The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 13, 1949, Image 1

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i Michigar
cooked ir
You'll like
like flavor
ich 25¢
ks 19¢
hs 17¢
a3 43¢
bs 28g
or 29¢
PN ==
2 bs
bs 719¢
ed blend
d. D-in

Farmers Having Spring Sales Should Get Their Dates In Our Register—FREE If We Print Your

Joint Meeting of Three
ervice Organizations
C. of C. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Mt. [and the Rotary Club will Serer
Joy Chamber of Commerce wil] be | their noon meeting until the even- | . | E-TOWN DRIVER PROSECUTE
held at Eli Hostetter's banquet hall | ing MJHS Continues Its FOR FAILURE T Top
; ‘ 2. : | FOR FAILURE TO STO¥ 0
next Tuesday evening January 18 In reviewing the past years ac- f in 9 | J. Earl Seitz. E-town. was po 1S | anans ear
at 6:30. This will be a joint |tivities, the Chamber points with | : on a chorge of
meeting of the Chamber of Com- | pride and vighfully too, to the | CCIE fie C 00 S stop at the scene of an accident, nt res sting
merce, The Rotary Club and The | celebration of K. T. Keller Day | . following a collision on Route 241,
Lions Club during Pennsylvania Week The | }
+ Sy'vani ; | am ers 1] or I'S between E-town and Bainb um Vv Ken roome
At this time each of these oy- | dates for a similar week this year | ® | Saturday night State Police .
ganizations will have an opportun- | have already been set and plans | Mount Joy High School continues The charges were bi palit i The Rotary Club met in regular
ity to transact their own business, | Now In the making by the [membership for a three-year period | fore Justice of the Peace Lester | sess on on Tuesday noon, with a
At the regular business meeting | Department of Commerce. lon the list of schools accredited by |L. Weidman, Mt. Joy Twp. by number of absentees. An announce-
of The Cl ber of Commerce Assistance and aid to Hospital [the Middle States Association of | Robert L Hassingel Kennywood [ment w made concerning the joint
among its business will be the | dr ives, Welfare Drives, etc, were | Colleges and Secondary Schools. Hotel, E-town Botl Hassinger next Tuesday with the
election of five directors Those | given by the Chamber and 4-H |Notification of the continued mem- | and Seitz are operators of Chamber of Commerce and the
whose terms expire are Messrs | Club activities were carried on as [bership was received this month by | cabs [Lions Club, which will be held at
t : | y
S. A. Horton, Arthur C. Mayer, | usual during the year. | Wilbur I. Beahm, supervising prin- According to State Police, the |Hostetter's, beginning at 6:30.. As a
Alvin J. Reist, Wilmer L. Shoop, Secretary M. N. Bailey reports |cipal, in a letter from R. D. Mat- taxicabs operated by the two men |yule the club does not hold its noon
| y ood Pe: 1 y s dirvree .
and Theodore H. Weidler. These | that letters, letters, and more let-|thews, chairman of the associations je re proceeding In opposite direc {meeting when meeting in a joint
Pa : ‘ | tions be e 3 0 | ' i "top wet .
according to the by-laws, are not ju rs were written giving informa- fre on Secondary Schools. tions between 10:30 and 11:00 | cession with other organizations, but
00 : tM . ln. n Saturd vhe ollisiond chi
eligible for re-election jtion on most any subject regarding | The present accreditation will be in | p. m Saturday when a collision {14 4 prearranged program, it will
The program committee are (civic affairs in our Community. | effect until December 31, 1951. [os place be necessary to hold the regular
nm ; : { Seitz provided Lail f ring
making arrangements for a very | Industrial sites were offered to a The accredited rating of the local | elt pros tod 1: ail for a hearing. [ noon meeting.
3 v1 . | hfe y ri v ny a
interesting program, speaking, mu- | number of industries inquiring for | hish school covers a 20-year period, | Ray Wiley, a new member, was
sic, refreshments and everything | Sites but all wanted buildings | dating to 1928. According to the 9 Ww ! d presented to the club and given his
, : ang I g | | de 928. 3
that goes with it [erected and would only rent. No recent report of the el omen njure foo ship pin by Rev. Lester Ko-
. . . | >
Ample time will be given to | are available for indus- | jon, the list of accredited schools | der ry Nissly was the member
: | os :
the Rotary Club and the Lions|tries of this kind, as all our| se per 755. Nine of these are in | When Autos Crash! give the weekly two miiute talk
Club to transact any business and | buildings are in use. No capital | Lancaster county. The other coun- | [Ww hich was on the history and work-
make announcements, explain any | Was offered nor made available fo [ty schools and their accreditation vo woinen were injured Sun- {m ship of a very beautiful watch,
activities during the past year or erection of buildings. | dates are as follows: Manheim Bor- | day afternoon - n cars driven by which strikes the hours, quarter
any plans which they may wish | If you contemplate attending High School, 1928: Lititz High i their husbands crashed at 1:00 p. | hours and minutes in chimes. The
to divulge of activities for the | next Tuesday's meeting better re- | School. 1928: Linden Hall (private) | ™: on Church Landisville. watch was passed around to every
coming year. This is the vegular|port to Mr. Bailey before January | 1095 Manor - Millersville High i Injured were Mrs. Kathryn Herr, | member
meeting night of the Lions Club [ School. 1929: Manheim Township | fifty -threc wndisville, who suf- Roy Sheetz, chairman of the Vet-
| s = 1 :
— _ | ere a laceration » cht anc ans Som we > -
Comme 2 === | fish School, 1935, Lancaster Cath- | fered a laceration of the chin and |erans Committee introduced Ken
ahve £ thal Evia ie m AO
olie High School, 1936; MecCaskey | 2°Fasions of the left knee, and Mrs. (Turn to page 5)
y 12a Tims Binkley Bite. 1 hair tt
e Community's s Banks om
who suffered a laceration o the
School, 1947. ‘ 1
memes A iene | forehead and possible est injur- e ngs ruou
oI ARUN i M Binkley w dmitted to
Elected I heir Directors. wire armen | dots er where (hye Communit
f Mh LEA |
. condition was repo:ted t( he y
Mr. Everett Metzler, clerk in the : ? 4
Appe nded are the directors elece- | F————— Union Nation al Mount Jov Bank
; : v | Pvt. Donald Hollywood of the t
ted by the various banks thruout 20 MEMBERS ATTEND ) LEGION cince his graduation from the Mt | State Polic i i uring as ee
is locality AUXILIARY MEETING ich S a0, has veer Co sad he Women Were >
1s locality As MEETING r o h : as re- | : Ns
thi localit, The Jin. hooting. of 11 die [Joy High School last May, ha re passengers in cars driven by their A beautiful wedding toole place
Fist Nationa), Bank ard Truss Auxil f A : ry aligned is pesition effertive Feb husbands, Aaron Binkley fifty- | on January 1, 1949 at 7:00 p. m.
Nitsa: : Auxiliary o 1c American Legion | Ne ’ ates attend- 4 : FR Rav
Company, Mt. Joy ak held Tsstey ot thel 1. Mr. Metzler gontemplates attend- | three, Manheim Rl and Harry T.) in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Ray
The annual meeting of the stock. Legion Home ith twenty Cer {ing Eastern Mennonite College at Herr, fifty-five, Landisville. I. Smee of Leedey, Okla. when a
holders of the First National Bank bor ot Yo Harrisonberg, Va. Pvt. Hollywood said the car op-|Miss Grace Wenger of Upland,
J . 1 . ers present. se on A Eee ma : .
and Trust Lo, was on Tues Tre membership chairman tl > erated by Ferr was coming over | Calif. became the bride of Mr.
day: nithe bank: buliding, 1 letter fron Erte Soerel i 0 the crest of a hill when the car [Ralph Brandt Good also of Upland.
¢ tter n Exec re Secretary- | . v ii ; .
Directors were elected as fol-| ms : | t t W ven by Jinkle " 3 : The bride was attended by her
ou cted as foi I'reasurer of the Dept. of Penna, | a € arm | driven b Binkley, coming from os
lows: Henry H. Eby, John E/|. ‘hich the: loc: Er dag 2 | the Vlg direction, crashed in- [sister Mrs. Smee and she wore a
Melhor, Amos. Risser. atic B in which the local unit has mer- | | to Beautiful blue romaine crepe street
ee er. Faris B.lited a National Presidents Citation | otes 0 nterest : Ve /hite
Hostetter, Dr. F. W. Newcomer. for 1048 155. members. were 1 | | i two women were given | length dress and carried a white
. J40. J0 me ers Jere re= | > . | . : rites
Daniel M Wolgemuth, John M which: u Bove th | The 33rd ennual Pa. Farm Show | emergency treatment at the scene | Bible with a gardenia and white
( ed, Cc 5 dD above he ~~ .
Booth, S. Nissley Gingrich and J tot : | is being held at Harrisburg this by Dr. Robert Baker in Landis- |satin streamer. The maid of
quota .
Musser Joloe : | wee To date the attendance has who Je 8 o the a) honor wore pink romaine crepe
sser Wolgemuth, Acknowledgements were receive) ™ k T'o date the attendance vho took them to the hospita X : ¢ a] or oy
mo i > seornded oS mage zie SS a a corsage o yink a
The reorganization effected Wed-|ed from the hospitals and Scot- J xceeded all expectations Damage to Herr car was about | ¢ 2 S n( corsage I
A, 3 ohace o "ra ) "wr of Snr te arna S
nesday morning follows: Henry {land Home for theirs Christmas | Garden Spot ohacco REO : 5) 8nd to shout $530, DL le by
H. Eby, president Mr. Eby has | it i with 270 entries, cantured 72 out | Pvt. Hollyweod added The bridegroom was attended by
. . ar. y i gilts. |
been a member of the board of Bill i | { d lof 92 awards The remaining | —— cm a Mr. Arncld Meyer of Leedey,
the First National for 15 vea's 2 diy Oa Pe Poid and the awards went to Lebanon and Clin- Okla The ceremony was per-
li ee ' | meeting adjourned | 1 > Shia v
and was reelected preside nt tor he A jo RR — er ton County exhibitors Wa e's Bi rih Record formed hy. Rey Ray L Ses, i
his ninth term. S. Nissley Gino. | Allen W Buch. Brownstown { br ther in law of the bride.
rich, vice president: Dr. E. Ww. |THE GAINORS CELEBRATING awarded grand champion | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gebh: Mt.| A reception was held immediate-
ident; oo B 2 : : dh {Joy R2, a son Friday at Lan=}1v fol ; the ceremony
Newcomer, secretarv: FE. M. Bom- | SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERS'Y. | prize for his exhibit of wrabver : 1 llowing the ceremony
caste ne Spita . ie .
berger, cashier: R. ellenbaum 1 : . tobacco John S. Habecker, Lan- ter General Yost al Their wedding trip through the
. Nae Hil Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Gainer, who aster R1, showed the grand cham- | Mr. and M Walter Fy May- | southwest will include a visit to
trust officer and assistant cashier; |... celebrati thet iver wed- | R1, showed the grand chan 1 :
Warren H. Bentzel istant cash ih gers ating 3 You: pion crop of filler tobacco town, a d: Saturday at St. the Carlsbad Caverns in New
oo ISS ld ding anniversary today, were en-|'s . ' Jo Hospit = 7 : i
ier and assistant trust officer: Jo- t | : li tl Jean Graybill, Manheim R1 won hon which Tey Mie
ag tertame at a surprise inner at | : ‘ [ VI Paul Mine Ol 1 1 ( thova
seph T. M. Breneman, Mrs. Eliza- gn. 8 . "| reserve champion award for all A ! Hoffine, E.|gside in Upland, Calif. where Mr.
RE a lize the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- of Donegal, a son Thursd at the [Good is employed by the Beulah
Siricsier, tellers; dorothy | neth Gainer, Mt. Joy Rl, on Sun- | . Columbia Hospital Collou
Gingrich, Wilbur Hawthorne we | g T | : . | Penn's Peaceful Meadow Farm, 3 lege
beokkeepers: Loi Miller. steno i I hn HO Hegsived 8 Mount Joy R2, is exhibiting a nice | Mi nd Mrs. Earl on Rheems, I'he bridegroom was formerly of
= ic Ty DN = | numbe gifts é g hem al : shter Wedn he WY 1 4 2 Yh
grapher; Charles Latchford is the ro | £1 = mong ¢ ion collection of Hampshire swine 1 daughte Wednesday at the Lan-| Florin, and the bride from Cham-
To) ; chest of silver from their children, is It exhibitor of caster Osteopathic oi pital where she was employed
messenger and janitor . As the only adult xhibitor i
¢ Mrs. Londa Zurin, Jr., and Ken- . 1 . I nd M Robert H. Arntz | by the Stanley Mfg. C
oi 5a ee Shorthorn steers, H. B. Endslow, of ' Ants, By the sia y NAR )
Union National Mount neth Gainer. Beside the honored \ Kennett Square R1. announced the
Marietta, was reported sure to ye ’
Joy Bank couple, those at the dinner’ were: | (Tarn to Pare 5) | birth of a whter on Wednes-
I. D. Stehman, W. A. Coventry, Mis. Rohrer Getz, Mr. and Mrs. | cn id | day, Jan. 12 in the West Chester Boro Council & Boro
Phares R. Nissley, Clarence 8, |londa Zurin and son Londa, 3rd Hospital Mr. Arntz is a son of |
Newcomer, Henry H. Kose John} and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Gainer, Bu s Fickin ar Jewel Mrs. Katharine Arntz Mt. Joy . .
B. Nissley, Harvey Rettew, Mar-|2li of Mt. Joy RI Street i orl d on
tin S. Musser, Alvin J. Reist a ou i a .
and Claude H. Grosh were re- Corn hybrids, to be STOTE, E Main Street GOVT. SURPLUS STORE OPENS Meeting Monday Nite
elected as directors must ko suited to length of season, | ; hi ¢ A government urplus store is |
The reorganization was held this | say Penn State extension agrono- Another change in ownership « ol ow open for business at 41 East| There was a joint meeting of Mt.
(Turn to Page Four) mists. local business fae Ma Seed Main Street, this boro. It is operated | Joy's Boro Council and our Boro
= - | last we k when the F x Inger Jow by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kear, who | Authority in Council C hamber on!
ry e, 7 Ee Main St., was a "
° elry store ’ y Re A Ai i 2 ide in the Schock property re- | Monday evening
ort 0 mprove t etic sold to Mr. Adam H. Greer, of May- recently vacated by Enos. Kulp, and The Boros solicitor Arnold was
. town. lis knewn as Peiffer’'s Government present and explained the duties
LY (vor ry oh ace ay ik
Mr. Greer purchased and took 807 Store land powers of said Authority. The
wy tthe stock » in. |
possession of the stock and equip ic Is of new and used ar-|charter, minute book and seal were
el S emorial 0 € LCrans ment on January 6th, from Simon |. |. eri ipparel, paints, | presented the new organization. All
At long last, there is an encourag- = T Pw Ir, ii Jos oa imping items, ete., are in stock at of its members (except Mr. Miller |
ing possibility that Mount Joy will | WEOLESALE GROCER CO. {ed the jewelry store lere for the ,easonable prices. Sex dvertise- {who is ill) were present
ail CFFICERS ARE ELECTED past four years. ment The Authority will hold a meet-
take its rightful place among the
$ 5 rig i é g : a When advised professionally that | ere ie a. rerv ne e ‘hie
high schools of the county boasting S. H. Hiestand of Salunga, was it ’ i I C i at --. ing in the very near future at which
2 1e climate ol Southern | you MEE NC: TIE An
modern, well equipped athletic | €lected president of the Lancaster us re 1 YOUTH MEETING HELD {time it will organize.
fields. Wholesale Grocery Co. at a meet- would oe coh ine ee “i AT FLORIN SAT. NIGHT At the meeting Monday evening
The proposal and plans for this | of stockholders Monday night at health of their small n, the Fick- | Tha West Green Tree Young | there was a general discussion but
; 3 I and plans for this the Eden Fire Hall ingers promptly decided to make |p, ple’s Society held a youth Council did not offer a single sug-
action have been circulating for a sd the move. They will sell their house he Fl a
= v . iit ) s het i ting at the Florin Church of {ges c anv © work. .
several months, but definite strides Other officers: I. Scott Smith, of " Map } [gestion as to any future work
s, but definite strides 1 on Chocolate Avenue, Florin, and {the Brethren Saturday evening. | er sagt ll Semen 2
rere ¢ » Foye _— 3 . 3: I ze, ‘esi 3 ’ . . : ‘ : |
were taken for its realization it a Vico president; E. A take up residence in California as The R Harry Eshleman, E-town | LOST THEIR PRIVILEGES
special meeting of the general com- |S Neffsville, treasurer; and | . a sit | L : :
OE TL : H. Fi ast = Patoyst quickly as possible. | spoke and music wa siven by Among the forty-nine motorists
{tee » Wele y av . Eby, Eas ter rg, ~ |
mittee of the Welcome Home Cele- avi ; 2 s UTS, | The new jeweler, Mr. Greer has | the Florin Girls Trio | to have thei driving privileges
) ion. > tinge we mL x retary. James A. SS. ancas=- . x . v . id 3
ration The meeting was called by secre ons €a5* ‘heen with the Hamilton Watch Co. | i } revoked bv the state were these
» preside r : OV ter, is manager > company. 1 4 run CARERS v a |
the president, Thomas J. B. Brown go! is manager o = aay for the past twenty years. He will [PLAYER BREAKS ANKLE {from this locality Speeding,
re seide : . ites ree men were elected directors : : 711 1 tn > .
It was decided that the committe ¢ i sts po Irectc continue to handle the same line of William Filling, twenty-four, 459 Theodore Koser, E-town R2; Nor-
0 ace > Fomainimn. BE or iree-year terms, wey were |. : te . : | : ji .
would place the remaining funds in N St 0: I li c jewelry and do all kinds of repair |N. George St, Millersville, suffer- msn M. Gruber, Manheim R2;
> hands of 4: local erase] w arle N. Stauffer, Landisville, C. S. . . : | .
the hands of a locai general com- = Ln 16 Bu work. He will be assisted by Mrs. le d a fractured left ankle while play- | Omer M. Kramer, Manheim
ittee whic H Zartman, Lititz; and Shreiner. v {
mittee which will use this amount “arn Ry Wz; an ireiher | Greer. [ing basketball for Millersville in a | Improper passing Herbert
and other funds to develop the high - | SP County League game here Monday | Sulungs.
. ‘ stiec fie Cats : THAT 3 T 3 ARS | ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 | : :
school athletic field as a memorial | THAT IS FOR THEIR HEIRS I TOBACCO CROP SOLD night. He was treated at the Gen- | eckless driving and no lights,
to veterans of all wars. The amount Among the estates adjudicated in | Ed Wissler, who resides a short | eral Hospital. Ce M. Maurer Jr., East Pet-
remaining in the treasurer's account | Orphans Court was that of Isaac [distance west of Landisville, sold TT wm ersburg.
of the Welcome Home celebration | G. Reem, of West Donegal] Twp. his tobacco crop to R. R. Shuman, Thieves broke into the Central A —————
was $2,012.37
(Turn to page 3)
| The amount
for distribution is

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday
Afternoon, January 13, 1949
The Mount J oy Bulletin

$2.00 a Year in Advance

a buyer fo
Owens, at 36 and 10

Lumber Co.
stole $1,500 in cash.
office at Reading and (

Pennsylvania's 1948 traffic toll is
1,555 lives
‘The Local News

Mr. and Mrs. Phares Ray, Harris- |
Fa Pike, entertained to a turkey F Th P tW k Gi Hi Sal
dinner on Sunday, in honor of Mss. | or € as €e 1IVeS 1S ary
Ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John | .
Spangler, formerly of this place, Very Briefly Told To Co. Charities
and now of Columbia, who cele- |
lined their thirty fifth anniversary | McQuay, 34, Marietta was | Lancaster County can rightfully
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | 2rested for violating his parole. |hoast of a very unusual politican in
Schneider and son. Mr. and Mrs. Golie Johnson, 46, had his hand |giate Senator G. Graybill Diehm.
Jacob Brown and family of Mount | mashed at the Manheim Asbestos | Instead of holding office to further
Joy: Myr. and Mrs. Ralph Andrews Plant
n., and son; Mr and Mrs. Dale Bare, Two hundred and twenty hen |
Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Span- Were oid off at the Columbia Mal-
gler, Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Phares A le i he baker. 8% Rol {
Ray and son, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mn oie a a 3 |
Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh | | pie iy
. . | when struck by an auto.
Smith, Lebanon, brothers of Mrs. . . : |
~ | George L. Heiges, Manheim, was!
Spangler. Mr.. and Mrs. Spangler lected of the Lancaster |
oe . | cle d plesiaen the dancaster |
| veccived many beautiful and useful | ty Historical Society. |
| pifts. | Glenn Mumma, eleven, Columbia |
er —— ree {
R1 was injured learning to ride |
1D Ww It N B h 1 Licycele He ran into an auto |
I. d er 0 e So Wisslers Hill.
——— — |
To Speak Here Sunday | DONEGAL AIRPORT NEWS |
The favorable flying weather at- |
Dr. Walter N. Roberts, President | tracted both pilots and visitors to |
of Bonebrake Theological Semin-|the airport on Sunday afternoon. |
ary, Dayton, Ohio will speak in| Emory Waters, a pilot from |
St. Mark's Evangelical United | Marvland, flew in from At
Brethren Church, Mount Joy. on | Field |
Sunday evening, January 16, at| Farl Minnich got his private pi- |
7:30. He will speak on the theme, | lots license this week and S. H.| G. GRAYBILL DIEHM
“Impressions of Amsterdam” giv- | Horton soloed. Congratulations | Di i
ing his appraisal of the Assembly |and more happy flying to both of | (his own financial interests, he is
of the World Council of Churches | you. just the opposite. Read what he
which met in that city last summer.| Alvin Rover flew to Goldsboro, | says:
Dr. Roberts was an official delegate | N. C., Sunday and returned Mon-| “All the salary I get for serving
of the Evangelical United Brethren | day as State Senator will be distrib-
Church to the World Council. Ini John Hawthorne and Harry | uted to charitable institutions.
addition to attending the Council} Reynolds flew to Goldsboro, N. c.| I am serving for the people,
meetings he travelled through por- | Monday returning the following | not the money.”
tions of Europe and saw condi- { day. { And we can vouch that Mr,
tions there. et ee Diehm means just what he says. He
Before becoming president of the lhas already given his first $600
Bonebirake Seminary, which is Everything That {check to the six hospitals in Lan=
one of the three seminaries oper- cristor City and County.
ated by ‘the denomination, Dr. Ha ened At | mis salary during the next four
Roberts served as pastor of a pp years will amount to $6,000, Any
local church in Ohio, and for a| | special sessions will incre: is
period of several years as a mis- Florin Recently art ae | Ing
LS ary > > c S | i
Tr me | “Mts. Vion Bricker andl Mp. Tus. | Me. Dicken bs &'suriber of fie
extended to members and friends sell Bretz, spent the week-end jy Board of Coy Commissioners
“f the local: Washington D. C.. visiting friends. [and has heen chairman of the Re-
ee ee i | Mr. John Melhorn purchased the (publican County Committee for a
{C. A. Melhorn property at public [number of years.
STUDENTS WERE ON THE AIR |sale on Saturday for $6200.00.
. 4h . JAE i "KF |
Yhilin FT Sony: oft Tuesd:
Students *of Mt. Joy high school ! Mrs. Philip F. Se ars, left Tuesday
were presented on the Wilbur-Su- | for Japan where she will spend two
> - FE Ave: ward ir. Shili
chard Hi School Varieties program [years with her husband, Lt. Philip |
over Lancaster's. WLAN. radio. sti |F. Sears, who is stationed there.
tion Wednesday night: at eisht o'= Wayne and Linda Kleiner enjoy-
clock ed a half hour airplane ride, when
The cheer leaders onened the tal they submitted their Ezy-Jell lab-
er leaders ne > tal-
: {els at the Old Lancaster Airport
ent show with a cheer and a song, ”
of the Flor-
credit in
‘ The Ladies Auxiliary
followed by remarks by Lee Ranck | os .
in Fire Company deserve
president of the student council.
their continuous efforts to assist the
winner of the talent show and Bar-
| Mechanicsburg called on her par-
bara Ranck, pianist and Nancy | 5
Breok . | I 1 1 (Turn to Page 3)
3rooks, organist, who played a duet. La. ner
The program was recorded in the |
auditorium on
high school
and transeribed night.

— ee © A meeting of the Board of
75TH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY | Health of our boro was held at
FOR H. H. KOSER. LANDISVILLE | the home of Mr. Roy B. Sheetz on
Henry H. Koser, Landisville, | Tuesday evening at which time

following officers were
re-elected the { the

was president of si . 3 oi 3
{Lititz Mutual Insirases Co. for the Eresidert, Roy B. Sheats: Vice John Workman, 80, Manheim R3,
{ Lititz. Mutua nsurance 0. 101 € lp : re. i : { Qaturday at the West Side Osteo=-
20th consecutive year at the 60th |} President, Samuel H. Miller; and H ital
annual meeting Saturday at the | Health Phy sician, Dr. D; C. Stoner; ip hn Ee S i
a eneral Sutter Hotel, Lititz | Secretary, Charles H. Dillinger; A Mrs. Lizzie B. Stauffer, 65, wi-
ral 3 1 nz. ne vw L. Scl dow of Isaac Stauffer, at the Nef-
Mr. Kose: completed his 30th Health Officer, John L. Schroll.
| : Ho I I} i. | —. - | fsville 3rethren Home. Mrs.
vear as director and in honor o i A : 3
| | . 5 dy | Enos Hoff Manheim R2 is g
|his 75th birthday anniversary on | MELHORN PROP. FLORIN oh ay She : 3
| Wednesday was the guest at dinner | WAS SOLD ON SAT. TA orn slay i
of the directors and their wives| On Saturday afternoon, Auction- Charles I Be nga: lorty=one; of
ee] Behe ie. Lawn, at the Wernersville State
and company employes. Approxi- |€er C. S. Frank sold for the own- x .
3 3 > Hospital. Dorothy, the wife of W.
mately 40 were present. He re-|€r C. A. Melhorn, a lot of ground | t Heisey, Rheems, is a si :
ceived a birthday cake and also | With a 2 1-2 story frame dwelling, | pid lorgey: ae Is a sister.
fowdrs. | 3-car patie. ete: located along Mi tary fun ral services were
EE | Main Street, in Florin It was |peld Sunday for Poe. Joy A. Mow=
| ery, 22, who was ki i -
PONEGAL HONOR SOCIETY | purchased by John Melhorn for |®Y: =& WHO Wa Hed IR Gef
ADDS NEW MEMBERS |§6.20000. Henry H. Koser was MOV i gs lop R. Mowery
Janet McKain and Betty Heina- | the clerk. fo andisville, is a brodier |
man were accepted as new mem- | Tey !
bers of Donegal Chapter of the [A NON SUPPORT CHARGE | RHEEMS MAN ASKS $392
National Honor Society at the re- | John Wagner, E-town R1, was CRASH DAMAGES FOR CAR
cent induction ceremony at East | charged with non-support of his| Harry G. Heisey, Rheems, has
Donegal Twp. High School, May- | wife, Miriam E, and two minor [filed a suit for damages against Ru-
town. | children, of this boro. Constable |dolph Schiavi and the
Members in charge of the cere- | J. Edgar Hess served the warrant. Gauge Corp. Washington, Del, as
mony were Jay Wolgemuth, Alice | Tr TT the result of a two-car collision
Doles, Hazel Miller and Gloria | LETTERS GRANTED {August in Elizabethtown.
Fisher. Frances M. Frank, Florin, ad- | Heisey is seeking $392 for dang
I ———— | ministratrix of the estate of Paul ages to his car.
SALUNGA CARD PARTY | W. Frank, late of Fast Donegal | TTT Ct
Wednesday, January 19th the | Township.
Ladies Auxiliary of The Salunga Ter
Fire Co. will sponsor a public| The thirty miles of Pa. Turn-

card party to be held at
Garage beginning at 7:30 | twenty million dollars
Other students who participated : i
. | Firemen financially and are now
were Marian Nauman, vocal solo; : . .
>, ‘ : ‘ striving for a further contribution
Peggy Garber, piano solo; Gerald : |
; by sponsoring a shooting match to
Bender, baritone horn solo; Jay | wid
> . v [be held Friday and Saturday, Jan
Barnhart, piano solo; Mary Grace
wit. 129 = 30, at the Mt. Joy n’s
Bucher, sophrano, who sang “The | :
oo » | Trap Field. {
Lord’s Prayel and was adjudged | 3
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberts of |
‘ : a |
Coopers | pike in Lancaster County will cost |}
G. Grayhill Diehm

He is one of the most popular and
the level politicians in Pennsyl=
vania. i
ll Qs
Mortuary Record
Throughout This
Entire Locality
Noah 66, at
Zimmerman, Colum=-
James S. Caracher, 89, at Mari-
Noah M
Samuel McBride, 70, at
{ bia Sunday.
| Charles Stotz,
Ebersole, 87, at E-town on
Zimmerman, 61, at
of Marietta,
63, at
| St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mrs. Esther Jane Martzall, sixty=
| six, at Columbia Tuesday.
Arthur Fink, well known sports
| writer, died at Reading.
| A. Frank Heltshe, 72, was found
dead in ked at Columbia.

{ Elam Bowman, 177, Landisville,
was admitted to St. Joseph's Hos-
ial as a medical patient Wednes~
a Mai