The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 14, 1949, Image 2

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The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa.. Thursday, April 14. 19149 | F I e Hi ke And | Pro Das Linton, Mary Jane . 4
c Ips 1 Ey 3 or} ene Mee | | [ AB P’ EB »
The Mount Jov Bulletin mis © Tg ma Somethin | P's BIG YARADE
Y ac! person Wi requeste 4 to Mary Kathryn Lead- | | of EASTER FO 0D VALUES
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher raw a string from a box, EE are Mrs. Vera Albert and Mrs
what F:
eat his or her lunch w Leitner Guests included: Ra- For a gala holiday feast this Easter, come see cur
EST SHED JUNE, li be a losing cause Memory and ever utensil was attache a to the | hel | Lehman, Shirley Eby, Bob! ? | grand food values. We've eveyrthing to make your
8g g cause ) . ge su]
Publ'shed Every Thursday at No. . 2 for trin I'he effect was quite hilar- | Schneider Donald Thome, Earl | ® meal a huge success.
reason and hope jin together Shelly. T McG Gerald Es- |
) helly, om ere LS =
cGregor, Geralc IN OBSERVANCE OF
9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa.| Jous | on te with potal |
—— ’ ‘ i taro | hers, cpatu soup ladles, etc | tock Jee Coover, Gerald Berrier, Tos
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 ¥et in the passing from yester : it ) were Sh tley | Jay Brooks and George McCue. | Visit Our Vegetable Dept. GOOD FRIDAY

prize we seek.

Bix Months cs $1.00 day inte todzy and tomorrow, no Hawthorn Goordlanne Shat semen
Three Months ............ 60 man can rise above the destruc- y nr oir ; fie De a Subscribe } ; | FANCY FRESH OUR STORES AND MARKETS WILL BE
Single Copies ............. 05 tible force; which enter into these a an [lane Subscribe lor the Bulletin, — CLOSED FROM
Bample Copies 22 rr FREE | of time, without Tomatoes J per box C 12 70 3 P. M.
tion from a true faith, without th | OPEN FROM 3P.M.TO 9 P.M.
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. iy :
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- Conviction that the good in human-
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | ity lives on. Otherwise, why
ou would man aspire to triumph all

Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper
a Ee Association .
aaa _ | did mot pass down through the
over evil, if goodness and lovliness
« KULP'S || Lettuce 10 2/37

E D EDIT T 0 R I A L i the cae ww pi ht 5 COCOANUT CREAM FILLED DECORATED | bunches C
‘ou I en wide of th EASTER CANDIES | Crisp Car rots 2 y 1 4 |
SWIFT California Tender Green
H A M Pascal Celery 2. 29°
% Strawberries tn 39
Ib a Oc (whole ham)
Variety of Potted Plants
Garden Seeds and Plants
An apple a day may keep the| In the four Gospels of the New
doctor away but an onion a day | Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John, gave on account so
RABBITS 5¢-10c-25¢ to $4.50
PIGS $1.00 DOGS 50c
certainly gives your diet away.
® 0
We can't choose our ancestors | Nd its pathos, the story brings a EGGS 5 10c t $2 25 -
but perhaps many of these ances- | poignant pain to believer and un- c - C70 . (8
ters wouldn't have chosen us
deeply moving in its tenderness
Leliever :like. The Resurrection

to bring forth light and immortal- LARGE HOLLOW EGGS AND RABBITS
by the political | | 3
| ity to the world. Sustained, and
i Iready thrown i President
eligi Eo ly strengthened, maintained by this NESTS FILLED
war chest had been started in or- subjection of the Master, brings a FILLED NOVELTIES
der to win the next election which realization that life of yesterday, EASTER BASKETS 10¢ to A9c
today and temorrow do not pass
Harry says “must be won”. that oodhess of one 1 AND 2 LB. BOXED ASSORTED CHOCOLATES

Evap. Prunes ..."..19¢
A&P Easter Candies!

ov 0
The employes of nine beachfront
hotels at Atlantic City went out
on strike for more money and the
Union there has defied the court
like commun- | Proclaimed by the risen Lord, that
| so loved lives forevermore. —

As we gather together in cur local
churches on this Easter Sunday,
let us prepare to receive the truth |
That sounds more
| whatever is man’s faith, if he does

nism than American citizens. > 5 HYACINTHS AZALEAS ”
oe 90 I life unselfishly, in reverence and A 7 DOLE DECORATED (in Gift Box) PLAIN (in Gift Box)
A Lame an recent, | Hh ove pending” snes | fen comms | ( 27 40
$10 fine and costs for dumping |’ y 20 S i J N 5 | ! !
i slong 3 i A | yesterdays, todays and tomorrows i o pp 0.4scCan | 3
ray wins 0” ots. is, mor hes § | CREAM EGGS ‘zur 1 3d
number of persons will suffer the ;
i | Pirth + resurrect i 4 y ys FANCY WARWICK 1-1b
same penalty if they continue to Firth and resurrection from death. NORRIS FANCY THIN MINTS Jods box 39c
RB: Seay rubbish, brush, on the con- | te yr. { : | iH AND OTHERS B l P Vy; CR A ITI ER,
ie arte wea 7 she mein I= ; lis ngs artlett Pears ZC eaves Prove!
Loon Home at end 410 yy NC KULP’S Lo OLE vu
‘ancy No. 21% and} Bye
od oo 0 ! g
MORE FARM OWNERSHIP | =f = 8 Luncheonette & News Agency Che | MRS. | GOOD LUCK


ay l 4 > rag- |
3 statistic from 1938 is encourag- / - LONG AGO 18 WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA < IIb 1-1
ing to those interested in farm | | : yA 3 TENN 2 | 3 41 . 27 to 2G¢
cwnership. About 72 percent, or | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA M1 | | | : : oo 31
| Hl a, yy YT doi adh : : "“ A"
ie men we we; 20 Years Ago | | Marasc erriessozjor SC || FLOUR “mms 3c = Tle
iB Ys > | a | | VEGETAELE Reduced Fy 1b
full or part owners, last ou Oecar Shits sold fis 15 ace] chase Required! DEXO SHORTENING Mig wn 29¢ on 8lc
Those who operate land that they rie aa : N i ) MOR Ty : BSTER'S 1-1b
rent in pe to their own are | larm an Rapho Twp. to Benj | EE E | ww WN wey ee ev PURE PRESERVES RAWBERRY lar 29¢
LY Bradley on private terms. | | BE
classed ad part owners. This per- a Ye Wi cot of own ill ; 2 : Ge y F hE Pac k Sge of MUF FE Is } TOMATO JUICE a 29¢ ih 39¢c
centage is the highest since such Pan oset and upb d Sp ls ’ H iE DEL MONTE 30-02
| shot a white crcw, a very rare y 3
statisties were first compiled in the | aii { oar ace i Natniag to buy = 09 Susy . 35¢
vear 1900. Back in 1635, 42 per Mr. H 8 Nelveomer woe : BRIN C IN THIS C ERTIFICATE! : er's or Brown ins 1ic
Cont of al forms were temant-| i'l ion of the Rotary Club Metal AER a Se itn Mn SE, |
gperated. This was the ‘peak. | Wm. F. Conrad will have his : NAME, 0 en ha
of i we Sh ™ : : li : of . ~ >
For Jhoss win fafen their own | t-nsorial shop open daily beginning | Utility Cabinets Steer or RFD -_;@ : TUNA FISH 6 07 can 29¢
gn hl e mare ig so | this month. : City. ZONE ee. STATE... an WEBSTER'S STRAWBERRY
e better. er all, it is natura
A taffy pull was held at the Vhit baked-on namel or Offer void unless thi tificat d b to d th bis
that when: swon. 3s working tor 8 1 ue Ta oo oe 1 ; : one youd « Moss is certificate is signe y customer in accordance wi gq : PRES RY 1 Ih jaa 25¢
his mn. teres > 0 . m Or AN ee 1 vey . Jaug steel. hounged Limit: 1 offer per customer. The Quaker Oats Co. O80 0,81 > ry
ie TVW a Brest, Wi Hier ” he ffice force of Gerberich Payne ; My regular shelf price for Muflels is , (to be filled in by grocer). CO) : SALMON RED
5, als 2 » rv. As a nearby | . gia i \ Is | er good on in Conti ta ted St ates Mer expires May 15, 1949
Y| A bolt of lightning struck the y ntinen nite a er exg y a 16 T can
farmer puts it, “increase of farm | picker wy at Browr’s Cotton EEC EE EEE EERE RECS EEE EERE SEY og ¢ 65¢
cwnership is a healthy sign in the | yi iinet afire Single door with shelves : WE WILL CLOSE GOOD FRIDAY AFTERNCCN FRCM 12 TO | WHITE HOUSE EVAPCRATED
Po arian | | 1
rural Aerio Miss T. Anna Welsh has per- $12.50 | MILK 4 tall cans 4%¢
| manently retired from teaching the

plano Single desr broem closet ( > C :
The Nationzl Assoc. for the Ad-| Markets: Eggs, 23 - 25 cents, 7 TOMATOES 2 19 oz cuns 25¢
vancement of Colored People, a- | Butte, 40 cents: Lard 13 cents $12.50 PAAS PURE FOOD EASTER EGCG (pkg. 13
ward each year, the Springarn Messrs Jacob N Hershey of 0 a 3
: Mes Jacob 1 rshe; a Si ea > 3 kg c
Mise to : the American Negro | Florin. and Henry Ebv of Benders J Double Door with shelves MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE Lowest Price COLORS 3 oes 25
judged ty have made the highest | Mill purchased the Peris Mfg. Co. 18.50 ” KEEBLER WHEAT
achievement in any field of en-| it Florin $ : PHONE 3-3034 MANHEIM 210M In } ears! SNAX + 19¢
TL ee . sili ger, 1 i we : aie
ceavor., When the mediator of The State will start a hatchery ¥ These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) BEST PURE KEESLER TOWN HOUSE
the United Nations to Palestine | at White Hill. in an effort to raise § CRACKERS hb 1c
was assassinated last year in Jer- | grouse A COMPLETE LINE OF r gla
usaleum, Dr. Ralph Bunche became 36 vears ago. Watt and Shand 3 LARD AGE SHORE
: ” wl : be ; iE Wood and Metal 8-02
acting mediator. Through his | established a store at Cclumbia { 3 HONEY ho 19¢
fair dealing and firmness of pur- | Edgar Kessler Ireen grocer in Cabinet Bases and 2 Ib 20 GOLD CHIFFON CAKE MiX
pose, Dr. Bunche has brought | the Klugh property, moved to Eliz 7 priné X PE a eer OR
shout a more hopeful outlook be- | hethtown Wall Units . ERT pkg 26¢
tween the Arab and Israel. Mr. Irvin Easches moved his :
Er rr retro fr, [Tin Bunches moved Nis Kitchen Cabinets’ / Jane Parker Chocolate Enrobed
and was taken as a child to Los | rt E E C B=
Argeles. Later an honor student Mr. Norman H. Sprecher enter- and China XY | . y aster ag [ e
and star athlete st the University | tained his Sunday School Class to 4 Sh t Si Atiractivaly deco
of California, he brought further | \n outing near Falmouth Ts nf - eeve ited with vas So. Los oz 7%
distinction to his race by becoming Prof. M. W. Brandt, absent from isliy. Ren 3 Cake
a member of the State Department | our schools fry one vear to finish Metal i RES P| EASTER NIST LAY
and was associdted with the Unit- | studies, was elected Principal of nergy Cale : So 85¢
ed Nations when it was first form= | he grades, whil Mr. Harold WwW d b i
cd. Shaar was elected teacher of the afl FO es \ of 6 39¢
Dr. Bunche is an outstanding | music course
American Negro. The honor of} Friendship Fire Co presenting DELUXE MODEL 1 : | a BC
hij re is presenting SEIC
the Springarn is great but the |, Minstrel Show at the high school hat Help You et Things Done!

important point is the reason for! auditorium.
which it was given him. Working, The young folks of St. Jchn's|
ae 10r ong nara wear. Walnut Ri : SANDWICH CREMES™ a i2 25¢
* Chocolate. Orange, or Vanilla Flavored Cookies

for peace, a position of importance | Lutheran Church, Maytown, will ss Bn Your success means much to us in the bank.
in the international picture, is an cresent J-act comedy “Civi | i : 2 A
example that should bring hope or | Service”, in the Maytown Band $ 2 5 0 5 3 you gel ahs Sj ve do likewise, DAILY BRAND CHICKEN FEED
encouragement to his people, Hall. . Daily Chick Starter
ss 0 . : | We'll tackle the blems i 3 .
® eo Thirty dcllars in cash was sto- Problems you bring to us Daily Baby Chick Feed
EASTER 1949 len from the homes of Paris Gru- with the enthusiasm of youth hitched up to Daily Laying Mash
The good and bad in humanity | ber and Harvey Nicholas at May- FOR TH RIFTY SHOPPERS : some mighty practical experience. We would y ying as
helangs to yesterday, today and | town. : : 25 Wb bag $1.05 100 lb bag $4 09
tomorrow. We live in memories, SSS 4 See "Woodcralt’ Closets - Sturdy Kraft board with rich | like tohelp . . . . . may we? 2 y
of yestarduy, try to live in reason| CARE FOR SEEDLINGS wood grain finish - Wood Frame 1 Daily Scratch Feed
today, live in hope for tomorrow. When forest tree seedlings ar- { 25 Ul
11. 25 Ib bag 99e 100 Ib bag $3.85
As humans we carry the memor- | rive frem the nursery, cul open $7 95 $12 95
ies, the reasonings, the hopes, | the bundles at once to preven! . Oo .
through “our lives. What we do | heating, spread them out, and then
think, what we do, are essential | store in a trench. F. T. Murphey,
ats of these lives. Such | extension forester of the Pa. State [IH |

ve PA.=
VI 77 a A I Ho
and disappcintiments. We are creat- There is no better way to boos! Ph. 3-5601 i . .
ures of time, living cach day to | your business than by local news- 83 E. Main St. Mo t Joy Pa
. un 9 .

is what eomprises the good and tae | College, says that seedlings heeled E N E R
bad in’ us, for while our minds, | in well can be held for planting 4 ® © © ©
souls and bodies are st work day | until the middle of May..

by ‘day, we nurse encouragements | re WO rrr HOME FURNISHINGS

accomplish our tesks, to create a | caper advertising. 15 - 31 Marietta Avenue Mount Joy. Penna.
: y MI se : All prices i i ordi Bo . nid :
tuts Ror es. vi | Patronize Bulletin advertisers. : Everybody, Everywhere, Reads . The Bulletin | Pham thi vs Ne BEA In
ye very well be a victory or it may