Bulletin, i. Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 2 1949 The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ( | they ‘were only twelve years old, I Every Thursday at No. 1 Main S Bu a Sty Mount Joy, Pa. readily as a dollar an hour man. S n, per year $2.00 Believe me that was quite a sav- i's rains ies $100 | ing. 1 M NERS... 0s eine. 60 | East but ns least, we know : ; eo rie | of some farmers right here in our | ; ora community, who made enough out at the Postoffice at Mt. of several recent tobacco crops to Je as second-class mail mat- | PUY a farm, te r the Act of March 3, 1879. Well they are certainly deserv- | M Pent sylvania Newspaper ing of a break he the ava favs Publishe Association mer has been “in a rut” as we = wr com. | might say, for many years but . r net so today. I | ) | I' O R 1 A I, Then again, there was the time | when farming was by no means a | + + + cinch and no c¢ne knows better m'ser on earth is then the writer. But today, with man who saves up every friend | 21 the new and improved machin- n mae. | ery it is more of a bananza than oo © 0 | real work as in years of yore. : ve the only thing that | Farmers, more puwer to you. itip’y fester than rabbits, 4 wile often when 2 man thinks | vy hh is getting broader it is The Bulletin 4 only bis conscience stretching. | oz Scrapbook WHAT IS FOR US Crap 00K . Fook to the way the wind blew | + + + Cansda. For sixty-two years Weekly Best Recipe the Dominion has had .a ban on| My Delight Salad: One head of | leomargine. Their court has | lettuce, 1-2 can sliced pineapple, | new mide it lezal to manufacture | 1-4 lb. marshmallows, 1-4 1b. wal- | and sel} colored margarine in| nuts, 1 apple, 1-2 stalk celery. | Canada, and without payment of | Cut pineapple, marshmallows, cel- tax. “ince importation of oleo | ery, apple and walnuts in small] has formerly been forbidden there | pieces. Mix with dressing. Dres- (except in Newioundland), it will | sing: IT butter, 1T flouy, 2-3 ¢ he seme time before plants to | cream, 1t salt. Heat and stit manufacture olen, will be It will come, though. Our Con- er. | gress wi'l have a bill to face, on built. | until smooth in top of double boils Read The Label the subject «Ff oleo taxation. Con- When buying a rain coat, read sumers have demanded the tax be | the attached label to learn the | removed as unfair, on both state | kind of protection you may ex- and federal statutes. We shall | pect. It may be marked water- see whether the voice of the lob- | proof. That designates a garment byist is louder than that of the | (hat seals cut water of very heavy housewife. 7 | rains. Since this is the case, the oo vo 0 garment will keep out air and be AS STRONG AS ONE'S FAITH | hot for wearing. Be sure it has As » town grews, so should the | holes or slits under the arms, for fowns's churches. Whether the | ventilation. If the rain coat is has rebuilt, reconverted, | maiked water repellent, it is added wings and ells, installed new | comfortable for wearing, per- stained glass windows, redecorated | hips serving ag a t p coat. But, 5» . the main equipped | it won't take heavy rains or show- its Kitchen, Such with its auditorium or churches shew growth | coats have a water community. However, | repellent finish and sometimes this {ne peint for pride, is when a! finish is not permanent and church skows growth in its con- | Will wear off or dissolve in dry gregation, growth in quality. This | cleaning or washing. It is then | necessary to have it refinished by a cleaner or is the mark of success, to religious said that abut helf the people of a | comm unity who support the chur- | the manufacturer, Use Scetch Tape Mend torn shower teachers. It is there is only curtains by ches. If only half support ow | putting scotch tape over the tear. scngols, ovr businesses, we would | Torn tapes and broken slats of judge the werth «f our tewn as | venetian blinds may be mended less than it shou!l be. This will | with the tape of cellophane Lamp held true with the support of our | shades that have split ean be sue- | crurches. We usually figure on | cessfully mended with scotch tape. how wuch meney is made in Mt. | Torn or wern linoleum can be Joy, but let us also wonder how | given longer wear by covering the much religion is used here. grots witn scotch tape and an ap- © ve | plication of a coat of shellac over WHO SAID THAW ! the tape to held it. Prevent the Ft a January thaw for a | peeing off or discoloration of la- io forget the bitter weather | bels on bottles and cans by putting preceding it. Me is apt to be so | a strip of the cellophane tape over jubilant that he will mention | the writing. Write childrens semething of not having those | names handles of their tooth old fashioned nd of winters any brushes and cover name with the more Scarcely is his thought ut- | scotch tape. tered than ke is hick seeking his Inspirational muffler and calos s and ear mufls, He that despiseth little things, Cut he gees shovel snow. He | shall perish by little and little.- thouzht the wind was mild and | Solomon. could hear the first robin, et ttl ter when hang comes 1 blast that | | hiver; ais lecal timbers. A Jan- D Joh 5 Gates uary thaw brings optimism 2nd r. n ? hints of what is in the offing, a (From Page 1) Jt thirg called Spring. But | old daughter wil] occupy the resi- thai season is a ling ways off when dence and the Gates family will you consider that February and leave Baltimore, Md., where | March can offer. key w reside in the future. | snowflake is a sight to be- Dr. Gates, a native of Lebanon, hold, a stry form cf amazing de- | 22s practiced in Mt. Joy since to see. The crystals may look | November, 1935. A graduate of patterns are wondrous Franklin and Marshall College and th se. The crysta’s may look University of Pa. Medical | {aivylike on your coat sleeve, but | School, he served during World when banked into drifts that may | Wer II in the U. S. Army Medical | mean shove! and snow plow, they Corps for four and one-half years. arent quite so bezutiful. They | He served as president of the | are mere imgersenal. As a good edical Examining Board at the | friend reminds us, when you get induction station, as a enthused over a January thaw, find | 7051 surgeon and commanding of- | an cldster ts remind you of the licer cf the U. S. Army Reception | ’ enter an New ‘ | blizzard in March back in "88. Center and Depot, New Cumber- | he can make and, and as surgeon and chief oc oe medical officer of the Personnel | FARM IMPROVEMENT Center, Fort George Meade, Md. | : : % : H ras dischare i Bi 3 According to a recent report of |‘1¢ was discharged in December, | the Government, seventy-two per- | “45 with the rank of Lt. Colonel | cent of our farmers of today own | ‘Nd resumed his practice in Mt. | their farms. That is a ratio of Joy. : # seven cut of every ten. From | He is a member cf the John B.| what we can learn this change Deaver Surgical Society, the Lan- | caster County Medical Society and took place in recent yeers, largely cn wil of the many high prices | (he Fa. State Medical Society. He | paig for form products. | has Leen on the staff of the Even wilh the advanced cost of | Lancaster General Hospital for ten living, the farmer had every ad- | Years and is a member of the Mt. vantage over many others because Joy Council, Walter S. he produced most of his food, | Ebersole Post No. 185, American therefore the increased prices were | Legicn; Beneficial Protectorate Or- | not so noticezble. ; Then sgain when wages began to | 22d Phi Rho Sigma. climb skyward, many farmers had sons or daughters, even | | { whe could handle Dad's tractor as | { gene Swope; Mr. Howard. | Dorothy Sperla, Joan Stevens, her | ette, maid ordinary | extraordinary; Vera Jackson. | Donegal Twp. High Schoo] in May- der of Fiks No. 631, Lebanon; | will be preached by Bish- though | Patronize Bulletin advertisers. | €ommencement will be HAPPENINGS sae Of LONG AGO 20 Years Ago The Farmers Telephone Co. held the home their annual meeting at of Mr. Amos Musser, Salunga. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McGirt of Salunga celebrated their golden | wedding anniversary, Monte Blue, Diamond Express is ur movie theatre, Black starring in Governor Joan Fisher claims the | finest stewed snapper in the State | is served at Lancaster, showing at | | Wednesday evening, June 1st. The (trouble in your intestines, servant, LEI'TERS GRANTED diplomas. will be presented to the | soil, small animals, spice industry, Houseal | sanitation and food. | graduates Ly Mrs. Flora | Shiveman, who graduated | this school in 1899. Mrs. ‘man was formerly a schoo] direc- tor in East Donegal Twp. and she from still resides in Maytown. { ———— a — Prize winners at the card party held by The Ladies Aux. of the | Fire Co. last Wednesday evening at John Coopers Garage were: Bridge: Marty Cope, Robert K, Brown, Mrs. George Shenck, Cor- | inne Mumma, Peggy Brown, Dot Hoffman, Mrs. Hackman, Marian | Toppin, Mrs. Harvey G. Brown { and Ray Gallagher. | Finochle: O. Hendrix, Landis Gainor, Jack Mowery, E. C. Diffen- Honor Bright, a 3-act comedy | gerfer, Florence Benedict, Mary was presented Ly the Senior Class | Schroll, Bernice McFarland, John { of MJHS. | L. Martin, Anne Rinehart, Carrie Phoebe E. Rupp will receive Swisher, Mis. L. M. Peifer, Rose | notary‘s commission. | Shaw, Chas. F. Harple, John Two county churches merge, the | Schroll, John A. Snyder, George |Maytown and Marietta Reformed McFarland, Lester Erb, Ray N. | Churches. | Wiley, Esther Mowery, Sara Sta- Miss Bernice Myers, clerk at the | 1» Mrs. Mae Tennis, Ethel New- | : omer, Leroy Shaeffer, | Post Office, resigned and Mr. Joe | €O™M€ Leroy Shaeffe | Shaeffer will fill the vacancy. | Mr. Ezra Zercher, a representa- tive for the Sheffield Elevator Co., has taken a trip to their factory at Minneapolis. . After 46 years the Cornwall R.R. abandoned its passenger service. Nerman Shank, hired man on the Peter Risser killed two chicken hawks with one shot, and reach measured four feet. The Susquehanna River at Mar- ietta was entirely closed due to a drop in temperature. Last week end the Siamese twins farm, | appeared at the Colonial Theatre. tat Lancaster. | Mr. J. Harry Miller was elected | president of the Mt. Joy Hall Association. | Dr. James Ziegler celebrated his €0th birthday. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper of | €alunga, entertained in honor of | Mrs. Flizabeth Cooper who cele- | brated her 82nd birthday. | | ground at Donegal Springs was | sold to H. W. Krouse from Harris- | burg for $1,503.00. Mr. Christ Gerber, Street, celebrated his day, January 20. The weekly Baby Clinic was at- tended by 33 babies. Harvey Hossler, sold his tobacco | crop for 23 1-2 and 7 cents, the | average price is 20 to 22 and 5. Troup Bro. Lancaster, [a modern School. Saturday, Haven birth- New 50th victrola to the Rheems 19th older Jan, | | { was the | warmest day our residents | could remember. Fire almost destroyed the Iron | Mill at Columbia. The Board of Game Commis- sicners has decided to attempt the raising of wild turkeys. a School News From ( From Page 1) McKain, Trumpets; John Singer, Trombone; Hazel Crankshaw, Glen Arnold, Mary Jane Graybill, Law- ophones and Valera Johnson, as pianist. Junior Class Program The junior class of East Donegal { High Schoo] will present the com- | Julian | 18th. edy “I Will, I Won't” by Dee on March 17th and Follewing are the characters:: Dr. Anthony King, school doctor, yer, Harry Hersaey; Carney derwood, Jr, a man abcut Wilmer Longenecke:; Elliot Fletch- er, a man about Hicks: Lucille schocl, Owens, a coed; | cousin, Dorothy Sperla; Lynn Pat- ton, her room mate; Ellen Snyder Glad Howard, a coed, Jane Waller | Mis. Stevens, Lucille's grand- mother; Hazel Crankshaw: Dean | of the school, Marian Ney, Georg- and diplomat The | play takes place in the living room | in the girls dormitory at Brainerd College. Tt will be directed by | Mrs. Vera Gingrich, of the high | school faculty. Debate Here Feb. 4th Temple University's Debating | Team will debate the E-town Col- lege Team in the auditorium of E. town on Friday afternoon, Febru- | ary 4th at 2:00 p. m. This de- | bate will be presented as the reg- ular weekly assembly. Commencement Activities Commencement activities were announced by the board as follows: the baccalaureate services will be held in the high school auditorium Sunday evening May 29th. The cp E. Lutz, a graduate class of 1809. The 54th of the annual | held on! { The school building and plot of] delivered | | rence Weaver, Jack McKain, Sax- Eu- | a law=~ | Un- | town, | George ( Mrs. Wal- | ter Peifer, Mary E. Haldeman, | Clarence Swisher, J. J. Schwaude, 500: Gertrude Wisner, F. Musser, S. Stambaugh, Mrs. 1. Knight, Mrs. S Stambaugh, Ermin Smith, F. A. Eshleman, and Mrs. Paul Clausen. ——— el Cn ‘Weather Conditions | | (From page 1) | { glass making, public service, trade cornfields ‘hay, barley, | trouble with aunts and uncles and 4 a | unions, | | Shire~ | Cycles of the Weather 1 - 3 milder - unsettled - light snow. Clarence K. Hivner, |town, and Clarence F. Auker, Mt. Joy Twp., administrators of the es- to tate of Lizzie W. Hivner, {Joy Township. Elizabeth- | late of Mt. | 4 - 8 colder, clear, cold, cloudy, | windy. | 9 - 13 windy, snow, colder and | WePrintEverything clearing, . 14 - 16 clear, partly cloudy, and | But Dollar Bills clear. 17 = 20 colder, clearing, clear and stormy. 21 - 24 wind, snow, wind and 9 colder, e WwW i ii 25 - 28 clearing, warmer, cloud- | g ing up, snow. Remember the planet Herschel as you know its proper name a C in e % (Uranus) is retrograde until | . March 5, 1949 and the planet Sa- planet and Saturn is the East wind turn is retrograde until May 2, == | 1949. Watch after these dates | the Herschel is the West wind 1 cold planet Saturn usually winning out. WHY Not Send The Convert your machine into a portable or con- § NEW AND USED Watch Feb. 15 Mars will be 180) degrees from Saturn, Mars is hot | MACHINES and Saturn is cl ld and they [ FOR IMMEDIATE get along with each other, with | DELIVERY treadle sewing Leave it to A&P to have scores and scores of quality-famous foods . « all marked at budget-famous prices. That's why we want yeu to come in to compare the variety compare the quality . then com= pare the prices You'll find the A & P offers a huge selection of grand tasting foods at prices that are hard to beat anywhere, anytime. SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE SULTANA KIDNEY BEANS CREAM STYLE Sunny field FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER 1-1b 69: Solid Prints—Ib. 71¢ 2 20-0z cans PICKSWEET CORN 2 16-0: cans | Low, Sweeping Lines Enhance Beauty of New Convertible 4 sole. Repairs for All makes of §| Home Paper to Your machines. Absent Son or Daughter ? It Helps To Cure Homesickness We pick up and deliver any- where. We buy used Singers. J. V. BINKLEY SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE Phone 216J 111 N. Maxket St. | | | Elizabethtown, Penna. | | 11-24-tf | | f ase Ar Apa 2 | | | ™ In addition to sedans, station wagons and closed coupes, | is most effective. An automatic top is but one of the many Chevrolet for 1949 offers this smart new convertible. Here | conveniences in the new car. Increased riding comfort - 2 . | : als ag ine the low, sweeping design that characterizes all Chevrolets | through a new spring suspension also features the line. Ww, § g | Chevrolet's ‘Balanced Design’ Adds Beauty and Comfort | Progressive streamlining of the 1949 Chevrolet is in A . . . emphasis in this view of the Styleline De Luxe four- door" .sedan against a new Martin 202 passenger air- | liner. Notable in the roomier, lower cars is a balance in design that adds greater comfort and driving ease as well as smart appearance, [ Two Station Wagons Included in 1949 Chevrolet Line \For 11949 Chevrolet offers two station: wagons, similar | company introduces an all-steel body, where thg luxurious in ‘smooth-flowing design, but differing in structure. In [appearance of wood paneling has been retained through addition to the conventional wood body type (above) the | unusual metal finishing methods, OANA ASS [39] wi CHED-O-BIT CHEESE FOOD PURE LARD LARGE ORANGES FRESH CARROTS NEW POTATOES REDUCED AGAIN NOW ONLY qt bot we 19¢ - 18¢ Introducing-Jane Parker Your choice of Vanilla, Chocolate or Orange Flavored Cookies. MARVEL BREAD BREAD APPLE [ES ASSORTED JELLY EGGS 5¢ CANDY BARS THANK YOU PEARS RIPLEY'S KETCHUP A&P SAUER KRAUT SPAGHETTI SAUCE "™* DEWCO FANCY PEAS IONA STRING BEANS MESTLE'S MORSELS BUTTER KERNEL PEAS NESTLE'S COCO2 OCTAGON" HUDSON PAPE” ~~ Pkg of 12 Thor 14¢c bet 28° JANE PARKER 15 NEW 16-01 HONEY AND BUTTER LOAF wer 20€ each 49¢c (BRON MERINGUE OR PUMPKIN + OWELS Florida FLORIDA RED BLISS NEW CABBAGE CELERY HEARTS PEANUTS WALNUTS FRISH JUmso ROASTED LARGE DIAMOND SUNSWEET PRUNES ~3 $d ANN PAGE ANN PAG: ANN PAGE ~- MAYONNAISE a ANN PAGE (3 VARICTIES) BEANS 2%: KETCHUP PREPARED SPAGHETTI ANN PAGE PURE FUT PRESERVES * Apricot, Peach, Damsen Plum, rineapple or B! DAILY BRAND SCRATCH & MASH FEEDS KIEFFER bag It's Hard to Beat A&P For Outstanding Values! AY SANDWICH CREMES 19¢c kb 2¢¢ 6" 25¢ 2 3%¢ 2 Moin 2%¢ 2 7x 23¢c i ihe 2 Ve 33¢ 2 27c SWEET fo 22¢ 3c SEMI- Va-1b an 27¢ 5c 3 25¢ It's Nation... Grapefruit Week! 64 SIZE 4 for 21 200 Size dor 29¢ WESTERN 2 bunches 17e 3" 29 Ib de ar 23 bey 37C - 49¢ 2-15 pha 3%¢ 2i¢c 2°" 27¢ NAAN) - Discover a Wonderland of Savings Ann Page Foods or 39¢ 25 2% same 19€ Voor 200 7¢ or 25¢ Daily Laying Mash 25 Ib bag $1.15 100 Ib bag $4.49 Daily Scratch Feed lb bag $1.09 100 1b bag $4.29 Mount Joy. store in ackberry, 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P