The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa. Thursday, February 10, he E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 (= re sons in Pul | Every Thursday at No. | teacher, Main St.,, Mount Joy, Pa. take experiencd, is a har! in a short time. I years of will ———— peace in which to Ss tion, per. year .. $2.00 chiain such knowledge of mature S NS $1.00 thinking. 1 fonths .... 0000s 60 | A good sign for our youthful Si ODES 03 | executives, is the way older men. Lopes tes Shiai FREE | c€rving leng in public offices, wel- | at the PostoMce at Mi. come them. Many of these men Toy 2 second-class mail mat- have grown tired of the burden of ter the Act of March 3, 1879. | Public guidance, zre glad to rve- A : ETT Newspiper | linguish the duties to capable bl shers’ Assocation | young reople. Any of us who aaa are civie minded, want our locality Ss | tro progress in a conservative man- E i ) | T 0 R1 AL ner. Not too conservative to i stifle us, however. It doesn't fol- {low that youth in its freshness, its fae: arance good busi- | * xuberance, 0 3 1S never a can't be conservative. nes: until it makes a friend. | May these yung peop'e have the 00 | support of their towns. : ws | eoe \ pole is an «*ject that TREE Sp will d in one plice for years | : : [HE PROMISE then jump .in. front of a lady and | There is something about Febru- frequently ana auto: didver. | ary that sets it apart. When a min tears the first sheet from the e Mount Joy Bulletin 1049 | FARA Councilman '{ HAPPENINGS ~~ LONG AGO 20 Years Ago 4 Ah An Austrian built grandfather's clock, built in 1785 was purchased by L. R. Zifferer at Columbia A valuable German police dog, owned by M. A. Rollman was peisoned. Legislative Assembly passed an act fixing March 4th, as Pennsy!- Day Arthur P. f the spoke at Tuesday. vania Prof. tendent Mylin, Lancaster Superin- County Rotary schools, the Luncheon on Drawings were completed for the Junicr and Senior High Schoo] building in Maytown, by East Donegal School District A. B. Cling, retired coal mer- | chant, celebrated his 81st birthday. One of the wcrst snow storms in years and the heaviest in al- most a decade, 16 to 20 inches oe 2 . iL la . | colorful Feed Store calendar it is|@nd some places 29 inches of Sa ow Salle She SNOW Still heart of winter. Snow is SNOW covered the county. 50 ule 3 religions subjsets | deep cn the land; Earth is in its, Markets: Eggs 38 and 40 cents; that fbink the Book of Num- | ep sleep; pasture brooks and; Butter, 40 cents and lard 13 cents. bers is the telephone directory. | meadow creeks run slowly beneath Mr. Rohrer Stoner was elected | “99 | the ice. Twice in the annual president of the Dcnegal Central tagging mey net bring happi- | cycle of seasons a hushed ex- Telephone Co, at their annual ut no man over caught a|pectancy broods over the country- | meeting at the home of Daniel | e fish and goes home thru an | side. In February and again in| Wolgemuth. | August, befrre the major climatic | Zoro Council appointed a Pub®) oO 0 0 | changes, Nature calls for a pause. | Hc Welfare Committee consisting Senators and a government ex- | When the second month arrives |©f H. B. Amtz, H. F. Hawthorne, pert agreed at Weshington that | man's heart lifts to the promise of | W L. Fshleman. whit the country needs to help | Him who erdains the never failing] Council also appointed a com- break the h using shortage is al miracle when warmth shall return [tee 10 get prices on a motor- good $6.60) home. But right | to the land. cycle for our Policeman, Elmer | ther: the argument ended. How | Tae sun takes a noticeably high- | are vou ever going te get one at|er arc mow as it climbs toward Mr. Wm. Tyndall, supt. of the Ey the vole of the horizin. Dusk Lutheran Sunday Schools for the ove [ 4 mittent cold snaps may suddenly sage of the tional Defense Act) TT oi te » Today's i = ad nal eo) lek tae land in icy grip. But n 1920, Today demands | | : eh the spells are shorter now: King responchility to look for | eT ! ¥ ming arity a +d. national Winter has had his heyday. Go S¢ ‘ity, Arg ‘ é : y er a | out en the snow-covered land and During war our count- | { tl ape sie Ve ‘an re + message is- arity is of forem st con- H - 5 h A fiossage: Lis . (ten to the brooks after a thaw With current world condi- t : : ins th iti Hy ims. | that crescendcing music is the in- hey are, it is vastly im- | . . 0 ' a bs 13 | reanetory movement to Spring's m re cetnre. £1 usey 0 PM . . to dwell ; . | welling symphony. Listen to the to dwell on preparedness | 3 us ivi , ? : " | chickadees chant in the orchard vas fo invite wars. ut, in: ts : t altord 1 and the blue jays bugling from a af ce, we can not affore 0 3 e . ars | sugar grove. Toward month's end he fied with less than efficient | in an average will see seascn you rees to meet an emergency. Al, . . : tie pointed green nose of verulation must be str Pus i lifting the cabbage above shrunken heaith { informed if it is to] Y a : oi . | Snow at swamps edge. The buds n t freedom. This is : : : ie! ou | on the red maples show first signs our duty io our nation's traditions. | : : : hg { ¢f eracking and lilac buds by the | | dell door have > az HELP US dell door have he gun to break : : | their imbriczted stitching, th every minute . : ¥ Stond in a grove of comes | | | the a skunk | evergreens { electric washers. left entered | Miss Esther Laskewitz for Philadelphia where she has | training in the Jewish Ifospital. MJHS enjoy- ed a sleigh ride to the Colonial Tea Marietta. Freshman Class of Room at Miss Ruth Kauffman, of Kinde:- { . hook, entertained several class- | mates to a skiing party. Miss Lydia Shank the nurses at the Presbyterian Hospital at delphia. ——— QI rere has entered training school for Boro Council (From page 1) onerated. He also mentioned the names of two women regularly employed, whose names are Assessor's books. Iron Cs its increase in they had proposed even on the The objected to sting Company water Grey rent, stating know- the no | ledge of increased instructed to company of the to the The secretary was inform the adver- tised meetings prior cf the In response to a ordinance, lc 1 remark i the = Councilman Krall, relative to amounts paid toward the support of the Fire Company, Fire Chief Ray Myers read a list of money | received from citizens in cur and those residing in the rural dis- | tricts. From figures it appeared that the country folks had contributed as f bat leading killer in our Tit Eis ey il you can hear the murmuring [much as our town folks. land, the heart. Ailments of the | _ ..°~ ‘ Wd had Michels , | excitement of their whispering. Chairman Eicherly appointed Dr. heart and blood vessels take the |... EE ' 4 I 1: ‘ . A Lature's scouting patrols are out Shoop to attend a meeting of the life of ere cut «f every three Am- Beis Tin ; 12 i A > on the land. This is the time of | Fire Co. Auxiliary Feb. 17. ericans, “criupately, more meon2y | : ™ fof : TT Y | Bay by day Winters The chief stated that 5 public Is appropri tec for research to}... Wie . He : 1 : ; . | strengtn wanes and its forces are | 2€aring was held relative to the reduce besrt disease. There has|_... L . } i i i i : ligt { pushed back to the northern tum- | request for a change in the zoning een selisfying results in combasat- i J I i 3 : ET n combat | Gras. Man knows (Ry Spring is | section on North Barbara Street ing rhevmatie fever, high blo d [ | a on the way. and there was one objecticn. A ressure, heart ailments caused by z, hardening of the arteries. PQ AR eee THE WEATHER! ( e and environment h:ve an effect upon the heart. Vat this | Se community nceds is more educa- BY KENNET{! DROHAN tion on this subject, give assis-| The following is a report of the tence in helping heart sufferers to local weather conditions from Wed- find prover work t: be self-sup- | nesday, February 2 to Tuesday, Feb. porting, knew health rules. Let | 8th: : us be “heart” conscious. | Temperature and Rainfall ® ce | Bay Low High Rain YOUTH AT THE HELM Wednesday ........ 11 3 00 Reading from here and there, Thursday ..... ty 35 00 hive you stopped to consider the | TE HC ay 11 24 number of young men holding Saturday 28 40 © ool pub’ic office? There are many Sunday Sle oe 15": 40 001 young executives these days, bel, 33 48 08! they in industrial positions, seience | or especially serving in loeal, and | siate or federal government «ffices. 18 50 00 Sky nd w ind Dir. Velo. S Town councils boast of the young | . | or o ey 4 ie Wednesday Ww mph. Clear blood enrelled in the public inter- |, - Sis x | Thursday Ww 3 mph P.C. est. It is a tribute te youth. [Frid o bh. Cloud It hasn'i been many “years x 4 2p. ou Saturday NW 10 m.p.h. P. C. that folks felt only years of ex-| perience could mske a man capable | Sunday ....... E 4 mph. Clear cf holding such posts. Not that | Monday NW 8 mph. Clear we deny today that experience is Tuesday .. SW 5 m.p.h. Clear nci a giest teacher, but we used | F. C.: Partly cloudy to put stress on mature judgment | Other Weather above youthful endeavor. There | Average temperature: 30. is some reason for the change.; Av, bar. pressure: 30.18 in. haps the last war is our reason | Total snowfall: None. ——— a ieving youth can be entrust- imperiant jobs that fa Stimulate your business by adver- | t ing. War gives les- ising in the Hulletin. was made for a change | A to a the Councilmen Messrs. Keller, named a motion from an B district and all voted 1n its Shoop committee favor. and Krall were from the Council to serve on the War | Memorial Board. The agreement the Pa. current to operate between Council | Powey | Light Co the pumping and for station, Tax C sented a and was read and accepted. llector Hockenberry pre- lengthy list of names asked to be exonerated from col- lecting said taxes giving hig Many town CY rea- son for each one had died, moved out of as he read objected to. “can The the not pay” list put it. and some of There a lenghty controversy and the was names were was then list Ab: ut “can resulted in second time. marked remainder | total about | £550. | being read half pay” a dozen the ted, the amount of which was were and were exonera | H. Boyer was reappointed a mem- { ber of our zoning commissicn for a term of five years. Upon metion the Friendship Fire | Company was authorized to ac- | cept contributions toward the pay- | ment of the new pumper from the | J rural residents. J | cases. He | Ethel Broske, Phila- | not | and Gas +, Cover's Welling Shop | MT. JOY, PA. Krall numerous He stated alleys were used as boundary lines making zoning law, simplify matters in many that Mi the commission “teeth” into the As it is at the penalties for it would also stated Faul Stehman, of suggested putting zoning ordinance, present there are no violations The inform the C secretary was instructed to ommission agecol dingly ind have it make the recommenda- ticns, Bills amounting to $782.72 for the Boro, and $1,277.93 for the | Water account were paid and Council] adjourned. re Qe sere. MRS. MYRTLE MOWRER | HEADS THE ERGATANS Twenty-six members of the tan Ciass of the at the home of Mrs. Jay Barnhart | recently Erga- | Church of God met | on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clyde | Mumper was co-hostess of the meeting. Officers elected were: Mrs. Myr- tle Mowrer, president; Mrs. Margar- et Mackinson, vice president, Mrs. Maude Schroll, en Schroll, Plans were secretary; Miss Hel- treasurer. Mother's May 8. ! prizes the Day prograin at the Church, made for Games were played and Mrs. Anne Newcomer, Mrs. Mrs. Milton Mowrer, Blanche Schroll and Miss Hel- en Schroll. The next meeting of the class will > held Wednesday, March 9, at the he me of Mrs. Margaret Mackinson. rs el Bn ee wen by Mrs. Patronize Bulletin advertisers. EXPERT Watch Re pairing CLYDE TRIPPLE 12 West Main Street Hershey's Store Bldg., MOUNT JOY, PA. 1-13-3 mo. Koser's Watch Shop Chocolate Ave. FLORIN, PA. The store for high quality AT LOW COST TO YOU We carry a fine line of WATCHES. WATCH ATTACHMENTS AND EWELRY DEPENDABLE WATCH REPAIRING Open evenings till 9:00 for cenvenience your Electric Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Delta and Marietta Streets Phone BEER! Call 118J5 For Home Delivery WACKER SPRENGER VALLEY FORGE PIEL'S PRIOR ROLLING ROCK ALE & PORTER - Victor J. Schmoll —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 2 2. M, Drive In For Curb Service 289 Sewing Machines a NEW AND USED MACHINES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Convert your treadle sewing machine into a portable or con- sole. Repairs for All makes of machines, We where. J. V. BINKLEY SEWING MACHINE SALES pick up and deliver any- We buy used Singers. Welding AND SERVICE Phone 216J 111 N. Market St. Elizabethtown, Penna. | 11-24-tf | Albert Breneman, Mt. acquired ga stein ~ Friesian cow from of J. B. Keller & dealers. Change ol Kathryn Echo officially wnership anim a, recorded Assoc, Laen Holstein - Friesian Brattleboro, Vt. A Valentine Joy, Bro., suggested ( PURCHASED REGISTERED COW changes in the | FROM J, B. KELLER & BRO that if | has registered Hol- herd local the 1 for this Jewel, ‘has by The of Am, gift should be frankly sentimental . . . Patronize Bulletm advertisers. eve kek Ok de ge A kod ke kok ek ok RAK Ask your grocer for KIST REG.U.S PAT. OFF. QUALITY soft drinks 12 delicious flavors. ok or oe oe oe oe oe dle A ok ok A Rok ok Ake ok 2-10-5 a gift to please like one of these selected from our top-henors in the heart suit — a gift that says, © To my Valentine, with love!” So come to SLOAN'S today and choose a gift to tie her heart strings in beau knots — a gif! that's economically priced ta go easy on your purse strings... For That Valentine Party Lancaster Salted Mixed Nuts Katherine Beecher Butter Mints $1.00 tin 89c 1b. Whitman Candy Hearts 1-1b. Red Heart . L-1b. Gold Heart Also 21b 4.00 & 4.50 1-1b. Gales — — Red Heart 1-lb. Gobelin — Red Heer: I ib, Gobelin Blue & Silver Heart $2.00 ALSO YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME FOR YOUR FAVORITE VALENTINE $2.00 $2.50 $1.50 $1.75 Add 209; Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry when yous uy Avi TERIA Lor Fo COFFEE BUTTER 516663 SILVER CAKE RY SC READY 29¢ MIX eo Grocer's Signature and Address This certifies that | have purchased 1 pkg. of either Aunt Jemima i ! Silver Cake Ready-Mix or Aunt Jomime Devil's Foad Cobia Ready- ] 1 Mix and was allowed 15¢ toward purchase of any sf (ofiee, 1 i Buiter, Margarine or Eggs. : 1 Signed, E10 rn cine : ; Address City | ! | i 1 Limit—1 offer per family. Offer expires March 21, 1949 The Quaker Cats Ca. (078 Br wr ce 6 se i i 0 3 a pi A oo rt -— Nabisco Shredded Wheat Green Giant Peas “303 can 2 cans 4lc 2 pkgs. 33¢ case $4.89 Cut Rite Wax Paper Roll 24¢ REGULAR i4 QUNCE PHONE 276W HESS’ STORES MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE MANHEIM 210M rm STONERS Woy AT YOUR AGP! Founder's Month at your Surly in 1859, our founder laid t has grown to be the Nation's marking the 90th VALUES, VALUES! Come see, c thrifty A&P! Almost a cen the foundation for what Jon leading grocer. So we're celebrating, year since our beginning with VALUES, U. S. No. 1 Penna. Blue Label POTATOES , Po 15-lb bag 65: 10 1b. bag 45¢—>50 1b. bag $1.89 STRINGLESS BEANS "™ GRAPEFRUIT GE 54 5 LARGE 54 SIZE SWEET POTATOES *“" 2" 33¢c 3° 20¢ 4" 29¢c CRISP CARROTS noe 19¢ Sra ince Mixed Nuts or POPULAR BRANDS Almonds bs 39¢ Chewing Gum Diamond Larae Budded 3 for 10¢ Walnuts he 49¢ \ lo gl i he. in hf IONA S''CES C2 HALYES PEACHES 25 vy CORN 2 33 | \ 29-02 can 17-02 cans DEL MONTE PEAS 35¢ IONA SWEET BRAS JUICE “ia 2! 27¢c SPAGHETTI 35¢ GRAPEFRUIT “0° A &P APPLE SAUCE Zic - NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL DEL MCNTE PINEAPPLE 12-0 2 Corn 2 2: 35¢ Juice 3ic DEL MONTE OR LIBBY'S Peaches a Beans mn 46-01 can tare ANN PAGE FREPARED 2 22-02 cans cans 20-0z cans 2 18-02 cans CAMPBELL'S PORK AND 2 ov 28¢ at” Nir” Naat? Niort Nisin? ea Jane Parker —" Valentine Sweetheari Cake 2 tempiing gold layers - $Y topped iclicate JANE PARKER kg 9 7% £9¢ attractive pink icing. VALENTINE pkg #1 39¢ COOKIES ER nw with CUP CAKES VALENTINE REDUCED PRICE FOR ANN PAGE KETCHUP bore 18° ANOTHER REDUCED PRICE! NABISCO ( SHREDDED + 2+ 3c STILL ANOTHER REDUCED PRICE! OLEOMARGARINE ( ALLSWEET "==" |" 32 ( EDUCATOR CRAX 1 25¢ BREAD 14c > 19¢ ( POTATO CHIPS 49¢ DEXQ. meena, 1» 33¢ 5b 93¢ Neer” Na Si Nai” Nr?” an” Nae Airmour’s epped Mam 49 Fm rmour’s Cornad MARVEL-DATED 1.ib FRESH DAILY loaf 10-02 bag 1-1b can le aan, Airmour’s Treet Ch 202 43¢ Armour’s Chile Con Carn | Dogt Hash 16-02 30< 25¢ DAILY BRAND SCRATCH & MASH FEEDS Daily Chick Starter Daily Baby Chick Feed Daily Laying Mash 25 1b bag $1.09 100 1b bag $4.25 12-02 can 16-01 can Daily Scratch Feed 100 tb bag $4.09 25 1b bag $1.08 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store in . Mount Joy. 1 : i 1 Ol out roa INC Pou Mill Bu: Moy Des chir Cou and cong DUI KR¢