DAYS IEE AYS i ht | bg To Add New Charm To Your Home This Spring START WITH THE FLOORS ROOM SIZE RUGS Choose from our large selection of nationally advertised rugs in patterns and shades to suit any interior. ~ SPECIAL ~ 9x12 size Solid Wine Color Carpet - $19.95 Same material in 9 ft. widths $5.00 running yard ‘ vee our fin f CD ne line of 4) LINOLEUM A compiete selection of the , smartest, new designs, and our experienced linoleum layers as- sure, your satisfaction. We will be glad to provide estimates without charge. Armstrong Quaker Rugs All Sizes From $5.95 to $18.95 Armstrong's Floor Cleaner 69 qt. ARMSTRONG SETS A Dlyle pace. JK. EENER “bins Armstrong's Floor Wax 98¢ qi. HOME FURNISHINGS Ph, 3-5601 15 - 31 Marietta Avenue CPEN MONDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Mount Joy, Penna. Let a real sprinter run your errands. LTTE I SH EE a THE WEATHER Here is a bit of information that! satisfaction. | | gives me very much { First the U. S. A. is ruled by the zodiac Gemini and Mercury the planet of speech and wind etc. The Hershel's proper name (Ura- (nus) spends about 7 years in Genini every 84 years. It is now there. It entered on May 14, 1942 and will leave on June 10. 1949. Here 1s your history; U. S. A, was at war and had 7 year cycles of trouble in 1946, 1862, 1776, 1680, 1595, and back to the birth of the U. 8S. A. So again the peopie’s time ete, will not tle till after June 10, 1949, when it will be a better place to live in. The Hershel] is known as the breaker of laws, the planet of invention, the planet of sudden changes, the plan- et ol divorces, i noisy and explos- the awakener, stimulates pub- 'lcity, ete. | The Lesson Of The Day The following article is taken from Harper's Weekly Vol. 1, page| 642, of the issue dated Oct. 10, 1857. It is a gloomy moment in history. Not for many years - not in the lifetime of most men who read this paper, has there been sc much grave and deep apprehension, nev- er has the future cuiable as t Sot = ves, seemed so incal- at this time. In our own country there is universal ccmmer- cial prostration and panic, and thousands of our poorest fellow cit- izens are turned out against the ap- proaching winter without employ- ment, and without the prospect of it. In France the political caldron seethes and bubbies, while all the energies, resources and influences cf the British Empire sorely tired, and are yet to be tried more sorely, in coping with the vast and! deadly Indian insurrection, and with its disturbed relations in Chi- are al na. It is a solemn moment and no man can feel an indifference (which happily no man pretends to feel) in the i Ue of events. Of cur own troubles no man can see the end. ately, as yet, and if They are not fortun- mainly commercial only to lose money, and by painful poverty to be taught wisdom -- the wisdom of honor, of faith, of sympathy and of charity - we are | no man need seriously to despair. And yet the very haste to be rich, which is the occasion of this wide- spread calamity, has also tended to destroy the moral forces with which and to subdue the hangs as usual like ind silent upon the we are to resist calamity. Ru a cioud, da | horizon of Ea Pe April Weather Cycles Mars, the warrior planet will be In Aries the war sign from March 29 Anri] r €z, to April 29. There will be plenty of war news. Fi 13 days of April will make headline, powder keg type of news of happenings along th elopments and suicides. The Moon will be high North on| the 5 and far South on the 18, and full on the 12 in Libra, which is just below the equator { First 19 davs of Apri] above nor- mal temperature can he cxpected with some stray thunder Ms ind, in the 3rd week you can expect ver ( | WoO hey : i settled > wind rain, 4 cool » wind 6 1 cleat [8 wa 9 li ), U 11 11 « el 12 varmer, 11 clouc 15 1t 17 in 18 wind 19 ) ) 21 « it, n rain, 25 cleai 2b {3 l clea windy, 29 rain jualls. Spring Planting nure on the ground on the P. M. of-1 nd 14. | lanting date boy 11 3, 14 17, 1 1 1 1 / fir. ) itrol I by the 1 i you indy et planted i ut ct coves when And after her likes to drink nother 1age through the sew- dd to * cup of coffee, eat * a needle and thre Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin | Subscribe for | 1g that has been torn » trimmings on a dre 12 - to get in the meod and cleanin n betwe Dec. 23 1 i i yeal ree — { There is no better way to boost | | | your business than by local news- | paper advertising. rt 4) CR the Bulletin Also—Ideal for Driveways, Park- ing Areas, Farm Lanes, eta. ot low eost maintenance! le ™ pes 3 4 fe 3 * E MODERN WAY TO SURFACE ROADS. .ECONOMICAL.. ENDURING) AND_§0 SMOOTH! CARL'BDROHAN, “TMounT joy. PENNA. Vista pial 8+ Glon-Gory Brick "+" Howl Boo > Beady Mixed Concrete + Hauling Crushed Stone TT) 8 Cla Anthracite I > Fo SAA tl » rs The President of Ladies-Gentlemen | The United States President Harry S. Truman; Gregory Peck, Ida Lupino, Robert Montgomery; Overseas cor= Ac- | tors + | respondent, writer and commentator Quentin Reynolds—these voices will be heard on one great hour, on Sat- urday night, March 26, between ten and eleven o'clock, Eastern Stand- rd Time, on all major networks. | The desperate need of the suffer- ing people of Europe and Asia and the work being done through Am- | rica’s churches to strengthen and rebuild their physical and spiritual life will be dramatically presented in “One Great Hour,” a radio pro- | gram sponsored by more than 75,- 000 churches of nearly every major Christian denomination across the | country. Written under the direc- tion of Robert Sherwood, “One Great Hour,” will make real the need of the people of Asia and not only for material aid— and clothing to enable them to build a new physical world—but more important their reat hunger for the Christian faith to give them strength and hope to rebuild their spiritual world. The program will close with an appeal to the people of America to go to church the next day, Sunday, Europe for food «March 27, and make there a truly sacrificial gilt which will be receiv- ed in the name of Christ for all humanity. Since this great inter- faith cooperational progarm will reach an estimated audience of over 50,000,000, it is hoped that contribu~ tions on March 27 will large part of the funds for overseas work in 1949. Participating churches will allot their portions of the contributions for food, medicine and clothing; physical reconstruction of churches and schools; medical centers and hospitals; recreation centers and centers of information and educa- tion; Christian youth programs; re- building seminaries and establish- ing and maintaining orphanages and ld people’s homes; aid in the per- necessary manent settlement of Displaced Persons. Listen in to “One Great Hour.” | — Or JOIN THE LEGION NOW! { Service men eligible to join the | American Legion may become a member by acting now. The mem- bership drive is on, so fill out the | coupon found on another page and | mail it immediately. ED Qe we. WILL HOLD SHOOT FOR HAMS The Milton Sportsmen's | Assoc. are shooting match at the Milton Grove | School on April 8th at 7:00 p. m. | for hams. | | Grove holding a provide a ° in daily for it dnes! our buys more here. You bet Ra When it comes to stretching an allowance, the Young Set's a mighty Smart Set these ta) days. They're as value-wise as their parents. And that’s why so many ‘teen-agers come personal and cosmetics, for smokes and sweets, They knew that with spending money needs . . . for cokes low, low prices, their NAYLON SPECIAL $1.00 LIPSTICK 60c NAIL POLISH Both FoR $1.00 | FRIENDLY LIGHT We shall always maintain the traditicns of friendly, helpful service for which the fast- disappearing druggist’s win- dow lamp has been a symbol. Yes, our drug store stands ready to serve you at all times — to provide you with fine, high quality, nationally known health and beauty preparations . . . and with a prescripticn service of the highest level of professional precision and integrity. Add 209 PHONE 80 Come in and see “The Car Designed With YOU in Mind” I> BRAND-NEW , . , - on the streets yet. But already it’s a tremendous success. And it’s easy enough to see why. Everybody wants a smart, good-looking modern car. But most of us don’t want to pay a penalty for being modern, We want more room. . . more comfort +... more visibility. . . not less. That’s where De Soto scores. It’s got those long, low lines. But you don’t have to wriggle into it. It has big wide doors. Plenty of headroom, too. The roof won’t scrape your hat, no matter where you sit. It’s roomier than ever. 0 CAN DEPEND ON DE SOTO «PLYMOUTH DEALERS FOR GREAT CARS, FINE SERVICE, A SQUARE DEAL AMENT’S GARAGE Delta & Henry Sts. Dial 3-4264 so new that there aren't many you can, . BARGAIN BUY Pepsodent Tooth Paste Two 25c¢ tubes 33c Veto Deodorant SPECIAL 10csize Free with Purchase 39c size Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, BIRT VHT i | Bg SN The Bulletin, Thursday, March PR 3 Mt, Joy, Pa. 5 Let us solve your Heating Problem based on the LOW PRESSURE PRINCIPLE brings you LOWER COST COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC OIL HEA1 If you think all oil-heating equipment is pretty much alike, get the full story of Oil-O-Matic now! Learn how its famous Low Pressure Principle en- ables you to get more heat per gallon from the new, hotter, but harder-to-burn fuel oils now com- ing into use. Learn how this principle permits a Two-Source Air Supply and a clog-proof Oil-Air Nozzle that assure complete carburetion and long, trouble-free operation . . . that bring you automatic heat that sets a new high standard for efficiency, economy and dependability! 7 MODELS FOR EVERY TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM AND EVERY SIZE HOME... = NEW OR OLD PHONE OR WRITE 24, 19495 The SICO Company MOUNT JOY TELEPHONE 33111 Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin It’s no use having bigger windows and windshields unless you can see out of them. In the new De Soto . because you're sitting on chair-high seats. Even a short person can see over the steering wheel. Even a six-footer won't hit his knees on it You don’t have to enlarge your garage to hold the new De Soto. You can still change a tire yourself, any other at any price. Then decide. And a dent in the fender doesn’t mean an expensive body repair job. Come in and see this wonderful car that lets you drive without shifting. Compare it with Tune in “Hirai Jackeor” every Tuesday night, all CBS stations MORE ENJOYMENT EVERY MILE % Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift with Fluid Drive % New Feather. Light Steering % Longer Wheelbase with full “cradled ride’ * High Compression Powermaster Engine % Safeguard Hydraulic Brakes with new * New All-Weather Cycle-bonded lininge Comfort System * Lubrite Treate, % Faster Getaway Cylinder Walls %* New Ignition System * Safety Rim Wheels and Super Cushion Tires DE SOTO LETS YOU DRIVE Mount Joy, Pa. WITHOUT SHIFTING: | . DE soto FEATURES THAT MEAN |