The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 11, 1948, Image 3

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    |CHIQUES AFRO CLUB MET |The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 11, 1948-3
| I 1 E
A mee g of the Chigues Aer] meee
Lancaster County Rats News From lorin ngagements Club eqn held ued Wf re FUBLIC SAL EB: "Saturday, Novem- FOR SALE: Western Electric
Hearing Aid, Value $165.00 will
: (From page 1) The engagement of Miss Annalhome of Mr. Samuel Bolsbaugh, ber 2%, 1945 & 2 oe ck noon, a ful
oul {a orrying zabethtown were Sunday guests of | Ruth Nolt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| Fast Main St. with 13 members ue I i
with nue | sell reasonable; 9 by 12 Bigelow
A county wide campaign to War | Mrs. Annie A. Wittel. |Samuel Nolt, Mount Joy Rl, to Cpl. present Milton Grove, by the Reirs of Har ground; good Columbia Capello
we village of rug, light design on red back=-
; J
TT i . Rev. Gable of the Evang. U.B. [Charles Hepler, son of Mrs. Dora] My. J. Kenneth Bender, Salunga vey and Elizabeth Garmin, deceased] coal range, grey enamel with
HURS., NOV. 18, 1 948 on Rats, was organized Nov. 3rd. Church will speak at the Mt. Joy [Hepler Bethlehem, and the late y new member was admitted to| Phares B. Garman, Adm. 11-11 3 waterback, price $1500. . Mrs

The following officers were elected, | oe . SE Mies fepler. was i mnced Earl B. Miller, phone 38-J Mt, Joy
3 i Chairman. Walter Geisler, Brown Church of God on Saturday, Nov- |Rev. Charles Hepler, Yoo hg the club CIDER SEASON Is HE RE Als ap 11-11-2tp
: hei y | ember 13th. by her parents. Cpl. Hepler wil . - —|ples for eating, cooking, baking and |
mn; Vice Chairman, Walter : p 5 € ty Di g and | . > . .
i 60 3 town oe . Rum . te} At a recent meeting of the Camp |rececive his discharge late this "1 CQ 3 = apple butter. We progde 4 sizes in FOR SALE: Ne fir lumber con:
ig? Shank, Lancaster, RD 6; Secretary | ° | C A : lecti ih altel fo five .v or G LASS 4 |, No. 1's and 4 sizes inB arade. Prices |5iSting of 10 piepes 2x12-10; 3 pes.
: smetery / » elec no after nearly je years ser- S % ‘ . ‘ .
. and Treasurer, J. Lloyd Harnish, Hil : Sr tery . Gi i ; = los jer h 8 3 ya Petes fot this ot 2 according to the cold storage. Mrs EE 10 p. 2x10-14; 9 » 2x10-16.
Lancaster RD 6: D. C. Witmer and of officers took place as lows: | vice in the U. 5. . tates for this column are 25¢ per yc. hyn Z. Snyder, Fairview Or- |b BE Wolgemut 117 So. Market
0 S ein Curvin Martin i this boro, will president, H. B. Wittle; secretary, | nsertion, If over five lines, 5c per| . ards. Florin 11-4-21 Mount Joy. Call after 6 p. m.
ar 0 iis boro, will | * ine of Wr avable i 2
nb 2 : Ll : C. E. Musselman: treasurer, Au | Mr, and Mrs. William G. Foerch, xm i each insertion, all pay bi in - ey — Py 74-R. 10-14-tf
assist in contacting folks in the a Instn a te tia iE : advance. {WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin-
i £1 austus Shetter; trustees: Park Shet- [389 N. Barbara St., announce the ere | I ye. MALE HELP
area, and aid in distribution of : i fair cere thanks and'} appreciation to
a e poison bait ter, Benj. Hambright, John Nentwig, | engagement of their daughter, Carol FOR SALE Desk and hair. Call] ur many friends /who were so | WANTED
hy : ns 1 Tn HOY and Arthur Kolp; superintendent | Louise, to John Paul Reuter, son olf at 134 East Main Street, Mount Joy. kind to us duringour recent bere- | Men for gene al work,
si pT ee lo any ne [Elwood Nentwig Oscar Rider, | Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, 453 and also for the beautiful Inside and Orjtside Og
45 REGISTERED munity from a health and sanita- |* Woot kh 5; i aT il Ah FOR R E NT si Ted Lute floral offering Mr. and Mrs. G.| Stable Dephartment
tion standpoint. They also con- cleaning of cemetery. |E Market St., Marietta. Miss Foerch i { 3 So Fumis 0d : Broan Heiserman, Mr, and Mrs. J. Steh- | Call or phone
: 3 The Association is ) ing a (is a graduate of Mount Joy High|Y omen or ek COU prolel 11-11-11 Marietts 51
sume a lot of food and make un-| The Association is sponsoring a jis a gi uate of coup i Id 10 or 121080 ore A
15 GRADES fit for either 9 live Kk food sale at the Florin Hall on Sat. |School, and Mr. Reuter of Marietta hana up's I hi : DE tee WYETH INCORPORATED
it for either human or livestoc : : years old. Write P.O. Box 85, M.1.,/FOR SALE: 37 in. whitg, porcelain MARIETTA
T. B. Accredited, Bang Certified, many Bang Vaccinated. consumption about twice as much Nov. 13th. High School. No date has been set Mt, Joy sink with trap ar d Spigots. One 9-30-tf
milkers mastitis tested. as they consume. At certain Mrs. John Dunham and son, John [for the wedding. FOR SALE i ed ~~ Ei ar wood wardrope, 2 double beds, | "
times during the year rats migrate of Avon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | : hy 1 spring and matty, 1 oblong wal- | NEW OVERHEAD SECTIONAL \
. Biol dress sx 11, bracelet length | We Wear. Sis { . rom! rR?
Not smite ab 1; sy : a : nut table with dfawer, 4 kitchen | GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7’, 8x8
Spot series from place to place McCurdy of Palmyra ‘Spe the | es $3. Red and white weol plaid (hairs. 139 North Market St, Mount | 10'x10°, 12'x12’. In stock for im-
Sak . The average number of rats per weekend with Mrs. Lillian Humil- | a Ce e S Cr. ss, size 11, §3.00. 11 East Main Joy 11-4-tf | mediate delivery. Automatic electrio
HLES SOUTH OF er : shin tron araily St. Mount Joy 11 TT ters sthead d
. farm in the count s about ten, [ton and family. overhead door operatorsf Coritrolled
LANCASTER, PA. JUST OFF ROUTE 72, : FOR SALE: 9- 1; : suite 5 as
| i 72, Te re varoine Ib . 3 gl} { Manheim ail } Si pe. dining room suite, | from the dash of yourfcaf. Also a
The number varying from none to Nathan Shelly o inhe If you want a notes on your sale Mr. Fr A Mo forn and F: wily new. no room to Keep it, will | fot of commercial and steel
several hundred per farm. One Mrs. Lillie Sauder called on Samuel | inserted in this register weekly '0 thank th ir many friends for $50.00 Also free dirt for fill- | sash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy,
SELLING IN THIS LE ARE: rat will eat about one bushel of [Shelly on Sunday. {from now until day of sale. ABSO- neighbe vs for their sympathy and i, up. Raymond Heisey 205 North | Pa, Phone 145. 4-17-t4
This is the 69th in noted Garde

tain ih. ver. i wth ~ i ro Pre Eshelman | te Cee te floral offerings in the loss of their a St. 1 Jo A.D
45 Fresh and Close Springérs. grain in a year and destroy sev-| Mr. and Meee hn | LUTELY FREF, send or phone Mother. 1-11-14 Barbara St Mt. J y. ~~ U.4.3 PHOTO FINISHING Any six of
majority first and second calf heifers. eral more, and daughter of © Were | your sale date and when you are| — FOR SALE: White enameled Elec- | sight exposure roll developed “and
10 Yearlings and Heifer Cqlves Poison bait will be mixed at a|Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | yaqqy Jet us print your bills. That's FOUND: Bird dog. Owner mustl{yjec Washing Machine with wringer. | printed plain or deckle , 250
S Balls, consianed from od "herds of P central point Nov. 23. A safe | Mumper, | the cheapest advertisingyou can get and id for ad. Telephone Excellent conditioni Price $65.00. | {coin). Repr ints 3c each. nimum
. g ge nnd, poison (fatal only to rodents) will | Miss Janet Barton and Miss Min- | Mt Joy 205-M. Ip Apply R. K. Brown 318 E. Main St. order 25¢. Capital City oto Ser-
out of dams with good production records. | od hts wi : Ril . antornitie | Th Sart om [Mount Joy 11-4-tf | vice, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa. 2/15/t{
er. . i Je used. This will be mixed nie Shelley of Lancaster entertain-| Nov. 13 On the FOR SALE fen C els hair ov- yy
ise Th Hens TOs Soi Yory cheap An is sate lat mond, fresh that morning and must he | ed Mr. ind Mrs. George Mumper | premises ‘at 114 West Donegal St ; ercoat, size 10, $10.00: C hild’s Crib, oOYS' ERS & CLAMS: Chincoteague | BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE; Five
ose A a Bind hy hie u - many 0 ron anal a laid for the rats that evening. Five | with movies at their home Friday | Mount Joy, 22 story brick and $10.00. Telephone Mt. Joy 215-R oysters and clams at Joe and Tim | Lots 60x200 each on the east side of
5) y COME AND GET YOUR SHARE of the bargains. Every ani- sounds. willl be enough for the inigl | frame house, all conveniences also _1-1- 1tp Schrolls, 33-35 Detwiler Ave., Mt. | Longenecker Road in unt Joy
Je tral sells at your price. Sale starts at 12 noon — lunch or dinner I Gah 5 night. . | household goods by Arthur E.|—— TE re: “|Joy. Phone 156-J. 11-11-4tp Borough. Price Reasongbfe. Contact
4) available. average farm. Homes and other| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce of | pumma, Engle D. Mumma, Exec- FOR SALE Majestic RANE, | reesei: E. E. Brown, Phone 169 or 34.
3c Held in warm, cemfortable place with seats. Catalogs at the buildings will take from one to|Quarryville visited the Hamilton [utors of Elida C. Mumma, ges Tugel sas doy ove both i oad POR SALE: Hoke iw’ Milton 7-22-tf
ingside. Y an bring wie amily. Tc 1 ‘ad's three pounds. arnilv S avs ceased. Sale at 1 p. m, C. S.jecondilion Reasonably price Bp Grove, 5 rooms, warm air ‘neat, -
9) Yingside Too i wife and family. It is conducted in ke ® Yo or. aol Bors ast farnlly on Sunday [IY hits | aud vey Sauder, R1, Mt. Joy. 11-11-2tp| electric, water , Ssystpif. 2-car gar- | NOTICE: I will buy all kinds of
3 2 3 i i y 1} go po i | Mrs. Jacob Stoner an er on FOR SALE. Coil sori 11. | 28e. large garden. ¥ Titus Gish. | scrap iron and mggazines. Also stove
dents are urged by drive officials | Janet of Penbrook, were weekend | Nov. 17 On the] = PAE ol SPINE aS RZ, Mt. Joy. 10-14 | wood for sale, Po and oak, in
— ! R. AUSTIN BACKUS to take part in killing as many guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F Kauff- | premises at No. 100 West High a oF 4, i ig a %. FOR SALE: TR Hinenodk PL te. small lots or tri load. Guy D.
. : 3 . App aly agne eatre ling K or
Sales Mar. & Auct. Mexico, N Y rats as pessible to reduce property | man. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoner | street, in the village of Nov di a Arie Mow. Jov. Pa fies lig Lig aman) iy Spittler. Phone 101-R, Mout oy
and food damages and health | ang son of Penbrook and Mrs. Katie two story warehouse uildin: 11- 11- -tp Cl B: ley R1 : M Tov. Pt : ha
] i > di » idm known as the Risser Cigar and To-| __ a. ] was Bailey, RI, one
EARL L. GROFF Local Representative, Strasburg, Pa. hazards. Foreman of Rheems were also Sun- hace Factory, also contents con-poR SALE: Kitchen sink, roll rim, [907TH 15. g 107-8
Flease fil] out coupon for bait | ’ Mrs. Kauff-| sisting of lumber, windows, doors|, : for
| di iy guests of Mr. and Mrs. K Wal D vhite, one drain hoard) like new, I TYPEWRITE RS & ADD. MACH'S
an. alter pes,
and send to your compiftiesman 7 | man. wy) HB f m 4 ter Dupe como lete with ue ts fahd tr 2p. J. M. Enzle. 411 FOR SALE!
county Secretary and on | Mr. Geo. Mumper Sr., Mrs. War- | | . ate : e Bre: neman, 279 Marietta Rn A High, Elizabethtown 14J. 4-8-tf [LOT AT 10 E. MAIN ST., MT. JOY
very 0 y Veryw ere, ed Is | he U etin cr before November 15. | ren Eshleman, Mrs. Martin Ney i» 9th—At The Ball Ge : HA a i ESTED — fine WITH SINGLE HOUSE, MAIN ST.
’ Coupon For Rat [Bait land Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Mumper Friday, Nov 19th—At 7] he Salles nd Mes. Lester C. ne ¥ in sé ha Gi DOUBLE HOUSE ON" HENRY ST.
ae ¥. Harnist yo rT. ST. : tin Office, Mt. Joy, at T:3% p. m. 1 famil h t§ think their car—See—Ben Staley or ca 33 Suitable f§r Business Location
J. arpish | attended the funeral of Alton a 2 1-2 story frame dwelling, aps y Mig N | EE Mount Joy. Call{Mount Joy 145
Lancaster RD 6 i . derrv Co Ned- | N¢ theast corner of West Main and|many rends anc neigh JOr's rl BRR TA I PAUL MARTIN CONTRACTOR
P uU EL L I C SA L E Please make...... pounds of rat maker si Hain, Perry Co., on Wee Manheim Streets, in the Borough their sympathy and Uloral offerings HELP WANTED: Singl es man : 4-22-tf
poison at 35 cents a pound for me nesday. of Mount Jov by Mrs. Emma Det-|in the loss of their beloved son, |wantéd fory dhiry and oultry farm,
at so cents « > ell eee 1 \ K 1; | Lor
le C. S. Frank, Auct. <enneth. 11-11-1t|about Noyénjber Musser,
Enclosed find $...... (make check wl : ii ; ia a M « Ss 9-: 0
{ Phone Mf. Joy 907R21. 9-30 tf
Sire y In West FOR SALE: Breakfast get, #lue I trl
Real Estate and Parsons Property All D 25 Attend Legion a aT A ot macadam [€reY, $8.00; Girl's Jr. Ker ceat,[JOY COAL: Nut, Stovk and Egg,
ray (From Page 1) 1 iy fre Ironville Pa. to thesize 10, $10. Telephone 289, Cover's(Pea, Buckwheat, Rice, Yo Derr,
i 2 tes Lincoln Highway, % mile south-|{We ding Shop, Mt. Joy 11-4-t£/230 West Main Street, Mount Joy,
to the various Veterans hospitals. 4 Ys + 5. 3.5
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1948 [Tractor and Power ae rie | Sant of the Somer, farm of 7 meres = =p pee [Pe 5-11 | Continue to feed 100 ordinary birds
r 21 . . { +8. Lee lis, preside i with 2 story frame house, elec- dS 0Y 5 e TR NAT ANTZ AT . i .
The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises 329 Machinery Sale | Auxiliary appointed these commit- | tri 2 ink barn, tobacco shed, hoglcoat, size 12. Kel Range, in| LARGE NAT L ORGANIZATION When approximately 80 Pedigreed
West Donegal St, Mount Joy, Pa., the fol lo owing: : Members Maude Scanei-| sty, chicken house by Emma H. good condition. Call YMount Joy| WILL GIVE uable connection to | Musser-Bred Leghorns, lay just as
AT BEVERLY TWIN MARKET | tees: Membership, Ma Sci ein Edun Funk, wet Sale|27-M. 10-28-11 for nen of good ch uy many eggs. Thirty years of breed=-
—— mc ire S
A LOT OF GROUND "FARM MACHINERY AND | der; Welfare, Mis. Harold Bender: | Tn, pm. FOR SALE: ddy-h

son rn Pir” ar” NE Nitti”


{ : ‘ . +e | ing on our own farms have de-
FART i oR | Rehabilitation, Mrs. Robert Brown; | a } \ An give thorough and complete ¥
Fronting on the North side of West Donegal Sireet, sind extending LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE | Legislative Bruce Greiner be ai of qo rea. 800d condition. Call Mt JR | training, You eafn during train- | veloped chicks which are exitemes
| Legislative, Mrs. ruce reiner; | Saturday. Nov. 20—On the prem a WE SHOW YOU HOW TO i
in depth to lands of the Penna. R. R. Company. The imurovements i. K. Wagner, Prop. Phone 442-J-2 Cot x Allen: P ; or al . WE SE ly heavy layers and are at the
i bse i ) : oupon, Mrs. Lee Allen; oppy, | ises 329 West Donegal Street, Mt] oo MX MAKF A GOOD| INCOME. If} : 3 i
are the Eastern Half of a R. D. 2, Elizabethtown, Pa. : 4 Wop- same time highly resistant to all
? | Mrs. Arthur Schneider and Ms. | Joy. real estate and personal probe QUALITY WINTER POTATOES: vou really want - the poultry diseases of this area
{ Glavence Nissley: Sick. Mrs. Ed. 1280 mouding Som apuques | 911.10 per Bu. field run, our nection, NOW is the, time. 4 | the po sea Ss
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1948 res Noy Die Ry Lloyd W. Myers. C. S. Frank, auct fl hy ns 1 fal sun, An Ye eon investment We \supply every-| Learn more aboijt these superior
‘21, STORY | Aaa Shap ay, Ym Saas Net nile to right of Sporting Hill. H. R.| thing. ‘1 | chicks.
/2 | Eight miles South of Hershey, Pa. | Roth and Mrs. Richard Dillinger; Wednesday, Nov. 24 In West (0 rignt or sail “| See Bernard Kautz, Room 2 and
i | 18 . . Zook, Phone Manheim 348-W3 bo :
i { Two miles North of Elizabethtown, | Entertainment, Mrs. Tom Bronson; | Her nbfie 14 Twp. at Ironville, Pa. ii 11-4- 2 Third Floor, YMCA, Lancaster, | Write today for prices and your
! | Pa, on Old Hershey Pike. Coy ¢. Chas. Roth n d leading to the Lincoln, ss. Pa. Friday 7 to 9 p. m. or Saturday | free copy of Musser’s colorful 1948
B R K 85 New and Used Dita £0 Yom a 1 iy i ie 2% miles ROR on 1 WANTED: M: n for pit ithe work|3 3 p. m edition of “Chick News.”
ic { 1itville ivestock and farming one |= _——
i | December meeting at which time | implements by Peter A. Gable it American Li gon, My, J Con- HELP WANTED
TRACTORS {he Christmas party will follow Sale it 12:30 p. m. Edgar Funk, Re P al Hipple, 285 Mariett: 1 ves AT ONCE / Musser Leghorn Farms
- { : Wn Mount Joy - TY Tar” =
bt O U S of All Makes the business session, when mem- — SE ,—,———ttm—— ood Expe OL oe 4 ¥ Sry ! Phone 905-R-6 Mt. Joy, Pa
Ce will ditt ab la ism [FOR SALE: Two con} Rances, good| Platform} Stitchers ™ Joy, 8
All kinds of! Tractors and Horse- be will ‘exchange gifs of $1.00 Thursday, Dec. 30—At Erisman’s|.ondition, reasonable [price. Guy D. Filling room help, ged to work 4-1-tf
d Machirfery. Anything used | each, | Church, midway between Mt. Joy ¢pittler, New Haven @t., Mt. Joy n atform s 106s.
0 mx Ho is oe ut | and Manheim, 860 Leghorn and 300 11-4-tf Power M whine Stitcher U-S-E-D
six rooms, with bath, electric, and heat. House has asbestos roof | ne od, we Havel it. Tr CARD PARTY AT SALUNGA {heavy chickens, farming implement ET arn: . Apply Office Hot Water Boiler
Property will be vacant and purchaser can have immediate i The Ladies Auxiliary of the Sa-| m4 household by Paul R MOVIE ( AMERAS, $49.50 up, KO- SAVOY SHOE CO. OIL. BURNERS
possession. | Furniture u Five C will t | | Metzler. Walter Dupes, Auct. Sale/DAK¢ Bell and, Howell] Keystone, Elizabethtown, Pa. $35.00’ up
nga rire Co. / sponsor a card | | an . avers etre 1B ‘nla ad.
1 1 at 11:30 a. m. Revere in stock.] Projectors $74.50] dr
Also at the same time and place will be sold | Cars, Trucks party, at Cooper's Garage, Salunga, | ell © eee up, Films, Supplieg, Service, Victor NOTICE OF PRIV. TE S MIR ig
A LOT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS 150 Hogs on Wednesday, November 17th. | Klahr, Direct Dealer, Middletown. NOTICE OL ew Phone 414
Bridge, Pinochle and 500 will be | Mortuary Record The undersigned has presented 10-7-tf
Including a Few Antiques | Bring in Your machinery before | played. FOR SALE: Building lot on Mari-|!ts petition to the Orphans’ Cou N-O-T-1-C-E.~
tates . nn i i : Ca Sale Day. Terms: Cash, No ma- a —— { rm efta Avenut Warrdn H. Bentzel,|of Lancaster County, Pa, asking dnl
Sale to commence at 1 p. m. when terms and conditions will Tine red il id 1 ; hs : for an Order of private sale of real Save $52.00
c be Pais bo chinery moved until paid for. BIRTHDAYS TODAY | Annie, wife of William White, at New Haven Street, Mount Joy] OF #% 2 ! “f dobtc in the Oil Burning Space Heaters
S. FRANK AUCT | GK. WAGNER Mrs. Harold Krall, Marietta Ave. | Manheim, aged fifty-five ycars. Phone 2744 10.28-1f te { er So on
. FRANK, / : M Next Sale January 22, 1949. Lars: I eo rite of I. Buch, |; 75 at hel "wo afd one-hal cial:
y CLAUDE ZELLER, CLERK Lloyd W. yers | Ne ne in ais r and Jeffrey Brian, son of Mr. and| Minnie, wife of Howard W. Buch, pop SALE. Pair fuchsia colored ev- Saved being I ir 2 Snel SpecialiSuls
= y mat oi . 7 . ated | at Manheim. She was sixty-seven. oping Sandals, size 6%, light blue story frame dwelling house situ-| es
Cc Es i rs Xm 2, ho el brat i | 1 Ba sind nie wi : oA tle, 3 we bo 3 he al a Lr wide of David CHANGE IN MANUFACTURERS
weir birthdays today, Armistice oner, Ay=on cli LY St kdown as 112 David Street, POLICY
> le , : ' worn once at wedding, Chilc k| Street, kjown a
v Day. [ Columbia R2, at his home Monday eo d Yad fd Sei 1 PE Mount J 3 Borough, Pa., to Ches- Sell Regularly $139.50
Smee |. Irs, Pierre de Vitvy, oo Dalby, "3 : ter M. E¢kinger and Edna H. Eck- NOW ONLY $87.50
2 [ [ - ored winter coat, greyfur trim, size|. ite. for the
- | payable to Secretary - Treasurer, |at Bainbridge Thurs lay, She was a 14. (wo black dresses, size 16; To y inger, hpsbanc and Wie, 3 36 J. IL. MECKLEY
| 1 i he | : . 4" Bi Yeot fi f jl sum of [Thirty Five Hundred Dol- Elizabethtown, Pa.
a will call or have a representative native of France service station, ideas git tor small). ($3300.00). Said sale will be Phone — 414
call November 23, at Lancaster he- Mrs. Carrie McKeesey, eventy- hoy. Telephone 172R3 Mt. Joy. of tried unless exceptions or ob- Lm
11- 11-1 f| + 5 mhz 10-7-tf
& qa - u | tween 12:00 to 3:00 p. m. for my [two, of Columbia, at St. Anne’s| ___ eo eee are filed with the Orphans
c | order. Home, Gettysburg. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE IN- Sh 9% Lancaster Ooms hetore PUBL ac SALE
. { yy LE rT 7 a 1G ocloe am, Lk wo, eC 0
H R | Nowe onli isin, CORPORA TN Rr 3, Bono Hl esdav. November 24th, 1948 | OLD WARFHOUSE BUILDING
Address ..................... J ‘Subscribe for the Bulletin, > S THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK | WEDNES., NOVEMBER 17, 1948
3 rdained by tl B
ec a. Sa — oo — | Be it oi : by : 1e 70! ugh AND TRUST C OMPANY OF at 2:00 o'clock nD. Mm.
Council of the Borough of Mount MOUNT JOY The undersigned will offer at
Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. as fol- Fxecutor of the Last Will | Public Sale on the premises loca-
1 lows: . and Testament of Martha A.|ted at No. 100 West High Street in
Section 1 The burgess and bor- Sauder. deceased. ke village of Maytown, the old
c New Harrow Changes Tillage Methods!

1 : gh co ‘il, being the municipal] A. Koehler. attorney, WO - ST"
Long considered one of the most eficierit orchard and vineyard tillage ® A 3 Ril Tonia de © Koch) r, attorn TWC Tony
C tools, the Massey-Harris Goble Offset \Disg is now demonstrating its all- ienify. their intention to organize ah Lancaster, P formerly known as the Rissgr Cigar
around ability wherever a heavy-duty hatrow is required. In some ap- GET THE RIGHT MILL THE FIRST TIME Authority under the provisions of TTR S NOTIC E_ | Factory building.
i i i is i imi i the Municipality Afthorities Act of | This building is to be removed
. plications, farmers find that this new disc eliminates the neéd for plowing C A SE “FEED 5 A VER?” ih geste of Raymond 1. Keller, late | fom he. 17 me reas
In cotton, corn, grain . . . wherever you have particularly stubborn Section 2. The ngme the Auth- of Borough of Mount Joy deceased. T|
e1 This oes measures 24x50
soil or heavy roa: growths, these husky ali-welded harrows step in to H A M ER MII I bay ority shall bd Mt. Joy Borough Lotte of in i Joey jo Stages 2 feet 3 the
3 ! 3 | 1 ity Nr . 1 estate aving ce ma > ( square w O story attac' Y
> handle the job with a result that’s mighty hard to beat. The sharp-edged fig 2 Tha fellowir 2h a undersigned, all persons indebt- | 14x24 feet This ro Ment
ys “ite . : Sect 3. Tha following »e S : : £ 3
blades “disc in” the toughest crop leaving just enough residue on top to | ! {lie/td thereto are reques ted to make im- | armory building and entertanment
help check soil drifting.
mediate payment, and those having hall and wag well built. It con-
constitute they fidst Board of
. \ .
Has these outstanding\features: wide mouth feed table Authority, and/ Mthey respectively
| . x . rig: \ \ aime . dem: S agains » | rox ately - i
In spite of ifs rugged huskiness the Goble is an easy pulling offset adjustable grain gate, high suction feed inlet, 8" life ham: serve sor set after laims o dersands ns Use any apt roxiirfately the following
- harrow . . . the result of oil-bath bearings. These patented bearings ex- mer tips Quick-change screens, ‘New Cyclone” feed col- {their names, to wit: H ry G. Watl- ame » Win Jhon withew | lu Foal feet Sx10: 23 dines] fect
tend the full width of each section . . . are free-running, long lasting. And lector, large Turbine Type feed blower, Sturdy one piece J ig” a Sp n i Ni ”, Meo igned. | 7x8: 1878 hd. ft. 3x12-24 ft lengths:
they're positively sealed from dust and dirti—a big economy advantage || collector mast. Gh: Bo 3 tres yea RUTH B. KELLER and |1.248 bd. ft. 3x8-12 ft. leneths: 865
| . - d . . rant rerberich, our yeal oan UNION NATIONAI MOUNT I 1 d. ft 2xB-% 24 ft. lengths: 1.900 bd.
that means low maintenance. Thrust is absorbed at the center where In order to acquaint our friends with these exclusive |. i. wmiller, five yes: OY BANK. MT. JOY. PA. | ft 3xd~ 9-ft. lengths: 900 bd. ft. 3xd
the greatest strain occurs in any harrow. | features of the Case Mill, we are offering our present sup- Section 4. The Burgess and the : AVE, A -14 ft. lengths: 75 hd. ft. 2x4-10 ft.
It ali adds up to beter soll preparation . , . easier handling . . , a ply at reduced prices. are dire ted Arnold, Bricker & Beyer, Looe Hd. ft. Pada widths
al 8 exceute, acknowledge and file with : ec : a ine Flooring; 1200 bd. ft. 1x6
) 3 : . Atto 10-14-6t | xX
29 better job done More sconom cally. i Poultry nest, feeders & fountains, Hog & Cattle oilers, the Department of State, Articles of | _ ney flooring: 500 bd. ft. 1x6 roofers 9
Stop in soon . . . ask about this more efficient way to prepare seed single & double butcher furnaces, Dexter wash machines, [corporation to be prepared by the] ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE ft. 'engths: 2.400 hd. ft. 1x6 German
: Borough Solicitor in accordance! Eetate of Clvde M. Tripple. Sr. | Siding; 250 lineal ft 1x8 molded
used manure spreaders, rubber tired wagons, new and J .ih this ordinance YS ae AD "| base board: 2 doors 1%x2 ft. 4 in-

i | : late of Mount Joy Borough, decd. | 5 :
- used two-wheeled trailor, corn shellers, Case S. E. Engine Section 5. All ordinances and| Tetters testamentary on said | hes x 6 ft. 8 inches white pine; 1
B R U B A K E unit, 32 h. p.; A few new Case discs. parts of ordinances inconsistentlestate having been granted to the 4 ord : Xs ir 3 inches x 6 ft. 6
® ® res . herewith are hereby repealed. - undersigned, all persons indebted | oh > ho res: 2 windows 12x32-
SALUNGA., PENNA See us for that repair job before you store your machin- Ordained by Council November|thereto are requested to make im= he 19 Windows 10x16 glass
’ . { ery for the winter. Hot water heaters. 1, 1948 * |mediate payment, and these having | ,“ et wn OWS Jeo class-
JAY G. EICHERLY claims or demands against the same, |, hs: ls ne ows 8x10 glass-A
® President of Couricil|will present them without delay for iso id doors and
This ordinance is approved. settlement to the undersigned. sled here,
gf JE et Des ae a Ne lu acy 33 240 Mn KAYLOR BROS mois 3H Hom (Rud NNHGAL ar] 1 nl Hh lok
On J. E. Brubaker Farm, East of Mount Joy, Pa. . , Bungess JOY BANK, MOUNT hen terms and conditions will be

| AR Attest: JOY PENNA. ey
: RHEEMS, . made known by
| EEMS, PA William F. Brian. Secrétary. Arnold, Bricker & Beyer IH HOFFMAN
November 6, 1948.. 11-11-1t Attorneys 10-14-6t Walter Dupes; auet, 10-28-3t