The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 02, 1948, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 2, 10.18 | SSSA | N . ( ’
Celebrates 55th Wedding Anniversary Dec. 7th | —
ec ount oy u etin Mr. and Mrs. Semor Jones of : - ‘| SAVE ON FIN aN
° of — 1 Lancaster visited Mr. and Mrs. 4 AT A & »
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher L ONG \GO | George Schoelkoph on Sunday. “ey
EST EEE 1 Mr. Adam Fogie of Newville \ Millions of American homemakers
TABLISHED JUNE, 1901 CE A EE 4 "~ : . are finding the kind of food they {
—— The aftermath of an election, | ba A anny | Spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. . ant at the prices they like to
Published Every Thursday at No. like th aftermath of battle, is and Mrs; George Schoelkoph on pay a hy shopping at A & P
9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. filled with talk of what might 20 Years Ago | Sunday. steres. Whether it's canned goods, d
— have heen. OQ! infinitely greater ern Mr. and Mis. John Kauffman, freth vegetables, or San "Shy mo
501 2 2 . :
"Three a a 60 tion of what is going to happen 4. i. its annual house cleaning Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and oh fine oe every Juan of the x =
Toes Copies ......... 05 now that Mr. Truman has become Tov & | B Wis 2 Mrs. Irvin Witmer 1 Ho
nint « oC i YORTC as en- 1
Sample Cop'es SLA FREE Fresident in his own right, by the Ou y Na Mrs. George Moore of Columbia : adj
Soa Sa mandate «f tae oer wd has rtained to supper by Mr. Eli Hos- | is spending the week with Mr. and ANN PAGE iho
mand f tne voters, ang as spe g » week with Mr. a ’ . ine:
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. with him a Congress which is 1 Mrs. Theodore Senor. GRAPE JELLY 16-03 Jar 2ic lect
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- tisk . : Mr. Clinton Sheck] of town
ter under the Act of March 3 1579 solidly Demecratic in bath branch- i into Low Mrs. Matilda Derr spent her RED CHEEK coil
——— Les purchased a grocery store at Col- | Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and ivi
| | Thanksgiving Da Mr. bottles 29e I
el oo her hie ation spaper There ave those whe sav that | WMbE Mrs. John Shepp of Lebanon. APPLE JUICE I feu
Ua Mr. Tvuman, during the campaign, Irvin Heisey, Rheem was shot Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber JANE PARKER pir
¢ a strnd which was somewhat in the right arm by stray bullets | and daughter Minnie spent Sunday > POTATO CHIPS 5-02 bag 250
E D 1 T 0 R [ A 1 to the left of his natural position, while hunting at Pine Grove Fur- | with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gam- . TIES
that, in other words, his bark was nu ber of Mt. Joy. 5 Cn . 28
+ + + werse than his bite will be from Ti newl constructed Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harring- PORK & BEANS 16-03 cans aC
: ie oui: = i tue ; ton from Olmstead Home Middle- : ‘
Due to the present high prices Rss point of view of business. Highway between Lancaster and p a 1 : es a of WHITEHOUSE
tH wh oh . ee Others take no stock in this at- | zp, lle ‘was opened Thanksgiv-] PP" MTS. Jerry Sse - . op
it would be a good idea for many Ginds ie yore CE tee leuntvi was cpene tanksgiv- | oon visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed- EVAPORATED MILK 4 tall cans 55¢ :
{mmilies to pui the remains of the H&S SE ing Day ward Isler Sundaj MR. AND MRS. ISAAC SIEGRIST, ROUTE 1, MOUNT JOY, PA. 51
Thanksgiving dinner inte cold Wall Street Journal, for instance, yoo pooling on Ware go on ay. AH SN ,:S PRESTO ery
: . | thinks th: . xs " we yr X Mrs. anche Frysinger of . : ~ 1
storage until the Christmas feast. Io Mr. me ht ig West Main street, was withdrawn | RD. Mrs. John Haines, Mrs | CAKE FLOUR 44-073 pkg. 39¢c
acy at he si . ; Joy RD, Mrs. . aines, Mrs. t
ec 2 @ i Be rel nt oo Ne for insufficient bids at public sale. Ray Myers, and son Marlin and We wriie GET A&P
Yeu can ncy buy eephants in| "TC 2 0: MS | oa : t butter : Nigslov: of 1 : | 2 1 ”
India for $60 ote wid election promises into full effect. 250 pounds of batter were stolen | Mr Cyrus Nissley of Mt. Joy had | and Print THE PUMPKIN 29.07 can 10¢
nia lor 50 a piece, I Bi Riordan Yes: . idea | from the Elizabethtown Creamery. | visited Mrs. Daniel Moore on Sun- Your Ads MONEY
here in Mount Joy could afford to | U0 gh ly, that the idea Markets: Lord 150: B 5c and | day pl STANDARD OR PIMENTO
: that tne President may discount Markets: Lar 5c: Butter, 35¢ anc ay. ST
feed one? : 1 Yani ‘ asher / 0°
Rey’ one 560 sume of the things he said in the | Eggs, 50-55¢ Mu one ph Den Gelman tora - pm tert sti PABST-ETT CHEESE pkg. 25¢
ion srlee . ‘iid : ' : | spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. :
A Russian fact ry turns oul ll a hilly Deglecte or of Mrs Alida Greider, Rheems made | Xt Reith of Les: SUNNY ELD
shoes of only one size. Wonder | outstancing characteristics “of | 5 shipment of 19 special chickens to ington RIGHT THIS WAY PANCAKE FLOUR 2 20-07 pkgs. 25¢
how Ime Gerberich Payne could | ir. Iruman, He keeps his com- | ihe Dutch West Indies. ng tei —
continue en such a hasis? [ments aug he honors sis. alle- An operetta “Aunt Drusilla's Gar- L A D | L S Ia ois
® 0 » stances even when it is difficult to len,” was presented by the Junior You Can't { X :
KEROSENE CAN KILI | do si The prospects for the im- High School. aT L pri / To The
CA? ‘I g @ :m Like ki Vie a or
M'suse of kerosene, ¢r coal oil, ye diets e future { 3 down in black Elsie, 11 year old daughter of Mr. This 2: Use A BEST BARGAIRS iE TOWN
| and white and it seems to us I
causes hundreds eof deaths each | : and Mrs. John Sprout, was a ty- > | In Our ps
Serr. to sav nothing of « heavy) rather foolish not to believe the shoid fever victims ot the hospital Ww ant Ad A YU . em “ TR 'S
Ri La © | words and sentences.” P a = ADVERTISING COLUMNS
waste in property. And most of | I « Misses Mary and Lizzie Shank Lady
the damage is done in rural areas, | ol id Fig HE Hn ust be are building a 2'% story dwelling at | | U. S. NO. 1 GRADE A. PENNSYLVANIA
where kerosene heating appliances feniembered tm Mr. Trumans Milton Grove Paul Martin is the POT ; TOES

are widely used. | legislative pregram must be ap- owbisakn
as . | proved by Congress to become af- v3 . i
The Natienal of Fire Un- ; : pl : * The Garden Spot restaurant will |
derwriters has issued some sound | {
- guestirn marks 0 the moment,
advice on how to reduce this haz- l SE . : Room this month.
Joe Martin, the present Speaker
ard. First and mest important, | © . : Supervising Principal William E.
. > of the House, who will resume his .
kerosene should never be used to sid Nitrauer reported 98 percent atten- |
: a mS | eld 10le as minority leader next
start fires, The liquid vaperizes . .
. 3 | session, kas said that the Presi-
when p aired into a warm stove, | :
dent can get just about everything
and this vapor may explode, ig- : :
he really wants from Congress.

| fective. Here is one of the big :
1 | celebrate the opening of their Tea

TO i
[| 10 Ib bag {5 1b bag ¢ i
oor || Clean Crushed Stone « 39 55 :
In the Ads || Delivery al APPLES "2.55!" 3 ™ 32¢
nd this vapor may ex On These | Prompt Very ORANGES 5%. 2“ 49¢ !
iting shin: nd Sari | Gare ave mone. meas sn ars| DONEGAL ra News | a 1 Low Prices | GRAPEFRUIT [2% 4
| te mbes. Told Bact | SO 0 5 Fire be Sours | from Hest we] 1 | , ANJOU PEARS roms 2 ™23¢ i B
erosene like other liquid fuels, | mouse 1s ‘rom ng or dn 217 i NN |
is frequently used in portable’ and | ~ oh 2 . a | therford Airport near Baltimore. { 9 x CALIMYRNA FIGS Bor 19¢ )
conservative 4 number |
| v | BLACK MISSION FIGS | 1i7c 3
Pemn Lime Stone & Cement Company Ne le we iy ol Siw, nut meats, glazed
heaters. HT is all im-
open ne eaters 1 1 mm . flew along were Harry Rey: olds. We. |
y {
| Nie Sia” icc” ni” Sr” ii?” Nir” Ns
dance in our schools. Pupils num- |
bering 500
EE ——

A sizeable part of the Democratic
, and ifs leanings tend in
The local pilots and friends who |
pertant that these devices be then of the Democratic Senators are not
cleaned frequently, be handled pro- | William Risser, John Bender, Har- |

in sympathy with much of the
ara Mr. Truman has described. | old Longenecker, Abner and Joseph

with care and repaired at once |° : hh y A i
when defects appear. They are At any rate, here is how the Welgemuth, Alvin Royer, William | PHONE E-TOWN 66-R-2 -—— RHEEMS, PENNA. 5 : :
are predicting the trend of | Aller; Warren and Clayton Stehman | 5 6 ¥ ing 1
-— a x "te
i donlo

never t be filled indoors. They
should be placed where they will
not be accidently knecked over.
And, of paramount imporiance,

Jane Parker Tom
coring events, Adam Greer, John Hawthorne, Her- |
bert Shelly, John Landis, Henry

Labor Legislation
It is not likely that the Taft- | Weber, and Alvin Reist. The plicts

Hartley Act will be repealed out- | reported the weather was lovely
they should never be used in a
tightly clesed room er leit burning right, It will be subjected to! and the breakfast delicious.
in bedr cms after the occupants major changes, of the kind labor The two newest private pilots of |
} : : |
® "

have retired because of asphhyxia- wants. Special attention will be | this week are Lewis Sauters and |
tion hazard. given to the subject of Critical | Gerald Hossler. Congratulations | T 114-16 1. 25
spurts: as we. simple | © that is, those in basic in- | and happy flying to them. | 2 o J cake N Pi
Precautions such as these, simple Caer Sirertle Wife eat MANHEIM R. D. 1, PENNA. . , 3 51h i'3
as they are, show the road to] which directly affects the Alvin Royer flew to Lock Haven | 2h 9245 i gaat 7
: . ‘hole country and economy nS “ind vied “i
safety from fire. And fire can be |W try and econcmy, | on Sunday morning where he visited | 1-1b 1%
ety from fire. And fire om Snr | MARVEL BREAD | 14c 19¢
prevented. For example, E-town, | Agriculture ome friends. 5
. : ee] | 2 : JANE k Ys
Pa, with a population of 5800.) Price support is definitely here | Harry Hersh, an eighty-four year | i SUGARED DONUTS PARKER J 12 i7¢ od
has hod but me kome fire in 59 | to stay. All that is in doubt is oki vestdent of Florin, had 4 thire | AIR COMPRESSOR © EXCAVATING 4
years. Such fire prevention is a tke level ot which farm prices will | tv Vvears wish fulfilled on Sunday | Te ! Arm ur’ I / S l
i Armour's Suds 1
a A Ak
resa’t of constant vigilance and a | ve supporied. sinning in 1959, on 2 aver he took a WORK & GRADING TREET FAB

strong sense of individual respon- [4 flexible support policy of sup-
sibility cn the part of everyone | porting prices at 9 per cent of | Florin's oldest residents, reported i
whe lives there. All communities | parity, wa ake effec is | having seen the first airplane thirty | R D ili C : one pig le with Von 1A
° s there A co i $ Parity was to take effect. It isha n the first a plane thirty ock Il ng ellars 12-02 45 one pkg at reg € $8. 10¢
can emulate this splend’d example | possible now, however, that the | years ago. After coming back from | 5 Fg can i price of 35¢ pkgs 3
if they hive the will. { per cent figure will be con- | his ride he said he was sorry he | C 1 | T § coun
® 09 | tinued. hadn’t done it sooner. He was ac- oncrete Brea ng, Etc. Trenches, Etc. y “6 7 3 i
PIAN MEDICAL PROGRESS Price Control companied by his grandson, Warren Sunnyheld E nriched
A very interesting pr gram to It is likely but it il be very | Stehman and Mrs. Stehman. =F :
: will be very FAMILY OR PASTRY
improve the quality and quantity | Giferent from OPA. Probably an! Our congratulations go to Eliger
of medical cave e wis resented bY | affort will be made to im Sse it | Lamberson who is our newest pri- 33 i
Be eae et hr oe) Sore wil Be made 4s import 3 hy fe our ewes pr PHONE MOUNT JOY 126-R4 FLOUR LOT
31b bag 3§e 101 hue De 25h bus $1.65 Of
al || vate pilot of the week. |
ies as president ef the Mie edic: 3H rather than at the consumer level.
¥ in Congress. Rent con- | Stopped at Hartford, Conn. over Ear
| 0 | 1 CR 0 R60 7 7 0 8 25 2 0 7 2 7 7 7 2H TRA 22 “9 BEST PURE } 1h PBA This fa
print & Ad

it the source on certain key items

John Hawthorne and John Book
Society of New York. # is in-| ghis will stir one of the hottest | flew to Boston cn Saturday. They |
dicative cf the positive appreach {
tht and returned home the fol-



teward medical problems that 8 trol, of couse, is certain to go on. |D
bcing token by thousands «f oun | The Budget lowing day. ¥
me Sudge is TL : § x Hl 3b 4 «
ato id that hi | Federal spending will increase Alvin Royer visited the York and |i 8 : DEXO SHORTE NiNG > 38¢ in $1.11
r. Rawls said that his program | . , i 4 oi i Hershey Airports on Sunday. | IN IN PAGE
1€ to a = what greater oxte: : x ANN 16-01 woe
Wes an auswer to the advocates | fan ny ol I ™ : 1 i | John Hawthorne and William S a» PEANUT Bi UTTER CREAMY SMCOTH jar 2fC bay A 4 i
i abl; oul wave been LN 3 CY Wo Sih 2
” Rom ary a heals ovaries [ ‘he erse in a GOP administration. Rapp made a cross country trip to ¥ 2 REL ABLE PEAS yp 8 su 1 3 cans 29C Tne
which he described as “medically |, . ere’ fans aE therford Airport near Baltimore | 5 ip Siw oi Loca
: | Dering the next fiscal year, cutgo SYR BR oll: fhe : 31
ineffectual, economically unsound | _... $45,600.600,209, and WEP Pormonkey Afrport in Mary x uDso! ¥ vis St Be : 13¢ gory age
p liticelly danzerous Accord- land Alvin Royer made a solo Ek w EIGHR T O'CLOCK ores bs 48c Te $1.15 £15
ing to a New York Times account, Pasips trip to the ¢ | A PINEAPPI E BENE on gm 9s. wy oh - ap a"
» of its mai ints are: i VT . a ER | & 3 VAT Ll, SWE BE cote ox oz IRE Sn 8
some ut us in DO hie od Farly increases in personal in- on the final (¥ a Te cans SBE con 38c X.Y Pg
ye « Fen: 0 voluntary he hen BBE ne Fakes are unlikely that Infistion k i" SUNSWE SET LA Re P fe BIN ES hi 21 o Clie
espital insurance; | A | 0 Nn EL] a or A,
wold he the toughest of all Ther : . n Fo SN Cake a
i beds. particularly ir ubur- id : wre will be more talk than || \ 2 A ( CLUB SODA & \LE > Y
pal os Partin a 3 3 jou | medicine for Congress to swallow. effective action. Few believe the | ¥ BEY ER AGES - &
wp Te i aS; i a Tue 3 | Corporation taxes, however, are in significant change. either way. will [3 i” ASP. pas n st
ap 1 boost. The President will | ake place : kK a on
ment of aplanfor helping the n- =~ o.oo Lob of ace, 3 A 2.
digent. | HU is through ian €XCESS | There js one fact that should be ki ifts f i r family=-come in Sa
There are two particularly im- | profits levy, rather than an in-| kept in mind. Mr. Truman is ¥ @ Proviews of the most exciting toys and gifts for all you Y is
portant pheses to this. First of EO in the regular corporate | tledged to a big spending policy | §¢ and bring the children. 2 DAILY BRAND ise harrow
id i Rs ip {but he is also pledged to a bal- |} G speed fo
all, it is designed to give the legged to a bal- | fi SCRATCH & A 3 Sp
country better medical care than it | Sorial Secmrity | anced budget. To achieve this | 2 : . A Das M SH FEEDS with. two 12
fier 3 3 dor There will be more of it, and it | go2l, business must be kept oper- | 3 To 4 Are On Dis od n aily Laying Mash Allis Chal
now has. Secondly, it is design-| i. 4 | i 0 . - Ww
od todo # Grough voluntary | will cost misre Both the present | ating at a peak level as at present. | n Daily Growing Mash i Mn
meins ond mot through compulsion | F237 0% 2nd the wage fimit on | So, the Administration cannot af- | i§ All ready for you to make your selection. We suggest you shop Daily Scratch Feed Full: co
by the government. in other)" C0 tM tex is now levied will | ford fo step too hard on business. | a . . 25 bag
words it is based solidly on the | prebably be raised. Emphasis | It will probably attempt to main- | early, in the Toy department, to be sure, your particular oy 1s «3 ag $1.09 100 ib ba g $4.29 Ji D
srds, s ba 3 1 I will Be an Inteor tu fa] tide ie. Sie : FA |
principle underlies all real] will be on larger benefits for the | tain a difficult and delicate bal- there. ea] ”
old. Whether Congress will ac- | ance between more and more
progress m this ciuntry—iree ac- .
tion by free men to get a needed | cept other Presidental ideas such | government on the one hand
job: done. | Bs oe mpuisory government health | while seeking to keep enterprise
insurance, is tor doubtful as yet | reasonably happy on the other.

Wheel Goods

Dr. Rawl’s geal is to make volun- | to forocast | ie. "el Be N |
tary and ‘medical vare in- | 10 forecast. | Mr. Truman was heir to the New . “i 2 .
asia aug csv 3a | Wodk Peal ami in, He 1 oni] Wheel toys make a wonderful gift. You will find a good stock of : ;
the country. The vemakable| The President will want great | Wing it. Practically all the per- ¥ them at our store. fo {reos:
progress made by the various | in this field including sonalities have changed since he ef my 3
plans in the field in recent years power development, land conser- | (ook office and so have some of ° All « 8
vati an S y ‘ongre he policies. But the basic New
is proof that i can be done and | Vilion a d 0 on, Congress | ¢ pe 83 E Main S M un J P Wet
without putting a political bureau- | i'l give him part but not all of Deal ddeac ge still Shere wie 81 ® ® MER & SON inc : L. 9 t oY, 8 2 al 0
re- | feet which the President made | 9 e All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store in
cracy in 2 position of sweeping | What he asks. Other budget
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania
Mount Joy.
power ever “the prectice of medi- | such as national de-
cine. { fense, will have a strong bearing |
crystal clesr during his campaign, i
whether one likes it or not. Rl Ty TT rp.

Clevks: C. H
NO Hud)
