The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 24, 1949, Image 5

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‘town 345J5


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On ——

NG | speaker wi -
fm Ory ‘ERI ; x AT : The speaker will be Miss Helen Wednesday Q The Bulletin, Mi. Joy, Pa.. Thursday, February 24, 19493
VANGELICAL CHURCH SUN Oldenwelder, Director of Child a. Farmers it urc otes 1:00 a. m. week-day religious Ln | —
[Thank Offering Service at Trin- Evangelism Fellowship from Phila- school, taught by Mrs. Mort will | Rates for this column are 25c per Hari, A Chia latte By pM KIRA Ans
i . i ive line . im, Pa. Phone ' -24- 0 $209.«
ly Evangelical Church Sunday. | delphia. Miss Odenweld fo : meet at parsonage tsertion. If over five lines, 5c per | Ne 50, now $189.50, ’
e.pnla, Muss enwelder is de- a ces The Calvary Bible Church ; line each insertion, all payable in
od . : 2 . : 7:30 p. m. Hi«Gem Class Meets ' APPLES !| APPLES! APPLES!| Also new 7.7 cu. ft. Philco Refrig«
norning, Feb. 27th at 10:30 a. m. | voting her full time to the Evan- ev. C. I. Summy, Pastor ne advance, 4 + : HS |
or the Mission Band and Cradle . seiizati : . a Farmer of Pennsylvania, hit hy Mr. E. M. Wolgemuth, Supt Friday | Buy good, home-grown, Lancaster erator was Bu Now $227.50, On=
Mis and and Cradle | gelization of Children in Pa. falling’ beef and. hog prices; eis + Bi Ws ig 7:30 Community Worl d Day cf | BUDGET for East Donegal Town- | County Apples for eating & cook | ly “EARI B TONGENECKER
toll Children. The service will | In this service the children will = > | Sunday, February 27 Prayer Service will be held in |ship Road Board may now be view- | ing. Stayman, Red and Golden De- | DIS
in pinata rk Ww “aT re iv oad bi Al be | perienced greater price declines 0.1¢ Sel - { licious, Grimes, York, Black Twig, | LANDISVILLE, PA. Phone
jie in charge of Mrs. Calvin Cra- | bring their offering which will be |! 9:15 a. m. Bible School \ cl led at the Maytown National Bank. | !!¢ grids v
: ; . . r ‘ ; ; The Church of God. 2.94 | Winter Banana, and Rome Beauty. Landisville, Pa. Phone 4111
ner with the various children of | used for missions. The pastor L.| than farmers of the Nation during Combined with, worship service, Mr. Claude R. Stauffer will: be | ————————— NN { Prices §1.25 to $2.00 per basket. | ny
he groups taking part in the ser- | Dallas Ziegler extends a cordial in- | the first month of 1949 compared Missionaries speaking. the guest speaker at the 7:30 p. m. |p 3 3: Fi | Specked Delicio 1 8S
: 04 ave quest speaker ¢ :30 p. Mm. | FOR SALE: Five dresses, size 9 to | Specked Delicious and Stayman Spangler os
Hee | vitation to the public to attend. with the last month of 1048, the S00 p. m. Afternoon Mass Mect-| worship service to be held in the |13; M skirts, 24 in. waist; 4 pairs |on hand, now $1.00 per bushel. A FOR SALE: Boy's tan overcoat with
——— — bi REY San’ PN y | shoes. size 5% and 6: Man's suit, good bargain for immediate use. |quilted lining, Size 8. Very good
=3) State Dopagtment of Agriculture 108 Mt. Joy Methodist Church on Sun- | shoes, size 5'2 and 6; Mans sul Ka Z Fairview | conditi Price $5.00. Call Mount
: oY | 7:00 p.m. Prayer Period. | day Mr. Stauffer is West Dis- | 33 in. waist. Telephone Mount Joy |’ Lt 3, sauryn 4, | nycer, aIry 1eW cong i ion. rice $2.00. La oun
has announced today Sade remind worshi jay. walk 5 1100-J. 2-24-1tp | Orchards, Florin, Pa. 2-24-2t ' Joy 91R3. 1-20-tf:
The index of prices received by id) Pom. vening worship | trict Lay Leader and Supt. of the | oh
Pa. farmers for principal agricul- ', Missionary Rally | Caurch School of First Methodist |FOR SALE: 1938 Lincoln Zephyr [RIT 1
| tural products declined eight points Tuesd 1y Church, Lancaster. He is active in|Coupe. Mr. Hart, 161 N. Charlotte |
| during the month ended January 7:30 Bi-Monthly Bible Study, | the lay activities of Phila. Confer- | St, Manheim. Phone 407. 2-24-1t I U/ AIR [
HS er uk Ce 7 Mr. Almos Shelly, Director The > tel Church.»
: 15th, a Federal-State survey dis- it ay ell | eee of The Methodist Church. ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices | In (1 =
closed. At the time there was no |, ny hs Meet | © ther local laymen to have part | for antiques of any description. Mr. | { fl
change in the index of prices fars 1:30 pe 18, Cottage Prayer | are: Ralph Alleman, Mrs. Law- |Hart, 161 N. Charlotte St, Man- | nt 4
8 mers must pay for good ad for BE A Rev. Raymond Arndt, in rence Gutshall and Walter Sloan | heim, Pa. Phone 407. 2-24-ti Ic
: = sian anda Rin Newtown. io wi s vendar : [
3 services such as labor, machinery | Mae wi Li gi the | FOR SALE: 1939 Plymouth DeLux | {
interest and taxes. In 2 Cl ir Rehearsal 1: ip and, Sepier Vested : Choirs. | radio and heater, good tires, | yd ’
4 Small grains, except barley, ad fio) LIOIE Miss Esther Walters, organist. Telephone 7-R. 2-24-1tp | - wi
: io : riday |
vanced from one to Six cents a | pa p. m. Newtown Good News | Sal { FOR SALE: Cultivator with power Te ™
Corn at $140 was up Club Salunga | lift, nearly new, to fit W. C. Allis |
two cents a bushel, but $1.09 less : | Church of Brethren | Chalmers Tractor; side rake. Rich- |
than a year earlier. Potatoes ad- | Hi t h John Ebersole, Elder In Charge iy Miller; R2 Ms: Joy, Telephone The
0 Ar ¢1 7, ! Salunga Methodist Chure | Sunday February 2 2-24-1tp |
vanced 10 cents to average $1.70 a | 5 Sunday February 27
bushel. Soybeans were down 25 | Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor 9:00 a. m. Sunday School | APPRECIATION: I wish to thank | ho
nea e un S ( (Dole) C cents to $2.35 and apples declined Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. | 10:15 a. m. Church Service | my friends and relatives for the ) o} [1
| 25 cents to $2.70 a bushel. { Sunday, February 27 { a jg: ad Sent do me 11 ihe A (
LARGE NO. 2'>2 CAN oe. : sil nebil ian . | Laymen's Sunday | hospital, 'S. Ms or .
RG C/ ii and See! fois were off a | 9:30 Ee Chueh School | b Newtown | N. Market St., Mt. Joy. 2-24-1tp | iN .
$1.00 per hundred pounds live; YY ab : fies | ‘vangelical United Brethren | oS.
| Life Savers 3 for 10c weight, but veal calves, sheep and | 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship | Clarch |FOR SALE: 3-burner oil stove. built | Faas I Ie or
2. : Mr. Charles N. Alexander speaks | lin oven, good condition. Phone Mt. ;
{ lambs were up from 10-to-50 cents.
| 1 1 y
| Milk Friday
7:30 p.m.
at wholesale was down 20
§Waldort Tie 319:

New Farmers Market Bldgs. = §9=61 College Ave. ~~ E-TOWN
Eberly Furniture Store, Route No. 3, Eliza-
This is a Clearance Sale of furniture from the stock of the Milton F.
bethtown, Penna.
We have gone over our merchandise and are offering to the public at Auction, furniture which is only covered
partially by the following list:
1. One Dozen Breakfast Sets; some metal, some wood, a few not so good
and a few brand new numbers.
About 3 dozen odd kitchen chairs and stools, mostly wood, white with
red trim, a few in oak.
An assortment of floor and table lamps.
This group includes lounge chairs, reclining chairs, platform rockers
and Cricket chairs. Some of these numbers have been worth as
much as $65.00; they will be sold.
Three used two piece living room suites, good condition, but a little
out of style.
One Virginia Sofa, custom made, dark cover
One Chaise lounge, wine cover, war model.
Three piece sectional sofa and chair, tight seat.
Three new bedroom suites, one walnut, one maple, and one solid
grey oak When you see these. you'll be surprised at the size, quali-
ty and beauty.
Three new living room suites, one mohair, 2 Mohair friezes, COM:-
FORTABLE, BEAUTIFUL, DURABLE—right out of our stock of regular
good grade suites.
One cedar wardrobe, about one dozen fiberobes, one modern Din-
ette Hutch Cabinet, one modern Sellers Kiichen Cabinet, (regular
price $100.00). A few smokers, end tables, high chairs, mirrors, odd
dressers, chests and miscellaneous items.
Do not be misled by thinking the goods on this sale is all obsolete or shop worn. Much of it is good, average
grade or fine furniture, and when you see it, you will won der why we are selling it this way. We want our many
friends and customers in our local community and the sur rounding territory to have a chance to buy at prices which
will be a great saving to you. The goods for this sale may be seen anytime during the alternoon on the day of sale,
or any other time by appointment after the 23rd. Furniiure will be as represented.
Don't forget the place: The Market Basket, New Farmers Market Building, 53-61 College Avenue, Elizabethtown.
Plenty of room inside.
Walter Dupes, Auctioneer : MILTON F. EBERLY
Landis & Garman, Clarks
World Day
Oscar K. Buch, Pastor
ho | Joy 341R4. Mrs. Max Nentwig, Wood
| Sunday February 27
3 Florin, Pa. 2-17-2t |

cents to $5.60 a hundred pounds | 9:00 am, Sunday School
3s taruin | * | Tw a sos. |
while retail milk declined: from. 21 of Prayer Service. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship | FOR SALE: Two Brooder Houses.
i 5. 21.2 cont t Butters { Mr Charles N. Alexander will TI 1 L. Risser, R3, Elizabethtown,
i 0 2 cents a quart. Butterlat SO 3
Hershey Bars 6 for 25¢c 8’ “ St oO | be the guest speaker at the 10:30 | lot : Telephone 929R3. 2-1i-2tp
iL { was down one cent to 60 cents a’ Et ar | 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting and c.| na
a | pound. a. m. worship sevice to be held in | E {OYSTERS & CLAMS: Chincoteague
3 P d D Ri ¢ Fes declined. almost six conte tof Methodist Church on Sun- > {oysters and clams at Joe and Tim
i nso : : - =~ : os _ iday. Mr. Alexander is assistant of | i Schrolls, 33-35 Detwiler Ave, Mt.
H ¢ap ow €r uz or (Hato Hq Nn 8 dozen. Chic. Gr wiield Methodist Scho- | Trinity Lutheran Church [Joy. Phone 227-R. 2-10-4t
& i | ens, cutter and wool snowed Au > : : |
LARGE BOX | Gronge fro Doe In prion. got ond to to preach. hy Rev WL Ne Pastor SEE THE NEW MAGAZINE 16 |
= 0 » . | Sn as : . | the Phila. Annual Conference of | Sunday, february m. m. Keystone Movie Camera |
rapefruit Juice veo To 46 OZ. can 19¢ = the Methodist Ghurch Other | 9:30 am, Sunday School $122.50 Regular type $74.50 -8 mm. |
HE i aa 10:45 a.m Church Service $49 ue, First at Victor Klahr's |
O,MAMA, | WILL NOT local laymen to have part are: Sack 2m, re Little Camerg Shon with the, big
10 Ib b o C TAKE THE HOME | Norman Baer, James Newcomer, fn p. m. Vespers stock Middletown. 2.25.11 |
i x LE ity { s Le 2 . ioe | Tuesda {
8 ugar ag 5 PAPER DOWN TO “THE jes Levi Peifer and Miss Alice es y wi. Cotottiatic] Class ‘at FON SALE at's hockey deter]
POST OFFICE AND Buy | trickle Parish Ouse and shoes, size 9. Telephone 98-J
> rn 5 Bie y 2-B-tf
ER AND MAIL IT i 3 Mount Joy. B
Cream Corn Starch ka.. 10c A WRAPP : i’ ; BUD pan. Adult | ao.
pXg TO OUR SON, JIMMY=8UT | Mount Joy Methodist Church | Class. | GIRL WANTED: For general office
4 — orc) I'M GOING Mount Joy, Pa. Ash Wednasday | work, typewriting not essential. Ap-
; Till (| TO DROP i Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor ome Re ply only by letter to Box 85, care
¥ e 0 All Flavors for G | i 1! Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. 7:45 p. m. Mid-week Lenten Ser- |The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. 2-3-tf
D In TO ani | vice. |
© ARR | Sunday, February 27 % Twili FOR SALE: 10-piece dining room
£ 1 27 NEVSPAPER Laymen's Sunday Services: | Friday 5 suite,outside public address system |
Kunzlers Wheatland Bacon /2 lb pkg. C OFFICE | 9:30 a. m. Church School | %30 p.m. Worlds Day of Prayer | .casonable; Boy's bicycle, 2 pairs
AND Board of Education meets fol-| in Church of God. Boy's ice skates, like new. Apply 44
i i ( lu ation is | v
: SLIBSCRIBE | I ywing the Church School. | mr West Donegal St., Mount doy.
5 3 TOR JIMMY 6:45 p. m. Junior Youth Fellow- | Mount Joy Mennonite Church in
{ ship, Mrs. Joseph is Counselor. Sunday, February 27 TYPEWRITERS & ADD. MACH'S
0 Nz AND THEN HE in 2 whi 9:00 a Sunday School | New-rebuilt-used. J. M. Engle, 411
£2 - GET THE | 7:30 pam. Evening Worship a, m. sunday Schoo \¥. Hich Elizabethtown 147.
© A 2 WILL eg] | Mr Claude R. Stauffer, Speaker 530 p. m. Young Peuple Meets |X 78; Mizebevilown =
© MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE Home PAP | Monday | Friday [F INTERESTED in selling your |
XK = am 1 EVRY VEER 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship | 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting car—See—Ben Staley or call 163R2,
5% PHONE 276W MANHEIM 210M Mi, = Dia Mount Joy. 5-9-tf |
5 AR > Luesda
3 Sich 7:30 p. m. Senior Chel ir rehearsal | First Presbyterian Church FOR SALE: Stoves, Heatrolas, will |
i Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor also buy all kinds of scrap iron. |
| sunday Fel Aha 5 ? [Sell stove wood, locust or oak,
> 3 ay, ehruary 2 {small lots, or truck load. Guy D.
9:30 am. Church School |Spitter, Phone 101-R Mt. Joy, Pa. |
4 10:45 a. m. Morning worship | 1-27-tf
| Heirs of the Kingdom JOY COAL: Nut, Stove and Egg,
6:30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship (pas Buckwheat, Rice, Walter Derr,
3 Robert McGregor, leader 1230 West Main Street, Mount Joy,
1 . a 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Pa. 8-5-tf
® A Tair Honsine ro iim .
TIME a February 25, 1949 7°00 [1-8 ink. A Pai Hoi |We purchased 2 AMPLI-PHONES
so the other
a two way
land one does the work
You can hold
without the use
additional. Talk
farm house to barn
to stock room, ete.
been unpacked.
is for sale.
| house {o garage,
lor dairy, office
Set is new, never
| Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor
February 27
9:30 a.m. Church School

from |
(0 Shop!


In ANYSTREET in America you can pick and choose =
you have a wider selaction of goods than in any other
country — because your retailer exists just to serve YOU
and anticipate YOUR needs!
That is just one of the blessings = but a wonderful
one — of living in our great democracy.
Nowhere is America’s bounty better displayed than
in the retail stores everywhere — whether it is in a cross-
roads store or in a glittering Broadway!
Take stock of all the abundance of this land so well
typified in your: freedom to pick and choose in your
favorite retail store . . . and let us count together the
blessings we have — you our customers and we who
serve you as retailers —and LOOK FORWARD to the
even greater blessings of tomorrow!
XX is the right 7
)) roe k and choose wo
©. without a free i
exchange of goods
you cannot have



| y 1 « 3 1 dy ioe
| Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church Anas ein lsd ma ln Pics
L. Dallas Ziegler, Pastor { Apply the Bulletin, Mt. Joy. 1-6-tf |
| Sunday, February 27
| 9:30 a, m. Sunday School,
| 10:30 a.m. Worship & Sermon.
This will be the Annual Thank-
| Offering Service for the Cradle i LOCAL HELP
| Roll and Mission Band children FOR
Mis s Helen Odenweldey speaks. Poy LTRY FARM
| 7:00 p. m. Prayer Period ini Pi Joy 905R- 6
7:30 p. m. Worship & Sermon | 2-10-tf |
| Tuesday |
| 7:30 p.m. Young Peoples Meeting
at the parsonage.
| Wednesday
| 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting FOR SALE
8:30 p. m. Choir Rehearsal : NEW & USED CARS
March 6th through March 13th. | a5 J new
| Evangelistic Meetings will be held | 1941 Dodge, 4-dr. :
| with Rev. Alex Leonvich, as the 1938 Studebaker, 4-dr.
| Evangelist. { 1937 Graham cp.
1934 Douge Truck, 1'%2 ton
Church Of God Florin. Pa. - Phone Mt. Joy 341R2 |
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor 2-24-1t
| Sunday February 27 | NISHING—Any si
9:30 a. m, Church School. PHOTO a nn
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship printed plain or deckle edge, 25¢
The Gospel of Another Chance. | (coin). Reprints 2c each. Minimum |

order 25c¢.
vice, Box 53,
16060 Crossbreeds
600 New Hampshire Straight Run
7:30 p. m. Monthly Young People
Walter Stoner will be
The Junior Chgir is un- |
the direction of Mrs. Evelyn |
| Divet and will sing a special num-| 409 New Hampshire Cockerels
ber. Robert Hoffman will be the | 500 White Leghorn Pullet:
| speaker. A. C. MAYER
Harrisburg, Pa.
Service, n |

| charge.

| Wednesday Mount Joy, Pa.
one 132-R .. 2-24-
#| 7:30 p.m. Illustrated Bible Study. | Phone 132-1 2 di
| 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Practice | WANTED: Married man for orch
| Friday, March 4th at 7:30 p. m. lard MANAGER, and. one to
| the World Day of Prayer Service | HELPER, Mechanically inclined to
| ¥ ! operate heavy orchard equipmer
| will be ‘held in the Church of God |

Capital City Photo Ser- |
| a D-2 caterpillar tractor used thre
8 | this year. Parts have been as- | seasons, and Speed-Sprayer used
signed to the other churches of | two seasons. 9-room house with
| the community... This year’s pro- { bath available, Mrs. Kathryn Z.
| a | Snyder, Fairview Orchard," Florin, |
| gram will include a - film called, Po 2.24.9
a "
“The March of Missions”. All | — re ttn emt
| are invited to attend. | FOR SALE: 1%» story house, locat-
Al pees lB sii. | ed in Manheim, 4 rooms and bath,
i | all conveniences, garden, sewer
| There is no better way to boost | connection, plastered, Line base
your business than by local news« | ment, automatic water heater, in- |
paper advertising. | laid linoleum on kitchen and bath-
| eatin | roam, ready for occupancy by Mar
. : ‘15. Can be GI financed with pay-
Patronize Bulletin advertisers. ments of ahout $43. per mo. Mr,

Lome tiv and ace d wow...

SE +
192 IE
ye ES) =
2 ss £0 TT

ceca mance wri
4 Surface Units or 3 Surface Units, Plus Deep-
well Kookail
If you're lo woking for the out- plete ovens! Yes, it has a waist

ange “‘buy’ high hroiler! Yes, it has gleams=
¢ in Wy in- ing, easy-clean, porcelain-on-
spect new Gibson Model K. steel finish! Here's the newest
« Yes, it’s equipped with 1 PS-A- of the new — a genuine Gibson,
DAISY, th great innovation precision built by a firm with
found only on Gibson eleciric 70 years of experience in creat-
ranges! Yes, it has two com- ing home appliances.
Earl B. Longenecker