The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 17, 1949, Image 8

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Bulletin, M1. Jov. Pa.. Thursday. March 17. 1919 : WOMAN TO CARE for 3 vear old! WANTED
. Church Overseas Relief girl during day, 8:30 a. m » Hp. n GIRL OR WOMAN { n
( More than 30 million pounds our home. Dial 3-5464 Mount FOR EASY HOUSEWORK yr,
relief and reconstruction supplics Joy. 3=17~f No Washing or Ironing / x PY % (TPA oO
valued at $9,500,000, were shipped - ADJUSTABLE 2S Na iN 8 Sl of Sk)
r he shipments con. oy Ye rl i Or Inquire at the Bulletin office
* sisted chie fly of food, clothing, med. |“¥ lL, for $4.007 It was replaced by 3- 17-u A New Arrival Popular Glendale Club
icines, prefabricated churches and |’ electric clack Call at The | comes Ee h Hand New 1 1b Pl Mus
the eT liters Bulletin Mount Jo 3-17-tf [DRIVING A NEW CAR? Prot Cheese ina Y: /2 . g.
Lt I | oe ig er: r {
MANHEIM R. D. 2, PENNA. v as ¥ buildings, re ligious literature, So — | your right to go on driving it ect ' F
and other supplies to promote the FOR SALI Coolerator, 75 1b. ice | Gat

A Eu- | Sy 3-17-21 :
and disillusioned people in 37 Eu- Sor 3-17-2 states, one accident could
/ oh;
physical, mor ] and Spiritual re capacity sod condition, $10.00. In- uran 4 2 Nail Antoine Jn
— I rato ot mtn of asi fe A mp on | 9 Cu a

WV ho
ropean and Asiatic nations, — - — “| away vou Iriver's license! ; i i
” ~ ———— _—_—_— —— MAN OR BOY WANTED Reliable i) { d yg et St oy es | ind CHEESE FOOD \3 [2 gh
AIR COMPRESSOR Tn —— EXCAVATING Lighting Novelty person iol out ide work. Spring | iced protection No ath Studer
f “ Among new lighting novelties [clean up. Dial 3-9661 Mount Joy o AMMON R. HOFFER 8-02 C schools
—_ in ire hae RB Y : $
WORK 4 RS til & GRADING | are electric lamps that simulate Mauire at The Bulletin Office ow +p 119 David St, Mount Joy, Pa. pkgs 2 pany 75¢ Joon
a 4 | candle flame to provide atmos-|____ aan -17-4 Phone 3-4901 3-17-11 size box been se
R Ne wy oN way | phere in the home or restaurant! ( ™ SAL I Dut KR ven Range aon Bhd 5 : A rich blend of mild, aged cheddar, rortified with other healthful milk chestra
wa sal + banquet table settings. The : wn NT SAT. © nL lids. Fine for toasted sandwiches, canapes, tidbits. Exquisite flavor and Easter
ock Drillin uno Cellars for banquet table settings. They. io; fron porcelain lined oven, | FOR SALE: Shallow well pumps, | 5° : i Lastern
2 ps . Jmitation candles eliminate fire sod conditi ty Priced for quick | used and reconditioned a superb melting and cooking qualities. Try a package with our guarantee. sic Fost)
. 1azards, won't burn down, and |gile. Telephone Landisville 2298 Sell [Va Va EN VE TE Ya
ale cle Mt sandy ie 2 | "he
Concrete Breaking, Etc. Trenches, Ete. last as long as 1,000 hours. They J. L. MECKLEY The ©
can be obtained with either medi | 233 South Market St A Can of Hurff's Asparagus be held
um or candelabra bases and in IY 'R S ALE Brick 21: story house Elizabethtown. Pa School
St a — several finishes—clear, flame tint, @t 31 West Main St M6 unt Joy Phone 414 students
frosted, amber, red and candle Mor information cali at 45 West 3-3-3 will als
flame (white with yellow tip). = ! Ii . ern Dis
PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 a ord Baad Haniel “MENT with the purchase of 4 cans of Hurff's for Apt
Apple Sauce od tom fornished, purty Sarit Not ce is here by given that Fran- Tomato, Vegetable or Asparagus Soup at 4 cans 285¢ Sol I
Flavor of apple sauce generally ces M. Fronk, Surviving Spouse of

A ed. or unfirnished. Fannv M. Boyce, | poy] S
is better it the apples are peeled (|| Mt Jov 33891
before cooking. If the apples are p
2 Frank ! known as
: or Write 101 N. | Paul W. Frank, has filed in the
irbara St, Mount Joy, Pa 3-17-41 Ozphan * Court of Lancaster Coun-
_ : S001 ed unpeeled and then strained, A Pa. to N 11 January Term
the sauce may have a bitter taste EB 3S M M. COLOR CAMERA Tow. her petition claiming certain

ed for

You 103-02
GET cans
ALL for


from the peeling. Apples should be ‘0 he 1 ice Argus C3 $60.50 plu nersonal and real estate under her 3 tae
cooked rapidly in a covered pan, ly OL ood cameras 35.16 Hb. Surviving Spouse's Allowance of Cines!
( lah le She , : : A
for long, slow cooking may destroy Wh 1 x ah Little Shop 1 S10.000.00, << vrovided by Sections 10 will be
7 the delicate flavor and may even lek a a -1t 2 and 10 cf the Interstate Act of Ideal Tomato Soup 3 jrozcans 28¢c of Chor
darken the sauce. FOR SALE Three 14 o lots. on | 1947: and the appraisers appointed : : 6-0z can State C
i S Manheio: St Mod; il ny Dim on on February 10, 1949 filed their Eskimo Light Meat Tuna 39¢ Ruste C
| Mount Joy en- : The t
Dutch Elm Disease ions 4G ft. x 162 ft. Dial 3-4152 Mt RB pane and HE Asco Pork and Beans adi 15¢
Dutch elm disease has killed 150,- | Joy 20.1 § sop the petitioner oa fol.
L. J. SMITH, Owner 000 clms In the last 15 yours, In | momen ee | 1050 Glen Cove Clam Chowder ~~ 2
sare N ni ‘ . ve tine (HELP WANTED Girl or Woman | 290 Shares of common stock Ib ba
many New England communities, ? : | or Woman . ; Gold Seal Enriched Flour 10 13¢
fi licht housework in family of of Edward G. Budd Mfg
the all-
last ve:

¥ or famous for their towering elm . :
- Tov : ONO = choc., vanilla or butterscotch pkgs Associa
TELEPHONE 3.9731 trees, every clm has been killed. Gulia NO o omy frasy 9 ae $2062.50 Ideal Puddings 3 17¢ give th
Discovery of the disease in Denver ie anny no Jon How 1¢ 17 Ford Sedan .. 900.00 :
30 9. m. to 2:00 p. m. or later, if | Cash 37.50 sic an

C O N c R EF, E B i. O C K 5 E 5 te gt Iie Soy bu x Jay weferred ‘all at The Bulletin of- | The following deseribed : me Savingson Fruits and Vegetables
i the western United States. fice or Dia -9661 Mt. Joy. 3-17-tf real estate 7000.00 Crisp Fresh U. s. 2 Fancy Yellow sembles
All That Certain It of ground

—— FOR SALE: Apples for co king FP ther with all the schoo’,
i v 4 v a ®
Anti-Locust eating Sweet ipples: Delicious, | ments thereon erected, citnated, lv- C a E E g S Oo n i O
® . Locust swarms, which destroy Grimes Gol and Golden Delici- bie i / In S
Ch BI k ; fl olden in and Leino in the Village of educati
Crushed Stone imney OC S billions of dollars worth of crops, ous: Tart varie tv: Stavman, Black Florin, Townshin of Fast Donegal. Tw
| can now be attacked from the Twig, York, Winter Banana, and | County of Lancacter and State of C C ©
ground with special machines be- Rome. Also vinegar for your early | Pennsylvania, and known «nthe bchs Ibs High S
7% ing built in Britain. Anti-locust ndelion. Mrs. Kathrine Snyder. | Plan of said Village ~g Int No. 408, chestra.
Mortor Cement

Flue Lining chemicals are also being sprayed '@irview Orchards, Florin Dia] | hounded ond described as fol- Zocor Fl
te ral 1 low-lying aircraft 3-451 9.17-9¢ | lows, to wit resh, Fla.
lke rain from low-fiying aircraft. rn C—O Fronting A0 Feet on the South- GREEN BEANS Valentine 2 Ibs 29¢
; ——————— FL.ASH CAMFRA'S, all good | west sida of W-od Street and ex- U. 8. Fla.
Concreting, 1. . Steel and A Coon Hong om mabec £1058 un. Sever: lichtly | tending in denth cf that width he- NEW POTATOES Red Bliss 4 Ibs 27¢
. coon hound is a big, gangling. cameras ot 2 bia saving, | tween narallal lines South 3% De- Extra Large Fla,
Mason & White 3 lop-aared shy heasi. Ad 4 wag of |My ps. Vietor Little | West 200 Feet ty an alles ORANGES Valencia, 150's doz 39¢
Sand ~~ i on the shin le must be looked ‘own = a Si tr ot: on fia Bast hy Chorry Al- | GRAPEFRUIT 54's = 64's 4: 29¢
field ar

me Aluminum Sash his bony tail can hurt like a kick | <hop with the bi tock Middle- Raonnded on the North bv Wood Juicy Fla
after like a child, costs as much as/|_ ev: on the Swth hy an alley and

4" - 6" - 8" - 1 " a horse, and is always hungry, b VOTE OF THANKS I wish to n the West by Lot 407 Rota
0 Overhead his voice is worth it th mk Wi x | nd neichbe rs for And 1b Wt Se will he Bi sant Prepared Fresh Spinach cello bag 19¢c treat a
. a help W Horal te the i ‘ourt for confirma- 1 Ibs "= they Ww
ributes and kindnes ini thy 14 i : 3 1949 . S 2 25¢ 3
Lintels Garage Doors Abe Linc on. Correspondent : . ind kindn during my nN iy April 18, 1949, at 10:0) | Fresh Fia Eggplant Shs 3 Osmon
. { Dun and Bradstreet, the famous A ereayement l Raibn AA M | Fancy Norfolk Kale 2 17c wv
» Sauer 10-17 , \QIT / “NT jas &
credit rating firm, was founded in | _- : ios MARSHAL 4: ~ Cony Glenside Park Grass Seed 5 Ibbsg 1.89 he U
1841 by Lewis Tappan. World Book | "OR SATE. Utility cabinet. hot ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONFS Le Un
ai 3 3-11- major
encyclopedia relatos that Abrahan } v good condition, yutsiede : haat
FIRE PLACE UNITS and ACCESSORIES Bea en Tr | otis ue sugared fg fore
, a friend of Tappan, served tblie adda vstem reasonable TAX ORDINA 3 Ib pkg ore th
for a time as a Dun and Bradstreet | © mevele, 2 pai Boy’ Ce AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOR-! 0 e Fos € erries the Fa
correspondent tes, like new. Anply 44 West | isa OF MOUNT JOY. COM- : Mr
OE Foner} BF. Mowat Joy. OF, MOUNT JO ov a: Rob Ford Long Grain Mr.
Custom Drilling & Jack Hammer Work - Estimates Cheerfully Given Cat Facets "AN ORCHID CORSAGE |NIA, FIXING THE TAX RATE © oe a
Total American cat population i FOR $3.00. $4.00 OR $5.00 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1949 and o
about 21 million. Strays and un Dial Ma ta 63611 or 63167 BE IT DRDAINED AND ENACT- Shor
numbered cats number approxi- | Appley's Glass Gardens, Marietta ED, and it is hereby ordained and cluded
= mately 10:5 million, notes the Flcwers For All Occasion enacted by the Council of the Bor- baugl
Bi pb American Feline Society, Inc. Twen 2.9-6t of Mount Joy, Commonwealth oe < a no
— 3 — -- - ty per cent of all American families meme | 0; Pennsylvania ary
ge ay fe hs ger os cas. yi ROTOTILLING SECTION 1. That a tax be and ing col
Ne Pi - se ALVIN 8. FNGLE the sume is hereby levied on all Gold Seal Sem Seal Semolina lisle A
© New Plymouth on Displa Fn FIRE, [ow fl ; | :
' Spider NTA 4 “ ! : Gran
e Y ISPIAy Phan i PIN, TL DIAL 3-5481 ihn the said Borough subject 1 Macaroni or Spaghetti Seat
completely a fish twee _.... - 2 Maxauon doo 2 orcugh purposes for
the fiscal year 1949, as follows cess oO

inches long in less than three hours. | OP GAT |
2: 31°
Tax rate for general Borough
Purposes, the sum cf (1¢) mills on
Another large spider has been ob- | Walnut Dinin manut

served in captivity to devour small | nesd Fhone ench dollar of sessed. valuation Mild Creamy 45¢ hibits
snakes i 1e same way. er March rf ye, sy 1b anuf:
gnakesiin Hf inte va) 1-3 SECTION 2. There is also levied \ CHEESE mam
tre. - — so a for the fiscal year 1949 a per capita 7 Paul
Pas Milk : ANTICUES Will pay high prices tax of Ten ($10.06) Dollars upon VT 4 ideal Tomato Paste 2¢cns21c his vis
Lvaporated mii may )e suc 3 } n
ig for antia of any description. Mr. | each resident of the Borough twen- meetin
cessfully whippe d if it is firstly 161 N. Charlotte St. Man- y-one years of age and upward. Supreme Raisin Loaf Losier
chilled thoroughly. Two tablespoons Pa. Phone 407 2.941 SECTION 3. All ordinances and It's better than ever 4 >
of lemon juice for each cup of milk re treme parts of ordinances inconsisient Plai lead: club a
may be added to help stiffen the |[TYPEWI ih RS & ADD. MACII'S | with this ordinance be and the amy 8 c Gues
milk New-rebuilt-vsed. J. M. Engle, 411 | amie are hereby repealed insoiar Sliced 18° unsic unsiiesy 20 Pon
i Hi ih, El izabethtown 14). 4-8-tf lus to the extent of such inconsist- HH t C B G od
- 1c 10 01
AG TT | Fe | Hot Cross Buns
1 A § SIF IE nD v Soe tery Stale y Il 3-5951 Adaptec 11S th day o iviarch c 1S1t
A WV Y. or eal ore A.D, 1949 pkg or 2G Risset
Vount Joy 5-9-tf JAY G. EICHERLY ye
Rates for this column are 25¢ per dis i ipa ra JA 4 § Elizabe
nsertion, If over five lines, 5¢ per FOR SALE: Used and reconditioned of Counci Cc if
ine each insertion, all payable in/Sump Pumps Approved this 7th day of March nric e upreme | red oat 2 gn
J. L. MECKLEY A.D. 1949 ri auda
ER — 233 South Market St. FAY O. RICHEALY Soft, Thin-Slice Sandwich Loaf 15c
{FOR SALE 62 ft. front Lot on Elizabethtown. Pa Acting Burges J ; i
Frank St, Mount Joy. Clair Wag- Phone 414 or Ov Ph Se Decorated St. Patrick's Layer Cake c Mo
ner, Joy Theatre Apartments, Mt 3-3-3t NO 5 A CHE p tC I A delicious Va. Lee Layer Cake with Vanilla cream filler, the i
Joy 3=17-11 | resem Sevres RELEASE ‘ PREMISES : FROM top and sides iced with vanilla cream. Shredded cocoanut covers i
-— — FOR SALE: Stoves, He atrola 1s, will ee PAE i oy the sides and top is decorated with Green Hat and 3 Shamrocks. i Sct
LOTS PLOWED: Richard E. Miller, also buy all kinds of scra ro ESTATE OF Di tEIN-
ES xk a ne BX Mt Ly in iH Sell stove wo Yi locus FE mm 5 ke HART, DECEASED Black Walnut Loaf Cakes £2 39¢ i
voir. Di ad 3-9263. 3-17- small lots. or truck load. Guy D [O:-Susan M. Reinhart, Margaret Fruit Filled Coifee Cakes ea 39c Jelly Buns i 19c¢c f
» eee | Spyittler, Phone 3-5573 Mt. Joy. Pa.|M. Reinhart and Charlotte M. Rein- | s
Plymouth’s new special deluxe four-door sedan (above). Throughout the new Plymouth line beautifully FOR SALE: Heatrola, White Porce- 1-27-{f | hart, their heirs and assigns or any BIG VALUES IN QUALITY MEATS L
streamlined bodies are lower and narrower, seats are wider and headroom greater. At the same time overall | lain Kitchen Range, Single Maple ————————— |person having an interest in the 5 Aud

exterior dimensions are reduced, but wheelbase has been lengthened to 118 inches and glass area is increased. Bed. Apply 219 East Main St, Mt JOY COAL, Nut. St ve and Bog, | legacies herein mentioned, take vo- 9c § LE § proved
4 . , rds : ; : Jov. 3-17-1t [Pea, Buckwheat, Rice, Walter Derr, | tice: 69 to


> aise 97. sh fenders flow gracefully into the body the » detachable for eas obi }
Horsevower is raised to 97. Although fenders flow g Y Y they are de achable for ease in repair. ee 230 West Main Str et, Mount Joy, That on March 10, 1949 a petition | tricts
FOR SALE: 1937 International [Pa =f was presented to the Orphans Meaty Shoulder iC
{ Panel Truck, good condition. Priced 12 Bats + tod Lilled Court of Lancaster County by Irvin unds
to sell. Apply Kulp's News Agency rao nats reported killed can STAR. | Fritz, praying that an alias citation | approy
Pl Y val Als “STAR” |
’ Mount Joy. arn i "He hv be issued to show cause why the | school:
| ostetter's irdware, tac Ad $3 aan i
| premises described in said petition M Vv 1 Ch Ib 39c< The
erformance Safet and Comfort FOR SALE: M:jestic Range, used M unt t Joy, Pato should not be discharged from the i eaty ea ops i iid
| three years, white enamel water rr. Ww I LL1S FR [lien of legacies in the amount of { }
’ y { front, perfect condition. John M = BLIC AML D [ Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dol- Fresh, Lean Pork Lean Smoked i Con
Brilliant new styling is combined {size the broadness of the front. proved performance and efficiency Heisey, 305 North Barbara St, Mt TAX CONSULTANT jars Eh ated under the will of David GS hh Id P i C N X C 5 i Doneg
with outstanding riding comfort, in- | Fenders which blend perfectly into | with a new design cylinder head | Joy, Pa. 19 WEST MAIN STREET Rein el said ¥ i Being ou ers field
: | : | : : > 4 | Smet fore . corded in the ollice of the
creased roominess, and sweeping | body lines are nevertheless separate | which increases compression ratio FOR SALE: 1939 De Solo. 1 door.}. 1 | or of Wills of Fool Cc . c¢ town
mechanical improvements in the and detachable, thus avoiding sheet |to 7 to L A new chrome plated | very clean. Inquire 215 Marietta NEW OVERHEAD SECTIONAL in Will Book V, Volume 1, at page | Ib Ib Boro,
new line of Plymouth automobiles. iin panels so costly to repair oF SO piston ring reduces { Avenue, Mount Joy. Dial 3-5481 GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7’ 8'x8" | 152, which premises are described $13.76
replace. cylinder wear and provides greater | 3-17-1t 12x12’. 1 stork im- | as follows t
mpletely redesigned, the new| . bees : : : ! ne x10, 12°x12°, In stock for im- |a: s: ® 9 Mt. J
Completely cesg : Ibe | The new Plymouth line includes protection during the break-in per- FOR. SALT: Swill Hones Teo mediate delivery. Automatic electric All that certain piece or parcel of | Lean ice Bacon Ib . i Twp
Plymouth has a longer wheelbase | nine distinct automobiles. Special |iod. There are improved oil rings YOR SALE: gs Eid iii werhead door operators. Controlled | land, on which is erected a three . 154
for a better ride and more road sta- deluxe and deluxe types are on a| for greater oil economy, while a en. om 3 hee y gd og pd trom the dash of your car. Also a story brick hotel building, situated | Fresh or Smoked Country Sausage Ib 39¢ fuse
bility, but less front and rear over-|118-inch wheelbase, one inch longer newly-designed intake manifold in- lq: Marietta JD Me 3 a ‘ot of commercial and pivoted steel |at the corner of Front Street and Skini F kf Ib 39¢ 366 54
hang for easier parking and garaging. | than last year’s. Special deluxe|duces quicker, smoother engine | =~ © sash: Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy. Waterford Avenue (formerly called | inless Frankfurts 128.96.
While the silhouette has been low-| models are: four-door sedan, club| warm-up and produces faster throttle ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE |b Fhone 35-3011 __4-17-tf [Elbow Lane), in that part of the : io Ib
ered and the width decreased, there | coupe, convertible club coupe and | response. Estate of Howard M. Musselman, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Borough of Marietta laid out by Fancy Large Shrimp 69¢ Fancy Haddock Fillets'® 39¢ MORI
is more head and leg room and seats | station wagon. In the deluxe group| Body styling which produces |late c. Mount Joy Township, Lan-| Fstate of Susan, also knewn as James Snder ay and formerly cal- | Boneless Steak Fish '° 25¢ Fillets of Perch 1b 35¢ FOR
are wider. Typical of Plymouth’s|are the four-door sedan and the | greater passenger room without ex- [caster County, Pa, deceased. Susan E. Snavely, late of Rapho | °C atentord! J This
many refinements is the gnition= | club coupe. In addition, Plymouth | cessiv e bulk also increases visibility. | Letters of administration on|Twp, Lancaster County, Pa, de- | All parties interested in said lega- | SALT WATER OYSTERS pt 55¢
starter combination, with which a will build three deluxe models on a | V-type windshields have 37 percent oid Sytate. Having oan igi Xo ceased. : LL oe S are so appear 3 the ee :
turn of the key starts the engine. |brand new 1ll-inch wheelbase, a | more area and provide excellent | a'l persons indebt-| Letters of administration on said |Orphans’ Court of Lancaster Coun- yah
+» The new Par: are sleek in| two-door sedan, a three-passenger | vision without distortion. Wind=- ed heres SNe Jey Sted fo ake estate having been granted to the [ty on Monday, May 16, 1949 at 10:00 Ideal Coffee Vasuum packed Iocan 53¢ this i
RO ap mediate payment, : ose hav-lundersigned, all nersons indebted [o'clock A. M. E. I. S. T., and show
appearance. New rear-end styling! coupe, and a new body type, the | shield wipers. G15 percent | payment, and tose hay tnde rsigned, all wersons indebted | clock A M. E D.S.T, and show Asco Coff “heat-flo” roasted 9 bs 81 Rob
. , < y ie u 0 a C STeC 0 aKe 1ms- « o NSE dcles ”
Drove a acetone with he | Suburban See See I ER SE a Chur
: : : py : suis’ Yi same, diate payment, ar se hav shi ot be wer released an
horizontal lines which empha~| The 97-horsepower engine has im- | is 35.4 percent larger. * delay for settlement to the under-|claims or demands against the same, | cischarged from the above deserib- -0 ' Galvanized Pails : 39¢ ville
Ee ee signed. NIGN {will present them without delay for | ed premises. : Gs March Family Circle Magazine sory 5c drivir
{ UNION NATIONAL MOUNT settlement to the undersignel, re- A. W. LANE, Sheriff | er —————— of La
Landisville JOY BANK, MT. Joy, PA. siding at R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. | Randolph C. Ryder, Prices Effective March 17-18-19, 1949. Quantity Rights Reserved. | speed
. = a unga Phone: 1911 Abou Britior is a 5 Fol ay Attorney | YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME Nes
y yer, (B. Frank Kready, dministrator / : : : ¥ .
Attorneys 3-17-6t Attorney 2-10-6t Patronize Bulletin advertisers, | i Cob
3 Pe ; h
7 3 i 4 4
ha EE TRESS me. toi Nos Acme 0 00s SEI on meron re mn a lon WH Ll LL ti HR LIE . ARTA § Rh it Loi bcd ti dr ns com hoc pati EE -