The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 02, 1948, Image 6

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6—=The Bulletin, Mi. Jov Pa.. Thur:da Docember 2, 1040 PPA ST Diesoiein Casi ! é iN. Rhodesia, S. Africa leaving for India,
i LE , si Tie Couriin Lirror » 7 lesolving Casings B th | h t October 27, 1948 } Here we visited a large Mcham-
JASN In color days a small hand mir. | new home the old queen and New coatings for sausage and 1'e rei In Kis i We are now planning to leave medan Mosque where a native was
n th a een an au 3 $ ist : sading alot Fp ir K
/ ror 1 l by hful ins queen cells must be removed. The other meat products are . being Fr ane 5) | our missions in northern and the | reading aloud from their Koran to
Wl Nt \ ( J ma reall ° 4 whe . the Sort made from citurs peel and other (From page » southern Rhodesia, On our way | their poor deluded people. We
n age con y e queen > 3 ac : . : | were iak vier} ha : 3
i H\ Y } | ty o vould place the mirror face up on a wuld be placed above the cluster | [TUit and vegetable wastes. This i Rather f{ r services I look upon we stopped a a gold mine and saw | Vere ai Pe ough the Sry old
7 SI i iv yo { 2 . t e before the 1 of his choice of bees, or between two frames of thin protective film of good strength | them with pity and often Ye : if fold Fo 59 ou theee tow shi )S ih ar i ns In
J { ey i rye Comb Eo that worker Reach acy 18 So tender it dissolves on food that | weep as I leave them. So little | Untl it is purified. Oo Ta vali Sel ni des.
; \ ier bees have eas) alle . : : to cover their bodie Sometimes | ly believe it when they said that | scription. Masses of people. A few
— Elm Vemma y ti P 1 the r- p { a wd led cage en. | 15 Poiled; if fried or roasted it can | 0 cover tae): ,odares, eve cut of a ton of stone thev met I it | thousand familie 'e Guin ai
ror. If th re she i trance It Subic be eaten right along with the food. a skin or a loin cloth, or a torn out of a ton May Bot hur cs antes mg dn
Tes 4b 1S assumed that during dirty shirt Many of the children | one-fourth of an ounce of gold. |Very crowded quarters, I just
A 2S, r= vould tur liberation operation the queen tal sahil The It made me think of the hymn,] kept saying we drove along
Je Fauon lh ! tes la ere altogether naked. They do! made me tnink of the | as w rove along “It
oo ced oh ine r colony odors and, I Phones of World not know any better. 1 more Something More Than Gold’. is awful” They say the prosti-
Petroleum and Plastics therefore, will be accepted. After in. America’s telephone industry re- | {han ever can feel what Jesus had A very wonderful farewell ser-; tution is terrible Oh what hig
! t t i would el: pe. | Ports that there are 31,700,000 tele. { meant when He had compation of vice was held for us at several of | fields ye th near of the wonder-
/ ! f eve 1 fo e h re { and the | Phones to 140 mi llion persons in the | the multitudes and said “They are the Mission Boarding Schools. | ji Story or the Saviors Dyin
wo products are made of vinyl pla queen cage removed, United States; 5,000 telephones, q as sheen without a shepherd” A A large crowd of people filled | ove For Us. :
5" tics, mat 1 are naturally — to 40 million per s in semi-social-'| wonderful opportunity to evangel- | the church at our final far well All these various missions soci-
hard and } ) i wi ould be Olive Trees and Taxes ized Great Britain, and 1,272,500 | ize these peonle. at Macha Mission. They “packe d Bek : [ oe a big family in
wer Many year , when the Balkan | telephones to 190 ) million persons in | 1st Wednesday there were five | and the floor with men, wo- | 1 Ly We i
1e Balk: $ 3 | Or! vele ¢ in NOP
{tel pi eof M a center | Russia. weddings here in one day. They men and children richt up to ne ta oms. a ; Just now
1 of t ) Turk Bulgars ————————————— were all Christians. One couple the pulpit. There were over 909) | . an Wht ns Holin I Mis-
and Gi the Turks, in posses- Leads in Horses could talk English. We were in- and many of them came ' For re do Gr A roy sup.
Todel of Moon sion at the al ruse oso the wa farmers had 569,000 horses | vited to their village for their! PY foot for a long distance. There ne 7 oF ' ne p aug
x it nal e A on A Yer Gv ( . L- | We Sang & gs ol devotion a
\ p1 e 1 t ] ts last year on their farms, | feast, as they call it. Two head | Were dozens of children and the praise toesther and ther nar
I ( Hist tic lities. Thes vied re ri st number of such animals | of cattle wero killed and a lot of | COT Was packed, They came 195 rie d on thei ne ot >
| i ; ois oho od the I vide ate. Utah and Nevada had | cornmeal cocked to feed about 200 Yimfunqiess from America Wing | myo at 2 Ba Pp
15 up live orchards : yi . . w their farewells } spoke on Eph, jo. Jae al SUrprise to hea
) A ‘ t number. : woh | people who gathered As they elis. SPOX LDN Cho renorter. cit $dapmt
y alan e point ed the unfortu- | i ser ih 100 {= iked the three miles from the | 6: 12 to 18 and told them what |e reporter say President Truman
ote fai ¢ e own of yrehards fo cut hese did not include the wild heir thes lle fre ot the heme church expects. of. thew Vis re=( ore) bri sident, Wi
rses on range, 3 : b : 7s : . | plan to visit » Mennonite
[ the d ing was 101 crowd. eatherod around them. | It was a very precious service. |] 2 it the Mennonite M
r : : : > p > Wy 10NS next
! ever } iu tri | + Cd4 heathen women walked in| One of the teachers spoke as Si I ,
Gas and the Tractor ; : : | yepresentative of he Afric: Dincere Yours
er a d ‘ . Al 4 | front of them dancing and singing; |! en g a the Gravkill Woleemut®
———— ee It is dangerous to fill the gas tank | childr n singing and velling. Fi- | Church and gave words of appre- | ye
TT Xe .. 1 the ‘actor whe he 1 i al . ee ; | Ye . on enya olony
First Hlinois Paner on bi gto! he h the n olor 1s ally they got to their hut that] ck iti n for the home chur h se nd- i East Africa
y 7 Illinois’ first newspaper, the Ti. | Mot or running. Spilled gasoline | was built for them costing about | ing missionaries to them. He | oe
5 one nag | may ig causing a serious fire | $3.0 , with a basket was | spoke of them being lik arents | EAE
OUR JOB pa: B: ra 1 iy Sg d possibile inj to the ds ti ih Ph I i to them. like aren Arrived In India
kaskia in 18 The s ) t} = I el = asd iid Aloe wid ices . | +7 ris
i PRIN TING nois Immigrant, a pea it ant, of peanuts and some money was | x! is marvelous what the gospel Mis. Graybill Wolgemuth
1815. hii messes mt | received. Before dinner I was] hae done for these peopl but | ceived 1 cablegram on Saturday
1 © 0. Aaskaskia, once T ; : | osker a fore | there are mat reached yet. | : Wha 2
the stata’ : : I'rapping Fur Animals {esked to speak. I stood before 30 many utirosened vet.) s NT inlorming 1
” / TH IE GROOVE ine state's leading city, was flooded K bi oy the ly te : the this crowd of people, all sitting fla | Fon! hep hushand, her
4 /A or | Over and now lies at the bottom of ' 34 5 hbH in $ yo at fon the ground Ok how my | Nairobs, Past Afeien | he landed safely in India by plane
1 has «¢ "( OI S a . hdd A y | }
Wi 7 wos, be py iver. Shawneetown, raps le m Br of te 30 De | heart went cut for them I was | November 1, 1948 r two days travel from Africa.
wi 1 ulation of less than 2,000, | , of | s ] f Jesus Je are Now i Conv Yo — i
; boy ton of | than J 0. | Jion fur-bearing animals caught an- | 5° happy to tell the m of Je us | woe are ww in Kenya Co ny. | — 9
H¢ )-HUM MM! nas noveq away from the | ally are trapped with steel t (and His love! After this was a e arrived here by plane on | DEER GIVEN TO TIOSPIT
$e banks of the Ohio to escape periodic $y are rap) vit Taps. | foast. Meat was cooked in a big | Thursday afternoon about 000 |= “TR GIVEN TO HOSPITAL
¥% Here is FM with a djfference—RCA EE f lotto y man: dished 3 vi north: of otv aw Tesi [mw
yy va Wh + Thi Pl flooding. xs ettle. A few men dished it out | mi north of our own missions The carcass of a button buck
Victor's own static-frge FM pills the Finest at 1s ace Eauli First Brain d Stags ‘ tas children, men and women | Rev. and Mrs. Mahlcn Hess of | deer found in Chicki Cried
“113 . $108 Voit Carliest recorded use of stained [er wded the kettle with the Mennonite Missions met uc i oe ees. near
added brilliance of the exflusive tone sysiem in Needs, Folks, Is Geod Wes) Producers glass windows is of the bishop of | basins 34 ir To oot neat end [the At gs yn to. the | Chickies Park afte: it apparently
yw - EV “ 1€ep producer y > y S © | rs et ang — > S 4 12], Bi
Golden Throat. Yes, bath FM and AM RCA Victor A Few Good 1 ; t Rheims's rebuilt cathedral of the | gravy. This cannot be described | Africa Inland Mission Rest Home. | had been struck by a freight
: nprovement work use | : . +3 ee : . =
: . . . I h century . ee we were Speci: Ve were 0 services ir 3. : .
broadcast bands are in this history | Ads In This produce about 4.8 15 Contry: [3 igi iy oh 5 Sar es a ous in | was dressed By 1 Columbia
ee st es te g Sts ay hi aple i mi A N) day: one Fut
"oe wal nes ! Vp o a greasy wool tha was : i \ . 2: utcher and turne over 1 ¢
smart, completely enclosed table radio * NEWSPAPER — oes 2 han i Lightweight Magnesium | spread with chicken, beef heart, dian meeting, A dear group fle had 5 d ¥¢ 0 tae
of glossy plastic. here's 3-point tone i Foor on iy or Magnesium is only two-thirds as |! push = fam on Ye “all Eig Coristians were pres sent olumbia Hospital by Dep
) i oming wo depart. | 1. co ae ome feeling we had put in a full 1eir faces were zglow with » | Game Protector Robert McKai f
. ; 0 Vy a 1 and about oue- |! We A J10V 1 he ctor wobert McKain of
control . . . 2 built-in antennas © . . a RCA Victor 8R71 Sel. ms 1n these flocks pr ourth Ne: WY as on an day. We of course talk to them [Jove of God. We are leaving he eve | 1 cover the week-end
phonograph in-put jack for use with Dark maroon plostic duced from 115 to 7 pounds more on sion through missionaries and some- bv truck to visit a number of ti —
ir £ iad greasy wool per fleece than the ma- times through a native Christian i other missions from now
record player. Fhere’s fun ahead —s $ 05 J Subscribe for the Bulletin. 5 November 25 when we will Subscribe for the Bulletin,
see and hear it new! AC operation, & wt mpgs TE Se
: reported to have the biggest bed in | M
e 4 Hollywood. It measur by |
ght feet. Actually, p is hir 4
LANDISVILLE, PA. PHONE 4111 foer, Agua pI un JS
la] Suan of «to remedy ti ui
rr en length, extra ug
ee re extra v Ww
obtained at R
Sol :
Convention C uv
Abraham Lincoln was nominated
for the presidency in Chic go in | M
1860. 1 his the forerunn r of Wu
many history-making political con- 3
ventions held in that city, including a
those inated Grant, Gar- |
ield. C 1 7 3
field, C C 5 Theodore | Ma
Roosevelt, Taft, Hardi ind Frank a vy
lin Roosevelt. : : it
Wf Cc ~ 1 > Xe
Sun tlley’s Dogs “a ‘ we
THES 7 i Jr
y of Sun Valley's dogs came | § CHRISTMAS WHEN WE HELP WITH YOUR GIFTS. i
tan FE a i
Wi "
¥ Our Store Will Be Open Each Wednesday Afternoon Until Christmas i
She'll praisé vou to the skies SS RS TS SS BS RS SS TS ST NT RT A TN RT SN SS SE SS TE TT 1 mB
when yon make Lier Christmas o 32 0
vib Sar : A we ¢ St 3 oN
merrier with a gift that fiat- a May e suggest hd “pre 0h
5 hv: ea an on ;
be ters het femininity TOWELS hy - wd Pe
tv futility or a me : 4 i FGR LADIES, KIDDIES AND MEN nN
‘ 8 utility selected frem our star- Steam Hot and A
studffed array of heaven 0 Whites and Plaids in big selections A
: t \ A
M . . Gift S ch 0) 0 gi.8 for ; Christm « Angels : 4 TOWEL i —— = wn
als-vut Ie et J. Is which we bring to vou at e 1 ua oe
A hs 9 ETS tf on
wn iv Yay agwwn-to-earth prices, So 1¢ MN S TS Ng LN
(Tale., Toilet Water, Perfume ) 8% no mis-givings this ( i RAYON U N DIES I
tp Ee rs RU] : of n
. . ' Christmas. Chosse HER Priced from \ hie ay flop } Eo a
3 ! nn | The famous STAR PUST and RAYSBELLE Al
Evening- In- Paris Star Box Here and be sure it's ( i z 3
wha: she wanted.” este 59% to $2.85 § RA AYONS - SLIPS, PANTIES and A
LN vs
TABLE CLOTHS : . $2.25 to $5.95 a 2 A FL AB TA TE 0 To 38 2 FS PAE 8 8 TL AP 2 A PETE PTE AE 7:
§! N

$10.00 105035, Guonge M. Pullman,
Vv ‘pe go contractor, convert- APRONS $1.00 to $1.39 3
I ardley Lavender Set do 00 meer coaches of the & PILLOW CASES Embroidered $2.50 # Gi ive Best Mad e bed osie ie ry i
(3 cakes Soap, D. Powder, T. Water) : Si \ ra
sleeping cars at the company's |§ BLANKETS $3.95 to $11.50 &
So ct : oY $H0bs 1 uk id a RECS IS TLL OE TR OS IE OL IL REEL > 58
mee ee 5 ; 5 : : i
ne ul NYLONS - SILKS $71.35 pr. a
! Not a Pigskin i TREE ORNAMENTS 4 No betier ladies hosiery and a wonderiul gift. x


YARDLEY LAVENDER 7d" re Although footballs commonly are | : =
i $1.00 & $1.50 7 HW 3 \ ferred to as ‘| ns,” they BOX $1.00 i {PILE PL IL OS TS 2 PL A RECEP RE PE EK LIL PE RL AE PE ARLE SEER 2K oi 4
\ t sn 8 . i x
X§ oLD spicE $1.00 7 or bi XMAS CANDLES 10c HANKIES § BE SURE TO GIVE i i
\ NON ible cattlehide, a A IN ho
FRIENDSHIP GARDEN $1.00 x Serre pons OUTFITS $1.75 to $3.25 \ or Meu, Lit ax i WOOLS & FABRIC i 5
\ lans are under way to obtain a | WR TS PRR CE TE TE SN ¥
SPRUCE FOR MEN _ $1.25 Blas ore inder way to obtain a : BS RT a TN SE RE RE ES TATA ER 4 Priced each from 8 Ww
he ot Cy > a = Vs 4 ve RU]
The statistics wo GAMES 15¢ 2 &2 7 b
: Lest Bi . Wl i ¥
\ hd typeof 4 BINGO — TIDDLEDY WINKS 3 Boxed Hankies id ¥
Trea ¥ MONOPLY — SORRY — PARCHESI From 50c ¥ iN ¥
NN ”"e of

oe ¥ Genuine i
0 RATA RR RA SR RS SAR 1) : 0"
# Cowhide Belts $1.00 2
Remember The Kiddies! | de iid ¥
A flaky face? Then s
on @ soupy wash cloth and i PAINT SETS 50c 93¢
rub it over nln n Tis 3 TEA SETS 50c¢ — 95¢



le treatment will really do won
| your : # Town Topic Pajamas ¢ 3
eens BAKING SETS 95c 4% Ankiets 25¢ to 49¢- Gloves 95¢ Gift B ip $3 65 3
ent is of enor. |. > LN o~ > yn » I” hy
2 milion | 3 +s JACKETS WOOLEN CAPS ¥ ¥ "Hi ii i ress ot
Sheaff Cara Nome (3c - $1.50 Roi CARDS a WARM UNDERWEAR Me WH H i 3
rn 3: on ad - We re go yar A A SADA SA Td pu 3 \) ¢ siel wl
eairer Yardley Bond Street $2.50 a SEALS NETTIE RE PERE TERESA TEFL gb WN oe o x
. Stretching Meat 3 AND ¥ BE SURE TO SEE OUR NEW 3 ) NRE RP pn “
Pen & Pencil Evening-In-Paris 75¢ - $1.65 Cook meat at a low in : ¥ hi i i NS 30 A
Set Desert Flower $1.00 orl ation of umato brass IY Gift # Glassware and Chinaware ll Wo $1.00 :
Cit . he RG ? rs hb 10 save lug . 5 . “a in NY
els c v.34 eye RA Wrappings § Gift Shop § BOSTON GARTERS S0c i ti
$6 50 $35 oly $2.85 Frolic $1.25 Juttermilk and Beauty : A fine selection including Ny New shelves and lighting - to help vou choose. ¥ BOSTON BRACES 95c a vd
Jeauty experts say the comple . A 3 FS 75 5
oY to Coty - Muguet $1.00 Ion ore vcd by ari, |(§ CARDS with SCRIPTURE VERSES ~~ § PYREX GIFT SETS... § WOOL S BA ap 2 x
i cD 1k- . § a Li T R 2 g A a
NEW Mais-Oui $1.00 2 3 quart of daily, 13 Priced 5¢ to 75¢ ¥ $2.95 Wook tHe 48s 8
SHADES gid First News a A SCOTCH TAPE SEALS 10c - 35¢ § SOWL SETS ... 8295 i White So a
PASTEL SHADES Gemey $1 50 iy $ Disha has ~ : . REFRIGERATOR HAND Se, Sir. Su pec i i
j te to the Boston Globe by the | M AEA A IK A PR RR AE IS A SLT ¥ SETS .... .. $2.95 3 Boxed - $1.00 i uf
— —————— & : S $1.00 3 MN
Federal excise tax Soe dé 1.00 : :
: or) evcise tox 5 odd Vessel PLAID SHIRTS ¥ Ju $ a) ¢ DRESS SHIRTS . $2.95 i 3
! ny. man soldiers carried a sponge | & Hi SN
for use as a drinking vessel. Cottons and Wools Lhe) Ste Edge $1.00 i TT ¥
Plaids and Greys
SLOAN’S PHARMACY 5 mmesorsanoras val TIES | ©
the aries 3 Va in ul is | CRYSTAL GLASS GIFT BOXED
| , When in need of Printing. (any- [8 5
| thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | ¥ -.. os
BOYS’ ALL WOOL Four Different Assortments . x

BT A AB Ry Tad fe iE a ab A AE a dh 2 NR GE 20 4 NADA
. 2 Pv mre osteo addin a
Gl 7 en rf ro fen Aol