The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 18, 1948, Image 1

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    Sadie Hawkins Dey Dance, Friday, November 19, 1948 in High School Auditorium
Lions Club Plans |“ © 37 yo y EX 3 Persons Hurt
Minstrel Show | - Nn In Auto Mishaps
The Mt. Joy Lions Club held u Three pure i were dried I
their regular meeting at the home accidents Friday, including a six

vear-old Maytown boy who, State

| of Lester M. Mumma, Nov. 16th, }
The meeting was 100 percent at- Trooper John Golden i ge
swwervone brese she ’ > > y : [ struck | a automobile while
tended and everyone present spent | VOL, XLVIII, NO 25 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, November I8, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance Nis ors yo I Street
) 18 OVe o Vie -~
a very enjoyabl evening.

Lion Mumma felt that he should | ~ = Ya : enroute his grandmother's
GIRL SCOUTS GUESTS home. ‘The bov. Carl. Bender
rai the Lion's Club since | MOUNT JOY SAILOR STABBED | = [LOCAL MAN CAUGHT THIRTEEN N wt M p ' home. The boy, ( ;
gteviuin the aons Sian since | NA WASHINGTON HOLDUP : [RATS IN TRAP FRIDAY NITE eWLOWN Man FrOVeS [ar parry who lives with his grandmother,
is || One Day Earlier! |

his daughter won the television set .
Harold A. Stark, of this boro, Many of you know of the drives Mrs. Martin Metzler entertained | Mrs. Stella Way, N. Queen St,

they recently chanced off. !
After our regular business ses- | Was stabbed by a hold-up man in Sal 0 I . on rats which is now being conduct- Je S 0 arrier Sunday afternoon in honor of her | Mayvtown, was admitted to St.
sion we were served a very nice | Washington D. C. on Thursday e pens n [ Next Thursday, November 25.1} feq but would you believe it we have daughter, Kay, who celebrated her [Joseph's Hospital suffered a pos=-
luncheon, followed by a very en- [Night and is in the Bethesda, Md. | being a holiday — Thanksgiving || [a man right here in town who is| Georee Woskinzton when a oa eleventh birthday [sible concussion, internal injuries
’ | es p tain . | Thea . . wn} athe J
) ! joyable time spent watching and {Naval Hospital and is reported in a ounty ext ee — The Bulletin will be publish [| | warring against these rodents 365 i ut diwn his fathers che tee] Members of Girl Scout Troop 147, | and multiple abrasions
: De apitieal qo iti . av . with ‘his litile hatchet is nam :
listening to the radio television | Critical condition, The 2nd ' ed on (Wednesday. days in the year. He has a good : Ue hatch i | wid their leaders were the guests.| Pvt. Golden said the accident
| A rola y rene ervie 1e nd annua seals x . went don in nisto a \ l : ws iy i .
ers { set. { A veteran of five years service he in 1 > it Advertisers and correspondents || | reason, too. Nothing makes poultry | "1 ; y K y e included Winona Markley, | occurred as the boy was skipping
i » Air Am the ry sale will open in Lancaster city ais : } As . who could not tell a lie . .
The set worked to perfection and | the Air Arm of the Navy, Stark oF furs Thanks y please bear this in mind. jthrive and produce better than feed i ! “l : 1 Nancy Jo Detwiler Gail Shelly, | across N. Queen St, at 5:00 p. m,
ie > 3 ee y anc county auring 1anKsgiving : . 1 Ss on alr 1o take & 100K .
al the program was enjoyed and one | 1S the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Week I i lett tain in abundance and where there is i fell n is ' . |Jeanette Gruber, Joanne Brown, |e¢nroute to his home and was
: | Stark. 2 / > He eek when letters containing the | _____ . ly ancther fellow who cut down the :
nk that we will long remember. Stark, 211 Mt. Joy St. He was heet { th | 8 ved a — feed twenty-four a day. there are y ih : Gloria Ramsey, Kay Zimmerman truck by 1 auto driven by Oscar
> i rd wh - sheets o e seals are received " " cherry ree with his hatchet > y of > "
y of I am sure we all extend a hearty | stabbed in the stomach during a through the sad] I 50,000 1 | ATTENDED A PARTY AND bound to be rats. ; | Kitty Wittle, Sandra Darrenhamp | B. Leas, 30, N. River St., Maytown,
ny | struggle asta: 4 ails by 50, oca y . ' 1 .
rest vote of Thanks to Lion Mummy | Struggle with an assailant who rediients | WAS ROBBED WHILE ASLEEP Mr. Harry A. Darrenkamp, local [and Mary Katharine Schneider. The | Dr. Michael Gratch was sum-
: ed 1 ‘ma > ‘ \ iv ig siaents. : 1 $id
. or his enteric Ss the ‘ay he i ~ ‘ i. SAR & Bt | eodore uller, twenty-three, jcontectionier, has produced eggs as Headers were Miss err and ana aa stere -
ee for his entertaining us the way he | demanded that he give up his Theodore P. Buller, twenty-tl nfect has produced Miss E non nd administered emer
id | watch. Goal in the drive is $45,500. The i Flori tod : i
. | : T v a pe ‘ ars. J a- I s Barbara Ranck a é \
dic lof Florin, attendec yarty at the ja hobby for many years. Being a | Miss Bart Ran geney treatment and then ordered
a ue sal | When his parents learned of funds will be used by the T. B, . . ; | I hi ite
5¢C And now we want to call every- | : : : : ‘ [home of Harry Tweed, 663 Union [bout the only poultryman in the im- | Girl Scout colors, green and white | the child removed to the hospital
. t ho | the incident they left for the Na- | Society of Lancaster County in the | il . : . I
ones attention 0 the fact that | . on ork: of : ; St., Lancaster Saturday night. He |mediate vicinity, it seems every rat {was the color scheme used in the | 0 the Marietta ambulance,
pe We are going. lo. present aiioth | val Hospital immediately work of prevention and control of : : , fo
> are going Se another | a hi x ’ io | re to : ‘hile » was aslee y re 1 foe . t well . m wn
de he an er | — - tuberculosis in this area. reported that while he was asleep (knows just where to find good feed. table decorations as well as the Muck Upset - Two Hurt
instrel Show which wi » big- y Sop . war birth vik Xu :
9 9 aun ™ i i The society's program for the |" the second floor some one stole [And if Mr. Darrenkamp didn't war { bin thday cake Addison FE. Shue, 63. Manheim
ser and better a ast vear. the : 20 fan . Jer : “rey ‘ ' xt ov ona a a . oh . us -r
c ro dade Wav ot i ae { Brief News From coming year has the following 330 from his pocke thook. against the n they would eat more Games were played and prizes| R3 :nd his wife, Sadie, 56, were
: plans are 1 ay at the pre-| goals. Doris Witmyer, 18, of Manheim, [feed than his hens. won by Joanne Brown and Jeanette | admitted to the General Hospital
sent time and early next vear you :
Grube: after the pickup truck in which
' | 3 h Locate every case of tuberculo- | attending the same party, was rob- He uses the wire trap method of
can look forward to another even- : | 0 ‘ i ati ;
5 & 1 i a even e ilies or sis in the city and county by [bed of $13. depopulating the rodents and has Kay was the recepient of many | they were riding skidded and also
: : ) Yi
2 a 8 )C st Ow 8 S © rl a — —— | .
ing 1 good show sponsored hy { —— been quite successful On Friday {lovely gifts | overturned in a field along Route
{ |
| Others present included Mrs. | 72, north of Manheim.
Russell Chapin, Marlene Metzler, all
means of the mass chest x-ray
| bom, talent oe Ds resented by the Qui k R din SUSTAINED FRACTURED ANKLE [night in one trap he caught 13 rats
J 1 ) UIC éa re . 4 . . .
ions Club 9 doy, g Isolate every victim of tuber-| Benny Brown, son oi Geo. |some of which must have been Shue suffered injuries of the

; pa egy NS in 65,000 dock workers along the | culosis in order to stop the dan» | Brown, Vast Main En Brest grandparents, judging them jof town, and Mr. and Mus. Amos en and ribs, whi Mrs. Shue
. 5 Lukes Episcopal Church he | coast from Maine to Virginia ; gerous spread of the disease. | his ankle 2 the Playoff, wid i by their size On one previous oc- | Ginde: ind daughter, Barbara, of | suffered left clavicle and possible
Rev, Conon H, W. Becker. | went out on strike. ; Rehabilitate the ‘cured patients’ | ame at Hamburg the othe: day casion he caught nine and at anoth- | Elizabethtown internal Injuries, They were con=
{ fer: Will Speak BR muse lt | The bear season opened in Penna. aid the afflicted and his family. Benny is captain of the local er time eight. He Tet J yd to the hospital in the am-
1 rendered by the Boys Choir of | Monday and closes Saturday. Educ ite the public that tuber- i TTT Harry says the secret in catching : | SEVERAL BURGLARIES IN THE | a
) St Johns Chireh. Lan oe T'nomas C. Leisure from Hum- | culosis is a catching disease {them lies in using the proper bait, | BAINBRIDGE, MAYTOWN AREA |
—————— eee. melstown was killed when his The Christmas Seal Sale is hel M ior] in his case is ordinary scratch Hahn Sea ave | Two heaters and janitor supplies ° °
PLANS TO FORM AUXILIARY | motorbike collided With an auto. Duy fund-raising campaign made | S. S. Workers et feed. er eta ANDI 5 GELTMACHER | were stolen Wednesday nicht from Forty-Nine Pupils
Persons interested in a hospital jt Wn Holand Machine Co. y the Society during the year and | Jain B ag who cel- the Maytown Brethren in. Christ] .
4% Invited ta ated a he Te nse the ald Lancaster be Nor is not included in any | ‘Monday Evening HONORED AT PARTY ON Swated Ye Hi day Js prac- Church, according to a complaint Attain Honor Roll
ot he Fire House or FH. | Bir Grounds of 58 acres. i ie: local social agency program. NINTH BIRTHDAY - tically Ean mn oth eyes, cu | made by J. H. Hoffman the dea-
4 oclug. Nov. 161 - | Thomes huckey of Paradise | Tae seals will be sold only through | The Sunday School Workers A birthday party was held for | down his cherry tree It took the | con of the church, to State | Forty-nine pupils at Mount Joy
B fn, for te Pures: of foun eleven dead pheasants and Be. mail campaign and at a booth | Quarterly Conference was held Jeffrey Brian, son Mr. and Ms. [grand old gentleman about two Py t Rufus Williams, of the Co- |Hjgh School attained the honor roll
the Mt. Joy General Hospital Cn Saver hens and four cock birds 30 e opened later in the month at | Monday evening in the sanctuary of William Brian, who celebrated his Tun to Dage 2 lumbia sub-station investigated | for the first report period. Includ-
. flint. : eS on a pile in a ditch on Route 741 the City Post Office. [the Church of God with Joe Schaef- | ninth birthday on November 11. three other in the Bain ed are 8 on the A roll, with all “A”
nae | between Strasburg and Gap. They Contributions for the seals are |for presiding. The scripture was| Games were played and rofteshs | bridge and Maytown area marks, and 41 on the second list
3 had been shot. to be sent to the Tuberculosis [read by William Beamenderfer, Su- | ments served to the following: Book Week Observed Intruders stole a one-half horse- | ip, t least two “A” and no mark
Ww ddi Th Manheim will proper | Society of Lancaster, 600 Juliette perintendent of the Church of God Barbara Thome, Thelma Snavely, power motor and portable radio |}. th : “B” : j
e ngs ruout parking regulations. Motorists may | Ave, Lancaster, Pa. Sunday School, and the prayer was | Jeanette Angstadt, James Mumma, Mt J Hy h from the barn of Farl G. Myers jou ; ine gh
. no longer park bucking traffic. 1 YY; given Se nov Helwig, pastor of the | James Nissley, Jon Bender, Sandra I oy Ig Bainbridge R1, another one-half | On he oS a Se
Our Community — FOREIGN BODY REMOVED rc Kretzing and Jeffrey Brian. The! In observance of National Book |hoise power motor from milking |e" Mary Jane Krall, Ruby
| A. CLAIR HESS JOINS FROM A BABY'S NOSE The roll call was taken with the host received many lovely gifts. Ww SD November 14-20, the tenth, | Machine in the stable of Jacob Sam Dey iH Barbara Ranek, oan
D 1 P (RADIO DIPY STAPP Wook 13 months following church representatives yy eleventh and twelfth grade English | Fantom of Bainbridge R1 and a Ann Nissley, Shirley Eby and Con-
3c urmg ast eek Mr. A. Clair Hess, 1528 N. Karlov old daughter of Mr. and Ms. present, Bvangeliond four, Presby-! CARD PARTY AT THE pupils at Mt. Joy High School [electric razcr and janitors sup- ;
—. Ist. Chicago, son ‘of Me: and Mrs: Paiph Moose, 218 E. Donegal St. ceria none. United Bietren four, LEGION HOME made projects illustrating books plies from the E. Donegal ‘Twp.| Wi roi wi Clarke
J Lucille Huegel | A. M. Hess, Route 1, Mount Joy, has Sus hate Yd 4 of raw PO- | none, Lutheran none,| The American Legion Auxilary | they had read to encourage others | High School fa Lge tone Tis
a { Richard L. Hershey joined the staff of the Radio depart- ig Peimoved from Lier right NOS- | church of God nine, Methodist | Will hold a public card party on]to read the books. The projects > TT ; igioe Morsis: He Detwiler Sate
/ Lucille Huegel, 632 W. Chestnut | ment of the Moody Bible Institute vid of tie Covers) Hospital Mon- three. Calvary Hohe and the News Tuesday, December : in at pe have been on display in the hich [NAMED ON THE STAFF es Irene PR
St., Lancaster, daughter of Mr. and | in Chicago. Authoritics ge hie chi {town United Brethren two Legion Home, east o town r school this week Nelson Alexander, son of Mr. and v : R ol d = k id Fee i
Mrs. Norman Bender of Landisville Wr: Hous is o member of the Faire worities said the child put the | Following the roll icall there was nochle, 500 and Bridge will be Glenn Bailey, a senior, con- [Mrs. Paul N. Alexander, this boro, | ner, Ri ward Frank, ran
| 2 I'yndall, Marian Breneman, John
pieces of potato in her nostril while
her mother was preparing the
la vocal solo by Mrs. Paul Burger, played with two prizes to a table structed the cave in Huckleberry {has been named on the feature
{ ied > Rubv ‘Helwiz. The A turkey will be given as the doo
accompanied by Ruby Helwig > : » : = .
: E. | prize and tickets for turkeys will
and Richard L. Hershey, 4618 | field Ave. Baptist Church and has
Spruce St. Philadelphia, on of (worked as Director of Music there hoot. meal
: > . E al,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Hershey of | He has worked with WMBI since his a speaker for the evening was Rev
Maa . : | 4 : J | > § at the party
East Gramby St, Manheim were | graduation from the Institute in the D. Ehrig, pastor of the Evangelical be sold at the party ot
Jowman, Jerry Shupp, Richard
Tyndall, Nancy Brooks, Mary Grace
Bucher, Anita Myers, Beverly
Finn. It is very intricately made [staff of “The Microesm”, student
with pieces of slate cemented to- |year book at Dickinson College, |
I gether Inside, a fire has been |Carlisle, where he is a junio
: 3 ia : : -18-0t . : tll leer My
married A 1:00 p. m. Sunday in [class of April 45. He is now direct- Th | Church Mohnton. sand Proddent . : laid and i lights d by a Christmas Robert Gish, Robert Schneider,
Zion Lutheran Church Manheim |or of ensemble group, quartets, oth- e Loc ews | of the Evangelical Sunday School tree bulb The figures of Huck Farl Shell D I D ld
1 > > Twirl : : > as | sre ¢ON=- I y, Joris Linton, onal
with the Rev. J. F. Knittle officiat- [er musical groups and programs, and Keystone League of the Chris- | Deeds Recorded | and Jim, the negro boy, were cn Everything i hat | be 0 : ( ju! 1ton on 1
i . > home, Marlene Zimmerman ar-
ing. and sings in the Southland Songs For | he Past Week [tian Endeavor Federation structed of clothespins and then
isn Rutt, Clair Wagner, Genevieve


The bride wore a charcoal srey quar peinted lhe outside is covered |
al grey | quartet. In Rev. Ehrigs talk he stated that | SR t : ip
SS 1 i | . Nv ; h ever- e e { Zimmerman, Lucille Theme, Shir=-
dress wth grey accessovies and an ! Mr. Hess is murried and has one V B ° fl T | | | the problems of the Sunday School | E. S. and Mary E. Gerberich, with walnut sawdust Jin evel pp n | Zin ii 1 : € : fk
. sh > de ASX We o ) ley cedom, tober ‘rank, Jay
orchid corsage She was attended | child. ery rie y 0 today must be dealt with in a dif- | Harrisburg to Gerberich-Payne fioen. sprigs stuck I TO - ms xy
To As rt roy a. Ca Pt a R tl | Barnhart, Charles Rovenoit, Shirley
" Adan ath -— A grand fathers clock was sold | ( Turn A Page 2) > | Shoe Co., Inc, Mt. Joy, lot on | : orn ecen y Wade Richard Nissley Dorothy


tron of ‘honor. Mrs. Adams wore | gApIE HAWKINS DAY for $490 at Conestoga Saturday ee North Side of Main St, Mount Joy.| Ruby Helwig, another senior, fia : lod lene Sol lap
an aqua dress with black accessor- |p FRIDAY NIGHT Leopold Burger, 65, Paradise | scou T LEADERS MEETING | Ea N. and Daniel M. Wolge-imade cay figures and dressed) Mr. and Mis Chas. Kravhill of | Yassick Darlene Schneider; (Reet!
jor ane 3 gardenia corsage Ri- | The Junior Class of Mount Joy | killed when Strack yom Hi at WAS HELD HERE TUESDAY | rah, East Donegal Twp., to Levi them as the characters in The; York, forme rly of this plac n- | Fish, Patsy Scholl, Charles Muyer
chard E. Adams served as best [nigh school will sponsor the Sadic the Lincoln Hichway car on Scout leaders meeting was held jo and Hattie B. Kopp. Est Done- | Rob Sam Doc k, a junior, il noticed the birth of a r,
nan. Hawkins’ day dance on Friday. No- | home. | her last Tuesday and the following |, al Twp. a tract with premises | lustrated Hervey Allen Toward | Kathleen, on Monday, November | 57TH ANNIVERSARY
Following te ceemony a re- { vember 19th from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m Theives entered three gas sta- {officers were elected: chairman. R Wood Street in Florin { The Morning by using plaster oll15 at the York hospital Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, New
gaplion was hed in the home of the it the high school stditoriom a tions and an ice cream Farlor {Rutherford, Elizabethtown: vice | Robert S. F ry, Elizabethtown to | Paris to make the Show founda-1 wre Harry: Leodom. Wood Stree Haven street, quietly celebrated
bridegroom; Music for by Hal Douglas Lancuster Friday night. | chairman, Frank White, Manheim; 2 ed G. and Caroline B. Cotton Qu to page = has been confined to bed with il their fifty-seventh wedding anni-
Jean Pearl Hauenstein and bis orchemits. Bros Tome 4 hunks LN a Parl Mh pele M1 AIR RAID SIREN ote. Ald Society rons al thal ors on Friday:
: TEV Wi — her arm amputated below the elbow
4%. Paul Glenn Stehm: i amputatec aki
: Sieh district commissioner, Harry
| . ’ ys NOW A FIRE SIREN Church of the Brethren twenty
; fter i as caug in ¢ slectrie | and Warren M. and Mae Z. Weiser ut rethren, y
Miss Jean Pearl Hauenstein. the after it was caught in an electric
| . , sire has > { un wwe en-
* daughter of Mr. and El Campaign For washing machine. | Beptzel Manheim | Mount Joy Twp. to Otto and Ber- | 4 Loan Te 2 I i 4 io i fu ig > hw orga? Record
i G H uenst gs i i ge Betty Adams, 20 Manheim, had a! Representatives on the Lancaster | ta Florschutz, E-town, small farm been converted to peace-tin ¢ leral hospital on Tuesday to
£ ¥ iauenstein, andisville ang Bm, N a | . On ci a in Ironville Camp Hill Cemeter As
; . . heasant bone removed from her | County Boy Scout Council from the | containing 20 acres 67 perches, 14 an
Paul Glenn Stehm: nol. WN pheasan ren rom r I ret Fit
x Mi oy he i a I Hos ital Fund throat at the General Hospital Chickies District include: R. Ruth- acres, 1343 perches, Mount Joy Now mounted on a 60 foot tower to thank everyone whe rou ou is
and Mrs, Clayton Stehman, R - hoki bs Splial. { just south of the village, the siren |.q

hi 1 }
———— — erford and O. Swanger of Elizabeth- | Twp. J or contributed to the su
sil (Turn to page 4) [ seer tll Uren warns the community cf fire and 1 3 ] H it
! ; y = ‘ 3 © { ( 1 € food sale held Saturday.
i et Wrasse t Lancaster TWO PERSONS INJURED AS town, C Gerberich of town, F. = erin: Sattiedas to mark the dari : GAL n ve a 1 Vv
A A "F "QU x ‘ Shaub of Manheim, and N. Algiers | Trinity Lutheran Church to present | 3 EVEL) mull igri Mrs. Paul Schmuck, Mi loi C mT
MR. ANTHONY WARTA SPOKE AUTO HITS STALLED CAR ; al © Calas ; [ noon hou aso and son John of A M: aged Sh a
m T 7 ann eee | A campaign to build an all new ; Were inure hen | Of Rohrerstown. Special Christmas Music i BIC Son Ceol of Annvil Washingt'n Boro Sunday.
J AT ROTARY LUNCHEON TUES. bag : Two persons were injured when ; firemen installed = # lps John Hudson and son. Torun | te ik
re | St. Jose ite g yp ST srashed i > rear obi = : fr : : =! M i t 75, at
The weekly luncheon of the Ro- | i“ ox a Bao ; got Langu j their auto crashed into the real Of | proce ====1] early this yem It was orginally {nd daughter. Linda. of Lebanon, | -. : Cro it » 8
tary Club was held Tuesday noon Way sunday 1 Whsh {a stalled car on the Lincoln High- fastened to the roof of the fire- {spent Wednesday with Mi nd Mi Mar 4 ; ie
t Hostetter | thousand workers in the Catholic [yy (yest. Co unit Thanks vin ¥ house I n the property | i 5 Ida Sheaffer Hauler, 62, wife of
a stetters { mim g louse-—a garage ¢ roperty | Benj. Kauffman tsi
} 5, \ : | war Hauler fror a
J The classification talk was given form Prise” sathered i Moose Marjorie L. Berrier, nineteen, | y . mr g of W. Luther Ulrich, vice presi-] wm and Mrs. Martin Lisains and wd B. Hauler from Marieli
{ Hall for an address b 1 Mos SE i { 1 ‘ Mrs. Mart Lig and | 4. Friday
by Mr. Tony Warta, who spoke on | ial a 2a ye ign | Elizabethtown R2, secretary of Service dent of the volunteer five company Mr. ond Mrs. William:Brian and i
the history of Textile and explain- | hi County Superintendent of Schools | They had reports from Mount | can Joffrev stent Stred Phi i
: | J. C. D. Bishop of Harrisburg. lA. P. Mvli mitted ' 16. St Tov. M; areal oN Spent olinday a ala Betty Anne Leas
ed the type of work being done at i division started. solicitations vlin, was a mitte o St. NL a Ii I Joy, Marietta and Landisville that | visiting “friend : y AIR fant dangles
the Mount Joy Mills. on Std ot be Hospital with head injur- ||| Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church [[}i can be heard there and is even |“ pr and Mae. Gone, Mumper Sr a a
: 0 e atholic families in e ts brie As (x IE sien dis £ Mia el No ). and Evelyn Rei-
Cc At the next Tuesday meeting the county Monday. Later. . in ithe flee ya 3 Myers a ye a” a who lives spent Armistice day with Mr. and | Less. 138. River St, Mave
; C i » featured. i y ersville, driver o e car in south of Mountville Tri :
ot 4 Bo pon Club will be featured at | campaign every wage-earner and ‘hich che was riding, suffcred brust Wednesda Y, Nov. 24, 1948 at 7:45 p- M. {Mrs. J. B. Eschbach tow! bor early Sunday
which lite 4-H members will industry and business will be ask- ¥ he mae p | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and and died within a few
bring dressed Capons which will be ed to give so that a new 3,000,000 2 ee Poli é Michael Batutis ( id % r Week's Birth Ree nord ro on She ham
2 judged and prizes awarded. dollar St. Joseplt's: Hospital dan be! : ite Policeman _ Michae atutis | Gloria Patri : i Turn io age 2 archi la randparents, Mr. and
Plans for Ladies night have been : said Myers was driving east when | I vocation Rev. I. D. Ziegler : NT so conan :
= realized. ; . 1 | 5 | I Mr, and Mrs. Ivan "Woldemutlh. | uu cies : 3) W 1 Frvin Leas Vlaytown and
made for November 30th, when Mr.| ropa first report meeting for the his car ran into the rear of a stalled | hanksgiving Proclamation Mary Jane Hoffer: a1 M t Jou St 6:34 FURKEY SUPPER NOV. 20 AT i father, George
: : 3 { yi 1 “" 31 Mo Joy Street, a son at 6:3 Sree AY fe 5
David Perry, secretary to the Gov= | catholic Parishes Division will be Auto. Miss Berrier was thrown into Hymn 1, "O Worship the King gs : x ro te LANDISVILLE FIRE HALL R
ernor, will speak. at 8:30 p. m. this Sunday, when the windshield. Sterner was at a A Poem "We Give Thee Thankd' Shirley Wad NH PUNY 3 Josh Hes | Ladies Auxiliary of the Landis-|
k ne . . Bre ay, : v it
mre —— all the campaigners will gather in telephone calling for a tow- Scripture Lesson of Praise emd Thanksgiving (Unison) Mr. and Mrs Feank Eehel ¢ Ville Volunteer Fire Company, will | nyo Lizzie B. Musser
re bain . : ria yn ry pe. - Te I a Mrs, Frank Esheiman o . «
NEW LUNCH ROOM HFRE Moose Hall to go over the week's 8 car . Prayer Hymn 3, "For the Beauty of the Earth Landisville, a daughter at 5:32 a.m, 8 turkey dinner at the Fire | pp, B. Musser, 70 widow
A new lunch room will be opened | gyccesses. Bernard M. Zinmmer=! uy The P rayer : Wesley Boyer at fe Gore |Hall, Landisville on Saturday, Nox f Jacob H. Musser. Salunga, died
: : : TWO MORE YOUNG MEN The Scripture Less Sunday at te. General Hospi 0th { 1:30 to 8:
Saturday, November 20, by J M. man, President of the Advisory FEN x Ahk In pture Lesson 2 Mr. and Mrs. Merle Herr. Lan- 20th from; 4:30 to 8:00 p. m t her home at 2 a. m. Sunday af-
Biesecker at the rear of 14 N. Mar- | Board of the Hospital has stated ENTER THE SERVICE Offering (The Thanksgiving Offering will be sent through disville, a daughter at 2:10 7 : ; A Philco 5 cu. ft. Home Freezer | jo; an illn of three days She
T : : ~ . ' rt 5 , a daughter : 2 y, m 1 1 [ three days. She
ket St. this boro. Delicious ham- | that with the fine support offered i Two young men from this locality Church World Service for Overseas Relief). Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital AH51 will be awarded night of the |... daughter of the late Henry
. vy : : ay Joseph's OF al. 4 J
C burgs andl hot dogs will be a special- | the campaign so far, it may be have entered the service of Uncle The Offertory = . a Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Oliver from | and Susan Baer Bender
ty. | possible to wind up the division's Sam. James Gainor, twenty-three, The Anthem " "To God Give Thanks By the Church Choir Mt. Joy HI, a daughter yy [a member of the Salunga Church
————— | (Turn to Page 4) of this boro and Eugene Dunk, lhe Sermon: "Abundant Living The Rav. James F. Mort [ll gi joceph's Hospital FAT COLLECTION NOV. 27 of the Brethren. She is survived
SALE OF SEWED ARTICLES | pr hf : (twenty-three, son of Mrs. Sufvillia p { Modiian Pastor Mt. Joy Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heiseyv. Mt. | Saturday, Nov. 27 the Girl Scouts | by two children, Lloyd B., Mt. Joy
i . : 2 pr A ‘ QTC + i canal ; : y i \¢ 4 ds 1 y A a
Re Ladies Aid Society of West Green MAIL MESSENGER RESIGNS , Dunk, Florin. He served as a pri- rayer aa 2ditation : . i Joy Rl, a girl at St. Joseph's Will make their house to house calls | R1 and Ruth, wife of Galen Bush-
| eo} : : y \v Name 4 ed 4 n :
Tree Brethren church will sponsor | Aaron H. Metzler, West Main St. vate in the Quartermaster Corps in Hymn 33, Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name Hospital Monday | for used fats | ong at home and five grandchild-
a sale of various sewed articles at (has tendered his resignation as a the war, and recieved his discharge pe gh Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stoner, 225 | Collections will start at 8 a. m. | ven.
¢ the J. B. Hostetter Store, Saturday, | mail messenger at the U. S. Post after 89 days. He is employed in a oxology W. Main St., Mt. Joy a daughter at Please have containers ready when | Funeral services were held in
Nov. 20th, starting at 12 o'clock. | Office here, due to ill health | chocolate factory. =e! St. Joseph's hospital, Wednesday, the scout calls at your home. (Turn to page 3)