— 1 BIBLE SCHOOL JULY 18-2 July 29 from 7.00 - 9:00 p. m. Ch a N ing Hell and after death punish-( Ihe Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, July 14, 19494 = NOW! CHANGE FROM THIS AT tio ROADS There will be classes for all ages urc otes ment? ——— - 1.7 A ge SS —— from Kindergarten up to and in- “The Destiny of the World airport at Lancaster, including | Al Heisey made a solo cross > J Cu The Cross Roads Brethren-In- cluding the adults. ; Come and| NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Churches and the Western Nation Norm Heisey Jr, Al Forry, Char-|country to Philadelphia Main 8, - \ Change Your Treadle Christ Daily Vacation Bible | enjoy the sessions with us. All THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY In the Light of Bible Prophecy. | tie Boiley, Joe Loraw, Joe Mc- | Line Airport. \yZ School will convene July 18 until! are invited to attend. | AND THE ENTIRE SUR- “The Prophetic Destiny of 80-0 qricks, Warren Stehman and| Bob Shank flew to Williams ’ . . actin? ia hp +1 v3 x sd : | ba - ne —————| ROUNDING COMMUNITY. viet Russia” This sermon Will |p) Nissly. | Grove Speedway ow Machine Into {mmm OR | Liovd Nil | | Grove Speedway. + . Church of God tions: When and where will | -_ ~ 1B An Electric Portable THE LITTLE GREEN Rev. C.F. Helwig, Pas i . C. F. Helwig, Pastor Russia stiikce? Is the xt daw | A N E WwW sg b Sunday July 14 strike? Is the next war E RV | C E i a XY Eire iy | armageddon? f | 3 3 Or Console JEEP an. n wd : — EE — | IN THIS COMMUNITY i ao OR Living tis a il BD GOES DOWN YOUR Spm Livin te" | Airoort News. Buttons & Buckles Covered 8 37 Wednesday { onega Irpo e he STREET 7:30 p. m. Missionary Meeting he Doneeal Dudes Flvine Ch = BELTS MADE = | 8:30 p. m. Senior Choir practice ! We onega ces ne : gi Buttons, 40c Doz. up — Buckles 45¢ each ————— - - - —-— — | ——— ce. | 101 1e1 regular montaly meet- | Belt & Buckle 1.2 M | Mount Joy Methodist Church | ing at the airport. Robert War- | . ue 5 25 5 OUNT JOY Every Day of The Week | Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor | ner of . Manheim and: William | ALSO ALTERATIONS P Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. Be ; : cy ~ | FLORIN Monday and frida Vl Sunday Julv | Rapp of Marietta joined the Club. | 3a N RO | Y ¥ ) bo ih EY Service { Several local pilots spent a day FLORIN ELE B NSON MAYTOWN Monday and Thursday | 10:00 a m. Church School |in Atlantic City last week. A-| —— PHONE MT. JOY 3.5739 ard, of will meet | mong those enjoying this trip were: { Katee amines ee " a — ro eee after Church Sc | ® Weanetd oy A Sghool, | Joe Loraw, Bruce Halk and John | A Rh R | an a . | . | [ 7:30 p. m. W.-S. C. S. Meets Hawthorne. Henry Weber had | I by d | | d ——————a made his choice Wildwood, N. J ! very Oo Y S nvite ; @ ! { . : . | You can also have it electrified in your present cabinet. Esti- i Cluiveli David Z. Heisey, near E-town | 79th ANNIVERSARY mate amwen free. 1 rompi guaranteed Service. Pick uy and deliver l e Y | ei ort, astor | received hig Private Pilots cortif- 8 wick C 1 | pie Mic Stricker, Supt. | ice” during the week | Landisville Camp Meet | Sunday July 17 rate during the week. g J Vv BINKLEY QUALITY CLEANERS | [10:00 a. m. Church School Charlie Bailey and Herb Shel- | a ce in : . 11:00 a. m. Worship Service [ly flew to Alexandria, Va. | + LANDISVILLE, PA, . ® 76-78 East Main Street Mount Joy | | Seta Raymond Garman and John 8 Miles West of Lancaster on the Harrisburg Pike J SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE YOU PHONE 34071 WE CALL Courts 5 the | made 2 dul wo | 4 DAYS. JULY 22nd 31 £3 Phone 216) 111 N. Market Street, Elizabethtown, Pa. | John Ebersole, Elder In Charge | country trip to Cleveland, Ohio. fees n fo st y - nn rr lg Mr. John Herr, Supt. Warren Stehman made a 300 | Well-known Guest Speakers ——— Talented Musical i ro — | Sunday July 17 ile cross country tri o o} x ~ ¢ 7 JEWELS SHOCKPROOF | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School any or a. Colm | Groups from Lancaster City and County ‘hoatre ‘+ IATIFRP » . . | 10:15 a. m. Church Servic 2 COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS : Ist Prize Ton HEY KIDS! Win One of These Wonderful Prizes! A hE George Minick visited the Her- PLEINTY OF FR E E Ts SPACE . 2? § : x y TG. to TYE Mt. Pleasant shey Airport. gi ay : ine nm : a EASY! IT’S FUN! IT'S FREE! | ; hrs : Hots #4 7-14-24 Ing IT'S EASY! . NN 3 EE. Brethren In Christ Church Several local pilots visited the { a EER 1 . tit : yay Elder C. H. er, Pastor at iin a bh VIR) Only Boys & Girls between age 6 & 16 living in or near Florin and Fagus C n Moyer; Pastor Sh : ROVE PA Mount Joy May Enter [9:00 a. m. Sunday School Sp i 3 . | Everyone is cordially invited to fm Just Three Simple Rules: attend these services. i i" . (1) CLIP OFF THE SAFETY PLEDGE below—sign it. Be sure to write your name and §/ se Hear The Facts About A Changing World From. The address clearly in the space provided. | First Presbyterian Church - i . CAMERA 'ATTH FLASH (2) Have your mother write a letter to the famous Radio Comedienne, Gracie Allen, Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor — i iB 2nd Prize BULB UNIT Hollywood Plaza Ho‘cl, Hollyweod, California. Letter MUST BE WRITTEN by | Sunday, July 17 2 Bible Prophecy and Science — } Takes Pictures Ind Out YOUR MOTHER. 9:30 a. m. Church School B T an - ie o § infos Moore : (3) Mail your signed Safety Pledge and your mother’s letter addressed plainly to | 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship Y NOTED AUTHOR - EVANGELIST RADIO MINISTER: J A Ga fe Gracie Allen, Hollywood Plaza Hotel, Hollywood, California. The best let‘er | Rev. Henry Bucher, Dean of ® Li will win the wrist watch for you—the second best letter wins the camera—the | F-town College will preach. p H E F h A us tax third bost let‘er wins the Juke Bonk. July 24th and 3l1se, Rev. Charles i arry © 1S er, Th. D. me Vg Your Letters must be mailed on or before July 21, 1949 E. Carson, Pastor of Trinity Presby- ! a NOTE TO MOTHERS: | terian Church, Harrisburg = will 5 OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA in ee One out of every three children who die between the ages of five and fifteen year: of eT age die accidentally. The of this contest is to stimulate the interest of your | ps [Ted th TER NP Heres elven Donegal Presbyterian Church ONE WEEK ONLY !! Accidents in the home kill 30,000 and injure four million people every year. The Radio ls Rev. Ta i Pastor Commedienne, Gracie Allen, has organized the “Don’t Be A Gracic” Club to interest = hy By S E 7:30 J | 17 Th S 4 mothers in making their homes a safer place to live. The “Don’t Be A Gracie” Club is | ig Church School i Adz un. Ve., ° 9 u y ru umn. ve., y 5.4 mentioned on almost every Burns and Allen broadcast Thursday evenings. [ 914 0 evening service unt ug. Look around your house for such common hazards as frayed lamp cords, toys on the I ho i | WEEK NITE SERVICES BEGIN AT 7:45—-NO SERVICE MONDAY. OR SATURDAY stairways, curtains near stoves, loose throw rugs ete—and check yourself to see if you oti . : . | i < are careless about such things as dry cleaning with gasoline, putting pennies in fuse | Trinity Evangelical Cong. ( hurch boxes, using matches instead a flashlight, ete.—If you do these things You're A | Sun 3s Zeigler, Pastor | MOUNT JOY . 3 “Gracie.” PY a ‘& c B bi Ch h | Just write a letter telling Miss Allen why you are or are not a “Gracie.” | i Md yi Sehoa] [ a vary { Q urc Miss Allen will acknowledge your letter—and make you a member of the "Don’t Be A 7:30 p.m. Everton | PENNA Gracie” Clul : n ~ feral | ° . y » A STOR ; Gracie” Club. hub i SAR Mar | Miss Fern Sweigert, mission- | C. L. SUMMY, PASTOR ; 3rd Pri THIS CONTEST IS A PART OF THE CURRENT SAFETY CAMPAIGN Sponsored by ary to the Kentucky Mountains, | i r rize Ladies Auxiliary of Florin Fire Company, Florin, Penna. | will speak. : Clip Below This Line Tuesday | commas - 5 ib BAN - oo || 7:30 pm. Young People Meeting : 2] 5 J ne BOX BANK MY SAFETY PLEDGE Foray Jo You people dl at ) ANCE Plays A Tune I WANT TO BE SAFE TODAY SO I CAN PLAY TOMORROW! 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Fig 5 When You Save i pledge myself each day to be careful: playing, walking, working and living | 8:30 Choir Rehearsal | -- A Col SAFELY. 1 will remind my playmates and friends and family to do the same. | 4 om Sine Newtown U. B. Church | Slonel: ...... cco di iii Ciena ce B00 Oscar K. Buch, Pastor B i”? RY Address: ons Sa as a aa, a | Sunday July 17 ® we ; 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. ais 3 POW... iad Sy . wo State Le . 7:30 p. m. Evening Worshij ; ers er MANHEIM R. D. 2, PERNA. 4 Trinity Lutheran Church { Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | | Sunday July 17 | ——— m——— ] [9:30 a. m. Sunday School | LC f 5 10:45 a. m. Morning Service | LL, ; Tuesday | IQ fis ’ 5 6:00 p. m. Women's Missionary | AIR COMPRESSOR ‘ 17 oa EXCAVA [ING | Society will picnic at the cove | § 1 i Thursday | | A 1 £ 2:00 p. m. Luther League wil: | WORK y i & GRADING 3 leave for swimming party to | Rew a Mt. Gretna. Meet at the church R k D ili - C Il tein get nue ock Drilling sey ellars . . - ~ Ha i Dr. Harry Fisher, of (al. lll Concrete Breaking, Etc. Trenches, Etc. (From Page 1) | § the ministry after leaving F & ——— M. College in 1933 and became an ordained minister at the age of | fo EE dos yo a] PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 | 20 years. He received his de | gree in 1940 from the Los Angel- | | es Bible College and in 1947 re- | | ceived Dis THD having done the | =F Pp prt 4;ii——4—4/4/—/—/—/——— EE - __——— graduate work for this degree at | the University of Redlands, Calif. | hd YOU want these and the Baptist College of Los] wy EXTRA VALUES pr TE i Tmo il 23 | | “Vm standing by for the wali | STAUFFER'S QUARRIES ten prophetic line. op J | WORLD'S CHAMPION most Beautiful BUY of all iv | This one-wesk campaign with) L. J. SMITH, Owner SHOW VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Mr. Fisher will give many of his local friends the first opportunity "er 7 GTN " RY ® ill . f TELEPHONE 3-9731 FEWER S0DY STTLING AND zy Nothing less wi satis jp ministry nearly 15 years ago. | to hear him since he entered the | ° He has been speaking throughout | T : CERTI-SA7S HYDRAULIC BRAKES Nothing else will do! —- America in such large churches N R B i a O C K S (with Dubl-Life Rivetless Brake Linings) | #5 Angelus Temple In Los Angel] es where he recently conducted | : LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD . ae. ton rar tutes . : 7 with WIDEST TREAD, as well Again . . « NEW |g ir. speaking. to thousands Crushed Stone Chimney Blocks i | Some of Dr. Fisher's subject i ers - er LOWER PRICES: to delivered are as follows: | ee 5.INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS : a (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) “Is There Really A God, Can || Mortor Cement ee Flue Lining {This Fact Be Proved?” This re —— CENTER-POINT STEERING | subject will deal with refutation 2 ~~ vv O of Atheism and Evolution etc. Concreting, Steel and CURVED WINDSHIELD with | or Presse Doce 90 Bu] Mason & Whit | Sha ‘ Ss serm / deal i : PANORAMIC VISIBILITY i Dr. Pas coil Th ason ne ~~! a — Aluminum Sash | the halls of the World Security | eae ———— FISHER UNISTEEL BODY b | Council Room at the UNO Head- | Sand 4 . 6" = 8" 10" CONSTRUCTION (omy xi mE. \\ - W LH | quarters at Lake Success, New y Overhead i) = co i i im York. He will answer the ques- | : JN EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN— Beast) \ Nd BON > | tion, Will there be war cr peace | Lintels . Garage Doors OPERATE—MAINTAIN y lin 1950? Will the UNO pre- | The Flestline De Luxe 2-Door Sedan— | serve the world peace? | wa om White sidewall tices of : en “Is ‘The Sou} .of- Mani Really Im- | ot : mortal, Can This Be Proved Both | FIRE PLACE UNITS and CCESSORIES Biblically and Scientifically?” NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc ma | @® questions: Does the soul sleep “11: . 1 ® be ave after death? wii |] Custom Drilling & Jack Hammer Work — Estimates Cheerfully Given | we know our loved ones after 0 P. M M, MOUNT JOY, PA. | death? Is there really a hurn- J