2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, June 30, 1949 ARISE Done al Air ort News gai AIrp The Mount Joy Bulletin | "NGS § Sa oy u € 1m [$ — of — { Robert Shank and Richard Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO | Greets Sow Jost week é x snail, obe . a y ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ( = = = py hm is i 1th - bes PD sia saya | Phares Landis and John Hawth competition, as well as for the hest | visited tie aitport at - Lang- Publ'shed Every Thursday at No. | interests of the public. This all | 7 ¥isike 1g airport 2 pil p-11 Ea reders. | 20 Years Ago to most st Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | reasonable BUT, Lever Bros, a member of the | | | | Subscription, per year $2.00 family’ : Ie it Six Moths... .. i. $1.00 amily’, has succeeded in winning The large barn on the George » Months... roi. 60 a ccurt decision over a competitor Shuman farm was destroyed by | Copies: 05 who made red soap. Seems that | when struck be lightning. tele TYR \ : y Copies ......... FREE using red in soap manufacture has | Wm. K. Winter, of E-town, has I been traditional with Lever Bros. || 1CSse good to fortify, unify and sustain | Were at a high level, and that al find can finc peeple who prefer liberty to total- | brief shutdown would not seriously | hires ‘the { things that | to buy lize | ¢ handwork gifts who do time to make. lovely . | ne : i e would cost too Americans appreciate | affect the industries of the nation. duty, the | But these excuses are entirely be economic, | Side the point. If Mr. itarianism. ‘ready made’. Organdy and understand their need of a program for Lewis grapes, are ._ | table cloth appliqued with ivy or | into aj : . | | bread pan or loaf pan to shape loaf. Bake 35 min- | mer, {or December and Christmas | | much | beautiful and appreci- military and diplomatic help to | can close down a vital industry at | ted | I k Croc ie : : x | ated by any homemaker. “roche foreign countries, but they also | his whim for one week or one day | | | ; : et : | purses anc Jags o the metallic | know th:t to imperil the economy | Or one minute he could by the ; : | : . : : . {cords and make coin purses and | at its source, is to lose a cause | Same kind of dictatorial action, holder 1 o 4 f { 1 . . TRI 10iqer * clgare » pacgKages "0! | through effect. [ clese it down indefinitely, He | 9 Sigarone bug jos fom | these metal threads. Knit ties | oe ® >a a breakdown in such { ( K 1 itt i ‘ 3 . . . )ackaged with yarns rec | PLAYING SUCKER | essential industries as the railroads i y § ong Sie : a | tions) to match socks. Have you | Every community has people | ad electric utilities, and steel, | seon the Kits 1 inti i ll : i : : seen the kits for painting oil pic- who try to get rich quick, who bite | Which function without coal. He | : pam! i Died ean) : . tures that give a variety of sub- | on pretty promises for something | could tie up ships carrying coal ject th I RN finds . | cls with colors anc She ngs | of unsound value. Every city, or | Under the Marshall Plan to other ie atmos numbered on the picture to be its | lands, and thus undermine a for- heat | €ign policy which has been ap- Nod? fo ; { mixed? Tis thus | Proved by the President and Con- | town and farming district has 1 i | iy ; fcllowed with the paints already | citizens who are trying to : { They also come in com- | the other fellow’s game. the sharper thrives and the sucker | SYESS. Could we have a more | Dron Pigces. Have then framed gets caught. Fake stocks and also | glaring example of absolute mon- | ane Ssindnd 4 friend Whe never fraudu’ent securities aren't float- | power than this? ! ey Ye ho ing about like they used to be, It makes no sense to criticize or Se iin ‘ before “wild 'cat® vil, ‘inining . and | Mr. Lewis for what he hag done | Cook in a skillet until it “bub- | . | bles”, one and a third ¢ f . . S 4 « a cup o Town real estate operations were on the [In the past or what he may do in J . . sugar and one-third cup of butter. | most part, put out of business. | the future. The real fault lies Pour this over si 1 : f 0 : te Vom hii r this over six cups « crisp But it still does happen that “ain laws which do not recognize | = : pe x [ : dit ind 4 : oy | corn flakes until all flakes are fool znd his money are soon part- at industry-wide bargaining will { Create & | well coated. Next press this in- | ed”, and there is always somebody ale as serious a monoply as Sd Yl this 'v ha . | to a buttered ring mold and chill ! to play the role of sucker and a- s country has ever faced. So 3 for several hours. Unmold and, Per- | long as this country has ever fac- ed. So long as this kind of bar- nother to act as sharper. : : 2 just before serving, fill the center | aps these radio ‘give away’ pro- ey | ap 8 awa I with ice cream. You can top ice | grams have made us forget that {| gaining is permitted. one union, cream with fresh be v he re: / resh berries or maras- you can't get something for dominated by one man, can tell the | bine: cherrl : | gl folio ji chine cherries, for color. nothing. nation whether or not it shall have | tic I Ts A nspiratio { oo ® | a commodity it cannot do without. Self tid p » wi il | . : ji | Sell conlidence 1s the greatest o AND ON © OTHER N Congress is now considering a . = | AND ON THE OTHER HAND 8 all victories. ~~ Plato Inconsistency is a human failing, | Proposal to give the government | in society and in business. A re- the power tp seize and operate the | cent instance presents itself like strike bound plants and industries. a lesson on inconsistency in busi- | This is an expedient which totally I OQ eens SCOUT NEWS Twelve scouts and three leaders ness. Olermargarine has been a °Verlooks the principle at stake. | Were at the Camporee at Camp | Lone of contention for a long It would establish bureaucratic | Chiquetan June 24-26, time. . What to be done about the | Statism of the Hitler type in this| Monday, June 27 the leaders banning of the sale or taxation of | country, and labor would be a- | Planned a lost child hunt. The colored margarine through Con- | meng the greatest losers, The on- | scouts were divided into 3 groups | gress and state legislatures. ly way out is to abolish labor With 3 scouts posted at different | Unilever, Ltd, of London, Eng. monoplies precisely as we have | spots to be found. owns Lever Bros, the American abolished industrial and: financial The plans for next Mondays snap manufacturing business. It monopolies--to make all of them | meeting by the leaders is life sav- | recently bought Jelke Co. of New | ¢quél in the eyes of the law. The! ing. This will take place at the! Jersey, manufacturing oleo. The fime for action is now. new dam. Jelke Co. most naturally, is urging a ae Siar a repeal of laws that tax or ban| Everybody in this locality reads! Remember that once you have | the sale of colored oleomargarine, | The Bulletin—that's why its adver- | spoken the words cannot be re- on the basis of free enterprise and | 'isers get such excellent results, | called. | horne, Donegal Aviation Service opened | the Airport Snack Bar on Sunday A new service ta local and visiting pilots and their friends Al Forry, Joe Wolgemuth Jr. and ! Herb Shelly flew to Lancaster on and Friday evening. The spot ntest Aero Club landing c¢ was postponed because of weather conditions. The contest will be held at Donegal Airport Sunday afternoon, July 3rd. There were visitors from many nearby airports during the week | including planes from Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Morgan- town, York and New York City. spon- | Official Inspection Station No. 0218 Have Your Car Inspected Now! SKILLED MECHANIC Prompt, courteous service 700 A.M. TO 6:00 P. M, NEY’S Marfax Lubrication PHONE MT. JOY 3-5131 TEXACO SERVICE AND REPAIRING Washing FLORIN, PA. Stimulate your business by adver= | | tising in the Bulletin. HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN. City Shoe Repairing Co. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 137-R Mon. & Wednes. 9-5:30 Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P, M, Tues Fri. Sat, 9:30-1:00.2-5 P.M. ELIZABETHTOWN 16 E. High St. Telephone 24-R FOR ATHLETES FOOT USE T-4-L BECAUSE It has greater PENETRATING POWER With undiluted alcohol base, it carries the Active medication DEEPLY. bedded germs ON CONTACT. IN ONE HOUR to kill im- | You MUST be pleased or vour 40c back at any drug store. Apply FULL STRENGTH for athletes foot, F. O. or sweaty feet. Today at Sloan's Pharmacy (foot odor), itchy DAIRYMEN STOP LIFTING HEAVY MILK CANS » Let the T-33 Cool Your Milk WRITE - WIRE - PHONE FOR FREE LITERATURE PAUL E. WEBBER G. E. Appliance & Wiring MASTERSONVILLE. PA. 211-J Manheim R3. GOLDEN CHORD WATCH BRACELET Look close! The gleaming strands of Spei- del GOLDEN CHORD flow and interlace in a stunning Hand Woven Cord de- sign! Giveher — win her with Speidel Golden Chord — strik- ingly gift- pack- aged in a lavish Empire box. Plus Speidel’s won- derful new Fash. ion-Change Ends that attach — re. lease—with a flip of your fingers, $095 federal Tax Included Koser’s Watch Shop Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA. } | | “Myr. Jones is not here right now. May I take a | message?” | Easy ways fo make friends by telephone When Answering Calls | for Others, Take the Message. Note the name of the person who called, his telephone number, the time, and if he wants to be called. Deliver the message at the first op: portunity. It is well to have paper and pencil teady at all times to take telephone messages. COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. # Perhaps each of us on this Indepen- dence Day might take time out to figure how we can serve our country — what we can do to assure a continuously stronger and better nation. . Cag MILLVILLE LSS JRC, UA Ed VR MT. JOY, PA. 777), 7d LV A Ho ~ RIGHT THIS WAY | LADIES \ I 142 To The BEST BARGAINS inTOWN ln Qur | ADVERTASING COLUMNS | | Give Your Budget a Picnic With A&P Holiday Foods | ALL A&P STORES AND MARKETS WILL BE Closed All Day Monday, July 4th Thank you for your suggestions! Thousands of our customers have been kind enough to write us [getters telling us just what they like and don’t like about their ASP stores. ¥ ' Every one of the letters received has been carefully studied. Many of them || have contained helpful suggestions as to | how we can make A&P stores better places {| to shop; and every one of them has helped us learn the kind of food and service our customers want. So thanks to all our good friends; and please keep the letters coming! Please write: A&P Food Stores, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Swift's Premium, Armouy’s Star, Sunnyfield or Felin’s TENDERED—11 TO 14 POUND SMOKED HAMS Whole or Fr!l Shank Half Full Butt Half I. 63 Ib. 71 Please Note: No slices are removed from these small hams $6.99 1-1b. 49¢ pkg. Va 79¢ 6-07 can NORTHWESYRRN Butter FANCY CHEANERY wis 6TC 1, 69¢ Ched-o-bhit Cheese Food ei 19C A&P Grape Juice vans 18€ Sis 33C Realemon Lemon Juice Foon’ 27C Lang’s Sweet Mixed Pickles °' 25¢ Waxed Paper "Ui win 20C Peter Pan Peanut Buiter sen 33C Phillip’s Tomato Soup a 29¢ cans BLUE STREAK OR Sultana RICE Armour’s CHOPPED HAM a9 | re AT Canned Tomatoes S03 om 35¢C Tomato Juice * "5 Ann Page Mayonnaise ‘> 19¢ "" 33c Salad Dressing 29¢ 45¢ Ann Page Mustard 1c Prepared Spaghetti Ba £90 Granulated Sugar vs 45¢ 1.7 89c Kool-Ai ASSORTED 6 pkgs 25¢ FLAVORS Beverages YUKON CLUS — Plus Josie Deposit huge 10c b bottles 25¢ or 39 Plus Jc Tex in Penna. Onl *Coca-Cola or Seven-Up *Plus bottle depesit—Plus 1¢ & bottle Tax ir Penna. only LATTE NTI Cp rf eat PV Sea m uy in ni pe ye se m Vi sn an ad th su Sit co co 1 h to