2 The > Bulle tin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 20, 1919 Ee NAAN of || TT = Ee mm em al The Mount Joy Bulletin |" T 1c Mount Joy Bulletin —of — | AN INVITATION > : Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO FROM ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 III II TTT TT ; TT a low man, went into a secluded Published Every Thursday at No. ds, found a hermit there 1 ; 9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. od ee nr HR pole My 20 Years Ago 5 a mbibed with the holiday spirit of per ves 200 : : ort i} be Pel, 0 sharing, they brought the old fel- | Jacob M. Schroll celebrated his TO YOU Three Months ............ 60 | low out of the past into the pre- | 75th birthday Single Copies .......... a 08 With a bath, shoes, suit, A veniscn roast was served to Bete res FREE Sample Cop'es neck tie, he was ready for town | 17 members of Girl Scout Entered at the Postoffice at Mg, 10 meet civilization and its numer- No. 1, at thei Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat-| us blessings. It is said the her- At ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | mit knew nothing of the blessings. The good folk went further. They got him an old age pension and a various places thruout county autoists swap all kind essories on gas Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publisher Association a re | 2nd gave him a vd time. 391 mild cases of La Grippe rollicking : © [treated by our physicians in 30 . . . . first two weeks of January EDITORIAL! ™ ute te mi + 00 vit is friend wonders what the old her- Hate ji May oo; + 3 mit is going to think of tax Corporal Albert avis, State Harrisburg, were married inflation, national out of forms, cawing, international jig- problems, traffic Am end bum radio shows. Sometimes | €lected these of us who are tired of so hanna River Accord ng to a report . } y milli'm dol- = hn K Im will ¢ spent hy June 1st on flood control at York. That is over five ident: of tt president o he Road Assoc. Troop January meeting. Saturday, Jan. 22, 1949 To View And Inspect The “fl NEW CHEVROLET and Ld AND - Po- | the s of et ot The Opening Of Our New Garage Susque- A Call Will Be Appreciated t Susquehanna | much civi'izati ishe ec Mark Mummau, resigned at | encuzh to keep the Susquehanna | much civi'ization, wished we could Mr. Mark MN Fiver within its banks say nothing [find a secluded woods, in which to | Shenks Oil Co, and is employ ed | CORNER WEST MAIN AND NEW HAVEN STS. of the C dorus Creek which flows | hide, Of course, a woods in the | with H. S. Newcomer and Son. thru the White Rose City. winter is not so attractive a dwel- | The property of the late H. C. Gos ling place, and perhaps the her- mit will wait until spring before | at public sale he returns to his hide-away and First takes off the shoes Brunner was withdrawn at One of the funniest things we ever heard over the radio was real snow of the hreedeast Sunday A southern and neck tie. fell last evening with several in- tation told of an offer of nursery i : ® ; ches «tock +t Ft. Wurth, Texas and EDISON DAY The Florin Foundry was u Monday due to the treme cold Next February 11th, the birthday | to work of Thomas Alva Ediscn will be ob- | served on a nationwide Remember expires at wound up by saying: this wondcru! offer midnight, Saturday, Jan. 15. You |" scale, as and 5 cents seems to be the figure that ene out, we can't. it nas in past years. The em- high price for tobacco. Some of 6 | phasis is to be placed upon the | the crops were sold at 18 1-2] At the onnuel hosiery exposition | recognition of the in- | cents, venters great to alt Mr. human betterment, and all manner { Ushers of civie st th Astoria, the presi- dent of the Sanson Hosiery Mills League at his home. and service predicted an increase in the sale | 7, organizations There is such scarcity of all of womens nylens this year. will play a leading part. | flowers in the cities, owing to the From what we Yavé seen on the Tae achievements of Edison are | many deaths, that prices have increased length of women's skirts, too well known to need repeating. | soared sky high. it leoks lie the reverse to the Foremost mong {them were his | A tri motor Army plane fell in werage man. Of course it is the experiments: in thea yard at Royalton, killing the worch. who Wear fern. | Science of electricity, which pro- | crew of eight. 5 60 vided the ground work cn which | Friendship Fire Co., held their BEST THING COULD the who'e vast power industry was | annual banquet at Ed Reams spa- HAPPEN | built, and which have revolution- | cious garage, in celebration of its State Representative Worley has | 1ze¢ the living and working habits | (0th anniversary. introduced a bill in the Legislature of the American people. Edison | Donegal Gas Co.., filed a new to abolish Davlight Saving Time. | | Bay thus becomes a tribute to ono | rate schedule before the Public The hill passed, would male pot the greatest public benefactors | Service Committee. a misdemeznor to display a clock | the worl1 has ever known. | The Rosedale Orchestra furnished not set nn Standard Time. | Bu Greve 1s more, to it than |the music for the square and the That is the best thing could hap- | s. Edison Day must also be | modern dances at the Garden Spot pen. he war is over and there | con as celebration of the | Tea Room. is no sane reason why so many greatest force for progress that A Lebancn man paid $59.50 for exists—the free . . inconvenienced | e freedom of the individ- | a {ual to explore, and to succeed, | cion or string of old sleigh bell to create, to fail| Mr. Willis Enterline all without coer- | as foreman at E. B. domination by government. | age. | Can anyone believe that the elec- Mt. Joy Hall Assoc. held tric industry, which is Edison's | annual banquet at Mrs. Anna monument, would have reached its | Girls. people should be just to please a few, © eo 0 Two weeks ago the writer cditorally Rohrers men- Chicago customers | tioned about banks by insta’'ling Drive - In playing up to windows | . : present stage of orow 5 Mr Albort Si of vs A patron drives up to a window, | n Be | wth and also : Ir. Albert Stumpf is enla : . puiblic service he revernment | the dining mat hic ve gets service and departs without I ¢ had gevernment | the dining room at his restaurant | controlled beginning? | on E. Main Street imitates, but it never : it from the even his or her. cari... v t re . | Governmen While that was the new custom in | ‘iw Government takes no | of the i | creates, the Windy City and even a re- | : chances that it can avoid. hens ) cent instaliatirn at nearby Lancas- | Edi I : 3 was in the gre; radi- | neckers in Rheem ter, we had no idea that it was h 1¢ great tradi- |! € in Rheems. tion that those who are seeking to | Trimmers Store Co. purchasec Mount Joy. : : tng regime Ff re- 0S . Bulletin may | a ment our re Store 3 seurces wou Stroy Eo 1 telling of | vould destroy. | Main St. and : : : i ® the installation of this service at | WHAT WH hh the First National Bank and Trust | AFPENED TO THE leaving Thieves helped heaviest Plymouth 1 in the m:king for ha Brun Flsewhere in The property on 3 ene ho he found a news item opened a 5 & 25 cent store RIP OF CONDITION OF 4 3 OIL SHORTAGE N NATTA Ne Company and at not to far dis- ; IL SHORTAGE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT . remember when i idelv| BANK OF MOUNT JOY, PI tant daie either. The bank has for na it was widely AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINES arianged to install this | C t¢ast that the country was on DECEMBER 1948 service come Summer, the verge of a really critical oil bau che ris “ : . ne) OC w According to the pro- | der 4 Ts Laeis of gloom, homes would he without heat and industries would | balances have to shut dewn for ) he giving premiums staried a long time 290, about the middle lack of ef the first century A. D. ey Fe i reser balande and pi Ya 4 fuel. The «nly possible selution, iam Pr S i] was given to native of Fem- he . . . they went on, was for the gov- A tollectior | pei, who cttended the baths, |. . 5 t Goverr nt obliga : . crnmment to move in and alloczte direct nd 1 Premiums have since reached the il. and. i [ Yo: Hie fast Toke cil, and, in general, rn the petro- | ben oe 23 stage of being > husiness, ake . onds, notes, an age 7 Jeng hig : leum industry, $1 Ane the cereal market, for instance, a ; i oy iid . As matters turned out. none LE Da neluding which concerns children. Junior this ks re SHR 5 Feds tis Lappened. The gevernment | Reser ey eat cereal fo nourishment, lian’ i : LHS sid Nis Cine : | dant step in, though it seemed | ina $1o) ) but he pas his eye on the pre- 2 3 : = t . . . close to it a time or two. Ang | Bink pre ses owned miums offered for certain brands ther . . : . furniture. and . | Hite was no oil It is s $17.170.5 and chooses his cereal to fill his { hat A : x : . ruc that ‘n scme areas, for brief ths ey “ wx {ep needs. a mn bank premise 4 : 4 5 periods, there were disleeations = years ago the in-| d te — Total As . She x ane temporary Scarcities, But is 8 austry offered pictures of birds ihicse frie at LIABILITIES : ! ve care of by vol- | Demand dep or ARAL snd movie stars, Today the pre- Ghtocy : y vol ng aq) § of ind nt: iy cooperation between the partnerships, & i y a uk are aried; fingerprinting | . corporation inms are varied; fingerprinting ell cchpanies and $7,240 | John Booth entertained the has resigned | themselves to 35 In the coops at Harry Long2- winter : - nakle ex- — New House Gar- thei oh Pinkerton Road MOUNT JOY N. GINGRICH 8296 rging Rock JAY ! the Lancaster West 10 & Hp JOY \NA Ss ON made Ed it hd COME AND SE 3 gE 1 Gri EVERYONE'S 748 aL] ABO NEW “RHYTHMIC IRONRITE SIMPLEST OF ALL IRONERS T0 USE! Convenient payments, low as “ 3 their dealers | Time deposits of individ- cutflits, snapshot developing _equip- . g 3 AY, Torte AIT tent, gaines of ca and custemers, and ns one suffer- nls. partnerships, and : : BF by DOWN Trent, game BIG YR {ed for a lack of petroleum, Deposits of (1. Govern- circuses and frontier villages, At the present time, in midwi ment , (including postal : - = J idwin- 1 { hoy Ss, aviator nelmets, Lying: He h caw oy Spurs aviator Si ter, oil supply and demand arp jn | Perosits of States and 15 mont S to pay night signals with 1irgs, pirate's belance. ndeed Political sabdivisi 2 rold ring cdctectors, m-mey beits, Bave 3 eet matters | guier deposits (certified and > te Sal : : 3 ave mmproved to such an extent! cashier's checks, ete.) 18.24 Pays for itself in laundry savings. hinoculars, noise attachments = for thet the rie cos 4 Total Deposits a Licvelds. a3 : wid tne te Bovernment Msef has | hills payables 3 New features galore! TIME. ieycles, and on and on nd on. revoked rules governing it other Habiliti elie Is it profitable for the industry, agencies designed to oA own money . YOO I'ESTED —women have proved a parent inquires? An atom bomb | J ditto a iit ¢ the mse | Other liabidtii 2 Ironrite’s principles right for over ring, as a premium, found over 3 Why were ne Total Liabilit $1,04 a quarter century! nih sendi 15 cents Why were the forecasts at such CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I ay milion children sending 15 cents variance with th tuality? | Capital Stoo and a box top each, for that one. he. a eo iy’ Common stock, total par : i. : iy He prncinal reason is (nis: | free | $1°5.000 $125,000.00 The sales of cereals is estimated at caterprise, left alone Surplus 000. 00 ar : 2, a 2 to meet n° 1 350,00 . ; . . » £175 million worth, 00 provided the Ty divided profits Be sure to come in and sce the most century as quality ironer builders. Te tak al sy ! Ps on. Reserves : ) Yo : 5 ps Junior's cercal fancy mans fai ad rolld up its sleeves and. ‘Went “tol T. Ya Capital SC an wanted of all ironers . . "New, “Rhyth- . bride Yertising contracts, big JOBS Yori Goth. Tt every facility it TTT mic” Ironrite, the only complete ironer But, don’t just take our word for ade eve acility i Talal Liabilities and re : : svelly manufacturers, work for rest Ir sters ar 0 novelty manufacturers, wor bad to do double duty. It bujit| Capital Accounts 160.0¢ on the market! Our biggest Ironrite boosters are the radio Zctors and comic strip a new facilities as fast as it could. |, a a ladies who have bought and used Iron- TA 7 R 1 hol «| Assets pledged or assigne v 0 . > Its: Yves Jor lly 00 ui off aut of Ge Bs to secure liabilities and When you drop in, we promise to show rites through the years. Now, vou’l] sec the ground, 8 ) > sport stars. Whaat a fot of dif- : it refind it, ferénce a box top can mean these for other pur State of Pe and it moved it swift- by nr, Coun | ly and efficiently to the a consum- Lancaster, ss ays. pe A ro wel. 3 l,. Carl. . S, Krall, ier of ec ® ers who wanted it. above-named bank solemnly a In all probability, government | that the above statement is tri WHAT PRICE CIVILIZATION | Bt might be a sort of Rip Van inkle ta’e, of a man who ré- rned from the wilds to civili- intervention would have | shirtege unavoidablé, just as the | government power monopolies all | bave done. When politics made a | CARL S. KRALL, Ca this Tth day of January, 1949 Annie C. Blensinger, Notary P My comnmassion expires Jan. 26, moves lion, after twenty years seclu- | Correct—Atuiest: Just before Christmas, 2 On ved tape ne D, STEAMAN North Carolina folks wha | | production. start do an Rank J HARVEY RETTEW to do good by their fel- wily rec gk : Sa i he best of my knowledge and bel Sworn to and subscribed before me Ag vou the amazing new features and all this built-in Ironrite quality, along with 1d the time-tested ones that Ironrite has new, amazing and modern Ironriie th . . firm | developed and used for over a quarter improvements! 1e to | ief. shier | Lester E. Roberts ublie pi ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ors) East Main Street. Mount Joy, Penna. | Thrifty Shoppers Cheer- PRICES LOWER Than Last Year! Yes, the cost of living is really coming down, , , At A&P, many prices are now lower than they wers a year ago, as you will see from many of them which are listed in this ad. x You will always find low prices at AAP because it has long been A&P's policy to reduce retails promptly as the costs come down. 1548 New Green Cabbage "Ic Yellow Onions tc, White Turnips 4"™ 24c Tomatoes " 39¢c Carton String Beans *33c cin 29¢c Ib 29¢ A & P Dairy Center Priced Lower Than Last Year! January 1948 Bes! Pure Lard — 32: 2, on 19° Ched-o-bit “== o> ws 95¢ | 2% 88¢ Borden’s Chateuu $1.05 [2% 89¢ Velveeta Cheese ot 91.13 | 2* 89¢ Oleomargarine "" ws 3% | i: 28¢ Mild Cheese “™* * B5¢ * 49¢ Pantry Values Priced Lower Than Last Year! January PREM OR 1948 Treet on 49¢ | a 43 Salad Dressing mde] = 20a fona Tomato Juice wm 44c | 2% 39¢ Cranberry Sauce ™ 2 57 35¢ 27¢ Mazola Oil 9c | = 73C Wesson Oii Ton 87c | fn 75¢ Campbell's Beans 2 > 29¢c |2 25¢ Cream Style Corn ° 2 > 35. |2 29¢ Dried Liisa Boans i 35¢c | in 28¢ Welch’s Grapelade 25¢ | = 21cC Tomato Juice > “r2fc can can CE A | - Flour =v 105 | 95¢ Flour ©; 85c | vr 756 6" 25¢ 29c i 2B 39¢ | We 33¢ lc | w= 285¢ Suchard Bars “°°“* § ... 28¢ CANDY-COATED 7:01 M & M’s CHOCOLATE bag Soap Flakes IVORY, LUX large OR CHIFFON pkg Bright Sail SOAP FLAKES large + pkg Oven Treats Priced Lower Than Least Year! Japuary 1948 Ps {4c each 45¢ we 420 39¢ Dixner Rolis MN Danish Nut Ring Angel Food Ring each *49¢ each 3%¢ 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store in Mount Joy. 6 roo Pre of S Pro Ginde East Sal P. M. Roy 1 Chas. AH. Claude / 30-