century o folks consis. e satis. hat we of the elebra- n ever. h YE. YW iF offee ‘kets. ee mers 19¢ 53¢c re CS Mount Joy Juniors To Present ‘Tish’ The Junior the High Sch three act Rinehart, and 22, Class of selected Mary presentation Mt. Joy “Tish”, a Roberts April 21 ool has comedy by for The committee which selected the play includes Barbara Ranck, Shirley Schofield, Warren Bates, Carl Krall, Marian Breneman and Charles Brooks Miss Zeller will direct Tryouts will be held next week, On Friday the English depart- ment will have an extemporaneous eaking program at the weekly issembly period The subject is; Comics: What is Good About | them. Participants, will be Bonnie Bigler, sophomore; Donald Young. senior Victor will be Morris, in charge of Junior, and Sarah devoltiong play the The Senior Class will hold a saie at the Market House tl — Engagements Of Well Known | Brown and Ruby Helwig will organ, food Friday. On April21 and 22| . MOST An Unconscious | Driver Found In knocked un- - THE M I NUTE WwW E EKLY | N LANCASTER FEBRUARY 24— Legion Auxihary Card ary at Legis Home; High School Band Club Sponsors Barn Dance at High School COUNTY Harrisburg motorist, conscious when his vehicle struck VOL. XLVII, NO. 38 an embankment and upsét between Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, February 17, 1949 ii The Mount Joy Bulletin $2.00 a Year in Advance Falmouth and Middletown early | Saturday morning, lay in the snow for nearly an hour before his plight was discovered. S. Weisen- Fire Co. Will Soon| The motorist, John . . ford, Jr. twenty-three, 710 S. 26th | Distribute New St, Harrisburg, was admitted to | . the Harrisburg Hospital suffering D al Ph C d possible head and nose ng 1 one ar $ bruises of the right knee and el- | In the near future the Fi iendshin bow and shock and exposure. | Fire Company of Mount Joy will State Police said he was found | distribute new phone cards to rural near his damaged car along Route [residents with instructions concern- 41, two miles south of Middletown {ine the new dial system by Lewis Beck, Philadelphia, who The cords informs you that IN reported a “a fatal accident” {CASE OF FIRE, DIAL 33431, give Harrisburg State Police. or farm number or the exact lo- Officers W. P. Paciesas and J. L. | cation of your farm. If you have | Brannigan were sent to the scene | ng phone, give your farm number or and found Weisenford sitting in the | name to the nearest neighbor who snow, his head splattered with |}. 4 phone. Llood The car was lying on its { When moving or in case of chang» side diagonally across the highway | of ownership, PLEASE LEAVE THE Weisenford, police said, appar-|{ cARD ON THE PHONE. ently was driving towards Middle- | After the Dial into system, goes town when his c¢: dg f : : i i n his car got out and this date is tentatively control, cut across the oad and | : = 3 ? HETONS e road and | set for March 5, all fire calls must crashed against the embankment 1 above be reported according to the » Police directed traffic. at thei. _.. . L | R d t zone Wnt & tow fiw could’ he TL oca scene unié a Tow true owe °¢| Borough residents will also DIAL St one ) re re » wreck- . Me. and Mrs lL. Voila S a ned tc remove the wreck | 33431. in case of fire. Ye = ed car. seo lll ne . Manheim R2, announce the engage- ies SUA I | ment of their daughter Patsy | J | E. HEMPFIELD WILL SELL W dd: Kathleen Young, and Harry W.| Co, g ru ! Gn 4 Nh gird a Ar. | SCHOOL BOND ISSUE MAR. 1 | € ngs ou dal'shl, SO 0 1 € ! S. - Crappy el ts at ° thur W. Harsh, of Gordonville. No John V1 Swarr, Secretory of the 0 { ommunit date has been set for the wedding Board of Directors of East Hemp- | ur y Sia dis =" | field Twp. School District, will ve. | . i ceive bids until March 1 for the D Mr. and Mis. James J. Rudisill ii od n g. | Lan a : i sale of a $300,000 school bond issue. | u n as ce wvosevilie VOL, Lancaster, ANI Ce the ef i 7 thei Yaughter. | The bond issue approved by the | e 1gagement o 1 daughter, | Bari Bit Rov. Porn Ir | voters of the township at the No- | Miss S. Kathryn C Camel arpara 0 0 0 ey, Jr : ri of 4 Rev ad M Rov | vember election, will provide an | J. Robert Keller S¢ ( ne we ana Mrs 1 . . | » Forney, of Florin : { addition of six rooms to the pre-| The marriage of Miss S. Kathryn 0 > 0 10 1. : | Nis: BUA o ot. fied 22 high sched] builiing at Lan- ‘Cassel, 541 W Walnut St., Lascaster We : yr : : | disville and will provide a new |gdaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. General Hospital School of Nursing attended Hall, Lititz, Houghton Houghton, in Linden graduated {rom Preparatory School, N.Y Mr. Forney, who served 12 months with the occupational for- ces of the U.S. Army in Ger- many, is attending E-town College. A Ue rere RIGH SCHOOL BAND CLUB WILL SPONSOR BARN DANCE and | College | six-room building at Rohrerstown. |p. W. Cassel, to J. Robert Keller, | The increased school population {gon of Mrs. Johnson B. Keller, of | necessitated the additional facilit- | iis boro, took place at 9:30 a. m. ies, Swarr said. Monday at the parsonage of Christ a — YkS° Lutheran Church, Lancaster, with the Rev. G. Martin Ruoss officiating. State Agents Close". bu oni of oun {Joy Boro Council from the East 20 Slaughter Shops | and also J. B. Keller &+Bro,, extensive local cattle dealers. As an aid to consumers in seeing Mr. and Mrs. Keller are now hon- A Barn Dance sponsored by the that only wholesome meats are on a trip thru the south. Mt. J Hieh School Band Club de available from Pa. meat ee el 5 ay | oye of » > will be held in the high schcol markets and slaughter houses, the | GRADUATES FROM U. OF P. auditorium on Thursday, Feb. 24th, {* tate Department of Agriculture | Frank F. Walter, 233 E Main py o ( 3 v Na Ii o rl FY . . from 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. during 1948 closed 20 slaughtering i St., this boro, will be graduated Jim Hendricks Orchestra will | establishments when cwners refus- | from the University of Pennsyl- furnish the music with Charlie ed to comply with instructions to | vania with the degree cl bache- Trostle as figure caller. remedy insanitary conditions that | lor of science in economics at a vere que » y wl . 1 There will be a cake walk and| were found by agents of the divi | Convocation to be held in the door prize. Admission 60 cents | “11 of meat hygiene, Bureau of | University's Pale’stra at 10:30 including tax Animal Industry | .. m. Feb. 13th Age > 5162 ¢ . ll Mlle Agents made 5.162 slaughter | Walter, who has been studying house examinations during the in Wharton School ¢f Finance and 5 1 27 wo i nts | Wie Selling ia y year and found 37 establishments | Commerce at Pennsylvania, will be | where si ¢ iti i | | where itary conditions did not { among 800 students receiving de- ot State requirements { : fe t ite requirements | grees in course at the exercises or etere { Meat hygiene agents also in-f will follow the close of the | spected cattle and carcases in the |; . s ., 3 : 1 sve. Reve | : | University’s Fall term Since ) many consumer here | (Jaughtering establishments. Move | re were concerned about the increase | 599 ip { than 522,000 cattle were slaughter- ~ "a in water tax as of January 1st! 4 Ios a aon... | FLIES HERE FROM CUBA | 28 under Inspection and L323 were| pop wir BIRTH OF A SON how » interested t phy : | FA SO! they may be interested to Know | gf, nd unfit for human consump- M Walter O. Wil hat + being bocsted else- { Mrs alter ilson, daughte that rates ave being bocsted els f ticn They were condemned and | 5 Gergen where. | : {of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Blottenberget : | sent to rendering plants Out of} _. foot [1 1 ville | -town, a gre » of Lancas- Over al Mountville that boro, {nearly 126,000 dressed carcasses ex- E Hohe nd 5 " Sl : f which also owns its + syster ter enera ospital Schoo 0 150 OV ns wane | in meat markets and abat- | > = I : increased its rates but not in the iors 23 were condemned | Nursing, has returned to her alma | toirs, 2¢ . { : 4 1e mq r lid Moun | \ 1 RY mater from Guantanamo Bay, Cu- ame manner as did Ms int Joy ! From the total of 51.508:000 1bs. | 1 * f : ¥ on i The rate : M tville 1s $2.50 | ba, rr the birth « er son The rate at Mcuntville is $250] of meat and mest products exam- | . per quarter for 7,500 gallons or] ot ALE | rr 1 | | ined, nearly 34,500 pounds had to | . . SHAG Jess. For water consumed above | Be condemned | REQUEST TO DROP CHARGES the minimum amount and charge | ——— { Tre Public Utility Commission he user w av 30 cents = . var Hh lin Heorrisburg Monday announced the user will pay 30 cents a thou- |; 0CAL CONTRACTOR INJURED | FH! mig yh sang 0 5 ge S receiving a reques to withdraw sand up to 50000 gallons. | When three trucks and a pleasure | : : Here we do things a little differ-{ _ : + | impure water charges against the > . car collided on the Harrisburg pike | ‘ 5 . ent In Mt. Joy the minimum . ma | Marietta Gravity Water Co. Forty . "one mile west of Middletown yes | Mariett : 14 charge for one spigot or outlet is | > : | Marietta residents claimec the terday, Mr. Paul A. Martin, 48, this | ey 3 €12 per vear and you can use as! is | watery was impure. J : ; place, was slightly injured. He | Bsn much water as you please You ! : | 5 tsuflered cuts on the right knee but | (Turn to Page 2) Ul : : ——— idid not require medical attention., oul in an m il ance we [Ne THIS UNSEASONABLE WEATHER | Tarn HY y a | MUST SUPPORT MOTHER | The most unseasonable weather 3 | : ne I'wo children of Mrs. Anna] prevailed here Tuesday. The ther- | Deckman, 1178. Queen St Tats ec © . [ I een ol, HAN = mometer climbed to 70 degrees, castor. were crdeved pay $21 The proposed purchase 0 a aste re rderec o pay 32] snow dr are blooming ey if | cor i 1 be SNOW i i To honey weekly each for her support. They | community ambulance will be ses and ks ‘es were - | he | cussed at eting epresent- bees anc flo Ss O dove were num | cre Benjamin Deckman, 916 N. ous ed it meetin of represe erous while many folks had doors | prince St Laneaste ode Mis | atives of hcrough civic clubs and Jit y ride » aS | frat 5 : py organizations i e Friend- and windows wide open. That's Catherine Murphy, Mt. Joy RI. { othe: erganizations: in the Frienc Ground Hog weather—in a pig's eye. initial tli ssn | ship Fir¢ H: 11 this Thursday even- — et A | ‘ ecloc TREAT FOR MUSIC LOVERS i 7:30 o'clock. we PAGE TIRE | AV , itd : f a soting as or GRASS FIRE AT MAYTOWN The 240 voice Grantham Oratorio | I'he me ting has been callec The Maytown Fire Company was |g ciety of Messiah College will the Ladies Auxiliary to the local Pp 158 n selav , . mw | "ire r ace MN ¥ I ‘Ss. summoned about 1:15 p. m. Tuesday present Mendelssohn’s “St. Paul i C ery toring fo! his wiinouish a sli ace Ry, say ~ | Irv avlor aux ary 1 ity to extinguish a slight grass fire near | in the State Education | I - Por Miter Yaa the home of Albert Derr, Maytown. | Building Forum at Harrisburg next | © airman. : Fire Chief George Waller said the nr, 3rd | Mrs. Kaylor said the Auxiliary deter- mined and it did not endanger the cause of the blaze was not Derr property. tl ee ee LEG AMPUTATION FATAL Mrs. Effie McClaren, seventy- six, who conducted a small gro- cery store at Irenville, died at the Columbia Hospital Saturday following a leg amputation. { has about $1,000 on hand toward the | but | other ———— OF ne Week's Birth Bedi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Caswell, | Church St., Florin, a son at St. Joseph’s Hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weidman, lia the Borough will be of Mt. Joy Rl, a daughter at the | observance of Washington's Birth- Columbia Hospital Sunday. vi purchase of ambulance, the an [ios ks cooperaton of [ groups in the project ll A ee RANKS CLOSED TUESDAY Tuesday, February 22, both Banks closed in NEW HISTORICAL NOVEL 3 . . | PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE | 0 u ecor HAS LANCASTER LOCALE ‘Women S Mission | ERECTION OF 2 DWELLINGS The Local News rt ary . A new book with a Pe nnsylvania | | Burgess Thomas J. B. Brown et { historical background, bv Elsie S t H Id issued permits for the erection o 'F Th P tW kl Th gh t Thi Singmaster, of Gettysburg, is one ol ocie y € a two new houses within the boro. or € as ee rou ou $ a series being published by The | Mr. Lester Hostetter will erect a E ti L alit John C. Winston Co. Phila. Chinese Supper | very modem dwelling cn the south | ery rie y 10 ntire LOC y Elsie Singmaster, who has writ- ; i | east corner of North Barbara and | | Mi Annie C. Charles at ten a number of Pennsylvania The Women's Missionary Society | Pine Streets, | Ephrata Boro Council fixed its tax | Columbia novels, gives story ¢f the Pa © Trinity Lutheran Church met in Mr. Charles €. Rovenolt, who re- |rate at 14 mills, same us last yea Err west EB. Eshleman, Columbia R1 Cermuns in ber latest work, and the Lutheran Parish House for its! cently purchased a lot of ground | A barber shop quartette may be | wed 3 n co nd 18 davs. deals principally with the Men- final mission study class on “China” on the north side of East Done- | formed at Lancaster in the very Wm. C. A. Kaufhold, 73, Columbia nonite country around Lancaster. | Tuesday evening. gal St. extending eastward from | pnesy future at the ks The author points out that these | A {feature of the evening was the ihe Mt. Joy Rogquet Ciub's Court, The Christiana Machine Co. cut Clayton Courtney, forty, of Co= plain people came to America at | SUPpPe! which featured Chinese | will erect a dwelling thereon and | work week to four days, effect- | lumbia, in the Harrisburg Hospital. the request of William Penn and foods. The menu consisted of orange | cccupy same immediately upon the |. go employees Miss Catherine E. Mvers, 170 chose the Lancaster area as their | juice, chow mien, gelatine-vegetable | completion, | John G. Conway, forty-nine of | was found dead in bed at I arietta. new homeland, because they had ! salad, pickled cantaloupe, pickles, | | My Ey a { B-town R3. was arrested for giv- Mus Buella Ruth Carson, 486, heard of a beautiful river which | De rolls, master, peach matmalads, ing two bad checks wife of Harold Carson, at Columbia. we know as the Susquehanna. ‘rice pudding, and tea. Guests found | very ing da John G. Conway. 49, E-town R3, Emma Ream Siple, 72, widow of ———— We their places by matching parts of | | was prosecuted | passing two! Joseph Siple, at Columbia Satur= Chinese proverbs, printed on red | Happened At | bad checks totaling $82.50 divs rie ews rom cardboard Table decorations con- | At a public sale north of Lan- Mrs. Katie Boyd May, seventy - 5 | sisted of red and white tapers "Fl un tl | disville Saturday an Eby grand-| four formerly of Manheim, died at The Dailies For er candle holders, and a large Or In ecen y | father’s clock sold for $730 her home ‘hear Dover floral centerpiece of red carnations, | Ladies Aid Society of the Florin | All county employees earning Mrs. Mildred Morgan, forty, Eli= din white snapdragons and hateissus, UE U. B. Church will have a dough- $3500 or less were granted a five | zahethtown R3, Tuesday afternoon Juic ca g a silver container. White napkins put sale at Town Hall on February | percent increase by the county |; St Joseph's Hospital. The stock exchanges at Balti- with the Chinese character i Hop 28th after 10:30 a. m | comnussioners Linda K. Sherick, four, died on more and Philadelphia have mer- press, in you Wl al il] | Orders will be taken up to Feb. | E 1 hs second time since Dec. | Sunday at her home at Columbia ned: [ene Jory : Hie ang oe, | 25th. Telephone any one of these 5th 2 8 ino pa, [ i wos So from She was ll The work week for Anthracite yo gh 1 x cl t { numbers and leave your order: 342- | oy on os Gn Te cual miners has heen reduced to States, and dhe wistian | py 227R4, ALIS. YY Mrs. Hester R. Chambers, 179, days. (Turn to page 6) Mr. Samuel K. Becker will sell | Elizabethtown boro purchased a} the first woman in the United y ; : : EL . ibe ach st cruiser car for the use of the police | States to receive a commercial The Reading Railroad laid off 450 his frame smith and coach shop at, | T ! employes indefinitely at its Reading ot public sale on Saturday, April 2. | department 1 1670 he contract | wireless operator license, died on shops ar Elder D. I. Pepple, Evangelist of | price was $1,586.48 Saturday in the Masonic Homes, shops: : =» |" Three Lancaster Countv Dairy | Flizabethtow Lancaster is to have a new movie | Woodbury Pa., will conduct hein id 1 ph x ‘ NE ury | Elizabethtown, A : : recede Associations ue ev. theatre in the 400 block of East fn Selecting Judges | | Evangelistic meetings in the Florin! Holst | tl Lad ke | King street Church of Brethren in March. {=o ein and the Ayrshire, elected Benj. Gochnguer The national bill 1 tars acl Members of Lancaster Bar As- | (Turn to 0 Page 8) lofficers the past week Mrs. Emma S. 83 e ation: ) or farm acci- | By ih . oo tad we 4 i S. x i y = Ry dents in the U. S. last year was al- sociation have unanimously yoted | en “ hes re . on Ne | widow of Benjamin F. Gochnauer, mest $1.000,000.000. ia support tie praposal for an au PA, POTATE COUNCH. rived whee a $300 fire desiroy- died at Hershey. is Ex-Mavor of Lancaster, Warren endment to the State Constitution | WAS FORMED ON MONDAY j ed a large : a n and « oh nts Re | (Turn to o puge T) 8) * which will be made by Pa. Bar R. L. Housman, Manheim R2, is | ed by Levi Zartman, Ephrata R Metzger, who went to Florida Sun- : 2 ay : { tl Wy, W found dead in bed there Association to the present legis | amed treasurer of the Pa. Potato os as f« a . . ‘ INI Hy H cc 01 lature in an effort to improve: the | council, a non-profit educational | COUNTY QUOTA FOR RED Fast Donegal Pupils auth 1 f Pennsylvania's | Penner of selecting judges in Pa, | which was formed on |CROSS CAMPAIGN IS 31.300 0 ennsylvanias : RAY Bye ; or 21 (0) y 1018 erop, 630 and to insure their free dom from Monday at a meeting of 27 potato | A quota cf 81,000 is the ote i Co Band Concert political influence. Thes propos-| producers. distributors and suppli- | um set for the 1949 Fund campaign | 3 " 000 bushels is still in the hands 2 © | P 5, ou | ; a of the growers. a Py pid 5 ers in Harrisburg. : jo the Lanession Sineriean Three new students were selected The City of Lebanon hired an ex- ih on re a 1 Jog Shree Purpose of the council, the De- ey Cross, WK : Ae i ig to membership in the Donegal pert at $100 per day and expenses wou lave to. approy partment of Agriculture said, jg an continues throughout March | Chapter of the National Honor A Tvs | study tho smoke and by the 1951 legislature, and then! 4, promote wider use of potat es | 21st. | Society. They were inducted at nis hs 4g j submitted to the voters of the generally and to advance consumer | In’ announcing the goal, David F.| 4 held Friday afternoon dust problem pre I State. William C. Rehm, presi- | of Pa. grown potatoes, | Chambers, Jr. general fund chair- | February 11 They were: Wilma The Lancaster County : WENT dent of the local Bar Association | jy means of improved production, | man, also declared the appoint- | Jane Dommel of the senior class forcement officers held their annual}. 5 a AT : | . | J ) of the senior class Home, M: in Lancaster County, has recently | and methods. | ment of Darius H. Delbo as theland Dorothy Sperla and Marion banquet at the Legion Home, Man=1 i (eq additional members of a a | county chairman for the drive. | Ney of the junior class Mr heim Monday with a record attend- committee of lawyers and laymen | { The county's quota in the cam- | Clarence Ebersole of the McCaskey ance 4 © > y mi | Ion is | 1 . : " 1 4 mee. = throughout the county to furnish | Personal Mention | paign is $31,300 | High School Faculty spoke at the informaticn in their respective | Tey | installation service. Other mem- ABNER G. BRANDT BUYS communities concerning the pro= | Messrs. Roy Breneman and Roy [bers of the National Honor Society TH y Te SKY Fi I : os te : sev) -. rir 1 | ING i & - A THE Wi ALTER BRO} 4 y FARM > posed judici ou reform [2 residents of Rapho town Lady Autoist sea nei are Gloria Fisher, Alice Doles, Abner G. Brandt, E-town R2, Anna G. Hicks, of Maytown, has |ship east of town, have gone on a ' Hazel Miller, Jay Wolgemuth, Jan= paid $10.89 for a 121 acre sand- | heen appointed to the committee ey to Florida and other points * When Her Dar Skidded et McKain and. Jetty Heinamen stone farm, partly in Lebanon and|,q 4 representative of Women’s or- | interest thruout the South. | { The following students from the Lancaster counties, located ivy ganizations. re et ee | twenty year old I andisville | East Donegal High School Band between Mastersonville i x De [PETA AT DINNER |! 3 Thursday escaved injury when | will participate in County Band brook, it public sale held by Val- | HOSPITAL AUXILIARIES | Ir. and Mrs Clarence Gruber of | a car she was driving skidded in| Concert, to be rendered at Mt. ter W. Brosey, Manheim a nn | MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS i town, entertained at dinner at the ir| front of a tractor-trailer on the ! Joy on April 2nd Anita Swords, Thurday is oy Te The East Petersburg Auxiliary {home on Sunday, February 6th | Harrisburg Pike, gbout a half | Hazel Crankshaw, Lilly Ann Grei- acres are pasture a ro and donated a $500 linen marking ma- | The guests included Mr. and Mrs. | mile west of Lancaster Friday | der, Paul Was Lawrence Wea- Iimprovemonts I . ih 2 chine and the Millersville Auxiliary Charles Z. Derr, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin | evening. ver and Mary Jane Graybill, Mr. Fons Tame Dro ptf ANE Lan electric cutting machine costing | Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ul- According to Pvt. John W. | Morrell Shields is director of the | . water bowls or i : Far : ‘ 4 barn: Wy : pe. w oh Gn $225 to the Lancaster General Hos- {rich and daughters, Sandy Jean and | Wagaman, of the State Police, Miss | Last Donegal High School Band. eretod stable fon! stable, as pital. Up to this time the work Was | peggy Louise. of Elizabethtown, | Geraldine Kline, 20, Landisville rem ees SES Seer hicke ouse, milk se; cellar Se = ! | 1 i | i n hss ! ils house rr i done by hand. Mrs. Katie Drace, Miss Amanda | Was attempting to pass the truck | . and scaffolding for live acres Ol ns en | { ] sao hy} | Drace, Jeanette and Kathleen Gru- and her car ran onto the left Child Hurt When tobacco A LAW SUIT STARTED lh shoulder of the highway In an i WP — er. | | Summons in trespass: Edwin Ke- | ee | attempt to get back on the road, | D 0 fi n Records of ener, Mary Keener, Colebrook. | AUTOISTS LOSE LICENSES she lost control. uto oor pens | 0 ie 10 Lebanon County, vs. Robert D. Last week the State revoked the The State Policeman said the Sharon Auker, four, daughter of | Campbell, 3300 Aldine St, Phila- | privileges of sixty-one | truck driver, James D. Weaver, 28, | vr, d Mrs. Irvin Auker, Man- Local Holstein Herds delphia and T. Kraybill Miller, of motorists, only two of which were | Florin, saw the car go out of c {reir 1 R2. suffered lacerations of the Bainbridge RI. | from this section. They were | trol and swerved the truck in an}... and concussion when she fell For the second consecutive time, ee [Lester L. Brosey, Manheim R2, | effort to avcid hitting it How- fron. a moving auto: Jon Chickies the title of Cow-cf-the-Month was | AT NATIONAL CONVENTION | reckless driving and Charles R.|ever, the car skidded in front of Hill, between Cclumbia and Mari . : . mn < | ' € ween ( L dad od ari won by Red Rose Freda, register- 1 IN PHILA. THIS WEEK { Charleston, E-town Rl, failure to{the truck. Damage to the car} .. gunda She was i i 3 y ‘ . oi. Leis Vol 4 | : SEE | etta \ afte ( She as ed Holstein owned by the 3a On Sunday Feb. 13, Mr. and Mrs. yield the right of way. | wag estimated at about $250 {ire ted bv Dr. Henry D. Lawrence Rose Experimental Farms, Lancas- | Jay G. Eicherly, Patricia J. Kep- OY Are | EI |... Mariett: 1 Iat Imitted t - Ni. 4 Ns bs i 4 i { Of 11 1 anda later adm 0 ter R5 | ple, Gene Eicherly and Cyrus | RUSSIA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE | st Joseph's Hospital The highest herd average for |Gainer attended the National Conr A Boeing XB-47 Strato-jet bom- | I p i atur ay | Th 's father i the door . . . R Lg girl's ine sald 00 the month was won by Ivan G.|vention at Convention Hall in|per flew from Moses Lake Air | | swung open after she grabbed the Martin, Ephrata Rl and Tobias D. | Philadelphia, of the National In-| Base in Washington, to Andrews | Er th her to the herd, Lancaster RT was | stitute of Cleaning and Dyeing. | Air Force Base in Maryland, the |} | : of : : L : ’ | road runnerup. This was the 40th convention of | jength of the United States in | oe — Among the herds averaging more [its kind with exhibits from all the | three hours and forty-six minutes. EARNED DEAN'S LIST RATINGS than 35 lbs. of butter fat were: | leading allied trades. My. Jay - i wt vr reer Fh - i. hi : Joy aE re Early i Philadel, AT ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE Henry M. Hess, Moun Joy + | G. Eicherly remained in wladel- | HIKE IN GASOLINE AND I dent attending : : COU rea students atien registered Holstein 1286; 449; | phia to attend the lectures for DRINKS TAX Elizabethtown College have rn : Fig i ° o_ . { alll Wil < : Se and Roy W. Gibble, Mt. Joy R2 | membe: plants Feb. 13-16 The House Tuesday supported | dean's list ratings for the first sem 1s wed ( » S 28 36 - 09-4 Geren . : : : : 3 = registered Holsteins, 1128; 364. [Governor Duff and voted for an in- ester. They include J. Earl Musser ll ui sser, . ’ crease in gas tax from 4 to 5 cents | senior: Marv Hess and Ray S Tw FORCE a st , Mar S§ ay Sny=- MARIETTA'S POLICE FORCE School Districts per gallon. It also voted in favor der, juniors: and Ben Hess, fresh- “PINCH” MANY MOTORISTS of continuing the soft drink tax. man The police force at Marietta is St t All t t mu ml certainly on the job, having prcse- a € 0 men S CARD PARTY FEB. 24 BETTER GET THAT LICENSE | cuted seventeen motorists within Auditor General G. Harold Wag- The American Legion Auxiliary A drive against unlicensed dogs / } gs | one week. Among them were | ner has approved payments to 42 | will hold a card party at the Le- is being made thruout the county. these from this locality: Abram | cho] districts in Lancaster Coun- | gion Home on Thursday, Feb. 24th. | This week the agents are working { Le Gish, E-town Rl, driving 00 ty. The funds come out of the | Bridge, Pinochle and 500 will be | A. D. GARBER in Manheim and vicinity. Yester- | fast for conditions; obert sppropriation for the transporta- | played with two prizes to each | Saturday, February 19, Arthur D.] day seven owners were prosecuted | Bentzel, this boro, ignoring stop | tion reimbursement. | table. | Garber, retired, of Florin, will cele~- a | sign; Raymond A. Pourde, East Local districts and the amount | Mi | brate his seventy-eighth birthday. | RELIEF ROLLS GROWING [ Donegal, illegal parking; Russell | cach will receive follow: | UNDERTAKER AT HOSPITAL EE RNY We Ninety-nine persons were added |W. Bretz, Florin, illegal parking. Conoy Twp., $1,707.68; East Don-| Mr. Roy B. Sheetz, one of our ATTENDED STOCK SALES to the State’s public assistance { SY Wi ————— egal Twp, $6,489.96; East Hemp- |local morticians, was removed to| Mr. Harvey Rettew, Rapho Twp, | rolls at Lancaster duging January ROUTE NUMBER CHANGED field Twp, $5881.93; Mt. Joy Twp, | the General Hospital at Lancaster | manager of pedigreed stock sales | The increase in money was $4,226. The address of G. Graybill Bruck- | $3,574.04; Rapho Twp, $4,868.27; | on Saturday afternoon. He is suf- | attended the Amacana sale of the mmm hart has been changed from Man-| West Donegal Twp. $484.44; West | fering from an infected leg caused | registered Holsteins held at Water-| Today there are 286 cases of . . | jheim R1 to Manheim R3 Hempfield Twp. $1576.69. | by a bruise some time ago | bury, Conn, recently. measles in the county, 1 A ———