The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 21, 1949, Image 2

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MA a a a a oo WR
2=The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 21, 1949 | we

. |} HAPPE
The Mount Joy Bulletin { ® PPLNINGS
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publis} y=
Sux, 10 | meme ___ |} LONG AGO
AT NIGHT 20 Years Ago
If you have an zutomobile which

Publ'shed Every Thursday at No.
§-11 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.
is running well and providing ex-
Subscription, per year .. $2.00
Six Months ......... CC | coMent service, you don't take it L. Percy Heilig purchased the
Three Months ........ ... 80 | arart and monkey with its innards. | Paul Evans property West Donegal
Single Copies 05 Yet many current legislative | Street, at private sale
Sample Coples ......... FREE proposals, on hoth the national and Miss Esther Garber will open
Entered a the Pegtollice at Mt, gale levels, involve With | studio for piano and pipe organ
Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat- the besic cogs in an economic ma- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brown
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. chine which has given better ser- | o, Market St
—— vice to more people than any other
celebrated their
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper 50th anniversary
4 At de SR vr that man has managed to devise : ;
Publishers’ Association Mr. Jacch Boyer will erect a fine

Ea acta: ___ | since hisory began. { and modern dwelling on the lot
Yaometimes this tinkering is very posite the Florin Hall
| D I I | ' OR I A | cbvious--as in the drives to bring A poem written by Miss Rebecca
[ back price controls, rationing, al- Helman was published in the
+ + & locations, and other such devices to Phila
Now plcase remember: held Ladies
bigger (he Summer vacation, the | ©Ver the production and distribu- | hihi at Murrells Inn Ephrata.
harder the Fall. Try and spend it On of goods and services. At
| other times the tinkering is indi-
o's Evening Bulletin
The | be giving the bureaucrats control ie Booster Club
Rheems Fire Company installed
just inside your income. modern fire siren on their new
eo 0 rect--as in projected changes in a}
I: ‘ - > 1c n 1 .
It appears frshiens return and tax law and tax principles which Mt. Jou Borough Board of
| would make it
ficult for business to operate and
from the brok of bathing suits ad- increasingly dif | poh quarantined 22 cases of the
vertised today. Eve is back in
style again. Even those strapless
sun-dresses are mighty pretty if
the woman can stay in them.
® 00
Everytime you see a guy along
the highway “thumbing”, unless
you really know him, you're smart
if you pass and don’t even notice
him. Give a fellow a free ride
and you have an unavoidable ac-.
cident, he is injured and you are
to blame. :
Roy V. Runk, forty, of East ket which is controlled by . one A number of the student's pap- |
Berlin, York County, was kind th | TAMURA law--supply and demand.
a hitch-hiker. whe. after riding | The manufacturer who produces a
several miles, pulled a gun, took | Suit and the pecker who distri-
S86 from Runk and his car.
I's about time motorists get
to expand. In eiher case, we Mrs. Edna Beamesderfer. Man-
tre borrowing alien schemes which hem and Miss Eleanore Sterling
| when tried elsewhere, have uni- of Wilmington. Del
versally produced scarcity and also ed teachers in the grade schools.
| want among the masses of people. 5th
, were appoint-
and 6th Grades, presented
The American economic machine | (1. Operetta “Goldilock’'s Adven-
goes by various names--free en-

"in the auditorium.
| terprise, the competitive system, Legion Auxiliary netted $60 in
nF Sap » ET " |
Regardless of the la profit at their baked ham supper.
bel, the fundamentals are simple. FP
| Everything produced and sold,
whether it be a pound of meat or
| and so on.
rty-one children were in-
oculated at the Baby Clinic, many
4 being present from the Florin!
a suit of clothes, moves in a mar- 1. Scio |
ers of our Junior High School
were accepted for the Palmer Hon- |
or medals.
bute; the meat to consuming cen- Three men were arrested in|
| ers must do everything humanly
possible to give the buyer what
he wants and at a price he is wil- Elroy’s, dealer at Florin
ling to pay. And he must do it Markets: Eggs, 24 - 26: Butter -
in the face of tough competitors 10: Lard 1°
Lebanon after trying to dispase of |
four radios stolen at L. F. Mc-!
e eo
The profit and credit citizens |
can mark f r their town can be | . Mt. Joy Rotary Club planned to
required. by effort and energy in | Business for themselves. : hold Ladies Night at the Oaklyn |
the spring, Cleaning, painting, | Aside from al the thoaties of | Tea
repairing to. keep neighborhoods | onc fact stands out | gi,
tidy, is a. profit and a credit. Re- like a searchlight in the night----
meving refuse will reduce fire
hazards as well as make move at-
tractive living quarters. Most of | 9:90
them desire their hemes and their SPEAK OF CULTURE
grounds free of rubbish. Civic- | One hears much about com- | was driven by Frank Hershey, of |
mindedness results in building the | munities needing more culture. By | town.
reputation of a town. Its neigh- | culture, we do not mean the part
horhoeds are what give a town Concerned with goed breeding as {
its name for pleasant living. The | We mean the appreciation of the
careless, shiftless conditions ex- | 8rts end sciences, ‘which many be- i.
press the art of folks who dwell | lieve are the ear marks of culture. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wittle of
who are cut to get more and more
House near E-town.
Florin school will be held in the
grade promotion of the |
l {pi [
this system of curs gave America | Florin Hall {
| its unrivalled standard of living. An Akron motcrist went thru |
the two red lights on Main Street,
and later collided with a car that |
—————— ——

therein, Neat dwellings point to Many small and medium-sized | Columbia. Mi Harry Hamilton of
stronger characters. Lawns, gar- | (owns have auditoriums where | p_{ wn. M and Mrs. Ragner Hal-
dens, and flower beds are being | they offer lecture and concert ser- Igren of Mt. Joy and Mr. Charles
worked on new and the result of | Some communities sponsor | Wittle Marietta visited Mr. and
sueh will soon be evident. | exhibits and also dramatics. Mrs. Wittle on Sunday.
Trimming bushes, repairing fences, Whatever the size, a civic minded Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher
painting lawn furniture, is a citi- | in a town, can build a ful- spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
zens tribute to his neighbors. ler life for the residents by offer- | J E. Steppard of Lancaster RD,
ee 0 ing such cultural advantages. It| and spent Sunday and Monday
ONE MAN'S WAY takes money to do many of these | with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoppard
It may be one way of filling the | things, especially when outside tal-{ of Mt. Joy RD
pews. A pastor of a church in a | ent is engaged, but we might have Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fogie, Mrs.
Pennsylvania town, a young man | Within. our own town and its | Gladys Young, Mrs. Rcy Gephart
of 24 years with ideis, donned a | neighboring territory enough of | M, nd Mrs. Reuben Swords, all
red masquerade costume to play a people interested, willing and able of Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
role of Satan. To build up the (0. sa) form a musical association, Hippier of Lancaster RD and Mrs
attendance at Sunday night ser- | @ string ensemble, a village sym- | Matha Orio and daughter Antion-
vices, he carried placards and then | Phony. Little theatre groups are | etic of Fhiladelphia visited Mu.
passed out ppmphlets to recapture flourishing all over and their ef- Mrs. George Scheelkoph on
the wanderers and keep them from | forts are appreciated by those in- Sunday,

“geoiry te the devil”. He used terested in seeing stage plays as a Mrs. Lillian Witmer held an Eas- |
other schemes to b ost church at- | velief from movies, There is a | ter dinner for her family on Sun-
tenc ance. The first was in hir- | certain amount of ability in every day Those present were Mr. and
ing a plane and. dropping 10000 town and fo further it leads to | Mrs. Irvin Witmer and children
leaflets on the community, to get enjoyment and appreciation for all Jack and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Ho-
folks to Sunday morning services. | (oncerned. Needlework, painting | ward Witmer and son Howard Jr.
Churches here have recom ac- | leather work, wooed craft, knitting, | and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Witmer
commodate larger crowds on the composition in letters, and son Ronald of Lancaster RD
Sabb: th. Pestors would be pretty | Feetry and so forth, would draw Mr. Amos Witmer was Sunday
pleased to. see those who have iterest to exhibits, from the whole dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
strayed {rem the flock, return to County. Such seeds of achieve- Myers of Kinderhook.
the fold, but we doubt if any of Ment sewn now might bring a rich Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver were
them plan te play the role of Sa- Cred later cn to towns like Mt. Joy. Sund y guests of Mr. and Mrs
tan er hire planes in order to have os Laura Weaver.
to achieve this. IT'S A GREAT SHOW Miss Susanne and Arly Watt of
PO With the thrill of the returning | Mt. Jey visited Mrs. Matilda Dery
WHOSE FAULT rebins wearing off, the sight of on Sunday evening. |
We spend money to protect our- ibe first iii dimmed, weather Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mumma |
selves from disease, to keep all the and plowing discussed to death, and Mos. Ray Myers of Mt. Joy
#treams from bein polluted. and time of tulips, jonquils and hya- | visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore
for acinths passing, pussywillows and on Sunday.
the sake of life and property. spirea winding up their show. Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber and
What about the denger to self the billboard poster to hint of | children of Columbia, Myr. and Mrs.
from parole brards and parole sys- joy and excitement and of | Ray Gamber of
tems that permit discharging of all Colversation It is the approach | Me. and Mrs. Abram Gamber on
to matintain fire departments
Manheim visited
of he Et he - wha . |
criminals wha repeat crimes? J. the civeus, elephants, spangles, | Sunday
Edgar Hoover writes of the effect sawdust and peanuts, that thrills Mr. and Mrs. William Haines
of loose parcle systems and the au- '7¢ SX lo SIXLY in years, the cireus | and son Robert visited M. and
tomatic discharge systems. The that comes out of hibernation each Mrs. Henry Rollman of Lititz on |
FBI has a list of 14,000 men which | to awaken memories in the | Sunday.
it ackmowledges as public enemies, clder and widen the eves of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher
all under conviction for crime. Ne very young The colorful | visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keith
Of these paroled en this list, 78! 9i5Play. the trained animals, the | and family of
percent have later been arrested | Wild west shows, the clowns and Sunday.
for other crimes. Today there acrobats, the bands and ice cream es YI
are, at large, sought by police, ¢@ndy. make a circus something to Everybody reads newspapers but
10,000 parole violators. We can really cheer about. It has been | NOT everybody reads circular ad-
place blame on carless or “bought” | greatly modernized and stream- vertising left on their door step. |
parole hoards, but most of -it can | lined from the days when many Te |
Brunnersville on

be placed where. in onder to re- oldsters saw their first circus. greatest show cn earth. The mer- |
duce taxes, we don’t spend enough Metorized, it does away with the | ging of the small circuses into |
money to finance appro- big heavy red wagons drawn by the larger ones means we don't
place blame. on careless or “bought” sleek Perchercns. Maybe though have as many traveling our way as
give the hest service. Protect | they still have little boys carry | in the old days, but those who do
against disease, polluted. waterways water to the elephants and get the | come will be that much more ap-
and. five: and: accident.’ but save | free tickets to the “big show". preciated and welcome when they
| We dent went to lose all of the finally reach us - the young in
| nostalgic features of yesterday's heart, F ITE
money and. not protect
from. criminals?
Coming Events|

The Ladies Bible Classes of the
Church of God, Landisville, Pa.
will serve a Baked Ham Supper
Saturday, April 23rd, at the Lan-
disvillle Fire Hall from 4 to 8 p. m.
Rummage Sale
Friday and Saturday, April 29, |
and 30, the Ladies’ Bible Class of !
the Trinity Lutheran Church will
hold a Rummage sale at the Parish
i | “A Savings
Friday open from 1 to 9 p. m.
Saturday open at 10:00 a. m.
Foed Sale May 6
Girl. Scout Troop No. 96 will
| "Helped put me on ‘easy street.’ Ii
: : was one of the safest investments that
have a food sale at the Market
House on Friday evening. May 6th I ever made during my productive
beginning at 6 p. m,
el —
Subscribe for the Bulletin. .
ne serves, | can recommend a hank to

years and for building up cash re:


Meson FOILC. hy
— OF =
Furniture - Rugs - Lamps |
Stores & Warehouses
Community Sales Building
East Main Street, LITITZ, PA.


[ERS |

APRIL 27-28
‘7:00 to 10:00 p. m.
We are cleaning out our stores and warehouses of discontinued
patterns, slightly soiled pieces, shop-worn pieces, and odd pieces — but
all new merchandise. The following are some of the items which will be
sold: 3 Pc. maple bedroom suite, 3 Pc. Living room suites, 7 Pc. maple
dinette suites, 5 Pc. chrome and porcelain breakfast sets, sofas, floor and
table lamps, vanity benches, baby carriages, smokers, pictures, mirrors,
hassocks, utility cabinets, mattresses, box-springs, fibre rockers, cedar
chest, rugs and many other items too numerous to mention.
Conditions of sale will be announced by the auctioneer
DAY, APRIL 28th. }

Whether you started with a Stanley Steamer of a Soper DEY laws
/ i af / CCIC . S »
can cost you your license after only one a t . C nt,
these laws, now effective in 40 states, can require youte shaw thon
cial responsibility up to $11,000 or face the og Jo Se Ing
privileges. Why take chances when State Farm utua i 33 ve
you complete protection at lower rates? It'll pay you
come in today.
Mount Joy, Pa.
119 David Street
Telephone 3-4901

We Can
Help You


NOW is a good time
to build! Top quality
materials are again
available. And you can
build a fine, beautiful
home at a price within
the means of the aver-
age family.
We can tell you how id
to get plans for the home pictured above, or for one of the
many other designs of moderately priced houses in our
collection. We can give you information on costs, financing,
and construction.
Get started on the road to home-ownership today! We'll
be happy to help you, just as we have helped many others
in this community.


\— Take a good look at your next tele:
phone bill, and you will see that Fed-
eral taxes make up an important percentage of your bill!
Federal tax on local service is 15°
On long distance
service where the charge is 25¢ or over, the tax is 25%.
Other forms of telephone service are taxed from 8 to 25 7 :
This tax is imposed directly upon you as a telephone
user. Your telephone company, at its own expense, acts as
I'elephone service today is usually regarded as a neces-
sity. Yet the 25% tax on long distance and other services
is higher than the 207% for luxury items, such as jewelry
and furs
Telephone users everywhere have expressed their opin-
ions on this high excise tax to their Senators and Repre-
sentatives in Congress. Their views will help to g
future Congressional action on this unusual peacetime tax
on a necessity, We are sure that your Congressmen would
appreciate your views as a taxpayer and citizen on tele
phone taxes.

These excise taxes levied directly upon you as a user are
in addition to the corporation income taxes which the
pany pays to the government. These taxes must be included in
the company's cost of business and must, thefefore, act to
increase your telephone bill as a sort of hidden sales tax,



Use Our Classified Column — It Pays :

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