The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 09, 1949, Image 4

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d—The Bullet
tin, Mt, Joy, Pa., Thursday, June 0, 1040 1 REG’
. - 0 By G
Jr. Legion T Ln a Gene ns
n ieam BRING iv A MARY COLLINS “i Fo SPECIAL! Present Stock of HOSE
Shut Out Mayt’ a oh SH {en inst Sue BOWER'S BATTERIES $12.95 each
e M 4 [ EACHER,, rs SPR
ls ount Joy Jr. Legion base- ' | | 1) i Or VAN’S SERVICENTER is 1
am won their first league | | | Nes PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-5671 By on
| game from Maytown 8-0 Tuesday x = ¢ from s
June 7 on the M. J. H. S. field. Gov es The
McCue and Gerald Estock combin- Yy7
by to twirl the brilliant one hit
shut out victory over the visitors
| the only hit coming in the first the
| ning when Grace hit thr
{ rough the! 1 3
i, behind on gos THE LOW DOWN Fire Company Presents
| Maytown got runne rd Das — Y
: 8 ners on third base § |
in the first and sixth innings, but rom | Omin ven S ——————————— J SATURDA i
the local lads settled down each HICKORY GR | ° EVENINGS SATURD. 3 18 i «
—BY-— | time and retired the side with no VE Food Sale Friday ANC MATINEE | MI
A Ww IS E O | h: oe = Congress: Well boys, you W | iy bi Jane " the Busy SATURDAYS T H E A T R E HoL 1D | re
WL! t. Joy scored two runs in the lik So doing fairly good recent- | Congreg rer 210 oA € ava cad e Of | SA
Joes inning on passed balls: thee 1Ke- Joos. of you. I am optimistic food sale at the Market A oa a Mount Joy, Pa. BRN: ars CO
: | in the third on t you will come out of the _ ginning at six o'clock y i
Some things are most confusing | in the fifth wo hits; and three nq start working : 8 Links yo! i cock FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JUNE 10-11 WirH |
io our younger generation Fel he inning on one hit and 2 {he quie ol ng for the good of | : -— JOEL McCREA So | TA!
instance--Quite a discussion Ve errors. he ist citizens versus listening | o Saturday, June 11 ot EA — ALEXIS SMITH -in- & REAM STi
taking place in front as | Elizabethtown defeated Mari ith both ears to the noisy few wit 1e grand opening of the seas Sou |
m | efeated Mariettal an’ as a ith, ere 3 season - GOR :
Rare Sn 3 flo movies, 131 to de with Jou thera 2 ax to Sona The Labor Temple 2 Go Tn ah | be held on th £ St. Louis” GEOUS DANCING GIRLS in glamorous costumes | |
“re > ed: | iad J * has muscled i . : ius eo e and what an at-
T's all very simple, statistics don't | top position in County Section A if he did ge In My Quist Ciizen traction. At 5:30 re a
lic. For example, if twelve me with one win and no losses. lini id not choose to join-up and Donkey baseball game between Sr M
could build a house in one d: "| This evening the locals ill oo hie brie: laying 10500 ver day {So bi y and Florin followed by a ONDAY — TUESDAY, JUNE 13 - 14 € d
il ay, | . ye : als will en-| versus 1000 which he co jone o those old fashioned festivals os » rou
hii Te Tan could build the very | a strong Quarryville nine on if he was an Aree a % easy | Features during the un SCOTS BRADY ~- RICHARD BASRHART i |
2 Fr. uae in twelve days. And | the high school field at 6:15 p. m. he has been ar ne layer be the Tumblewesd Caravan, Four oY WW ny In th A COMPANY OF CHINESE 2075 6 Jus |
2 rosh asked: “You mean ff one | Next Tuesday, June 14, Marietta This tip to yo he out of a job. Suan Magicians and Shirley on the @ alked B Ni 9 e most sensational Juggling & Acrobatic Act ! |
at could cross the ocean in six | will play at Mt. Joy and on Thurs-| gress is f you boys there in con- , 5; | i heye will be: no wdrls- y ight Rheem Stage Ream |
days, then six boats could cr it | day, June 16 Mille ill 1 oi WEN is for your own good. Don’t sion charge in the evening. 9
; ” a oss Ad: "YY" , Millersville will play be a sucker for { eee .
in one day.” ---No re | here pia cker for noise—be rugged— x
ply. c be like Dani ec : WEDNESDA |
» Daniel Boone—shiver : [ Saturday Nite > Y — THUR
When | a Mount Joy has now won their threat. Old ne Tae Wik The Rheems Fire Sone 1% will SONJA HENIE SDAY. JUNE 15 - 16 | 54x
= a wornzn lowers her voice | first three Starts Satine wo eds el calli oA op i rine open its season of entertainment Vdd ENIE — MICHAEL KIRBY -in- And Hi MM ME
a sign she wants something hibition games, and hope .. Govt. payroll i Sq fae tractions with a number of head- ‘Co 18 a ical R
and wh . : ‘ i | g pes to stay payroll is bogged-dow ith liners y ron’ 7a 26 un ess vie
en she raises if, it is. a]? the thick of the batile for: fi a halt mill n with on you won't want to miss such onte Cri t ? A BRAND NEW SHOW ME
sign she didn’t get it.--- | place i or - first alf million smart-elic Thinkers 3 and Ream, those gorgeo sto TRULY GLAMOUR
GF Teme to = it. wow how | Pf in County Section “A”. The at 5 thousand per annum per think | girls; Dak Chung re IN MAGIC Me
at conclusion’ { Lancas ity ¢ : = > bo
onclusion? city and county teams ©'- But us folks out here, expect hinees Page and girls; Reidel and FRIDAY — SATURDA WE
Many a man is migl : BOW entered in State Am- YOU boys there to he equal to the Western a . dim. and Jane, Y. JUNE 17 - 18 ANE
Tia Mogi is wig iy proud of | SRR le competition, and hope °¢ casion. 38 5 Coste Borie 5%, 302 Borel 5nd JACK CARSON — DORIS DAY -i CO
er because they | to sen the top te A eats, g ira, ele. addition gooc -in- WITH
are the parents of a fi I am in this area s a sample of just one gr . games and amusement Free Rf ID \ '4
ne fellow like | into the state ; oup to! parking. S. rec WwW
himself. e Mt. Joy Je. Svar . oh take this Reclamation Bur- | I! BE i y ream Is Yours” [he estern agabonds
mab r h a eau. It is all steame . = our Old F
| McCue p, cf 9 are iiss eamed up to build avorites called 'opul
A title Him flow from | DOV en. 211 1 lines galore—und so mi 1949 BASEBALL SCHEDULE | BGR PY Popul dememd |
hereabouts decided to build u ro | Risser c, 3b a3 9 } —here, there and yonder. So, you LANCO MIDGET LEAGUE Monday, July 25 f
pewerful physique ov h Pt shleman cf, 1b ..... 32130 fellows there, get hold of yourself ® Mount Joy at Eliza i Wednesday. August 3 — AND —
er Stevie A er the sum- | | Bowman nr 13554 When 1950 rolls aroutid % izabethtown { Mount Joy at Manheim Ire Hi |
bod g with a study of the | Martin rf ........... 0 0 0 0 0 choose tor S arom] an To Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, July 27 Monday, 1S Orchest |
y' make up. He was. choosin Shupp 2b ..... 2 0 ) i$ y run again and on your Mount Joy at Mount Joy at East Doneawal Monday, August 8 ray
the books he needed at a a Boyd 2b ey ; 0 record, see to it that you have one Wednesday, June 8 me | Moat Jor a Maret 8 ~ TOP ACTS OF hui
ter store, when he eid | ikon CAE rl record, I mean. You all have East Donegal at Mount Joy N V Wednesday, August 10 WITH A FIR VAUDEVILLE -/ ! |
Haven't you any more recent | Fuge” "1 0 0 1 o common gumption—dust it off, and Wednesday, June 15 : ow Open Daily Wd Nan iy > PLUS. ORCHESTRA |
anatomy books? These ore ‘dt rE. 0 0 0 0 0 useit Manheim at Mount Joy y " All home games to be played on ALL THE PLEAS PLUS »
ten years old.” | Estock p a ay 3 2 8 2 ? Yours with the low-down, Me Jadnesgay, June 22 MOUNT GRETNA fie High Schon! athletic field, start- URES OF THE OLD TIME FESTIVAL 1 ox
“Look bud,” said the librari | im JIMMY Mount Joy ut Millerseille [EH
“there have been no age Totals ......... 23 8 A 21 7 eth, jue» L Stimulat EATS -~ GAMES A ga
adde oS plane 42 TER Marietta at Mc : | Wag siness by -
to the human body in the last ten 2 Legion ab r h o a GRETNA PLAYHOUSE OPENS Wednesd * Fy os AKE BEACH | ising in amen vere ADMISSION 42 MUSEMENT 2a
it 3 re RINNE RIA GAN. - Wednesday, ; 6 i : in. i ;
years.”----Pardon us! |i i 3 a 0 0 o SUMMFR SEASON TONIGHT Elizabethtown ot Jil § ® Children under 12 yrs. Free c PLUS 8c TAX PE?
rt Grace 10 +... es : 0 1 2. Miss Lynn Merrill, leading lady Monday as <0 THER : Parki )
“Will yo 1b... 20170 ding lady y, July 11 ALSO THE FAMOUS ig Flee 10
bas you ig and arrest my | Seamer Ih A 1 0 01 0 i Joy at Mountville 5 KIN
ji band?” asked a local h - CR avs 1. 0 © ednesday. July 13 GOL
wife on the phone. Ouse Boller 2b gt 1 00 ) Mountville at a SE AND | GR
What has he done?” er 3b ........ 3 00 11 Wednesday ort IN {
ne?” asked our (Ney rf ..... : 5 esday, July 20 Onen .
Jocal gotice. our | AS) NY hor vt 2 2 0 0 0 Columbia at Mount Joy p Every Night ® Vo SH
, nothing,” answered | Shellenberger c as fan
hing, ans L306 0.42 5 | | PAI
lady. “I jus ed the | ang; 5 2 ; | O
just got a cha 2 gis | \
Yoiit his rt hays ne to Banner p 0. 0 ’ 1 s | a : |
too far, and. 3 at's n a | Ln : ! ot
. Rr, just because I1| Totals . 0 so {
like the guy I won't De ho CTO ue 8 9 Ie |
it was. who | MOUN . 000 000 C—-0
T JOY 023 030 x—8
Ye . zo 2 8 | { ®
— { E-—Wilson, Harple, Sload 2 | 9 q
arple, Sload, Ney,!| AA | \
Ram I asked one of our Mid- And SO Nets 9, Estock 3, | Em PENNA. 9 a
tets how he made cut in his fi at 4, anner 1. W—McCue 6 | &
: Ne ( s final | Fstock 1. Arndt 7; Wild Pi | { + S | 1
exams, re a : : 7; Wild Pitch, Ar 3 e ( )
an Go Oh, fine! I | Passed balls: £7; Wi Pirch, arm 4 { 0 ason’ S pening + Cape A
Sn Ss 3 pee. Forty in one test | 2.Winning Pitcher, McCue, Los- 1 | n The Stage of Central Pennsylv : ashi
: sixty in another.’----- Maybe ing pitcher, Arndt. ! i | Summer Theatre A ae $ Most Popular HB
t ough to go back to school and Umpires, Hopple, W. Hendrix. ho ¥ I = Week Suoing 8 AND
ake a refresher course I : > Cr > i h Pe iid
never figured like hr oi . > fhe Oren Playhotss, plays de urs ay Jun Lh i D
SS The Playgrounds Will i. if le of Tracy Lord in “The ' ? e€ t BP BA
% Philadelphia Story” 9
A Marietta RD 3 NY pma story , sparkling stage | >
: v papa had been and screen st ord BRILLIANT |B kt. Jo V. F. W.
trying for years to marr Op M J 20 1 success, which opens the } BR y CAST OF | y VS Flori
S se o marry off his nmer : | OADW | . rn
buxom daughter. Finally h a eli on., une steer season oi Ms. Gootm om AY AND HOLLYWOOD PLAYERS Starting at 5 :30—Adm 25¢ & 50
thought they had i ally he had The M tec] Thursday, June Itt | 8 AL C
f they had hooked a man | Mt. Joy Borough Playground Miss Merrill, wt Smash St | T U M 30
or . | wi ne activ : Miss Merrill, who played opp °o 5
os er, but at ‘thie last winate he wi 1 “open activities on Bodie Eben & 10 ploy 1 opposite | age and Screen comedy Hit i B L E W E E
vencged. The father had morning June 20, at 9:00 a. m. All theatr } In Previous Summer +»*T 2 ° | FEAT A R A Vv A N Thy
as . CTR » gs J i . . All eatre ngagements im | S
asked: What's the matter with | children of school age residing in garded o : en ol ts, is ‘highly re- e iladel hia N) 3) v URING JACKIE THE MIDGET COME sera;
my daughter? She's a fine girl.” Mc unt Joy or the surrounding area Fa circles as weil | r— ory * THE FOUR JU DIAN Ave
The suitor replied: “She i= a ag at” Sendo Curtain 8:30 WI NIOR M AGI | din
ine girl, all right. But there is | e many games and crafts of ¢ » production, under the direc- | ain . — TH SHIR IA cine
2 e is| : afts of all direc- | : Pp. Mm =— LEY ON
enough cf her for two fine girls.” | types, for all age groups. There tion of Charles F. Coghlan, will run Adm. $1.00 plus tax 5 FREE THE MARIMBA | 3 S
Papa argued: “What do og | are also many other novel activit- one wee); on the stage of the Gret-! 1] ADMISSION _ e
want for a wife, a skinny tooth- ties and contests ond trips planned na Playhouse, | Central Pennsyl- Bri - be
ick?” J is ‘'vania's 1 :
ick? Ms. Nancy Bucler Ziegler has vania s most popular summer the- I'1€ News .
Well been : ‘9 ire F
ell, no,” came the reply, “not n appointed girls instructor, to, | Ir.
a toothpick but I don’t want a) Dee Mrs. Eleanor Eshleman, YY The Daili Ti
whole lumber yard either.” who was forced to resign because of MOUNT JOY MIBGET-MIDGET'S €S or i"
| unforseen circumstance rok ENTERET i
« | stances. Hank ) IN TOURNAMEN i
You can hear a pin drop where | Hallgren will be the boys supervi- The Mount Joy ens uic eading | a Re
1 work, said Garber. | Jor. The playground will be open baseball team has again bobs , : Uner |
“Where do you work?” his fri | for eight weeks closing Fr tered in the Le ht een on- | nployment for May reached |
asked 7 is friend | August 12 The rR Tider, Aten: ancaster New Fra & new high, 3,289,000 HELLAM
. I rg # tourna raver] oe ovis ’ LLLAM, YF! :
“At the Lincol {9-11 a. m., 1-3 p ou oF iin te ment ‘apd wows for he Thieves entered the home of FA. 1 mi. south cn Yorkanna Rd
n Bowling Alley.” | gay. 3 p. m. each week am are now being held. The next Amos Stoltzfus, Gordonville RI : 4 Y urn
Geargle save | els oe will be on Friday, June 10, "stole about $700 in cash ane | NDA
i : ays girls are down |, at 6:00 p. m. cn the Boro Park fie Two Shamoki hen NE i
right silly. When he saigto | ANOTHER ISSUE OF LEGION Any boys not 12 years tin 2 1d. To ion kin young men we | 9
gi ap : TY 4 2 : « years o sefore Sunday wi ; Wa
“sh Pore 50g to kiss vou” | (TOSI CLUB NEWS MAILED a are ale hone 2010 or Yl thelr plane PRESENTING
H e screamed: “Eeeeek!” | The June issue of the Legion Post for this team. The final roster it t Jessie Br Bt Rosey.
ha : asked: ‘What's that for? J Club News, published by W. S. Eb- be made up before June 20, so ROE York won He See of D
va kissed you yet.” | ersole Post No. 185 American Le out now! . | picnship for ity kiya S
e sade ic oy Be omelets Runkel or the second successive
orci 1 = I know. | gion, of town, was mailed to the Robert Kunkle, Hank Hallgren | year. Sucooss(ve And Hi
with.” get that ih ovr members this week. and Art Myers are getting the te | East Petersburg’ 18 randchi 1
1." --- We can see what It-contains much informatio together. SAM | Las oan tre burg's Boro Council | With RAM i dren
Means 4 information con- > has given the contrac | ONA And SM
? bl cerning the Post, telling of the = SE ing, wideni contract for re-grad- ITTY SMITH
) ) el . 8, ening and paving . {
Usuall | Coming election of officers, | TREND ‘DOWN of 1s rents Tid of several ALSO Fr
by a y you can judge a woman ments outside the Legion Home Pennsylvania's General Assis- re tp Johnn Pi . Sc
Pies Sisthee. But sometimes | Americanism for the Legion the tance rolls have registered doh | MOUNT y IC al Trio-Sta W Ye
e is insufficient evidence! coming carnival, baseball and second consecutive weekly dsell gl BAS JOY JUNIOR LEGION 5 . br
AW | not. A" following 25 weeks of gy | Ti Wi PAL SCHEDULE — 1949 M AY RY
$ ase. In | Thurs. June 9—Quarryvil
heart youl Main St. blonde has a| We feel sure the members will the week ending April 23, the rolls Tues. Fi : Suerryville (Home) aybelle Seiger & So | 1 x
il 4 fe Vatted States Army, | appreciate the news. showed a net decrease cf 232 Bere | Thurs. June ae (Home) Ns 8 Plains ‘i
all males between the a sons, as compare: 232 per- | Tues. June 2 -Millersville (Home) AN YC
of 18 ‘and. 45. ges : pared with a decrease 'T i Ne 21 E-town (Away) AND pr
; | FOOD SALE, JUNE 10TH 5 pe:sons in the preceding oe Jum ys mo and The Rid se
Ala The Busy Workers Class of veek. The week's decrease has Thurs. June 3 le (Away) 1 € Rid - se
hiss y on ‘West Donegal St. told | Evangelical Congregat the reduced the General Assist Ties. Tilv 30—Marietta (Away) LAST ex
d i Assistance id 7 3 J Tey ACS
of foe that she needed a loaf | will hold a Food Sn, Soa rolls to 66,159 person: An AA | Thurs. July ; Pik ois (Home) . BUT NOT LEAST re
ad Troms Tie ore on cok: | 2 n the Mar tional 276.269 ; S. 4 addi- | pues. July 12 E-town (Home) ha |
“Do you thi | et House June 10, 1949. : 276,269 perscns are receiving Fri = ois 12- Maytown (Home) r 1€ r - . in
hod y ink you could go for cei sei Assistance, Aid to De- vol. July 1 -Quartyville (Away) 3 “lprhie lrusse Your Favorite M C
hy More pendent Children or x Y —DMarietta (H \ lg ” > :
Th dards “ people have bec bag r Blind Pen- Tues. July 26— ome)
- e boy replied: No, but 1 | cessful by profiting b seme SUC sions. i= All fs > E-town (Away) ADMISSION: ADULTS
i Dad say he could in a big others thar b y mistakes of ——— eee { the High Sch jioy a he played en 50¢ Tax Incl
way. 1 by reading success . Ys: School Field, starting at Childe .
stories. | The population of the Indian ter | 8 15 P.M. 3 en nder 12 ww FREE
ritory in 1900 was 392.06 er- — nen ECIAL PAR
as 060. / : A .——— ’ KING SPACE /
tor doe Balt DO N r Y oO U DAR FOR CR¥PLES & SHUT-INS
° err


i i A, Lt.