony tried te | Lean Smoked relativ : in the 8th annual Philip W. Pills- dodge, but Andy's fist clipped Je: pr av Save ie ave : > ! iit PPC Mr « le ancer today. Save time . .. save bury judging for best United States him on the chin so hard that 1b C Me 3 vheat raised in 1948. The g » we ; spend labor + . Save down-erading, the ao 7 3 vised n 1948. ; I'he grain he went down. = with 37 samples from 20 “Damn you!” He lunged, but Colum apr Jeotrie re 1 other states when the judging was | Andy wasn’ vhere » expecte a : last mode rn electric w ay! ae ¢ pny 3 as! i'n here ‘he expected Skinless Frankfurts Ib 45c¢c st 'T I 1ieapolis. Andy’s fist flashed out again, and K Ki G . = 1b pk lis ang Reddy Kilo The Rasmussens rotate their | again Tony went down. Andy orn King Grade A Lean Sliced Bacon 9 49¢ hor eddy Kilowatt wheat gop on 4,000 acres of un-| jerked him to his feet and hit him Sliced Lebanen Bologna v21b 33¢ Groff - Sve . v. irrigated land. They are the sons of | again. He hit him a third time and 1 our Depe ndable Hired Hand Philip H. Rasmussen, avho won the | a fourth, Blood covered Tony’ 5 : acon) vs Tender ty Ham SI wn 79° state and national Pillsbury award | face. Tony whimpered for mercy. uaii y am ices : Mr. in 1946. Andy dragged him to the door and em. Mr. A threw hin out. Picnic Style Fresh Pork James Soil Check May Answer “Andy!” Leonie fled into his| @& : C Schrol Slow Tile Drain Puzzle arms. “Oh, my darling, you were OU ers id vous. idge 3 Frith dand 3 slow 1 wondc raul : Oh, precious, forgive ag ap OF dine: check ‘the a: S10V ! | me for what I said. Andy, why| = I auton i ner vis, clieck the organic matter | didn't you do that before—that| Fancy Large Shrimp > 69¢c Freshly Ficked Claw y size of ¢ quire content of your soils before blam- | night at the dance?’ Bone! Steak Fish BOY 1 pe ant your he on ing. the tile system. Many tile lines Andy fi . red “Why huel neiess Stea I$ > 25¢ Crab Meat Jol ui i . 7% AnQ) Whe y, S CKS, nn - JO "There pire Ae about € of elt of that worked well when originally honey, I don't like to fight. Don't Haddock Filleis Is » 330 gah very resent Wd be suf laid are now hampered because the you see? He was drunk then. Tt ore i for ¢ Farm yw ar water can’t get through the soil | oo re + WASH Rob Roy or Bala 4 30-0z bots P&L . Bus he tay 18 E80 was no need. BEVERAGES Club As ted T i 21¢ : ae i pest —— to the tile. You open your soil and Leonie laid her head on his shoul- t ssorie ax + dep. ent ir 0 Ae hed Improve drainage when you grow | gan Aili Ee ge tie Wz that well-fertilized deep-rooted legumes iil " Ison, during OF cours DUZ, RINSO, OXYDCL, etc. on 27° a ip In the rotation arid put back stray But See the beautiful Priscilla P 3 Dyer PENNSYLY { | cornstslks and manure Siraw. 1! But she didn't DINNERW ARE on ditplay. Seve 18 attern i ire. Released by WNU Features : 2: 29TH : } —— + . vs 5 cn Ry : - — July Family Circle Magazine now at our s{ores—only 5¢ The ; Norh Carolina's mountains are | - i | reunio ah] | believed to: be. the oldest in this The total church membership in Prices Effective July 21-22-23, 1840. Quantity Rights Reserved. \ Sunda: | country. [the U.S. in 1047 was 73,673,182, | tit dS CLLR RES TRYST day p { a - pls Sil Wd