The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 11, 1948, Image 5

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© THE CHILDREN OF TH Parents and friends, as well as CALVARY YOUNG PEOPLE | THANK OFVERING SERVICE | Tho Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 11, 1948—5
1 CHURCH FESTIVAL all others interested, are urged to urc otes PURSUING COURSE OF STUDY |AT LUTHERAN CHURCH a

| for 4 attend this Festival on November 14. Som. Eleven young people from the| The Thank Offering Service of CHILDREN OF THE doing, will feature the pageant.
The children of Trinity Lutheran J a Mrs. Daniel Moore and Mrs. Wim. | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL [ Zee Bible Church have enroll- the Women's Missionary Society of CHURCH FESTIVAI Cars will leave the church at 2:15
Sunday School are rehearsing for 1.0.0.F. INSTALLATION Witmer are on the sick list. | THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | ed with the Moody Bible Institute | Trinity Lutheran Church, here, p.m. for Elizabethtown. The
the Child of the Church Festival | The officers of Mt. Joy Lodge | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelim wher AND THE ENTIRE SUR- of Chicago in a Bible Study Course held on Sunday afternoon, Nov, 7 The children of Trinity Lutheran | dren shall bring their Children of
to be Sunday afternoon, Nov. No. 27, 1.O.0O.F. will be instal- | visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farlow ROUNDING COMMUNITY. | entitled “Scripture Memorizing for | will long be remembered as a day Church will zestet iy the presenta. he Church boxes on Sunday morn=
14, at 3:00 p.m., in Christ Lutheran | led on Tuesday evening Nov. 16th |at H peland, and Mr. and Mrs. — a Successful Soul Winning! The | of privilege by all who attended tion of the Children of the Ct i ling, to Sunday School
” _r "pe a oa . | { . y on « © uiaren y ¢ 8, ay © .
er Church, Elizabethtown. The chil-|at 7:30 p.m. in the lodge Hall. |Ralph Kieth at Brunnerville Sun- Church Of God | course is to be taught by Mr. Al«| Fast and West mingled in Chuist Festival. “There's W oy ‘ol ho i
dren of these two Luthren Church- | Christ H. Herr Jr., Sec'y. requ sts | lay wo CF g m Shelly, a graduate in this | ian love and friendliness as o oy 3 haf i 0 he ONS A
Tin on | tl : i | 7 + Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor . : ) | A on ie 8 OU, Others’ at Christ Lutheran MARRIAGE LICENSES
Trinity, Mount Joy, and Christ, | that you attend. | Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Foglesanger of November 14 course, as well as a graduate of | local members heard Miss Alice! Fede | a
: es | em Vey : Nove : ¢ : Church, Elizabethtown, on Sunday | Laverne Mumma, Elizabethtown
LITE Elizabethtown, are joining in the | Wrightsville were Sunday guests of ( a.m, Sunday School of the Bible Institute of Pa. Mr. | Zachariah, a native Christian nurse : ok Yi ‘3 ’ MurohviRheeins
- lu . . . . I | hy . ‘ ‘ 4 altternoon at thre y clock seenes Rl, & Jac » » urpny,
presentation of this Festival. | 38TH ANNUAL CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Shelly is. presently enrolled as a | frm India, tell how Christian mis- bir tl hicl p road ol go rin, and
9 vas x | 1 . deseribing 10 work The ne . uller,
3 Scenes depicting the work the| Members of the Lancaster County | Mrs. Fmma Givens and Mrs. Em- | Sermon: “Church of God. Advance” | 8raduate student in the Lancaster sions had influenced her life. On Childrer { : cl : i hi wh Pat As pt Q baugh. Lancaster
- . : : : a Qn 1 mY - "™ dren of the offerings are | Patric Saurbaugh, Lancas .
Children of the Church are doing | Supervisors and Auditors Associa- | ma Garber and Robert Givens olf 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship School of Theology Fhe class is | phaned at the age of ten, she wa ba i cla we
through their Children of the [tion will hold their 38th annual |Middletown, Mr. Paul Strickler, s, mon I'h Blood Offering for still open for more folk why may | cared for by the missionaries and
NDALI Church boxes, are a feature of the |convention on Nov. 22, in the Greist ! Mrs. Joseph Strickler of Mt. Joy and | Sin” be interested in this course of [trained in mission schools and is
hula festival. | Building at L ancaster. Mrs. Mary Longenecker of Eliza- | Wednesday tudy now an instructor of nurses In t 4.
L z zz rem — === | and Mrs. Mary Mahan, of 1:00 = 10 Class in Christian Bd= me Kugler Hospital, Guntu Indi I ul 1 i S
: Columbia, visited Mr. and Mrs. D.!yeatio Anvone who wishes to| THE REV. HAROLD FIFE | where she is working with Mi
ICA] . A. Mcore during the week come is very welcome ON RETURN ENGAGEMENT Sarah Snyder, formerly a member F
| nip of Trivity in this ho — PF Or—
WO Great Services Mrs. Bertha Picfer of Millersville 6:45 p.m, Junior Choir Practice The Rev, Harold Fife of London rinity in this boro.
wy 3 a Ars Samue ni ‘olli
formerly of Newtown is caring for 7:30 p.m Prayer Meeting and | England who recently spoke to an Mrs. Samuel Harnish, Cellist,
1 . . i » i Fic 1 ) d X ) - -
wr Mrs. Moore during her illness. Bible S‘udy using film to sce and | appreciative audience in the Cal- | Pay “Widmung by Dyvi L Poy ‘ ~
Anna Myers and Mary Fitzkee of Letter understand the Holy Bible. vary Bible Church, is returning to | and Arioso by Bach in on I I ut Ca LCS
The i eve a H rold Fif | Mount Joy, also visited the Moores 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Practice. | this church again on Monday and ; leasing Sb Hei » accompanied by
wa AC ren a ! e . A birthday party was given in Coming! Rev. Gable. Florin E.| Tuesday Nov. 15 and 16th. He | "© Js hand, .
oe ye Ey al : i Life memberships were present Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Citron, Pineapples, Mixed
EE LONDON. ENGLAND honor of Victor Fogie's 65th birth- |. B. Minister w t the Mount | has been ministering throughout | M \ El .
{ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | joy Church God Saturday. Nov. | Canada and the United States 8 to : Iss SH I i ta Le Fruit, Cherries.
a. 1 { rch ) el nother vil Ol
AYS BIBLE EXPOSITION AT ITS BEST George Schelkoph on Saturday eve- | {3 1948. Sco tl Jay. during these two months passed, 1 ; by oo ! i hy i
: OE, the mart Jepa ne Av at
EE ! ? >. ning. Those present were: Mrs. Roy | perform. Everybody invited. ard is able to return to Mb Joy] Ly Stork Soh a SWIKFTS BOMBERGERS
) Gephart, Mrs. Wavne Young, Mrs. these two days only in one of the oi tn for het

i ¥ service as teacher ar ecreta mn Dien 1 >
AYS MONDAY, N V. 7:30 P. im. Reuben Swords, and child, Mus St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1 st Conferences in which he will ly : 1s teacher nd gr ! I remiuinm Hams Lebanon Bologna
: nil department; and to
Anpa Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
arlton N. Jones. Pastor be heard before returning to Lon silica te : : John : ; 1s
At heme of Mr & Ars. Roy Shelly Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fogie and | Sunday. oo oy fies don, a igs Ye Won gr Shoe Center Slices Ib O5¢ Sliced 7/2 lb 38c¢
: : laughters, Carrol and Kay, Mr. and | 95th Sunday after Trinit Ee TE.
MILTON GROVE (Yrangportation Provided) a Dt am Lriniiy The Reverend Harold Fife, London, | Service to the congregation inf whale Hams lb 69¢ Whole Bologna Ib 69c
Mrs. Edw. Crowl and son, Jimmie 9:30 a. m. Church School.
; ae Mrs. William Witmer. Miss Ruth 10:45 2. m. Holy Communion and Bn land will be conducting x twos for the visa! ciucition re hy
Witmer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garner, [Sammon day Bible Confererce. Mr. Fife is driv R progran FOR TENDER MASTERSONVILLE STORE
of the church
99 Ee
y y ster Fogie, Mr ‘'m. K. Fo- 10: 4% y Srho h the } ¢ f those unusual Bible teachers : : : . .
in TUESDAY, NOV. 16 - 7:45 P. m. a be ) di R wy ut Wit- |g isa Nun Poop: In Y that in ry es ee ee A social hour followed the 7 Light-as-air Pie Crust Log

providing the use of his projector

darvin Rodgers, Jean Sunrocm of the Rectory. : Hi vice at which time n buffet huwch-
. mer, Wally Bergstine and Mr. and preauce. is messages are charac- |
| : : chi eon was served by the women of Pi ree & Bi
Calvary Bible Church — Mt. Joy jis Comedia Hepler. Tomei Sone. Chiat, HY Sri spiro] depth | 200 om sereed 49 te won, ol Sn, & wi
i = L. Dallas Ziegler, Pastor and evidence profound scholarship hot VI : I | | SOD Ly (| A Men's & Boys
5 SANE | 3 m atlas weg y LAS (Bh adv. els ~~ i Py VI1SS ariah made a K ai”
C1 SUvMy PASTOR I Inspirational Sunday, November 14 . oS is Tene Te )- Lad : flower garland with which dae | Pi IE Rus | = sf Suk to
. n. 9 . ~ 2:30 p.n sday-—Ladies Pray- v ¥ -
Ir id % | The next dreadful thing to a bat- | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 1. Pray lsarlanded the ‘pastor. She ex- = 1 Tc HIGH-POWER AMMUNITION
- ps 1
r Meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl | . { ll - N

tle lost is a kattle won, 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship plained the significance of this cus- A :
agi Duke of Wellington [and sermon. Rev. I E. Johnson, | Myers. [ice wnt told how Sie wire privil- sd 7 30-06 High Power Rifles
Cuest speaker . eged to garland Di Franklin ~~ 7) z
. There will ! ) ning services 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting. Clark Fry, President of the United ~~ 30-30 22 HORNET
: Qu ality Meats Sunday, November 14. Lutheran Church, during its con- So Quick, So Easy! 32 Winchester, 9mm Luger ed
Buy Your Sin le B. B. . Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Newtown Good News | vention recently. A display of i do Resi .
3 ALSO 1.39 | Yeung People will meet. Club Miss Betty Shelly teaching. | fine lace, made by the widows of TRY GOOD LUCK nm R2 eminglon
Shot Gun Now A PULL DIE OF Wed 1esday he E M and Mr. | India wa on display. Music wa Lemon Pie Filling | 410, 20, 16, & 12 Ga. Slugs
8 UNC :
} 7:30 P. 1 Praver Meeting hn Henry Brubaker in charge. provided during the ocial how

Sunda November 21 Coming events: November 24th. | hy Misses Nancy nd Pauline CHASE AND SANBORN HUNT CLUB
7:30 p.m. The Annual Thank-of- |The Revereni Dr. John G. Bremen. | Brooks, cn the piano and marim- ~
fering Il be held. Mrs. David John | Since 1926 Dr. Bremen has been a | ba. Instant Coffee Dog Food
from Nigeria, We Africa. will be | Missionary among the DYAKS, the ow
speaker. ¥ | Headhunting Wild Men of Borneo; THE WEATHER ! 4-07 Jar 39¢ 5-lb bag 63c¢
St. Mark's of Malaya: The ORANG LAL Y, 1 The following is a brief summary MOUNT hl MASTERSONVILLE
Evannclieal United Bretton Natives of the Netcetit | yp 150) from prone 278 MANHEIM 210M
Lr anck, Pe Islands, as well as other races of]
Ezra 1. Ranck, Pastor Islands, as well a t Novernher 3 to Tuosd

sep 30 tf


West Mai

A - | : > l ay Noven he Fr
} Sunday, November 14 the Netherlands East Indies, now 9h - 0 3 2
Let Us Haul Your Popiltry Direct | SUPPORTS) 00 an. Sunday cho own ts Indonesie. Dr. Bremen Hh
jp \ 10:15 a. m. Morning worship, will be speaking on the subject, Lowest: 31 (3th)
¢ for Abdomen oe | . Seyi? 2 ‘ OWES 2. ADL)
~ A 4 6:30 p.m Youth Fellowship | “Delivered From Death, an’ ac- an ra
>> Back and B fi : Highest: 77 (6th).
= \= ¥ on ax ane 7803 meeting; Joyce Garber will be the [count of his experiences in a Jap- Aveiade . pa
/ SA Dgfigned, cut, leader nese Horror Camp in Java, where Coie. i roti to. dete: 21 — eee
\_ Xo ma just for you! a. sv Po anivg : ' : in; 3 ; RG OWES lis moi o date: 3
P i G. M S yr NL ° ! 3 pm. Evening Worship he was sentenced to death and to: Highest this month to date: 77, 1 ¥y
al Umma on / ashion and Wednesday tured and starved for three years. Type of sather WN
— Ih Suppor: ZL iY 1 Ca = 4 < hig ype of weather
ELIZABETHTOWN R 1. { mT Th \ a : pports. 7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer Meet- | You will not want to miss this mes- Cloar dave: ]
Phone E'town 171 or 13 Phone town 34535 \ | § Doctors’ ing. age illustrated by colored slides. | Cards clowdy dave: 1
J df | y lay
Aq prescriptions Thursday _— Cloudy days: 5 SEWING
re = eee = 6:30 p.m. Loyal Sons Ck B Mount Joy Metnodist Church Dave with fantail 4
: juet, served by the Dorcas Societ Mount Joy, Pa. Sarometer
° jit, served. ut Joy. Pa, ~~ | Baromete More and more women
; in the church cial room Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor | Lowest: 29:72 in. (6th :
+ erie ence inters oe yn Lohan Friday Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. Highest: 3045 in. (Sth are making their own
A? Elizabethtown Ri Phene 31552 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. inday, November 14 Lowest this month to date: 29.72 clothes
- 9:30 a.m. Church School. Highest this month to date: 30.45 .
SE —— First Preshytertan Church a r Q e 1 dal
10:30 a.n Worship Service and Precipitation 8
| B E N N F T ? §. er 1 Ac Metro Yai Nursery Music by Junior and Sen Total rainfall: 1.9 in NEW AND USED
i ——— - day, November 14 oa : nN ' : Wi { y NG
| TT’ Co ST or Jn aly smh feng I SEWING MACHINES
1 : ist Ba mR Te 11:30 a.m. Cars to leave Church | Tgtal this menth to d 1.68 in.
i L Oo ‘A WwW Kr (0:45 arn. Morphing Worshin. "Ou lam. for Immediate Deliv
i 10:45 Morning Worship 1 : seting do ery
7 esta rant {for Men Missionary Mass Meetin ad }
i TELEPHONE Faithful God t First Methodist Church, German- |v mR : 5 id
i Ero 150-32 FLORIN, PA. La G30 par. Feliswdip [20 Mead hurch, German- yup ERGATAN S. S. CLASS ® Repuirs for all pfakes of Sewing Machines
! NT 8-26-t1 45 EAST BAIN ST. Phos Nu Ie Locker tewn at 3:00 p.m.. HELD COVERED DISH SOCIAL

Also following Morning Worship 1


he Ergatan Sunday School Ci * We pick-updind deliver anywhere
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship : } in in Scho | y
Service will be a meeting of Visit 11
u Saturday Christ in the Foreground Den AR held a covered disl cial at th Tom, Paid for Used Singers
ind members of Of
Monday tl






Dinner served and 5 to 8. Wednesda ng Committee ar home of Mrs. Ear] Mumma on I
mara ficial Board 1 November 9th - .
> ol — 3:00 p.n Vien Club Meetin ic, aikido bi
3 Remode eo 0 Ci S d Miss Lois Carber wl pent ; Monda The class decided to hold their Sewing Machine Sales & Service
2 di ) ig me Tn eee “Advance for Christ” Meeting at pine p the home of Mrs
OSs un ays months. in Biron took many. 1 i Civic Christmas Party the hon f Mrs J. V. BINKLEY
ARY 1 Your Bathroom = me Bin IS Ly ae and 20 fn. Ir YR | core ae Sen sot BY ere us dis
SPECIAL FRIDAY SATURDAY [IPOS biclu Ive an il" ltown Methodist Church. Bishop | ior 18 at 6:30 b.1 INE 216-J 1il N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN
id 7 $2 00 lecture af the meeting It Fred P. Corson and others as speak- Pr nt 1 1, 7 1 Zeller Jetty
. will be Ladie Night and refresh- escent were HE —— ——
a Now ® Breyers Gallons ments will be served i 4. {Hou he re i v te Wi
| esdaay { . \ 3 < { : » ,
| - n aa | eh lam Auker, Hannah dSweigart, Haz- LHI LETHE ITIL Dds HTT
Get rid of the old style fixtures ald si@t to enjoy a completely | BREYERS ICE CREAM Donoal Chivch West District W.S.C.S. Meeting | | gponk, Hilda Weidler, Kathryn x 3
modern bath. New design, Easy to §leang Beautiful. BULK AND G AL LON S oe ey a at Bryn Mawr at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 | no Mary Graybill, Anna S / 2 3
Payments To Suit you. Take Morghs 80 Pay. First Payment if rrr Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor p.m. EYE Nv Grace Hawthorne. Lol NN y 3
Due November Fist ! SS : = | November 14 ain y PY n° et Newcomer, Larac iwihorn a > ’ 2 =
: ol A di on 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal |; nreMullen, Thelma Eshelman S 4 SI v S
y | : { 930 am. arch School o 4 ies i ry = i J [pen x
PLUMBING — HEATING = OIL BURNERS | no teases the Church. Kathryn Mumper, Mrs. A. P. Stov S Of fe on 3S
| = = == mer rity Tatteran Chnieh Wednesday er, Elizabeth Hassinger, Myrtle R 777 . Ant 9 RB
| 3 gS pL > 7:30 p.m. Women Society will Mourer. Hel Schroll. Mae Wike 3 MM — S
Y \ $ Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor . . . Mourer, Helen Vac Wiker x A 2 SX
n 5 N ¥ { ; i A A a meet at the Church and Maude Schroll / J AM BN
9 A Oy yr ir 7:30 p.m. W.S.C.S. will meet at are 3 Z 4 bow ne 3
| Moy am, shoo ‘the home o Spittler. : x NLT Z , 3
| PHONE MOUNT JOY 91-J2 Mount Joy | | 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, | h f Mrs Guy Spittler Esther Shenk 3 chil 3
! | / : : wursday : x
| / 3:00 p.m of the Chu 1 . lichard Ruh! IN A
re prem — | i LS 3:00 { Children of t ( : 7:80 pn Praver Sotvice and I i : 3 y. 3
A ES Festival a Chri Church Niza= | : ! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Shenk, Mt 85,
0 7 ies Sree Pon Bible Study I Re srr rs A reine at Si! Ls
Wi | MN 3 t Hoy a — JOy \&, «< 1 ui La ry 11
( | er / 700 p.m. \ ers, their daughter, Esther, to Richard
Hi - WHA i - i lo | uyers 0 Thesd PR : Glosshrenner Evangelical Rubi. son of Milton Ruhl. Schiel
( i . Ye d ny x aid ul S501 ) WN on wuni chaei
{ io . DOP United Brethren Church ‘ . Pavme | TOs
4 Sil Cl (45 I Women Viissional ferstown, Saturday at 2 p. m. in th ayment ol mmterest on
| ; | DRAPES SLIPCOVERS O irs, Clvd Jokn H. Gable, Pastor Evangelical United Brethren chi checkingaccountsinany
1 i BLANKETS CURTAINS I % : al Brill. The Leader is Mrs. Oscar Sunday, November 14 here, the Rev. E. H. Ranck offici sured bank 1s prohib-
{i te ©! Internationa Sturt 9:30 a.m. Sunday School th ited by law or regula-
! fl { Sterlin ve not been raised. 7:00 p.m. Catechetical class at: Hi 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship The bride is in the of- tion. The reason 1s that the bank can pay
! - 1. Catech lass h ide i p {il
Lue, { tl You ¢ still get beautiful parsons 4:00 pm. Junior Christian of the Pennsvivamia Powe 1 terest on deposits only out of earnings
i i There is no shrinkage { International Sterling Silver for Wednesday leavor Lizhi Co. here and the hridertodh from the investment of those deposits. In-
: ( Slipcovers fit ! the same price you paid several 930 ps. Yom Latics: Bibi 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship I enonzed Tn feria: Tie cour asmuch as checking account funds can be
Colors shine anew years ago! Class at the Parish House 71 Evening Worship is spending a honeymoon in Florida withdrawn on demand, cash reserves must
: ) ba ; : "mm i we le rE ( nee y rawals wofar
i Blankets are fluffy and soft ly a scientific: For example? a 6-picce place : Puesd: Cie j and Kentucky. he | ree His ! ; « ! Whar awals, Bu re fore
i i ally controlled tumbler can make them. setting in most International The Calvary Bible Church Ww. Bi nor Jenene yy sntaller atid Lhe as or Jor Hl es
3 ( oT : patterns for less th Rev. C. 1. Summy, Pastor veanesda Wil.L, GIVE HIS EXPERIENCE © LUC ok 1C xrioa snorier.
slippage, fading and other dangers. terling patterns for less than 7.00 1 Drove Sap vie
1 | No yarn slopes 9 yl Hi $23.00. Just one more reason to § | Mr- E. M. Wolgemuth, Supt. 7:30 p.m., Midweek Prayer Ser- MEETING FATHER DIVINE
i $23.00. . ) eason 1 a : oe. nt re en :
l WHERE i see our distinguished collection Vic Rev. Marshall Winger of S ®
y w= | . . 00 rT an da who conaucung 1 ad
- of International Sterling Silver. 5 wl . = EL .
» ) | ( Gods . Newtown meetings at Mt. Pleasan Brethre
3:30 a.m. Morning Jorshi wangelical U. B. Church n Christ Church, North of Mount TF a
aA. | © . Morning Worship Evangelical U i i wrch, North of Mow i
{ Fic er ys | L | K | N G = R The Pastor cing from the Book Oscar K. Buch, Pastor Joy, will give his personal experi Ww ¥ IO ik al iona
( : : . a Jd
i | { Romans. “The Two Adams. Sunday, November 14 ences at meeting Father Divine in
OWN PLANT | — Jeweler —- 7:00 p.m. Prayer Period. 9:00 a.m, Sunday School two pre-sermon talks on Saturday MOUNT JOY BANK
nt i 87 East Main St. Tel. 1-W 7:30 p.m. The Service. to 00 p.m. Evening Worship November 13.-at 7.30 p. m. and Sut
i MOUNT JOY, PA. The Privileges Righteo irsda; : ay, Nover 1 i i Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
i 0 { | During the week 7:30 p.m., Prayer Meeting and C. | ——
a S === A or Monday and Tuesday at 7:45 p.m 5 Patronize Bulletin advertisers.