The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 12, 1949, Image 2

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Bullet olin, MI. Joy, Pa. Thursday, Way 12, EE vn Class of the Florin U. B. Church.! NEW LOOK ON FARM les a “new lock,” reports C. H. (
( |
Contact Mr. Arthur Braun for you Farmers who ‘“cleand up and [Bingham, extension agricultural
H APPE N | NGS ticket paint up” are giving their premis- |engincer, the Pa. State College.
1 Mount Jo Bulletin | Mr. and Ms. James Reilly will | m0 - .
Vy ses Of ion
e this week to their newly pur-


Ino. E. Schroll, Editor and Publis] hased home in Elizabetht
J KK. ublisher 1 chased hor in Elizabethtown
x be 4 er LLONG AGO - ———
Are they like the boy who was k% - prions, | LADIES AUXILIARY PLAN
Publ'shed En Thursday at No. | given full freedom in the candy 20 Y ears Ago RUMMAGE SALE AND SOCIAL
9-11 East Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. (410 and conscquently made him- Friendshis Fire Co, Ladies |} -
Sui $2.00 sc!l sick by busing it? ihe Aux y have planned a Ru . i 1
Subscription, per year .. $2 B . alt : \ ¢ ( 1 f Frida 1 Satur- For exceptional ‘quality and rare value
- ‘ . . eric onle ade fo Io Fria nd oatul aos Page foods ey o
Six Months ..... $100 | American people gre headed for a) C0 nol in Rapho To II a he Fell Our Crisp, Coo ag ugh ds Tig Tahini
Three Mont NS ae 60 stomach-ache as they swallow the | Loeb Vast " 3 m Ire 1 ards and sold at AKP's HRs
Single Copies 05 Ligger and bigger doses of social- | : heard 1 A V bl S . hefty prices. | Look for the ow Aun
Sample Co BE ears "REE : we io ha Suzar= | 2 : the regular meeting, May 19ti 1 1 ro « o plense you o
‘Cops xx... FREE | im now being fed them in wiper |" oT doeted pila Moy tll r@S egerabie oecrion Fone Sure to plow you or
5 ; coated form by Washington poli- adie Bid Ne: —Remember Ann Page foods are AKP's
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt.| . esident of 1 Rot: he mbers are asked to have finest,
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- : r. R Kelle purchased ; bv dvi: ‘meeting
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 ese I WroDE ort “Sout! : : 2 Le ” | y
IN 125 YEARS a RL 4
1 1 eh A \ Qi .
Member, Pennsylvania Newspape F I i Oi ni loco ; : chan Scott Owe S C Bia
) oss than 125 years ago a loco- ' tay \ ne \ W et " y
Publishers’ Association : 3 Lancaster Cl new if Wis | WORK LESS AND DO MORE Customers
oy - motive was operated expermment- nel r buisnes Sund
Ek ety By making maximum use of the
ally en a half-mile circular track i
a -
T Markets: Egg 24-26; Butter 40 erate hoists. blowers. a the
E D | TY 0 R | A I at Hoboken, New Jersey This v1 ors x 5 lowers, and the
1 4 ve : ; the wechanical gadgets farme

3 3 4 | Corner 0
rem Can C | Freshness is an important factor

was the first iron horse to run on Fle : Ya . ;
. . 2a. 3 ca 1¢ cwn bor load and gel
+ + + rails in Ame 2 : dl ( nized he season appoint- |, complished. v Charles | in determining the value of the
Whe wm by the hatchet, do Lest year, the © he Jacob lweile nan ‘1 . :
When you bury the hat Yo | 7 Olweiler, manage Buses, Penn Ste extension | WE HAVE SWIFTS SELECT BEEF |) Fol re os
not let the handle stand above the | United tates spent S1.col IN, Work will begin immediately on ul il enginec y
ground for a marker. tor additions and betterments | (1. cw Columbi Wrightsville | That is why A&P has an exten-
eo so © elene -- the largest sum ever 10 pig eo | sive freshness control program, A Page
As we sec it, Lancaster City be spent in one year for such pur- A e Stor caused Gra fruit ections calling fer rapid turnover, proper hin Tl
a os J0S¢ Close to 400.0006 miles of 1 refrigeration, and trained em- >
will install parking meters as soon poses ‘ hi ( pro tree 9 a e
decid just whet to do railrcad track was in service. Barn esttoved by ii I N . N | ployees. onnais
ee 4 : : . : The century and a quarter of wild | orris 0. Can C |
with the money derived therefrom. | | : carlin tlemolished t ninia . c int c
oe » time that elapsed between those ad | All these things are designed 8-01 pin
A 1 ht dites saw the building of this Sin H. Hic nd. Salur \ to insure your finding only fresh iar lar
Amazement has Jee: wrought | ont It saw a weak, back- elected vice mm "os ; ° { focds of top quality at your E
with the vroposal of the Secre- : : ce president ang 9. .S 1b 0 A&P to } Hin ANN PAG
. I i woods nation, with small standing | gk... hill Rheen soc! : - . . . to insure your getting
tary of Agriculture 1 Fegy'ate 1 | in the councils of the world, de- | 1 meeting of Mennonite Chil your money's worth. Salad Chi
adh 3 9, y y Ov - . . : IL mecting of Mennonit nla-
BE ie oy 2 i inte the wighviest ceonomle | rome Asoo | SAVE NORRIS LABELS | food
tionary farm program. 0 then power on earth. Jt was the stan- Bee : ; iy 4 : If you should ever get any 00 ®
maintain American farm income | | : i darn 1 Zz 1 in our stores that fails to live up Yessin —
: dard of living of a swiftly grow- | ..blic tc 1 " { . we
and, at the same time, to lower ing population reach unprecedent oi tality ie 10761 . LE KERNEL to our exacting standards of f
spulatio reac recedent- | 0 tac | nl 4 R | > i i :
censumcr costs, with the govern- | 7, oo ; WAOGLE BE freshness, we will consider it a int J) Bye quart a45¢ i
ment making subsidy payments on | oo Clary Suto resioned os Ling- I | favor if you will return it to the jar jar
Xe LS ] | The most spectacular early | pe op t this i £3 3 In No 2 Cc C store for refund 8-07, jar 15
Perum ble p oe nsate |. chievement of the railroads was Vii Ania M n. Rhee 0 ei 0 . { Sorter UNE
armers for yrice declines, seems . : yy ty = mi, ten see | .
the part they played in the win- | tq th ; | And il tat REDUCED PRICE! ANN PAGE :
we the idea. Since the te . . ST epted the appointment a teach- nd we will appreciate any aps Vos i
to be : 4 A bil nee the "i ning of the west. Without them in the Rheems Grammar School suggestions you may have as to Chili Sauce botile 23¢
ayer foots the bill ia since the | (ho frontiers could never have Field Day by ur schodls i i I l Y T nd r A S aragus | how we can make your A&P | ANN PAGE SANDWICH
armcre Wwe among » taxpayers, gical 5 a 30 {
Pn Fe RNY a. I | pushed back, and a vast em- heduled it 0 on 1 Bh a Ca oung € € p < | store a better place to shop. Spread int 29¢
at have asks a farmer. bo: : Ih el i | A 3
what hay po i > ¢ pire be put to productive Se. | creation Grounc i Please write: ANN PAGE GROUND BLACK {
IVA 7 milo F whi re : - ! 4-01 i
iter the proposal. fevers wh Every time. a wile of weil Was| gi Ament purchased the H ux FLAKES . lg. 29¢ | LUX SOAP toilet .... 3 for 25¢ | : Pepper wo 43¢
Under the proposal, farmers who | civilization moved forward hy I Der " ( 1 AN SOAP 1 > for 29 Customer Relations Department THREE VARIETIES ANN PAGE
NOOO ave ntensive > > . : Ruy LIFEEOCUY cco. 3 for 253¢ | SWAN SOAP ...... g. 2 for 29¢ {
accept more ns nsive nt that much. And when, finally, | 5 nd Popular Stree EBGUY hi iy | 31 | A&P Food Stores, Beans 2 10:6: 21ic
supervision of thew production, IS | the two cceans were linked by the Q Lark IB Wein RINSO . lg. 29¢| Silver Dust .............. .. Sle
Marks 1 5 Chur Ce | 420 Lexington Avenue, SPARKLE GELATIN DESSERTS OR

the fixed government price for all | was in the making. New York 17, N.Y, ANN PAGE CREANY SMO
their foodstuffs and what it brings | 5, the vast pz AAS Webi = flew, chy 9 ;
8 { panorama of history — — oa i 16-02
on a free market, should the mar- that has followed, the role of the MILKER RE Peanut Butter or 39¢ i
ket price be lower. The farmer hea en equally i iu SETH :
{ NE
h 1.
to be pail the difference between of a ifie att : ; io
1 bands of steel, a unified mation ||, the 5th anniversary of the 7 i Puddings 3 pkgs 19¢

1ailreads has been
! im- N F Fl
would get average suprort on ali portant They have served the rom orin Here's your chance to see




1 g g H 3 r |
“storables”, subsidies on “perish- | country n agvificantly in ‘ovont (From page 1j America’s most modern milker MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE Jersey Fresh 2
aR” IF i . < ee. a . . at work on your farm. ust Gs
ables”, if they turn the crop allot- | wars, in which transportation was | erty sale of the Howard Musselman phone or ig og Fd ii PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 210M
ments over to the government, |, indispensable weapon of vic- | Estate, will be held on the premis- demonstration of Globe's amaz- |
Those of us who buy the perish- tory. In times of peace they are | es on Saturday, June 11th ing 1-2-3-4"Rhythm Milking"ac- These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week)
ables, would get the benefit of a| (he frithful ally of industry, agri- Florin Fire Co.. held their regul- yon on Yo cows, Cows i eS
lower price, since the government cultine, labor. the consumer------ ar monthly meeting at the H a ob Ie Ic To 2 bed Soy 1 mm Se uses elfen So
w uld be paying the producer the | 21 of us. Nething has ever been | Monday evening when a 0! "PLUG IN AND MILK"
difference between supported and | devised that could take their place {wade fon! four. to be The Globe 1Grand Champion’ is 3 { Large 39
ST vain ti 3 . . oy ey mh, AD LE X self-contained, hand-portable. Powe | vis
nen - supported prices. Again it | og the basic means of moving the held during the summer. un right on Bp von No Cars | Have Your AWNINGS Original Bunch
is the taxpayer who takes it on |, ASE MCs a y 3 r{ pipel Just plug in and milk any- ie aad | .
i endless commerce of America. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. of here. r your free TN d N |
the chin. If the proposals do pass | ® 0 | werd Sunday: guest demonstration of this BETTER milk- wT RY Ma e ow! > FULL-PODDED Ibs
into a Jaw, that the cost will ulti- MEAT ANIMALS AND FARMER in : Sn Wet ing today! 3 2 da ed Q > | FRESH PEAS NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 256:
re | vik { MALS AND VER | of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bixler. ON DISPLAY TEE B i Order Now-Pay Later! FLORIDA
mately be, not even the Secretary The American Meat Institute has Phors ate. 5 Tow rabre seals: Ma WwW. Woe i h a tq SUGAR CORN GOLDEN KERNEL 3 ees 25¢
of Agriculture. published a graph, based on data |; the Bue tris to Vira Ma rtin Oi gemul 5d 8 Complete Awning SUNSWEET
eo © = . . "| able on the Bus trip to Virginia on a aN BH - P 1-16 210.3
| originating in the Department of |g... day (May 14). The trip is be- FLORIN 6 lh EE ER S . | Prunes Ba. 20¢ Phe. 9¢
Leng the weary minds of Con- | Agriculture, which shows the ma- in ponsored ‘bv: the Good Ch Phones: Wt. Joy 3-5103 — 3-1863 Q Be PR ervice. 3 3
1 Sponsor vy the 100 heer! IE 5 | 5
gress have the removal | jor seurces of farmers’ cash in- ; - i Be 3, th We Measure, Give Free Esti LL 3
of the tax on margarine, an issue. | come. oe = == ERT == ER ites. Sew, and Hang Aw: BANQUET ON WHOLE COOKED :
that has stirred the populace for | Pairy products bring him 14 KN fi J f Quality Mater- :
some lon t'me. In the discus- | cents of each dollar he receives. |) AIRING DOES NOTHING nN Chicken ~53 5
. 4 W 7
sion, a senator suggests that mar- | Poultry and eggs account for 10 |)! Mad Vv
: r~ 1d n Mad ene-
garine be c¢:loered blue, @2nother | cents, as do {ood grains. Cotton { WASHING DOES TOO MUCH {i 8 tian Blinds Prompt Delivery 12-01 19
A . Prompt Delivery. 1
that it be colored orange, in or- | is responsible for 8 cents and vege- I TO Ns I glows <
der to appease the butter interests | tables for 6 cents. Other crops ))) i BUTTER BANNED ig 67¢ = pls. 69¢c
Tike | vv fear cleo might be con- | ng in varying amounts. Final- | | E B = & Mn 3 Cail Col Bier 4810} 4 IONA
fuse? with the dairy product, | ly, meat animals lead 2! the vest! | 3 D fi é al olumbia or write = > 19.5
. ) ! mG -0z
ciherwise. If the 10 per cent tax | by a wide margin, and represent |) tm 0 : | CANNED TOMATOES cans 25¢ i
1 saved tw i it | 31 ce of s Fars i ( : : i { GOOD LUCK {
bk FEAT : from he A it Let ik Hie Sam Softer ll Yes, they don’t give them away these days, so i H ld i h &A S OLEOMARGARINE KW iK-MIX BAG bey 32¢ ;
fair that the excise taxes. ici Lest year, total agricultural cosh | : ;
. » o res Ba =i) ’ i p ( A DILRICH 195
have irkel us for six years, be | rece ipts from all crops. including Ul why ake chances. Be sure you don't provide a I 0 a eman 'S 0 stering whing ervice CLEOMARGARINE E-Z COLOR PAK > 3c :
reteined? There is the tax on | Jovernment payments, totalled a- 0 meal for moths and at the same time have those i ® 1 WOODBURY SCAP ith the 8 Bocas gs 3ic il
( Yous ream Ingr 5 f
cosemtics, telegrams, leather goods, | round §31,300.000.000. Almost 1-2 it blankeis cleaned without shrinkage, felling or fad- i i 11th and Spruce Streets, COLUMBIA, PA. 3 tix FREE CRAVED WHITE SRD |
railrcad tickets, light bulbs, ete. | of this, more than came | i BQ a | ZA PRIME TE HRIV )
ed colors. voy. 12 . or. 157-01
So semebody ruts a rider on the | from the sale of meat animals. i i -31-1f § Tuna Fish oh 29¢ Dog Food 6 cans 79¢c |
margarine Lill, t» abolish or re- This casts an interesting light on |) : i LANG'S DILL OR SOUR IESTLE'S SEMI-SWEET t No
5 . | : = (i \ n= = emer ere rrr rrr ie o
duce drestically, all wartime ex- | the economy of the farm. Many N WE KNOW HOW 0 Pickles oon 23c Worsels So 22¢ AN
1 4 ron st robe dy a I . 5
cise taxes. Government, in the | crops can be profitably produced | {| i NU DAILY (25 Ib. bag $2.19) Coff an i
form of the President, wants to | enly in regions which are favored | |] i RN 3 Dog Meai Sols. 47¢ cc 58¢ |
keep the excise taxes because this | with particular soil and climate | )) iC Ee rl S fl 3 3 oo Aca: ag JANE PARKER FRUITED HERMAIT i
country needs the money. If the conditions, Meat animals, on the i We IN xX { 12-08 Cookies Fiz 29¢
We AGH | other na : ar i i 3 N Insect Spray 2 85¢
oles hill passes it will cut the | other hand, can he successfully i QUALITY CLEANERS i" 3 | MARVEL VARIETY #**
gevernment out of approximately raised practically anywhere. They i ¢ nN N IN | YUKON CLU3* : Bread Redused Voor: 16¢c
S60) million a year, in excise tax. | ‘an be raised in any volume--from I 76-78 East Main Street Mount Joy 0 N Beverages Bote 10c **Wholo Wheat, Cracked Wheat,
Housewives arc mighty tired of | the farm with a few pigs which i it RN *Plus deposit & Penna. State Tax Vienna, Seeded or Swedish Rye — i
the celay in the margarine battle | are sent to market hen fattened. = SSS on) x = i | PLEA
he yi in i i w po A Boo I ¢ iy itene = == 3 3 BEACH'S CIRCUS :
mt they may In wai | To itife ranchey 1 OANA eS EE EE RN x I
now that the other items are ©f head of beef catile Finally n i 3 3 PEANUTS 8-0z cello. bag 19¢ 1
added to make fr a Congressional | in the packing industry the farm- 0 i 99 0 3 3 MEDIUM SHARP 3 Nam
headache and hattle of words. er has a sure market, which wili| R Ti f e 2 x Addr
C . So . is Vic at the soins i e 18m oer il RN RN | CHEESE : lb 65¢ | oo r
i tit re. i 74 TEETH HTT TT { “kn is "=e | on
WHO 1S TIRED OF FREEDOM | Pree: and distribute it in the | jf i's PEARLS you want, we ha BLUE STREAK
\ i ¥ of LA LE > Jul 1 Wi 1d
ay form of meat to the ing | & _———-
This country has had freed'm cont ae hn = I! DEL FANCY RICE 2b bag 31c
i is dant "os { ¢ ers. ‘or tha essential sey- 1
for almost two centuries, That SUNNYFIFLD INDIVIDUAL
of a cent a pound on all the meat

As a result we are not only bles- from the bank, you will
If you live at a distance | CEREAL TENS pkg 27¢

1H ackers earn Ll I : -
freedom has permilted our citi- M TS ot a profit I} 1 JEWFLY f
v CRF this to b & fact < VPN
zens to mold their own destinies. : I ORS F NE R. - H. Al JLEY - SHEFT
- . a old I{ { Ww ATCH \ want Wm 1 . .
scd with a fruitful life but have : "a you We have ov find it an advantage to DA KEN |
Meat als are an all-impor- : :
developed into a naticn which | | it 3 yn ne n 9 Impl OL MPIC bank by mail. The post- ILY BRAND CHIC N FEED
more ‘then any other, ‘follows the oR Tae rin the typical Ameri- : rt ATTRA : man can bring our service to your door. And if Daily Baby Chick Feed 25 lb. bag $1.15 - 100 ib. bag $4.49
. . dike i 4 . vf Holy. att, Eat WATCH ATTACHMENTS you want, we he rE * : a .
ei in the hope f hel iy — SPIDEL . JEMEX vou live or work nearby, use our bank-by-mail Daily Laying Mash 25 1b. bag $1.15 - 100 1b. bag $4.49
But tke a blight that threatens | ROTARY SENIOR BALL AND : service when you haven’t time to drop in at the Daily Scratch Feed .... 25 1b. bag $1.05 - 100 1b. bag $3.99
the mightiest stand of timber, this | CARD PARTY ON MAY 20 if i LOCKS you Ce vA i bank with your deposit. One word of caution: || Daily Chick Starter ..... 25 Ib. bag $1.09 - 100 1b. bag $4.25
socialism has heen introduced in! The second annual Rotary Senior INGR: AH. \M - TELECHRON if you must send cash — register your letter. Dai !
Ball and Card Party will be held aily Growing Mash bag $1.15
the United States. This type of og is
{ I'viday, May 20, in the local high If its WALLETS you want, we hi

rovernmentalism leads people
. . . sche auditorium f 9
believe that they will be relieved hool auditorium from 9 to 12 p.m.
of the burden of making a living--
that the government will be able | Mount Joy Rotary Club in honor
to produce znd cares for them. of the graduating class of Mt. Joy
Bat n> mention is mad: of that | high school, and the proceeds go
increase in taxation caused by the | to the Rotary Youth Fund.
This affair is sponsored by the
greater government spending. Music ‘will be furnished by Jim |
Paying the tax bill has placed a | Hendricks’ orchestra for dancing. |
constantly greater demand upon | Admission will be $1.00.
re A ab

the citizen's pocketbook. I
| KOSER'S WATCH SHOP 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa.


Individual has re- Geneva Lake is the larges 2[ | IN UNION TH ERE Is STRENGTH | ©
ceded from its crest in tiris coun- | the lakes of Switzerland. DIAL MT. JOY 3-015 2 CA dn rm | | All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store iy
try. Have the people lost sight The UJ. S. Geological survey was Chocolate Avenue, FLORIN, PENNA. a Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | | Mount Joy.
of the great heritage left to them? | 1ganized in 1879. 2) -/ —— hm ti Bs | /