Dum The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., - Thursday, December 16, 1948 [family of Columbia visited Mr. {and Mrs. Abram Gamber on Sun- oh The Mount Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher Celtmache at Kindeihook on ( | It is a fact however that in ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 Published Every Thursday at No. | 9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | Subscription, per year . - BO Six Months ....... cn. $1.00 Three Months ..........., 60 Single 05 Sample Cop! KS veins FREE Entered at the Postoffice at Mt, Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association Eo EDITORIAL + + + The dietitian who says a family | of four can be adequately fed for | less than a dollar a day must | mean a family of canaries or of rabbits. ® 6 The best definition of a Com- munist is a fellow who burrows | your pot to cock your goose in. He is always willing to share his nothing with everyone else. ® 60 There is another mighty good | reason why motorists should not | give hitch-hikers a lift unless | they know them. Over in New Jersey a salesman was kind and the hiker jammed a revolver into his ribs and made him drive 275 miles t= Weshington, D. C. —then i he got away. { oo 0 Looks as though we can get ready to shell out more tax money. President Truman asked Congress to raise all cabinet members pay from $15,000 to 250600 per year and a budget director asked to have the presidents salary increased to $150,000, Those Democrats certainly be- lieve in spending money no matter where it comes from. oo 00 THEY NEED DENTISTS Dentists are as busy as doctors, In the Aimy they are overworked caring for the mouths of recruits. Two of every three need a great amount of dental treatment. In fact, the condition is so serious, there is talk of drafting dpntists. The Army says that teeth are so bad am:ng draftees and volunteers that it is taking anyone who has two jaws and twelve teeth. Some of the rests with parents, when there was insufficient funds to providp proper dental care for the yeung children. More schools are providing free dental service through public health facilities, to lock to the future as well as to care for the present health. It is to guard against all manner of illnesses that follow from diseased teeth and gums. The civilian populaticn needs its dentists and hope it will not he necessary that they be drafted by the Army. oe 0 IT WOULD NOT SURPRISE US If you wondered how we would fare when Peirillo placed the ban on making by union musicians, you were probably sur- prised at how liit'e it has sffected yeu and your listening. We deo get tired of hashed and rehashed recordings, hut the monotony has been lessened hy overseas record- ings, by reissues of old [favorites by the backl'z of records rushed through just before the union edict beczme effective. Ti does seem the ban has not worked in providing more jobs for musicians. The juke box industry has not been hut, it appears. But, big nime bands that make money from recordings have suffered. There has been a decided drep in song-writing, too. So it might not he long before Mr. Petrillo lifts the ban and agrees with us. LN J A gentleman of 82 years writes us that newspaper's are most gen- errs with space devoted to de- signs of women’s apparel through few print even a word about men’s clothing. This reader, a doctor of medi- cine, wants the tail of the shirt restored to a decent length, as dres every men, He wants the collar put back on night shirts for protection in a cold bedroom, The back of drawers and trousers should be built up to afierd pro- tection to the small of the back, especially for men of outdoor oc- cupation or subject to tumbago. The suspender buttons on the back of trousers should always be on the outside to reduce pressure on the spine. The legs of pa- jamas should be buttened at the ankles to keep them from slither- ing on cold nights. All of these suggestions are very good although they may appeal wore to elderly thah to young men, re | is the custtm here, not much gain RRR RRR RR BBR XX BURR, : day. 4 er ass Joy Bulletin M:. and Mis. Earl Gelunaches and family visited Mrs. Minnie SL TE > Friday and Saturday Mr. and M Flory Nentwig and Audrey Lec Donald Charles = 7, 7 England, which is a mins world, 1 I M \ of ancaster visite ] ; 1 | vastly more attention is given to hy W 1 : ited | PA and Mi 1. Haines on Sunday. | % A men’s apparel than in the United Ww Fl . | § | . Vilma Flovd I aumbla | NI ; | States, Men in London have ' ny { 3 0 | ider visited VI Martha Fogie nx ( | ideas and get what they want. | » # 0 . mday A hs {In this country, Los Angeles seems The I . We ¥ to be doing a job for the men in | ay v Py WW 3 FY | . . Howard Witmer ha en returned | wg hd | the design of sports and lounging \ . wt ¥ | | wear. to 1 flame on sunday : RN 3 0 Mr. and M Daniel Geltmacher | X % | Improvements in masculine wear are long overdue, but so long as women do the buying for men as visited M:. and Mi Marvin Gar- AS wer and family n Tuesday be Tuesday evening a Christma By Cantata entitled The Uninvited wv [ean be expected. Christmas Guest wi I re- | Wg eoe ; yc sented at 7:30 in the Newtown Nd WM GOOD FARM MANAGEMENT School. The following « racte {Te Ny MN Some first class advice for the | ol will be cn Che pS i American farmer recently came | Fy M 3 x i rts 3 er, Ce Tow re Anna, | 9 Xs rom Dean William Myers, of the Shirley Witme Aunt. N v Wit- | 9 New York State College of Agri- | ( hild Dix Lee Fran 2 Fy Sie Ten Do i hild, 10 ang; Ye ee culture at Cornell, when he said: | Charles, Robert Frank: Feed. R gk WN “It seems today that good farm |. Haine To Yack Witmat? wi din | management calls for farm people (Child, Fannie Witmer: Group of § 0: IN [to centinue to build financial ve- children. Thomas Foie x ty I : Victrola 8V90 serves in United States Savings Ann Witm i Wit PN g8y An vitmer, y J {Bonds rather than to enlarge their 0. Evercic H itn be 58 farm businesses heyond the size Linda Lou Goltmuchiet wai 2 [ needed for efficient operation. | Hoffman, Mildred Hoffman. Pink Wf Here’ ; “rw wl . n The possibility of speculative pro- | Kenneth Schoelkope. Edith Sui “g ere’s a great musical buy « ¢ J a Victrola radio. do | fit from buying farm land or live- | Reading: Owen Haines: Rea ne. | 8% phonograph at an unbelievably low jrice . . . and it has the n v | stock whe rice income: ; ? = | Ser - « when prices and meomes | Eugene Witme:: Recitation. Bevc = of famous Golden Lhroat. You i AM and I'M radio with are high is seldom worth the wor- Ss . 1 y Swick; Recitatic Betty Celt- | JJ y } ’ : : i k; Recitation, Be « 7 RCA Victor's special, extra-sep€itive FM circuit, a new fully | ry and risk of Tosing everything if | ocho, Exorcise Betty wn | if "| a drastic dre P in farm incomes | Haines, Dolores Witmer, © BN automatic record quiet, dependable—plus “Silent should follow.’ Fogic and Shirley With Q, hire” Sys ras) . . > is The: th dotoned “Te wd Stiles Warmer, apphire permangnt-po pickup. Fine 18th Century sivle é MM (ation Paul Swick Rec vis ter a i ‘ . : [World War I is in point. Prices | Mary = Kuhn: Reading cabinet. Big record copfhartment. Comes in walnut or mahos. ing land values were high then, | Kuhn: Reading. Bettv Lou anv finish higher). nn nea 3, € y Lot fF k; | AC as 2 instance alter in- iit 1 (3 ) i i < now In instance after in Univited Guests, Janet Witm hi} 0} won. A real value! > i 5 0 stance farmers mortgaged their Pegoy Ann Witmer, Audrey Hoff- "Victeola”=T,M, Keg. U, 3, Pat. Of, : WG pregerty in order to buy more. | men; Reading, Carmen Fogie i if A disastrous break in the prices ————— © — ee a raid for farm produce came along ia to boost Sa Lal ® ongenec er » a C | oN gg on 5 " i There is no better way ind a tragic number of farmers | lest not only their new holdings, | Jour pusiness disp BY leesl news. LANDISVILLE, PA. PHONE 4111 5 | = on : aper advertising. but their old places as well. PRE TE ena OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P. M. Everyone hopes that this will not be repeated. At the same = =F, CHL we ni of, 2% vl 3 Patronize Bulletin advertisers time, it is only the part of wis- 5 LT LILI ri ET STE AEE RET PA EEN : TR BT wn % ICTR 3 STA KW Ne SRS dom for farmers to place a sub- stantial part of surplus income in liquid assets—assets which can be ¥ immediately turned into cash if the og need arises. Here is where U. S. ¥ Savings Bonds perfectly fill the Ng bill. They are the safest possible investment, Depending on the type purchased, they either ap- preciate in value as time goes on | 4; or pay a good rate of interest. 4 They are as liquid as cash in the Ny bank. And last but not ee 3 they give the farmer and everyone ug : OEE PRE pag So FETE or re no govnment | DISH WASHER Washing Machines Tn | REFRIGERATORS Clothes Dryers Tobacco Show Freezers of by HOTPOINT (From page 1) DELUX RANGES growers ordinarily know as the bap HOT WATER HEATERS Js © SELECTRICAL ( A 42 From WOLGEMUTH inc. i oo MOUNT JOY, PENNA IRIS AE TE IL RRR PTE TE GE TE TR IER 2S Th OS TE TE FE ih Th 2 28 2828 yy IRIE TLL SOL EL GEIL CL IL TRENT CR SF, A, Zs ry TX lighter and thinner tobaccos grown | k here, while Filler B represents ol 3 4 3 le poe ’'® heavier bodied tobacco J i Lamps for i hs , 25% One hand of 15 leaves will con- |g stitute and exhibit. Onl one | WY = every rom HH il be ina in 7 Ps | 0 i LO R ESC N T in the House 7 oy / JELECTRIC HOT PLATES )y a grower. The leaves in a hand should be free from blem- J ishes and should be as uniform as | yg FIXTU RES J |/ GRILLS, HEATERS CIRCULATORS the day of the show may be left wi i vessible in length, color and tn i I will be accepted at the! br STOP AND SEE SCHICK SHAVER a it (ne County Agents Office or at | WW c the Tobacco Experiment io Ask About It and SHAVE REST Entries Show Building until 1:30 p. m. ho Fires ox THE CIRCLE LAMP that may be brought in before Unless called for by the wnet iter the awards are made at the | AE 7 OP FE FR FTE TE 2 TAK TESA AREA TELS ALTE IE IE IL TE IE TE TEAK TE 28 WBE TRILL IRIE ARTE PE TE FE PEFR PE ISLET show, all entries here will be erefully packed and exhibited Apex CRC poo) ALL ATTACHMENTS wh he Farm Show at Harrisburg Any grower from Lancaster Co s invited to participate ——— eet eee een: Garbage Remon 2 CS a KELL ZEEE RR = BLAL TL IEEE DLL TL FETE TLL TELE OL TL ZL 5 (From page 1) ELECTRIC Bendix ; WAFFLE MAKERS x Ly re ht rn COFFEE MAKERS § TELEVISION SETS i SE 0 a oe bo a Come : RADIOS 3 a “Lio # A Electric 3 Sion wan wits’ po POP-UP TOASTERS i Cory, White Cross vithout even a whimper and there PETITES Ti i ™m 0 A A 0 0 O A = Ww =z absolutely no trouble nr ex- 3 ! . v- ense in collecting the cost thru and Sile 0 \ X : BERRIES IE IEEE TE CE REE 2 TET BE TE TEBE ENS: he present method Te Te = We will grant you we do nct © HARDER FREEZ THE ECONOMICAL = m 0 a] = 0 2 O Z w 4 have sewage (but we hope that he time is not too far distant that dl Ad ve will) but we have so many i I'S 0: Aid naer advantages over other b TOS, ELECTRIC BROILE RS 5 - wn hat re eo Heme numerous rea- 8 Proctor 5 — HOME FREEZER _— i scns why it is r more expensive | a I N ‘ o live in other places than in J : a Universal 12-18 & 24 Cu, ft. Capacity 8 wea = Ta Zs ioe |§ HEATING PADS NEWTOWN § conse / Mrs. John Witmer visited Mrs 4 Martha Fogie on Sunday after- i icon. By Mrs. Blanche Frysinger of Mt. hs Joy RD spent Sunday with Mus. | Janie] Moore. R We Sunbeam a Best for the FARM HOME Jf =z Zr -~ BLE CLT EIS IR Ta 1 Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber and IMPORTANT NOTICE! day, Dec. 23rd, our markets will remain open until 9 P. M, 24th, our markets will close at 6 P. M. to enable Christmas Eve with their families, On Thurs » On Friday, Dec. our employes to enjoy a long Santa Says . . . and we agree . . . “SHOP EARLY AT YOUR A & P is abundantly stocked Vwith large varieties of the world's finest foods to grace your holiday table. Buy all of vour non-perishable Christmas focd needs this week, and save precious time for next week) DEL VONTE BARTLETT HALVES PEARS 29.07 can 43¢ FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL MONTE 29.07 can 43¢ WE SIER'S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 1-Ib jar 29¢ MUSSEL IAN'S APPLPIE 30-07 jar 29¢€ A&P SAUERKRAUT 2 28-07 cans 23¢€ OMATO SOUP CAMPBELLS 3 10Y5-07 cans 32¢ BLUE LABEL KARO 15-lb bottle 19€ ANN PAGE © REAMY SMOOTH BUTTER 1-lb jar 38¢ ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE pint jar 39e Florida Round STRING BEANS 2 lbs 29° FRESH TOMATOES” ” Nira” Lt) Florida Sugar Added or Unsweetened FRUIT JUICES YOUR CHOICE OF ORANGE JUICE, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE OR BLENDED ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE fe 25° 2 «= 3% Ces Wh SY th 09.8% KETCHUP oe ese FRUIT A re: ee 7 38c m BOVSENBERRIES oii. or 3c PEARS DEL More, Lssy Resuess 29-01 a3 CRANBERRY SAUCE "2 x 27¢ cans R&R PLUM PUDDING IONA SWEET PEAS POULTRY SEASONING FLOUR “inns, suc AS SSORTED Choe LATE 33¢ ; 2c : 180¢ 73c ‘box BHC MDY CANES 2 cone 17¢ - KEEBLER | run sous 2 39 oF "a BY KEE i) LER co on i 2%3¢ JANE PARKER peg e $2.45... 1Y;-1b Cake $1.25) FRUIT CAKES: "2.85 ARMOUR'S CORNED BECK HASH 34° 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store in Mount Joy. v Subseriby Farm Th Th midwa; 800 wagon 28 dise Idea t1 hottom manure weeder ter, pot rake, shelie er with thice r form crates, grindst lumber 3-pe. 1 swivel china ¢ top bu and co: rugs, three n Sa 1948, w WALT GAIN( OT) ) (GD WWW». a Ff Fo inal 11:00 | —D CCYE buy. I's = si iN M! R. AU! Sales W Mexico, C Has th adjusic mer ti lector, collect In o feature pl at Pouliry single used I used fi unit, 3 See ery for