The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 20, 1949, Image 1

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Farmers Having Spring Sales Should Get Their Dates In Our Register—FREE If We Print Your Bills!

The Mount Joy Bulletin

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday
Afternoon, January 20,
1949 $2.
00 a Year in Advance

Mount Joy Farmers Co-
Op Sold Over a Million
Dollars Worth Milk In’48

The annual meeting of the Mount
. A MILITARY FUNERAL FOR | AN OPEN MEETING FOR {doy Farmers Co-operative Associa- Bab Contest Will
ave ite | T-SGT. WM. N. FUHRMAN News From Last | GIRL, SCOUTS AND FRIENDS VFW | 0 Present Brief News From [tion was held for members and their y
4 Military funeral services were | i The Mount Joy Neighborh on) wives on Monday evening. Januar e e on
held Sunday from the Frey Funer- Ww k’ F Sh Girl Scouts of Lancaster County | Ahad F Y Th Daili F
or " agi { 17, in the social room of the Evan-
Lift, Then Robbed al Home, Marietta, for Technical ee arm ow will hold an open meeting for un or ou’ e es or en iy ;
. Hea . alice: i ; "ior .
. Sgt. William N. Fuhrman, Jr. son . | scouts and friends of scouting in | ja United. Brethr ia Chur, With VFW Show
An eat Him of William N. Fuhrman, Marietta, Held at Harrisburg the High School Auditorium this | Jan, 26th and 27th | Quick Read: g | with one hundred eighty-five mem-
and the late Mrs. Fuhrman. Inter- Thursday evening, January 20th at | [bers and guests present A baby contest will be held in
State Police Sunday were con- | ment was in the Marietta cemetery. Pennsylvania agriculture moved | 7.39 p.m Rehearsals are under way fo Middletown will operate again The Ladies of the Church served connection with the show “Fun For
tinuing their investigation of the The Rev. W. L. Koder. Luthehan {into the national spotlight when| W Price. L.F-D assis “Fun For You" the local talent |in 1949 without imposing a real a delicious turkey dinner The ta- You" which is being produced un-
beating and robbing near the boro pastor here, officiated. farmers of the Commonwealth had! tan Curator of the Franklin and show being sponsored by Veterans | estat tax. bles were beautifully decorated with der the auspices of the V.F.W and
of a twenty-year-old soldier, en- Technical Sgt. Fuhrman. credit- | Staged the greatest of all Penna. | Museum, photographer or | © Foreign Wars to be presented on It has been proposed to establish | flowers. tov milk truck Wagons, i a and will be presented on
route to his Pittsburgh home from | ed with shooting down four Ger- Farm Shows last week in Harris= | lecturer will give one of his fa- | Wednesday and Thursday, Janu- | a 1 i. camp for poor children at bottles, cows and butter car- Wednesday and Thursday, Januagy
Fort Mommouth, N. J. The GI |man planes was killed at Ommen, | burg, January 10 - 14 |mous illustrated lecture Mr. J. W. | 26 and 27th, in the Mt. Joy Indiantown Gap. , tons 26 and 27 at the Mount Joy High
was robbed early Saturday by two | Netherlands, while returning from The 33rd Farm Show not only | price has lectured previously in | High School Auditorium. for the By the end. of June aver five | “Christy” the well known accord- School Auditorium for the benefit
men who picked him up to give | 3 bombing mission over Bremen, visitors from Pennsyl- | Mt. J w before the Lions Club, benefit ol the Building Fund of | million dollars U. S. funds was |, player, entertained during the of the VFW Building Fund.
him a ride. Nov. 13, 1943. He was engineer, | Vania county and many states from All who have heard him speak oi the VFW. Semi on flood control at nearby | dinner and led the group in singing - between the
. ai i ow v . Je | 1 contestants are twee :
Meanwhile, the youth, Pvt. Rob- | gunner and crew chief on the Fly-|Maine to California, but it drew | have seen his pictures have found |' The play is under the personal York. many old and popular songs. Liv to'si nd are
el: : representatives f a “ Sar: \, a rear ro : : age ne day to six years a
ert Johnson, who was robbed of | ing Fortress, Miss Agnes, attached | representatives from a number of him equally interesting to adults | direction of Grace E. Bramon, Wha | Surah Caldwell, 81 year old re- | After the dinner the business]"®*® © oo 2 Hn evchants
: a : Palio 7 eet y wm : : [ ; Juse ie we. 33 fr leading merchants.
all his money and leave papers | to the Eighth Air Force. He was | foreign countries, astounded by the land children This evening he | has had much experience in this | Sass who gi d Dge. 23 from | meeting was called to order by the oar or Fi VOTE and who
yeceived funds from his parents | twenty-one when he was killed. size of the show and its 10.000 will give a new series which has type of work Miss Bramon states malnutrition, left an estate of | President, Abner Risser The mem= I : AY 4 x he
and continued on his way. He was awarded the Purple exhibits of quality Pennsylvania | not heen shown, featuring pictures | that she is greatly pleased with $104,000. bers of the board of Directors and Ye the Wp i : est
: : aa a . LE rear 33¢ var i x : f co tests : as » {or
Johnson told Siate Policemen P. | Heart Medal posthumously and the livestock, poultry and other farm | of Furnace Hills Girl Scout Camp, | the cast and anticipates c¢ne of Last ye aT 39 drivers nn Lan their wives were introduced as well gone ts that : ji ADs
P. Oreszko and Donald Hollywood | Air Medal with two Oak Leaf products. the Lancaster County established | the finest shows that she has ever | caster County had. their licenses as the plant workers, attorney and talking, Lovely Suver yi
Ye was Hitchhiking and Ves then | Clusters. Attended by 580,000 people ini Gir] Scout Camp which has been directed suspended. That is an increase of vost will be awarded the winners as they
picked up about three miles West Surviving, in addition to his fa- |the largest daily crowds ever | attended in the past two years by ! The cast includes about 100 | A ll ne Two resolutions were presented are crowned king en queen of oy
3 : wy : a Far 3 : ‘ 4 : esse H. Hall, of Fle ing, Cen- la of 1 Joy. The winners wi
of Lancaster by two men in ga | ther are his wife, Thera; a daugh- known at a Farm Show, the net]; number of Mount Joy Girls | people who are to impersonate the | * Se 5 i Qo Flemniny Cen | and adopted. Two directors, Abner | nd of Mt. Joy i i a :
1934 cor 1935 Ford Coupe He ad- | ters Donna, and the following result exposition was to elevate An added feature of the evening | radio, stage and screen tey Coy. ves ” Sd in 0 Rio 4 Risser and Ralph Brenneman were | 7° presented on Thursday nig : n
ded that at a point Fa t of Mount | brothers and sisters: Doris. wife the outstanding importance of the | will be pictures taken over a sev- | stars It is billed as the Atomic cident near Millerstown on his way | elected for a term of three years the first svene called The Cidldrere
Ri ab a .oe pas 15 ! Sd hs BW Atmore : : : home from the Pa. Farm Show at wh IStory "i
Joy they turned off onto a lonely | of Ralph Oberholtzer, and Dale and [Pennsylvania show as an agricul-| ea] year period at Mt. Joy Day | Bomb of Amateur entertainments | he Pa. Farm Show at | The Association has had a very Story Hour ; ;
country road, jammed an object | Earl, all of Florin and Charles of tural state. Camp | and from all indications promises |" "" re. vear. its sale of fluid milk Watch the standing lists pasted
appearing to be a gun in his ribs | Marietta. All previous Farm Show atten- TT | to be just that. Me. Elizabeth Ellen Probst, 45, | for the past vear amounting to well daily on Sloan’s Pharmacy window.
> oo : et eee Mee records were broke Thea { mother of six children, was fined | ya : A
and demanded his “stuff. Soe hii! aks h The E | One of the most laugh provok- $10 and costs and jailed 30 days | over 2 million dollars. Seventeen |
ivetock show 1ac the largest |; oo . a Bly * ays i OL byte unit 3
The youth then said the men . ’ SX : ; ®e ngagements | ing scenes will be an impersona- for shoplifting A "land one-half million pounds of milk :
: rst at number of dairy and beef cattle, = Its tha ; 11 shoplifting. She resides near ane a Ir 0 AWS
told him to start running over a 10Nn an sin nel hes ver to be ex ton of the Breakfast in Hollywood Christiana was marketed by its members.
1 i i Swine a sheep ever to ex- . . as i : AYE a. | 4
field warning him not t look one : Of Ww ll wn | brecadcast. Heading the cast will A After the business meeting and " : iad i.
back H of 1s the : oid d Will I || : hibited at the annual event. The € no [be Jake Corll in the role of Tom i off 1 or Sim The Pa. Aercnautics Commission
yack. e did as ordered : es ‘ fficers and manager £ . ob’ nt sotine of 4
DRA + C ey oer an 1 nsta rive- corn exhibit surpassed all others, a Mastor. of Ceremonies. M R Ba oo i 2 gi ne 0 { wes host at a meeting of the Py,
nade his way to the Sh resi- : : ¢ an, Mas rt ywton, Mr. F. S utch ucher, | Miving Farmer Sor Jel. 2
dag i i oop x . as did the honey display. The Local Residents fe wilj introduce’ the following] 0 uary ecor orto : i ! Flying Farmers Assoc. held at the
nce on Marietta St. 11S oro, ic gave a splendid address with some | “os State ir
where h I { tl oo In Window Soon show had more farm machinery or men representing Hollywood [Hye a TD i lid | Harrishurg State Airport on
ere sar sor CUD: S : | I S 3 | iy tv of <er < | Maan . av sd
es Fone he farm and home equipment dis- Mr. and Mrs. John D. Roland, | havi oak: : Throu hout This {humor and plenty « erious solid | Thursday. An interesting pro
and called State Police : . SER : i © : We | Clamour Gals having Breakfast in facts regarding the present and fu-| gram and banquet was provided
H tal } Y In a recent issue of the Bulletin | plays than any previous Farm | at Donegal Springs, announce the Hollvwaod: Mr. Marte Brown as i | gra a juet as |
ras taker 0 ancaster | . A i vlarty as | © ook for fe g and airy= | for > ving farmer guests
wa 3400 fo Ty [ we made mention of the fact that | Show. These exhibits alone had | engagement of their daughter, | A y * hd ture outlook for farming and dairy for the flying farmer guests.
General Hospital] where he was : : . | Betty Grable; Mr. Harold Wagner nt t {ing Loct il attending ver
treated fo i ffered wh | the First National Bank and Trust | an estimated value of $4,000.000 Dorothy Marie, to Kenneth R.| impersonating Lana Turner; Mr Ire 0Ca 1 y [oe me -— <cal pilots attending | Wete
‘eate wr les & NPE vat ) <dne 5 wir, | SY TT ame »
fae b So: ic uffered when | Company here, would make impor More rural youth participated in| Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. David George Weber portraying Mic) Frank S Mellinger: 59. ut Man-1 James Endslow, Joseph Wolge
e was beaten , ta aying ae | ank S. I ger, 59, ot Wan- |. ou WATE Sa Tear (te i a
| ta nt improvements soon. But we | 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers and of Johns, E-town R2 XAT ob tS Ca. Voi JAY NISSLEY MADE $650 muth, Elmer Groff, David Heisey
Johnson told the policeman that : CTs | West; Mr. Charles Bailey made up | heim. PROFIT ON ONE STEER and Phares Landis
| didn't tell vou that the bank. in ad- | Future Homemakers of America Miss Roland was graduated from | ; Nite a i) Orville W. Johns 72. at Col | Nk a ares Ls 5
a Of S | > as Ve : . $ s &, | . > 3 Wp
the men took his wallet containing 8 : ce x ._| as Marlene Dietrich; Mr. Robert PY Johnson, 72, at Lol-{ ,.v Nissley, seventeen y 14 Harry Risser and John Hawth=
$45. Zo nd | | dition to all these changes, would | Their exhibits of farm products, of East Donegal High School and is Balmer masquerading as od ay 1 ey, seventeen year o arry Risser d . awit
ei on Save papers Sng an Men adopt and put into service . of | window displays, of contests, de- now employed by her father. Mr.|. ess rillic : wm 5 | Manheim R3 farm youth earned | orne flew to Bloomsburg on Fri-
tifiention. bracelet. He also told | @dopt and put into service one o ; J to 3 = Gertie and Mr. Jack Germer bur- William Beach, 67, East Peters-| profit from ‘his Block An] day
police that the car sideswiped the most modern advantages known | monstrations and livestock entries Johns, _who attended Mano Twp. losquiing Gypsie Rese Lee. bute, a $650 nis ack An i onto aster 'R
another hil nd y + | in banking circles—a Drive-In Win- showed results of careful train- {High School, is employed at the In this Scena Mr. Jake Corll hs Mrs. Anna Elsie McCloskev, 75 gus steer that was crowned the ednesday a ternoon Dona .
thes rs € Suey through dot t und shill Their | Middletown Air-Degot. tie 5 : > \ gg ie skey, | Grand Champion of the State Farm | Rcbbins and John Hawthorne flew
i $ aile 5 . om Brenneman no only intro- | ariett: : : . jE) ely
Yrut Jailed to stop. Well. here's tl participation was outstanding, and No date has been set for the y a : . | Show at Harrisburg last week. to the DuPont Airport at Wilming-
ell, here’s the low-down. Some- : : ii di duces the men dressed as women Clara M., widow of Aaron H.| ity limes ton. Dd
time in the near future. the Bank | members « the Commission de- | wedding. [to impersonate movie stars but he | Wenger, at Manhem, aged cighty- | . D
. : © — Gian Bars Si ? © TSW T I MARRIAGE LICENSES Jim Landis and John Hawthorne
will advertise for bids to buy and clared. = | goes into the audience, tries on |three, > y 5 foro i 2:
Prof. Bingeman ; Se Adding 3 Appended are more of the high Mr. and Mrs. A. Landis Kreider, | : : ) [ oe - od Kenneth R. Johns, E-town R2]|left for Columbus, Ohio on Sat-
“ take down the store building in the . . ladies hats and awards a prize for | B. Frank Kulp, 65, a native of [ othv M. Roland Vit y { urday. spending the icht there
spots of the show concerning folks | Conestoga R2, announce the en- : wy ~ . and Dorothy M. Roland, Mt. Joy | urday, spending the nigh Jere
. rear of the bank. 5 5 | the goofiest one present. There- | Rapho Twp., at Palmyra Friday. |p, wid Tot a nextidaV
tet Tins thruout this locality gagement of their daughter, Anna | | i ig | R2. and returning next day.
0 e on ran in In addition to providing parking . fire the women who plan to at- | Amos Kulp Manheim R2, is one of | : wi : ” 7 R1 meena lhe
| ha. Taek. Will tl | Midnight, a coal black 1085 Ib.|L. to Frank L. Hess, son of Mr. up Fp ty V to] the: hrothers | domes A. Tierney, R
| space, the bat fill install : ; : nd “Fun For You” are urged to | the | J¢ B : hic ace wi i
A combined meeting of the Lions} > co 0° dank Wl natal! 8 | Aberdeen Angus steer raised by ol and Mrs. Roy H. Hess, Mount Joy | id : | and Jean C. Neiss, of this place. Subscribe for the Bulletin.
ern Diebold Drive-In Window with 4 t's ! 7 | wear the silliest millinery creation | Clarence LeRoy Maxwell, 52, : mart
Club, the Rotary Club and the Mt. | Manheim High Schoo] Senior, be- | Rl | . : . : . ry | = ee
y bullet proof glass and electric possible in order to win nylon |vice officer of Conewago Post Am- | gy
Joy Chamber of Commerce was | devi With thi te came the steer of the show. Miss Kreider is employed by hase and thes Sifts Following lerigan Legion for 20 vears at Eliza | | 3
| speaking wice. 1 Q ow ‘ ' : Ose and othe g gle £ 20 years ¢ Li1za- | i
held Tuesday evening at Hostetter’s | Jane Graybill, Manheim R1, won | Slaymakey Lock Co., and Mr. Hess | iY | e 0C ews { ver wt in t
3 8 . : wt ovis x > the plan of the original Breakfast |bethtown Tuesday
Banquet Hall convenience Mr. or Mrs. Bank Cus- |, ue ribbon for first place [tv A. K. Mann and Son : : 8! [oom sda 2
ang lid tomer can do their banking without hie Lig No date 1 i in Hollywocd Show this scene will | Mrs. Mary Ellen Myers, 52, at |
The i ti 7 » Rotari: a ith rr Angus ste > ght INO Aa 1 ee set lo ¢ ¥ i |
The Lions and the Rotarians were ven setting out of their car. This with her Angus steer in the light San hx " linclude awarding a wishing ring, | Talmage Anna, wife of * Memo | For The Past Week Ha ened At
the guests of the Chamber of Com- | . | fe weight class. Norma Heagy, Man- | wedding presenting a corsage to the eldest Shelly and Mabel, wife of Paul |
merce. A goodly number were in | is a new step among country banks heim R3, took a fourth place a- YY -— | Wy pre nt and oivin tft Witmes Manheim : BD are tep
i Va w . ; if . eins . . : wn se and g g ag ) | aT, Wig » 2 are step-
attendance and a nice program had | mn Supe il should ward with her Angus in the very | CARD PARTY FEBRUARY 2ND. ihe person chosen as the Good | daughters Ver Briefly 0 Florin Recen y
| prove to be a useful and convenient | _, BY ST. HILDA'S GUILD y > it 000 [Valle
been arranged. i same class 21 ov DAS GUILI Good Neighbor of Mt. Joy | rs | r :
| service to the community. Hi Ce Q 4 . . bey : gio WL voy. | sie wwe f he Masonic Homes at Eliza- | The Lizzie K. Nissly property will
Prof. J. W. Bingeman, principal | The Firat Nationd! is. the second In the 4-H beef showmanship, St. Hilda's Guild of St. Luke's Any resident of this community | Mrs. Lizzie W. Hivner The Masonic : " A es a hl a day
of East Donegal High School, gave! le Hirst is he Second | pay F. Miller, Manheim R2 won ajEpiscopal Church met at the home! ;. to vote for the G sod] Mrs. Lizzie W. Hivner, 68, of {bethtown, was given $51444 by abe sold al PHUDHUE 54K as
i : BF bank in the county to adopt this | ies : . pr ve | aR Signe. TU "ne : 3 | ’ I tevniap %0 { January 22.
a very interesting sketch on the is. 3 cl third prize of Mvs. John B. Greiner, Delta St Good Neighber, who should be a Mount Joy R2, widow of John B. | fermer mason. : is Mie. Jucoh DD. Stickler
life of Benj. Franklin, whose birth- ue 126, 9 Sp a ley At the end of Thursday judg-|Tuesday evening man or woman who has done |Hivner, died at’9:10 p. m. Thurs={ A gas explosion cause d slight cs Bg k or Fi ge .
rece ‘ecede Iq ; 117 mT . * vit left 118 K Tor where
day was celebrated that day only recently or it would | jhe there was a total of 617 a- The Guild discussed and planned | nding charitable or civic {day at the Lancaster County Hos- damage to the Gish apartine { this wee oO
have heen the first y ; . | 1 they willgspend some time.
Don’t forect folks the Lions are en | Be a wards for Lancaster Countian to sponsor a card party on Wednes- | work for individuals or the com- pital, after an illness of four | Elizabethtown Monday 4 & ii A
busy getting ready to put on their TOO MAN oLDI An honor in eggs went to Man- day evening, February 2nd at the unity. at Jayde All Teticrs norms I she waa “boii in Mt. | Wade Bure. 23° Ptown RZ. Wr. and Mrs Noi E. Bea
Ps Ie 4 MANY SOLDIERS 3 I , ean BO pu : led on Misses Annie an iza-
second annual Minstrel Show which 9 1 A y Sou Fh heim Borough High School, whose | Fire House, beginning at eight o'- | inating the Good Good Neighbor [Joy Twp. a daughter of the late | rrested by State Police on called on°M RTE ang 2
Ba DRAFT EXAMS CANCELLED vimils won lic: banner for the vo- baled. Mea : ee os Tel © ame : gi on Ee : . : eth Brandt near Maytown on Sat=
will be better than ever. ~ ‘ al" clock. There will be two prizes to| should be addressed to this news-[Jchn K. and Mary Witmer Krei- charge of public indecency |
f hy Lancaster County's three draft (Turn to Page 5) each table d door. nrize. hss der. ; urday
Tickets are on sale, 70¢ for adults boards Friday, recived official ach table and a ro prize | paper and mailed by Tuesday Jan. { Ben E. Mann was re-elected the Mr and Mrs. H. B. Hershey and
S ceive ) le . . . Theres wi eS . vir, an I S . ©
and 40c for school children, which : : . freshments. | 25th A committee will judge the There survive three children |, cident of the Lancaster Leaf | fe
’ word from Harrisburg that pre- = a - x jpres of - | son. Robert of Lemoyne visited Mr.
Includes the cost of & reserved Feat. | one ou ea rE ° — 0 letters yeceived and the Good Good | Clarence and Roy, E-town; and | Tobacco Board of Trade | 0, ) to € i 1 ;
x . 110 JS1C¢ eX : < - og of r ¢ - vi MPS 2Y -
The date. February 17, 18, and 19. | 4 HS DY No iil for € quor NEW HIGH OF 43C. PAID | Neighbor will be notified so they | Elizabeth, wife of Clarence Auker,| Mable, aged eleven, of yy TY 2 an
Come out and support a worth un A oy if canceled FOR CO. WRAPPER TOBACCO | may appear and be presented to Mount Joy R2; also three brothers | Col 4h 1 in ? | . Tt day ;d
Ort 1 | February and March. ° zo oni : ; idey { Columbia, is a polio patient at the | 14 seems that quite a lot of de=
. : : : . W. 2d the ituation | the sudience the nigl f the show. | and sisters, Jacob W. Kreider, Mt S¢€ 1
while community project and enjoy ee > eee H C t d e audience the night ol the show. | Lancaster General Hospital - a es
an evening of nt nd ear on nue i sized up squarely when we pub-| The cast also includes, Pau] [Joy 2; Miss Fannie Kreider, | : : struction by persons unknown is
1 i anc + rp “wp v 1 { ror S : ‘olumbia sol- aking place & he = ag
afi ns sponsored by local talent NAMED DISTRICT CHAIRMAN Following a long discussion Fri- | lished in these columns over al Alexander Jr. as Harry Von Zell; | Lancaster; John W., Mt. Joy; and | Fred Salzman, a Columbia sol- | taking place at the Florin Hall,
as sponsorec 7 local talent. " ia ats io 5 5 , y - sili Pa : : ie i: rosecute shootin le 5 igns whic tie
I x A The Lancaster Heart Assoc. has day afterncon on the present pop- | month ago that farmers would get | Jack Germer also as Joe Kelly; Emma, wife of Lewis Hostetter, | 417" was prosecuted for hooting Please read the signs which pla
. opened: irs drive to Tatse $125.000 ulation of Mt. Joy Twp., the hear- | 40 cents for their tobacco J.| Mis. Joe Detwiler, as Minnie | Lititz. | at PloRsants on he highway | card the property, Parents are ask-
Landisville Bank Elects W. Lercy Tyndall, of town, is the ing on the appeal of Fred Barley | Harlan Burkhart, Ephrata R2, sold } Pearl; Jimmy Forry, the Duke of The fuhctal was held from , the | Mr. Paul’ Hipple, Marietta Ave. |ed to warn their children not to de=
district chairman fire and at) poo veterans of Foreign Wars of | ten 2cres Monday to a York Co. | paducha; John Newcomer, Uncle | Nissley Funeral Home here Sun- {who is a surgical patient at St. Jos- | face property or they may be fined
The First National Bank at Lan- E-town it is Jos. F. Gingrich. E-town, for a club liquor license dealer at 43 and 10 The tobacco | Ezra; Miles Fink, Barn dance cal- | day afternoon with interment in | leph'’s hospital, Lancaster, the past |five dollars
sis : 2 — le eee : | } 11 | . yi 1 \ Ty > oving The Ladies / ciliary of -
disville held its annual reorganiza- was continued to a later date by | was grown by Paul M. Risser on| ler; Victor Shank, Dr. IQ and Wil- | the Eberle Cemetery. | week, is inp ving ; The Ladies Auxiliary of the Flor
tion on Tuesday, with following Judge Oliver S. Schaeffer. { the Burkhart farm a short dis- | ma Jane Dommel as Columbia M M Gabe | I ie who |in Fire Company will sponsor a
results: aytown as a The Post is asking the Lancas- | tance south of Landisville Pianist, Mrs. Chas. S. Rovenolt. I Fi, Mary Corn hes conducted a small store h shooting match to be held Friday &
Ww Scott Bushong president; tor ‘County: Court 10 revers their ee © —— ree . i Mrs. Mary ‘Gruber, forty-eight, | Ironville Pike outside C:lumbia, | Saturday. January 29 - 30, at the
Wh TP Duman Vee Desi G id Plan opinion of Pa. Liquor Control | BOB GERMER RECEIVED y . | wife of Norman F. Gruber, died| had her leg amputated near the | Mount Joy Sportsmen's Trap Field,
Edward G. Myers, 2nd vice presi- ul ance Board, which last month refused t, |B. OF S. DEGREE ON FRIDAY ‘Week S Birth Record fat 4:30 a.m. Wednesday at her | hip at the Columbia H spital Saturday the shoot will begin at 1
fi. . be 2G » S . home, Bainbridge R1. She had been 0 Wier 1 Sunday at 9 ¢
dent; Phares B. Stehman, Secre- Through the cooperation of the | grant the Post a license Robert FE. Germer, son of Mr. | Bs { ). ind Sunday at 9 a.m,
tary; N. L. Bowers, cashier; Rob-| Guidance Center at Franklin and| In its petition the VFW Post {and Mis. Frank F. Germer, 121 N.| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Forrey, in ill health for several years, She | MANY MOTORISTS NABBED Mrs. Paul Frank spent several
ert E. Lawrence, assistant cashier: | Marshall College, all seniors in the | said it had been refused a li- | Barbara Street, received a Bachelor | Manheim R2, a son Saturday at | was born in Mt. Joy Rl, a daugh- | [IN FFFORT TO CURB SPEEDING (Turn to Page 5)
James Kauffman, assistant cashier. | Denegal Twp. High School, May- | cense on grounds that the quota [of Science degree in the Industrial | the Lancaster General Hospital. [ter of the late Henry Frey and | Eighteen motorists including three —
. . | 7 Eo pt tlie A on z aq al ‘ 1 RC ATF MN
Ames S. Newcomer was ‘e- | town, are being tested and inter- | for Mount Joy Twp. had already | Arts course from Millersviile State Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Musser, | Katie Winters Frey, and was a truck drivers, were prosecuted f PRESIDENT TRUMAN GETS
elected as a director for a full] viewed by Mrs. Dorothy Lefever, | been filled. Counsel for the Post | Teachers College Friday. | Florin, a daughter, at the Genera] [member of the United Zion Church |driving too fast in the restricted | QUITE A BOOST IN SALARY
term, having been appointed dur-| of the Guidahce office. Friday afternoon asked for a con- Germer, a graduate of Mt. Joy | Hospital on Tuesday. of Elizabethtown. {area west of Lancaster on the Lin- Congress Monday gave Presi=
ing 1948 to fill the unexpired term When indicated, additional inter- [tinuance of the hearing on the ap- | High Echcol holds membership in Rev. and Mrs. John Rosenbesvy, | In addition to her husband she is | op Highway. Fourteen were clock- | dent Truman a pay raise from
of H. W. Minnich, deceased. views are being arranged for the |peal until a time when the town- | Page Literary Society and is a | Mount Joy Rl, a son at the Gen- survived by these children: Menno, |cd at from 45 to 65 miles per hour. | $75.000 $100,000 a year and
_ TTY pupils and parents. This program [ship assessor could be present to | 1 mbers of the basketball team. | ¢-al Hospital on Tuesday. | Bainbridge Rl; Alta Mae, wife of | Among them were Irvin Aucker, of | boosted tax-free expense al-
DRIVER GIVEN FOUR MONTHS | is intended to counsel pupils in [testify to the present population of te Mr and Mrs. John M. Wolge- | Harry Ebersole, Bainbridge R1; Roy | Manheim R2: Clyde S. Mumma, of Mlowance from $40000 to $90,000
IN DEATH OF A GIRL choice of occupation and also to [the township, which now is ap- | MARRIAGE LICENSES | muth, Mt. Joy Rl, a son Tuesday |F, Marietta R1; Katie, wife of Rich- | columbia R1. all will be given a | annually
J. Earl Garrett, fifty, York con-| aid them in selection of colleges. [proximately 3.200, he said [t| Glenn Harold Myers, Manheim R2 | a! the Genera] Hospital. ard Olweiler, Manheim R2; Emma | eee
4 faite, . ne = en Gee ol = :
tractor and builder, was fined $200 Another occupational guidance | was pointed out that a license may [and Grace White Hosler, Manheim Elizabeth, Raymond, Elmer, Clay- | el eee THIS YEAR'S FARM SHOW
and costs and jailed for four | service being given by the school [be granted for every 1,000 persons |R3. “ DUTCH BUCHER TO RETIRE |ton, Ruth Arlene, Edith Marie, An- | AERO CLUB OFFICERS TO BE HELD OCTOBER 13-15
months. Last May he crashed | is the arrangement for occupation | according to State law. Melvin Wenger Husey, Mount Joy | AFTER THIRTY SIX YEARS na Mary, Edna Irene and Dorothy | Chiques Aero Club held thei At a meeting of the directors of
into a parked car on the Mariet- | al talks. However, counsel fcy the Liquor |R2 and Vera B. Gantz, Mount Joy Floyd S. “Dutch Bucher, Lan- | Jean, all at home; also a brother, | monthly meeting at the home of the Mount Joy Community Exhibit
ta Pike and killed Shirley May Four of these talks were given | Board, stated that the Board ac-|[R2 caster County farm agent for the |Martin W, Frey, of Bainbridge R1, | Ncrman H. Sprecher, at which held in the Methodist church last
Westenhofer, 15, of Marietta recently by Clarence Lyons, Mt. | cepted only the figures of the last Kenneth R. Johns, E-town R2| past 36 years, will retire some |three sisters, Mrs. Clara Zink, Man- | time an election of officers was evening it was unanimously decid-
dl cS Joy, on agriculture; Charles H.|decennia] census in granting li- | and Dorothy M. Roland, Mt. Joy | time during the present year. It | heim R2; Mrs. Alice Shaffer, Lan- | held as follows: ed to hold this vears s
: : ree year's show the sec=
AN INCOMPETENT DRIVER Rich, Marietta, on office work; | ‘There is no official way ( R2 will be difficult to replace him. | caster R4; Mrs. Sadie Peiffer, Bain- | President, Sam Balsbaugh: Vice !ond week of October 13, 14, and 15.
: . wi : Ge Ley vi i Be : : : :
Among the drivers licenses re-| Mrs. J. Weirich, St. Joseph's Hos- [to count the population other than A | - | bridge Rl; and six grandchildren, | President, Harold Newcomer: Sec- | = ee
' N row me “ ¢ a <Q 2 1 “ + 3 .
voked by the State last week was | pital, on nursing and Dr. G. R.|by the census’ he stated. TOBACCO BRINGS 37 CENTS NOW BOB'S A REPORTER | Funeral Saturday afternoon in the | retary, Harold Longenecker; Trea- | LETTERS GRANTED
that of C. W. Lehigh, Mount Joy.| Huber, Lancaster on optometry. However, it was said that there| Elam W. Mowrer, near Lancas-| Robert K. Brown, 318 East Main | United Zion Church, | surer. Stehman Landis an direc- | Anna R. Henry, Mt. Joy Tj
He was charged os being an in-| Additional talks will be given are conflicting opinions filed by | ter sold his entire tobacco crop to St, is now the local correspondent {with interment in Good's cemetery, | tors: Norman Sprecher and Arthur | executrix of the estate of
competent operator. later in the year, j county courts on the matter.. John Schnupp for 37 cents, for the Lancaster Newspapers | Conoy Twp. | Hostetter, | B. Stauffer, late of Manhei|
| | \ > i tt eon «
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