The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 10, 1949, Image 3

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Mount Joy, Pa.
Wagner, Prop.

It's just one of the big outstanding fe
STEINHORST improved lid design provides maximum insulation
ot the one point in all farm-home freezers where cold is mos: apt
to leak out and warm air seep in.
aivres found in

With STEINHORST construction you get a thick wall of protectec
wood around the inside of the lid. Not the ordinary band of metal
or composition that conducts heat in and cold out. Actual
under like conditions have proved that with STEINHORST consfsuc-
tion, the temperature at the base of the lid is 8° colder than wiih
conventional construciicn.,
Yee. for the FEest in Form - Home
s in safe, dependable

limited amount «

pioneer of the freezer industry, STEIN.
HORST Farm-Home
years of skill and
hem. You get all the “newest”
that have been tested and proved! Ask us for the
name of your nearest dealer.

® Send for our latest pamphlet which illustrates and describes our
three models. Wo will also send you a booklet on the preparation
of foods for your freezer, Both are free, Write:
J.B. Hostetter & Sons.
s MT. JOY, PA.

W. Main St.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 1949 ~ 11:30 A.M.
One mile east of Elizabethtown Celiege, close to Ridge
out College avenue, Elizabethtown, continuing about
Bunch of Sucking Pigs and Shoeats
Born and raised on this farm


Farming Implements
vators (good conditien).
TRACTOR, equipped with Hydraulic Lif:
pression engine; just overhauled.

ter and Lichts;
2 and Cultivators,

Colt” a SR CON NCCC) er
John Deere Cultivator to
Loader, used 3 years, fits John Deere A
(rubber-tired), used 3
Transplanter, used to plant
12-disec Grain Drill with Iex
Harris Manure Spreader, :
McCormick-Deering Corn Picker, No
ter Hay Rake, used 2-
Wagons: David Bradley
Ladder Wagon, Disc


Feeders, Troughs, Watere '

Buichering Tools, Iron

Maytag Washing Machine, L:vo
chine, Washstands, ¢
Couch, Living Room
and numerous other articles not
Sale to commence at
conditions will be made known
DUPES AND HESS, Auctioneers



rm vg LEED
fiona condition-
iy tormulatea from

"Qur reliance is in the

vs : i
ch God has planted in us.
Our defense is in the

tehman’s Flour Mills
nas, every
all men, in a
This bank will not be open for business
Birthday, February 12ih
Monday thru Saturday
Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to 8 |
Closed Sundays
Breyers Ice Cream

implements, some household goods ening with Mr. and Mrs. K. Frank-| The Bulletin.
the present dav demand 1 ¢ J Soho
sll tes such : Bag, Oly elo Sale Register No I cy der. A
Mrs. Rosy Gephart of Mount Jo¥| Hempfield Twp.
Mr. and
High School, in
Sunday with
It it 1 Thursday, March 10 In Manor/SPENt Mrs. |p andisville, will have their photo-
y y § ) your sale |, : p . Cle \
you wan, 2 No Fen I'wp., 1 mile south of Mountville, Schoelkope. [graphs featured in this year's pub-
inserted in this register weekly |, ming implements and household] The Ladies Aid Society held their| of “The Epilogue” yearbook.
P. Stoner. Sale
Funk, Auct.
from now until day of sale. ABSO-
LUTELY FREE, send or phone
you are
by Mrs. Susie
12:30 p.m. Edgar F.

us | at
your sale date and when
That’ Friday, March 11 ,On the Ger-
ready let us pri sour bills, That's : y
Foray let us print your o ald Hiestand farm, 1-4 mile east
the cheapest advertisingyou can get | Marietta, just north of the

- Viarietta \ 0 3% ig ay. ys
| Mariett: and Lancaster Highway. Earl Geltmacher and family Sunday|compete in the finals.
February. 12 A farm Entire herd of Registered Holstein —— br — — ey ;
re old Twp., a | cattle representing some of the The eight finalists are: Jeanie
n si noniie ).,, ON Ne 1 . - ; : 0
n I 2 { er ni v I ; Lan. | Pest cow families in Canada, farm- U N GA Robertson, Lois Housman, Elaine
oad from Mechanicsburg ) An=- : re “i i |
disville, 7661 P. of land Stone ing implements and some household 3 Gingrich, Arlene Meckley, Jean
dwelling, frame barn. Tobacco shed > Harold Schatz. Dupes, Auet. en Forney, Shirley Brubaker, Ruth |
rage, other buildings, household : . . : Shuman and Marty Ann Cope
uture by Irene Bender, Execu- Saturday, March 12 In Manor; The Mothers Club held its regu-| The f } pe
1 € € > ‘ a er ree N Bie 1a ‘ 1e rv We are » Vy -
trix of the Wil! of Anna E. G. Steh- | Twp. East of Creswell, k lar monthly meeting on Monday : Jueens dare 10 ve 8
: hig y hi formin nplements, anc ouse 1 : : . ete a | agence
an. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Elmer V. | Ta | im and h ne hole evening in the Maple Grove Schoo) ected hy A mode] Agency
Srnl Auctioneer 00( yy Christ Frey, Sale at x y Identities of the winners will he
yah Aucltioneel Y Moar HS with twenty-eignt members and
12:50 p. m. Edgar Funk, Auct. : i : : ]
: ; kept secret until publication of the
friends present i took
Anesda obruat 6 Oni TWh ‘ 1 .3 ~ . a yearbook.
v ty, February 1 } Saturday, M rch 12, in the vil- The Club voted contributions of tian ll Uli
nile east of Elizabethtown we of Florin, household goods by ;
' ‘russel 1 “I Al & $500 to the March of Dimes and
closeto Ridge Road, live by Chirstinn Melhorn. C. 8. Rh ¥ »
ing implements, & household goods | | ank Auci Heart Haven. Mrs, Moss read a St Jose h S Hos ital
by J. Harold Forwood. Dupes and - - ecripture selection and Mr. Gustaf .
less. Aucts. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, On the road|Malmborg showed slides cn the (From page 6)
he N ett: like : :
Sat n Rh ie re Pires 0 Masonic Home Gardens and on|caster realize that an over-crowd-
\ 0 Ore 1e n Bridge, live-| : 'e ;
Wednesday, 1 b. 16 n the pz rupley nd Sweden. ed, over-aged St. Joseph's Hospit-
mises, in Mano Township, 1 mile ie I eo a ie iy : . al is as much a problem to us as
Southeast of Mill: rsville, 2 mil i a 100 = The hostesses of the eveninglj i ¢, city residents, especially
uth of Central Manor, livestock y 408 : Re Hh were Mrs. Clarence Mowery, it is understood the proposed
and implements by Raymond P or ~~ [tvie Newcomer and Mrs. J. Anew building will contain a psy-
Henry. Edgar Funk, Auct Wednesday, March 16 Be- NeWoomer [chiatric unit for the short-term
iween Hessdale . and St asburg,| bie care of curable mental illnesses and
Wed lay, February, 23 On the known as the Dieter farm, live-| The men of the Church Schoollisolation facilities for the care of
he 0A is Da iste Sa CR nd farming imple ments J (have planned a special Patriotic! © niagious diseases, neither ol
premises on Donegal Springs 1 Harry W. Gentzler, Sale at 12:30 which are present in our local hos-
one-half mile West of Mount Joy, | 1m Edgar Funk, Auct.
k and implements, by Ralph H.

Musser. Walter Dupes, Auct. Thu sday, March 17 In Manor
sane Twp., one mile north of Highville,
Thursday, Feb. 24—-In Manor | and one mile east of Creswell.
Twp., one mile east of Mountvilie, estock and implements by Aavon
one-half mile south of Lincoln aieblv Sale at 12:30 p. m
at Hershey's Mill, farm- | Edgar Funk, Auct.
"rid March 18, In W. Hemp-
field Twp.. on the road from Sal-
implements & household goods
Catharine Hershey Pickle. Sale
at 12:30 p.m. Edgar Funk, auct.

? un to Silver Spring, one fourth
Friday, Feb. 25—In East Donegal | mile south of Salunga, farming im-|
Township, a fine farm of 97 acres, | plements and household goods by
1, mile off the Marietta-Maytown | Joh: H. Groff Estate. Walter, formerly known as Kane's| Duy Auct, Sale at 6:30 p. m.
Dairy farm, 9-room brick house -- ar
dairy barn, 2-stoi poultry houses Friday Maich 18 In West|
and other farm buildings. Sale to be | Hempfield Twp,. on the premises on


Auct | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore Sunday.
Wednesday, March 9, On the
| Cameron farm, at Donegal Springs, |
sick list.
nesday evening,
[Service on Sunday
College will speak on “The Relig-|

ent at the home of the bride. )

| Mr. Danie! Geltmacher is on the|
Burton Bowers of Couders-| FEATUURE 4 BEAUTY QUEENS
regular monthly meeting at the Four candidates were selected
home of Grace Geltmacher on Wed-| fro each class by vote of
classmates, These sixteen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoppard of| peared in a contest before the as-
Lance. R. D., Mr.
visited and Mrs. sembly and eight were selected to
to be held in|. rs Bo
3 vitals. In addition, the 70 addition-
Church. Dr. a] beds which will be provided by
professor Fmeritus|the new ‘hospital will take much
Marshall| of the burden from the shoulders
{of all the over crowded hospitals in
the vicinity.
Salunga Methodist
H. M. J. Kline,
of History, Franklin and
iuos Significance of the Lives of| Within a short time, all the
Lincoln and Washington.” Others| people who live and work in this
to have part ave: Miss Alice ore will be asked for their share
yt op mn th's co ity ive i
(Strickler, Supt, Howard Peifer, t community du ive. I appeal
Norte: Hear N to all of you to ‘give generously
Norman James eweomer, and thoughtfully with the idea in
James FEnterline, Richard Peifer|mind that inadequate hospital fac-
fand Ralph ‘Myers, J. Special | 1lities as they are present today
{in Lancaster County represent the
most vital problem of our day.”
| The fcllowine chairmen have
[volunteered to head up the team
workers in their communities. J.
SVI L L i | M. Mustard, 21 Chairman
{for Manor Twp.
music will be rendered during the


4-door beautiful original black, ra=
| dio,
new seat covers, 2 new tires, new
battery, exceptionally clean, perfect
their |
Mount Joy, Pa.
JOY COAL: Nut, Stove and Egg,
Pea, Buckwheat, Rice, Walter Derr,
230 West Main Street, Mount Joy,
and one does the work so the other

house to garage, farm house to barn
or dairy, office to stock room, ete.
Set is new, never
Anyone can install in a jiffy. Price
Apply the Bulletin, Mt. Joy. 1-6-tf
m. on March
and specifications on which propos-
als must be submitted, may be ob-
secretary, Lloyd Risser,
town, R. D. 3.
Street, Mt. Joy,

held at the office of Randolph C. the road leading from Salunea tol
Ryder, Esquire, 29 W. Main St., Mt. Silver Spring, farming imvlements me LO Ty ar Abram Herr,
Jov at 2 p. m by Maud E. Moyer, et | and household goods by Mrs. John! i Lancaster Twp.. Mrs. J.
ob Eduar Punk. Aue! H. Groff. Sale at 6:30 p.m. Walter] Dr Clyde W. Meadows, pastor ofits J. M. Newcomer
x >: . | n rer m. R. R 300
nan Dupes, Auct. the King Street Evangelical U. Bp Boversiown 1, BR Rand J
. . op x r . : 26 Cha
Saturday, February 26 In West Church, Chambersburg was gente Flizabethtown, Mrs. P. Ulrich
Hempfic Id T'wp., 1 mile north of Saturday, March 19 - On fhe| speaker at the Christian Endeavor|Chairman; W. Donegal - Twp., I.
Mountville, on the road called High | premises in Mt. Jov Fwp. n wrth=| woo Rally Saturday evening in|Shank; and Mt. Joy Twp, M. Eb-
Street, a 1% story frame dwelling, | cast of the Lane. Co. Farm Diner, eo erly.
barn, hog sty, corn crib, also pe: known the John Newcomer | the Landisville Church of God. | ——— —— eee
onal property by HarveySchlosman | fin 24 head of livestock and also|The rally was sponsored by the! Rueryboldy ends news but
Administrator of Samuel Getz, de farming implements by Ira K.ifancaster County Christian En-| VEL] > ads newspapers bu
ceased. Sale at 2 p.m. Edgar Funk | Newcomer Sale at 12 m. Wal- Uhm * The Vir NOT everybody reads circular ad.
Auctioneer ter Dupes, Auct i : | vertising left on their door step.
oa. Meadows is a member of the ex- a.
Tuesday, March 1 On the Satur March 26. In Millers-|€cutive ccmmittee of the Inter-
prem] n East Donegal Twp. 01 16 West Frederick St, national Society .of Christian En-| SSIFIED
th Ja Carman farm between 10 by 210 ft. with 1-2 story| deavor and : smbor 0 : a
fo ny A i ooh |) ik house, Hot Als Autormato/ocavor on a Ot hel Rates for this column are 25e per
: le from Florin i vost k, in Oil Burne ilso household poods|” ard of directors of the Pa. C. E. nsertion. If over five lines, 5c per
ohe my om rior, eS oc, py Alice ] Ney Goin 19.00 Union. 'ine each insertion, all payable in
p'ements and hous 1d woods by rH I rey Sale at 1g:30 pay
Levi Kopp. F. B. Aldinger, Auect p.m Funk, Auct The program included special advance. =
Sr en Ce moor, |musie by Miss Beatrice Weaver of OYSTERS & CLAMS: Chincoteague
Wednesday. March 2—Along the iturcav, March 26, Tn te and the chorus of and clams at Joe and Tim
Marita and Bainbridge road, on [7p of Lorn household uo 45 bvip oop church |Schrolls, 33-35 Detwiler Ave. Mt.
Th Berl Ts > i SH] NI executor of the Fa- Fel. [ 997 ET
he Shenk arm, near Rowenna, liv ate of M Lizzie B. Missly C A somi-formal Valentine dante Joy. Phone 227-R. 2-10-41
stock and iraplen by Lowig J 1 A ' ‘ : | i
Arnoli. Sale at 1:08 pa Walt i \u will be held on Saturday evening, I will not be responsible
ras Autre : rm Feb. 12th at E. Hempfield Highl|for any bills contracted by anyone
Dupe Auct ai I ) x. a
Saturda M rch 26 Tn the School Auditorium from 8 to 11/other than myself. John K. Wagner.
oi iy 5 M : onzh of Millersville. en Freder 2-10-1tp
a Wednesday March 2 In anot I » 1-2 storv brick ‘house m. a
wp ( ( harleston read, 2Va |g II convenient garage HT YN WE FOR SALE: Sink Cupboard and top
mi ol Mountville, ‘snes 1 f ne of household A cabinet 64 in. long and 89 in. high,
t of W hin ton Bx ro, 17 heard Alice Frey Sale 12:00 p RH E EMS inlaid lincleum cupboard, Brass
i fat ste T8, cag muie, mj k cow I unk, Auct hot and cold water jaucets. Daniel
Save with plas, 38 stows Palen en Peifer, 103 W. Donegal St. 2-10-1tp
nina noo buh) egnorn \ hing A n ———————————————————————————————
y \ 0 Li eetl The Ladies Aldi Society
ton ond other te a 1 pi n V n tr I'he Ladies’ Aid Society of the | pHOTO ENLARGERS: $20.20 up.
lori Y h & c¢ } F
bv R. Clenn Ranch Sale at 12 M Hl 10 Ls | 1¢ nith «¢ coacaleal church mel in the sewing room I eveloping sets $3.95 - $7.50. Pap-
Edear Funk, auct | And aif 1o0's, repr paris the church on Tuesday with 1210, "chemicals. Trimmers, Flash
- - y imuel Becker. Walter Dupes, | members present. lamps, Supplies, Free folder on
3 ; 9!
Thursday. March 3 In M Mr. Elmer Hoover of this place night snapshots. Victor Klahr's
or Two. on Who Charleston. voad - - and Mr. Galen Horner and Mr. Shop with the big stock.
3 miles northwest of Millersville | Good Friday Abril 15. at Landis, of Elizabethtown and| Middletown 2-17-1t
o A mit af Mi Jo annual [M Frank Payne of Harrisburg
and 2 1 ni wast of Mount } nnu 2 x J en 3 ArT . :
ville formin i Wi ie - d immunity sale of 200 head live-|spent last Thursday in Milwaukee.| SEE THE NEW MAGAZINE 16
nu : i 1 : ns b toc) achinery fruit furniture, Wis., on business. m. m. Keystone Movie Camera
Chorle G4! ti 19% 5 "nr Bd by C. 8S. Fran} Mr. and Mrs. Menno Reinhold] $122.50 Regular type $74.50 -8 nm,
un Auct Ta. rg have moved into the home of Mr. $49 up. First at Victor Klahr's
ids Son Yai 5 es Little Camera Shop with the big
. Benj. Reinhold, last week. : .
NT } Yims stock Middletown. 2-25-11
Thursday, March 3—In W, Hemp- Mr. John Walmer of > ~<a
field Twp.. formeriv the J. F. Was- Le town, a former resident of this place [USED CAMERA BARGAINS: Ko-
er farm at Silver Spring, 6 cows, 2 Ye , died in the St. Joseph's hospital In| dak Duaflex with flash new price
Ye ! ’ Recently Mrs Roymond Arndt aster Monday. F snl Services vo :
hulls, young heifers, farming im- : , | -ancaster J onday, runeral services|§16.4], Now $13.50. Flash Clinner
nlements and some household goods | SPN several deys in New York - ill be held Thursday ai outfit, new $2249 - $14.95
hv Clavion I. Diffenderfer. Sale at) Clty visiting with Mr. and M hurch near Deodate, with inter-|Zeiss Ikonta B. was $81.00 - Now
1:00 p.m. Henry Snavely, Auct Franklin Miller ment in the adjoining cemetery. [$49.00 all like new. Victor Klahr
er Elizabeth. and ah and Mrs. Elmer i ver were Camera Shop, Middletown. 2-10-1t
as Ty on Ta = : Sunday dinner guests with Rev. and| —
Thursday. March 3 Rast Don- | pes Vis | or : [ :
Hii 1 y bh 2 In a E ts Peter Hitcheock Mi of Detroit, pfrs. Abram Eshelman. Other guests FOR SALE: Man's hockey skates
for on 3 eh oF M : an Mich. are uests of Rev. andlwere Mr. and Mrs. John Groff and(and shoes, size 9. Telephone 98-J
the IT. ox Siri low Qu ww | M R. H. Arndt laughters of Marietta, Mr. and Murs.[Mount Joy. 2-B-tf
BY iy RS vodewtlv. | ith|George Bowers and sons, of Mt. Joy.| EE —
ry. 11 head of cows, 1 Bull farming Ferson:s ecentl visiting with Mr and re Jorn ra pur |GIRL WANTED: For general office
mp! ments by Eu ene R. Wagner, | Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt and hased the John C Yorshes proper-| Work, typewriting not essential. Ap-
ie at 12:30 p.m. Welter Wire, Annie Risser were: Mr. andlty which was sold at public sale onlv by letter to Box 85. care
Auct x i ee Rh The sti Pe ~3etf
8 La | Mrs. North Arbogast and son Mn. Hershey occupied the The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. 2-3«tf
Pridov. March 4 On the Gather Karl, of Sunbury Mary Hoffman ome or 38 Your i re [FOR SALE: Walnut dining room
farm, alon Route 230. between | 0f Grantham; Miriam Mellinger, Cn : a 21D i of } avle able, 4 chairs, China closet. double
Florin and Rheems, opposite the | Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Hoffer, of ne nen the Gib BG a } Xe} pedestal, dark oak desk. Call 347-R
Clearview Diner, live stock, imple- | Mt, Joy: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mel- Mmothiel, as 8 ole ol jpnauire 100 Columbia Avenue,
ments and household acods bv Ira|,. ~~ © Ny 3. [Mzunt Joy. 2-3-3t
OO. Heller Walter Dune AGC linger and son, Glen, Mi Susan - . i a et er ———
“ale at 12:30 p. m, Campbell and daughters Patricia Wf ddin Th WANTED. 4 or 6 rooms in Mt. Joy.
dl | and Beverly of Lancaster, Rev. &/| * € S ruou |Phone 177-M. Mt. Joy. 229 E. Main
‘ n ~ . |S 7 2.3.
Saturday, March 5 In Manor | Mrs. John Mariin of Lancaster. (From Page 1) St., Mount Joy. 2-3-1
Tw 0 » Blue Rock Road, 2 m loess \ 1 : GD : : A
Tue the § ia Role 3 Bore The Newtown Church is plan-|ring ceremony. FOR SALE: 10-piece dining room
niles. West of o | ning a special week of services vite, onteide nub'ic address system
miles southwest of Mountville, 28 | during Holy Week from Psalm|Nancy M. Ellis [reasonable; Boy bicycle, 2 Posts
milk cows, bulls and forming im- | Sunday to Easter Sunday, the S. Shupp Boy's joe skates. Nike new. Apply A
by Frank= N. Borlev. | » . i : : [West Donegal St., Mount Joy.
dale ot 10300 ws Ed Funk. | YP irl Buckwalter of Marietta) Miss Nancy M. Ellis, daughter of 2.3-f
1 at zo p. m. gal nic, ee 3 its aon . | -
Auct will be scng director Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis, 235 Marietta] =
Mr. and DM Giles Urban of|Ave., became the bride of Burton g |FOR SALE: Boy st in ove revat with
m A Wr Mbt er AM ee : (quilted lining, Size 8. Very good
kk lay, : M eh | N nhe im Holtwcod visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy son of Mr. and Mrs. B. leondition. Price $5.00. Call Mount
Ia ; e ; ae oh gh nN | Urban and Mrs. William Haines on Shupp, 333 Marietta Ave., on Satur-/Joy 91R3. 1-20-tf
ef le anaisville, o 18} es fi
: : Sunday. day, February 5, at 2: .m. a |
farm known the Aaron ] Long 1H) . or Wy, Feb 5, at 2:00 p mn in the [TYPEWRITERS & ADD. MACH'S
farm. 32 head Hol te in and Guern- Mis. Abram Gamber visited Mrs. Episcopal Church at Bel Air, Mary- |New-rebuilt-used. J. M. Engle, 411
sey 1 IWS, i: Kk bulls, I Hauser and Miss Louise Rhoads on/lard. The Rev. Pearson H. Sloan/E. High, Elizabethtown 14J. 4-8-tf
mniements mnlemente will he | o \r we 4 a . |
cold bv Dorothy L. Rudy, cows by | Sunday: : i _ |officiated at the single ring yNTERESTED in selling your
F lgor F. Funk, auct., Campbell and | Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winters vis-/mony. |car—See—Ben Staley or call 163R2,
Gamber. Sale st 12:30 p. m ited Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber| The bride chose a street lenghth|Mount Joy. 5-9-tf
- - — on S lay dress o ree rl i
Twn, on the Blue Rock Bad, 1-2] FT 2nC Mus Jay = andgoid thread, white woo) hat and & ;
mile west of Millersville. Farmine | daughter, Mary Arlene, Ruth Anna|gardenia corsage. | »)
‘mplements and househ 1d goods | and Ella Shirk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry| After several days in Baltimore] OUR WANT =
hv John and Bertha Hoffmaster. Beamenderfer of Mount Joy visited|the couple will reside for the rind /
Sale at 12:30 p. m. Edgar Funk, Pp AD A =
1 but they get

Vi. Joy. Pa., Thursday, February 10, 1919—3
1940 Buick,
fog lights,
heater, defroster,

NOTICE: To the Tax Payers of Mt.
Joy Township.
pet for the year 1949 has been pre=
The Proposed Bud-
pared and will be available for
public inspection for twenty (20)
days beginning February 7, 1949.
Lloyd L. Risser, Sec’y. 2-10-1t

FOR SALE: Stoves, Heatrolas, will
[also buy
femall lots, or truck load. Guy D.
Spittler, Phone 101-R Mt. Joy, Pa.
kinds of scrap iron.
locust or oak,
stove wood,
112 Rats reported killed can STAR.
animals. Also “STAR”
Hostetter’s Hardware,

Pa. S.5-tf
GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7’, 8x8,
10'x10°, 12'x12’. In stock for im=
mediate delivery. Automatic electrio
overhead door operators. Controlled
from the dash of your car. Also a
lot of commercial and pivoted steel
sash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy,
Pa. Phone 145. 4-17-t1

purchased 2
is for sale. You can hold a two way
without the use of
additional. Talk from
been unpacked.
about half the original cost.

inous material and clean crushed
limestone, will be received until
6:00 p. m. March 4, 1949 by the
Supervisors of Mt. Joy Twp., Lan-
caster County, Penna. and will be
publicly opened and read during
their meeting to be held at 10:00 a.
5, 1949. Proposal Forms
tained at the home of the Township

Under Middle age, employed
ularly at farm work.
Phone Mount Joy 905R-6

candy, 85c¢, $1.50, $1.75, $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00 and $5.00 up to $50.00. Valen-
tines for Children and Grown-ups.
Kulp’s Luncheonette, 18 W. Main

sight exposure roll developed and
printed plain or deckle edge, 25a
{coin). Reprints 3¢ each. Minimum
order 25c¢. Capital City Photo Ser-
vice, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa. 2/15/t{
Apples for eating & cooking. Stay-
man, Smokehouse, Grimes, MacIn-
tosh, York and Delicious. Also Par-
adise for sweet snitz, $1.25 to $2.00.
Vinegar 50c a gal. Fairview Or-
chards, Mrs Katharine Snyder,
Florin, Pa. 2-3-2tp
WANTED: General Handy Man, be-
tween age of 25 & 50. Full time em-
ployment thruout the vear. Lawn
and garden work. Should be able to
drive an automobile. Location in
country near town. State wages ex-
pected. S. Nissly Gingrich, 12 So.
Duke Street, Lancaster. Telephone
8296 Lanc. 1-27-4t
Continue to feed 100 ordinary birds
when approximately 80 Pedigreed
Musser-Bred Leghorns, lay just as
many eggs. Thirty years of breed«
ing on our own farms have des
veloped chicks which are extremes
and are at the
resistant to all
of this area

ly heavy layers
same time highly
the poultry diseases
Learn more about these
Write today for prices and your
free copy of Musser’s colorful 1944
“Chick News.”
edition of
Musser Leghorn Farms
Phone 905-R-6 Mt. Joy, Pa,

Estate of Paul S. Frank, also
known at Paul W. Frank, late of
Fast Donegal Township, deceased.
Letters of administration on
said estate having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebt-
ed thereto are requested to make
immediate payment, and those hav-
ing claims or demands against the
same, will present them without
delay for settlement to the under-
Florin, Pa.

Wm, C. Rehm, Esq.

15 niles so Roce 3. er
oh ou, Mit : a od tock | port, Potter Co., spent Monday ev-| Four beauty queens of East 2a
S ir Mt) Joy, Ny FT
5 f
\ ( \ f
in ¥ L LS
in Ol i nn ha \ - iin cha pin ogre
Marshall 'M. Cshen Esq. 1{13-6t