The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 28, 1948, Image 1

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Halloween Parade In Mount Joy Friday Night—Many Prizes Offered
Many Prizes For Former Resident
| |
| Tema } h e Mount Joy B ulletin
: Here Friday Ev'g. 90th Milestone
: Are you planning to enter the | William Bear Barnhart will cel- | -
Hallowe'n parade, to be sponsored | ebrate hig 90th birthday Nov. 3, at
by the Student Council of Mount | his home, 1613 Swatara St, Hog. | VOL. NO 22 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 28, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance
Joy High School, Friday evening, |Pa. Born in Mt. Joy Nov, 3, 1858, | me -

October 297 If you haven't al-|he was the son of Israel and Lydia
) ready Jone $0 you'd better begin | Bear Bambart, He spent his early Closing Service or TE ics GEUB Church Al ora Everything That ‘Mortuary Record
now to plan our costume for years in Mount Joy and recalls According to the original survey The case of two boys, aged 12
gala affair many Civil War events. the constructi of the new 4-lane hd | b and 15 years, who police said ad- H d A Th h Thi
i ‘gani N.| After graduating from high At The Kraybill’ S. east oy coe world ha re Florin to Ce e rate mitted stealing $6 from the pock- appene t roug out S 4
The parade will organize on

py y OPT 1 y Ras
Market Street at Stehman's Miil | &¢ hool he learned cabinet making necessitated the moving of three . othbook ¢f Mrs. Henry Stehman, . E ti I, t
and._continue sats on Market st wih Henry Myers, on | [yf Chueh avons me weitere ove | 109th Anniversary| ron vo we vain Klorm Recently |tntire Loc ality
: Nain ‘ fai | Main and Marietta streets, Y. R Brene y also his Church of the Brethren on Sunday
to Main street, east on Main street | : toy Breneman farm, also his : LoS wry H. Gable, sixty-four, at
‘ to Marietta street, out Marietta | Later he purchased a men’s The Mount Joy-Kraybill con-| pick tenant house as well as the The Evengelical { Oct. 10, has been referred to the Mr, and Mrs Jacob Stoner ol C Hany :
street to New Haven, north on New furnishing store on Main St., where | gregation has agreed to close the | former John Hays property We | United Brethren Church, Florin, | County Probation authorities ac- | Pertbrook were Sunday guests cf Roy Hunchberger, sixty-one, at
4 11 ~ . : : . . 1 Pe K v 10) ger, SD y
Haven to Main street, east on Main | Bell Telephone Co. later in- | Kraybill Meeting House for church | ynderstand the State Highway De- | will celebrate the 109th anniver- | coding to Cpl. J. J. Haggerty, of Mie ang Mrs, BE. ¥. | | Manheim
: vd ip wchange i 1 rire i . > Ss 2 he ory ati " Ney . oa Mrs. Emma Peiffer spent several | wt
ny to Market street. south on Market | Stalled its first exc hange in Mt | services and to continue all partment recently decided to move | sary of the orgahizati a and found the State Police, today : oo 1 i 5 ey Charles Schlotthauer, forty-two,
to Marietta street, Marietta to Pop- Joy. | services in the Mennonite church | {ha new highway south twenty-one | ing of the Church with a series of Mrs. Stehman is a Sunday School | days at widdlelown visiumng + ot Columbia
Vr REE FENN . Ses sed | nv we ST fad cu : . : wae * = Aine i hs . Ws i li umbia.
3 lar street, and south on Poplar to Alte; several years he disposed | on Donegal Street in this hove. : feet, thereby eliminating the nec- jservie on November 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} class teacher and the money stolen | ¥ Nels Felt { Lancaster | Ufias G. Kline, eighty, at Man- i
/i the high “school of tne store by auction, and weni| Beginning next September 194), | essity of moving any of these K and 7 All the weekday meetings | represented collections from the vy Nelson elty o ancaste heine: Wednesday
. 1 > i Wit BA ne \ er o 1¢ ay. x
The line-up start t 6:30 [to Hbg, Pa, where he was {it is planned to use the Kraybill | pyildings. | are scheduled to be held in the A trap was set for the it Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Antic. wife of T. C. Webb, six |
> starts at 6:30 p. m. a : > I | Annie. wife © Kooy - ]
Find your dividon. and Wi ployed by Dives, Pomeroys and | building to operate a Christian ele- Said No At Denver [church at 7:30 pm. The services | thieves, who were caught when Benj, Kauffman ep orem , |
J your an ine bd | . . r : a ; i v- at Marietta. |
T I Stewart as a salesman. Later he | mentary day school and also to The Pennsylvania Turnpike nm Sunday morning and evening | they returned last Sunday, police | Miss Minnie Saelly and friend of 1 " : hs wk a
there. The parade will move at Ye : . Ls él visited: My q a Villiam Floyd Shuff, forty-nine,
700 pm. The division : tol. | became a buyer of the men’s furn- | provide the first two years ol a) Commission has said no again to a | November 7 will also be held in| said. Rev. H A. Merkey, 244 High waster, visite I Samuel + Elizabethtown
i ).n e divisions are as lol- |, .. “oe a ’
1 ishing department. A year later he | stand: high scheol course. Al- UES ne . co be relo- | the church. The homecoming serv- |S Manheim, the pastor, notified | Shelly on Sunday .
lows: Mount Joy Band will lead ; I ye 1 is € stand rd 2 2 request that the turnpike be relo | t e C , ; : 1¢ 0 ; ¢ 3 : 2 ¢ : ¥ . inhe ; £ fan 38 9 Tre ssh. called on J. Stanley Arnold, fifty-five, at
. . accepted a position with lam- ra s wi egin this winter to | cated s , 3 rough | ice scheduled t » held 1 we af- | Me “hie ice x B BUSSE Cs ‘ :
the parade, first division-—prettiest 9 ted po Hla terations w ) | cated so it doesn't pas through | Se sche eC : 0 De he ; n t 1 inheim € pie 0 olice any M nd Mrs. G M iw the Columbia Hospital Saturday.
: scn and Foster, a Lancaster, Pa. | fit the building and grounds for! Denves ternoon at 2:30 p.m, Sunday, Nov.] and State Police were called r. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper on : :
| I .
costume, second ugliest costume, | 1 . | f 5 | sund M 1 M Beni : Levi B. Kneisly, eighty-four, at
fitm, who opened a clothing and | school purposes. — —— 7. is to be an outdoor service onto assist in the investigation { r. and Mi enjamin . :
third—mecst comical, fourth — most : : y | F hildre ad. | Mountville, Saturday. Levi G., of
", ‘ 4 : | men’s store in Hbg. | The closing church service in the the athletic field in Florin, one vest} emus { Frye and children of Aspers, Ad-|
's original male, fifth—most original \ : {ams C M { Mrs John B Salunga, is a brother.
y formals {uth male frrwetson (Turn to page 6) | Kraybill house will be held next anc 0 arm S block north of highway Route No. jm o.,, Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Ben- ” fosenhime Ulrich, wife:
3 emale, Sux Jest male 3 ° * 99 eather P ler and son, M I Mrs. Ber 5, )
T —- Sunday afternoon, October 31st { 230. In case of inclement weather 5 th t ral n, r. ana ivi en).
i : + of & or sevent N bo i vy ¥ Doge i : . Joh 3 1 ‘enter
| ator of a woman, seventh—best fe The le Snr he held i be cl A ou eas ern d. Bender and’ sow of Milton Grove John | Ulrich, Center Square,
male i t f ightl . 2:00 pm. The following program it too, will be held in the church Elizabethtown, was found dead in
nale impersonator ol ga man, eignth | r v7 . ) y as Pp
: a le a )Ersor 1 A th—fat- | Florin Man Unhart has been arranged: or The following is a schedule of Fi 9 A ’ and Mr. Leon Brinser of Middle- hed
i —talles erson in line, ninth—fat- | : . rs / , Re
3 ; | Song Service and Devotions. speakers and musical talent for the wremen S SSO n. town, Mr. and M Warren ” gv
i 8
test person in line, tenth ldest 5 ¢ C i | The following real estate thru-| leman and. of Emicsville Tillman 8. Schwanger, seventy-
eS . story o ne ongregation anc occasion et a of 5 ’ FT
yerson in line (from beginning t A Pl ( h * : oi out this loc lity was sold at pub-| or Ca. : : | two, of Elizabethtown, at St. Jos=
; : : : 80 S$ ane ras es Buildings, Ira D. Landis, Lititz, Pa. | 3 er I i Monday-—T7:30 p.m., speaker Rev. York Co., Mo. and Mrs. James Ber- : .
i end of parade), eleventh—youngest 2 h i lic sale during the past week: 4; ® lier Myx Pronk Cinder «nd eph’s Hospital Saturday, Mary,
r : 5 Harry E. Reynold Florin, P Reminiscences, in charge of Jos-| John H. Gable. Music by the Florin rier, Mrs rank Singe1 anc .
3 person in Ine (from beginning to farry E. Reynolds, oi orin, Pa., ] Hess Farm Sold ey 4 . . ; douchter of Mavtowr wile «ff ( Robert Larson, Landis-
] ond of prado) 1 twellth. the | Was ib le to walk away from his | eph Nissley, Altoona, Pa lA township arm of 13] EB. U. B. Church Choir Several hundred firemen from [daughter Maytown | ville, is a daughter
> ( 11 } and welith J Bh ‘ a ) 5 ‘ . ” s or < 4 . He, ¢ aug .
A : : | me f is temolished rplane with only a The Forward Look, Henry F. I | lead Tuesday—7:30 p.m., speaker Rev.| seven counties attended the 27th | J. K. Wolgemuth, has opened |
i most striking couple : Bak wcres, on the roac eading rom | ere - : ‘ i "ok it ID —————
ew ter it crashed near | Garber, Mount Joy. | 4 Old 1 Road 1 i Ruhl's | (Turn to page 5) annual convention of the South- the new fruit stand just west of
: Sits y i § 1eS «© 1t as fs 1 Ane oa y S : 2 Yo Velo? ro: EL ache A
Lions, Rotarians, and Student y Q | All who have had contact with Ae ne un ema ffm somes iu eastern Pennsylvania Firemen's | Florin, opposite Welfley's, see their | * Irs. Ira T. Kachel 3
| Counci] will donate the prizes Woodsboro, Md. Sunday. = © ip a. ee ui Church about 3 miles north of a held Tt ih lav aficr and | ad on another page 3 Mrs. Anna Mary Kachel, seventy .
re na Reynolds’ small plane hit a high | this congregation during past years Manheim borough, was purchased | MOUNT JOY WSCS HELD Assn. held Thursday aiternoon ang | " : : page. | -Ave. Lane: ie died hursd
The pefade mushall will be Mir, voltage line as he tried to bring it | are cordially invited to be present.| a UE Ign, Was DUC A BIRTHDAY PARTY WED evening at the Friendship Fire Co.| Saturday, November 13th, Rev. | .ancaster, died Thursday.
3] B. Myers ond Miss Catharine, f Fe f d landi 2 > | et men oy Sah Ot 1 : 1-1 intl 1 t f hall here. Officers were elected and | William B. Toland, Negro minis- She leaves a husband and four
4 . ro e c go. rashed | > whi afore iv sale 1e annui irthday ar 01 : i t i Forni
i Zeller. + Charles. Heaps. Lester A 12 8 pe nding. It crashec ANTE AT Jov R1, when offered at public sale | I ; 1 4 il b ; i 2 | tor of. St. Paul = Buptist Church ons. Also three sisters: Lizzie,
i 1 on tae Mars Stitely far "EW TENANTS AT I rien Sisters was held on Wed- St: | : : th .
3 Munima and Joseph Shaffer will | the Mazshall Stitely farm, | NEw 11 TRIN by Clayton and Ruth FE. Hess, Pe y ii 9 y ) Tae nomination was held during | Harrisburg, will speak at the Flor- | WHe of Ezra Wolgemuth and
of ad Reynolds took off from the Don- | APARTMENTS Thursday nesday evening by the Woman's fe noming pe Cl fie B it 7.90 | ie J, wife of Clare E. Wolgemuth
1 + act as judges. | . hursae all : . : nm fl . tiv [in rethren a 90 | le J, e are KE.
- egal Airport near Maytown, Sun- Vir. Kenneth Kromer, manager Al 1 a sad Society of Christian Service of the the afternoon with the election ol | of the ethren at 7:3 ; 2 3 thy
So come are, come all and : : : & 10 t 1 Saha BETES Ale Tao M J Methodist Cl h. | these officers at the evening ses-|Pn. W ith special music by th both of this boro and Cora E., wife
lav y o enr » to Ros 6. i of srshev's 5 & ‘ent store on . Mount Joy Methods warch 4 3 iN | Yq 1 7.3 :
the porade—the fitst veal Hallo day morning enroute t Roanoke, | of Hershey 55 4 « The farm contains a 1'a-story ) ) ethodis Cite Leland sive. Chott of Harriss | of O. Lloyd Yoder, Mechanicsburg.
: Va. on a cross country flisht. Ac- | West Main St., here, moved his fran welling be It Gifts were exchanged. sion; dries an, HH : : 2 “ i :
[ ween celebration Mount Joy has : / ™ Rend M rame dwelling, arn, poultry M will Fock] ident. | on, president; James W. Dougher- Mrs. Amelia Myers spent Wed- The funeral wes held in ithe
‘ding op wy ( as | fami "WwW > n Mon- : ORS Mrs lam Fackler, siaent, ’ : rou Ry : . vind
ever. had! ing to rey orts Re y no ds has | family 0 New B oa ield on be houses. and G0 trast: treos EV S 1 : i ae Be siden rv Mechaniesbure. first vice-prosi- | nesday at Lancaster with friends. | Brethren In Christ Church at Lan-
or Ep as latives living in Virginia | day where he will manage th Sp ‘he was the auctioneer was in charge of a brief yusiness AA 3 : ? Mrs Mey Staten al od | Caster with interment at Millers-
I 5 | , : .d | dent; Robert W. Fahnestols, Cham- I wan returned
Phares Landis, operator of the | Hershey store there. $90.000 For a Farm session when the group planned lo
: iki bersburg, second vice - president; | home to Lebanon after spending |

sje ° . ; .
| Donegal Airport said he believed A successor for the local store A 120-acre farm at Leola, owned fcr a day of prayer service on Fri-
y = gi 4 , | A k at Leola, : py a ove lid: Vices Ls + with Mrs. / » Wittel. }
Militar Rites Held that Reynolds was trying to land | has not been announced at this the estate of the Infe H M. day, Oct. 29 at 7:30 p. m. at the Harry S. Joseph, York, third vice some time with Mi Annie Wittel.
| :
by ¢ : on Waka Mrs N S. W ioc | Harry B, Graybill
1as been sold for $90,000. home of Mrs. E. W. Garber. The president; Jacob E. Weber, or! Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Will and Miss ¥

| because of oncoming darkness,

t welts
° | writing. Stauffer, | : . 4 Harry B. Graybill > f
| . i Ache w-wiasidonts Al lo ( . of Elizabe ; arry . Grayhill, seventy-four,
Reynolds, who lives with his| Mr. Donald Staley, a teacher at The de: Ais S Beil | group will conduct a rummage sale caster, fourth vice-president; Al- Florence Gi nm of Elizabethtown, toh tn os is ’
: . e purchaser is Aaron 8. Bei pol «Ibert A. Grayhill, Steelton, fifth | Mrs. Annie Wittel and Mr. H, B.| Florin, died Wednesday at the
Milit wit f Pi father-in-law, Harry Keener, at | East Donegal, will move his fam- | er, Bird-in-Hand RI. at the church here Friday and Sat- = der willi g We ver | Wittel spent Sunday at Mechanics | Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital af=- ?
Military Iuneral rites or C. | Florin. retlirnes Mor y Mr | ilo Mori > srshey | yA 3 HS avy ’ ice-presidaent; am ¥ aver, 3 40 4 :
a a Florin, returned to Florin with Mr. {ily to Florin from the He rshe $14.500 For Fruit Farm urday. or ch rd eside hive with Me and Wis. N° .8 | ter a six weeks’ illness. He was the
Walter W. Brandt, Jr., son of Wal- | 1, Adis | apartments within the next few The Ruhl f i imate Wie meiner Gettysburg, sixth vice - president; | g V N ¢ Mh N. 8. ; :
. -andis | aps » Rui ruit farm of 43 acres 4 y { (3p son o we late Israel a
i ter W. Brandt, Columbia Rl, were | lays . : : mo heres . Lee F. Reary, York, recording sec- |Grimm | oh the fate 5! el and Mary
held on Sunday afternoon from the | gaye. iT pb Z hey in Repho township just. north of : retary; Norman T. Finger, Steel- YY Bomberger Graybill and ‘was 4a
C ; pa ) . : on ola E. HEMPFIELD'S PROPOSED Deputy sheriff Elmer «€rphey | Manheim borough was purchased rectors ee Ing ton fis cial scorohiey Jacob E.| COUNTY SCHOOLS CLOSED | member of the Manheim Church
Nissley Funeral Home, 228 E. Main | > . Mares A re { iy mn, ancial secretary; Jac | UNTY A JOSE |
’ NEW BUILDING PROGRAM | and Mrs. Zerphey will move into |, Apraham Keener, Columbia R2 : | Survivi
St., under the direction of the Wal- T 1 yh H i . dT the partment vacated by Staleys, | : ot oe n Ae hes i EN : ? Shupp, Steelten, treasurer; Dr.|TWO DAYS THIS WEEK 2 the Be thren. Surviving are
= : 1e voters . emphelc wp. | > ape x ya * | for $14 .000 at ublic e he y v we . { ildre ober avhi
ter Ebersole Post. No. 185. Ameri- 0 I a5 I reek from their residence 111 : : p 8m ly n n a ermnge NVilliam A. Wolf, Lancaster, chap- I'he County's public school pup- 2 e children: Robert B. Grayhill,
3 will be asked to approve a $300,000 | next week irom their res H. F. Ruhl Saturday afternoon. oD y > r Florin; Myles and Mae Grayhill
4 can Legion. | i ji Delta St i lain; Fugene E. Overbaugh, New [ils will get a two day's vacation : . \ )
school loan ¢n Nov. 2 to pay for a | Delta St The sale included 14 acres of ap- Annual Ingathering and Direc- ; y x .. | both of Manheim; Mrs. Christ
Further services for Pfc. Brandt : - et — . Oxford, delegate to the Pennsyl Thursday and Friday of this week .
; o1 . IL | propose 1 building program in the ple orchard, meadow with stream, | tors meeting of the Mount Joy (Tum to pale 3 while. the 924 tc. aticnd cakway, Eden; Nora Grayhill,
of the First Marine Division, who | {owns} \ TV (ASF ’ TT ( * e J eacners are altend- .
ownshiy A LOCAL REALTY CASE eicht-room frame house, hicken anc » Needle ‘k Guild Sebring. Fla.: : . Babe
4 was killed in action on Pelelieu Is- The 14 includ 3 ARGUED IN COURT " oe 4 lo k on oh eek gh i ih RE [ing institute. It will be held in| le on Mrs. Poste: Bel
4 os milion of 5 1e program would include S AR i R wuses, frame barn, silo, packing rie as Ad » Meth- AA . Te oe a 1. Q rock ade : FY he
i lend of the Palia Groans in the Pas | er 1 C | ve : un a S pac of merica Ww 1S Soke it 1€ eth WITNESSED EAGLES - BEARS | the Manheim 1 wp. High School COCK, Fourteen
fn S re Pe ot Construction of a new elemen-| A case involving a dispute over a | shed, garage, and 1,200 feet of ele-] odist Church on Tuesday. Fifteen PRO GAME AT PHILA. SUN. | Noffs: ille grandchildren also survive. He was
me a Sept. i 19484, ole held tary scho:] building at Rohrers- | contract for the sale of a property | vated building lot sites on the bor- | hundred seventy-eight * garment Festmaster Chas, J. Bennett and County Superintendent Arthur P the last cf his immediate family.
in the Newtown Evangelical i nited town to replace the present 55-year | in this boro was heard Monday in uch line were collected Dr Borer BO Willer of town | ya EN Funeral services. st the Beak
Brethren C hurch, with Hiferment m | old structure, Equity Court. —— In the afterncon the busines motored to Philadelphia. Sunday | eels uli = aie funeral home Manheim, Sunday at
Cemetery in East Done- Expansion of the present high George I. Rice, of town, testified RF. SCHULTZ HONORED, meeting was held with the election | hero thoy Witnessed. the Phila [ A HALLOWEEN PARTY two o'clock Interment at Gray=
1 § al Twp school building at Landisville by | that Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder al PLAYED BALL HERE of officers: honorary president win their first game evel The County Rival bills cemetery at Elm.
The pa Ibearers, all THe mes, adding six more classrcoms so of Mount Joy, agreed to sell him R. F Schultz, Safe Harbor, was] Mrs. Clarence Schock; president, trom the Chicos. Bed 10 to 7.) Youth will hold a Halloween Parts en
some of them members of the First The township has the high | a lot on the north side of Detwiler | jo te president of the 10-year | Mrs. Simeon Horton; first vice There Wik toads downpour of | in the Landisville Fire Hall on _ | Mrs, Lizzie &. Miller
Division, ware Martin Brown. | scho:] at Landisville and three! Ave, and that a down payment | 3 rvice Club, composed of 121 em- president, Mrs. Frank Young; sec- rain during the entire game but urday evening, Oct. 30 at 8 o'clock Mrs. Lizzie S. Miller, seventy-
: Yi Sim John Cosgrove grade schools altogetner—at Roh-| was mad He is seeking pcsses- | of the Pennsylvania Water § ond vice president, Mrs. Clarence the 37.000 ectators were too loyal Guests are asked to come masked | wife of Henry E. Miller, Eliz-
Samuel Shertzer, Carl Billow and | erstown, Fast Petersburg. and at! sion of the lot ‘ : Newe . i C ots x y oe nt ass } com 1 . y
1 own, Fas ters oy at | sion : nd Power ( and Safe Harbor | Newcomer; secretary, Mrs. J. N > bethtoewn R1, died Wednesday &t
) ci : . . : : ’ : to let that interfere and in costume. Prizes will be| | y
Rot ert Kling. The color guard hye Landisville. The latter two build- Snyder admitted receiving a Water Power Corp Newcomer; assistant secretary, Mrs —_— AU — awarded for the prettiest, ugliest her home. She was the daughter of
cluded: Ammon Hoffer, Richard | ings would not be affected by the | deposit from Rice, but he said he is Years ago Mr. Schultz resided at | Howard Garber; treasurer, Mrs nd most orizinal the late Christian and Annie Sny-
g Ceene al nes a : | . y az and 05 al, Y
Dellinger, Edun Keene and Jame building program. | still holding tle property because | Landisville and in his younger Edward Lane Deeds Recorded der Newcomer and a member of
Young; w hile the firing squad was - a —— | terms of the sale’ were not definite- | 1.0% did mound duty for Mount A most enjoyable feature were AUILHING A FARMERS’ | Bossler's Mennonite Church, Bee
‘on se ) TO o Arthur ~ TOE . 2 RIV iy : a : \ . .
‘ J conbox d . of I : te Young, A th FENSTERMACHER PROPERTY ly agreed upon. Jov on a team managed by the ed- | the selections presented by Mary ester Weidman, Klizabethtown MARKET AT ELIZABETHTOWN | sid her husband, she is survived
Snyder, lyd hy gon: Ropes Hofl- | waAS WITHDRAWN AT $5700 ———— _— itor Frances Cassel, noted violinist, ac- 0 administrator of the estate of | Harve G. Bucher. 70 Donexal by these children: Martha, wife of
p mses I rg Som and John R On Saturday afternoon Clyde | KULP'S OPEN TODAY at a companied by Mrs. Walter Sloan at | Isaac GG. Reem, late of West Done 's; Sines Roud. this bie. has broke Norman Fbers:le Florin: Flizas
# Nissley. Charles Bennett Jr. is W. Fenstermacher offered a lot 25| Kulps News Agency will open . the piano. gal Twp, to Nora G. Reem, Eliz-; around for a new fatmers: >: th, wife of Ernest Hess, Rheems;
} | the post commander #180 ft. at the corner of High and | their modern luncheonette, con- Personal Mention Mrs. Helen Hamme, York, dist- | abethtown R1. undivided one-half et on Avenue. at Eliz Henry N. Miller, Mount Joy RD,
The Rev. G. Jay Umberger, Leb- | ys ; : 7 ; Sir te : er Wl mel AN rt piss v Yh iol r
] The Rev. ©. Jay Umi 5 Leb Mount Joy streets at public sale. | fectionery and news agency store- . ' rict chairman of Eastern Penna. | interest in tract of land containing Lethtown. The building will be | 319 ¢ hristian w Miller, at home,
anon, who was on the Pelelieu Is- The improvements thereon are a|{ rcom on Thursday, October 30, at M Ray Lupold, of Gans, Okla » | District of Needlework Guild, | 15 acres, 5 perches, with premises, ft. and is expected to. b Thirteen grandchildren and three
land at the time of Brandt's death, 21, story brick and frame dwell- 18 West Main St.. town. was visiting friends and relatives spoke of the present problems and | West Donegal Twp., $1,175 completed: eatly Bex: vent Lrother Christ Newcomer, Mount
Army Chaplin's Corp, was in ing. A 1-story frame building and | Formerly located at 39 East Main | around here last week He former- | needs of the Guild, Nora G. Reem West Donegal mnie small lis Joy RD, Samuel Newcomer, Kane,
charge of the service, assisted by a wsarage. The property was with- | St. the Kulp's recently purchased | ly resided in this locality. Wednesday the garments were | Twp, to Morris G. Reem, West P nd Pharis Newcomer, Lititz,
the Rev. O. K. Buch Manheim
lev < Suc feanne drawn at $5,700.00. | the Seiler building and have en-| Miss Betty Charles, Mrs. Mar- | distributed to various homes, Or-| Donegal Twp., $2,350 Week’ S Birth Record Ba
pastor of the Newtown church ! | yaret Mackinson left on Monday : : : Coo

| eet —— At the same time a lot of house- | tirely renovated the first floor. ; phanages and hospitals Harvey and Laura Campbell i
hold goods was disposed of. C. S.| Fountain service, home baked | by plane for El Paso, Texas, where Last Donegal Twp., to Samuel H Mr. and Mrs. Lester , Irvin M. Newcomer
TWO PERSONS SLIGHTLY Frank was the auctioneer and | buns and other pastries and Jun- they will spend two weeks with { COUPLE CELEBRATED and Mary Z. Ober, Mount Joy, lot | Maytown, a daughter, at 2:18 p.m Irvin M. Newcomer, sixty-three
INJURED IN COLLISION Claude S. Zeller the clerk. | cheon will be added to the line or- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aliago 25TH ANNIVERSARY with premises on S. Market Street, | Saturday, at St. Joseph's Hospital. | of Salung lied at his home, Wed-
Two persons were injured in a pi Oo dA | iginally carried by the store. Daily Mr. William V. Rodgers, of Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Peifer, Sa- | Florin, $4,700 Mi and Mrs. Robert Myer followin a long illness. A
two-car collision on the Harrisburg | JOHN H. WILLIAMS IS | hours are frem 6:00 am, to 11:00 p | rington, Conn., is spending some | Jynga, were entertained at dinne: John B. and Margaret I. Heisey, | Florin, twin sons, at 4:49 and 4:59 | house painter, he was self-employ-
pike in the west end of Salunga at | SERVING ABOARD A SUB { m. time with friends at East Peters- Sunday at Lime Valley Farm, near | Rapho Twp., to Clarence S. and Vi- | p.m. Friday, at the Lancaster Gen- ed. Son of the late David W. and
1:15 p.m. Tuesday Joan H. Williams, fireman, USN, | - EE | burg. Last Friday he called on old | Flizabethtown, by the latter's sis- la L. Greider, East Donegal Twp. | eral Hospital Newcomer, he was a
Wilson Barley, sixty-eight, 136 E. | con of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams | MAY BE REMOVED TO | acquaintances here. The older folks | ters in celebration of their silver lot of unimproved ground East M1 and Mrs. James Nissley nember the Landisville Luther=
Vine St., driver of one of the cars, | (f 205 North Barbara st., is serving | A MENTAL INSTITUTION will remember Bill as a clerk at wedding ‘anniversary, There were | Donegal Twp. Florin, a son, at 8:45 gm. Saturday, | an Church He is survived by his
was treated at the Lancaster Gen- | ghoard the submarine USS Diodon, | Carl B. Engle, forty, of this place, [John Grofl's drug store, West Main | fifteen guests, GW Sermon at the Lancaster General Hospital. | Wife, Ada Mae Aungst Newcomer,
eral Hospital for a back injury.| which is participating in the am- | charged with disorderly conduct, | Street, now Tyndall's ET Wee INJURED AT WORK Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller, J md one son, Ross E, at home.
Hilda Calvati, thirty-two, same ad- rhibious training exercises in| was arrested Thursday night by —_— AWOL. FROM NEW YORK Mr. George H. Brown Jr, 115 S | Landisville a son, at 4:41 p.m. Sat- | One brother and four sisters also
dress, a passenger in his car, suf-| Southern California under the | State Policemen Amour and Germ | UNCLE SAM IS JIMMY | Friday evening, Elmer Zerphey, | Market St. had the tip of a finger | at the Lancaster General | survive, Melvin M., Salunga; Ber-
fered lacerations of the face and | command of Rear Admiral B. J.! and acting chief Michael Good, of | MARKLEY'S NEW BOSS Deputy Sheriff, picked up Albert | cut off while at work at the New | Hospital t! wile f Jonas Waltz, Marietta
also was treated at the hospital Rodgers, USN, Commander, Am- | town, and commited to the county Jimmy Markley, handy all- | B. Derr Jr, of Maytown, who was | Standard Corp. on Monday ————— — eee Rl: Cor wife of Elmer Brandt,
The other car implicated was | phibious Force, Pacific Fleet | prison. The charges were brought [around chap at {his office since he | AWOL from New York. Der: was wen reel A liam FARM WOMEN MET SAT. Vlanheim R1; Kathryn, wife of
driven by Henry H. Eby, Mount 0 A Wie =e | bofore Burgess Thomas J. Brown | quit school several years ge, to the military police at | SO SAYETH THE COURT Society of Farm Women No, 8{Roymond Heistand, Wagontown,
| Joy R2. Mr. Eby was nct injured | CLARENCE SCHOCK STARTED | by Engle s father, Henry, after his|“done gone and enlisted” Monday | Middletown. Robert F. McMullin was ordered | met Saturday afternoon at the | and Barbara, wife of Benjamin
in the collision ERECTION OF A GARAGE | son had created a disturbance at [and leaves this week for a training | oh - to pay his wife Lottie, Mt, Joy RZ, | home of Mrs. J. Rov Greider, west | He Manheim R1
——— EI Excavating has been started for | his home. Arrangements are being | camp in Virginia, Uncle Sam will | GARBAGE REMOVAL EXPENSE | $10 weekly support of two chil-| of town, Mt. Joy Rl Co-hostesses | Funeral iturday morning from
E'TOWN WOMAN INJURED | the erection of a large garage on | made to Pave the man removed tobe his boss for three years. Columbia awarded the removal | dren. were: Mrs. Clarence Greider. Mrs. | his late home. Interment Salunga
WHEN AN AUTO UPSET the South side of Frank street by | a mental institution. | We need some one to take Jim- | of its garbage to Lewis Supplee, ol | — Aloe Jay Greider, Miss L. Mae Brinser Mennonite cemetery.
Mrs. Lois Bringman, twenty, | Clarence Schock. This is the build- | —— OV ~—~—~—~N |my's place. If there is a young | Harrisburg, at $9,600 for four years {NOW ITS THE PAINT FIRMS and Mrs. John Warfel rere
| Elizabethtown, suffered an injured | ing over which there was so much | MARRIAGE LICENSE {man who wants to learn printing, | The other bidder was the Grims, | Five of the country’s major paint Mi | Sarah H. Zerphey
| neck when the car in which she | objection by the Frank street res-| Jamie Farnum Rowley, 601 there's a job awaiting him. { of Downingtown for $19,200, who | and varnish firms have been fined | BANKS CLOSED NOV, 2ND Sarah H. Zerphey, seventy-two,
| was riding, driven by William Gut- | idents in that immediate vicinity. | Hanover St. Elizabethtown, and | A {hold the present contract $42,500 for price-fixing 3oth the Union Naticnal Mount | died Friday at the home of her
| shall, twenty-four, Elizabethtown, wre A Wi — | Alice Kathryn Brubaker, Mount ASKS CHANGE OF ORDER 6 Efe S— gn Se Joy Bank and the First National (Turn to page 3)
overturned on Route 340 near | THE MARY KUHN ESTATE | Joy Rl. | A petition for change of an order | William Francis Fitzsimmons, Thieves smashed a jewelry store | Bank and Trust Company will be | A ———
Marietta at 10:40 p.m. last Wednes- | An adjudication was filed in the | a WW | against William F. Raudabuagh, of [twenty-two, a parole violator from | window and took a dozen watches | closed Tuesday, Novembe 2nd,| Two cars stolen at Lancaster,
day. She was treated by Dr. Rus- | Orphan’s Court which shows $18,- | The wholesale price of butter | this place, was presented to the | Philadelphia is in jail, having con- at New Holland. Election Day. | have been recovered by police.
sel P, Stoner, Marietta, and taken | 516.84 remains for distribution | drepped to sixty cents a pound in| ccurt He now is paying $15 week- | fessed to breaking a window and: Eugene Wagner, four, Columbia YO Wurm The Reliance Mfg. Co. at York,
to the Columbia Hospital in the | among the heirs of Mary Kuhn, | New York, Tuesday. Retail price | ly to the Children’s Bureau for the | stealing 20 new $1.00 bills at Ret- | R1 fell off a wagon and broke his The area of irrigated lands in Id- | will close its plant and 270 em=
Marietta Community ambulance. | late of this boro. Jis 70 to 16. | support of two children, | ews store, Manheim. left arm aho exceeds 2.225000 acres. ployees are jobless.