The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 06, 1949, Image 4

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1 — The
Bulletin, Vi. Joy, Pa
id Pq,

Januar, y
1943 I





By Gene Byrnes



“That cake I ate, it had nuts in
ais aust Sd hn

A WISE OWL Subscribe for the Bulletin,

Subscribe for the Bulletin.
163 8. Charlotte St,
Telephone 137-R


Quality Meats


Week of December 27th, 1948 :
X FG SG IGT. Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Fruits & Vegetables
chneid 00 236 190 626 Tues, Fri, Sat. 7-9 P, M.
1G wy . a0 [asm
Pe 190 140 171 501 Tues Fri. Sat, 3
x a | KRALL'S Meat Market
| 161 160 174 498 | ELIZABETHTOWN
182 187 166. 555 . High st. :
3 “Breler Telephone 24.R West Main St.. Mt. Joy
A 60 896 875 273 — - Reese |
; Cre Thin ry - ir re.
k's 'G SG TG TT. | | usw io: ema ‘
. 7 WE 12 5 A se N EWTOWN MIEYRE SPREADING RAPIDLY | Patronize Bulletin advertisers. | po .
167 215 558 ctivities Of Our | There are now about 250 banks Ww Id
re 18 1 198 : : thruout the West which maintain HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? ‘and Gas € ing CHESTERFIELD
1 : 21 560 Local Bo Scouts Mrs. L« Fogie, of Mount Joy, (rive-in serivce. You drive up DON'T WAIT TOO LONG Also Specialize On CAMELS i
y Mr. and Mi Roy Barton and t, 5 window, do your banking and BRING THEM IN. | FARM MACHINE “WELDING LUCKY STRIKE
55 B50 505 A meeting of Troop 39, Mount daughter, Sheila Kay, and Mis! drive away. Ac tew one. ree lif: . | AND EQUIPMENT PHILIP MORRIS
me 345 959 895 26 A meetir i 1 39, ans ri away. lew one re- City Shoe Repairing Co OLD GOLD
cs ree Joy, was held the Scout Den Martin of ( ibia visited Mr. and cently opened in Chicago, serves 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET * |Automobile and Truck Welding | PALL MALL Bi
Week Of January rd, 1949 Monday evening with xteen of Mi William Fogie Saturday. Sun- | 1500 patrons daily. LE | RALEIGH arton
: : > ; : | LAWN MOWER ARP
A WIS E OW L Funk Gx Il he scouts and four leaders present, JU re: Mr. and Mrs. Har- ———— > _— LANCASTER, PENNA. id on ENING TAREYTON
: leader, Gerald vey Barton 1 grandson, Ronald, wi i Pr | y . Premium brands slightly higher.
H 171 191 I a0: Ve 1en in need of Printing. (any« Ei ail ms TD irr +
t 157 160 487 opened the mee I ding the M Jean Witmer and Mrs. Wilma thing) kindly remember the Bulletin ’ over S e ing op fd Se pes Sarton for Shipsing ani
| ) P | 184 162 198 544 scouts In Ie Sc ith and tl Floyd, all of Columbia. A een ee Koser S Watch Sho . gn .
i | I 181 190 191 562 la The patrols then conducted Ni id. Mrs. Guy Winter Delta and Marietta Streets Minimum order — five cartons.
vho fired six file hyeiness M ny tn wistiad Mi and Mrs: Abe Bulletin slvetiivers: Chocolate Ave WL Joy. ma Blione: 235 Enclose Joie Sard Sop Sit Wrapping
: T 850 834 938 2622 fa ily Sm " Lic. 3998, State of Dela.
! : Bennett's YG SG 16 TL. Ae ere registered for jam Gamber and family Sunday. = i
New Ye D 182 163 178 523 the year 1949 t Scoutmaster, | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Earhart and SIMON P. NISSLEY FLORIN, PA. DEPT. 97
zeny I 181 156 193 530 Mr. She on, Ronald, visited Mr. and Mrs. MARY G. NISSLEY $ M . Ww E B B AL TOBA 0 CO.
CC Sal mi Si 179 143 150 472) During the recreation period the | Daniel Geltmacher Sunday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS
. 31 132°. 212 170° 534i cnn: : ‘ ha y Gt Mount Joy, Pa. *
i 1 nd n= 05 148 170 523 scout Pa a. d in Je fol Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and Olympic Watches & SON . 0. BOX NO. 1006
; nies nes and Crows, visited Mr. and Mrs. John = Don DEL.
I: “A pe 79 822 861 o5g2 drill exercise and field signs ot fran oon SPIDEL & GEMEX 122 South Barbara Street w
he per cent Sr Scouts Char M yer passe i i! Mr. and Mi Isler and | AUSHERMAN BROS (watch attachments) MOUNT JOY, PA
clot f De cen for | BR nhart PG $6 TG ml tendertoot test while Scout Dick | daughter. Mrs. Victor Snvder, vi Realtors or ROOFING SPOUTING
1 cent ide on 1 3 Se Tis passed the requirements for ites Mr. and Mrs. Aub Boles and I P. H A Forstner Jewelry SHEET METAL WORK
J io i" Ql e kFiag ang lobert Fish for knots “ aus,
B n 167 164 188 519 ! nd Robe i Fish for knot family at Bainbridge Sunday. ames =. » Agent ROOF PAINTING
( 1p Anderson 187 138 169 494 uring nal Ls I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelimache: Phone 251 Delta Pearls PHONES: 3
! xclaimed rt 100 ‘202 174 536 Several of 1 Je scouts have been | ied Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garn- Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. " “ Mt. Joy 117-3 E'town 928R7 | $4 ih A BALSAM
. _ ending muct me getting their . . (
ns 51 St Feit She gue 2 po 4 ” g r anl family and Mr. and Mrs. H. | Modern PAA] Ta rr
p wered 1 Ota 88 85b 839 2616 Den in order for Scou eex, aur-| a ‘ A *
¢ Kreis FG S& T6€ Mine which tune 1 be open houee | BreReman of Mlount Joy RD, Mon- Rhinestone Jewelry
1 1 Ich tim WI Dg pen nou . 1 N MHI ee RK
3 20 8 552 : : da rer | ss
ee eee be re eS I og for the Parents of Scouts, friends ye rg! Will Hai ® ®
; ( 1¢ > 156 506 Ir ay i liam Haines en-
Aw n-ager wl l | H. Brown 191 148 189 528 and the public, friends and the | al ol Wo 1 2 a Six e WwW i n MEMBERS
d fi 4 m_ the inest | Packe 154 159 178 491 public, who are cordially invited Spa then ; he he Ne Dependable ARE O
vient ' K der 184 } 16¢ 93 to come y the de locate years amnner Attending were Ir. | 1
y : 5 iy ; BWmwms from a) ni > gr 4 [and Mrs. Henry Rollman and family e Watch Repairing | INVITED +.G |
C t KX m hman lour Mills or N.
; 1 Te 890) 8 872 2 0 +> fre Jane nes and Lv 5
he lown for his lg gar 308 B12 B10\ Market Street. I I daCniines OPEN EVENINGS | TO THE N
| kod TT le San EE amil otf Lancaster, Mr. ar Mrs. | ch
j= lo oil Nentwig and family, Mr. and {
ot sev nt New Fre Fl 0 o-
surveyed bis ple of stew News rom orin BASKET BALL: Gils in NAA
OP ere
it 1 get any ch age s MR. MERCHANT D S
You. ‘vou take itor 'y at the Florin Church of ye Brotha! Section 1 : |THE USE OF FLECTRICITY oO
ie X or you leave " ro 7h ‘ Sis Tuesday nights games resulted as REACHED ALL-TIME HIGH SEE THAT SHE MOUNT JOY, PA.
the pron rej eh on Saturday tg follows: Elizabethtown 44, Columbia The tse of leche: tn Central READS YOUR AD
8tl p. m. Rev. Harry W. |p | 1e use ectricity PILL:
1 } \ 1 <8. Faster Pennsylvania reached E AND ED IN THESE COLUMNS Meee een :
nh 1 stoppit I in of Elizabethtown will be Jov. with McC wih 23 TSI. on in NEW US! rr a
Mount Joy, with McCue canning 25 1 1 YT ne TY
azzy hotel and was paying his | the guest speaker. Special music bY points, rallied in the last half to | 01-0 high during 1048, Chas, * MACHINES
H ed wt he 1shie i} in Gi Trio. on 3 3 i ? Oak President of Pennsylvania {
isked what it i] VI Li Hamilton returned 4 oe West oo efor, ¢5- 1 for ie Power & Light Company said today Fo { A. J Oo Y
\ It 1( 1 i 11 oamiito « thirc Se tio rictor le 5 of ‘ 3 : IL, | i
1 he ne hot afte spending several days| pz. or Vimo i 5 PY when asked for a year-end sum- | EVENINGS SATURDAYS
I bt ith her daught MY and ple 4 cam poss with thelr ry of the electric power situa- Convert your treadle sewing sHows MATINEE
li hi AHI Coors ~ fourth Ertan ph the expense of |... Not or y have the individual § Machine into a portable or con- 7 AND 9:00 P. M T ; | a AND
: I tt ht pers Co. Feats : SiC. A Mele Re thsville, Section 3 entry, 43-30. |... ireme of present customers sole. Repairs for All makes of SATURDAYS T R HOLIDAYS
: y, January 8, A. Mel The ably Section 1 team lose |. Y wil + of machines. 6.8.10 2:00 P. M.
it ter ] hold public sale of ine the eventing was East Donat Win ihe of Ll Mount Joy, Pa. ———
* on Main strest ne idm Fale 4 new fo ricity, but we ad- We pick up and deliver any- :
sal, dumpe 2-27 )y unbeate: Q : 7 : i
You I The proj of thie Yate Llzdie Bab : Pod: : ded over 13 ew electric cus- | § where. We buy used Singers. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 - 8
‘ Upper Leacock, of Section J. wile . 948 Seip |
1 t { 1 keep J 7 +e oy | tomers mak ur 1948 ar-end ; ;
i : Viss] Market street, will EE er aa rele JANE POWELL — GEORGE BRENT -in
doir 1 it eel i lic sale on the prem ng . ENE joka, =i, is Mmclides Noms, J V B N L |
LOCAL LEGION TEAM SATIS. blishment bo > 99
tu January 22nd at pao : En Artec vas farms, commercial tblishmen ° ® | L
wo EASILY DEFEATS MANHEIM nd industries, the PP&L president ed Vee ie - | uxury mer
: Bo Skip. Libhart contributed 4 { cnidd. SEWING MACHINE SALES before She a
! points to the Mount Joy Legion | re IQ mee. AND SERVICE ! |
il ton | i . | | |goes MONDAY — TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 - 11
- in R a ho Farmer ; cause Mon lay evening our Le- Everybody in this locality reads Phone 2163 111 N. Market St. 1 SHOPPING | J
( P n dribblers overwhelmed Man-| The Bulletin—that's why its adver= | Llizabethtown, Penna. 5 Sian JUDY GARLAND — GENE KELLY -in-
)m page m Legion cagers, 84 to 62 in tisers get such excellent results. 11-24.1f { 6b = 299
1 ne } ne a d as a Ds and scheduled Lancaster Cour y League { The Pirate
: } keep- ; Paul has been a battle on the home court. | |
bi - Rible student for some Manheim G Fl Il |
ook ¢ + Angstadt F er. iG 4 18 Ww ‘
oo H eat benefactor p 0 eee : iN EDNESDAY THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 - 13
I C 1 he community, much in- Mvers C eee 0 1 | JC I 4 ;
p : Myers JOHN GARFIELD — { IR}
i nd Bible Bross GQ ......... . 10 3 23 ® IN GARVELD LILLY PALMER Hi»
wad a call from Ellinger G ...... iio ld 1 3 oh
ato Bo A Ean. lL 1 3 | Body And Soul”
D vedicatod his life to Cot White G 1 1 3 MANHEIM R. D. 1, PENNA.
I ssessions and Totals . sc 10 6 FRIDAY-—SATURDAY 4.
x h xpects to work Mt. Joy Legion G Fi 11 . JANUARY 1 15
rd c weeds hin Cae at ; 15 2 3 BETTE DAVIS — ROBERT MONTGOMER ~in-
i wishes gp hy Fo 1 2 A tAMDDECQC 2 ?
What should |p fishes tn bis mew Se GG 1 oil AIR COMPRESSOR EXCAVATING “June Bride”
He king. Weber C ) 0 ( a
he ne rt 0 4 TMD { | i ry
xr 3 WORK | ww & GRADING li‘
SPORTSMEN M py = - i
f the Mount Jo) $4 3 Rock Drillin =, - Cell
1 Association will be T dh 36 12 34 8 ars
K ore | Yel < Re) pe
b at the Fire House on Mon SiC ib periods, Concrete Breaking, Et ; T T h E
January 10h, at 800 pm. TT 30 3 IT 4 {rete breasing, Lic. renches, Ltc.
king ctures on hunting anc F. Pete
Ve 1 will be shown. ER) Speen |
I This Week's Score
I thi } missus ' forgotiMount Joy ...... 9 1 20 15-45]
W 1 C Ite in rl
he d ) he sroaned the suf- West Lampeter 6 5 10 13-34 PH ONE MO u N T JO Y 1 2 6-R4
Ge Sim I Mcunt Joy JV 16, West Lampet |
Heave And you crack JV 14 [
————— — 1 by endi said the ——— |
ead nd Bi called | cu pper Ls | SE HT TE TE FR TK FLW TA + 2 A pt 2 LH
: sre East Donegal .... 6 7 [Ry ata CARRIER RR RS GE GE REA |
T cl { Philly, that city [Be {
> ething I could hay Love wasn't very brot | 3%
mb ir bv??? Bill said on New Years Day 1 got up od ANN
ly n rl a 1 he tl iy dawn, hun ied > |
nd whispered sc ‘W breakfast to catch i |
) Wolf Whistle tra on the ic in wi
— nake it, which was t Ni A » |
Ti becauie it was lat, R ew Dusiness Location BANK |
; fie Philly only to learn at vols 2 - !
io the scheduled Benefit in economy and
danged old |mer's Parade had been pitti AUTO LOAN all-around satisfaction— |
d I ou i 04 | before I even left home. But JV 17 N O WwW oO P E N NE il
: d ts company. There - {
, cold and A Ry A a” ———— | ; finance your next car with
ol!’ ly Joyans In a City-County league ARE BEST
[ cured you didn’t 12” asked ti last beat. Nolieville 1 “ an auto loan at our bank. |
d Tr. Tot , 1 attended 18-44. In another game Rothsville | Victor J i ~ |
Cured Look at me 1 : 5 ds i" { a Jost Won from E-town 61-53 ® C mo N. L |
1} court and a mos
© 1cezin iZalr of —— ee A x I] |
oh 4 crovdediirein © low: ESN ay ey «il MOUNT JOY, PA. Np
hice lap u “What is the charge against this ARE MADE AT MOUNTVILLE : R t 1 i === < ar” |
ge? proguc 3 a on el ! . Will it interest you to know that Eo ou e . Mount : Joy | i
cake, which he consumed greedily. | a Jr i . : | HB ‘ 1 | {
Time passe Suddenly he be- | “Drunk and disorderly, he was ue Rega S ” Sper 2 Re vg | {
re Solis tire hting with a cab driver,” re- world will be manufactured ai!
hn i ad dou ene a ported the cop Mountville by the New Holland | yx ON LONGENECKER ROAD |
self up and straightening ot hl : ‘ ’ ach ~ . WW
. : “Bring in the cab driver,” or- Machine Co. I'hese machines will Ns : 3
again. The s had gone ( 5 BT i Nj = ?
fe 4 When fs % hin | dered the judge. take a 50-inch rock and reduce it to Wf THREE DOORS NORTH OF OLD STAND SS n
or sc 2 time; S sed > c Er . | QW,
nel ume Bi : . | “That is just it, your ‘honor, crushed stone in one operation. 9 | 2m IN nN N ION THERE IS S sTR
askd him: “What is the matter, | } J |W, | ee —— ig
4 ’ ; y R 35
| there was no cab driver fF |
. Fe |



