The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 09, 1948, Image 1

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    Don’t Christmas Shop Until You’ve Carefully Read All The Bulletin Ads
: The Mount J oy Bulletin Rat Is Reclected Chief
wal event by Friendship Fire Co,
at the December meeting on Thurs | Elementary 00 To
resulted as follows
ans ener zee: iv | Present Christmas
vice pres ident Levi Dillinger:

VOL. XLVI, NO 28 Muint Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 9, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance |

e ® * . vice president, Earl Zink a 2? d
ng Stron 0 osition New A Special Meeting HAD LICENSE SUSPENDED Everything That ceretary, Richard Divit; assistant "Program Dec. N
Among the sixty-three motorists cenrding secretary, Martin Metz- -
£8, | I led fi 1 R The Mt. Joy Elementary School
whose licenses were suspended by ler, nancial secretary, \Oscoe oy rose : ~“hris
On Industrial New the State last week, thirty-two were appened At Hassinger; assistant financial sec- will. pregent its Saray X hristmas
program on evening

xceeding the 50-miles-an-hout peta iller Wolgemuth; fica wo 2. 8
exe 3 « y December 22nd for the public in
. Pumper-Purchase Deferred Water Rates se “inn wows aver Florin Recently see” iene i th Sooo Auditorium
| |
o 1 » a spect eting . I we y
Jc There will be a special meeting These have or will lose their li- Lydia and Morris Weaver enjoyed Chief of the company, Ray
their first airplane ride on Saturday be the presentation of the opere-

| of Mount Joy Boro Council in the hs : w Myers istar ‘hief \
censes: Speeding William Henry J . >i le i yers: assistant Chief, Irvin M ta “At T" toa”
Its Necessit And Method of Fin ancin Main Reasons Council Chamber next Wednesday Manheim R2: Failure to HR En Je Oi Mani 12 oh Kaylor, Chief Chemicalman, Jacob | i -~ Coury of Same Clavg
S . = > ing + Me “ 4 tL. kRact save « kz ofl | by Maude Orita Jallace. ead=-
Y g evening, December 15, at 7:30 for aintain proof of financial respon- (Jel wrappers, which “allowed themy | Arndt; Chief Hose Director, Paul | ree
maintain pr f financial respon I av : > RY
the purpose of discussing the new r ten. vide each B t: Chief Heol 1a] | ing parts will be performed by
ree | the 2X 5 5 sibility, Charles Barnett, Columbia ° ne aru ranat, He. BLE. Allg adder- | pou Swick ce tzle
water rates. | RI; ; William R. Simpson, 3rd, Man- Rev. Gerald Martzolf of Maytown | man. Christ Charles: C of : Swi dope Meteo i
| It is the desire of Council that ev- Heit: called Fr Mo and Mrs. Geo. Mump- Police, Levi Dillinger: Trustee for | i ey Di i . i He wy
1c I al in e er ro 1ec Yo e ery industrial man in town attends, David RB. Charl Jov R3 er on Xriday : ; three yours, Rov: Shnolter: Trustes | vi er, Xe air, arry ey,
Wi eo ; wi warles, Mount Joy R2 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman ; > oe. oy | Rachel] Frey, Rachel Koser and
; at which time they will be given an us among those who had their | entertained the following guests on | OF years, uy B andt; Trustee | Suzanne Fellenbaum. They will
The December meeting of Boro opportunity to suggest just how restored [Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kolp, | for 1 year, Miller Wolgemuth; del- | : J
! . privileges restored. Ix J | be supported in the cast by other
’ Council was held Monday evening much water they consume and a- a 1 A Ws cent en (Mr. and Mrs. Elam Staufler and | coate to State Convention, Harry | . ye
Mount 0 S are it SEP i C as a [HEN ers children, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heng | members of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and
with Messrs. Ficherly, Krall, New- (bout what their new water rates FAST DONEGAL RESIDENTS Gruber and children endrix; alterrates to State Assn logy,

comer, Shoop and Gates present. | hould be. INJURED IN AUTO MISHAP Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frye, of Car- | Y* wefter; crlegated to County There will also be music sung
J . ’ | A |
W | Als icitor Ar om informatio ‘ouncil | . . ( d Mr Mis ander | Convention, Ray Myers and Elme
li Be $694.03 | Also Solicitor Arnold. Here On Next Sunday : From this information : Co une il A two car collision was reported lis an l Mr. and Mis Je hn Bender = n ent 1 nN ol an 1 F Ime | by euch of ‘the arades as well os
ee r | of Milton Grove were Sunday guests | Zerphey; Alternates to Co. Con- ; :
The matter of parking meters, ects to determine the industrial | at 7:30 a. m. Thursday at the Es- selections by the Junior High

Auditor General G. Harold Wag- held over from the previous meet- | The McCaskey Choristers with | qtes thruout the boro. sex Street intersection in Marietta of J 8 Mrs J Qeorde i | vention, Rosco Hassinger, Earl School Chorus
- . . | . vi 1 { S. JO Ss 0 on- "7 hte . : we
ner has approved payments quar- ing, was given first consideration. Miss Dorothy Schock, of this place | Remember, if you don't attend, | Car driven by James A. Mum- {egal Springs called on Mr. and Mrs. | ink; Fntertainment Committee: Committees in charge of the
terly to cities, boroughs, first and There were several meter salesmen as directress, will render a program | you should not complain about | ver, 29 of Maytown and Mrs. Mary | Norman E. Hershey on Sunday ev- Corist Charle John Myers Carl evenings performance are the en-
eo Jass townshi : he torn Nil a lay tr he "os "we . ibe ars | en ‘ "ies > Coen, Wilson Enck and Fred Loe-|..
gecond class townships in the Com present. Chairman Eicherly, Coun- in Trinity Lutheran C here vour new rate effective Jan. 1 2 Jan. 1. 1949, / Fllen Hoftines, 29, Marietta RI1 Jening or CR. an ¢ e- | tire Elementary School Faculty;
monwealth, out of the motor license cilmen Newcomer and Shoop, a next Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m — — were inv lved Mumper received Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skean and! = Miss Cuskey of the Junior High
4 . - — —— — - ’ >
| fund, as provided for by the 1947 committee from the Chamber of The entire program is appended lacerations of the hands and over |son, Billy, of Detroit, Mich., return- i School Faculty and Mr Newtown
. y . © y , citing , y rs J) > we ’
legislature. Commerce and even a meter sales-' Processional - Jesu Joy of Man's The Local News the right eye Mrs. Hoftines suf- |€d home ig Ta 8h Jo rs | LANDSVILLE MAN BUYS | Music Supervi isor. ,
v . ~y ¢ aren.s. li an A i K uN Al 3 TT EN "Ww
Use of the furids by local govern- man, all voiced opposition against Desiring, Bach, Betty Stein, Ann fered lacerations of the face pans family jis : eal | THE ROTEL AT PEQUEA TTT TR "ee
ments is limited to street, road and {heir installation here. Mr. Eicher- Wolf; Invocation; The Christmas | For ! he Pos Week ware Jv 0 Mr. ard Mrs. Walter Geyer and The River View Hotel, formerly | | TWO PEDESTRIANS STRUCK
bridge construction, repairs and |y contacted a number of business Story - Luke 2:1-18, The Shepherds ician, Pfc. Fdward Schaeberle of |Mys. Mabel Herr o. Elizabethtown wned and operated by Larry le N THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY
maintenance. Allocations are made men naming Eshleman Bros. Clar- Story, Dickinson, Betty Finefrock, T Id Columbia sub-station reported spent Sunday with Mrs. Lillian | Praugley has been purchased by The Lincoln Highway thru Para-
. : " . > ‘ : ~~: ~ = — 1 5 ay ii . ! y ys : : >
on a road mileage basis. The poli- once Newcomer, Isaac Morris, and Christ Elias; Slumber Song of the ery rie ly 0 - inion om ni i Satin Paul E. Lungren, Landisville Ho- idise is certainly a dangerous place
. token i - FAST VEG / TWP. ? a ome ma nd . ’ Ep
{ tical sub divisions are required t0 5; pumber of others, all of whom Infant Jesus, Gervaert; Now Let a. DONEGAL TWP. were Mrs. D ham ind son, John tel man and once a resident of for pedestrians. A 41-year-old man
{ i i : Millersville is facing a water fam~ | SCHOOL NEWS it $ BOIL, JX Da tyr Ie f .
c | submit semi-annual reports show- ere opposed to meters, in fact Him Sleep, Buckwalter; Beside Thy | Millersville is facing a wate 1 y 0! NEWS ikl and Mr. and Mis. Homer Out of Pequea. {and a 67-year-old woman were
{ ing the work that has been com- there wasn’t one person who favored Cradle, Bach; Sweetly Angel Choirs ne. : it Te i oo x wets cere. Avon Lungren. who will make his per- |striick by autoists within several
Cc pleted under the provisions of the {his installation. and as a result the Are Singing, Slovakian Carol; The The Hospital Auxiliary will have ” 8 9 2X i ve dane 88) Sos Ad 0 Rishi gy d gies manent home there. said Thursday {hours
| 4 . + : : wT . 7 ON wv 90 x Nd « 0 « dargaret, Mrs He Musser ¢
Act, and the cost thereof proposition was ignored. Christmas Bells Are Ringing, Run- |“ a on Wedne Wi Bacon the East Donegal] Township High i a ret Vix Dei er wit that he has planned extensive ex- meme mA —
{ : ar. sy . m ‘ Mannheim leet $498.10 fr 2 y > sce . IZ en va Vy ays er a : \
i The following are the political Financing Fire Engine (Turn to Page 2) Mar ¥ i ell ( : os Beh 2 fn Jo ¢ Mc Ran Mr. Landis Hess spent Saturday at terior and interior mprovements | SHOT A BUCK SATURDAY
4% i 2 SEEN its arking mete yw the mm alg 3 emnamat vere accept- 1 _- | “in » .
! subdivisions participating, and the The question as to how Council - 3 Wye in an : cd a8 member he the Lebanon, Pa for the hotel They included the | Norman Toots Mateer of this
i 1 of over 1 - oh > ol 9 WwW nr decker e ne n ., i i i
> amount each will receive in Lan- cqn finance the purchase of a new MOUNT JOY ROAD FIRM vt a iia wes They were sponsored by Miss Rev and Mrs. Henry Bec ke r en- | landscaping of the ground 2a the | boro while hunting at Buck Ridge
Jacob F. “Unke Buck 7, 181 i Jul ; Rok ) tertained at their home on Sunday, tallaticn of num} {1 od ; Sires
caster county. fire engine was the next important GIVEN STATE CONTRACT vor of the Columbia [rors and Mr. Robert, "ony Mrs. Ira Gibble and family] oo von of a number of murals; lodge in Fenty County on Satuts
| ANE. . . | stil] a member of th Slaugh, Se - advisors 3 YS. 2 Sy a 1 | I s loc ist . G oH .
| Lancaster, $6135.67: Boroughs. subject discussed. Chairman Eich- The Rosser Construction Co. of { Pol F ug He nll iii McKain | 2 Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John | depicting local historical scenes. la lay shot a fine buck deer.
i y olice Fores 1 y © , \ MCKIE x ¥
Adamstown, $265.28; Akron, $181.10; erly had Solicitor Arnold explain this place submitted the uncfficial A Lititz man and his two sons | Harold Musser, and Paul Wagner Groff and children of Marietta; Mi
Christiana, $266.60: Columbia, $1,- the details. Mr. Arnold said that low bid for construction of 2.02 ravine in Tio Co. whey will comprise a brass quartet [an J Me Rufus Mite; pd children Ww »
is : | were hunting in oga Cc sre : i St Let of Rheoms any Mas Atle
592.65; Denver, $280.94; East Peters- legally Boro Council cannot make miles of bituminous surfaced road ur : Sieg wit . Se i familiay , and J ohn Buffen ed ngs i mn Mortuary ecor
k . ac Shi < aeer $ nas carols dui 14 ne i « ( Son
burg, $301.50; Elizabethtown, $765- a debt until it first makes provisions in Rockefeller Twp in Northum- Fg a Into the vear of « Mit J Ecam Mi rh Shields Pill many. folks of Be come A
mT uck ra ito the rear of a Mt. |] ¢ : Mor 4 :
49: Ephrata, $1,486.93; Lititz, $853- for the finances to defray said debt. berland County. The announce- £ : bile conduct the audience in singing [munity enjoyed a sight seeing trip
et ft wi : : Joy-Elizabethtown bus with 35 pas- | So" he au nging y enjoy ing trip | y
59; Manheim, $683.26: Marietta. Also that it would be a mistake to ment was made last night by the oy-Eliza SE ; A carols which will be accompanied |to Phil wdelphia by Bus Enjoying | ur OIMMmuni rou ou Is
[Hi | sengers aboar ear Rohrer te hy Av Nori Pe |
(Turn to Page 4) I (Turn to page 7) | State Department cf Highways sengers . aboay A by this quartet. ; the trip were: rin Floris. Viol J : .
Monday. Only one person was in- Mr. Eugene C. Saylor will con- Bricker, Minnie Loraw, Anna Buck- LER mn ast ée t e 0C ty
© fa duct the Glee ; Club and Miss walter. M ary Bishop, Virgie Garber, | g n if
Marian Kiefer will be the accom- Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Braun. Mrs. Nent« Joseph Bomberger, eighty-two, at
N ti f M J FIRST DECEMBER DRAFTEES P Wi A Recorder of Deeds Alger Shirk panist ¢, Mary Hamilton Ruth Fis} | Miss Barbara L. Sauder, Lancas
- | 1 wig, Vial < on, \ 1 } het
a ive ¢ i. oy BY DRAFT BOARD NO. 83 | rize mnners t reports 28,000 deeds put on record Ty Bobby and Mae Roth, Blanche and | ter RD, became the bride of Walter | Manheim.

T hi F . Draft Board No 83 has Sonos in two years and eleven months, | LUTHER LEAGUE HOLDS Mable Shetter and son, Lillian Bretz | W. Brandt, Columbia R1, at 8:30 a. Mrs. Catherine Mae Meisky, 54,
hey released the names o orty- TV ] nner: records is kf TREN 4 vv Mary Gantz Mrs. Charles Zink. !m Sunda he uu my at Col bi
olish wi : L g C rd Party urpossing all former records by at - WELL" PARTY arles Zink, Sunday in the home of Bishop | at Columbia
2 n ii \ir pre- ‘ Mus. . 3 ce « » © Spare
{ g o six men who will receive their pre € ion a least 1.000 Last Thursday evening, the Lu- M. Join Del y a) auld Henry Lutz, on Donegal Springs Daniel Wurst Kurtz, 82, Sun-
I H C bh induction physicals on Dec. 13. i The public card party sponsored tf eee ther League of Trinity Lutheran fi ie Vi 2pat on Ww > : Thos oy Road day at Washingtonboro RD
\ ONY ocality ee: Sam- | ; 3 o = eo “rat. J i om Mou Joy were: Mary al Re « 1s .
n avana, ul a i Those from this lecality are: Sam- | by the Ladies Auxiliary of the SCHOOL BOARD HELD Beh Id 3 n Ho Il gh ~ les, Mrs. Christ Charles. Anna Hof Joseph R. Bomberger, eighty-four
uel Gerber, Etown B.D: James W. S Fhorsole Post. 185. of 00 |r little Dickie Oberholtzer, son of Mv. Jp" gio nt Gl on oo eis Fes 3 lo
It will be of interes: to many: of uel Gerber, E'town R. D; Jame I. W. S. Ebersole Post IS of th ITS DECFVIBER MEETING and Mis. Ralph Oberholwer, at the fo a 13 Margurite Miss Mildred Werner, daughter of | Manhe im, at the General Hospital
cur readers to learn that a native Gamor, Moun doy. i Legion and held in the W. I. Beahm, supervising princi- { Oberhcltzer home in Florin. The BN Sear MT John Hain > Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B Werner, | pyesday
of this hats [is Bow Enc. Leaving for physical examinations legion Home east of town wa pal of the boro schools, reported an | Leaguers presented Dickie with Bas. y vid [ } y; A ke 1 ar hy logs N Poplar St., Elizabethtown, | Mis A Cans Mover. si
: ' are: Leroy Weaver Breneman, Man- very well attended "= wy he | several gifts and . enjoyed playing : samp. irom wR ; i { Mrs. Anne anse Moyer, sixty-
lish in Havana, Cuba He is > : ittendance of 645 pupils "in the Sra : i Ne Flizebethtown were Mi Witmer, | and James R. Floyd, son of Mr. and [dis native of Manheim, died at
: Ty lov The turk 76. WAS Won with A “tafly- 1”, supe - Jha : ’ | six, a native o é im, dat
Georie W. Missemer. the aldest heim RD; Abram Sweigart Diveler, The turkey docr prize was won dhol svstem. diring a meeting of with in Wi, Pu . pervis. Vrs. Harvey Oleweiler, Mrs. Minnie | Mrs. Roy ¥Flovd, Mount Joy R2, {| ot
> io. TY. oO tile 5 eo | ea b Mrs. E Se an, was one | x tin. Fis va ancaster.
son of the late Jacob R. Misse- Elizabethtown RD; LA vd Bric her | | : Lee Elis, the school board on Monday night. [ f the events of the evening. Re Pre y Me Lueeite Prey Pauline | were married Sunday in Elizabeth- | : i £0
mer, of this place, publisher of Zink, Mt. Joy RD.. Norman Clay- Price winners sai cards were The teachers were authorized to [freshments of homemade ice cream hy Pox Ww Ann Dupler Tol Driver, |, wn Church of the Brethren with | Mrs. Catherine Mae Meisky,52, of
iia dite : ridge S 3 i 1 gney Joh Wil- | mbi ie the ative
the Star and News man Ebersole, Manheim RD; Harold I idge; Mrs. Euge he He rr, Mus. have one day free, the date to be ind cup cakes wert erved to they. ge nd n Wil the Rev. Nevin Zuck officiating | C olumbia died. She was a native
When the editor Inst: beard of Miller Fitzpatrick, Florin; Richard Wm. B. Mumma, Mrs. 2 J. Myers, Inter. in order to allow. them oll Sing: Decline a — —— : | of Marietta
3 1. S . Rob- | Mrs. Mari Toppin, Mrs. J: C. , ’ rocks, Marian Smith Fflic Boyd, X : : trie’. Wie of . ;
George Missemer he was c¢onnecled Garber Carpe r Manheim RD: ob in aH on Ya ‘ NY to visit other schools. Bills amount-{~.. 1" Ann Smith. Marv Jane Groff. Mis Hazel Rebecca Hoffman, | Lipa y WI by of Jac b Summy,
with a newspaper in Shanghai, | ert Michael Sites, Manheim RD; | ¥ ry, Wi Mur a Mrs. | to $649.39 were approved andi Tsane Heineman. osto ice orner daughter of M Vernie Hoffman i the Oreville Mennonite Home.
China. The appended letter re- |James Smith Engle, Marietta RD | Nettie Brown, Bob rows, Mrs ordered paid and the tax collector Earl Schuman, Peter Koder, Dickie Viountville, and Russell David Frey, | She was aged 88 years.
celved Ly Mr. Behm, supervising ee {J 4; Newcomer, Jane Houseal collections amounting to | De hol zor, and Mrs. Ralph With 6 : : n on of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B.| Roy W. Reed, sixty-nine, Cole=
| a STAY and Mrs. J. F. Davis Teal : Dberholtzer, Mi Parl Schuman ith iristmas practically around |, . : .
rinciy f ou boro schools is | PLEAD GUILTY TO LARCENY @1 799 ’ 7 : > Martin, Landisville, were arried | brook, at the Good Samaritan Hos=
! oy Il ya coos | OF EIGEN BROS. TRUCK Five Hundred: Mrs. Hazel Zel- $1.799.04 mr Rev. and Mi W. L. Koder the corner, and the time for mail- uy 1 y i pital at Leban : Monday
2s OHOW LEASE ol | Bic - . at 2 p.n urday in First Baptist al a £bano ( ay
Ss 8 of Cori Stokes. 30. Bainbridge, had ler, Mrs. Paul Diflenderfer, Mrs i ing at hand, there_arg a few sim- a > 1 a : \ : Japtist |
Havans, Now 10, oo Jot 40 the rans fo Landis Gainor, Paul Little, Paul |HOSSLER'S SCHOOL PLANS LANDISVILLE LIONS CLUB ple rules that if followed, will save | = FC Lancaster, by the Rev. Ha-| George M. Rodenhauser, secretary
avana, Nov. 19, 10 leaded guilty to the larceny of a 073 ith, ge . TEP 2 ANB AT r DRC 17 SY Fe Ee yo ’ a vin Ambrose. paste | gr poi
To The Principal { truck longin; to Heisey Clansen, F. A. Eshleman, Paul H. YULE CANTATA ON DEC. 17 SEES CORN STORY FILM you a lot of trouble as well as m of the Columbia Board of Health,
Public School Somp ; e ng 8 os Diffenderfer and Mrs. Ben Brown. Pupils of Hossler’s School, Rapho | Members of the Landisville Lions | others who will handle your mail v j Monday aged sixty-nine.
n Sy: { 0s. stone quarry, vheems : | : el : Mr ph hs 2rnckKe > =
Mount Js ) i enn e : Pinochle: Omar Groff, Levi H.|Twp., will present a cantata The | Club saw the sound-movies, “Great The first rule is to MAIL EARLY er J orathea Warnecke | Mrs. Catherine N. Kroft, 54, of
From 1884 to 1889 I attended | November 20 and received a sus- 2 4 (3 1 Claus”. as'eg rr "| Rev. Ernest P. Leer | Was} boi ollaps hi
the school t Mount Joy my | vended jail sentenc He was ot Mull, Clarence E. Mowery, Earl Old-Fashioned Santa aus’, as Story of Corn,” presented by Lester | This not only assures you that vour T} f M V |
: Nou Joy, | vende ail sentence e was - ’ . ‘ : : he narriage o Mis le . .
birthplace | Yor ps 5 : thre is and wi Derr, Anne Schofield, Lillian Bretz, their Christmas entertainment on , Hug, at their regular meeting in the | ail will arrive on time. but may | 1 a 4 A ; i hopping at Columbia and died.
= ! dere o pay the costs as ” | Dorothy p ke. Mau Cc’ e |
For the last 45 years 1 have | | pa) ea: | Kathryn James, Clyde Fenster- | Friday evening, December 17. | Landisville Fire Hall Monday night.| he received bv the addressee in al 7 ne go ap | Shee
T age 6 | rlaced on probatic : one’ year. ; : : 36 al and the Rev. Ernest P. Leer, tl y Sui tr
(Turn to page 6) | ver . : macher, Jchn Reigle, Ray N The public is invited and a gift | Plans for a Christmas party were | hotter condition. When the antity n hy NC John G. Strickler
— —— - Jacol 7 y he \ tten ndition. vhen the quantity \ 7 .
es - | Jacob W. Heisey of the stone io : .: [ son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Leer, | vy ey x,
{ f testified’ Sto W Wiley, Howard T. Brown, Ethel exchange will be held. The program | dGiscussed. of mail is great, cards may be bent | vo, Spi Mil | John G. Strickler, 72, Salunga,
i. y y a ! quarr rm, stified Stokes Jas * . : pd nd i ork Sp is and pastor « I . bide . .
: POLICE SAY MAN WALKED aly = iy : i als Newcomer, W. R. Mull, Landis | will be held in conjunction with the ———— A Wi - or even torn, and no persons wan Pin } 5 } | died at St. Joseph's Hospital after
sent to Middletown to make a (Turn to page 2 | of He
AGAINST SIDE OF A CAR Gainer, June Wiley, Elva Zeller, meeting of the newly organized RAPHO TWP. FARM SOLD I a er nt ee | an illness of one day. was a
livery and abandoned the truck

In “fair” condition at the Harris-| = iy Leroy Scheaffer, John L. Schroll, IP rent-Teacher Association meet- Allen H. Hoffer and wife, Man- : {son of the late Ephraim and Su-
: atte y Lefore starting on a drinking spree a : ie : condition | Sn : .
burg Hospital is William E. Ames, CP wt {June Wagner, Magdalene Peifer, | ino { heim R2, Rapho twp. sold their farm Atiothet vile to remember. and rn gagements i (Turn to page 3)
: 5 s BO —————— Li ed 7. ee ee et
33, of Hummelstown, RD. 1, who S. J. Dock, E. E. Eshleman, Mary 0 [of 108 acres, containing large house, this one is most important. CARDS |
suffered contussions of the head, 0 3 t n of Foerch, Oliver Spickler, Jans | cquNTY MAN INJURED WHILE [barn and tobacco shed, to Frank |pracgp IN ENVELOPES AND Mr poll and Mrs. Melvin Wenger | AN ALBINO BALD EAGLE
possible skull fracture and contus- | rganiza 10N$ | Esbenshade, Kirk Sinegar, Emma yuNTING IN PERRY COUNTY [Wenger and wife, of Lancaster R7,|{'NSEALED. WITH NO WRITING ©! Chambersburg. Pa. announced | Dr. Herbert H. Beck, Lancaster

jons of the ribs, when struck by a Reigle, John A. Snyder, Jacob En- Chester Reed, 64, Gap RD1 was lat private sale. EXCEPT YOUR NAME, will go for ithe engageme nt of Mi Wenger's | Paturalist, reports seeing an albino
car Sunday while crossing the Lan- School Boards gle, Ann Engle, Ella Germer, Viv- admitted to the General Hospital EE —— i — 1c each. However these': cards| Ee! Grace Eva Wenger, daugh- | bald eagle above the Susquehanna
caster pike, near Middletown, | i ‘ian Moran, Sue Wisman, Myrtle fter he severely wounded his | SMOKER DEC. 17 (Turn to page 2) ter of the late Mrs. Barbara Wenger | river near Washingtonboro Sunday.
State Police said Ames, a trap-| The directors of the nearby Edwards, John L. Martin and Mrs. right foot while hunting deer in| American Legion will hold a Tur- ——— to Ralph Brandt Good, son of the Dr. Beck says authorities have no
per, was checking his trap lines and School beards have effected these Foy] Witman. Perry County | key Smoker at the Legion Home on {LOCAL AUTOIST IN MISHAP late Joseph R. Good of Florin, Pa. record of such a bird,

ree wo nee tA Geren

apparently started across the road, rganizations: According to state game pro- ||Friday, December 17th, for the EAST OF LANCASTER

walking into the side of the car | West Donegal Twp. "TWO LOCAL MEN WERE tector Harold Russell, Perry Coun- [bencfit of the annual Christmas| An automobile driven by Eleanor
driven by John C. Nissley, 47, of E. W. Hoover was re-elected for pp ELECTED BY EXCHANGE ty, Reed was hunting near New |Party given to the children of Mt. | May McGregor, thirty-five, 9 Mari- Community Spirit
144 North High street, this borough. his third term as president of West The Producers Cooperative Ex- | Gorm: ntown and his rifle c= | Joy and vicinity. cotta Ave. this hove, traveling west
—— ee | Donegal Twp. hoard: Bove 2. change at Coatesville closed its | cidently discharged while he was | em Wi struck the rear wheels of 5 tractor- In Mount Joy-Florin
MOUNT JOY MAN'S AUTO me “ay Vice=prosu ent. fiscal year with a very encourag- | ichting a The blast | NFW SUPT. AT HOMES trailer driven by Harry A. Weaver,
WAS STRUCK AT LANCASTER |™ 1+ Long is secretary. Ing repo:t. About 60 percent of [pearly tore off his right foot Arthur E. Myers resigned as su- |thirty-one, 13 W. Chestnut St., Lan- 5 an incentive to promote the me competitive decorating. You
A Mount Joy. man's ago Agured | Conoy Twp. the memkership comprises Lancas- etl perintendent of the Dauphin Co. | caster, the report reported. Christmas spirit in Mount Joy and may win a prize.
ina on at Lancaster but | All officers of the Conoy Town- ter MIAN TRAPPED HALF AN Home and Hospital and will take al The accident occured late Wed- Florin, our lo¢al Lion's Club is of- Places will be judged sometime
not thru any fault of his own. ship school board were re-elected At the election of directors El- IN CORN HUSKER similar position at the Masonic nesday night on Route 30 about fering worth while cash prizes fa r! week before Christmas.
William H. Pfahl, 621 N. Duke a re-organization meeting held in mer Groff of Rheems and John Jay Brubaker, forty-five, Willow | Homes, E'town. {four miles east of Lancaster the best decorated. And that in-| More Christmas Spirit
St Lancaster was charged with | the Bainbridge Consolidated School Melhorn of this boro, were re- |Gireet R1, had his right arm caught em ee etl rere ee clades three classes: Private dwel-| To further the Yuletide spirit in
failure to yield the right of way Building. The officers: Clarence elected, each for a three year ;,4 crushed in a corn husker. He | AUXILIARY MEETING ITS 109TH ANNIVERSARY lings, Churches and Business Estab- our community, Boro Council had
as the result of a collision with | Bryan, president; Ira M. Good, vice- term. was trapped in the rollers and held Next Tuesday, Dec. 14th, the Am-| Jerusalem Lutheran Church at lishments {cut and erected a Christmas tree at
an auto driven by Raymond Hei- { president; Raymond Sipling, treas- gi .—— there for half an hour during which | erican Legion Auxiliary - will meet | Rothsville will celebrate the 100th These cash prizes will be given: leach intersection on Main street.
sey, 205 N Barbara St it | urer; Carroll Prescott, secretary, CHRISTMAS PARTY time he gave workmen instructions | in regular monthly session at which } anniversary of its founding and er- Private Dwelling 1st $10.00, 2nd. | As their share in the work the
Marietta and North West End jand Clyde Fink, board member. The annual Children’s Christmas | how to free him. time they will he entertained by the { action of the first house of worship $7.00: 3rd, $5.00; 4th, $3.00; 5th, $2:00 R Yotary Club will decorate and light
Avenues at 11:40 p. m last Wed. | Tete Party sponsored by Walter S. Eb- TTT AE Legion Post. lin Rothsville Sunday. Churches First, $10.00, second, | rece trees from now until New
re RA Wm | LOCAL MAN TAKING PART ersole Post No. 185, American Le- THEY BAGGED SIX DEER — | BG Wl == +s £5.00 | Years Day.
THE PRICE IS $360,000 { The Elks Minstrels, of Columbia, gion will be held on Friday, Decem- | Max Raffensberger, Florin, was|SHOT AN 8-POINTER WILL SPONSOR A PARTY Business Establishments First, | If all of us encourage hy devoting
On Monday the stockholders of | will be presented January 19 and ber 24th, in Mount Joy Theatre. one cf a hunting party of ten who Dale Berrier, near Milton Grove, | The Student Council of Mount $10.00, second, $5.0$. ia little time and effort to projects
the Mountville National Bank ap-|20 for the benefit of the Columbia Children of Mount Joy and vicin- | spent last week in Potter county |spent several days hunting near Joy High School will sponsor a Now folks get busy and make |cuch as this, it will certainly dis
pointed the sdle of the bank to the | Hospital. Lester Mumma, of town, ity are invited to the free movies | where they shot six deer. Max kil- | Sinnamahoning where he shot an Christmas party for the entire our community outstanding in its | play the proper community spirit.
Fulton National Bank of Lancaster. | will be interlocutor. and a gift for each child. | led a 117 1b. 4-pointer. g-point deer weighing 130 Ibs. j school on Dec. 22 at 8:30 a. m. | Christmas deccrations. Let's have | Let's do more of it.