The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 14, 1949, Image 1

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Shoppers In Community Offered Burns Opportunities In Qur Merchants 3-Day Sales Event


Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, July 14, 19: 19

ouncil Instructs Solicitor To :
| Prepare Plans To Turn Water
8 0 Boro Authori
Uver to boro Authority
The July meeting of the Boro[a member of the Board of Ad-
Council was held Monday even- | justment. Council complied with VOL. XLIX, NO.
ing with all members present. | the request. -
Also Burgess Zerphey. The Fire Company was reim- | LANDISVILLE YOUTH STARTS
Messrs. Stehman and Boyer of | bursed to the amount of $110.41 Four Local Folks |2 MOS. SCANDANAVIAN ar
the Zoning Commission, appeared | for repairs made to the shower As a graduation gift from
before Council relative to the | room. k 1 400 Mil | parents, Frederick —
trailer situation throughout the Burgess Zerphey reported the Too 3 e | near Landisville, left last Saturday
boro. It was decided to hold following receipts during June: ¢ . | on a two-months trip to Sweden, |
special meeting of council next | Street Permits; $20.00; Peddlers’ Automobile Trip where his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Monday evening, at which time | Licenses $11.50. Gustaf Malmborg, were bor
the subject will be discussed. Mr. Newcomer of the Street Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keene and | He gailed from New Nore Sal.
The solicitor will be asked to at- | Committee, reported work started | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Derr, of | yprday, bound for Luad, in South-
tend. on grading Pinkerton Road. , this place have returned from alern Sweden, to visit his paternal
James Hockenberry turned over | Mur. Keller of the Water Com- | 1,396 automobile trip to the Po-| grandparents His plans also call
$75.00 collected for auto viola-|mittee, reported sub cleaned and | CONos, Hyde Park and Coope rs- | for touring the Sweden country- |
tions; $1,650.32 collected for 1949 | both chlorinators out of order. town, N. Y. and many points of | side hy bicycle and extending his
taxes und reported a balance of | Mr. Krall reported all bids for interest throughout the New | rour into other Scandinavian and
$12,067.38 of this year’s taxes are | replacing the emergency lighting Fngland States. They were | nearby countries. |
outstanding. | system were over $500. Council , g¢ne eight days. This marks his fourth trip to
Justice of the Peace T. J. Brown | will now advertise for bids. At Cooperstown is located the | Sweden. He was first taken there
turned in $20.00 collected for fines.| Supervisor H. Smeltzer recom- National Baseball Hall of Fame |}y his parents for baptism in the
The Girl Scouts thanked Coun- | mended laying a water main on Museum. This is the native | Summer of 1932 and in 1937 he!
cil for the use of Cove Park dur- | Pinkerton Road as far as the town of Abner Doubleday, father | went along when his sister, Mono, |
ing their Summer Camp. | boro limits while the road is now of baseball. On May 6, 1949. | was taken to Sweden for the |
The receipt of $5 from Pauline | torn up. Same was ordered by they celebrated the 100th year of | same purpose
Miller for the use of Cove Park | Council. baseball at which time they in- The Malmborg family last visit- |
was reported. Pumping Engineer Schatz re- vited all the surviving old timers | ¢( Sweden in 1947 to be present |
A check for $11.00 represent-. ported having pumped by motor to attend. Many were Drosont, for the 50th anniversary of the |
ing permits was received from | 10,243,000 gallons in 242 hours and Cooperstown is about the size graduation of Mi Malmborg’s |
Zoning Officer Christ Walters. [500,000 gallons in 47 hours by the of Mount Joy. The town and its | father from Alnarp College. It]
Charles L. Eshleman was elect- | turbine. people have contributed upwards | ;lso marked the golden wedding
ed to fill a vacancy on the Plan- President Zerphey, reported for of $40,000 toward the develop- | anniversary of Malmborg’s parents,
ning and Zoning Commission. | the fire chief, said “two calls dur- Ment of the shrine which it is
The Commission recommend the ing June, koth out of town”. now obligated to maintain.
appointment of Herman Boyer as ( Turn to Page 2) From here the folks journey- | Brief News From
TTS ed to Boston, a distance of 250
miles, where they saw the Red .
E. D J i d F C E B= defeat the Athletics 7 to ! The Dai ilies For
oneg par armer an nro (Turr to Page 2) 0 . k R .
Tam ans] ading
Elected Four New In First Pa. Corn PAST DONEGAL ASKS BIDS uic : &
: | For suPPLY, wATER METERS | Fire burned over between 7 ond
T h F id Cl b U til A 1 Sealed proposals for furnishing 8 acres of wheat stubbles on 2
eac ers rl ay u n ug. water meters will be received by far h Hh of ae
Four teachers were elected to) Farmers in Pennsylvania this the East Donegal Twp. Municipal | The 3 will
serve in the East Donegal Twp { year will have the opportunity to | Authority until 8:00 p. m. July 18, he held at. Richland Brethren
: . "| Church, near Myerstown, Aug. T.
Schools at the board meeting held | enroll in the first Pennsylvania | according to announcement by be ; p
Friday evening. Julv 8th They | Corn Club which is sponsored by [authority officials. { vara pays 9x one
are Miss Margaret Harnish. Mil- | the Pennsylvania Crop Improve-| The Rev. John S. Hiestand, the J Percent for collecting is axes
cil and $11,200 for five years for the
lersville, Art Supervisor: Miss ment Association and the Exten- chairman of the authority, has re-
Doris Vost. Bausman. vocational | Sion Service cooperating. ported that the foundation for the | hauling of its garbage. >
0 | riba. bs : ‘ . Seven men in three canoes will
home making and Mr. Stanley S. | The purpose of this new club water standpipe is now being con- | Havel oath. miles he Susaiice
Dotterer, science and math. is to give recognition to corn structed near Maytown school: | a Riv a on EY Er
Miss Winifred Houck of Cham- | growers who produce — not less | The pumphouse has been complet- | nr Paver iron is headwaters
bersburg, girls physical ed. | than 75, 100, or 125 bushels of the | ed» with the exception of the in- to the Chesapeake Bay.
: ! Fuad So sds A strike of drivers and me-
Miss Harnish is a graduate of sound corn per acre depending |Stallation of the pumps and work- Io :
Kutztown State Teachers College | upon the country in which the | én are now engaged in laying the » lige Seg e Sposa i or
and Miss Houck of West Chester: farm is located. Lancaster Co. | Water main to Maytown. i De Es rg A
Miss Yost of Mansfield and Mr. | growers will undoubtedly be NY ely Pom Be ey. ancht
Dotterer of Eliabethtown College. judged by the 125 bushel stan- CAVE IN NEAR NEW Tope sae
Supply and equipment contracts dard. This project will serve as | HIGHWAY 22 FEET DEEP | the lot The . went. to
were approved as follows: Agri- | demonstration on proper seed While workmen were making a work and. thirty more
cultural Shop Supplies and Equip. | bed preparation, the use of adap- [ditch to carry away surf ce wa Tor the third uccessive Vear
to Herr & Co. $3141: Brodhead- | ted hybrid varieties, the intelli- | ter on the north side of the new the. BCs "DAll. tom of Landaster
Garrett Co. $2034: York Mach- | gent use of land, manures and of | 4 lane highway at the Metzler oh the national. championship
inery Co. $20091: and Northwes- | commercial fertilizers, sufficient | farm east of town, there was They waded at Cleveland, Ohio
tern Lumber Co. $69.10. stands of plants and efficient | quite a cave-in. The ground Fred W. Lex, 37, of Enola, wae
General Shop Supplies and Weed control and cultivation. gave way to a depth of 22 feet rrested at Columbia charged
Equip. to: Brodhead-Garret Co., Suitable ec gnition to those This was an old with illegal traffic in lottery tick-
$343.90: Herr & Co. $7228 and | (More on page 3.) that gave the state highwaymen | ols The. found 6.985
Lumber. Co, for —— eee trouble on several previcus oc- and $215 in. cash
$69.10. A LW] Bu fO cations. rr Oe
Science supplies to, Cambosco chvities 0 ur Large boulders Were dumped . .
Scientific Co., $130.79. . . into the bots ter ye con- Big Preparations For
Janitoral supplies to the Acme P | Off crete was sjushed over Yor quite 3
Chemical Co. $0850; Bond Sande 0 Ce 1Cers a depth. This made a perman- | a
tary Co. and J 1 Hol On Sunday morning, Officer | ent fill ales Days July 78-30
coh Co. $161 50 Neiss, investigated an accident on ams 4 doi : .
General School Supplies to Lu Fost Main St, in which one car | THE 4-H CLOTHING CLUB Vi According to las! from
B. Herr & Co. ‘$1,258.05 was damaged to the extent of MET WITH MRS. MUSSER Busy committeemen the gigantic
Coal from Wclgemuth Brothers $150.00. The fourth meeting of the Mount | Sales Day, to be held here cn
rom y. . : : 1d | July 28, 29 and 30th by the Mer-
and. Manrice: Balev. Dan Peiffer. of town. was driv-|Joy 4-H Clothing Club was he Id | :
BF Bur and Co, Lancaster. | ina east on Main St. and at New- | Thursday at the home of Mrs. John chianis Division of the Chamber
‘were granted a contract to trim Service Station was mak- | Musser, Mount Joy R1, with an at- | of Commerce, 1s Shaping up ven
shrubbery on the grounds at ing a right turn when a car car- tendance of 13 members. well and should be a shoppers
Florin and at Maytown rier, driven by Edward Fisher, Leaders for the session were paradise. ;
It was announced that. Schools of Buffalo, N. Y. attempted to Geraldine Hindenoch and Mrs. Copy for the advertising iol
will reopen Thursday, Sept. 1st pass on the right. Fisher was | Musser. ¥ The next meeting will { loi » be distributed to all the
a ae rv | prosecuted befrre Sauire Hock- | be held Thurs, July 21 at 1:30 | families in the surrounding com-
at the regular time. Busses will ; i ra . : Ns both. urban and. zaval,
cover the sive roulos ac in the enberry for reckless driving and p. m. at the home of Misses Jan- munity, oth : ;
previous years. posted a $13.50 forfeit ice and Jeanette Mt. 1s In the hands ol the printer,
ee ——— li | Wet highway conditions were | Joy RDI. I'ne Bulletin, and will Le ready
responsible for a four car colli- | A Mlle for distribution next week
MAN AND WIFE BOTH ILL sicn at the P. R. R. siding at the) HURT FINGER IN BALER Merchants cooperating in the
ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL | west end of town on Tuesday | Samuel E. Ginder, forty-one, of | event will be represented among
A Florin we man and her hus- | Chief of Police Park |FElizabethtown R3, caught his | the advertisers. They are al-
band were _ admitted to St. Jo- Neiss investigated and reported | yight ring finger in a hay baler | ready planning “specials” cf all
seph’s Hospital Sunday evening. | (Turn to page 2) Monday, suffered partial amputa- kinds, price reductions, ete, and
Mrs. Minnie Loraw, forty-three, tion of the digit. He was treated | ave supplementing their present
suffered a heart attack at home pAST END OF THE 4-LANER at the Lancaster General Hospi- | Stock with additional quality
shortly before 7:00 Pp. Wh, and Was po LANCASTER IS FINISHED tal, where he underwent an emer- | merchandise
removed to the hospital. | Contractor Good, who built the | gency operation. He was later Plan now for a shopping spree
Her husband, Darwin Lorawy cast end of the diane highway. discharged. | for real values during Mount
forty-six, 2 painter; upset by his extending from the Manheim pike ———— Joy's mcnstrous Sales Day event,
wife’ illness, suffered a recur-jy wo gust Petersburg road, is] FARM SAFETY MOVIES | July 28, 29 and 30th
vence of a blood clot in his leg pleted but not opened as yet. WERE SHOWN AT FLORIN | ———_—
and conyited 3 [physician who All the crossings, approaches, Clarence E. Craver, assistant co. | TRUCK HIT LOCAL STATION
ig his adm!scion to the hos | guard posts and wire, grass plots | agent, showed motion pictures on] WAGON AT JARCASIER Ta
ee ————-— | at intersections and grading of the | farm safety at a meeting of the! Robert E. Miller, sixty, 836 I
| sides are completed. The rcad|E-town 4-H Community Club on Plum St. Lancaster, charged with
LOCAL 4-H JUDGING TEAMS | makes a fine appearance. Tuesday evening in the Washing- | driving on a learners permit un-
TO COMPETE AT PENN STATE | The West end of the road is ex-|ton schoolhouse, Florin. | accompanied by a licensed opera-
Seven Lancaster County judging pected to be finished in a month. ili Al lie { tor, was prosecuted by city po-
teams will take part in the annual nr. 8 eee lice on Tuesday following a mi-
4-H Club Week observance at PURCHASED PERRY CO. CAMP Week's Birth Record nor accident. Police said Mil-
Penna. State College Aug. 8 to 11. Mr, Elwood Martin, local dairy- | ler's truck collided with a sta-
Local 4-H Clubs will hold their man has purchased a camp in| Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckman, | tion wagon operated by Eli B.
annual field day and picnic Tues- | perry Co. It is located along the | Rheems, a daughter at St. Joseph's | Hostetter, 363 N. Barbara St. of
day afternoon and evening, July | macadam highway a short distance | Hospital last Friday. | this boro, in the 100 block of N.
26th at Longs Park. | west of New Germantown and in| Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Boltz, | Prince St.
MN ee close proximity to Buck Ridge | Maytown, a daughter Friday at the | Tw
Goldie M. Meckley, this boro, | Lodge, formerly Camp Ream. Lancaster General Hospital. [ Mr. Walter W. Posey, the man
administratrix of the estate of | The Martin family will make this| Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newcomer, of | who made the Posey Iron Works
Henry S. Meckley, late of this | a year ‘round recreation rendez- Mount Joy RDI1, a son Sunday at| at Lancaster possible, called on the
the General Hospital. editor Wednesday

Mount Joy Bulletin

$2.00 a Year in Advance

Auto Club’s Ann’] wre suo wes = The Local News Mortuar y Record
The W. Hempfield Twp. School | »
Board awarded a contract for «| F Th P tW k Th gh t Thi
Picnic At Hershey 60-passenger school bus to J. or € as ce rou ou S
Spahr, Manheim.
Thursday, July 28 Spahr’s bid, one of nine Very Briefly Told Entire Locality
mitted to the board, was approxi- | i seph W. Yentzer, fifty-four, at
The annual picnic of the Lane mately $6,500, Nathaniel E. Sny- There are 3,110 pers Y fod lumbia.
Automobile Club will be held | ger, secretary reported. Jed ‘as unemployed at lLoncogte) Harry F. McQuade, seventy-five
at Hershey Park on July 28 | The bus will be used to trans-| At a public le at Paradise « of Eas "
An all-day program outlined at | ort children who formerly at- | Saturday an old pitcher sold for Mr Eig Stubbs eighty,
Friday nights meeting of tne board | tended Sterline, Kehler and Fair- $16 native. of Manheim at Trappe :
{ of directors will include: view schcols to Mountville. The| At New Holland a motorist wa Ee i > !
Morning ar afternoon concerts | » . wri : . «| driving with hi brake n and —_
ore A pss Sie; on 2 pros et. {ite io his cm Roms Ober Js : ;
concert by Warwick Twp. High | vale School to Maple Gr ve | Ivan Herr, of Columbia, caught Pi oe
School band: baseball game be- | School, Salunga. |» 90 lb. 7-H il fish while he H he of cor plicating of Wei
tween two leading local teams; get The four one-room institutions | VS fishing in Florida following on hee. of five woke
together meeting; stunts hy the | were closed recently when at- | Two men shot five rey Joxe He w " retired farmer :
musidal clowns and an eight-act | tendance dropped. Kehler and |" 2. farm near Elizabethtown SL ——
free vaudeville show. Sterline will go on public sale on | ‘nev were killing chicken: ls rer
Officers and trained dogs from | next Saturday, a a or The Ircnville E. U. B. Sunday yn 9 a ty
the Pa. State Police School at Her- | gether with Sylvan Retreat. that School will hold its annual picnic eight I ndisville oy ir Rr To
shey will give a safety demon- | was closed earlier, will be sold | Hershey Park on Saturday. sels Hospital Sd : fter .
stratiot at the bandstand at 11:00 | at auction Saturday. Julv 23, The driver escaped when a iruels files of oa :
a. m, More than 200 prizes will Airy Vele was sold last week off te Harrishur pike and A son of the late John F. and
be awarded and each child will re- heared off a utilities pole at Ore- Marv: Jane. Peter 3 WIE
ceive free rides, ice cream and a ville Friday Mary vane Peters Sowman, he
Di t . : A bl Nearly one vesr ago Mariella wis a retived automotile finisher.
If weather is favorable, the 1949 1S ric sseém y imposed an gmusement tax ne children,
wrold B., Lanc.; Helen, wife of
attendance probably will exceed the Of R I ’ en “aon patron Carl Herman; and Naomi, wife of
estimated 25.000 of last year, S. E. t t there paid over $1000. Ye ee : ,
Gable, general picnic chairman, . 0 ary n én | Miss Annie Heibeck, 101 year in Doth 9 Oaklands
10d The publ © fro WwW H Id H old invalid, attended church ser Calif; also eight grandchildren, a
vited he said. as €. ere vices in the Strasburg Preshyter- hers Mes Blanche Beam, Lane
Paid up membership of the| Sixty-eight delegates, represen- | ian Church in a wheel chair pi i 8 brother Bdward of
Club as of July 1 totalled 28636, | ting twenty-eight of the thirty-| David Eshbach was awarded a "Th f1 ral was held fr
a new all - time high according to | one clubs in the districts attended | contract to transport the pupils X ery Way rom the
the monthly membership report | the District Assembly of Rotary In- | from Washington Boro to Millers- Same Fae
submitted to the directors. Three | {ernational which was held in the | ville for the coming school term, »
hundred and eleven new members | {geal high school building Movida: | Trinity Lutheran Sunday school. | Evrae thin That
were admitieq in June, July 11th. > f Colebrook, will hold its annual y S
Sais The opening gong sounded at 9:15 pioaie t nome on Saturday, July H
Th Wh bo a. m. with the morning session 23rd. Music by the Manheim H appened At
e eérea outs consisting of a speech by District Bang :
Governor, William Swaim Jr. of Fight hooks ot One time fe Florin Recent
Of People Thruout Mount Holly Springs. The theme | PLODETLY i only y
for the coming year is “Roll Ro- president, James Buchanan, were An old time festival] and street
E ti L alit tary” and, Rovary hos re HO gi A ee I at
n Ire oC 1 y |'set as_a goal 10,000 club with a mil- | Florin Fire Co Florin Hal) WY will
Miss Susie Dickson, of Harris- [ lion members. Following Governor | ree Ee A Micra consist of Ten Hicks from Hicksville
burrg, is visiting at the editor's (Turn to Page 2) | ereerr CYWNSTRICTION. a comic band of popular and band
home. this. week. emp |e, md Ten Pel NE RI
Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Norn- [JAY GROFF, 18, PLEAD GUILTY | the contracts awarded | | fo yd ete Bring “the pa
hold an children Patty and Dickie | SENT TO A REFORM SCHOOL Vednesdav bv the State Highways] SP nd the evening.
spent the past week at Wildwood Jay Groff, eighteen, Manheim Department for road and | Miss Ruth Alice Todd, represen-
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller, on | R4, pleaded guilty to larceny | | : aad + A ive of Printograpnh Safety Cam-
West Main St, are spending a | charges and was committed to ME Dai Aon Va 1 Me a losser | pains, of Kansas City, Mo, isis
> > 3 Construction Co., this boro, for con- | recting a campaign sponsored by
vacation at Ships Bottom, on the | Pennsylvania Industrial School at | traction of .97 of a mile of bili he Ladies Auxiliary of the Florin
Atlantic. White Hill. | rire = and: ae sdinforced Fire Company. Look for a detailed
Miss Marlene Brill, of Lancaster, Chief of Police Parke E Neis concrete bridge on traffic Route 44 joo unt and advertisement in this
is spending the week with her uncle | this boro, testified Groff admitted | Lycoming County between Jer | i and Mrs. R. W. Roberts
and anut, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brill | stealing a box of tools, valued at sev Shore and over Motwan Run. [spent Tas weekend with Mr. and
on Barbara St $75, from the parked auto of $06 845 Im ¢, Norman E. Hershev.
Mrs. Kate Barnhart and grand- | Ralph Shope, 478 Wasp St, Mari- RT TR xy I Wi Boi J. B Rershey of
son, Ben Clinger, spent the week | €tta, April 25 The Court nie RAN THRU GUAR [New Yore in re pe HIE their
with Mr. and Mrs ed Barnhart | informed Groff had leen in trouble | ig JAN Py daa | ea Lae Mrs nd
at Staten Island, N. Y. as a juvenile and was released Eo " Deibl rn { Mrs. Joe Cole and son, Joe Jr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wade | from Glen Mills Reform School in fered Teoratod o : Leon) (Turn to page 3)
spent the last week from Tues 1946. Di Yorev. rans " | wel evs
dav to Friday os guests: of Hi ———— 200! GIT WHAT DIFYBRENCE!
mother near Pittsburgh. tric iv which then or | An item in Tuesday's evening’s
Miss Sabina Braun recently from The Boro School | | kn ek, 1 down thro Bare meester daily said that in the
land and now living in New ond St r lila RT unty sea ne wv corn was selling
York City visited her friend .Mrs. Board Elected 2 or ait. on lk at $1.20 to $1.50 per dozen ears.
Robert Childs and family July 2nd west of E-town 9.45 m " I Samy : evening at Root’s
and 5th. wi | weekly le ome grown corn
Mr. and Mis. George Shatto New Teachers Te ores | brought there ty the bags full,
i 15 Woy < - 20
and daughter of town and Mr. and The local School Board at Mon-| THOSE IN THE SERVICE | cents : dozen,
| Mrs. Albert Huck and daughter of tay ta ra Vernon Mummaw, Ji Uv. S Ween og it sold on the
Marietta spent Sunday at Atlan-| SY "6 2s Segsion Sei vent, $a Naw ding ariougl i streets here at 60 cents
tic City the opening date and June 2, 1950, a wy, 1 Pon. ing a far] ugh
Mi and Mrs. Chas. Fike, the closing date for the 1049-50 ee howe of To Dn "| A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION
Geils and Levi G. Dillinger en- school term. : Cp ns at | BETWEEN COPS - MOTORISTS
joved a motor trip to Erie, Pa. The board also announced a six- wh rock rl a sal wll Cards of thirty-nine motorists
and Jonestown, N. Y. last Fri- day vacation on Christmas and i 5 I bd re SR em oy | were suspended ly the state Hast
dav and. Saturday. four-day vacation, Easter. Also par oan heb aw Fort! weck. John M. Getz, Mount Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Carl discussed were numerous repairs to | hung oa, or uy. | RD1, was charged with speeding.
vacationed in the New England the school buildings which includ- | Raymond Wagner, Mount Joy R1
States and spent a week With ed rephirs to the floor in the art DOr. Har Fi h fl | | 1 his cards restored, also John
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zink, form-} Yoom of the high school building ry IS er, 0 a a v. Elizabethtown R2 and Har=-
erly of town, now residing at plastering of the grade school, door rv H. Musser, Columbia Rl.
Taunt n, Mass. checks on the high school and A Guest Speaker Here .
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bates, of painted the exterior of the high - ' : | ESTATES ADJUDICATED
town. Mr. Clyde Miller and Mrs. | school and two rooms in the grade The : Rey = hs ri Amo he estates adjudicated in
Annie Gibble. both of Marietta, school for which bids will be adver- of Calva Bi Church It. | the O Court, these amounts
spent a week at Toledo, Ohio, and tised. : B hes Tn oe Y 1 | remain for distribution smongithe
Muncy, Indiana, visiting friends. The directors discussed an oil Be Deak ; ie pneu
Mrs. Ross Maurer . of Akron, | heating system for the two school ; X Py : { | Raymond H. Kelller, late of this
Ohio, returned home after spend | buildings but no definite action was i wn, ne id st speak ) for | boro, $104,305.19; Edwin P. Eby,
ing a week with her parents, Mr, | taken. It was announced that a band Veet pou, | : = | Rapho Twp., $14,861.04
and Mrs. Harry M. Ressler and | saw has been purchased for the Shin ’ 0h oy i RS
brother Isaac and family all of workshop and the purchase of yy RI > Sve WAS DRIVING TOO FAST
RD2. Mount Joy, Pa. books amounting to $1,774. An- dul gun. 0 Services on Mon.| Lancaster city police prosecuted
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peifer | nouncement was also made con- BY : motorists in one day for the
and family, and George and Min- | cerning the need for a bed and first ( P Au hn ig 2 an ee a 6 { 2 iolations . Among them
nie Memminger motored 3,000 aid supplies in the health de part- the We or 2 : Ri | Ne es 5 me H. Heisey, Mount Joy
miles over the Skyline Drive to | ment of the school. ¥ : tiie ; ne or fra w ch rged with speed-
the Blue Ridge Parkway into the Two new teachers are: George ‘range: io. Mn | ing over an intersection.
Great Smoky Mountains of Ten-| C. Hauck, music, Biglerville, suc- Sous he I oe Ji | TS Tye]
nessee Seeing Rock City and | ceeds Mr. Willard Newton and Miss a : > ro i ok Ri Yam PINKERTON ROAD
continued on into Florida to Sil- | Mildred L. Wilson, Downingtown, | go (Tar to Pros 2 shies he Biren Commies is busy
ver Springs and many other in- | physical education. Sm oa 5 [grading ahd widening and _ top
teresting points. TT | LANDISVILLE MAN NAMED | facing Pinkerton Road as fag
They traveled through nine | SUIT FOR A DIVORCE At the 26 nnu a he Boro limits The
tates arriving home Monday af- Complaint in divorce: Harry M. Hn yh i TE k a marked improvement
ternoon. Nolt, seventy-six, 131 N. Eighth St., | Park. Ear B ot “W Lan ille v ry i
TT Ye Columbia, vs Mary Ann Nolt, ik a, na | Wd Airy vais Sebo building
MARRIAGE LICENSES seveniy-one, Maylown, desertion;| The 1050 Clb nl Ne Be i= heey
Herbert Hornberger, ing of married in 1901; separated Jan. 17, | the second Sunday in July Cr hip al od z he
and Doris H. Asher, Lancaster R5, | 1908 i ihe & place A Cann pili
| same place price was $2,700,