2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ( Publ'shed Every Thursday at No. p-11 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Subscription, per year $2.00 Six Months .............. $1.00 Three Months ............ 60 Single Coples ............. 05 Sample Copies ......... FREE Entered at the Postoffice at Joy, ter under the Act of March Mt. Pa, as second-class mail mat- 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania _ Publishers’ Newspaper Association EDITORIAL A man mav be lig and influen- Lut he still is walking past a graveyard dark night. tial on a The fact that many of our sports- men are oiling their fishing reels whistles when he | Thursday, April 7. 1949 | ATTEND INS. CONVENTION | School News From Benj. F. Garber, E-town, salesman | { for the Farm Bureau Insurance Co. The Mount Joy Bulletin E. D al T | attended the 23rd annual convention T 0 h a GC GC {i} U : ni oneg wp. | of the firms in Columbus, Ohio on | April 6th and 7th. 2 & 3 YARDS WIDE rrr | ig Amy 34% fifteen J | TTT with Metal grommets, priced as low as taken in time, cancer can be cur- | gal Township Schools will partici- N F Fl $10.98 per Bale w= 100 sq. yds. ed, Cancer is the nation’s second | pate in a Youth Day Program in ews rom orin heart's disease being first, | Lancaster Two parties, the Whi (From page 1) BEN FRANKLIN STORE Ong American dies of cancer every | and the Tories, have arranged thei o ‘ | ! Saturday, April 15th a shooting | three minutes and one-third ts) slates and are planning general | 0 Gill be held at DeWan's ho- |B CENTER SQUARE ~~ PHONE 5(8-J ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. one-half of these deaths could | clection next week ascertain which | | 3-24-3t have been prevented by early diag- | party will represent the chool in | : : i | nesis and treatment, in spite of ow Lancaste: bitin 12 Jay Wolge= Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Glatfelter of lack of sufficient knowledge about | muth enior, is campaign manager Reading and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin | cancer. With such facts staring us | for the Tory Party while Raymond Biglor called on Mr. and Mus. BJ in the face, we should be anxious | Good. another senior, is at the helm F. Kauffman on Wednesday. to give financial help in the drive of the Whig Party The Youth Day Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey, Mr. | to promote research, establish cli- | Program is spensored by the Lan- and Mrs. Melvin Weaver and Me | nics and information centers, fur- cester Junior Chamber of Commerce | ind Mrs. R. W. Roberts were guests | ther hospital care. War against for tne purpose of Inspiring an en- | of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hershey and | this disease calls for funds. De- | lightened interest in local politics. | <00 Robert nm Lemoyne recently. | tection clinics are few because of Honor Rolls for the Another Youth Advance With | lack of money. Such clinics, | Grade School for the third report Christ program will ‘be held Satur- | | where anyone might go for exam- period were announced as follows: Jay, April 9th at 7:30 p.f. in the | | ination, without charge, would | 4-Mary Ann Felty, Geraldine Florin Church of the Brethren. Rev. | benefit. A billion dollars could | \y, ic, Grade 5-Jcanne Landis, | Luke Brandt of the Conewago | | be easily put to use for research,!patty MceKain, Ronald MceKain, Church will speak and special mu- | if there were enough scientists | Miviamm Haland: Grade 6-Shirley ic by the White Oak Male Quartet. | who could devote their time 0 Patsy Hawthorne, Barbara! Mi and Mrs. Ed Wickenheiser of | | the study. This is not just for the vy, fe] and Ann Young Harrisburg, were Sunday guests of | | ether fellow’ this is for YOU, Mis. Sarah Schlegelmilch. { is an indication that the opening of the trout season is not far distant. ® 8 0 THE CAUSE FOR DOGS Every dog lover will listen to an | There dogs appeal frem a dog owner. are about 20 million licensed in this country and that makes a lot of dog owners. A recent plea for the pooch is given’ a hearing. The is that most hotels refuse to take in dogs, air and steamship lines don’t make dogs welcome. buses not carry them. It means traveling, is made difficult for the people who want to take their dog cla with them. Some of these folks contend that such ation of canines will hurt the busi- inconsider- ness of hotels and public carriers. Well, they may have a point or can 20 million people be wrong. ® 0 well know what a Town means in our country, for a rehabilitation of youths. The movement has spread and found its wav info Italy seven Boys’ Towns are operating and the eighth is under construction. These provided with American and the funds are well spent. Al- ready 22000 street boys in Itally are finding homes there and learn- Figures show that 30,- homeless here, We Boy's where are donations ing trades. 000 others, orphaned and are trying to enter the Boys’ Towns. They are given instruction in and shoemaking, carpentry and se on. The “Towns” are run on a form of government. crafts, pottery, Italian By building these homeless street urchins into enlightened, men whose Italy, another for America. ® 0° AMFRICAN COMMUNISTS free- responsible, capable influence will be felt in but this country is forging lin: in the good will chain g Time has accustomed us to and street cars will | that | arts | democratic | — ——— CG — FOOLISH MEN Experience has taught men to re- frain from telling any woman how te save money, to budget. to be self-supporting. But not so with welve state labor departments who in Washington to attempt to for set met fix a minimum wage standard The by these ‘master minds’ as a wo- working women. budget | up | man calls them, by pins. a bob- 12 self-supporting goes as far Remember there were | stetes studying the and that all twelve point, but vou an idea of what budgeting. lady worser should have: six shampoos, | female worker did Wwe can not agree on each give consider in the In they a year the two boxes of facial six hairnets, informal 1-2 bottle of cologne, polish, | tissues, date one dress, 1 of three 6 bottles nail 1-4 hair brush, slips, two girdles, three to four pair of shoes. Some of the state labor re- ings, Arizona held out for 24 pairs of nylon and ne rayons while Mas- 12 sachusettes wanted Sime rayon pair and 6 nylon. allow three to | | four blouses a year but no new | skirts. Others figure out a half a skirt p year. Included in the list { furnished room, one movie a week, | fransportation, a week of vacation. | Bet the hudgeteers were surprised at Utah authorizing 36 haircuts a year. | By way, i | the | was £2,600 or the considered salary All is that we are glad we are on less. we can say the outside just looking in and we | wouldn't serve en this committee if they paid us. ——— GQ re NEWTOWN My pent s. Roy Sunday Gephart of Mt Mr. with and Mrs ) George Schceelk ph. y le. have indulee i ’ ; dem. We have indulged them to Mr. and M:s. Wilbert Witmer and such an extent they are taken fof | oun of Lancaster RD visited Mrs granted, having always been and | Lillian Witme: on Sunday. will be. There is a bering | hii | Mrs. Howard Witmer and son philosophy. Do we want to ex-| : Sd : er : visited Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Ness and change freedom for serfdom and | : . oe . family of Cclumbia RDI slavery? We do so by allawing our | : Yer) { Mrs. Matilda Derr visited Mr. & within this nation te corrupt our | : : 2 . { Mrs. Maris Gainor of Mt. Joy on Lieritage to be undermine dby Com- | Fira sunaay. munisn:. If there was any doubt | ma : i Wis . Mr. and M.s. Marlin Landis from wbeut the puipose of Communists | A : . : | Brunnerville visited Mr. and Mrs in this country, it has been erased | . . i} J a Daniel Geltmacher on Thursday.. by the leaders of munism, that tied to the international all for the interest of Russia. They feel Russia can do wreng, the movement here is Com- munists in any country attacked by | take sides their own country in the champicn- Russia, must ship of Communism. Those here in our community, who have pre- viously thought Communists were for domestic reforms, can change | their minds. The leaders state they are zeting and speaking only [or Russia, against the interest of Am- rica, if conflict arises. Our en- | emies within, they practically an- | nounce their danger to us. We ! hate war, we do not want to fur- ther war hysteria, but we must consider how Communism in this land would affect us, in case of a war. In guarding our there is one freedom we must re- fuse to tolerate and that is, the freedom of the American Communist to work against this country, living n it. 0 CANCER CONTROL The work of cancer control and education gains momentum each sear. April is designated as the month to press the importance of reaching the public to recognize a fight far its own best interest. work by the Am. Cancer has helped to reduce the rate from cancer and through their efforts have halted the disease in numerous cases. through this Society. men and ‘women aware that, when American Com- movement | against | freedoms, | The | Society | death | Education, | has made the | Mr. and Ms. proud parents of a son, March 31st and Mrs. Harold St Abram Haines are the born on Thursday Mr. ppard hes Witmer and Mrs Sunday. of C Hahn of I; Mrs. Al g the week-end Irvin visited Mr. and nville on Mr. George Riacads Minnic tesville, ncaster ram Gam- er durin —m =e CE RHEEMS permanents, 1| riesentatives said wear rayon stock- urday, April 2 were: Hazel Crank- shaw. Pat Crankshaw, Lilly Ann | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gephard Greider. Anita Swords. Mary Jane 204 family of Staten Island, N. Y. Gravbill. Paul Wagner and Law- | visited the former parents, Mr. and | Weaver | Mrs. Harry Gephard, over the | The following band members will | weekend. i participate in the P. M. H. A. band | T. Sgt Richard Kaufiman and wife | concert to be held at Columbia on. will leave Friday morning by plane | April 21, 22, and 23: Hazel Crank- | for Brussels, Belgium. This is the | | shaw and Lilly Ann Greider. second enlistment of Sgt. Kauffman | The Fast Donegal Twp. Schools | since the war. The first being sta- | wil] be closed f Easter Vacation | tioned at Langley Field. Hampton, | April 14, 15 and 18. | Va A series cf three special assem | Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr. | blies will be held each morning | spent Saturday at Neffsville visit- | during Holy Week. Special musical | ing Mr and Mrs. Ralph Mumper. | numbers will he presented each| Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Felty, of | | morning by various groups in the | Lancaster were Tuesday dinner music department. The speakers | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauff- will be: [ man. Agpril 11 - Rev. Howard Bervhaid, | The Easter Story in song will be | Pastor of Florin Church of the | presented in the Florin Church of | Brethren * | the Brethren ‘Sunday, April 17 at | April 12 - Rev. Gerald Marzolf, | 7.30 p.m. Minister of Maytown Church of | - —~ | God. | Cannery peas grown from treated | April 31 - The Rev. Dr. V, W. | sced have shown yield increases of Dippell, pastor cf the Maytown Re- | 546 pounds per acre over peas from were three restaurant meals a day, ! y had | lays with Mr. and Muvs. | John | | | | The will have services in the local 5 Sunday morning. The cl in the church had been | lifted f the post several months | 1 » to interior Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoffman of | ear this place anounced the birth f a son on Monday at Lancaster | General Hospital. Mr. Earl Wittle tained a number and Mrs. cnter- ner on Sunday. Mr Mus. Garber family have flitted from the M. K Enterline property to their E-town. and Lester newly built home near Mrs. village was hcstess at a Stanley Brush demonstration last Thursday Some thirty | in attendance. Miss Beulah Grove | mother, Mrs. Ida Gibble. evening. guests were Gibble, of Maple of friends at din- | | and Herman Aldinger of near the | spent the week-end with her ] rs from East Donegal High School, in County Band in Mt Band : { he Clarence Frye of Bridgeport, | Mr i visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo: | | Perry Co., Mumper participated | Joy last Sat- | wh Twp n Saturday. formed Church. untreated seed, according to Those services are sponsored H. Bauer, the Hi-Y Club of the Pa. DOWN GO ICE CREAM PRICES SEALTEST ICE CREAM | ( Allen | extension plant patholo- | State Cc loge. by school. ) gist of 1 Gal. — $1.95 Pints — 28c¢ V2 Gal. — $1.00 Cut Bricks qt. 55¢ STENCILED ERICK — ECLAIRS — TARTS — DIXIE CUPS CLOISTER DAIRY ICE CREAM 1 Gal. — $1.75 1 or 2 Flavors V2 Gal. — 95¢ Pints — 25¢ If You Want FRESH FISH — Get hi FROZEN FISH COD FILLETS 1 1b. 34¢ HADDOCK FILLETS 1 1b. 50¢ FULL LINE FROZEN VEGETABLES AT LOWEST PRICES ALSO — OLD FASHIONED PEANUT CRUNCH - 60c Ib. Mt. Joy Frozen Food Locker Plant § DIAL 35436 capacity a huge full- Now . .. a tremendous increase in food storage _ in the same floor space as a “4”. Plus . . . width freezer locker that holds heaps of frozen foods at safe, freezing temperatures. Large cold storage tray to keep meats and other foods extra cold. Two deep, glass-covered crisper drawers. C omplete shelf adjustability for the utmost flexibility of arrangement. Large storage drawer for dry cereals, crackers, etc. And the Philco 794 is amazingly Ar $2499 only arl B. Longenecker ) LANDISVILLE, PA, PHONE 4111 Yoon! New financial responsibility Gibson vance wiry UPS-A-OAISY 4 Surface Units or 3 Surface Units, Plus Deep- well Kookall laws in most states make auto in- surance more important than ever! If you have an accident—and can't post security up to $11,000 you lose your right to drive! And a damage suit may wipe out your life savings! If you're looking for the out- 51 ce i roof of v inancic > ns iid ea Insurance is proof of your financial rc of the year, come in and in- spect the new Gibson Model K. Yes, it's equipped with UPS-A- DAISY, that great innovation found only on Gibson electric ranges! Yes, it has two com- piete ovens! Yes, It nas a waist. high broiler! Yes, it has gleam- ing, easv-clean, porcelain-on- steel finish! Here's the newest of the new — a genuine Gibson, precision built by a firm with 70 years of experience in creat- ing home appliances. sponsibility—protection against financial loss. Let us show you why it pays to insure with State Farm Mutual! AMMON R. 119 David St. Phone 3-4901 HOFFER Mt. Joy, Pa. Py TNT SPLARGEST AUTO “INSURANCE CO Earl B. Longenecker Phone 4111 Landisville, Pa. Use Our Classified Column — It Pays! | Make A&P Your Headquarters For Food Values! It's easy to understand why 50 many shop at A&P. They really get their maney's wos ‘th, six days a week! Come see our wide variety of fresh fruits and vegeta- bles. fing dairy products, “high- qua- lity canned goods and groceries, and hundreds of other good things —all priced to help you pare your budget. You're sure to agree—it pays to shop at A&P! Florida Pascal CELERY TRIMMED & WASHED large 2 ii 29° NONE PRICED HIGHER WESTERN WINESAP BPPLES extra 2D bs 23 Tender Green Spears Asparagus ib 27¢ FRESH ROASTED Peanuts Le 3% SE SN JIN SONNY FRESH-MINTY AND OH-SO-GOOD WARWICK THIN MINTS i 139° Price Jelly Eggs Aw wy Easter Eggs "Flin iw 49¢ Easter Eggs “