The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1948, Image 1

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The Bulletin Wishes Its Patrons and Friends a Most Prosperous and Happy New

The Keeners Purchase
Herman Boyer's Home |
Furnishing Business
An important business change will
fake place here next Monday, Jan.
3, when Mr. and Mrs. George Keen~
er will take over the
Herman Boyer.
The Keeners have purchased all
the stock, fixtures, good will, etc. of
the Boyer Home Furnishings in-
cluding furniture of all kinds, car-
pets, linoleums, refrigerators, ete.—
everything for the home.
Mr. Keener is a son-in-law of
Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, their only
daughter Gloria being Mrs. Keener
and he is by no means a stranger
business of
here. Prior to World War II he was |
employed by the Sico Company
During the war he served in
Uncle Sam’s Army in Japan. After
the war he resumed his duties with
Sico here and later was employed '
by Mr. Boyer for two years.
The Keeners will carry a complete
Jine of all kinds of home furnishings
ond will be pleased to have a share
of your patronage. They will con-
tinue the business at the same lo-
A Wp
J. Richard Nissley, Landisville,
was prosecuted by Lancaster police
attempting to “scare”
while driving his
first block of East
Lancaster, at 2:50
on charges of
a pedestrian
auto in the
Chestnut St.,
A. m. Tuesday.
Police say driving
a pe-
Nissley was
Chestnut St. and
to the left “scare”
destrian crossing the
cast on
side to
street. Nissley told
knew the pedestrian.
—— A
Clarence R. Hein, 27, Elstonville,
suffered a laceration of the
left leg struck by a hit-
run driver making ad-
police he
as he was
justments to the motor of his car
on Route 72, four miles north of
Manheim, at
He was
6:40 a. m. Tuesday.
the Good Sam-
Lebanon, where as
treated at
aritan Hospital,
many as nine
quired to close the wound.
Union National Bank
Held Christmas Party
A Christmas was held on
were re-

The Raffenspergers
Entertain Continental
Press Employees
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Raffensber-
ger entertained the employees of
the Continental Press Elizabeth-
town at a Christmas turkey din-
ner at Aunt Sallys Kitchen Wed-
nesday noon, December 22 with
W. E. Weaver, office manager,
serving as toastmaster.
After the invocation by Harry W.
Eshelman, the group sang Christ-
mas carols, with Mrs. Newton
Kendig as accompanist. Mr. Raf-
owner and general
manager, of the Continental Press,
introduced Dr. A. G. W. Schlegel,
of the Continental arith-
metic publications, who gave the
after dinner speech. Dr. Schlegel
formerly served as a school ad-
at Red Lion and Bel-
and is superintendent
of schools at Altoona.
Roy R. Cover,
so spoke briefly,
an author
levue now
sales manager, al-
commenting on
the fine cooperation and the
achievements of the employees
during the past year. J. W,
Aungst was also introduced as a
special guest.
exchange concluded the meeting.
Watch Night Services
In Calvary Bible Church
The employees gift
Watch-Night pro-
gram has been arranged by the
Calvary Bible Church, New Haven
Street for Friday night. The
featured guests will include the
Miller Trio from Florin, The Sing-
ing Smith's from York, Mr. Mar-
tin Miller from Florin, who will
be showing three Gospel Sound
Motion Pictures, and Rev. John
Rutledge will bring the main mes-
sage of the evening. To aug-
ment this program of music and
message the Calvary Church wil!
feature several of their own mem-
bers in a Ladies Quartet, a male
quartet and a solo by Ezra Wol-
gemuth entitled “The Holy City”.
The Pastor will the stories
behind several well known Hymns
which the Congregation will sing
Peronal testimonies and reports
from the Students home from
school will be heard in the latter
part of the evening. The pro-
gram will he brought to a close
with the message by Ev.ngelist
Rutledge after which the Lord's
Table will be prepared. C. 1,
the Church.
is Pastor of

Wednesday evening, December 22
at Hostetters for the directors, em- |
ployees and guests of the Union|
National Mount Joy Bank. Those |
in attendance were: Mr. and |
Mrs. Martin S. Musser and Misses
Rosene and Audry Musser, My.
and Mrs. Alvin Reist, Mr. and |
Mrs. Harvey Rettew., Mr. Henry |
H. Koser, Mr. and Mrs. Carl S.
Krall, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Sprecher, M D. Victor Shank,
Mr. N. Nissly, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs.
Linaus Longnecker, Mr. and Mrs. |
Gerald Hostetter Miss Ruth
Shenk, Miss Florence Miller, Mr.
Parke Miller, Mrs. Clara Weid-
man, Mr. Everett Metzler and Miss |
Christine Weidman.
Mr. Lester Hos
foastmaster, with
to by Mr. Martin
S. Krall and Mr H.
tetter acted as the
toasts responded
Musser, Mr. Carl
N. Nissly.
Miss Rosene Musser played sever-
al piano selections, and Christmas
carols were sung by all.

DP Ce eee
Week's Birth Record |
M:. and Mus Sharp,
Landisville, a son Tuesday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendig, 22 N.
River St, Maytown, a daughter on
Monday at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walls, of
Railroad Street, Palmyra, a daugh=
ter at the Hers Hospital.
Mrs. Walls was formerly Nancy
Schule of Florin.
Fire broke in the smoke
house and butcher shop of C. E.
Mountville early on
bacon and
at $1,600

Greenawalt at
Tuesday. 1,000 lbs. of
2,500 lbs. bologna valued
were destroyed.
The girls hockey team at Leba-
non Valley College has just closed
was a
successful season.
Erma Gainor, of this
member of the team.
i a ee A Wp
Mr. Paul E. Hess, of Florin, was
prosecuted at Lancaster for driving
too fast for conditions Cla
a very

| Strickler family by Mr.
L. Gainor and daughters. Forty-four |
Chief Brooks prosecuted Vin-
cent Findley, Manheim R2, for
driving too fast for conditions be-
fore Justice of the Peace Victor |
Fridinger as the result of a sec- |
ond accident Saturday in which |
Findleys car knocked down a tele-
pole and hit 5 tree in
nt sant lisesi.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strickler,
lay, Ohio,
the former's
Strickler, 35
ronor of
weekend with
Mrs. Jennie
Donegal St. In
presence a dinner
spent the
was noon to the
and Mrs. M.
persons attended the affair.
Orville Magee, 49,
father of six

Manheim R3,
children, was
With a
left the house in zero weather
awaiting a hearing. knife |
he threatened all his
were found walking along Route
72. Motorists took them
OS —— i A Os.
A Fox Chase will be held at the
Siegrist Cafe along the Marietta
ond Lancaster Pike on New Years
2:30 p. m.
Fox will be dropped at |
Also on the same day the Mar-
ietta Fire Co., will hold a Shoot-
ing Match at the Cafe.
Mr. Paul Martin,
local contractor,
was awarded the contract to re-|
model the Eagles newly purchasel
home at Columbia. The organiza-
tion purchesed the old Penny Store
at 237-39 Locust Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ober,
Lumber St, Mt. Joy; celebrated
their twentieth anniversary on
Wednesday, December 22nd.

Find- |
jailed |
who |
to Man- |

Mount Joy Bullet:

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 30, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance

Sewage System
Costs Bothering
Many Pa. Districts
From ali mdication:, if Mt. Joy
around to the point of
installing sewage,
been a golden opportunity.
The 1947 appropri=-
ated $4,500,000 to cover hall the
treatment plans by
Under the Federal
communities are
thus would have
cost of waste
pollution act
authorized to
receive from the
government half the cost of pre-
paring these plans. None of the
amount is payable, however, un-
til the projects are approved
The State has thus far appropriat-
ed about $550,000 from the fund
April 15th Deadline
The Federal Works Agency
cently set an April 15
for the 131 participating
ties in the State to
proval of their plans.
win State ap-
The agency

A report out of
municipalities will
Harrisburg says
several hundred Pennsylvania
soon face the
headache of financing expensive
sewage treatment
which is
was disclosed by the
Water Board
directing the Commonwealth's big

Brief News From
The Dailies For
Quick Reading
The Lancaster Athle-
tic Club, Inc. is bankrupt
Red Roses
Twenty-one acres of land plus
properties thereon were annexed to

It cost Ray Patton, taxidermist
| $50 and costs for mounting 14
| protected wild birds
The large skating rink at Wil-
| low Grove, Philadelphia, was com-
| pletely destroyed by fire.
The State suspended the ligum
| license of the Wheatland Hotel, in
Lancaster for 25 days starting Jan
| 18th.
When a bucket of gasoline ex- |
{ ploded in a Millerstown garage, two
| men were badly burned and a $40,-
[000 fire was started
The used car market at Cleve-
{land has fallen flat. A new tele-
| vision set was
18 cars with not as much as an
| inquiry much less a sale. :
| Lititz boro bought 1000 feet of
from a
$1.66 per
6 inch iron
Fhiladelphia concern at
foot. Mt. Joy
ket for the same
stiuck by an
water pipe
is also in the mar-
Harry fifty-seven, was
auto at Paradise
while crossing the street and is in
a critical condition at the General
Hospital with many fractures.
An Internal Revenue Bureau re-
| port showed Sunday night 3,010
seize] during the July-
period this year, of 122
| stills were
| more each month than the same
five months of last year.
| Increased taxes are given as the
| main cause.
rl Cee ree
Herb’ t Blankenmyer Jr.
Struck by a Motorist
Struck by a
was obstructed by
windshield, Herbert Blankenmyer,
{ Jr. Mt. Joy Rl, suffered a broken
{ back Tuesday and is now
| a patient in the Polyclinic Hospital

| motorist whose
vision a frosted

| in Harrisburg.
Blankenmyer was stooping at the
side of a car inflating the tires, at
the Middletown Air Depot where
he is employed, when the accident

He is a son of and
Herbert Blankenmyer, on
Longenecker Road
said further Federal aid would be
withheld to any failing to meet
this deadline.
The communities already have
received a total of $790,500 in fed-
|eral grants. A similar amount is
| being withheld pending comple-
[ tion of plans by the April 15th
Members of the Salunga Fire
undertaken the task of
truck for
which they
have con=-
structing a fire the com-
pany expect to have
completed with all equipment by
next Spring.
The volunteer firemen have pur-
truck chassis and already
cab on it. A
company said
the members are also
chased a
have built a double
spokesman for the
some equipment and,
parts of the
Spring, are unable to fur-
of the
ed president of the fire
more complete description
Eshleman, newly elect-
is assisting with the
At the
has an
present time the company
old outdated pumpe:
- a
Of Well Known
Local Residents
Announcement is
Helen Dilling-
Dillinger, 116
Gerald D
Printing Co
engagement ol Miss
er, daughter of Lewi
East Main St, and
Wade, Mt Joy Rl

employed by
Mrs. Ralph J. C
ber St.

10 Lum-
announces the
of her
i Martin F
daughter, Geraldine Fay, to
Bowman, son of Mr. and
| Mrs John M. Bowman, 51 W. Main
St.. No date has been set for
the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kreiner, Man-
heim R2, announce the engage-
their daughter, Evelyn
John G. Hess, son of Mr.
John M. Flori.
ment of
Jean to
| and Mrs.
No date has been set for the wed-
The engagement of Miss Ethel
Romaine Mowrer, daughter of Mr.
| at Mrs. Dasiel H. Mowery, Bain-
{ bridge R1, to Harry Charles, son
{ of Mrs. Efhie McCoy, Marietta Rl,
li announced by her parents. Miss
Mowrer, a
i High School, class of
I ployed at a
graduate of Bainbridge
industry Mr
1s em-

employed in Landisville
Mr. and Mrs Levi M
Salunga, announce the engagement
{ of their daughter, Nancy Margar-
| Nt
et, to John L. Martin 107 Fair-
| view Ave Lancaster
Miss Peifer is a graduate of the
| I ancaster Business College and is
| employed at the Eshelman Motoi
| Co Mr. Martin was graduated
from Hershey Industrial School,
served two years in the U. S
{ Navy, and
| lersville State
now is attending
{ Mr. and Mrs. Maris L.
135 West Donegal St.,
[the engagement of their
Erma S 0 Richard E
Annville Pa Miss Ga
Lebanon Valley
Business Administra-
(Turn to Page 5)
em re lA I. ee
‘Mail Rates Jump
‘Beginning Jan. 1st
Office will
with any of |
Gainor, of
town, announce
Yeakel, of
nor is
senior at College
majoring mn
increase the
The Post
rates on several classes of mail and
including air mail letters,
new schedule of rates on
I mail ervices most commonly
used by the public follows
cents lor
Third class
five to si
mail letters, from
each ounce or fraction.
mail, including un-
sealed cards, from 1% to
2 cents for each two ounces
Special delivery from 1:
cents, plus postage, to 16 cents, plus
to from 10 to 35
up to $100.
Postal notes,
orders from 6 to 22 cenis
cents for amounts
from 5 to 8 cents for
amounts up to $10
$1.35 to from 25 cent
from 20 cents to
s to $1.50 for a-
mounts up to $100
Irsured mail, from 3 to 25 cents to
from 5 to 30 cents for amounts up
to $200.
Parcel post—the increase
2 to 3
is from
cents a pound for most

weights and zones.
made of the
Universal Week Of Prayer For The Churches
In Mount Joy, January 2 to 9, 1949
Sponsered by The Mount Joy Ministerial Association
Wins First Award
For Decorations

: i Ministeric 380Ci FRIDAY, U
The Mt. Joy Lions Club award- h 4 | Ast 3 AY IaH ARY 7
ed nine cash prizes and seven Xtenas an ion to the peop 7:30 P. M.
honorable mentions to winners of f our community to unite in the Universal Irinity Evangelical Congregational Church
the orgonizations outdoor Christ- WS p
VV > OL HrQ nurche R ‘ * Helwic aneake
mas decorations contest | Rev. C. F. Helwi 3, Speqxer
| First prize of $10 for the best SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 Theme: "The Compulsion to Witness
decorates] home went to Mrs. Na- Services in Each Churcl
lomi Kendig Others included T m™ T v 1 wu! —————————
Ll 1 ir Lost | PNAS]
i Anthony Warta, second, $7.50:
Clyde E Gerberich, third, $5 Sl INDAY y 13a r
Paul Weiser Florin, fourth, $3; TUESDAY. JANUAI 1 A
| and Miss Mildred Way, fifth, $2; | 0 P. M M.
"Clinton Eby, Jr., John Moore and Si Luke's Ev | woh t. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Church
1 ‘ Ke ) OX \ nul ii
| TY S er . ( 3 i :
Hoy Sowden, dr, of Vivi EH Ranck. soeskal Rev. T. A. McGregor, speaker
Frank Germer and James Spangler WEN Te Toe 1 leg dubs
took - honorable mention Theme: "The Christian's A 1 ne A United and Empowered Church”
For business houses, H. G. Car- ——— -—
penter won first prize of $10, and WEDNESDAY TANUAT
» Unio ] w Bank NE] oD JANUARY 5 mM I i :
the Union National Mt. Joy Bank, 7:30 P. M The Mount Joy Ministerial Associa-
the $5 sccond prize Simon Fick- {+ «VL mnounces that a drive f lothin
~ nt 1nces IAT a drive IC CiC nc
| nee r received honorable mention. | Methodist Church ; " oT Com.
St Viark's United Brethren Rev. L. D. Ziegler, speaker new ana used, tor all ages, will be spon-
. 3 to a . i / Y he A
J hush, was selected a8 first in Theme: "Learning to Pray in the Spirit” 1 PY he, ASSO ion the
| decoration in the church category month of March Each participating
| with Trinity Lutheran taking TT JTiity 1 a ar
: : > v 7 1 7 nu will be a collecting center.
second place. Honorable mention THURSDAY, JANUARY 6
went » Flor ] a oth=- 7.900 DN ; 3 :
¢ % Je i Florin United Breth 7:30 P.M. lothing collected will be forwared-
rel! Lurch. y “itv Fvanaalicad tha n rd :
i ei Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ed = various distributing agencies of
Rev. J. F. Mort, speaker the churches, from which poi
TRY EEE A : - 1. F. Mort, speaker 8, irc vhich point the ¢ -
BUSY BEES XMAS PARTY 4 “Fel : 5 oe which pon loth
heme: eleasir Sriritiial or vf " url gy ~~ -
The Busy Bee Sundiv School Theme: elea J opiritual ergies ior ing will be sent for use among the poor
Class of Trinity E. C. Church, had An At > Age ind needy all over the world.
held their Christmas Party on
Monday evening at the home of . TRADE NAMES APPLIED |
Nits. Zoialar, very ing at FOR BY TWO CONCERNS ortuary Record
Gifts were exchange, Baker
ker, Landisville ot)
Swarr, 837 W. wi Throughout This
name Swarr Mfg. |
games J. Urban
Happened At [=v
played and refreshments served to
the following members and friends: to use the
Nancy Mumper, Martha Bates, ° l Co. for manufacture, purchase and FE L
Betty Mae Ober, Reba Oberholtz- orm ecent y sale of machinery and machine ntire 0c ity
er, Sarah Brown, Ethel Lehman, . arts and equipme ols ) r :
Mary Jane Hoffer, Barbara Ranck The property of the late Lizzie R Bo : 3 Wg iy oe Leonard P Wallon 55 of Mati
Mary Jane 'r, Barbara Ranck, chemical ang devices
Beverly Myer furl Zeller Nissly on South Market street, will 4 1 w ch est CVICES | atta.
v V1) Sy Ji Leller, y . an yroaucts a anaisvilie,
Nancy Myers Rebecca Zeigler be sold at public sale on the prem- \ ; -ang C . Bo Mrs. Annie S. Miller, 84, at
ancy Myers, ¢ A : A. iy. e 1a
. te x, Ay avn 99 2
Kenneth Zeigler and Rev. Zeigler. jises on Saturday, January 22nd at Landicville. to ase the Mountville.
— 30 m . ane 3 iv =
ee y 1 ¢ ‘ age, ©
1:30 p Breneman Brothers for sale, trade | ‘arol Inez Berk, aged hy at
ALL COSTS WERE PAID Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hershey ve-l "lation and repair of all | © Tuesday
CHARGES WERE DROPPED turned to their home in New York types of heating and plumbing | Bertie, wife of Grover Widner, at
Hit-run charges against J. W. City after spending Christmas with systems, fixtures and supplies and il ‘olumbia aged fifty-five
Workinger, Philadelphia, are with- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E all related items at Landisville. i Rev. Allen Grant Nve, 83. a
drawn by Paul A. Stem, auto and Mis. Harry Groff of BE ii | former U. B. pastor, died at Mane
dealer of Manheim and E-town be- Columbia.
Peace. L. 'W Brenda Pierce is spending several
and the costs
fore Justice of the
The Local News oe George Allison, 68, at
the Mason Home
mother at Lancaster.
days with her
Mr. and Mr
Musser, Manheim E-tow
Buckwalter on

were paid by the prosecutor. Th Ta
Stern said Workinger had made | @nd daughters, visited the formers aor e as ee | :
restitution for damaging a sign on | mother, Mrs Mary Buckwalter, of Horace Hammer, postmaster at
: q =D» Reading for 14 years, died Christ-
the Harrisburg Pike. south of Eliz- | lancaster R D V y Bri fly T Id : a
abethtown, on Dec. 16 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom, town er ri€ 0 | mas Day
i ——— md Mr. and Mrs. Lerey Leedom of { A frame stable at E-town was na Billett, wife of Raymond
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rheems spent Christmas Day with | destroyed by fire Saturda night fifty-one, was found dead
DECLARES SPECIAL DIVIDEND | Mr. and Mis. Harvey Leedom atl piharq Harnley, 18, Manheim |i bed at Marietta
In addition to the regular 2 per- Camp Hill ! R1 was injured when two cars col .| Leonard P. Waller, 58, at Mari=
cent semi-annual dividend, a spec- Mr. Park Shetter of town and Mr { lided ta Saturday George Waller, of
ial dividend of 1 percent was de- and Mrs. Christ Kinsey of Lancaster loud. Alexander 0. M Maytown, is a brother
clared bv the directors of the |are spending about ten days at Cor- Ri, hroke his ankle when | Mary Frances, 46, wife of Wm,
bank at their regular meeting last jal Gables, Florida on the ice { Murray, Washington Boro, died
week This makes a 5 percent Myr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom spent There were twentv-one cases of | fifteen minutes after being ad-
dividend paid the stockholders [Monday at Leroy Leedoms al typhoid fever in Lancaster County | mitted to the Columbia Hospital.


from earnings for the year 1948. Rheems during the vear
At the same meeting it was de- Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Connie Rov. Henry I. Redd Lititz kL Jacob A. Kline
cided to increase the surplus ac- | Pierce are spending from Wednes- | qoclined a call to the Luth van | Jacob H. Kline, 66, West Hemp-
count by $25.000.00, transferring this |day to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Church at Selinsgrove field Twp. supervisor for the past
umount from Undivided Profits Ross Ammon at Gap. The postoffice at New Holland | 15 years, died Saturday at his
Saturday, January 8, C. A. 295000 115 cent stamps on | home, Klinesville, Columbia RD.
THE BEST CHRISTMAS horn will hold public sale of his| the first fifteen davs of De [ie w the owner of the Sus-
A dramatic sketch given by Jun- | property on Main street. Mr. and Mrs Pinev Brock. at | quehanna Valley Kennels, having
iors of the Mount Joy Church of Christmas Day guests at the Mrs. | Marietta, celebrated their 56th | won ptizes al] over the Eastern
God, will be given Saturday, Jan {Lillian Hamilton home were: Mr. | weddine anniversary Chrisimas | States with his prize fox hounds.
1, 1949 at 7:30 in the Church of | and Mrs. Frank Hatton, of Wash- | day. vivin brother, Harry,
God lington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | David A m, thr nd a er, Bertha, both at home.
Persons taking part are: Miss | McCurdy, of Palmyra; and wr and | Celumbia, ( for hi re me
Patricia Funk, Miss Helen Hilt, (Turn to Page 4) Christmas I fell off | Mrs. Fannie Mumanra
Mis Sandra Gordon, Miss Theta A Meee and hrolee Mrs. Fannie E. Mumma, eishtv-
i in “Is It Christmas ADJUDICATIONS PILED : a 1 ag Meh ot U Moma
= i . These adjudications were filed in died at 9 a. m. Wednesday at the
Everywhere, will also be present- the Orphans Court the past week: ees Ree orded home of a Millard R. Mumma,
od by Mary Jane and Robert Jay Roy Dyer, Conoy Twp. $2.237- ethtown R2. She was the
Grayhill ails 17; Henry E. Gish, West Donegal Guy S. Hoffman Par Holt | of th late Abram and
Everyotie, is Twp., $11,378.42; Aaron L. Hoffman, | Mn and Peter P. Zion, executors |g, pa, Bhersole Lutz and a meme
Fast Donegal Twp. $7.746.83; | ©! the estate of Michael R. |). .¢ he Goo Viennonite church,
Mary B. Keiser, Mt. Joy, $3,273.8 mun, Jr, late of East Don Besides the son with whom she re=
Weddings fis 2 on 5mm 50 5 spew. fn fe son wits whom fo tes
. COLDEST DAY THIS WINTER | tol Twp. tract with a t Turn to page 5)
Our Community Sunday night the therometor [1 rick “lee warehouse Tr
1 Ww k Florin while here and dein M. Hess, Jr, Fon gi | friends of the Ameri
Florin while here and a number of . itr ind friends of the Ameri-
During Past ee aces |i re zer At six Eugene R. Hess, East Dor I'Wp. | can Legion re informed to drive
places it was zero. six a. m. mn
dropped to two degrees

Mary Elizabeth Weaver Monday our thermometer register- five lois with fmme siabl 20 to Salunga using the lower road to
Charles Casale ed two above. gor a! hicken house, 5q the Legion, as the road east of Mt.
Miss Mary Elizabeth Weaver, a rr "=O Ml commen Plorin, a Joy is closed, due to the new high-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul [DIVORCE SUIT FILED y construction
R. Weaver, Landisville, and Char- Mildred D. Brown, thirty-on3, THEY ESCAPED UNHURT CBee cme
les E. Casale, Pitman, N. J, were | 811 E. Marion St., Lancaster has Paul Stark, 46, 211 Mt. Joy St, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brian enter-
married at noon Sunday in the [charged that Joe Dransfield Brown, and Daniel Diffenderfer, 29, 249 E. |{,ined following on Christmas
Church of God, Landisville. The | thirty-one, Mt. Joy, deserted hey | Chestnut St, Lancaster escaped in- ny, Mp and Mrs. Walter Greiner,
Rev. Raymond Daihl officiated. Oct. 10, 1943. They were mar-|iury when their cars collided on and Mrs. J. Bruce Greiner and
The bride, who was given in [ried Jan. 7, 1939. the Harrisburg Pike west of 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Brian
marriage by her father, was at- Tre at 6:30 p. m. Sunday ind son. Jefferv.
tended by her sister, Mrs. Richard | DAIRYMEN RE-ELECT MUSSER TT YY re ren
Shotzberger, as matron of honor. At a recent organization meeting | SNOW IS QUITE EXPENSIVE | RS GRANTED

It will cost the State an estimated | J hn G.
$7,000,000 to keep its 41,000 miles of | executor of the
trafhic E.
Bradley, Mt. Joy Twp.,
estate of Henry
Rapho Twp.
served as best
William H.
M:. Shotzberger
man and Staff Sgt.
j Weaver ushered
of the Lancaster County Dairymen’s |
Association, N. K. Musser, Colum-
bia R2 was re-elected president,

highways open to Winter Bradley, late of