The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 23, 1948, Image 7

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    Pa ++ Thursday, December 23, 1948 —
OWL A A FS RB O\ N L N G| REG'LAR FELLERS le 3 a By Gene Byrnes | The Bulletin, Mt. Joy. I
: 21 KULP’S
+: i



| Kreider's FG SG TG TL <4 ig rem ) cr
......... 213 161 222 59 Pp 7/11 is, mom? , i
|H. Brown ...... 193 169 161 523 = THA'S | war [A ud News Agency and Luncheonette
|Geltmacher .... 190 156 171 517 He 3
Packer veces 150 145 150 445

Kreider meray 210 199 lel 5g CA \ Eo : : Open Every Day From 6 A, M. to 10:30 P. M,
Total ........ 956 830 865 2651 XY f : —
Bennett's YG SG. TG Ti / ALL KINDS OF
Hopple vx» 181 164 161 506 = il
E. ‘Brown ...... 151 162 168 481
Kinsey 173 135 137 445 eB meee T OYS and GlE I S
Spangler ....... 160 164 173 497 Financial War Loss 8 Py ¥
Bennett ........ 227 166 200 593 Before the war, half tl News Fr om Florm EEA THEATRE u FOR CHRISTMAS
3 mm me | (Britain's was W — A ———————————————————————————————
| Womb inn 302 791 $39 2522) visible exports, includir 5 SHOWS EVERY NIGHT ¥ SPECIALS
sp | from ove nvestments, ships (From page : : 9
ar QU: TCT : : Matinee Sat. at 2; Sunday at 3 P.M a : -
Barnhart’s FG SG TG TL ping and insurance. Du \ barsonage on New Years day for gy Gop, J] . RU ha ~
Pe Bursharts FG SG TG 7 ping and insurance. During the war. | parsonage on New Years day from 2 ¥ Table & Chair Sets Tricycles
C. Pennell TS 15 105. 0p al LR Ee rein a a tote} 2 12 8 pan. for the ix ple of the Xmas Eve Midnite Show a $14.95 & $16.95 $12 to $15
/ A WISE OWL R. Brown ee 144 16 1T 437 RS or os to help and members of the g Gap day (Xmas Day)
einho'd ...--.. 169 172 226 567 nance her war effort, and in addi-! LOUIS ARMSTRONG



Nn Ba rhs 170 236 242 648 tion acquired new indebtedness to a| A Christmas Party was held in | Ot ay ¥ Magic Skin Dolls Noma Tree Lights
Here is one we would have = — == total of $11,500,000,000. Her si the Hall Saturday evening, Sr 3 Es
a Rei I acl Total... SE ODO JUS 277d i OL er rece / : all Swurdey evening 48 99 ¥ $2.49 io $8.95 $3. 08
issed if it had not been for cne Ponk’s FG SG TG TI fleet never fully recovered from; December 18. Those attending | a
a 3 MS | » x . y Wx ———————————————————— ————
of our readers. Seems that Paul prey Ld 129 183 458 Warume sinkings. were: Mr. and Mrs. John Reigle, | ew r cans A CHILDREN?
H. Diffenderfer, Florin, (one of | Hostetter 178 158 140 476 ee rere Fr oor | Mrs. Gertrude Groff, Mr. and | —— ¥ Pen & P il 8
stetter ....... 8 158 cian ot Yarmord iroff, : n encil Se c
our employees) went up to Buck Hendrix ......... 191 185 177 533 Des ro na. of me Is pt in| Mrs. Omar Groff and son C Che — SUN. MO 2 IN nc Sets ut-Out & Color Books
Ard, doy inf IH = -. 2 US LG 577). Dipl Tie general bn) od Mire. Jobe N. Dec. 26-27 Norman Becke #
but foreot. of all things Funke --......... 151 201 177 529 i 18 he 8, a Te da : { ML: Walt Schrol wa (Sunday Matinee 3 p. m.) a Pp Boxed Candy Linen Books
ecasor bu orgot, « ‘ ning § mal whom farmers yard Mh nd Mrs. alter Schrol and | » .
ting license. Clyde Mum- Total 902 818 853 2573 their friend. It is quite useful be 1 Ricky and Jerry, Mr. and | : Have You Heard... MANHEIM ROUTE 2 % T D bi Christmas Candles
4 : Eee ri — ause it eats 1 grubs, | vp ines. Schiiaider ma what they're . . 3 ree ecorario!
er ci ; Hi roves and took | : kill A A ato M > mn : eh ider an La saying about Near Becker's Gass Station J < arions 10c¢ to $1.89
up the next day. LOCAL LEGION OUTFIT ON rd Cer rat lone tha | crs Shirley and Joan, Mr. and} A Sulia 27/7 PHONE MOUNT JOY 16-J-11 & me eC

12-9-3t Shilling Battery Train Sets $12.95

P05 00 6S






memset A BIG SCORING SPREE skunk is non person | Mrs. Robert Schneider and sons; a
It 1 great kindness to trust’ With Libhart showing the way by can pick danger, | Robert and Richard and ° A ee ee er
ople with a secret They feel | coring 32 points, Mount Joy's Le- if he knows use : Catherine, Mr. and Mrs.| » .
so important while telling it 10 gion team ran rough-shod over h ney owl does this, and bobcats | Ja Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs A : . We have a fine selection af
41 an 0oXes prey on 1t, i line an shior 5 . » 9
othe Paradise Monday night winning 82 “' foxes prey anon | Eobert Kiing and daughter Beckie Dr. H.C. Killheffer & J
0 C
eae y — Ann, of Mount Joy and Mr. and | GARSON aye wy an
3 a 11 61 Refinishing rs 4 em ‘ [| » GREER 0 tometrist “Mo i
A loc lad asked: “Say. dad, paradise G Fl T. Kitchen refris fir igust Braungand and son) o PIDGEON | P > | & So drop in and gee us, and clso visit our soda fountain.
when will I be old encugh to do |W. Brown F cere 0 14 is hed with two brust f quick- | rd of Lancaster Ok MANHEIM 1h Chir Gli tala
I please?” H Hershey FP ......... 8 4 . 1 of any desired Refresl n wel served, and | | JS CHa ER RRR didi
. lic Dad panlied: “Sor obhody i Watson F 0.00. 1 3 it is advised by experts in mes ware. pl “ip Telephone 137-R ar
i Dad repiiec Son nobody played. Gifts |
J : . Yl Nektar @ 4 0 at the toy be done with ; oe 5 ri Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Ha NK RK ac TY vor — He PE 5
1 nat long. Rowe G 0 0 3 1 distributed to all by Santa Claus. Tues. Fri, Sat, 7-9 P, M, { |
LF 1 0 1! \ 0 \ 7 v A 1 .
Sen K. Hershey G ......... 6 0 Io Sith : Mr. C. A. Melhorn will sell at Tues Fri. Sat. MEMBERS
W teachers age premature ly: | Frew a a ie 2 [1] he refrigerator must . sale on Saturday, Jan. 8, the 9:20-1:00.2.5 P. MW. J AR # oO
e refrigerator must | . ARE f
Teache “Neme two persons Wittle G Celi eases 1 0 v clean and free from any story frame dwelling and 3-car | RT own INVIT ; Gl
: an af : oo { J 5 E. High St. IVITED A
mel d in lamous oems.' f spweasy film wh rage on Main Stre . C1 \
yi dn amos Doel Tony ie TT Te yk te er Hr ga P Vain Sve Ye Ware | Puss LATOR) | rl TO THE v
J Homeward, the picw=- Mit. Joy Legion G Fl Us SAIL APT nhl } Sn Dupes 1s the auctioneer. Elizabeth TAYLOR + Cesaf ROMERO | Fo)
man, and Lo the poor Indian.” E Crider BF... 4 1 9 ies. Toa { — SG Giro ee = x 1 By 1
“Au. B,............ 13 6 32 pod F i oo ] Hag al TUR “WED Déc. 28- 29 | Electric W Idi 28 oO s
ce wiote gs this little jnci-{Conrad F ............. Lt 1 9, 4 2 08 0 Sao I 2 3 >
Th ; Jin : wrots us this little ne ON a ia 0 g in southern Illine ah Local News DOYOU, OL THAT hl, ‘and Gas € ing WN ost
agent \n officer met a private yg = Wir 5 = lishment of the state penitentiary wor AL [TTT
Weber G ........... oi 2 1 Hd SLE
! busily puffing on a cigarette. No BEC Gl... tia 3 at Joliet resulted from a leg (From Page 1) oe | Also Specialize On ,
: alu “Just a minute soldier, (Sload G .............. 5 9 14 investigation after the Civil monoxide gas while seated in a | FARM MACHINE WELDING | MOUNT JOY, PA
ppe- don know ycu ave supposed| ——————|into conditions at the Alton state’, | AND EQUIPMENT A ME 3K HK MK SK TTI
‘ to n officer,” the officer | Foun never 1 tina a prison, Bam Ver Bodin "% 1 Ray Harder, fullback on the Eli- | Automobile and Truck Welding | —————— ahd hes reer
. PARADISE oid 13 2 y 1 were ! il ina ‘ 3 ‘ | ~ " aT
= agny MT JOY : 19 19 23 of 6 to 10 tht " n football team, has been LAWN MOWER SH SHARPENING |
: “ Sir, but I was told never Referee. Rothenberger a da IW n the most valuable player in CT LET hh
232 8) officer with a cigar- se — vacuat the count EVENINGS | SATURDAYS
a ett mouth.” the avolcgetic | MOUNT JOY HIGH FIVE rn - The 73-member Millersville State Lover's Welding Shop § sHows |} MATINEE
' hot Rank N ITS INITIL/ 0 Whoo} ping Cough tana? 4 ira SS | i on AND
pri ot back. WON 178 INITIAL GAME hoop a through. | Teachers’ College Chol presented | Delta and 7 AND 9:00 P. M T H AT R E HOLIDAYS
ee Mt. Joy High won its first game, 1," world, Tt is more common | "The Me sah” before an audience { MT. JOY, PA. Phone 289 BA DAY 2:00 P. M
| | 1 a kitty kat, in the County League Section 1 on|;mong the female sex, and its pat- | of 600 Sunda) | — en ’ ee a Mount Joy, Pa. 4.BB — eh
- 3S vallowed a ball of yarn: Tuesday night with McCue scoring ceurrence is much like that Just because he failed to get | lion : :
y kittens came, 26 points, the locals had no trouble n diarrheal diseases. | tough, Columbia's school bo rd] . M. W E 5 B FRIDAY -- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 - 25
i d sweaters on. defeating East Hempfield 54 to 32 ae WE ite n 4 oe S$ IM wants a new tax collector. There is
mi ——— Score: It takes fey roan roan Rulone. $4,600 outstanding for 1946-47. VALLACE BEERY — JANE POWELL -in-
e get such things? East Hempfield G Ti Fest mon 2 Donald A. Hendricks, Mountville | & SO id @ a9
HEA J {Habecker 'F 0 0 oF" wi | v i : ted SPC Jy bo & iD WwW J i
i rall F ( 0! cr ee [police officer, was appointed "SPCA i 122 South BarkWara Street 3 ate ith udy
A went into Eshlemm Bra EF ues go Coli Washingt yt
oni nig endl Eshleman F ........... 3 v7 fpr for Column, = Was ng MOUNT JOY, PA.
id requested Rr © ror ie 3 0 an, boro, Marietta and Mountville dis- pec, 30-81 - | i re :
nna. 1 have some Winter uni= Miller C .............. 8 ¢ oF Dec, na . roy o fe City" | ROOFING — SPOUTING MONDAY — TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27-28
tnd t Et “How lon 1 vou | Ha'deman G = 0 1 ok + 8h ; pilotean] KEPGALL - ROOF PAINTING RANDOLPH SCOTT -— ROBERT R¥AN -in-
; Weidle G ...... 9:3 TEOVer a Sw to tne win a —
wal the wing tips, and up to 200 acre n Section 1 of the County League | PIIONES: b6 ~ 4 9
T ( 1 ud Just until 3 1 19 hour. The equipment is such | nicht Manheim 3) k! |) Mt. Joy 117-J E'town 928R7 gx = PE Of he admen™
Totals .. 12 8 32 : : lay nigh Manheim Boro took ?
thi pel] is vel Help!! Hop Joy ™ High G Ii T : t the pilot can operate 1t him- | r Fast Donegal 44 to 30, Eliza- | GSel S d (H]] 0p | ——————— eee eee ees eee em ee ———
ni F ives 8 2 Bi Fe both 1 HE x
3 . htown defeated East Hempfield . 3 WEDNESDAY TLR 4 ron RER A030
S . VY ate Si oe aor Ar | 0 7 SE EDNESDAY — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29-30
q 4 : i P a 11 94 Beiter Highways Coming i 22 and Marietta had no trouble | Chocolate Ave. Quality Me ats
: . 1 1 3! Long life asphalt hig defeating Mount Joy 37 to 19. FLORIN, PA. ROY ROGERS -« ANDY DEVINE -in-
no Oh, 1 don't mean NOW, |rryndall C . 9 0 Gis promised by chemical re Fast Hempfield, East Donegal and en ALSO
SO! vinter night when | Rane ei 0 2 Experiments have been x 1 { | i Yin age | A FULL LINE OF CORES « Bom £ Ts |
or h 4 U1 2 Experiments bave been made sho | pound Joy have vet to win a lage ® Nigirt Time In Nevada
el 2 4 stone of a roadbed even in | e Whig the an others | ATE
0 1 1 of heavy rain, thus aver : 3 _ leac Wi pan | Olympic Watches EC — ee
mat disint it is. A Qu X ni pT rv TY rR A AT
ed . | Total esas 22 10 54 ment. : Stimt » vour business by adver- SPIDEL 4 CEME F it & Vv i bi FRIDAY DAY, DECEMBER 31 - JANUARY :
d = Wo 3 od Stimulate your business by adv ruits egetables
be u dee of {E. HEMPFIELD . 12 4 10. 6-32 = - - tising in the I (watch attachments) HED SKELTON — ARLENE DAHL -in-
n N.OUNT JOY ... 16 9 10 25-34 Stitcn tn Thay Rebus 1 E
it What Referces, Gillham, Borger. Skirts are getting g bb A BW ¥ #
k | asked W is vit. Joy J-V 18, E. Hen phicid J-Viwhy not lot Ji oh ho ; Zw eee fp my Forstner Jewelry KRALL’ S Meat ia rket A 5 athe era ankee”
CKS ‘nn. 3 loing this you may find that the SIMON P. NISSKEY i i
her explained He lg not + 1] MARY G, NISSLEY Delta Peérls West Main St., Mt. Joy =
d a bottle of ink eradi- | 2¢8 SINGLE HERE LAST INITE
cal Lottie of ink Hou! Jack Haas, veteran Manheim 8nd use
di ) have used that one. howler, Wednesday night rolled 2a

a tive even CIGARET TES
298 single, highest mark reported in Ever ®

I nta get real teamed | i hil [ | AUSHERMAD BROS. >
the county to date this season, while with n i i . LUCKY STRIKE
sh Mp AA 5 eve Crawl | ympeting in the Lancaster Ccuntyiplace some m it, and fl Realtdrs Dependable PHILLIP MORRIS
| in essure cooker | Bowling League on the Lincoln you ean. ppens to the | {| James PB, Hdus, Agent Watch Repairing OLD GOLD Pe
he cal r

Bowling Alleys at Mount Joy Ppt i es jhe 5: l 251 'ENINGS RALEIGH Carton
4 iB Ph ne John Barnhart, proprietor of the Fescuon of aa ; IL Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. |] OPEN EVENINGS TAREYTON
10) vhite cbject as a red one. it 1 te highest sing- i : | - En | . : :
: strana. fice. and alleys, says this is the highest sin Chousing Pictures | Premium bradds slightly higher.
rs we pane 5 » Ald | 16 made on these alleys. Choose the pictures for your home | "HOW ARE YOUR "SHOES “ 7 - 9 | Add 5c per carfon for shipping and
no color, which excites them ee ee eet ith care. A fine picture co DON'T WAIT TOO LONG B E N N E [ ; S handling.
iccounts for them giving JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE to look lovely, no matter how oftel Minimum ofder — five cartons.
e the furnisl : BRING THEM IN.
ks the run—it’ heir fo- : : . hang
lks the run—it's their fig In the County Junior High Basket * you ¢ : H aloe youn card for gift wrapping
— Ball league, these games were play- i ay veh o " City Shoa Repairing Co. Re staurant . Vin BL Sine of Dela.
ed Friday evening. 3) SOUTH QUEEN STREET
vr d A
man hereabouts who! wi Hempfield defeated Mt. Joy Not on the Level 45 EAST MAIN ST. RD fi 4 : ia
snthusiastic ar | LANCASTER, PENNA. f
Pe IR aves 29-19. Manheim Boro won over! are not m in 250 ace co yf yy MOUNT JOY ALLISON TOBACGO CO. fn 0 Christ Clul
4 yg © 4s Bro ether Nez a LE Santa says: ‘Jom the Christmas Llub





en : his thar : US {Marietta 40 to 24 and Elizabethtown of dover : m IN Monday thet Saturday RN a” nri N¢
Mejor p “Che narvelous ire 2 erce Nati 1 : jd ov . 3 - a
: a marve Us, | outscored East Donegal 31 to 17. there is not more th al he gore Dinner served f1-2 and 5 to 8. | P 0.60 DEL. now. Lleposit every week. 1U'S the ure
t’ ey own irom lea oe Manheim is leading the league of level land to be foun | i : CLOSED WILMINGTON, DE i i Ye f Che oe
n lront ol me 1e . : — re ray 3) ro CAS Ww Ne 4 ristmas.
ty in 4 with three wins and no loss >. place. Py | CHRISTMAS EVE | on 3 i sal Sop way to lave casi Or nk zx nrist A
. [ the listners: | 3 DANC PEC. I Birthaates A fpr M — 3 20 | . -
i roar ne : RISTMAS DANCE DEC. 23RD vates dy | . { 7
1 “50 that she land- ot A : The birth rate of the Sc t Unicr § 3 © TEC
: ; i she Senicr class of Mt. Joy High, Fhe By iH ar i I i Unicn | nid ALL DAY CHRISTMAS OUR WANT? CHOOSE ONE OF
eq Sci 1 will sponsor ‘hristmas 1. ° x lice Jat of in . 0 hai Deposit Weekly 5
a | School v il 2 r C nasitnite od States. Western Europe ha Cl Breyers Ice Cream ADS ARE $.95. . ...
A \ ne giver dance in the high school auditorium gyffered from fi dls 3 birth rates and TK 'Q { 4 1 0 .
a was: el oh oi | a | phursday, Dec. 23rd from 8:30 to a declining population trend. | UST A LIL ACT BULK AND GA GALLONS Shaws 159 nnn 0
earl i eeaing anc drunken | ¢q.¢ - | nN V
? us ‘11:30 p. m. T0 GET YOUR | ut t ey get 30D + vives
apa | Music by Red McCarthy and Hi Car Killings - | E Closed Sundays { NOTICED 5.00
The Ju poke ernly: You Orchestra No one yet has been able to esti- ATTEN {ON WHIL AE RR
, » to pedestrian No — mate how much w illed by { THI
n iving for two years.” The pastor said moodily. “My cet speeding aut bil but | WE PUT IN 5 ~— |
oF : : 2 checks along stretches of highway | ‘ 3 i TON. Al, YA VT J
defendan whined “But Your device was to slide a cough drop te x a 1ghwal A PLUG | | At { 1) kB .
naicate 1t S enormaoil x 3 >
Hon my living depends on it.” | under my tongue just before giv- ee etl ee. en | FOR REAL GCOD | 1 MOUNT JOY. PA [4
“Quite true, but so does th irs,” | ing the sermon. It melted in ex- 8 ci nL Gomme FOR “ - a - he
i iesday’s Sectio ames i =
repli the Judge. actly 22 mintues. Then -1 knew] _ he : : 7 East D 11 Our PRIN ING ~—
: : wilzabethtown 37, ast onega ‘
—_—_—m ia it was time to stop. This morn- ; ns | '
, J-V 42, gal; J-V 13 4
An amusing incident came to | ing I was talking for over 40 E'town V E Done; lJ SUPER 3 i
lig ing the past f minute before I realized that my Manheim Boro 53, Marietta 28. | SUPER-S | TRY iq
light concerning ihe pastor 0 a | 1nule be 'e 3 i : _ a9 NT Ld OTe | > |
little church who was famous for | cough drop was a suspender but- M rie tta J-V 33, Manheim Boro 2H LETIN LZ |
iar IV 26 | Tne BUL Be ofa ;
the fact that evely one of his | ton. cel Gee / == i GUI SWART ADS
ted ex ot 29 minutes. | 4 y - JOB {8 ET 1 A OD LF 12 ER S STR CT HN
sermons lasted exactly <2 minutes. . AL | y OTE FE > » i
= Then cone unfortunate Sunday .' MERRY XMAS, FOLKS! E. Hempfield nosed out E. Don- = is | | AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE PACK A WalLol 1
1 ar yal High in a league game last nae? i SR PR 1d Mem y Deposit an Sornoration
sermon lasted 45 minutes err ea egal High i > Jame PRI NT | N Gl We | SUBECTIDE tor the Bull letin J s oh 4

“It was one of those things,” the A WISE OWL evening 19 to 16,