Pe The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 11, 1948 ( es ~~ 1 Kauffman Keller’s E. Hempf’d School (From Page 1) The Mount Joy Bulletin HAPPENINGS in the $ - > ’ - Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO towns NYE A -— i LY he torel ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 wm = : = = mind him of tl cost of osing Pd aid itd ido i : Pul 1 sda} No lem ent ~~ p nun 9-11 East § he uid 20 Years Ago ap 1 Subscription, per year . $2.00 WHY TRU) N WON 1 . red Six Months ... . $1.00 Wh President Truman's victor d 1 1 Y re i Tuesday uch a surprise to 1 Single ( 5 ( . VI I Ri . } 1 1 till 1s, to the writer I Sam Cope wove] I 1S simple as a 15-stoiy brick | Entered at the Postoffice t Mt 1 i field with absolutely noth- 0 wo | ( plar 1 Ja Pa seond-class 1 { { truct its view > 1 1 A Af LUZ ter | r the Act of fol : not #0 that : ah ring cla whi ined . ‘1p Ha B hat i DITOI | | ident Roosevelt to his poli ( Por NR \ 4 il ( Demoerati leader : v t} + ofited the ) nd hout mal 1 I rm ’ huliabulu. th 3 i bout 1 iy ce valu hat m ol a mnfabuin, they Is- r ily v { J i | Sue d order nd then insisted Q n 1 ad : he be carried on I jetty i I i 9 the cou 1 Dem r 1 ii trategist Et 1 man | y ( n pecple ff vat j i 1 f ; quads of pol V 1 i not 1 A i fre i 1 tvonts al 4 4 1 for-til argumen : eh : C00 iw predominates 1 > A Nye ITTV RS nt out night after y ( ore ret Tod he) tately preceding the clection. { vith snow flurries in 1 nave compe - i { WwW 1 5 : nd their mission w not a re- re titien i tic old nd > 2 : Y A Lv i have ed witl 4 olied . bal quest. No, it was nu far more rated } den annivel I k plic thin with the understanding th cmphatic. Many of the unions gave le t 1 i : 3 en to understand that unless they varle heaffer : } ns we all fadio inquiries on |Men to untersiand ! 3 Vi M Chai Sheaffer | “4 RI 1 TURNI our he the for exactly one-half REGISTERED and TURNED Wi ed 6A ; Lu Te tt (he prize money. You can't call | TO VOTE their job hung in the hal- : HalloweoH i prize mong x ou an ‘ i th dumb-beil nd nce. It is needless to tell yeu how fp, 4 re} | -be ane I I what ririces us most is that she well they fo'lowed orders. Leading I \ Legion arranged con't hold or get a better job than labor leaders vim they defeated 89 if mindine kd percent of the men they opposed. © © @ On the other hand many thought Vr 'O BLAME Dewey's election was in the bay and K Talta Lodge held Yeitord Bucksve cominesntat- | tldn't even vote. T ubstant- er 01 oo» radio said that numerous | '2t¢ this statement, right here n 3 : : Mount Joy we knit if at leas alt en d [ wert toler manufacturers cf farm machinery, Mount Joy we know of at least hal : light loze i holders—neither the i { Tusse 1 1 . a dozen coflice holden either they ( 1 Re particularly tractors, ¢istribute their ne : or their wives came near the poll I poultry fai and yi preduets to dealers all over thel™ 5 ad : Dpited Stat They hip light Now they are sorry, so what. And 1 farme n eastern Lan- Y United 4 + The ship g , ) : . i want t . that, fo'ks, easily explains the re- ( id their 1928 tobacco it tractors to ccctions where there 3 ; \ . t +. sult of last week's election. roy 18 a cer cor no demand « le. They also ship oo ' ' 0.55: Buttor terial Vi ( yutle at 1 1 I heavy to sections where : a Natt te they are not used REAL MONOYOLY ? y 1 ip ha Ye V . 1 1 ved ot 1 i Then along comes the grey mark- One of the principal busine ned - i ‘ » countr ecenthy eter. buys these surplus tractors, | newspapers of the country recentl : : takes them to an adapted section had this to say abeut late develop- : and gets a big price. ments in the seft coal industry: Ong : - : : K i And there vou are Mr. Farr man—Mr. Lewis is nn comy 4 dit : ’ , M : ORIN is umnion—intends te We will let vou judge who i command of } nion to r sponsible for the high prices on | 52) hew much coal shall be preduc- tractor » led. He states the proposition with x 3 : : : ver | OLS. A 0D ( ] « al 1 1 frankuess and without the least hint ! ! eo ® » frankness and without the least hint 1864 : . t 1 >i 101 rel S THF COUNTRY HAS ITS CHARM [of apology. He apparently thinks he Lincol ad 9 i ston CO You dwell in the city and yearn eught te have that power. : chins ol { fresh ai I # Z The way to avoid these situations i 1 I ide in Y celled free co The | 's te apply the same anti-monopoly a inant ti da tion man whe lives an often rules to labor uniens as are applied wishes for the social and cultural [to the operators of trade advantages offered by the city. try. In a recent study made by the The incident which brought out (From Page 1) ~ Th Fir eC ricultural Committee of Con- [this comment bad to do with Mr r boro. If accepted Council mu € re oma gress, there is a lesking ahead Lewis’ apparent determination to le. improve nd repai tn 1975 It is predicted that tell the miners how many days a ¢ y all exten . y hv thei mire city workers week they « t to work. And that ( fire ke ill n the country and, by lis just one more ef the many ex- et light nd care for all Harold that time 211 s will have more {amples that could be cited of Mr. o! th adventages of city life. | Lewis’ monopoly p over a rl i an ous N ficiency ard goed business meth- | great industry which s At P eds nust be used by farmers, if [duct absclutely essential to the 14 th on and the lv way Presid h to keep up with this | welfare and economic strength of i, whiol I 1 be Pres converss The popu- |this country. If, for example, the { : do I Iatien of (i nation is expected to coal operators shut down their ’ rect ! 15 to 20 cent more and told consumers to go would ke vem ial but farm equipment | hang because they weren't satisfied ofore the boro would be repaid } il ra utrut 50 percent more | wiih conditions, the government ir concerned Ire ! ent, ine t states. | would act with the speed of light- i f ‘ who seek ad Rev J mei mes nin int statue would x in tv. bv H t ’ +. DR he i the offenders. Yet ot Olt id A i rise in the number Mur. ems to have the ; { rng 0 > rex erated | oy to determine how much or 3; written. not ‘ Chi ricultural t-ups. it seems 10.0 fittle coal will be mined. a du nm in Arndt; Cl 3 B ory that | giotate almost every phase 0 } neral infor tl ne | form Viv Bee Yay Coy, : Hook i : i ahd tans a neusry $ Operations v 1 ©O y ot The gains Mr. Lewis 1 ha 1 GEHIng fu te el 5 sfougul uo » for the ners are one thing. i V 4 t ni lic cn ul i of farms arouns . er ; 1 Ccel The pessession of life and death ‘ boro of | Vount J¢ : : Sct x ' power cver a vit resource IS a Holland wine frm Sut, as they conslanily warn uvs- 34 3 ‘ 2 . Win Schae Gn. very different inde > It Is Frank Ix & Sons, Ins, at the regular | Miller ® 60 that w e have permitted the n ting f that boro's Council, ask- to siato WITHOUT JUDGME uilding up of a labor monopoly og that body to annex a plot of over | (erna Le vhich can undermine the strength tes. The firm was willing : errs in uftment ma . a4 : 1. : > Jelegate Ps Hic bat i wav be of oid nat oh. That wou ¢ never be 6-inch cast iron water main | ays Paul vor. he " permed i we ame n of the plot. 970 n : . trv. It must net he permitted Ye 1 lav his error pr Elles 1 dine Dy Tebow : ment f£-1 The accidents caused i a a 1 ent Commit by drunken drivers are witl resent i BRIDGE | devel nt os ve-| 5 11. CROSS AT STEELTON dived be the boro. decd te the boro he I Th pik { ¢ » modernly paved street 1 is more dangerous a weapon than : i All the work to be done under Boro | I L, $ a le:ded gun. The sense of pow- > upervi but bsolutely not | General er ges to th befuddled head. | ! YT lone cent of expense to said Boro Without sense of timing, of direc- he av It is needless to say New Holland | 52.755.06; tion, of speed, the destiny of others tie IH : 7 ote pted the proposition immedi=- hangs in the balance. No mat. | Just north of Motor Su y and had an ordinance prepar- | SIGHT OF EYE RETURNS ter with what ¢ you drive The Turnpike We he and those with you, are at his > ving districts Last August, mercy. Without judgment the warl : Sh ah is lare desiro enjoying our horo’s | minded drunk man is without mercy. He ; ) : dvant they could get quick ac- reve gradually is a at th:zt gives no warning. 1g : "tion if they 30 yme as | Pent ol ¢ a menace you scmetimes can ridge Ww 4 : lid the firm at New I Frank rre avoid. The fines, impriscnment, ji 0 1 Dag- - la meres the time, loss of drivers license, haven't [1208 bul Ue MANHEIM GIRLS WINS kept © e from driving cars,” 3 B : "| FIRE PREVENTION SLOGAN when intoxicated. of { roy of his in Mount Vernon, the 4 oar S= Last Su - ny @ us rn mayor, serving as dge, fined =a ntest sponsored bv the Lan- | eration drunken driver, $5 All brought JRE LIKF A DOLL THAN ster Co. Firemen's "Association, | @luic ol before him on the same charge, A REAL BABY fi V v Reitz, 17 the daugh- |@nd struck were (oo receive the sme fine. The rallest baby ever born at M I Mrs. Leroy Reitz | on after, For 72 days since the first $500 t} 1 General Hosy Her slo- | aWOke fine was imposed, there were no saw the light of day Thursday. S D:n't Let Your Best Friend, | fected eye ariests made on this chatge. | is Cythia Anne Sherrard, Lancastér |} Become Your Worst Foe.” back This is not a heavy penalty when [and weigl vo pounds and th Seen SW leet ee specialists dealing with murder, bit it may ounces. Her foot prints are smalle Stimulate your business by adver. | Nerve was serve to curb the drinker, and re- | than her mother's thumb. ising in the Bulletin loss of sight, (From page h — of — Personally, 142 pupils in firs pared with 88 last year. and devotion to construction begins i ee er Lee Ranck Head president; John Miller, vice presi- | dent; Anita Myers, secretary and | George McCue, treasurer; fresh- | mens Donald Thome, president; | Paul Fjtzkee, vice president; Patsy | i Brooks, secretary and Gerald Ber- | | rier, treasurer. { DAYS OF APPEAL FOR 1949 | VALUATIONS: | TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANTS | OF LANCASTER COUNTY Notice is hereby given to every taxable inhabitant within the re- spective boroughs, townships and city of Lancaster of said County that the Commissioners of Lancaster | County will hear appeals from and | sit as a Board of Revision relative to the 1 estate assessments for | 1949 in the County Commissioners’ Office in the Court House in the of Lancaster on the days fol- lowing, to wit: Mount Joy twp., Monday, Nov. 15. Mount Joy hero, West Donegal twp. ard Elizabethtown boro, Friday West Hempfield twn., Manor twp, Conoy twp. and Mariet.a boro, Monday, Nov. 22. Ray oho twp., Wednesday, Nov. 24. eg twp... East Hemp- field twp., and Fis t Petersburg boro, | Friday, Nov, 26 { al will be considered ex- | -~ INO ar cept the days designated for the respective districts; unléss satis- | reason is given fod failure to come at the proper timg, and not then unless the persong appealing is accompanied by the of the district in which thefproperty under | consideration is ass@ssed. rs will sit to} ppeals|fromf9 to 12 o'clock in | rning wind from 1 to 3 o'clock afternoon’ of the days desig- ated. Assessors are reqiired to be | in attendance during that time. By ots r of tht | BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS | Attest: Wm. F. Paes, Chief Clerk. 11-11-1t | The Comimissior the 1 in the Clean Crushed Stone Prompt Delivery at Low Prices | /e Penn Lime Stee & Cement Company PHONE E-TOWN 66-R-2 wom HowTo Get Action Entertainment Heisey BROTHERS QUARRIES ROAD CONSTRUCTION RHEEMS, lilding Fund $1,084.58: A A ee ona. the good friends who assistéd when we had the destructive fire at our Qua customers who are so paflent and cooperative in this interval of reconstryction. AFTER BLOW ON HEAD Please be advised t at we are in the pro- cess of rebuilding and\in/a few weeks our plant will be operating. We have spent all our lives in the stone business and regardless of adversity we will We will also continue to give you the best materials and service. returnec Many thanks for all your kindness, HEISEY BROS. QUARRIES W. HEISEY W. SCOTT HEISEY | to find a RHEEMS, PENNA. | HELP WANTED MEN for CARD ROOM AND PICKER ROOM | WOMEN for SPINNING ROOM,/ TWISTERS AND NERS First and Second Shift GOOD PAY APPLY GEORGE BROWN'’S SONS, Inc. § SPINNING ROOM W. SCOTT HEISEY PENNA. ies. Also the many oct. 28-4t, | FREE COFFEE MEASURING SPOON Helps Flake Better Coffee! Ute this measure to portion out the exact, scientific amount experts say is necossary for a perfect cup of coffes. Just step inte the coffee dep't at your A&P and ask foi yours, Offer expires Saturday, Nov. 13th A&P Coffee is a bigger value than ever. Joo it's your best buy today — because A&P Coffee prices have not advanced. Mild & Mellow (3-1b. bag St. 15) EIGHT O'CLOCK we 40¢ Rich & Full-bodied (3-Ib. beg $1.24) RED CIRCLE we 43e Vigorous & Winey (3-Ib. bag 5 29) BOKAR w Be Wile Pineapple Juice 4 18-02 33 46-01 38¢ cans can BANQUET—ONE WHOLE READY-TO-SERVE CHICKEN :°1.99 RIPLEY TOMATO CATSUP = 2 29 PINEAPPLE “hou ne 29¢ RICE PUDDING xo 3 ,.23¢c HURFF’S SOUP so 1omio 0: ) G.L.F. BEANS , mo. 3: 25¢ CLUB CRACKERS J. KEEBLER "ov ne 280 ) FRUIT CAKES i. $1.25 1:82.45 © HEINZ SOUP 550.0 21 25¢ CHED-O-BIT ou xe 79g BORDEN’S PIPPIN 34% 3 20c Olecomargarine PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED OLEOMARGARINE uw | 35¢ ) GOOD LUCK if omen wg 39C MN RNa Sr er eed Last Days of Ou FALL-WINTER POTATO SALE 50 ud dB 39 ith U.’S. No. | ho POTATOES Boy yod $1.75 FLORIDA ORANGES Pe aL GRAPEFRUIT dais gv ‘RESH CARROTS. wm 2000 SWEET POTATOES 200, 4 CAULIFLOWER i FANCY NUTS Luss NAN NZ A NNN TTT NT 9 a ND & v PN) aa R 1G ad G7 BD OS sy) x vv QUICK OR REGULAR MOTHER'S OATS 20-07 pkg 16¢ CHOCOLATE SYRUP HERSHEY'S 2 16-07 cans 27¢ SUNMAID ZANTE CURRANTS 2 11-02. pkgs. 29¢ WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK 4 tall cans 55¢ PAPPAS CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 i1-lb cans 29¢ BRIGHT SAIL SOAP FLAKES large pkg. 27¢ ARMOUR’S CORNED BEEF 12-07. can 49¢ SCRATCH & MASH FEEDS Daily Laying Mash Daily Growing Mash Daily Berateh Feed bag $1.09 100 1b bag $4.29 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All prices in this advertisement are effective in A&P store in Mount Joy. LAN FAR ] Thes ( tral avail | rings a cle Sal EAF —— Ever Fron in de are | C be n CS CLA Ni Fie