The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 02, 1948, Image 4

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[a yo
d—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 2, 1948] REG'LAR FELLERS na : na By Gene Byrnes Re ——— Qu
17 Remodel ...
Your Bathroom
N ow! | Fru]


( YC | ;

ve ? rd Get rid of the old style fixtures and to enjoy a completely |
! lic ne nt modern bath. New design, Easy to clean, Beautiful. | fn &
} Payments To Suit you. Take Months To Pay. First Payment | KRA
. Due November Hirst | 2
Be wo eo oo We:
i th

fl ooo

v finally leaned Te ee SAL Lab: POOO0 | IPE — | BE
5 Cm pene ses | MRT RF, BREAKIRON | 0 DE
Ne hind WHEE. St Ba | FOR 1945 - 19 SEASON ’ ’ SHOWS EVERY NIGHT 9 | p
th versus letting thers show] (or generations. Scalding water will (First Half) | & SON Matinee Sat. at 2; Sunday at 3 PM} PHONE MOUNT JOY 91-12 Mount Joy |
! W 1 1V¢€ vd punk. | 100s¢ the tops but takes time 10 | Mon, Dec. 6 - Tritown (Home) |
nple, instant meth- {pp poe, § - Rothsville (Away) | 22 South Barlfara Street Two Hits THURS. DEC. 2 | Sr -




\ d th 1 x} { ce -
d that will 1 n the most stul hei |
-BY— r p for a week vn ran Tist Baht 1 { , Mon. Dec. 13 - Manheim (Away) | MOUNT JOY, PA. " BLONDE SAVAG i"
t 1 Cay J I a malici A . | .
A WI on I OWI 1 it around the edge of the to} Thur. Dee. 16 - Landisville (Home) | ROOFING — SPOUTING “LINDA BE | Dinn
O \ f 1l¢ cap until it turns easily. Takes | Mon. Dec. 20 - Paradise (Home) SHEET METAL WORK |
fumididdl 3 pr i
f I till only a jiffy. Preliminary games at 7:15 p. m.| ROOF PAINTING FRI a SAT Dec 3:4 | DIN
ysis ne Our old silver dol- 1 cp {and varsity game starts at 8:30 p.m. PHONES: i
Woe ! H Birds of Passage . .
We ad i wort! t tn 1 which | Home games will be playec the Mt. Joy 117-3 F'town 928R7 1 | : 3 Z He
when half the aie ae Home ¢ ny : ; © Dive ! ma ( A NO N [ No need to worry about frozen water pipes. SAVE the 2
off deer I fx Yo 1 y in the | Mt. Joy high schgol gymnasium and & vu | Cost and Delay of plumbing repairs due to frecting. The new Smith-Gates THAN
I M 1 check—wages! Northwest now are ict in that | avervone is invited to attend. Ee 1 Electric THERMOTAPE solves these problems. A very *sugh, water
v Avil i 1 1 y | 1 1 DO! C yO oO Pr
1 i radio sa hat areca r so rare that they seldom _. | | resistant plastic tape. Simply spiral argqund any exposed pipe, ure in
! She now y } be or never t re. Ti bi list in- This is the best league in Lancas- I AUSHERMAN BROS., CITY place with friction Ret and piug into 110 Volt AC line. C nly a few
: : 4 1 } booms br ESL TE on {ian ING 1 nas shoul | i; . . ennies to operate; may save many doliars. And the costis sur 31 [OW
d of carryings-on RE With h wage d mor bor- des some of the smaller game lel County ai i os} Sares should b Ripe Sensational Story of Colorado fa #. of THERMOTAPE and plug (100 watts) only $3.40; 20 7+. and piug (140
camp and 1 - % birds whose passing lacked the | good brand of basketball. | I James P. Haus, Agent Prison Break! watts) $3.75; 40 f+. and plug (280 watts) $4.95.
nd I am gonna bel a (hat fink Say a 3 over te re | Phone 251 — "is goed prestis Gn saves Five S08 nut) se one Llc
RB I Cast) {s and geese; but it also In- ey TARRY ; | Youre ; Sm matically ecnirol ERMOTLPE installuiions wi PE-
E le the, decline ell A Ee roe oi.) VOST TO QUARBYVILLY ||| Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. |[{ SUN. - MON. Dec. 5-6 | 0 —
; } renched cat 01 nd whooping crane and the wild swans. Mount Joy lost its Turkey : Day | = (Sunday Matinee 3:00 Pu M.) THERMOTAPE has many other valuable and money-saving
We must ac } . curity om be legislated — 3 game to QQuarryville by a 53-74 | HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? WALT DISNEY'S | uses, Come in and sce it TODAY,
does not {: i 1 t . nl 3 Shortes tatlroac count. The score: y ~ c |
I Phere 1s no swe le m ; : nila § DON'T WAIT TOO LONG 1" n
But. what it Tack distan i ; 3 The Valley railroad, one mile in | oo] . > I $i t
Tha | ee If vou dopt or un-earned happiness. length, at Westline, McKean county, Ms doy Team ow, 17] BRING THEM IN. MELODY IME au estan
mages up in speec I 0 n TT . \ . 1 . ; A yall o . | wa
I That, we have learned it has fi-' Pa., is the shortest line-haul 3. . 2 ve vie In Technicélor Spr TR A
lieve it ve farsi Xi , Fellenbaum F ‘a2 2g C R C Phone 3285 MARIETTA, PA.
lieve it, take you imily Amas |.) ked i I think road in the United States. This ratl- Weber F : : 9 1 5 ity Shoe epairmng 0. Roy Rogers - Dénnis Day | Phone 525% Wy]
shapping. 4nd before we adjourn a word) 102d derives its revenues entirely (gpup, ©... .....2 1 5! 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET Andrew Sisters + Ethel Smith | : : 3 et ot f av i
eRe" more. lism from freight and switching services. | 6; 1 1 LANCASTER, PENNA. Frances’ Laugiypd Boddy Clark
Af i f Tl wi Bley I: em-1 Conrad G . sare 0 6 |

14 Is 8 de i Riser Co | es | TUE. WED. Dec. 7-8 |
J 3 3 Bo } 2 4 iy a d h Th Pen y—th pe nt company, rated as a Class Snyder G al suk 2 1 5 DR. S MILLIS JAMES STEWART We SPECIALIZE in
road. | TE
hr Sh TI | mm gm a | crower "ROPE’ | FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT
stages of their deve


ld, one cof ti ' d ’ t } lat lo velo. Rineer F .............. 2 b11 59 N. Market St, Elizabethtown
mily observed: “You kno I| watts will cost these Britishe 50 a i me On | Brubaker a : : a PHQNE: 334-J In Technicolor FACTORY SPECIFICATION FOR EVERY CAR
thall i uto ac- no Ad taint SR hen dratlt : ; t ;
cidents without cars”. Yours with ti ow dowr 8 bs To "Si ’ : It is port t Ll 3 6 Z | Ey Examined Appointment ® | Have Jour FRONT WHEELS BALANCED wiih the Hew
rn Jesse the strange contrivance tried out | C: 1 oo 8|| —— CT || Eleetrie Ww Id STEWART-WARNER ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCER
Miser ys: ere eet em a8 g qemu Boon 9 he be en San 5 anys > 0 Daily: Sto land 2405 and Gas € ing And Feel The Difference :
Microscopic lens doth show HERE IS WHAT BARBARA inal tl aT db Nar © 0... 7 1 15 | | Evenings. Tues. and Sat. 6:30 to 8 Also Specialize On SNOW TIRES CHAINS ANTI FREEZE ; wael
teems “wi Insects que MILLER SAYS OF OUR TEAM DDT Controls Boliworm | ~—————————-— | | No Hours Thursday FARM MACHINE WELDING MOTOR TUNE UP 4 sol

What comfort it is to know A total of ven lettermet six DDT controls the bollwerm and Total . ce 02 10 4 | AND EQUIPMENT | i mach
There are no such thir In bee tarnished plant bug but is ineffec-| Score by pericd | net FR TR §

’ niors, are back for the gio against the boll weevil, leat-| MOUNT JOY 10 11 9 23-53 Automobile and Truck Welding
“Free” is a favorite thought wit! ch Jack Day's Mi Joy team, worm and cotion aphid. It gives| QUARRYVILLE IT 15 21 ppp AWN MOWER SHARPENING 1 ©
ee we ds wit wh pore se” so om) Slip ll ¥ 5 GRRL S82 55) | ppg Coll [| ove we Van's Esso Servicenter
Loys wh re overheard discus- Tike F. : sch Pes You. pe cent strength at 10 to 15 pounds Mol N1 10Y LEGION iid For Home Delivery ’ . Hal rt? tub 4 Ww La 6 er i
fie sul ii y the squad, the Joy-| per acre | ELIZABETHTOWN CAGERS AKER over S e Ing op 259 WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY {
ing the subject over a hamburger | Bove di ‘ol start. orapt .


. Kul Raid pn Mo father i 1 practic unti LG The Legion Basketl team easily SPRENGER : ’
at Kul Said on M; athel V but they are at : e- Mission Without Nails dutontad the tian on Mon-1; VALLEY FORGE Delta and Marietta Streets
a doct can be ick fo 1 mision near C I i a. A PIEBL’'S ——
thin han 2 constructed 1 day evening in the high school au- | R PRIOR MT. JOY, PA. Phone 289
101 X ience Rs | : 5 | OLLING ROCK vu |
The other bov replied My dad “ww 101 ) fathers without the use | ditorium by a 70 to 44 score. | ALE & PORTER ig REA CP 7 HAN CIT SI.
: Jy ! A ‘he m started in | Elizabethtown G Fi | - . | J O Y : a
11 I 2 “00 hat i T \ Y | Ht
4m hy ood l lat red 20 years to erect. It | R. Frey F ..... 3 1 10 ictor J. Schmoll Dr.H.C. Killheffer EVENINGS RAYS
othing. Or Il boy d i 1g and in a good state | Hoover F . 8 3 15; —Distributor— Sows go —

> ul Wot I ir! stil tanding ) | . AND
chanci considerably, we reservation. Mcose ( ar] 1 3 OPEN P. M Optometrist 7 AND 9:00 P. M a
A new s ing ri that recently a ap Hitz C ( 1 1} SS SATURD HOLIDAYS
. ne without one, wi hould do bettei Te EE 1112 . “i Drive In For Curb Service MANHEIM AVS
opened at Harrisburg advertises a char Voi Dav schuushited Jovine Obstetrics | Longer ck r G 3 0 163 S. Chérlotte St. 6-8-10 P.M. 2:00 P. M.











. hina 92 wnat. cont] Bricker { ( Mo Joy, Pa.
ating apa of five thousar Retire Sites = : D: y CC vs have 0% per cent : Sor G . 0 ) Telephone 137-R SE Se Iount Joy, Pa RC SOR TRAN ATE
Etnies : G : lle YJ.0 per] pe G sire Mon. & Wednes. 9-5:30
i rl€ > e twine Wallen GG jo i ) ( 3 | NC > ve
Al : : : Sre twin You Bu Sst. 79 P.M FRIDAY — SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3-4
R Ter : : L Total 7 10 Tues Fri. Sat, |
: : nd i about ¢ Lal ; : $:30-1:00.2-5 P.M. | HUMPHREY ROGART — I ANIEN RACAL a
wa ind n the i of the {Wi oth: of whom grad F .. : 16 E. High St.
crowd slanced ner t his bis id 5 : Longest Tunnel ye mm 1 £ > Telephone 24-R “KEY L RGO™
pr bo | Sload 1 ( 1 A
ch 1 —— @ Fee — o Shup 0 2
( t I i yiGen I 1 1 KOKI KK RK Rs oH
First ted) ot of Tier Tearid usp) Crider G .. 5 E91 V S v -
s was all that could | First railway train ever operated yest of Ellenville to Yonkers, Justo Cros rd 1 WH MEMBERS N MONDAY — TUESPAY, DECEMBER 6 - 7
picked trot ontine exeursion spon- Hew uy. Breneman G . 2 0 | ARE clo GC
€ u na ! Shortly vod TTT Riscor G ) o 6 J Ta Sit
Revs Frio ms | TT the rd of trade Name of Miniesots G : : 2 | INVITED Le JAMES STEWART — JOHN DALI in
[ the | { id ; Da 0 } “Minnesota” was first Tota 30 10 70] TO THE ™N 29
he tri Fiver of, Ing! pame| EL 9 9 14 12-4 ch A eo E uly
: 5 > Co: me C:oud MT. JOY 16 15 24 15-70 Rl wO- 3
2 Ww ( con d of Si 2 e. Bensin | i
< I es. - - Smart Se ¢ ; Jae 3 Y, — or ——— | ME ot mm {
- i 2 daily Sm —————— CHRISTMAS DANCE DEC. 23RD |% B oO
De o thi ole ” Early Electroplating Qn 1 CN : . | Y MOUN iB . AB
3 Or. Bl cid Weston: te 107 itor of f Mt. Joy Hig} MOUNT JOY, PA. { WEDNESDAY — YHURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 - 9
we gil Ras | tt to apply the dj DChool wu hs i Christy -
pay, cause I can rove 1 I a electroplating to provide current, | dance in th high } | litorium AK - RRC em PRE Se RE <i JOHN WAYNE — SHIRLEY TEMPLE -in-
An all girl show was scheduled to sh Readin . i ens ne os : thus replacing the inefficient bat- | Thursday, Dec. 23rd from 8:30 to | “ws - —
fo oh od he JR 2 brn site pee demand 2 EEA [Ta § “FORT APACHE” | i
lly med Ss To tht Watts ant tia) YES~THE NEW Ql...
w d for ever forma : le Show-Me Sate | Orchestra. | { as : MAL
che : i : ; IS molto 8 Let the Wel- et ee | FIRST SHOW STARTS EACH NITE 6:45 P. M
: u f People Be the Supreme | _ { 1
vy, a - The hawthorn is the state | CARD PARTY AT THE ; CH RISTMAS
tributed ¢ ¢ ! y 3 ¢ and th? bluebird its official | LEGION HOME | 4 3 N\ EE — > -
wh poeared ¢ The American Legion Auxilary 4 aay |
tow? Dp which re 50 Bea- State will hold a public card party on | 4 | A
ro Sagebrush State m [
tiful G 5 G is Cos- ; Tuesday, December Tih
: Au B ? “All of Our Country,” is the motto | ng oy ec aS 2 ; Fi Pi. |
Ine )t course » of Nevada, the 1 State. The Jion ne, east of towt ri | §
ited th icht ert in bluebird is the unofficial | nochle 500 and Bridge will be] 2
in th n rtl dic the state. i played with two prizes to a table. | $ |
1 tric t I i | A turkey will be given
Two Sister Metals prize and tickets for turk will | $
= Platinum is called by jewelers the | 1, id: at thi hh |
is “queen of metals.” A sister metal, te? ¢ | J
would rathe h beau "2 TE hz y { 11-15-01 | A
1 h wu also precious and changeless white
brains ( { n r' in color, is palladium. {
can see better t hink i | rtisers.
—_— Many Need Hearing Aid
Mv 2ir] has shall kness. Sul More than three million children, | SIMON PB. NISSLEY |
and nearly one out of every 10 per- | MARY £. NISSLEY | ¢
Knee ire wee-Kne 3 WwW : +} ite © | $ L..
Nes : > : sons in the United States have a| FUNERAL DIRECTORS | oe ds 8 $
5a hol dog 104. O ‘o ¢ ) hearing defect. { Modnt Joy, Pa. pi $
my girl ee ustie) { ———————————— — 3
: sid x » let " > po . Sa —————— rr a ———————————— | 3 h
a i * Skiing in the Rockies Beware of Aconite
Phere. ite. two Col pid] winning re: The gay-colored aconite’s. roots PE | ¢ St
ans sow \ 1Ca'S! Are ison, The plant is used | § { ONE Deposit Weekly Receive in 50 Weoks
: . Tey mo to nr i s and drugs which | 1008 $25. + $1250 $
a skirt. Both ar ure fire ns y ; 1 STERE | CF be SL 50 25 in
tain ra n internally to reduce fever. | CHESTERFIELD : THE Bes. 00 g
air and dr wder ev CAMELS oF £5 1% tee 04+ { th
You all know how I feel abot duce unsury kiing ¢ Soybean Flour Value | LUCKY STRIKE | cl ASS Soo... 15089 i yea
res . . win eas a To. ia "i > > RR { lt A $e v0 sa 0.00 $
our younger generation being so | There are practice slopes for be. Soy f is a rich source of | PHILLIP MORRIS | 500...... 250 $
kright. Well it happened agai ginners and gentle slopes for those , riboflavin and nicotinic | OLD GOLD Per { : P O LA R { 3 R i P i RR = A D i, $ :
Iw talking to downtown preferring 1 y skii Colora PALL MALL or THE Ld Po sett
ES Aa hid 0 a | En “1 do’s ru 1 beauty adds much t RALEIGH Arion | ; ’ -— " boned > . $ Stet
who was cleaning the. fot 70% © ; ae Reiation In Garde | TAREYTON : Wi TIONA I MOU IT's NEW — IT'S DIFFERENT — Ii gives you exira ircction $
vi Be er Pop | Se Rotation in Garden oi Pecan sige Higher x N NA 1 I] 1 JOy p on ice and snow and wet slippery roads. : 2
HTN SAS BL > . totating your garden spot is jus "eg an ightly ug . 10 1 3 ] ’ isl : . 7 . . :
wore an turtle neck sweater. |! a sual saa SU as good a practice as rotati Add 5c per cartoh for shipping and Wh MOUNT JOY.PA. V; > | . Don’t Wait ! Winterize your tires now with this sensc
Pretty soon a lovely young lady | two people - her husband and handling. EN IEE 1 tional new tread. Come in and let us tell you more abou’ : of L
strolled :by, clad in a fitted swea- | ‘EB Ie Minimum orgér — five cartons. | i. » A i gg f 8
eft The boy looked at her, then! ne 1armer snowed her the RoC! Mammals hi i | Enclose your card for gift wrapping | ; 1 5% 9 . ay . | : r
at his old man ‘and then asked: @nd she picked out a very small ma: 1. Tor SH ye Tr | Lie, 3093, State of Dela, 5 3 ; : | ewcomer $ ervice Station } :
lo. vo ron. In’ swoaior? Mr. Farmer said they were} '®> s unt ne m- | ” i 3 | » | &
Bap. wit do You wear ‘a‘sweater? | If TACT SE EY ar! ported them. | DEPT. 97 | 7 As i Yah | MAIN & BARBARA STREETS, MOUNT JOY
! all HA A wilell ul voma I'e- J a 7, 3) | | - wv a
Ladd “rm 1 < ” 1 9
marged: The little one could Start of the Race ALLISON 1 <= — er . CF A — pe Of
A woman here in town went to | not be milk fed, it is too small to. The Kentucky derby was started . 4 IN UN ION ‘TH ERE Is STRENGTH | S 4
a nearky farmer to buy a Thanks- | I'€¢ ch the milk faucets cn the cow.” in'1875. P. O. BOX NO. 1006 : : Everybody Everywhere Reads The Bulletin 3
giving turkey but. like Jack Ben- A WISE OWL! Patronize Bulletin advertisers. | WILMINGTON, DEL. Memboar of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JS ’ THLE Lay sod


pt MO A ho hf Ah ie an i MR A A i ts hr wt AEN Sa pg B50 an Fn