The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 07, 1949, Image 7

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— the water works for Day Camp, parking tickets 5 ce ) : :
- E. Ww. Co cl aly dune 7 to 1 y mp, ( p aking tickets and $5.00 street 9 el”, attached at waistline and often The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, Apri 7, 1949—7
un m h permits. e etn 4% looped, that is embroidered, beaded | — " wens"
(From page 1) James Hockenberry Srv, tax col- Burgess Zerphey reported $15.00 or heavily stitched. These may be sional Cookbook, is now on the cf Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. Mrs
FOR REAL GOO ise ral ‘ashes havled aid. some ig reported $15 ut viclations | for street permits, $3.00 for ped- Scra book | very elaborate in. design. New | book stands.’ It includes many in- | George C. Marshall offers huevos
ot D | atching done, Pirkerton Roady or March; collected $267.15 of 148 | dlers and $4.00 for parking fines . necklines are of the low or so cal- | teresting menus, favorite recipes of | rancheros. There are many inter
; k done, inkerton Road in! (ax, outstanding tax $1,805.66 for | He also presented a new type of +e Jed ‘plunge’ variety And can be the courtrv'c leading 1iost | esting recipes that you might like
by: {PRINTING need of repairs. 1948. [red tickets {or {raffic violations Week's Best Recipe dressed by tucked or embroidered bal he hy eo ¥ | to #3 in local kitchens
e ™ vi x . i or i i iffor . Alle
to The Girl Scouts were granted Acting Burgess Eicherly turned | now in use. Corn Pudding: 3 T butter, 3 T of | fine linen or beaded chiffon. Eye- i hin, coc i i = sulle | Inspirational
Toy | permission to use the Cove, near: over $7.00 peddlers license, $4.00 Councilman Keller. of the water | fat, 1 ¢ milk, 2 ¢ canned cream | It embroidery, organdy shirring, and | monkeys, is gontributed by the wife | Love is indeed heaven upon earth
fr | committee reported the sub-reser- | Style corn, 2 eggs, slightly beaten, 1] pique pleating, crocheted beading or | of our Australian ambassador. Mrs. | and since heaven above would not
- | | oir needs cleaning and that a 6-in. | T sugar, 1 t salt, 1c corn flakes, 1 t | FiPng and braid are used on cot- | Makin's recipe will be liked here. |be heaven without it; for where
The BULLETIN | pipe will be laid next week to the melted butter. Melt butter, stir in |!" dresses. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt sends | there is not love, there is fear; but
Have Your AWNINGS residence of Roy Hoffman. flour, Add milk, cook until ten- New Cook Book her favorite blueberry pudding re- | “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.”
AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE Made Now! | Elam M. Bomberger's request for de: and thickened, stirring frequent- The third edition of the Congres-jcipe. Coffee souffle is the choice | William Penn
Bore Water to 4 location on the ly. Remcve from heat. Stir in |
Order Now-Pay Later! Gingrich development was refused. hy hy AL Par
! inte greased shi dish, spri 2 |
C . | Pumping engineer Schatz report- i Shen i ow % Sprinkle |
omplete Awning 3 . with corn flakes which have been
EE ——————— ed 117 hours by motor pumping, 5,- | nixed wit lted t . in
Service I Sh Cs py mde Pili = xed with melted butter. Set in |
: 200,000 gol. water. And by water | n of hot water Bake ; lor- |
‘ , er 4,176,000 gal. in 361 hours : EY toes In Moders|
4 0 OK We Measure, Give Fre ROSE 9, thy aie 2 = ate oven 25-30 minutes.
es Se ATA Officer Park Neiss' report includ- .
AROUND pe i y Li vie | ed the following violations. on Fancy Does It! |
In the Ads ials : y signs, 1 failure to render assistance, Designe:s have dug into the far |
. iy Cr : : ast, the 16th century B. C., to |
so Custon ade . 1 improper passing, 1 learner's per- 3 " J ' hd
On These Als Mad > Vene : tomes Ho oan ie do bring trimming ideas for spring |
PAGES and tian Blinds, Prompt Delivery. mit, 1 driver's license suspended, 1 ® |
Pe Denar - Jel Y | vechless driving. 1 violating a ve- fashions. Make the cotton a for-|
( J€ i ‘ stricted license mal frock by having a “floating pan- |
| Neiss also asked council for a It's later than you think . .. and it's time to get busy with shovel
Call Columbia 48101 or write police car which they agreed to ' li lik h
A committee will draw up| PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL! and hoe and other gardening supplies like these . . .
If Id y I h . &A . S i | the proper specifications and get
a eman S 0 stering wning ervice bids to be opened at the next meet- | DE LIX
| ing.
11th and Spruce Streets, COLUMBIA, PA Tho conning wis hong W
P .{ . ted to inspect low hanging awnings L A WwW N M O E R
3-31 over pavements at various places. tr .
- Sam Dock reported the dumping Our finest quality mower—Pushes easy
of trash ete., on railroad property : . ;
Ny ~ ~
and asked council to take action. He ! Steel Blades, Cut Fast and Clean
Si thu the property Adjustable cutting height.
[ owner must notify the offenders.
z / Clarence Bleyer reported a xun- BE
FOR | STER ning hydrant at his neighbor's VENETIAN BLINDS bth
A | which drains into his cellar. Light ...Lovely... Longer Last- : 7 : Codie]
| Charles Dellinger, of the Board ing... Easy ta clean... made of ' Spading Fork Four 11 Tines, Hatdwood Handles.
a Pe of Health, reported one case of i oy for long | } 2 4
| measles wad one nuisahce. ite. Sun-proof plastic finish won't { —
nd one nuance. | (5 SELB IA Nn | Garden Ribbed, No Kink Hose.
: re ve vay ro gi fit. Come in for our estimate today
three boro fires anc three rura . |
bis the monn wit + 1s. JK EENER | Pruning Shears—Make Quick Work of Pruning.
| $16,504.50. fb vee. | Non Rusting. Finish, Rubber Tired.
The counciimen also authorized Home Furnishings
| the purchase of 300 feet of two- “~ =p ——
I yes 2 Ph. 3-5601 Lawn Broom Will Not Scratch, U p New Growth.
15-31 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy, Pa. i
The balance of the general ac- 1 Lawn Seed The Best on The Market.
count was reported at $2,824.87 and "Ss 1 Ori | :
{ the water account, $2,573.06. i113 init é A i 5
Te ah Tap on] ENR DONT Lawn Fertilizer—Now Is The Time To Use It.
ane : i : ne
| ported $9.00 for building permits 7 |
| for March. POOR ®
| The Fire Company was appropri- BUSINESS |
ated $300. Mrs. Greiner turned over GET You DOWN |
| $13,288.78 as water rent collections. | 2 i { S N EWCOM EF ol & SO N Inc
ree meee 3 ® .
: Wino wine MEADVERTSING ! :
When in need of Printing. (any- 0" |
J wi £ [ee kindly the Bulletin 2 WONDERFUL. | . Mount Joy, Pa.
d . | .
Bedroom Suite For Moderns | | Patronize Bulletin advertisers. Patronize Bulletin advertisers. |

A superb suite - - and in a practical, modern style, to give you
a comfortable bedroom. Richly grained American Walnut Veneer;
spacious dovetail drawers, center guides, genuine polished plate
glass mirrors.
As Shown $2490

See our full Lne c bedroom suites - waterfall modern, period mahogany, Heywood-
Wakefield maple.
Home Furnishings

We Offer
East Donegal Township
Municipal Authority
(Maytown, Lancaster County. Pa.)
31,9 Serial Water Revenue Bonds

Dated April 1, 1949 Due April 1, 1356 to April 1, 1988, inclusive
% Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift with Fluid Drive

Principal and semi-¢nnual interest payable April 1st and Ociober lst at the
Compare the others with “The Car Designed with YOU in Mind”


First National Bank and Trust Company, Elizabethtown, Pa., the Trustee.
Interest exempt, in the opinion of Counsel from all Federal Income and Penn You cannot compare the newyears merely by looking Hush-ffoor trunk than you ever dreamed ol before. * pn She * Longer with
! Porson Tones under eulsting laws. \ at pictures. . . or by watching them on the highway. Yes, De Soto is lower. It’s got a longer wheelbase ull “cradled rigs
You've gol to get behind the wheel yourself. (all passengers ride between the axles). But there's * High Compression % Hyorauhic
Sublochito the loge of Messrs, Townsend, Eliot & Munson, Dili! why we urge you to come and see this new no penalty for these advantages. Overall length and owermaster Engine HL Wile
! J ‘ - De Soto before you decide on any other car. breadth are not increased. You needn’t rebuild your * New All-Weather Cycle-bonded linings
nic. You notice the difference richt away, De Soto’s garage. You can still change a tire. And a dented Comfort System
doors are wide. You walk in... and keep your hat on. fender doesn’t mean an expensive body repair job. * Scuff-Resistant Finish
Inquiries concerning these bonds may be directed to your local bank, or The steering wheel doesn’t hit your knees. You're Let us show you all the new features of the car * Faster Getaway on Cylinder Walls
: : on chair-high seats, so that you get all the benefit of that lets you drive without shifting. Compare it for * New Ignition Safety Rim Wheel
! B = the larger windows and windshield. beauty, comfort, safety and value. Then decide System Super Cushion ih
i UTCHER & HERRERD You've gol full stretch-out leg room, front and DE SoT0 LETS
110 back. And you've got more luggage space in that Tunein “Hit THE JACKPOT every Tuesday night,all CBS stations S YOU DRIVE WITHOUT SHIFTING!

New York Curb Exchange (Associate) A M E N T? S CG A R A GG E
| Delta & Henry Sts. Mount Joy, Pa.
Dial 3-4264