d—The Bulletin, Joy, Pa OWL LAFFS| Mount Joy Won | I BY... A WISE OWL Guess you heard here in town who is so tight that every time he winks his pants fall down. ladies — he started wearing renders We're nice this week. not to mention several names and forget a couple of good laffs, just to prove we're good guys, we being exceedingly and suddenly had a bad lapse of mem- | ory. Did you know that the glue three-cent stamp equals twen- cent of a ty to twenty-five per total weight of the stamp? way it tastes some mornings when I mail a letter it like whole barrel of the stuff. The seems There are two types of women in fie world—those who take you for what you are and those who take you for what you have. —— And brother, believe me, I got the ter. Have I been took!! lat- On Sunday I'visited an extreme- ly modern farm and realizing the ultra equipment that it have cost penny, must a and knowing the tenant's financial sta- tus, I asked: “Did you money on your farm?” replied: “Did 1? I many government place that I have t with political pull.” pretty borrow And he have loans on milk the cows SusS= | by | about the chap | Now don’t get alarmed you | We had two requests | | | on | the | c | Millersville from er win it or else at least prevent gaining a second Will Publish Pictures leg on the trophy, and retaining it | for another year. (From page 1) The Mount Joy team is composed There are absolutely no strings | of Gene Crider, Jack Breneman and attached to this offer. You don't | avn haoriber even : { Hank Hallgren who are now parti- have to be a subscriber or even a | cipating for the third nsecutiv reader of the Bulletin No» js 3 pe or onsec p { CH & .,mpulsory that you purchase any | [ : : year in the tourney, Harold Fellen- pictures of your child after they | baum, Bobby Zink and Bill Conrad are taken. However you pay do are in their second year, while Skip so if you wish, but that will be en- | tirely up to you as no high-pres- Libhart, Burton Shupp, George bu : { Weber and Jim Memminger are in|ged to urge you to do so. | the affair SO | the | | team to replace People wouldn't get diverced for | didn’t rea- such trivial reasons if they get married for such trivial sons. A Landisville man had been a- ! action the remainder of the season. | tournament, for the first time. added It has been said that “The Best For The Future Is In and you had better them now as they street for they are | the Investment who Our i take a look a serious Hass you on he regular county league | es Citizens of Tomorrow on whom to | | i i | Sload’s condition has im- all of us are depending to make the | { i | | was Paul Sload, illness at the‘ Memminger contracted close of the schedule. proved favorably but he'll be out of future World a better is right at this time. The only way we can give readers a good leok “world builders” The one than it all our at these future | is with co-opera- | Mothers and Fathers or | the ineligible Marsh Gemberling, who local pro player is for the is coaching the team, tion. way on a business trip, and before | and his experience proved very of Mount Joy and all Sage | SAVING A te ... | valuable in the teams overtime win 'OURding communities are urged to | Ic aving had instructed his threc | 5 aol Guarevvill bring their children in to be photo- | children to help their ma ther | OV! ft Quarryvi e team. graphed so that we may have their | while he was away. After greet- In another game in the quarter pictures to publish in a forthcoming | ing them on his return he asked | finals Millersville knocked off series entitled “Our Future ; | E-tow utfit 81-45 the three children what they had | E-town outfit 81-45. SHE ih is | been doing to help Mother “1 Mount Joy's score Friday night; Youll be mighty glad that you | - De pute did for where is there a Father or | washed the dishes,” said Bob. : a Mother of a little tyke who would | wiped them,” said Betty. And Legion G FI Tl, pe proud to see his or her pic- | little Mary added: “I picked UP [pea 2 i = ture in the Bulletin? Many will cut | the pieces.” Nice Team Work! |sp hia eG. 2 0 ; them out and treasure them for the | reac, “ years to come. We want as many | Carroll G .............. 0 0 ssibl ily = : ee . jd 2 as possible so don’t forget the time | If you see Chet Wei drive Samsion 3 tLe ae 3 2 18 and place, at the U. B. Chur vo 1 : srshey 1 1 | thru town in a Shirk Motor Truc * | Wi 4 Ferrari . 0 0 Saturday, April 9, from 1 p. m. to | : . : tel. C : and it looks as though the cab is | Ackamp G 1 8 p.m. on fire, den’t be alarmed! Its { Newswanger G .... 0 o o Several poses will be taken as- | just the glare of those red pillows | —.. [SUNG you ol a food Sssoriment of f Gertie made for him. Totals .............. 21 ¥7- 59 proofs OI » igi ; yout [ Mt. Joy Legion G Fl Tm selection of the cne you He Libhart F 6 5 17 best and wish to see published, And | I was invited for a ride with a Fellenbatm 5 1 1 remember each mother will get one | Donegal St. family and really letiCrider C .............. 2 0 4 9x7 Silvertone portrait of her child | myself in for something. That{Zink C ............... 5 10 20 OF child Sen fre: rl man drives like he’s got a date | Breneman 4 0 8 yi bis a on with the hereafter and doesn Memminger G ......... i 1|OF ALL THE BOWLS, HAVE | res ar and es 7 1 i 1 an > he Lite A hot. w -.............. 0 1 1 YOU HEARD OF BLOODY BOWL? | < 0 3 ate, 1Yynoo, /e | ———————————— r Ly ars he = | We have cur Rose Bowl, Orange were wizzing down the highway! Totals .............. 22 18 62 Bowl © Bowl and. Ste ol a precarious tum in the| Score by Periods Bowl, Sun Bowl and Sugar Bowl road his: timid wife ventured: «1|QU ARRYVILLE . 13 16 12 15 3—59 for athletic events, but it took the | : MT. JOY +. ....... 11 14 14 17 6—62 slave labor of 12,000 Jews and] don’t want to be a backseat driver : . 2 i Jonathan, but I don’t believe that Reforaste -Bensinger and Merig. Christians to build Rome's blocdy | vb lieve at | re ae 2 : 3 : bowl. This they had to do in cne | Lillboard is going to turn cut for | CAMPARE THEN AND NOW Ye . | year’s time back in 80 A. D. To us.’ Middle age is when a man stops trying to dodge temptations, and | Pilgrim Fathers starts checking to see if he missed | any. A WISE OWL A Qn FARMERS’ GAS TAX REFUND STILL DEBATED IN HOUSE | flower | Queen Mary House Republican leaders at Har- | risburg continued to ponder question of granting farmers the | re- funds of gasoline taxes paid on fuel | used in the production of food. The Senate passed a bill to grant farmers take between $5,000,000 and 6,000- 000 in from the motor fund in the team, next two years. House leaders, contended that the however, cost of the re- unanimously | refunds | which one proponent estimated may | | MAYTOWN have | REDEEMER | MAYTOWN funds is not known and are study- | ing a plan for a legislative inquiry | FELLER'S SPEED BALL into the whole problem, thus defer- ring action on farmer refunds until | fast a: baseball travels when 1951. sn A Ue SHOOTING MATCH Saturday, March 26th, a shooting | miles per hour. match for large Hams will be held at Siegrist Cafe along Marietia Lancaster = Pike. Sponsored by Columbia Roquet Club. | | When the Mayflower brought the celebrate the the Colos- | was called, | opening of she seum, as this structure ; the blood thirsty spectators sat lifeboat from the Queen Mary will } 2% 100 d SH ¢ Sp ota or Sat oug avs ‘oe rg than all of the May- through days of “games,” dur- |} a flower’s passengers 145! The May- ing which some : wes a ship of 180 tons, 95 3,000 gladiators met their 2 A and 26 feet wide. The hati : . is 1018 feet long and HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED her tonnage is listed at 80.000! The ne Tor OF RAINFALL? el), if America carried 102 Just to passengers. one carry more and death 5,000 animals feet lcng haven't, here's a Mayflower could easily be tucked : you : . 1 1 at | away in one corner of Mary's main little | An inch of rain may not irs sound | room, und | —_— LEGION “5 COPS 73-35 TRIUMPH cn an acre of ground or 72,000 tons The Maytown Legion basketball 0 @ square mile. team had little trouble in whipping fall will amount to the same thing. the Harrisburg Redeemer Church Scientists have estimated that rain | 73 to 35, in an exhibition and snow 1n the amount of sixteer | | game at Maytown Wednesday night. million tons per second falls on the | 11 5 8 11--35 entire outs surface.. hn vain 18 28 2 25-73 ere dining like much but actually it means that 113 tnos of water have fallen | A 10 inch snow=- THIS MAN IS SIMPLY WALKING AERIAL how, Through a quirk of nature there it are: some people whose bodies act Have you ever wondered leaves the’ hand of +a "big league/as perfect radio aerials." : There f = pitcher? Bob Feller’'s pitch has is one case on record of a man | been measured at traveling 986 whose entire body shakes “so lviolently whenever a radio is play- (ed near him, that a special CANE Everybody reads newspapers but had to be built with various eos | NOT everybody reads circular ad«|densors for tuning the offending | tising in the Bulletin. | programs out of his system. ——— ll A as | | | ! sured salesmanship methods will be | in have fatal results. Protecting Trees From Rabbits Rabbits can cause severe dam- age to trees. A common repellant is lime sulphur. To prepare the material, mix dry lime sulphur in sufficient water to make a thin paint. It can be applied with a brush or rag swab on a stick and it can be sprayed on. Commercial X-Rays First commercial use of X-rays the United States began in 1922 when, after a long period of de- velopment and research, X-ray transformers, controls and tubes reached a degree of perfection that made possible the use of relative- ly high voltages. Emotional Conflicts Even the skin may reveal emo- tional conflicts. Many patients with ‘‘allergies’’ have ative reactions to tests for allergy and do not re- spond well to allergy treatments— but they do show definite symptoms of psychologic maladjustment, Blackcock Blackcock is so or name for he Black Grouse, Black Game or Heath Hen, the % le of which is he Grey Hen, It is found in the 1 of Scotland, north of in Irel and in certal sections of Eu and, rope Asia. and Save Ironing Save extra work in ironing 3 folding straight pieces of the fam- ily wash a 7 come from the line and pl d smooth | in the b: m as un- wrinkled Smooth Tee Crew am Siegrist Cafe Along the Marietta-Lancaster pike SAT., MAR. 26th 12, 16, and 20 Gauge Guns SHELLS FURNISHED Standing and Flying Targets Sponsored by Columbia Roquet Club C. M. WEBB & SON 122 South Barbara Street MOUNT JOY, PA. ROOFING — SPOUTING SHEET METAL WORK ROOF PAINTING PHONES: Joy 3-1081 E'town 928R7 DODO 5 Ice crystals in ice can be reduced by fast fre , stir- | ring or agitation, adding air by | beating or by i ed egg | whites, whipped c | Facts About Lice Animal lice are of two kinds, | biting lice and sucking lice. Biting | lice are sometimes called bird lice. Cattle lice are also of two kinds, b g and su Pullets Need Room Give puliets plenty three and one-half to feet each—in a cl plenty of feeding anc equipment. Clean Milk Equipment All equipment that comes into contact with milk should be rinsed with cool water immediately after use and then washed and sterilized. Soil Treatment Sewing Machines NEW AND USED , MACHINES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Convert your treadle sewing machine into a portable or con- sole. Repairs for All makes of machines. We pick up and deliver any=- where. We buy used Singers. J. V. BINKLEY SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE Phone 216J 111 N. Market St. Elizabethtown, Penna. 11-24-tf Soil treatment and fertilizers add to the feeding quality of crops be- cause of the chemical nature of the basic elements they contain, U. 8. Golf Courses If the 5,000 golf courses in the United States were placed end to end they would form a 1l6-lane highway, 8,000 miles long. Danger in Gasoline Many deaths occur annually as a result of using gasoline for clean- ing purposes. Gasoline has no place in the home. Sierra Nevadas Sierra Nevada range of eastern California holds about a dozen peaks rising above 14,000 feet. Best for Weeds 2,4-D is still the outstanding weed killer among a host of chemicals coming from the laboratories. es el There is no better way to boost your business than by local news- paper advertising. 0, A / yi NEVER BUY OF PEDDLER NOT WITH SUCH FINE BARGAINS IN OUR HOME NEWSPAPER! City Shoe Repairing Co. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Beer!Call 3-4189 For Home Delivery WACKER SPRENGER VALLEY FORGE PIEL'S PRIOR ROLLING ROCK ALE & PORTER Victor J. Schmoll —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 9 ©. M. MOUNT JOY American Legion DANCING FRIDAY ~~ SUNDAY 9:00 TO 1:00 8:00 TO 12:00 Stark’s Orchestra THREE GUYS AND A GAL MEMBERS ONLY ” . 7 3) ) q 5 wr Thursday, March 24, 1949 REG’LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes J | . = — y RS AAA ' | pr ———— ———— [ ARE RAY J O Y REMEMBER — i'M SURE LL \ EVENINGS SATURDAYS NO TALKIN IN TH' LIBRARY WANNA ASK YA sHOWS THIS TIME! WE GOT SOMETHIY' BUT MY i | AND ST (SEA | [zm THEATRE | wi - WILL HELP THAT! ) - | SATURDAYS . . i 2:00 P. M. | Opener; In Semi- S30 8M: Mount Joy, Pa. ANTI, A ——————— nals Friday Nit | MARCH 25 - 26 Ima S ri ay ie FRIDAY—SATURDAY, | | i i f | INNIS YGAN — DOROTHY MALONE -in- In the Junior Chamber of Com- DENNIS MORGAN DORC 0 merce’s annual basketball tourna- | “0 5 d Af ernoon ment, an aggregation representing { ne un ay t | Mt. Joy won a humdinger of a [ game from Quarryville Friday ev- i wi — oR 3 : TUESDAY, MARCH 28 - 29 ening 62-59, in a contest that went Everyludy véads newspapers but "EXPERT MONDAY—TUE oan ; nis The games ae ow L | NG Undulant Fever NOT everybody reads circular ad- | Wat h Re airin SPENCER TRACY — JEANETTE MACDONALD played on Hand ‘Junior High Court i Undulant fever is transmitted to isi i C Pp g | C vertising left on their door step. ® . 99 at Lancaster. — | human beings from infected live- CLYDE TRIPPLE “San Francisco With Bobby Zink, of F & M, at MOUNT JOY TOWN ‘A’ LEAGUE | Stock. In han. the infection is 9 12 West Main Str 5 feito . i ‘jca ristory. shows various forms shey's Stor 8] . 20 points, 10 St Diem os foul con- Bennett's YG SG TG TL | of undulant which MOUNT JOY, PA. WEDNESDAY—-THURSDAY, MARCH 30 - 31 versions and Skip Libhart bagging Hepple 153 151 148 452 | gearcely makes patients and 1-13-3 : 4 sce y akes patients ill and 3-3 mo. ial SHEARER tet Ws dn Mt. Joy just horned into the E. Brown 157 148 167 472 | another which causes extreme ill- taurant = DE . mi-finals to be played on the Kinsey 153 197 142 492 | oqo for weeks. Most patients are ! bb Ik A C k d Mil 99 i 7 3¢ 552 : same court on Frid: iy evening, and Sen, ler Jo 1 130 oa moderately sick over a long period 45 EAST MAIN ST. AUSHERMAN BROS., Wa ro0 e 1 e > tresses Lila a J y 3. w rears rer 10 “believe-you-me” many are net 1a ay of time; two ye ry of MOUNT JOY Realtors {ing our aggregation to cop the Totals . 844 840 813 2497 ey be pied, Nowy oben James P. Haus, Agent laurels. Kreider’s FG SG TG Li °, Re Monday thru Saturday Phone 3-5711 FRIDAY—SATURDAY, APRIL 1 - 2 rieht M theots|PACKEr 155 190 18% 533 | Cover : : : |p night Mi. Joy meets) SCReY ...... 186 166 208 560 | obese Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to 8 ||| Cor Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. GREGORY PECK — RICHARD WIDMARK -in- RCA at 9:00 p. m. These lads Goltrichor 170 179 174 523 | Baby's Eyes 09 | knocked off Haddad in the opener H Eo = D0 5 rea Although attending physicians “wy ii Ww Sk | Brown ...... 165 209 182 556 4 | 51-36. Brae 191 171 173 535 | Will discover any eye abnormality Closed Sundays . e130 y This is the third vear thi ee 1 in a baby ‘during treatment after —— Dr H C Killheffer | 5 is the turd yeor 1inat ihe Total 867 915 925 2707 | birth, parents should be alert to . . | tourney has been held and Mount iad iy : Te notice troubles that may develop Breyers Ice Cream Optometrist a GEE id | Joy won it the first year, and came Garhart's FG SG TG . | thereafter. Abnormalities to be BULK AND GALLONS P I pt T in third last year. Millersville who Scheider 202 190 200 592 looked for include inequality in 6s PANE at TG. A M E N I G 1 ORY ale : Y Darr, re = 179 5 he size of pils, cloudiness, dis- arlo Yon leet yeu is ole ane of dell Pease!) ...... 15 17 13 45 US NEW Sere. Sse OL ® Telephone 137-R BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER four remaining teams, and there is R. Brown ...... ol “0 10 ol abi Np. : Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 { ® ag that thou wi .. Reinhold 201 191 190 582 | regular round shape of a pupil. on ae ow. : Spo Shane fat Ni ao Thee 173 194 180 547 | EET i YE | Every Wednesday Night 1e locals In the finals if they defeat n Case of Fire a | . ry Tues Fri. Sat, || ME Columbia Lutz five, and Mount Joy, Total ......... 868 840 871 579 | Always be prepared for fire. 9:30.1:00.2-5 P. M. || EVERYONE WELCO can down the RCA five. According funk FG SG TG Ti| When entering buildings, choose ELIZABETHTOWN || —AT— to the rules of the Tournament a Frey 203 1% 187 3G} your exis wd ugmate BE I AN L EGION { : t tt 1 1 3 Hostetter ....... 196 182 170 543 | path of escape. Locked or ob- Telephone 23.R A MM Hi eam must win the championship 3p, Irix ........ 169 177 190 536 | structed exits or fire hazards { | years in succession in order to gain R. Pennell ...... 169 170 168 507 | should be reported. If burned in a : POST NO. 185 permanent possession of the covet- Funk .......... 245 194 177 616 fire, report for medical treatment. Wo HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? | MOUNT JOY, PA. | ed travelling trophy, so it is of vi-| _ : % 919 1 02 "0 | Many burns or smoke inhalations DON'T WAIT TOO LONG ea a ; [ tal importance that Mount Joy eith- Total ........ 332 919 1 | which do not at first seem serious BRING THEM IN. RE 0, Aas Drive In For Curb Service Quality Meats | ALSO A FULL LINE OF Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market West Main St., Mt. Joy LOOK WHAT YOU CAN NOW GET IN AUTOMATIC HEATING! WAGNER HARD COAL STOKER-BOILER | | eo NO FURNACE TENDING eo NO FUEL SHORTAGES e FAR LOWER FUEL BILLS e CLEAN, STEADY HEAT eo YEAR ROUND HOT WATER Al REMARKABLY LOW COST Mail coupon for surprising facts on the Wagner Stoker-Boiler Unit H. S. Meckley & Sons 15 W. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Without obligation, tell me about the Wagwer Stoker and your easy payment terms. NAME ADDRESS H. S. Meckley & Sons 15 West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 3-5983 12-9-3mo. Patronize Bulletin advertisers. Aute Check-up Means Safety Check These Before You Go: ®* BRAKES ® STARTER ® LIGHTS ® TIRES ®* MOTOR ® IGNITION ® LUBRICATION © WHEELS * BATTERY VAN’S Servicenter ~ STITT HITT IEE TTT TELL IE HEEL FLEE, 7 114 J AIH HTT TTT TITTLE HATTA x LETTE ET EEE TEE ~/ [t's a good loan when it can meet these tests: Is the purpose of the loan con- structive? Will the loan really help the borrower? Can the loan be made without contributing to rising prices? Can the borrower repay the loan out of his earrfings with- out hardship? When the answer is ‘yes’ to these questions, the loan is most likely to be approved THT ATIONAL MOUNT, MOUNT JOY, PA. NION © N UNION THERE Is STRENGTH | < Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatign