EERE ER: — ou - For Good, - Short Circuit The Cause of a $1,200 Fire At Anchor Fire blamed on a short circuit caused damage estimated at $1,200 early Tuesday morning to a two- story frame apartment owned by Paul Mumma, Anchor, on the old Rheems road. Chief Paul Shiffer, of Friendship Fire Co., E-town, whose company wag called at 12:55 a. m. said the fire spread beneath the clap- board covering the building and burned into the partition separat- ing the first and second floors. Wilbur Koser, tenant of the second floor apartment, smelled smoke, and with Mumma, discovered that the fire had hroken through the clapbrards on the exterior of the building. Koser and Mummy dashed buck- ets of water on the clapboard un- til firemen arrived. The fire in the partition between the floors was extinguished by use of a high pressure fog hose thrust into a hole that had been burned open. Shiffer, who estimated the dam- age at $1,200 said the building was fully covered by insurance. —— ee ee. Sico Co. Makes Ann’l Contribut’n To County Schools The SICO Co. is about to make its seventh annual contribution to the Public School Districts of Lan- caster County. The amount to be distributed from the earnings of the year 1948 is $50.624.00. These contributions to date total $267,124.00. Today checks were mailed to each School District in the County for its share of this contribution. Total cash contributicns made by the Sico Co. to the surrounding school districts from 1940 up to and including the date March 17, 1949 are: Coney Twp., $2,508.00; East Don- egal Twp., $5441.00; E. Hempfield Twp., $6,305.00; Elizabethtown Boro $6,923.00; Manheim Boro, $6,448.00: Marietta Boro, $2907.00; Mt. Joy Bore, $11,160.00; Mt. Joy Twp., $2,- 895.00; Rapho Twp., $4.299.00: West Donegal Twp., $2,139.00; W. Hemp- field Twp., $2,493 EL Rally of Preshyterian Church Membership At Lancaster Mon. Eveng. Dr. Jesse Hays Baird, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, USA, will be the principal speaker at a huge rally of Presbyterian Church members and their friends to be held at 8:00 p. m. on Monday even- ing, March 21 in the First Presby- terian Church, Lancaster. Plans call for a large delegation frem each of the thirty-three Pres- Donegal Presbytery. Dr. Baird, who is President of the San Francisco Theological Sem- inary, San Anselmo, California, | was elected Mcderator, the highest | honorary office in the Presbyterian Church in th U. 8S. A, in May 27, 1948. He "has enjoyed an out- standing career as a pastor, teach- | er and seminary President Dr. Baird was one of the Presbyterian delegates at the meeting of the { divorce World Council of Churches in Am- sterdam n 1948. Born in Clintonville in Western Pennsylvania, of Revolutionary | (Turn to page 5) —— ——— es ROBERT GOOD AGED TWELVE FRACTURED COLLARBONE IN BARN AT HIS HOME Robert Good, twelve, Bainbridge R1, suffered a fractured collarbone when he fell from the second | flocy of a barn at his home on Saturday afternocn He was then treated by Dr. C. Stuart Smith, E-town, and later removed in the Fire Co. ambulance to the General Hospital. THERE ARE 5,572 VOTERS LESS A total of 5572 names have been struck off the registration lists be- 572 72 cause voters have failed to cast their ballots in the last two years or sign reinstatement cards. IN HONOR OF THEIR SON Mr. and Mrs. Irvin V. Earhart, Elizabethtown R2, as a memoria] to their son, Pfc. Irvin R. Earhart, will equip an anesthetist’s office in the new St. Joseph's Hospital. MOST UP~-TO-THE ‘The Mount Joy Bulle NUTE WEEKLY LANCASTER tin VOL. XLVIII, NO. 42 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, March 1 1949 Fire Destroyed a Barn and Contents Near E’town Fri. and contents on the farm owned by two miles west of E-town The loss is estimated at A barking dog owned by ence Goodman, called but the intense heat them to keep their distance. flaming structure. Five years ago the barn on this was destroyed farm machinery, a feed grinder and cf corn and bagged steer feed ported to have insurance. shed were undamaged. On the way back to the bethtown Fire Hall, Flames flared up again on Friday men was called rt A A—— THEFT CHARGES DROPPED: DEFENDANTS PAID COSTS Charges of larceny lie McCowin and Burnie Louis Mec~ Judge Schaeffer : request of Assistant District Attor- y William C. Storb. dants paid the costs. Prosecution was brought by State Policeman farm implements and IN SAWDUST DUMP | REAR OF NEW STANDARD dump in the rear of the New Stan- » Friendship Fire which w:s summoned by a watch- a P( WL TRYMEN' byterian congregations comprising I 1 ad J Earl Martin, Mt. ions APPLIED FOR A DIVORCE Cruelty and indignities ar .. Harold Myers, A Ar eee Former Principal Here Spoke To Rotary Club perintendent of schools, the Rotarians on Tuesday. | on Act 361 passed by the | vania Legislature in 1947 concern- ing the Consolidation of School Dis- The Club decided to send a dele- New York, June 12 to 16th. talk on Ts Doctor’ Ss Exchange forming here. , Elizabethtown; ——-Ei.,. £2050 FOR GUN INVENTION Alfred A. Wolf, received $2050 for a gun invention. veduced the amount Dallastown Rl, DOROTHY KULP PRESIDENT LADIES AUXILIARY VFW Recently the Ladies Auxiliary the Veterans of Foreign War held their annual electon ag lows: Dorothy Kulp, president; Marian | Forry, senior vice-president; Doris Rice, Junor Vice-president; Max, Chaplain; Anna Geib, 3 year Trustee; Mary Garber, treasurer; Conductress, Romaine Cooper; Guard, Emma Balmer; Musician, Sadie Alexander: office of the retary will be filled later. Installation of officers will place at the April 14th meeting Plans were discussed to sponsor a card party in April. ————— erence NEW LICENSE TAGS ON AUTOS GOOD SINCE TUES. Tuesday was the first day could legally display 1949 license tags on your cars And the plates started to appear on them The deadline for 1948 license tags is Abril 1 and Acting Secre- tary of Revenue, Otto F. Messner has warned there will be no tension of the time. ——— eee Letters Presented Players and Cheer- Leaders at MJHS Basketball letters and other awards for the 1948-1949 season were presented to players and cheerleaders of Mt. Joy School at the weekly assembly program on Friday afternoon. Varsity letters were presented to these player and managers: wood Rice, captain; William Bates. Glenn Bailey, William Garber, Ranck, Glenn Shupp, Jack Tyndall, Abraham Koser, George McCue, Gerald Wilson, James Hornafius, manager and Ross Neiss, manager. Minor letters and certificates were presented to: Warren Bates, Eugene Bender, Charles Brooks, Raymond Harple, Henry Becker, Jack Boyer, Gerald Estock, T mas McGregor, Jerry Shupp, Owen Smith, James Booth, Asher Neiss Kenneth Nissley, Richard Boyd, and Robert Schneider, assistant managers Senior cheerleaders, Mary Krall and Phyllis Hoffman received vold-plated megaphone charms and certificates, while junior cheer- leaders Marian Foerch, Jean Wag- ner and Shirley Reheard received varsity certificates Minor certif icates were presented to cheer- leaders Mary Ann Spangler, Melis- sa Strickler, Peggy Zerphey Beverly Myers Ccach John Day made the sentations to the basketball athletic director, made the awards to the cheerleaders. The Joy cagers had a moderately cessfull seascn, finishing in second place behind E-town in Section of the Lancaster County School League and going to third round of District 3, Class PIAA playoffs where they lost to the Wrightsville quintet. re etl eee AUTOISTS LOSE LICENSES FOR VARIOUS VIOLATIONS Fcrty motorists from this section of the state had their drivers’ censes revoked by the State week. Among them were the | lewing from around here: Reckless driving: Quentin Siegrist, Columbia R1 and Lester Kaylor, of this boro. Failure to appear for a hearing: H. M. Swarr, Landisville. Driving too fast for conditions: Clyde K. Espenshade, E-town, ED CAI MESSIAH MALE CHORUS TO SING AT MT. PLEASANT On Sunday, March 20, at p. m., the male chcrus from Mes- siah College at Grantham will ren- der vocal music in Mt. Pleasant ! Brethren In Christ Church, three miles northwest of here. Earl Miller ig director and Ira M. Stern student director. al li. AUTCMOBILE CLUB'S PICNIC The annual picnic of the Lancas- ter Automobile Club will be Thursday, July 28 at Hershey Park, it was announced Friday y following a meeting of the | club's board of directors. "BON VOYAGE" AT LANDISVILLE MAR. musical comedy Former Landisville Man Dies From Self-made Yond Hempfield Twp. | evening, March 21 Special guests | will be Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Raf- Overlook Golf {and Mrs. Clarence Schock, Mt. | merly Supervising Principal of the | Fast Donegal Twp. Schools Pro- ! been despondent fo police learned. AUDITORIUM MAR. 25 Girl Scouts will sponsor i] | structed to proceed with a space Robert Kraybill : { . Amos B. Ham- { bright, of Elizabethtown. | from Wolgemuth Brothers, Florin. | School enrollment for the coming » brothers and sisters, r. Emerson Rohrer. | Brief News From ‘The Dailies For Pho Reading , had a $6,500 fire. + city police are warning : Mary E., wife of Rob- | | for next Fall. The Board announ- z Pike and Mar- | | Kraybill, Executve Sec'y. of the 4 been clocked at 98 m.p.h. : ey 1 REMOVED TO HOSPITAL collapsed Friday night » Senior class play taken from patrons ne! 1 lin] 0 i : rears ago. 1e diplome wil nw at the high school building. Monday [ ye 8 p Bg | presented by Mrs. Flora Houseal large barn with most | eres 4 { Shiveman, also a member of the she was removed to the St. Joseph's | ¢ fo 4 { Class of 1899. tobacco, strasburg were des- » United States and { men in authority : | Weddings Thruond Our Community During Past Week . om re etl AI ni: STUDENTS NAMED TO OFFICE Welfare As. $500 | of the Walter S. Ebersole Post Ni | 185, American Legicn, of Mount | Joy held Thursday night, the mem= Christian movement Elizabethtown Richard Brubaker |S + president of the | This organization was founded re- —————— | community, to sponsor the sum- Friendship Fire Co | mer playground activities in the | @ ss Genev Ci cf Ste 5; : and Miss Geneva A 2D: § Steelton evening March 2 | jects of a civie or welfare nature team ye while Mrs. Virginia Herman, girls’ ——— —— The Local News + For The Past Week Very Briefly Told Quarryville’s Memorial Park will be equipped with lights for night | was the last day orl eG ee LIQUOR SALES HERE BELOW CTHER SURROUNDING There was another wreck on Gap | to avoid hitting a dog. | Myrtle E. Dietz, of Columbia. The Church cf old building #4 Lancaster Residents | and are erecting fine new house of | To Staff Gas Company MOTORSTS HAD TROUBLE Martin Lump, : * | Operations of the Lancaster County traffic violations over the week-end | Hempfield. two cars were shaken up when the wrong turn and Leroy Hottenstein, | collided at a sharp curve on Wiss- | [ plant improvement, and the staff THE ESHLEMANS WEDDED FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS sincere . congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John | LETTERS GRANTED Union National Mount Joy Bank, who are cele-=| Mount Joy, administrator of the es- | fifty-eighth wedding | tate sof Howard Musselman, late of | Mount Joy Twp. was hel 4 at Elizabethtown Md a | »» 3 | pecple now cn our staff,” Mr. Leib | stated. “I am looking forward to | working with my new friends in W. Eshelman Jr, 1057 Buchanan anniversary today, Paddy's Day. Donegal Directors Mortuary Record Hosts To Faculty; Throughout This Board Meeting The School Directors ol the East | Donegal Twp. will entertain the faculty at a dinner to be held in the high school library Monday fensperger, Elizabethtown, and M Joy Mr. Raffensperger was for- fesscr William Frey of Franklin and Marshall will speak at the dinner meeting. The Board held is regular mon- thly meeting and plans for the new vocational building were dis- cussed and the architect was in- layout. A carload of soft coal for the high school was purchased vear was discussed and the Board re-emphasized its earlier state- ment that people expecting to reg- ister beginning students next Fall should do so now so that they can ascertain a total enrollment ced the following commencement activities: Baccalaureate Service, Sunday, May 29; Commencement, Wednesday, June 1 The Baccal- aureate Sermon will be delivered by Bishop Henry Lutz, Class of 1904 The Commencement Ad- dress will be given by Dr. Ira Middle Atlantic States Assoc. of | Approved Secondary Schools, of Philade Pa Dr. Kraybhill | graduated from this high school 50 eee ‘American Legion Gives Local Social At the regular monthly meeting bers voted to donate $500 to the wial Welfare Assoc. of Mt. Joy. cently to provide a home for the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of the borough, and to promote other pro- Gecrge Keener, chairman of the Americanism Committee, announc- ed that Ruby Helwig, Mt. Joy had won the Am. Legion Essay contest held recently in the Mt. Joy High School and would be awarded the prize of $10 for her essay on “The U. S. Constitution”. It was announced by the Athle- je Committee that the Post bas- ketball team had entered the Lan- | caster Co. Jr. Chamber of Com- | merce tournament A spaghetti supper will be held (Turn to page 5) SS _.,.,,. 6 ibpn MARRIAGE LICENSES Albert Fike, Florin, and Amelia G. Myers, of Lawn. Robert L. Haldeman and Elsie M. Shenenberger, Mt. Joy Rl. Guy M. Rohrer, Salunga and Andrew J. Leib, manager of Gas Ccmpany, has assumed his new duties with a staff of seventy train- ed Lancaster people to help him up and carry out his program of will be further increased in the very near future, Mr. Leib said “We are fortunate to have so | many efficient Lancaster County the industry.’ That the new Gas Company is Entire Locality General Hospital pital of hypostatic * the past nine years. able every day, tell you which doctors are : to tell you whom you will also report low up the individual cases BUSINESS TRIP TO NEW YORK and Paris Hostetter, & Sons, made business trip to New York City the (Turn to page 6) Dependable Merchandise At Right Prices, Buy From Bulletin Advertisers ‘Water SystemBids ‘Were Awarded by Mayt’n Authority Contracts totalling $73,983 were - < ; | awarded for the construction of a $2.00 a Year in Advance | public water system at Maytown. The East Donegal Twp. Munici= pal Authority announced that the work will start in about 10 days. Completion of the system is ex= pected by Nov. 1st. A $57,093 contract for installation | of a pumping station and about twa miles of water main was awarded to M. Simon Zook, of Honey Brook. A $16.89 contract for building a 100,000 gallon water storage tank went to the Chicago Bridge and [ron Co. of Philadelphia. These two companies were among 16 concerns that submitted hids for the project last week. The Authority delayed the awards until it had time to study the bids. The Rev. John Heistand, Author- ity chairman, said a bonding com=- pany in Philadelphia will finance a bond issue by the Authority. A | schedule of water rates is row be= ing fixed, he reported. So far, 131 of 175 potential users have signed up to use the new sys- tem, the chairman reported. The water source will be a spring on the Irwin Glatfelter property, one mile northeas! of ee —- Everything That + Happened At “Florin Recently The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Florin Fire Co, will hold game night on Saturday, March 19 at the Florin Hall, for the purpose of raising money for boots and rain- | coats for the Firemen. Everyone | is invited. Florin Fire Co., wishes to thank s| each and every one who has con=- { tributed both in time and money Jacob | toward the purchase of their new Fire engine, and hope all will re= ill | spond in the future, the same as * | they have in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper Jr. and family visited Mr. and Mrs. | Warren Eshleman at Emigsville, York Co.. on Sunday. Mr. James Metzler spent several | days last week in Alexandria, Va. { visiting his daughter and family, | Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Engle and { daughter, Carolyn. Mrs. Metzler, Miss Cora Bricker of Elizabethtown and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopple and son, Bobby of Mt. Joy, motored to candria to bring Mr. Metzler home Mr. and Mr Jacob D. Strickler retirned home from Orlando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bigler and Mr. and Mys. B. F. Kauffman visit- =| ed Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Gladfelters at | West Lawn on Tuesday. Mrs. R. W. Roberts of Mechanics= burg visited with her parents Mr. nd Mrs. N. E. Hershey last week. The zabethtown Fire Co. Aux- iliary entertained the Florin Fire S| Co. Auxiliary to a covered dish so- cial on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman en= tertained Mr. and Mrs. Al Fike to dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Ulmer called {on Samuel Shelly on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mumper and children of Maytown called on Mr. Nov One Can’ Get Mi Geo. Mumper Sr. Monday. ee ll A Ae. Doctor Any Time: GEORGE LEAMAN AGENT 24 Hour Service FOR DIE SELL TRACTORS Mr. George W. Leaman, of town, ha taken the agency for the Sheppard Diesel Tractor. T he se tractors amazed visitors at the State Farm Show for their e= conomy. dependability, and reduc=- g operating cost Foy ditional information on the Sheppard Diesel Tractors call or write Mr. Leaman ir i ——— DANCING AT LEGION American Legion members can enjoy n evening of dancing on Friday and Sunday evenings at the Legion home Music will be furnished by Stark's Orchestra ———— tl Week's Birth Record Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dourte, of Manheim R2, a daughter Thurs= day at the Lancaster General Hos- pital Mr. and Mrs. Edward May, 144 rN. Market St, this boro, a daugh= Bank and | ter on Friday at St. Joseph Hog= of | pital. NE EM Stimulate your business by adver | tising in the Bulletin. Ro i i iY 5 10] ha i Fue pi 3 2