The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 23, 1948, Image 1

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This Community’s Business Peodle Extend The Season’s Greetings — Read Pages 4 & 5

To All!
A Number Injured
In Auto Accidents
Over Weekend
A numbei
be exact,
bile ac
end Am
of persons, thirteen to
were injured, in automo-
idents over a snowy week- |
ong them were
persons were injured in a
two car collision east of Columbia
~ . |
Sunday Only one was badly in- |
jured, suffering from a possible

| torium in
Donegal Legion Is
Host to The Ladies
At a Xmas Party
The Auxiliary of Donegal Post
809, American Legion, will hold a

card party in the high school audi-
at the
East Donegal
when donations
Coatesville and Valley Forge Hospi-
Auxiliary met recently
to |
fractured vertebra. tals, Scotland School, and the Xmas
James H. Shreiner, 18, Penryn, | Fund.
cut his head and chin when his! After the meeting the Legion |
car struck a tree at Manheim, members entertained the Auxiliary |
Amos F. Breneiser, 34, was hurt at a Christmas party.
at Bareville when a train hit his The following ladies were present:
truck loaded with peultry. Mrs. Chas. Goss, Pres... Mrs, Carl
James Misl, 75, Lancester, suf-|Shank, Mrs. Mervin Brandt, Mrs. |
fered a fractured hip, lacerations Robert Armold. Mrs. Bard Buller, |
and concusions when he walked |Mys. Christ Brandt, Mrs. Sadie
into the side of a truck operated |Slead, Mrs. Irvin Neiman, Mrs.
by Robert C. Maloney, 19, Landis- | Frank Houseal, Mrs. James Mump-
ville, at James and Lime Streets, ler, Mrs. Jno. Buller, Mrs. Henry
Saturday. He was admitted 10 | Haines, Mrs. Chas C. Hicks, Mrs.
the General Hospital. | Paul Peifer. Mrs. Albert Frank.
Snyder's Hill at the eastern end |
of the town, was the scene of a real
traffic jam Sunday evening. A large
truck going west, skidded into the
east bound traffic lane and in a short
time there were cars lined up in
both directions for quite a distance.
Gerald N. White, 19, Fast Peters- |
burg, suffered a laceration of the |
upper when his auto skidded |
into 4 concrete culvert and over- |
turned on Route 272 near Fast |
Petersburg at 3:30 a. m. Sunday. |
Mrs. Elvin Kreider, Manheim RI |
had suffered a cut leg. and Mrs. |
B. R. Kreider, Manheim R1, suf-
fered h shock when the auto
in which they were riding, driven |
by E M. Kreider, and a ca
operated by Carl H. Hoffman, of
Elizabethtown, collided at an in-
tersection in East Petersburg on |
Mrs. Lee Haverstick and Mrs. An-
na Seifert.
I ———
The United Auxiliaries
Will Hold Tea Dec. 29
The United Auxiliaries of the
General Hospital will |
Tea December 29, from
at the residence of Mrs. |

| hold a Silver
| Paul K. Stehman, corner of Marietta
{and Market streets. Mrs. Clarence
| Newcomer, Mrs. Clarence Schock,
Mrs. James A. Phillips and Mrs. P.
| Thomas Bronson will pour. Their
aids will be Mrs. Paul Stehman Jr.,
«|Mrs. Carlton Jones, Mrs. J. C.
Musser and Mrs. Roy Packer, Jr
Mrs. Stehman announced these
| coinmittees: Receiving, Mrs. Simon |
| Nisley and Mrs. Louella Eshleman;
ell GC eee

Lanc. Production
Credit Asso’n Met
The fifteenth annual meeting of |
Lancaster Production Credit As-|
sceiatiion was held at Pa. Guern-!
sey Breede new building, east of
Lancaste mn the Lincoln Highway !
last Thursday. 425 farmers and
their w were present from
Lancaster, Lebanon and Dauphin
Counties The following two men
were elected directors for a term
of three years each: John §S.,
Shenk. Lancaster 6 and Samuel G. |
Ober, F-town 3, Pa. |
Mr. G. G. Minnich of Lititz, the |
president of the Association pre- |
sided A report was given on the !
work of the Board of Samuel G. |
of Etown and a report on
(Turn to page 3)
ca A In
David R. Herr, Florin, arreste J
Monday Constable William
Myers, Columbia, on a charge we
hit and run driving posted $300 bail
for 1g before Justice af the
Peace Francis E.
The charge was preferred by |
Chief McManus,
Columbia borough police, on the’
basis of an obtained
when John J Hogentogler, 270 S. |
Fourth St., Columbia reported that
was damaged by a hit-run
12:05 a.m. Saturday in|
a he X

Gaus, Columbia.

of Police Eugene
auto license
his car
driver at
The Veterans of Foreign Wars at
Manheim have purchased and put
the first community |

into service
ambulance in that vicinity,
| strumental
| President
Charles J. Ben-
nett; Mrs. D. E.
he United Aux- |
to attend and to
All members of
iliaries are urged
bring a prospective member as af
guest. |
ee... i —— asa
Seaman George son of |
Mr. and Mrs. James Berrier;
"near Milton Grove, is home to spend |
his first Christmas with his parents
in three years. George is having a |
in Uncle Sam's Navy.
————-— -
swell time
adjudications were
Orphans’ Court |
Abram L.
approved by the
within the past week:
Snyder, West Donegal
$6,41965: S. R. Sprecher,
Hempfield twp., $242.63.
eee lll Aree
Lions Club Are Hosts
‘To Wives And Friends
A Christmas party was held by |
i“ Mt. Joy Lions Club, December |
21st. The wives and friends of |
the Lions were the honored guests |
at the party. An enjoyable even- |
ing was spent with 90 persons in |
Carol singing and in-
formed part of
the evenings entertainment.
ta Claus (Ted Widler)
appropriate gifts to the
and the
ladies received nice gifts.
William Batzel
certificates of merit to past officers. |
Do not forget to have your place |
illuminated as the judges will
! tour Florin and Mt. Joy on Thurs-
day evening to select the bo)
presented |
decorations for prizes.
- THE =
ount oy, Bulletin.
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 2
1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance

childre hn
pece™ pe
ghow =

anniversary and in her honor open
house was held during the after-
noon for friends and neighbors.
Mrs. Frey, who resides
daughter, Mrs. J. Clarence Reist,
is a daughter of the late Mr.
Mrs. J. Hoffman Hershey, Salunga.
Her the late Fre)
died in 1932.
Mrs. Frey
ated a farm
A member of
Mennonite Church,
tended the first
the Landisville
with a
husband, Cyrus
moving to Landisville,
the Landisville
Mrs. Frey
campmeeting at
and her oper-
near Joy
Campmeeting lot
75 years ago.
William F. Roudabauch,
six, 221 E. Main St, Mount
was granted a divorce from Martha
B. Roudabauch, twenty-six, Mount
Joy grounds of indignities
They were married Nov. 30, 1939

twenty ~

awd separated August 1, 1945

HE THREATENED WIS Mr.-Mrs. Earhart | MAYTOWN FIRE COMPANY e Ings ruout ortuar y
aul Hornberger, 29, Manheim | The Maytown Fire Co. at its
e charged with surety of the T C | b Th ®_ | regular meeting on Monday, Dec. ° C it Th h t Thi
Celebrated His 79 peace, was arrested Sunday af‘or 0 e e rate elr 13th, elected the following oflicers ur ommuni y roug ou S
. he threatened to shoot his wile . for 1949: . |
Birt hday Saturday Isabelle, his daughter and his own 60th A nniversary President, Paul Beshler; Vice- During Past W eek ntire oC ity
Sa oo brother in law. President, Marvin Foltz; Secretary, Thomas P. O'Brien. seventy-sev
It was the editor's privilege and | (Constable Ammon Boyer said Mr. and Mrs. Almos Earhart will William Smith: Asst Secretary, [he marriage of Miss Anna Ruth | oa : )'Brien, seventy-s
irthdayv : : shissler hier . Irs. | en, at Marietta.
pleasure to attend the birthday an- | Hornberger was wading in the |cglebrate their sixtieth wedding an- Walter Kopp: Treasurer Lester let’ daughter obi 2 Sod sy “it a vi > wi May. seventy-five
niversary of Mr. John W. Eshelman | Chickies Creek in his bare feet vers on: New Veare Dv. by Shenk; Fire Chief. George Weller: Allen Shissler, E-town R3, to Jay “i : I >
Jr.. at Todd's Point on the Eastern | when he was taker into: custody. : i : 3 y, Ist Asst. Chief. Ray Fryberser: 2nd Foreman, son of Mi and Mus. i hs ii oe a : ;
1 : ap 0 og ( se Mh = x RP , 21 ; | He . 218 -
Shore, of Maryland, south of Cam- His wife, the prosecutrix, charg- open. ou fom one 0 asst. Chief, Edgar Meyers; Chief Isaac Foreman, E-town 13, ng : am unm, ef wo
bridge, last Saturday. Mr. Eshelman | ed her husband came home Sun- three o'clock for their friends Hose. Director. Dite: Ase solemnized Saturday in the Ce SE e's Home, Morgen i
resides at 1057 Buchanan Ave, | day, broke open the rear door of From three o'clock their children st. Hose Director, Richard Engle: of the Brethren, E-town with the Char es 5 Hagins, Sixty-iive, Soin
Lancaster, but it has been customary | the house to enter, and after he jand grandchildren will be guests. Chief Engineer, Gennings Arnold; Rev. Nevin H. Zuck officiating at > wnheim, died ®t Lancaster, ¢
for a number of years, to celebrate [threatened the family, hurled a| Mr. Earhart is eighty-five years Asst. Engineer, William Flowers; | ~~ David 5 Meister, sinty-three, o
the event at his hunting and fish- | beer bottle at her which missed [ol age and Mrs. Earhart is eighty- | Chief of Fire Police, Aldus Han-! Miss Betty Jane Carpenter, niece Columbia Rl, died at his home Sun=-
ing lodge, which we feel free in [and lodged in the wall Horn- three. They have six children who ban; Trustees, Christ Kauffman of Catherine Wintermeyer, Pine day. sR y
saying is one of the most elaborate | berger was jailed to await ajave: Gertie, wite of Graybill Bruck- = Theodore Trone and Howard Street, became the bride of John E.! Lizzie, wife of C. Wayne Enck,
to be found anywhere. hearing before Justice of the | hart, Manheim, R2: Esther, wife of | Strasbaugh. Wolgemuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. | formerly of Manheim, died at Grand
This particular lodge is now own- | Peace Musser, Manheim. Abram M. Hess, Rl, Mount Joy, TT. [ier C. Wolgemuth, North Market | Island, Neb.
a — ABs bs x ’ 0nias Pp, ‘Brie seventy =
ed by two residents of Phila, two Ne John, R2, Mount Joy; Barbara, wife at 3 p.m. Sunday in St. Luke's Thon aH J len, sev ny
from New Jersey and Mr. Eshelman, | . . of Roy Shelly, R1, Mount Joy, Al- | rie ews From = Church, here, with the Sour, a Sette at St. Josephs
of Lancaster. It was formerly the | oston Lady Living mbps, Rl, Mount Joy; Paul, R1, Mt. | Rev. Carlton N. Jones officiating at oShitn : wy
property of the late Walter Chrysler . Joy: and Marie Hoffer, foster The Dailies For | the double ring ceremony. Henry E. Bradley, sixty-six,” at
of the Chrysler Motor Ca. Here Ended Her Life daughter, Elizabethtown. Salerno, Morris Bradley, Mt.
The birthday celebration started | y Also twenty-two grandchildren . k R din Miss Doris June Zink, daughter of I RE is bo R D. Enel
Thursday and was concluded Sun- | Joan Hathaway Webster, twenty- [and (welve great grandchildren. uc ea g {Mr. and Mrs. Farl Zink, 205 East | ale, yew anoy nie
: 1] B ee A vim lee: . was found dead in bed at her home
| day (due to a request of the Weath- |six, Boston, Mass., daughter of a Pennsylvania Week will he ob-i Main St, and Edward A. Pennell,
er Man) with the gala event, a Lan- [wealthy food packer, was found | MRS. JAMES M. BERRIER sirved Oct. 12-21 vest yeu, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pennell, = hie Se was om Sie
. Fey ! ‘ ring
caster Co. roast turkey dinner plus | dead in the kitchen at the home of | FRACTURED HER ARM Al Jolson gave his $75.000 estate will be married at 7 p.m. Thursday, ’ yo wie Guntryman, wife of Franie
rail the timings Jprevared hy fs ithe Rev and Mrs. Carlton Jones,| Mrs. James M. Berrier, sixty, of to a worthy hospital at Hollywood. (today) in the Church of God with | Guntryman at Manheim. She was
{ host himself, on Saturday evening. |211 S. Market St., at about 2:30 p.m. | near Milton. Grove, met with a very The Philadelphia and Bal .. {the Rev. C. F. Helwig officiating. i 4
i So . | J & phia anc altimore | sixty-seven.
In addition there were presents re- | Tuesday painful accident at her home early | giock exchange are planning ro] secs bo Nok
(fun to Page 2) Dr. David E. Schlosser, deputy Friday morning. She went to the merge. Dorothy M. Rutt | .
le yroner, issued a certificate of death {pump for water while it was still One of York's largest industries | Harry G. Heisey : vrs Ross Rien Miller Rit ixt
by suicide and said the girl had died [| dark, tread on some ice and fell. will lay off 200 employes within the} The marriage of Dorothy Rutt, | MIS. Lyada Ann Miller Ritz, sixty=
ay off 2 ployes within the sight fife of Ross Ri tied at
g ing 'S aug ers | {at about 8 p.m. Tuesday Mrs. Berrier sustained a cut on}, xt week. _ (Tum to page 8) reg, wi gt ROSS itz, died a
The deputy coroner added that he [the head and a fractured left arm 3 wo lls e Yr {her home in Rapho Twp., Manheim
In a collision on the Linc« ny {R3, of a heart disease followi
Held Christmas Party [learned that the Rev. and Mrs. at the wrist. She was immediately Highway east of Lancaster 300 sleds i, of a heart disease Tollowing cne
5 as a = vo 76 vg Ire Rito z v
| Tones had gone to a meeting Tues- |removed to the General Hospital for}, cre demolished. € oC (AH s ivess. Mrs. Rife had beers a
The Kings Daughters Bible Class [day night at about 6:30 and {treatment and returned home that Pauline Luca 32, Waynesburg hn Tapho Ton, er mi
: di joe : ; JAcas, 32, aynes 1
of the Church of Gig gi left the girl alone in the home. |same evening. cn Pa. had the hiccups for 300 days. For The Past Wee Je
annual C rising : ay at the | When they returnexd at about 9:30 p. -y They were stopped by surgery | Jacob M. Ke orl
home of Mrs. C. BR. Charles on fm they found her in the kitchen. 89 ATTEND YULE PARTY Charles Metzler, 44, light com- V Bri fl T Id £0") ammer'y :
Tuesday evening. Gifts were The gas jets on the kitchen stove |BY LANDISVILLE LIONS CLUB |pany linesman, was killed when a ery ricrly 10 Jacoh M. Kemmetly, 5
changed, Fairy Sige names ore had been turned on. Eighty Landisville Lions and their {boom fell on him near Ickesburg, fre loss this Wear way land Che Streets, Columbia,
revealed. and Christmas carols] The young lady came to Mount | guests attended the club's annual | perro 17 (; [ urn to page 3)
revi ‘ "re 5 Perry County. $17,618.00. —— et
Were sung, efreshments were | Jat Summer and was residing | Christmas dinner party at Landis- Page 8 ya : |
served. 10: Mrs. C. F. Helwig pars) (Turn to Page 8) Mrs. Angie Sourbeer, Columbia, | go IN y
Served. to: IS, = I CIWIE, [with Rev. and Mrs. Jones. She had |ville fire hall Monday night. ree celebrated her 102nd birthday Mon LJ RULE BIBLE CLASS
ton : MN hve . J selebrate pT 2 av a
Mrs. Gon: ue Me Eli |been depressed for some time but| A turkey dinner was served, and |SCIATIC RHEUMATISM IS din : HELD A TURKEY DINNER
ar 'S. Smeltzer, Mrs. Jac : ns . : ay. hs :
er hi Sele) i S05 declined to state why. George Shenck as Santa Claus dis- | KEEPING GOOD GUY DOWN Anns Salm, 54, East Fil Solas n Rule Bible Class of
a er, I A = Ny tributed presents. Prizes were] Unless Mr. Sciatic lets up a bit, |; ; oe ; |B eichs Evangelical Congregational
Lillie Sauder, Miss Mae Shreiner : ea injured her elbow and shoulder in |g Sunday School held a turkey din-
: : a MRS. JAY GREIDER HEADS awarded in a “stop the music” pro- | Samuel H. Miller. ex-superinten- | fall { y
Miss Emma Shcokers, Murs. Ellen | WORT. HF : : . ja la [ner at Aunt Sallys Kitchen in
. FARM WOMEN NO. 8 gram supervised by George Robert- | dent of the Penna. Power & Light s Dish TERE . |
| Lindemuth, Mrs. Roy Lindemuth, Red Rose Post VFW at Colum- | E-town on Tuesday evening
: Mrs. Jay Greider was installed as |son and Arthur Hackman. Company for this district, will spend | .. on CVs iv wt
Mrs. Blanche Parson, Mrs. Art | | bia, gave a Christmas party Satur- | Mrs. William Beichley was hos-
| : : . |president and Mrs. Robert Forney his Christmas in bed. The malady | : | : A
Myers, Mrs. Anna Lump, Mus. = : SR day to 1000 kiddies tess assisted by Mrs. Sylvester
Dorothy Derr, Mrs. Mary Walker, = Vice-president of Sosiety of Fan M b has him off ‘his feet for the pas! | The Airy Vale school, W. Hemp- | Shuman and Mrs. Christian
Mrs. Alvin Sides, Mrs. Elsie Grove, Svar 2’ No. 8, oe Mrs, Anne 1. any 00 0 UCers month. We join his friends in hoping { field twp., held its Christmas pro- | Brandt, Mrs. Beichler led the de-
Mrs. Stella Sweigart, Mrs. John |! oo sigh ty oh 8 fi, meets . that he can amr op ops gram Tuesday night. | votions and lev. Beichler and
Barnhart, Miss Wilma Eaton, Mis: } Pg at recently, In Red Rose Dairy Herd enough to enjoy his Christmas tur- 1 my, pumper of the Millersville | John Roland, class teacher led the
Anna Hoffer and. Mrs. Charles | The grcup met at the home of key Fire Company skidded thru a stop | carol singing.
= - Mrs. Alvin J. Reist, Mt. Joy R1, and | A registered Holstein cow owned T_T sign and struck an auto The regular meeting will ka held
THESE MOTORISTS LOST » held its Christmas party. Stoltifus, of Morgan. THREATENED HIS ing Lester Breneman, of Elizabeth- | Thursday Jan. 6th at 7:30 p. m. at
THEIR DRIVING PRIVILEGES er new officers are: Mrs. Reist. cor- | own, won the Cow of the Month | WIFE; NOW IN cou: AT town, was prosecuted at Lancaster | the home of Mrs. Laura Tressler,
During the past week the State [responding secretary; Mrs. Pavid of the Red Rose Dairy Herd | Alfred L Miller, twenty-eight, of for driving without lights Marietta RI.
suspended the driver's licenses of |W itmer, reconding secretary; Mrs. | Association. She produced 2,661 lbs. Fast Donegal, Marietta R1, was rel Russell Moore, 41, Columbia R1, .
| 41 motorists. Those from this vi. | vi Nisley, treasurer milk, 1038 lbs. butter fat, testing 3.9 | committed to the Lancaster County had a finger mangled Saturday |
i ity ‘were Solvester RB. Sword Mrs. Paris Snyder, Lititz, spoke percent for November prison in default of $500 bail after a I wich catwht in rie: vt Everything That
c r were: Sylvester R. Swords, ' : : . ‘n caug a meat g €
M OB Tov: BE +1 Wilson ‘Witman jon Moravian Christmas customs Among the next four high cows | hearing Friday night before Justice It took two hours to revive Hous
Mo Joy: Ga SO In — A SL AL 4 i ‘5 x YOK 0 ours ©
| Elizabethtown R2: charged with for the month was a Holstein own- | of the Peace Francis E. Gaus, Col- young persons who were overcome Ha d At
speeding. H. Earl Leedom, of Eliza- IROSSER CONSTRUCTION CO. ed by Henry H. Hackman, of Man- umbia, on charges of violating the | (Turn to page 7) ppene
{ bethtown, for reckless driving HERE GETS ROAD CONTRACT heim R2, with 2,139 lbs. milk and |Fire-Arms Act and pointing a dead- a ein
| a The State Highway Department [100.5 lbs. butter fat, testing 47 per- ly weapon. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY Florin Recently
ey A ive v Yr SEC “yr eo |
| MARRIAGE LICENSES has awarded a $185,729 road con- |cent Soa : . a BANK INCREASES SURPLUS :
Charles H. Hepler and Anna Ruth | truction contract to the Rosser Clarence Lyons, Mount Joy RI, CELEBRATED GOLDEN The Board of Directors of the | Bid John Buffenmeyer and two
Nolt, both of Mount Joy RI. Construction Company with offices was right up there with his herd of WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Union National Mt. Joy Bank has {2 vildren and Mary Sehman of Mt.
William Pipkin Jr. and Fast Main street this bore. The [registered Holsteins. They averaged Mr, and Mis. Jacob Hey, | authorized the transfer of $15,000.00 | Joy are spending several days in
Romaine Gingrich, both of Manheim | Project in on Traffic Route 890 in [1159 and 363. Mount Joy, R1 celebrated their 50th from undivided profits to surplus, | | Florida with Mr. Buffenmyer.
| RZ | Northumberland county and invol- | YS) A Ml eee wedding anniversary Monday. They increasing the latter item to $350,- | Mrs. Emma Keener had the mis=
jv | arrie eo at! = RIT :
——— [ves 202 miles of roadway and an! ANOTHER CROSSING VICTIM were married December 20, 18% at | G09.09. The bank capital is $125. | fortune of falling and breaking her
SFFKS A TAXI SERVICE |I-beam bridge. Dennis Daniel Dougherty, 26 a | Chambersburg. Mrs. Reifsnyder is 9900. and its reserve is $25,000.00. [arm at her home on Wednesday.
Glen Gibble, of Marietta, has el ise substitute rural mail carrier, was jhe former Amanda Slothour. They | This represents the second | Mr. Benj. Kauffman is confined to
plied for the right to operate in| Six cases containing 270 pounds killed by a train at Shréiner's Cros- | 2% the parents of three children: | within the year, as $10,- | his bed because of illness
: : i : | Harvey, Hagerstown, Md.; Lloyd, !¢0500 was transferred June 20] mia 7
Marietta and in Conoy, West Done- lof butter were stolen from the sing west of Lancaster. He was the | | T/Sgt. and Mrs. Richard Kauff-
3 i | | Columbia; and Velva, at home 1948 { i ;
pal, and East Donegal townships. Consumers’ Ice Plant at Lancaster. fifth victim in eight years > - a hl man of Hampton, Va., are spend-
TTT ir 1g a month with both the formers
Mrs Frey Fete | BIDDING ON OUR CROPS [50d latters perents. Mr. and Miss,
° > ol auf c Mrs
Offors of 25-38. conis a. pound are |B F. Kauffman and Mr. and Mrs.
. Yai of bind : | Frank Lynn at Orbesonia.
n Her Birth ay jpeing. made for inal | Rev. and Mrs. John H. Gable will
{tobacco grown in the county this |} we an informal reception of the
ow ave ¢ formal recep
Mrs. Martha Jane Frey, Landis- year, according to S. S. Bard, East | (Turn to page 7)
ville, celebrated her 90th birthday Petersburg. president of the old ee — eee
Tobacco Growers’ |
Lancaster County
1 Association,

Two crops totalling about twenty
acres were sold by farmers near Albert Warren, fifteen, was one
Lititz fof 27 Lancaster County youngsters
| ee A eres who received permanent smallpox
I po
TRAINING IN PACIFIC AREA immunity certificates from State
John Buchenauer, seaman ap- |Epidemiologist. Albert had been
| prentice, this boro, is serving aboard | vaccinated 17 times without react=
the light cruiser, U.S.S. Astoria, a om
| rr el AU
unit of Task Force 38, now under .
going an intensive traming pe riod Bi h
in the Western Pacific and the pp 'S | ecor
i hina Sea Area - Mr. and Mrs. Merle Breneman,
V re rico | Mount Joy R2, a daughter Sunday
ivr. ana ™ Hirre M at St. Joseph's Hospital
i ETS arry er Nar- .
be. rx | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mathis,
| ietta Avenue, will celebrate their
! Mount Joy R1, a son Wednesday at
| fiftieth anniversary on Wednesday
the Lancaster General Hospital,
| December,
a erent A
AD Une |

| .
| Roy B. Sheetz, this boro, and| Ow former employe Jim Markley
Samuel B. Sheetz, East Petersburg |arrived home from Camp Pickett,
executors for the estate of Mollie | Va. last evening to spend Christmas
J M. Sheetz I here with his parents,