The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 23, 1948, Image 8

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. v EN
g— The The Bulletin, Mi. Joy. Pa.. Thursday, December 23, 1018 son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hei- RE TA TR BE BPE TR AT A Si Ar) ny i
oe ———————————————— sey, Florin, took place Saturday in i
from The D the levy is unconstitutional | the parsonage of St. Pauls Evan- Ke
rom e ailies | The Lancaster postoffice handled gelical U. B. Church in E-town . 1 1 [

3,126,M8 pieces of mail since Dec. 1. The ceremony was performed by
(From Page 1)
Mary Joyce Reider, aged 2

the stock,
! the Boyer
cluding fu!
to the life
The part had given, me consider- |
able difficulty in filling. You see |
the whole plot revolves around this
Steve although he appears but a|
few minutes in the second act. Steve |
game shelter in his game propagi-
For the entire month last vear the the Rev. Paul E. Fridinge: i Ne——
months, was burned to deat} I clerks handled five miilion pieces The bride wore a checked suit | The Man | Onoh Wed. and Thurs 4i till 9 P, Mm, J Of The Ki
S, was med to death when | : 1 { Pig ;
: x { The Phila. Eagles, underdogs in with black accessories and a cor=- | 3 Friday tin7ZP.M n. a
a dwelling was destroyed by fire on » ‘ " 3) or e ar hs
Route 2, Denver the betting, defeated the Chicago Suge of white carnations, The | 1 Closed ALL DAY Saturday I i
) if ,
The S laims Cardinals Sunday for the All-Am- matron of honor, Mrs Alvin By o
e State c aims that at least erican Confw:nce football champ- Strickler, E-town, wore a brown 8 ) STEPHEN CORBETT ii
8750,000 in soft drink tax money is - suit with matching accessories and { \ :
: : ionship 7 to 0 v mat BE a 5 S Aa WR! YKNEW the moment that I saw
being withheld by bottlers in hope ge of vell y :
: The Fish and Wild Life Service at * ¢'Sa#e of yellow pompom $l L him that he was the type. Just
Washington, D.C. requests that af- Alvin Strickler served as best 2 the man for the part of Steve the | ai An impo
ter the family is thra with its Xmas old hillbilly in the second act. : fake place
{ i I IS Amos THe. bride i emp ved at the RAs he trudged the street toward | gr AR 0. when Ml
free it should be placed in the back Kennewood Hotel, E-town. and the | me I noted with satisfaction his i ym
yard as a feeding spot. In Mount brid : ii uy | E fre matted grey whiskers, long, untrim- i er will tal
ridegroom js loved a NY | ¢ Lo
Joy the editor has been using the co I ows RB med hair, and the look of defiant Herman B
discarded street trees as bird ar d : a. misery in his eyes He was the part | a The Kes
A Very Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
— -o— | Miss Esther Mae Henne, 22, fell
off a horse at Columbia last Sun-
Weddings Thruout day and died at the Columbia |
Hospital of a fractured skull. She
(From Page 1) was a graduate of the East Hemp-
daughter of Mrs. Cora Strickler, field Tv p. High School Class ' of
f E-town, and Harry G. Heisey, 1944
tion area
ST el Tl 0 se se 0 0 ee $s 0 Te Th The Te TT
pets, linole

must be a very real person or the Mr. Kee
point of the play is lost. I'd turned Mr. and
down dozens of applicants. even | ROASTING CHICKENS 3 to 4 Ib ib 5c daughter (
Tommy Kingston, the best character ;
and he is
f them all. “I hated to re-
man of ther ROASTING CHICKENS overdlb 1b 69¢ here. Prior
fuse Kingston, on account of past

Es |

VEER TRL TEL TL TTL bil AT Si ict Ze Bk 2 ZEEE ELE Za ETE TE TF associations. Besides he needed the employed
* work. But this last bit of casting | YOUNG DUCKLINGS (Dressed) 1b 65¢ here.
was very im-{ : 5 : i
portant to the | Beli’s Pouiiry Seasoning pkg 10c¢ During
i SS Uncle Sam
. inute success of what .
e Mine pelieved to be Small, Lean, Picnic Style Fresh c the war he
Ib Sico here
a sure-fire hit.
cent Pork Shoulders Fades
gued that the judicious use of make- "The Kea!
Country Style Sausage Meat b41c WA
up would supply me with a Steve Jine of all
that even the author would recog- Freshly Ground Hamburger Ib 53c¢c ond wil b
nize. But I'd told him I was too | inc W
Small, Lean Smoked 43 of your pa
old a hand not to know the limita- | Tender, Lean C
| tions of grease paint. My man must | Ib PICNICS Ib tinue the


New Business Location


| stopped and stared at me in amaze-
i ment. For a moment he couldn't
NOW OPEN | oe tre to lite, Chuck Roast fons.
| | I was sure I'd found him. When | —
{ the old man was a few paces from | SALT WATER OYSTERS pt 65¢ SHARES
| | me I said: ‘‘Pardon me, but would | £ REx “DD
| { you like to earn some money?’ He | Cal. Diamond Buddea han
Victor J. Schmoll
Route 1 Mount Joy
on charges
C a pedest:
Ib auto in tt
Thin Shell Cal. Cal. ¢ a. m. Tue
Ib 49 Police Si
Almonds Dols 8
Season's Gree Greetings to the left
21:51 on
| speak, then words tumbled from his
lips in desperate, guttural tones.
“Yes,” he said, "1 want money. Work,
any Rind of work so long as it is honest!
| I'm strong, sir. 1 do not tire easily and |
| if there—"
“This will require no muscular
| exertion,” I interrupted. “I want
vou for a play I'm producing.”
“A play?’ he repeated. puzzled.
“I believe you're just the man
{ for one of the parts. My office is
What better Christmas gift could you | nearby. If you'll come with me
I'll try you out.”


RE AER ‘ loved nl fle when ‘we ih STRUCK |
| wills. [ws gmt tse vier vei ChiogeiateBrops © 236 WHILE
| | realization that the hopeless search Pure Sugar Hard Candy 29c Clarence
cure for them a comidrtable and regul- for work might be over made him | Bucket of Sweets (French mixture) 21/, Ibs §G¢ suffered a
| tremble that way. Reaction, ps eft Ter
chologists term it. When he was |
run driver
in at the First Natiénal Bank and Trust gegted in the hig ann chair opposite

Season’s Greeting

ar income for the resf of their lives. Stop

Sweet, Juicy Fla.

Fruits and
> x | my desk I gave him a drink, a rare | 8
To Patrons and Friends BU of Moun tov. today and men fr Oranges
I THUMBED through the script
| [ and showed him the part he was
YESS Se asm eR Sa SSAA Sw wa ss ee a eal | let us help you arrange for these trust [0 read. Td expected to hear him || 2 por 45¢

on Route
He was tr
T aritan fos

go through it once, then to show many as
funds. him how to put more into it. But quired to
| I found myself on the edge of my Westerp ‘Delicious
{ ——
chair watch
| man was nd i Te Eating Apples 2 we DGC Chg. | 4
| utmost a of % very parse. gy Eating or Cooking Eastern c Union
{ing each VOT( Its proper va wR
iE : Emperqr Grapes 2 '>s 25; Fresh Cocoanuts ea {90 A Chris
Anjou Pears 3 5 33¢c Florida Radishes bch 5g ina
Fresh Cranberries: <i » 19e at Hostel
GRAPEFRUIT Large Fla.—54-64 4 for 25¢ | id
in attend
Tomatoes Cele ry Posey =
Mrs. Harv
Krall, M

In the Kookall Electric Range | 3 fra

OUR Fresh Western Broccoli original bunch 25¢ Sprecher,
err wishuas Md. Golden Sweet Potatoes 3 Ibs 23¢ Mr HN
4 Idaho Baking Potatoes 101b mesh bag §3c Lester He
I U. 8S. 1 Yellow Cnions 4 bs 19¢ Linens Loi
reeset | Gerald 1
C Al L T Oo Y Oo u | | : | Dole’s Hawaiian Shenk, Mi
| He was Just the type for the part | ® ® Be C Parke Mi
of the old hillbilly. -0Z arke [I
way) Pineapple Juice © gf
| He finished reading and turned Christine \

to me anxiously: “Did I—do all | PB M :
| right?” LU PUDDING R&R can 39¢< Mr. Lest
“All right? Man you were per- ORANGE 46-02 c lonstmaster
fect. The part is yours,” and 1I| JUICE Ideal Fancy cans 4% to by Mr
meant it. | S. Krall a
The occasion called for a cele- | MARGARINE Princess Enriched Ib 30¢ Miss Roser
bration. After weeks of searching | EV MM K tall al piano si
hotels, park benches and flop houses | AP. IL Farmdale Enriched 3 cans carols wer
I'd found Steve. We drank to his | PUMP N 20-0z
| success. { i Ideal Golden Fancy 2 cans 19<
MINCE MEAT Ideal Old Time 20-02 ior AC Wek’
Mr. and
River St.,
Four Sbrface Units
—Or Three Sur- |
face Units Plus A |
Deep Well Cooker |
—All On The Same |
Range! |

There were contract forms handy
on my desk. I filled in a few spaces |
till I came to ‘‘salary.” “The part
| pays $100 a week,” I told him. | 7 ’
fy een: | rid (ake thats Supreme

{ He hesitated. Was this old fellow, half- | Virginia Lee Fruit Cakes made from
| starved, jobless, going to be difficult? He a colonial recipe with loads of delic-

{| said, “It is this way, This a ting 1 do | fous fruit, and nuts. Light or dark. Monday at
: | | bets thi wyone else?” | a
You'll want the new Gibson Kookall Automatic Electric Range the minute { 7 | Ae | 79 2h si a3 Me and
you see it. The only range with UPS. A-DAISY —- it gives you + surface his Christmas, more folks than ever betore | *“Then should I not got more than | | k Raho 8
units, or 3 surface units and a deepwell Kookall, on the same range, ill be Chri . | you would ordinarily pay?" 5 1b cake $3.49 fer at 4
. 3 ) } y?
You'll like its ultra-modern design and gleasuing white, easy-to-clean fin. ! Vw telephoning Chrismas greetings by I was getting sore even though | ys Wall
. | % . | re Wak a ki . ic inp |
ish of porcelain on steel. - | long distance. We will make every effort to jase w asad of logic to his ag Iced Layer Cakes 5 Varieties ea 45¢ Schule of
i nent. 1eavens, man, this -
The Gibson also gives you: A waist-high broiler, two ovens one ban i is j i : 1 i
: A wai } . 3 = quet speedily complete your calls, but telephone is just a bit part. A hundred dollars | F I S L C k 5 5
size, completely automatic operation, 7-heat surface units, 6-quart Kook- [ pe y Pp y ! ! is high pay for such.” | ani y 1z¢ ayer a es ea b A DESTE
all, 3 large storage drawers and amazing efficiency that | traffic will be heavy. So will you please place | He remained obstinate. Main- | Firing
| taining that an artist such as he | and
4 house
4 . <
your calls early, and should you have a short should receive more than a lesser | Enriched Supreme Bread font 14 Greenawall
Come in today and tet us show you the new Gibson Elee- $ 00 | person. I regretted now the bra wd D 't F 3 Tuesday
tric Range — the only range thut has ail the features watt, please be patient. j:p 1. ited andy | on orget Stuffing Bread loaf 14¢ Tus, ay.
makes cooking cleaner, cheaper, cooler, easier and safer. {
I'd given him. Taken on an empty 2,900 lbs. |
ry stomach it had wndoubtedly gone Were destr
Thank you and Wo HS Bind HE ira aoe The Coffee for Rob Roy or Bala Club ere destr
$150. He signed and it occurred to njoyn pe tristmas Meals
| . ive : “heat-flo” roasted BEVERAGES ON THE I
me for the first time that I didn't i
EARL i LO N i LH EC WER Merry Clincstmas know his namo I iy uy his ASCO COFFEE 30-0z bot c The girls
a" | Then I reached for the Ib 44¢ iy 3 > gep. 29 non Valley
bottle. I really needed it a very si
| this ti for the signatur ritten in- H ir Gai
PHONE 4111 LANDISVILLE, PENNA. iis time for the signature written Win-Crest Coffee 2 '»s 79¢ Give our $1.00 Erma Gain
wee Open Daily Until 9 p.m.
you've always wanted!

| in a familiar, round hand was . °ge . > 34
| toring Reesor i li IDEA, COFFEE Merchandise Certificates ember of
COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. | Rome n wit row regen can or jar BE No better gift than food WAS TRA
. ie. diag Bs Ask the manager for detail®
Also Gibson Freezer Shelf Refrigerators and Home Freezers | When in need of Printing. (any. Prices Effective December 22.23.24, 1948. Quantity Rights Reserved. — 2a
| thing) kindly remember the Bulletin ETN I NT rT I TR TR TT TA DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME too fast for