The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1948, Image 1

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    Next Thursday, November 11th, Is Armistice Day—A Legal
Boy, Aged Four, Council Levied a
Killed When His $5 Head Tax To!
Bro. Starts Tractor Pay Fire Engine |
A very sad accident occurred in| The regular November meeting |
town Saturday when a four year | of Mt. Joy Boro Council was held |
old boy, Galen Richard Eberly Was Monday evening with all members |
killed as he fell from a tractor | Present,
which was accidently started by a | One of the most important mat-
seven vear old brother | ters before the body was finan-
The boy, son of ark M. and | the new five engine, A
Mary Detwiler Eberly, 121 N| proposal to levy a $5.00 head tax
Market St., died almost instantly | “" all adults in the boro to pay |
of a fracture of the skull, accord- | the engine debt was agreed upon
ing to Dr. David E. Schlosser of
this boro, deputy coroner. Dr
lby a vote of four to two, the
| dissenting members being Messrs
. : pn Newcomer and Shoop. f
Schlosser later issued a certificate | | or or :
Council pointed out that the
of accidental death.
The child and his brother Ron-
ald, seven, were playing together
new tax will remain for as long
15s it takes to pay off the new
equipment and estimated the time
on the property of John Kreider as four years, The tax, it was
on North Market St. brought out will affect 2,005 resi-
Dr. Schlosser said the two boys [dents in the borough. Council
climbed on a tractor which Krei- | also agreed to sell the old equip-
der was using to grade his yard. | ment and were informed by a
Ronald stepped on the starter and representative of the American La |
the tractor, which was in gear | France Company that they can get |
lurched forward throwing the boy | hetween $700 and $800 for the |
to the ground. pumper,
Besides his parents, the hoy is The new Boro Authority will be |
survived by the following brothers | sent to Harrisburg for the states
and sisters: Jean, at home: James | approval. The members are S. H.
with the Air Force in Texas; J. [Miller for 5 years; Grant Gerberich
Marlin, Leroy Jovee Louise, | for 4 years; William Batzel for 3 |
Ronald Park and Donny Lee who | Years; Simon Nissley for 2 years |
are all at home. Also surviving | and Harry Walters for 1 year.
is the paternal grandmother. Mrs The councilmen discussed the |
Annie Eberly of Soude: ve possibilities of installing parking
The funeral was h meters in the borough but did |
Nome of the childs serents | 2 reach any definite decision.
day afternoon with further services | They hope to inquire about the
in the Mennonit: Church Tiers and Oi meters Irom various come
interment in the Eberle Cemetery panies before any action 1s to be |
etl QO . taken.
. Present at the session were three
Weddines Thruout local residents who complained
about another resident packing his
automobile in front of their homes |
Ow Community ovis nen were
room in front cf his own home.
The group were informed that the |
wing Past W k hots to fore
Dur 1? ng ast . pa suncil has no authority to force
he aufomobile owner to park his
Alice K.' Brubaker ar mn front of his own home.
Jamie F. Rowley | Josepn Shoeffer represented the
Miss Alice K. Brubaker who is | Chamber of Commerce and re-
the daughter of Mr. and Nis, D quested council to aid in payment
B. Brubaker Mount Joy RD. be- |for Christmas trees and Ss
. Toes ¥ ye 1 c SC, >
came the bride of Jamie F. Row- | 2nd was told that because it was |
ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Purely for decorative purposes the |
J. Hunter, 601 N. Hanover St. of council could not donate funds.
E-town at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in Samuel Dock complained about
St Mark's Evangelica
I United children running across the tracks |
rethren Church with the Rev and starting grass fires along the
I {
Ranck officiating at the double | 18"! of way. Council informed |
CITIORY iim that because it is on railroad
bride was given property it becomes the duty of
riage by her father and ea railroad police to investigate
white satin gown with hich neck- It was decided to sell the motor-
1_ | cycle which was used hy Chief of |
Police Park Neiss who was in-|
and fitted bodice with a
and peplum trimmed
and Tone. pointed: jured on tae cycle several month
ago while on duty.
full skirt terminate
ong train and her net fir
length veil was caught to a ha SALUNGA HALLOWEEN
of seed pearls. She carried a PARTY WINNERS LISTED
bouquet of white rosebuds with : The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Sa-
white orchid with a purple center lunga Fire Co. held a masque hl
Marian Brubaker of this |Party recently in the garage of
was maid of honor She | Stehman Brothers. Prizes for cos-
ice-blue satin gown with | tumes were won by Mr. and Mrs.
effect with a Robert Brubaker, Mrs. Helen Ham- |
ing bodice, short sleeves |ilton, all of Salunga, and Mrs. James
(Turn to page 3) Eshleman, E. Petersburg. Children’s
sow - prizes were awarded to Brenda!
Findley, Lancaster, and Susanne
Brief News From ro sun
The committee in charge of ar-
The Dailies For ecru moet iim tory
oper Romaine Cooper,
Catharine Eshleman and Mrs. Edith
Quick Reading Peifer.
seta 8-H ce. + mene
ra, was killed in a stone quarry | NEARBY MOTORISTS LOSE |
The Bureau of Highway Safety
Hershey in a rock e
900 quarts of that precious and
priced cow juice were spilled at Harrisburg withdrew the driv- |
the hichway at Mylin’s Corner ing privileges ol nineteen motor-
hon .a trick KIC 2 tose ists this vicinity the pas)
Henry Rozier Dulaney Jr. fifty- eas : |
of Washinuton. D: C. while Those in the immediate locality |
ar Lancaster, wounded a
Joseph F. Benyak, Bainbridge
1; George A. Baker, Manheim |
Donalies, 23, Sharon, and Clyde S. Zink, Elizabethtown |
ped from the mental charged with speeding.
pec e ante
Veterans at Coates-
iffter it and dropped
Fleven other drivers from this
area had their privileges restored.
held for setting fire ,na=rpé . Sr {
ited Brethren Church |
sagan Sr te Dr. Lucius Compton, D. D., aged
TWO MEN PROSECUTED 74, of Asheville, North Carolina,
IN AUTOMOBILE CASES ho is spending some time here
Nine motorists were prosecuted while appearing at the meetings at
re Alderman Acker at Lancas- | Calvary Bible Church, suffered a!
of whom were from this |head injury Sunday morning when
Llovd T. Haldeman, of | he fell down the stairsteps at the
R ) was charged with home of Mr. Martin Wolgemuth in|
; driving while J Marvin | Florin.
. same address, was driving A deep gash to the bone on the |
for conditions. | forehead required several sutures. |
He is being treated by Dr. David |
WAS NINETY YESTERDAY Schlosser, of town.
Mrs. Emma Detwiler, West Main Wy |
cireet. celebrated her nintieth birth- | LETTERS GRANTED
on Wednesday, November 3rd.| Robert B. Graybill, Florin and |
though Mrs. Detwiler suffered | Myles B. Graybill, Manheim, the
everal months ago, her he alth | executors of the Harry B. Gray- |
a fall s
i sidered good. Congratulations! | kill estate. J
js .
noon at a masked Hallowe'en party | urday with a dinner at Hostettes
Very Abundant in the church basement. Her Child Died { on North ‘Barbara St
[on the opening day of the hunt-
| ing season while game protectors i | Weidman was injured fatally and
| of Arthur Gantz, 32 Railroad St,
| ing party the use of a safety on Mrs. Griffith, home economics | office of Dr. J. Hoffman Garbei cities, boroughs and first and sec- |
brief skirt started the procession heir 57th wedding anniversary at (Turn to Page 3)
| The drum majorettes pranced hi- 1 | VI N 1st — I There was a $30,000 fire loss at
| ther and yon followed by a clown-| mq. wore married Nov. 1, 1891 | HOPE WE NEED Nor WAIT - ee | the Moose Theatre E-town after
| And the leader wore long Ev: 1 | Ci
| white underwear with white : y
| candle and big black parasol with o 0
| Gale Shelley; 2nd Division, Ugliest |
| son of Lester G. and Helen Shoe- ged 74, of Manheim. | Robert A. Pennell, AUS. son of Mi Mr. “Speed” Reheard, who has |
| maker Hostetter, 228 N. Barbara | gy kh it attacked Fahnestock and | and Mrs, Walter R. Pennell. 60 W. | conducted a garage at Florin for al
| St., died at 12:30 p. m. Tuesday | had a pocket knife when he ac- | Main St. who was killed in action
{at the home of his parents afte companied him to the bath room. !at the battle at St. Lo. France, Aug.
| this boro, he attended school onl ised to cut his own throat. Both Military rites will be conducted |62 Locust St., Columbia, where he |
[ed Dr. David Schlosser Tuesday Michael R. Hoffman Sr. ninety- | Joy cemetery,
| CURVIN MARTIN HONORED | St., this boro, paid a fine and the TT Twa | proprietor of the Washington House {was 1,261 in favor of the loan a {one
The Mount oy Bulletin
VOL. XLVI, NO 23 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, November 4, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance
The Local Hunters vars Woman Dragged, «=r were | pa yl urch bulding
Children of the Primary Sunday 0. and Mrs. Simon Gorber. of
School of St. Mark’s U. B. Church B h L B k Mount Joy R2, celebrated their
O JOY &, « ( ©
Report Game Not were entertained Saturday afte - ot €gs ro en; 61¢t wedding anniversary on Sat- Will Be onverted Into
Thirty-two children attended and an : Darel
Six hunters and a rural mail ure ne oh ren isi a Elizabethtown Police Chief I'hey are the parents of sever
costume prizes were awarded as children Henry Gurber Mount
carrier were injured in the county | : . M: Civ Coble, who is investigating :
© . Mateer; N i
follows: prettiest, Janet . Joy; Norman Garber, Upper Dar-
Matar: | the accident in which Ronald 4 ;
most comical, Randolph Mateer; | . | by; Mrs. Suie Kraybill, Elizabeth With the closing services in the (SSS

1 . r 1
cleverest, Jacqueline Rahn, impos- | town RD: John Garber. rk: 3 . te :
prosecuted eleven hunters for the |” i his mother, Mrs. Janis Weidman RD; John Ga : York; Kraybill Mennonit Church on .
i sible to guess, Judy Heisey. i Clarence Garber, New Danville; | Sunday afternoon the building will ver mn a
violations. { : twenty was seriously hurt said he . 8
The most serious of those in Prizes were awarded in numerous | would confer with District. Attor- | Mcnroe Garber, Elizabethtown RD; | be converted into a four room ele-
e S > 5 - | would ¢ | strie w= |
ox | game layed and a tasty Hallowe- Land Mrs. Helen Groff, Strasburg mentary Mennonite School ducing
ured was Hershey Derstler, 35, Imes. pay . ney John Ranck later in the week ne : i
jure : ; | ne; | ov a : he wt appeéene
1 . > arber y w le ‘
of Manheim, who was shot in the | °n luncheon sc rved I “Phe ‘accident cccured when Mrs. ) Garber will celebrate his winter
of Mrs. Paris Hostetter is superin- birthday in. November while The Mt. Joy-Kreybill consvemas)
back by the accidental discharge | Weidman was carrving the baby .
his brothers gun tendent of the primary group, as- | ye S | Mrs. Garbe: is 82 years of age tion closed the church in favor of orin ecen y
‘ sisted by Mrs. Harry Ney. Also as- | he hums While grossing a - the church building on Donegal |
Local Man Shot * . | Market St. in Elizabethtown I'he : : R. W. Hoffman of New York City
sisting were Mrs. Elwood Mateer, Springs Road, this boro, leaving the |
visited his aunt and uncle Mr. and
{ Robert Wilson, 20, Hemp St., 5 | auto was driven by Ruth Findley D | ti F :
| I av jisser & I lve : A wher chuvel building SG o] :
| this boro, was admitted to the Mrs. David Risser and Miss Kiva | of Harrisburg She was dragged eC. oca 101 ‘mer church ¥res fai (Mrs. N. E. Hershey after spending
1 : oz | Lyons school YUI'PoSses.,
Lancaster General Hospital at 4:25 —e—eme §o . oo a considerable distance and had pury
several weeks vacation in Kansas.
i Ts The Rev. Henry F. Garber, one |
| p. m. Monday suffering a pellet | both legs fractured. The Yoman From Motor Fund of the ministers of the congrega- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mumper and
| wound of the left arm and of the | was not crossing on the pedestrian : . ici ; -
Tigi a od} ouise ac i ST RE nig Payment amounting to $62.686.24 | tion, said that plan for the ele- | daughte of Neffsville, were Sat=
a oSpisal authorities { Crosswalie, | hs earned, One : urday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
scl ( » y
he told them he was injured near | was reported slightly improved at | are due the municipal subdivisions | mentary school also include two Ny
Dec. | ears of high school training, since | per.
Mt. J when a gun in the hands St. Joseph's Hospital. of Lancaster County as thei Ne : : 4 PY
o "5 Sai ‘ om’ erc’ eacC er Cid > : 1 allocation from the motor fund. |the Lancaster Mennonite School, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wickenheis
Mis. Weidman, a former resi- R he fuel terlv | the [ er, of Harrisburg, visited Mrs. Sar-
I i r dischars i : : quis 1 » fine arterly ‘
Mt. Joy, was accidently discharg-| Two new projects, to be held in| gon of E-t Wh was taking the SIusitions lor the final guste ah Schlegelmilch on Sunday, who
ed [the high school, were announced at | Luby to Dr. Alvin P. Wenger for is confined to rer home on account
J 3 as > ‘ating | » regul: onthl soting of the |. s wha The el
Wilson Gantz i” 5 de ring 1 : the regular monthly meeting of the | 4 routine checkup. The accident ie 3 This will be the first of the)! { illness. .
to another member of their board on Monday evening. | occurred directly in front of the ie money is being paid to | Mennonite elementary schools in Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Walters, Mrs.
of Alice Horst, Mrs. Mabel Shank, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Myers spent
present high school is operat-
o t 25 ls 1c < eo
payment of 1948 are being pre- | Mt with 250 pupils which is more
pared by the Dept. of Highways than capacity

{ the vicinity to have two years
his gun Emergency treatment | yoncher. will conduct an adult class ener A ond-class townships as their share | *
of the tax levied on motor vehicle
high school in the curriculum, the
was given by Dr. David Schlosser | on. ovening 5 woek : 2 a- i oy ob wnstar wisi
| was | 3 a one evening a week, and the Stu pe ° . » a || Rev. Garber said. There are now | Sunday at Lancaster visiting Rev.
1 ye re, ~ . . nh aso > 0 . z .
and Wilson was removed to € dent Council expects to conduct a wo én 1 e ’ ga 1€ consumption ocal | about 10 elementary Mennonite | 3nd Mrs, Leroy Walters and fam-
ce spital by ambulance. His wie oak: i e governmental units may expend | oy {iv
I : Teen-Age night once a we k in th . day schools, he said, the first of Hy.
this money for street, bridge and | °°
conditions was termed fair. gvmnasiuin 1 S k T Mr. and Mrs, Se 2] Crowl and
| Son g which was established. at Locust Mr. anc rs. Samue row
Hunting Violations Mrs. Louise B. Black, of Eliza- | S@l truc A Ir€e cud maintenance of construction bone ile Mr. and Mrs, Albert Walters left
Four hunters, two charged with was appointed commercial | Two Steel Checks to the various municipal- |
n men were instantly The school to be opened next | Wednesday morning for Orlando,
and a woman companion | ities will be sent only after local Sept. in the Krayhill Church. will | Fla, where they expect to spend
(Turn to rage 3) | the Winter.
: was injured in a two-car crash be called the Donegal Elementary |
closing hours, were prosecuted by |ive Nov. 1st. on Route 441 in the southern end Mennonite School It will havel (Turn to page 3)
State Game Protector Wallace | The board reported that the new | of Bainbridge at 12:25 a. m. on | LANDISVILLE LIONS accomodations for approximately | is -——
Woodring over the week-end. l ground recently purchased has been | Monday. HEAR OF SCHOOL NEED 150 students He added that the {INSTALLED NEW EQUIPMENT
yy limed, fertilized and grass seed| The dead were identified a East Hempfield Twp. schools | schocl organization of the church | The officers and employees of the
own Thomas Black, 31, 119 Adams St. | may have to go on ‘half-day ses- {| recently bought additional land ; Union National Mount Joy Bank in-
‘Halloween Parade Mr. Beahm reported an enroll- |Steelton and John Bates, 44, Steel- | sions within three to five years if | bringing the church's ground to [stalled two new Burroughs Book-
ment of 654 students ten, both negroes. the $300,000 bond issue is not ap-| five acres He said that there is [ke eping machines on Election Day.
A Decided Success. Bills amounting to $2,433.22 were | Miss Fannie Grant, 28, Steelton proved Tuesday, N. L. Bowers told suflicient room for a playground | This eqs lipment is the most modern
approved for payment. Tax collect- [was admitted to the Columbia | members of the Landisville Lions (and also for additional buildings bookkeeping equipment available
This boro’s first Halloween par- |. James Hockenberry turned over | Hospital. She was unconscious | Club Monday evening at their re- (Turn to Page 2) at this time.
ade sponsored by the Student as collections during Octob- | after being thrown to the highway, | gular meeting in the Landisville
shooting pheasants out of season | ..cher to replace Mrs. Doris De- | killed
and two with shooting ducks after), th. whose resignation was effect-

Council of Mt. Joy High School on |, but quickly revived and escaped |firehall.
Friday night was a most success- | ore} ee with minor injuries He also warned tl any h ual N M rt y R d
) . » als arne at any 1 L WwW
: Qy : > " € A 3 i mal of e 0C e 8 0 uar ecor
ful venture. tate Policeman John Golden] the best teachers are likely to o
| An estimated three hundred men Th S ™ A r said he learned that Black had} jeave unde such conditions F Th P W k Th h t Th
and women and children partici- € entz S € followed a car driven by Charles | (lui . or e ast ee roug ou 1S
Club members will be present out- |
57 Yeap moot. telus lh wi shor is oi Very Briefly Told Entire Locality
The high school band was led J: Car Struck A Tree
> wcob H. and Ellen A. Sechrist i go Tne club ha already sent out | . Si . -
by a gangley majorette in a most | o : | Upon approaching Bainkridge Manheim Boro is sotiatng to | George Baltozer, sixty-three, at
: : Sentz, Mount Joy Rl celebrate 5 1] to registered votors announce- Col bi:
buy the water company there Columbia
Isaac F. McElroy, sixty-nine, at
ing band in a variation of dress : a he Vork | THAT 1: FOR MT IVERY | the last show Monday night William Campbell, fifty-two, at
the parsonage of the oh ny LONG FOR DELIVERY LOCAL MEN WHO LEFT FOR Fort ; he | Columbia
hurch and formerly | If the time required for delivery THIS THURSDAY A. | For the second successive year the [= 0, fp 0 on 70s
ork County They | of a piece cf fire equipment at | Tt : rec2ipts at the Lancaster post office Col i 4
/ J : : chic: ; : » following loc: -
{headmask and carried a lighted have lived in Mount Joy RI for } Lancaster is any criterion Mount { : ie foliowh cel youn meh, have exceeded a million dollars : :
lall in the 23 and 24-year age groups | William Rintelman, seventy =
i “I The body of John F. Heagy, 48
: We ta : wm left today for their pre-induction three, at Columbia
coupl recalled that their | new fire engine. The American 'was found hanging in the loft of . . - ‘ 3
: 3 : : . : exams | J Ezra Souders, 70, E-town, died
wedding day was very cold and [La France Company of Elmira, u | his barn in West Lampeter Twp o ' } 1 : 3
es ii . 0 ebb ] 205 No at St. Josephs Hospital as 2 re-
Prize Winners was [ollowed by ver now | N. Y.,, last Thursday delivered an | Donald Webb Williams, 205 North osephs Hospital as the re
Astor ist Cos | Pap: : J Gor Mrs. Elizabeth Workman, of East| 4 of af
1st Division, Prettiest Costume, SLOP cerial fire truck which was on or- | Barbara St., Mt. Joy; Serra) Ger- . : - sult of a fall )
ber, Elizabethtown Rl: Lester E Petersburg, celebrated her ninetieth Harry C. Ostertag, sixty-four,
Hoffines, Bainbridge R1: Wilmer W. | irthday Saturday by entertaining wel] known Columbia business
Sauder, Columbia R2; Leroy Jacob friends man Thursday.
Dietz, Maytown; David M. Neidigh, Jacob G. Herr, 53, Manheim RI John C. Painter, 61, at Lancaster
Marietta: Paul Eugene Blecher, Eli- | was badly injured when he General Hospital He was born
about twenty feet off a barn ne: in Perry County.
57th ments explaining the need for the!
home onday, Nov md issue

past 32 years Joy will have a long wait for its
white {ringe TI}
Then came the various divisions
Mr. Sentz is 79 and i actively | der for one year and a half
Clone or : yo: 3rd Di-
Costume, Thomas Stohler; 3rd Di j engaged in carpentering and had Lancaster is now using a piece
vision, Most Comical, George Bro formerly worked as a farmer and |of fire equipment bought 38 years
ke: 4th Division (Male) Glenn | 0 His wife who is 80 is|ago. When purchased it was horse-
(Turn to page 6) alse in good health and stil] dees |drawn but was later motorized.
— Ye own housework —————— — - zabethtown; Gine Henry Keener, |
> ® CE me Manheim R2: Martin H. Ruhl, Man- | est Petersburg Mrs. Katharine Jeffries, Eliza-
Kenneth G. Hostetter MIAN AT HOSPITAL CUTS Robert A. Pennell hein Ry; Jerome Hostetter Heisey, | Tr Bethtown, &t te Lancaster Generg)
WR Hespital Thursda
SON 48 LAW: TRYS SUICIDE Mt. Joy RI lespi wrsday

6, Died Very Suddenly rive sin 1 Eyneral on Suave rover. ar evo Democr ats Elect | sii» RLY
the General Hospital tc |
TAKEN TYTN ov 1 Menno H. Ober, R: » twp.
Kenneth G. Hostetter, six the : father - in - law Amos Funeral services for the late Pfc. | HAS TAKEN ON STUDEBAKER | ruman - Barkley r ip i pap " Col
J £ nose oblas ol, Ol=
The Republicans thruout the na-|umbia died Sunday. William
tion, who thought they had the | Bartch of this boro is a son.

number of years, has taken the ag- | 3. av pe .
: presidency in the bag, were in for{ Mrs. Lizzie S. Greenawalt, ninety-
surprise when it was learned that | two, widow of Peter Greenawalt, at
the Truman-Barkley ticket had | Lancaster. Sadie, wife of Ira Brick-
| succeeded at the polls Tuesday in |er, Mt. Joy R. D. is a daughter.
ency for Studebaker cars and trucks
one days illness. The young man sustained several | 7, 1944, will ke held at 2:30 p. m
: for Columbia and vicinity He has
A pupil in the first grade in} deop pashes after which Burkhart {Sunday at the Church of God here.
a temporary garage at 160-
Monday but complained of a sore | en wil] recover by Walter S. Fhersole Post No. 185 | will be located until his new build- Ja battle of ballots. " 3
throat on arriving home, He be- —— Se American Legion, and Mount Joy | ing, now in course of erection, is President Harry 8 Troan, Dem. | Mrs. Methorn
come progressively worse during ¢AST HIS SEVENTEENTH Post No. 5752, Veterans of Foreign | completed. [erat was elected over Thomas Mes. Marth M.' Melbow 70 uf
the night. ‘The parents IGT FOR GOP PRESIDENT | Wars, Burial will be in the Mount| He will continue his garage arf" Wey, Republican, by an ordinary Florin, wife of Chrisiian Melhor
= | margin which, had it not been for | (Turn to page 3)
| |
y o / ced the : | Henry Wallace getting a good fu § Ee
morning, Wao ~~ pronour one, of Maytown, went to the poll | Pfc. Pennell was. graduated from Road His ad olevhore tn. hel Henry Wallace getting a goodly por- |
case acute laryngeal edema, @ Toesday and cast his vote for the | the Mount Joy High school in the | Bulletin ton of votes thruout the South, | CHANGE IN PERSONNEL
severe form of croup. seventeenth time for a GOP Repub- | Class of 1943 and was wel] known | |kept the result in doubt until Wed- | Robert “Butch” Kramer, grand-
Kenneth was a member of the nesday. It was the closest presiden- |son of Walter Kramer, N. Market St.

| at Florin for the present
lican nominee. as a baseball and basketball play-
: dealer and a former member of the | his class to be killed in the wm
parents is survived by his pater- cans carried the election by a mar- | Office and went on duty Monday.
gin of better than two to one Boel Temmy Markley, Jim's brother,
publican County Chairman
S'ate House of Representatives. {and his classmates will be pall- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, Mt
nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.) =, W. B. Detwiler, on West! (Turn to page 3) Joy R2, a daughter Thursday at St
Eli Hostetter of town and his Main strc. is a sister. ————— > Cre een Joseph's Hospital
ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. EE [1.0.0 INSTALLATION Mr. and Mrs. William Arndt of County Commissioner G. Gr oe {
lar . Qe a | ~ : |
Clemens F. Leibsly of Lancaster. | quo mopoRISTS FINED The officers of Mt. Joy Lodge | Florin. a daughter at 1:12 p. m.|Diehm, was elected to the Sts
Funeral services in the United Oreville S. Heisey from Man- | No. 277, 1.O.O.F. will be instal- | Sunday at St. Josephs Hospital { Senate. ih
i |
| St. Mark's Uiited Brethren Sun- Mr. Hoffman is a retired tobacco | er. He was the only member + Week's Birth Record | ial election in thirty-two ytars (hes accepted his neighbor Jimmy
day School of town and besides his : Thruout the county the Republi- | Markley's job at The Bulletin
1|is the new “cleaner-upper’ around
1 r establishment
EE ————
Brethren Church here Friday af- | rc
: 3 =o heim R2 paid a fine and costs for i led on Tuesday evening Nov. 16th | Voters of East Htmpfield Town- {Mrs. Esther F. Young from Col-
ternoon with interment in the Bb-| 110 “driving before Justice at 7:30 p.m. in the Lodge Hall. | CHET ARMSTRONG WILL BE |ship okayed a referendum author- {uni ia the president of the Colum-
Cometers Otani | Glenn Kauffman, Kinderhook Christ H. Herr Jr., Sec'y. requests SEVENTY-TWO ON NOVEMBER 6 izing a $300,000 bond issue for a|bia Telephone Co. celebrated her
Ivan F. Wolgemuth, 31 Mt. Joy | that you attend. Mr. Chester Armstrong, genial [School building program. The vote | ninetieth birthday anniversary on
yy y |
The Lancaster County Conser-| costs before the same justice for | BANKS CLOSED NOV. 11 here, will celebrate his seventy-sec- | 494 against.
vation Committee held its annual | failure to respect a stop sign. | Both the Union National Mount ond birthday on Saturday, Novem- Tw - LETTERS GRANTED
convention in the Farm Bureau | —— is {Joy Bank and the First National ber 6th. He first saw the light of lay | CONVALESCING AT HOME Robert B. Graybill, Florin, and
suditcrium Friday. Mr. Carvin Oysters, crabs, terrapin, claims Bank and Trust Company will be at Rawlinsville, this county, and | Mrs. John Zink, Manheim St. re-|Myles B. Graybill, Manheim, exe
Martin, Mount Joy R1, was elect- [and fish are the leading seafood pro- closed Thursday, November 11th, was a resident in Mount Joy since | turned home from the hospital on |cutors of the estate of Harry B,
ed second alternate member. | duction of Maryland. | Armistice Day. _ 1921 | Monday. Graybill, late of Manheim,