The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 21, 1948, Image 1

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Student Council Sponsors Halloween Parade Here Friday October 29

Mrs. Elmer Herman
Killed When An Auto
Struck Telephone Pole
An Elizabethtown woman was
killed instantly and her husband
was injured critically when an au-
tomobile in which they were rid-
ing hit a pole at a sharp curve on
Colebrook St., Manheim, at 3:35 a.
m. Saturday.
The dead woman was Mrs. Na-
omi Herman, thirty-six, 612 N.
Hanover St. Elizabethtown.
Her husband, Elmer B, Herman,
forty, Registration Officer in the U.
S. Administration Office, Wilkes-
Barre, and a disabled veteran of
World War II, suffered a possible
fractured skull, fractured ribs. He is
in the General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman had at-
tended the Elizabethtown-Ephrata
High School football game at Eph-
rata Friday night. After the game
they visited several friends who
had attended the game. They were
on their way to pick up Nelson
Zell, Elizabethtown R2, to whom
they had promised transportation,
when they hit the pole.
Their son Donald, sixteen, played
in the Elizabetntown High School
band at the game. He went home
on the school bus and did not know
of his mother’s death until next
__ Tum to page n
— OW
The Groff Farm
Was Sold Satur.
On Saturday afternoon auction-
eer C. S. Frank sold all the real es-
tate, farm machinery and contents
of a machine shop for Lulu Groff
Stauffer, heir of B. F. Groff, Anna
B. Groff and Maurice W. Groff.
Claude Zeller was clerk and Wm.
C. Rehm the attorney.
Farm Brings $9.500
A farm containing 13 acres and
88 perches, partly in the West end
of the boro and partly in Mount
Joy township, on which are a 2%
story brick house, frame barn, hog
stable and chicken house as well
as a 2-car garage was purchased
by Martin Heistand, near Chickies
Church, for $9,500.00.
Machine Shop Brings $1,110.00
The frame machine shop on Old
Market street, on a lot fronting 47
ft. on said Market street and ex-
tending 254 feet in depth, was sold
to Mr. Heistand for $1,110.00.
One Lot Sold
Four building lots on the West
side of Manheim street. each con-
taining 40 feet front and 162 feet
deep were offered but only one of
them was sold. It was purchased
by Michael Randler for $300.00.
The other lots will be sold priv-
———@ eee
Shots Rout Men
Robbing A Safe
T'wo men, trying to batter open a
safe in the garage of R. H. Schrei-
ber, Salunga, early Saturday, were
routed and escaped amid a hail of
R. H. Schreiber, proprietor, said
he was 2 a. m.
when he heard a heavy thud in his
garage which adjoins his home.
3rd Interdenominat’]
Be bt Rv The Mount Joy Bulletin
The third annual Interdenomin-
ational Bible and Missionary con=
ference wil] be held in Trinity Ev-
angelical Congregational church
here Oct. 23 to 28. Rev. L. Dal-
oats eh os ot The Chanpion Tonio ome wow This Year's Farm wo rm te vrs |The Local News Mortuary Record
The program for the entire con- Rodney Fink, senior at. Bain- jast Donegal township was the
ference 3 suet Com Husker of | bridge High School, was named Show The Most ie in te sonty 4 mig For The Past Week Throughout This
“boy of the month” and was a din- | grant from the present Liq-
10:30 a.m., Bible Study, Rev. F.
C. H. Dreyer; 2:00 p.m., Missionary |
Service, Miss Helen Odenwelder
VOL. XLVHl, NO 21 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 21, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance

Lancaster County Jie rise. Rony cub | Ever [Coy Commimionens. The Very Briefly Told Entire Locality

| vening, He was introduced by amount was $2,060.00. hata & :
y Bi ) a i rive damaged an aut vned by Chester S. Edwards, sixty-two,
“Child Evangelism’; Rev. Russell Raymond Sipling and spoke on John Weidman, Mount Joy R1,| These applications have been ap- ki pi > d an 0 Wi ed it Columbia y
Ae) : | * : rar 2S. § arietta, S - |= ( a,
Baker, “Africa”; Miss Ruth Bot- [“The Life of Columbus.” was crowned the 1948 corn husking proved by the state: Mt. Joy boro, Hon rd Rhodes, at TIE Christian Houser, ninety, at dhe
tomley, “The Jew”; 6:30 p.m. Mis- I secretary .| king of Lancaster County at the $2580: Rapho twp. $8.700: Mt. : iN a !
omisy, TX Pm. Mis John Music, secretary of the ; : Ya rw ) Rap 0: twp $ i Joy Bovs broke a number of win- | Oreville Mennonite Home.
sionary Pictures; 7:30 p.m. Mis- | Harrisburg club, spoke on “Mem- annual contest held at the Musser j township, $4,000; Elizabethtown, : I kov's of I t Lloyd Kaley, seventy-two, at the
sionarv arvice: yy | : ‘ . Farms. Friday vy rE dows at Longenecker's church, eas aley, s >
sionary Service; Rev. William . | bership and Classification.” Vis- Leghorn Farms, Friday. { of Manhein:. Columbia Hospital Thursday.
Whittemore, “India”’; Mrs. Paul
Swartz, “The Sudan.”
Sunday, October 24
9:30 a.m, Sunday School, Mrs. |
Paul Swartz; 10:30 a.m. Missionary |
Service, Rev. F. C. H. Dreyer; 2:30 |
p.m. Missionary Rally; rr
ies’ Testimonies; Fn
iting ols include stimated 80 ctators saw | a i; .
| Hing Rotarians, included Dr. J, wh on iy WD oh wo | : The first week Lititz had its William W. Cruse, forty, Colum=
i ivr Vw ralich 2» 19-year-old ‘ AT NI “TS NI a :
| Hoffman ~~ Garbe r Elizab thtown, In Oh KATHRYN DARLINGTON BUYS parking meters in operation there | bia, at the hospital there yesterday.
| and Dr. Harry King, superintend- | pt X ) + NOS= LANC. COUNTY CROSSROADS wore 128 violations Mrs. L. Louise Horst, seventy-
to of : .chools. | ing out John Wagner, Mount Joy . social. Site; rr : . a
| ent f De laware County schools, Ri up he hr te A commercial site at the corner Three new polio cases were list- | three, widow of Henry Horst, at
| who spoke briefly, y runner-up to v last Mree of the Harrisburg Pike and Cole-
| Lewis Dorward led group sing- | Years, and defeating Lewis Bixler, brook road known as “The Lancas-
Mount Joy Rl, the 1947 champion
who was on hand to defend his|
edtover the week end. That makes | Elizabethtown.
26 in the county to date. Henry Carpenter Weinhold, six-
Ground was broken for an old | ty-nine, was found hanging from a
pecple’s Presbyterian Home at rafter in the garret of his home at
Quarryville to cost $275,000. | Rothsville. He was a cigar maker.
| Morris W. McAllister, eighty-sev-
|en, Manheim, at the home of his

ing and Harry Birch arranged the County Crossroads” consisting
a trailer camp, restaurant and
nl We title. tourist rooms was sold privately to
18 Contestants Kathryn P. Darlington, of Lancas- . :
’ Eleven persons died in auto ac-
Brief News F om Eighteen men showed up for the ter, for Levi R. Mummau of Eliza- Telos :
r i : ? : 1 cidents within a radius of forty |
elimination trials which were held | ,othtown R1
ole at the Musser Farm Friday ie miles of Lancaster over the week- | daughter at Elizabethtown yester-
The Dailies For ing. Frcm these a field of 12 con- end. | day.
All the Lancester movies will up Addison S. Martin, seventy-two,
testants was selected for the after- T | H And
. k R . y oo 0 ouses their prices today, the time set for | who operated a machine shop at his
Quick Reading
(Turn to Page 5)
tient reel lee

Without any good news what-

soever, Old Man Nature is pulling
a few fast and very untimely
noon finals, always the main at-
pranks. 1 alway th 1
traction the second day of our the amusement’ tax to go into ef- | home, Elizabethtown R. D. until a
Snow fell at Uniontown Sunday | Community Exhibit. Due to a lack e atc ates fect : : | mons ago, died Thursday.
night, the first this fall. of sufficient standing corn, the I» a Hove) window display ai
How many of you can remember | a Manheim dept. store, the owner | Allan P. Ober
At Manheim a man has fifty-four |
raspberries en a fifteen inch spray.

Along the road from the Lancas- |
ter pike to East Petersburg there’ Harrisburg is seriously consider-| main husking meet was limited to i Id tol]
1 > Cas etersburg there's : . \ sates rar s Aa SW Ar} 3 arse z Fes
Pe . lad it 8 per | ing prohibiting smoking in buses | one hour, instead of the usual 80- ola to : eles on the various | placed a new, crisp $1 bill on each Allan P. Ober, forty-seven, Mas=
a pear tree laden with ripe fruit | ae ; x: vikes out of Mount Joy year's ago? 5 airs of shoe rith | terscnville. died : is
and stores, minute contest, Officials scored the | : YY of 38 pairs of shoes to go with | terscnville, died at his home on
and also full of blossoms. In those horse and buggy days |same when sold. A thief broke | Saturdav after an illness of five
Sunday the writer saw at least | =
1% . . 1
Ihe large barn at the Dauphin | men on actual corn husked, less

County Home was destroyed by penalties, and then adjusted each people took every opportunity to [the window and tock 28 of the | months. He was a son of Harvey
i 8 4 wen apple {ress bearing | fire Saturday. score in bushels to the official 80-|%*V¢ © few penriies and wouldifls K. and Alice Plasterer Oleriand a
Foth fruit and blossoms, C of 0 To S onsor Cor vices turd led So 0? A drive « considerable distance to mi pies (Turn to page 3)
——— rs n prices tumbled to a ‘new | minute rule skin» toll mate ; ain, Sn wn
low tor the year on the Chicago The winner, employed on the| = ° : AFRO CLUB ONE YEAR OLD
LANDISVILLE LIONS HEAR | X T Li ht 1 hi On October 14th just fifty years| mm = cp: ;
’ il : i - | mi ts last week. : farm of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . : el | The Chiques Aero Corporation . Th
FIRE PREVENTION TALK { mas [ees Ig S Two lute ‘watehouses st Dubie (Turn to page 4) ago, here's what happened on the! fick recently at William Rigser’s veryt ng at
Jeorge S: } = ba ike between re ar Mariette : .
Lt. George Sandoe, of the Lan | Sons junk yards, Lancaster, were i — Pike he en here and Maric | Manheim R2, when they accepted
cester City fire department, spoke A d nN This Year destroyed by fre Saturliee’ &l Some of our older folks may re- |. |
| destroy) > Se ay night. AVES T Simeon Horon of town, as a new b
on fire preventicn to memkters ke g hl LEAVES OUR BORO AFTER member. ile. incident, ) O 1S appene

| Three men made a narrow es- SQ ‘RE 55 : 5 member
the Landisville Lions Club at their | The quarterly meeting of the Mt. | cone whe E : 5 RESIDING HERE 55 YEARS Ragged individualists who didn’t : ao
A rer] e qua y ; cape when a 54-ft. high tile silo Even though he admits there is]; . : This organization was formed one *
regular meeting in the Landisville | Joy Chamber of Commerce was | collapsed on a farm near Quarry- ctor pisos Lo ve. o vesidont of like the idea of paying toll on a Ivear ago, and to date has: thirteen orm ecen y
fire hall. {held at the Fire House on Monday | yjjle he belle? place io five, a resident 0! partial section of the Marietta and They “fy for fun” and |
He wae. intioduced bv Le Mount Joy street ihis boro, moved! Moun Jov Turnpike were blamed Tor ors: ey Hy lor lun’ anc Myr. and Mrs, Raymond Forwood
e was introduced by Lester | with seventeen members present. A motorist who drove from " oy Jurnpiice * r= the enthusiasm shown for air travel | Ld
Good, president of the Lz: ste | out of town last Thursday. for a fire, 50 years ago tcday, that] © oF Seas h avel| Qr., purchased at private sale the
y | o 1€ ancaster | The meeting was opened with | Montana to Lancaster, was arrest- Mr. Clvde Fenstermacher. bor Sh oe “9 7 7" |in recent months has been definitely dwell f Mrs. Beulah Hilt. Th
County Firemen’s Association and {Ralph Eshleman showing colored ed at the latter place when it was Bye Sn born ywrecked a toll house on the pike progressiv : oo TS, .
, { 2 : “ here fifty-five years ago, and having | ¢,, asd oie 3 sec tierra’ is rogressive. surchaser will take ossession
a member of the club. Lt. Sandoe pictures of the K. T. Keller Day | learned he never had a license. ore ¥=live years #80, a VINE | for the second time in less than a dor ihe: Corporal puUrchas v € Pp
is chairman of fire prevention for : : : resided in town ever since, bought]... cadguarters lor the Lorporationl.ahoyt Dec. Ist.
! on 101 | and various pictures Arvin M. Druck, twenty-six, of ; 2 ily are at nearby Donegal Airport imi f
the associati hl a property in East Donegal towns The toll ‘house stood at a catch | g arb) a port. Mr. and Mrs, N. S. Grimim o
e association. which. he took of the surrounding |Hallam, was burned to death in a : : : louse at a catch I :
ee ee f M 3 Li] le tuck k be I 1 ship, along the public road leading (Turn to page 7) Mechanicsburg, Mrs. Mary Stutz-
1ecint . ry > ruc Tec a » . . ‘
LEGION AUXILIARY OFFICERS | on rere oo bos ocd _ {rps truck wreck on the Lineolnig.,, Worn to the Marietta pike, tere We ene . y y man of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs, H.
J The Chamber has decided to again | Highway at Saudersburg. He leaves . - Ir m N 00 |] i |
Offi 1 lled h | tnear the Cross Roads Church and | AND SCHOOL REUNION . B. Wittle, of Elizabethtown, spent
icers recently installed by t € | present the medals to the 4-H Club, ja wife and two children. > HRs Sunday with Mrs. Annie Wittel
A Le Auxiliary were: . meres — moved there last week. A school reunion will be held at - } suliday with T'S, anme Me «
merican egion Auxiliary were: the same as they did in previous | ae ees oe A s eunion will be held : M H T d | Mr. Tilman Burkholder of Har
| > y iy J : : ! I ar=-
president, Mrs. Lee Ellis; vice pres- | vears. Also, that the town would | SHOWER FOR: BRIDE ELECT the Woodland schoolhouse, one eeting pp 0 dy | risburg was visiting in town on
. § ‘R F -ELECT ile . f Elizabe y ai bh
ident, Mrs. Ed. Brown; treasurer, | be decorated for Christmas with | Hallow’ en Parade ; : mile north of Elizabethtown, on The Fireman's. Assoclati i] Friday with. his. manv. friends
Mrs. Chas. Bennett Jr.. Recording | : Miss Alice K. Brubaker, daugh-| Tuesday ‘evening, October 26th at| sociation. © i 5:
1s. Lhas. ennelt Jr, ecording | oh istmas trees and lights on the | : Io fe i P Avani All Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hershey of
Secretary, Mrs. Richard Dillinger, | ; vears:] ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Brubak-{7:30 pm. An interesting program {* odtheastern ennsy/lvania Wt JS rye pi
. in >" |curb, as was done in previous years. | or Flori ras honored : ii . er tench. meet here for its 27th annual con- | Lemoyne, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Sine- [They felt that this was the best type | ° er, of rin, was honored at af will be rendered. All former teach- :
hey fe nat this was st type | bridal showe: on Tuesday evening |ers and pupils, friends and every- | vention Thursday today. Norman E. Hershey on Tuesday.
gar, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Gray- | “hristmas ‘decoration that a Ho! = ~ The ashes. len alle
bill and Chaplain, Mrs. Cocper. jo? huis as Spe! ; given by Mrs. William Rorabaugh{ one is invited to attend. Everyone Friendship Fire Company No. 1 | The Hershey Ss dso called on Mr.
A committee of three was appoin joe had for our town. | ri ay vening at her heme at 756 Locust St., Co- | welcome will be host and Thomas J. Brown, | and Mrs. Ray Cover at Mount Joy.
De O ree /as a On - 3 ict x :
A new committee consisting of | 1 gout. wi os > ros Mr. Harry B. Graybill, Wood
a Friar | umbkia, ——— —— eee burgess, will present the address of . y
ted to present a French Frier to the Joe Shaeffer, Chairman: Maurice| A Hallowe'en parade, to be spon- street was admitted to the Osteo-

. . Luncheon was served to about welcome.
Legion at their meeting last Thurs- Ss t )
| . - . . ° °
Re | Bailey, and Lester Mumma was ap- sored by the Student Council of fifteen guests at a table beautifully Prize Winners George D. March, of Gettysburg, pathic Hespital at Lancaster, on
day. | : Thi: a Mount Jcy High School, will be : ; Tuesday for observation.
. y > Prac - : oO :
i lie pointed by the President. This com decorated in yellow pom-poms. retiring president, will be in charge |
. 3 ld Friday, October 29, from sev- | 2, av . ap i
mittee will represent the Chamber he ) ad, | Miss Brubaker was the recipient 9 sf the afternoon and evening ses- | Saturday, October 30th, public
WILL GO TO HARRISBURG ; . n to eig + The high sc 158 hier yan he recipien t J eH ii rue : roods
THIS WEEK FOR INDUCTION [of Commerce at all Borough Coun- | en to eight p The high schoo! of many lovely gifts. oun oy S sions. Applications for member- | sale of household goods by S.
nis, [cil meetings. It is hoped by having band will march along with all | Nissley Gingrich at his residence.
County draft boards No. 83 and | those in costume who desire to Mrs. Harry Herr is a surgical
[this committee, a better understand- | TWENTY OF TWENTY - t Sh » meeting agend: { 3
84 announced the names cof those |. i. | take part NIA TH TWE ommuni y ow |" meeting agenda. | patient at St. Joseph's hospital
ing between Borough Council and SEVEN, EXCEEDED 50 MPH Firemen from. lancaster. York,

ADA I Fr 3 2 ar
chip and election of officers are on |
who will go to Harrisburg this : The pi vw ! g Steh- " : : | sine i wsday
week for on n. The local men {the Chamber of Commerce will be | Th Parade _ forth at Seah Twenty of the twenty - seven, (The order in which the names jy... Dauphin, Cumbe anid | ince Wednesday.
ee or ‘tion. e a on | | me N M: 1Zes anging : ag . > A er ‘ ? . Ks 1m ic - a
| eatablishad. man's i ny prizes ranging] motorists who Thad their cardsyoppear denotes fies, second and Adams ind Franklin. Counties will} Mr. B. F. Kauffman is able to be
are: Jay Harold Kaylor, Rheoms; | — La | from the prettiest, ugliest, fattest, ithd by 4 tot third prize.) ’ : ? | about after being confined to his
To y . withdrawn y 1e state were | 0» attend. | =»
Walter B. Frey, East Petersburg; | oldest, youngest. most original, ete. Canned Foods itenc bed on account of sickness.
charged with exeeeding the 50- Canned Vegetables, 3 var, — ——
Roy E. Clark, Elizabethtown; Dan- | S h d F will be donated by Lions, Rotar- 5: : s, 3 var, S.
iel Bossler Graybill, Jr. East Pet- | ‘Announce 0 e lie 1} : Student. My: miles-an-hour speed limit. Among | Andrew Felker, Mrs. Daniel Bruba- CELEBRATES 5TH BIRTHDAY
ans, and the twenty was J. Lester Charles, | ker, Mrs. Mervin Geyer; Canned
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerlitzski and
children spent Sunday at Lancas-

Armed with a revolver, Schreib-
er entered the garage from a side
door and saw two men standing in |
frent of the safe. Schreiber said |
the men fled through an open door |
and that he started shooting when |
they failed to obey an order to
halt. He said he fired five shots at |
the men but is certain neither was |
Schreiber said the men appar- |
ently dropped a heavy piece of |
pipe they planned to use to pry |
open the safe. The falling of sid
heavy metal, he said caused the |
sound which woke him. {
State Police are investigating. |
Week's Birth Record
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Snyder, |
Mount Joy Rl, a daughter Thurs- |
day at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson,
Landisville, a daughter at home on
Wednesday, October 13.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Lester Charles, |
of Landisville, a daughter at the
General Hospital Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman, Jr.
Maytown, a daughter at the Gen-
eral Hospital Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Koser, Florin,
a son Tuesday at the Lancaster
General Hospital.
a en

An auto stolen in Camden, N. J.
was found at Lancaster.

| Joy and Salunga Methodist Youth | ter the
| ship services Sunday. The officers |
[groups attended a Hobo Party in
[the Cookman Methodist Church, at
ershurg. Heaps, Miss Zeller, Lester Mum- isvil Fruits, 3 var, Mrs. Andrew Felker, A birthday party was held Oct | ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Kis=
Committee oting [ ma, and Joseph Sheaffer will act as of Landisville. . Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs. Edward { 13th, in honor of Bobby Childs, son | singer,
YOUTH FELLOWSHIP GROUPS ges Wissler; Canned Greens, 2 var., Mrs. | of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Childs, | : .
| judges. 4 A Mr. and Mrs, George Mumper
INSTALLED BY REV. MORT | Farm elections to select com- | See nent wool’ paper Sor dome Paul Hoffines, Mrs. Allen Shearer; | Marietta Ave. who celebrated his | the. follow Q
Newly elected office: f the M munity committeemen to adminis- | oh : pp S ecor e Canned Relishes, 2 var., Mrs. Ralph fifth birthday | ehierlamnec Ie ON Slits
ewly elected officers of the Mt. plete information on prizes Frey, Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs. { day: Mr. and Mrs. John Bender
AAA program during 1949 |
re scheduled to be held in 16 dis- sy Joseph B. and Susan B. Hostet- [John Earhart; Ketchup, Mrs. Jero-| Forty children and grown - ups | 4 Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
| Fellowship groups were installed by | are
WILL REPRESENT E. DONEGAL | ter, Mount Joy, to J. B., Paris H., |me Brubaker, Mrs. Joseph Shirk, | helped celebrate the occasion with | Bon der and son of Milton Grove
| tricts of Lancaster County, prior to Nis . + Haictand: Pirklas ve AR wales ce si Aer - he
the Rev. James F. Mort at the wor- | he anial’ AAA County Conven Norma Jean Shank, daughter of | Clarence H. and Arthur H. Hos- pa 5 es Reiviona 3 Jokes Mos. moving pic eh ature ol Phe and Mr, and Mrs. James Mumper
j-vRe z S - . . arvey eaver, Irs. alv am- "WO iz ofre Nts serve . 4
tion at Lancaster Oct. 29, Paul L. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Shank, of | tetter, trading as J. B. Hostetter er, Mrs. John Earhart. evening ‘and reiteshment €rved | and two children of Maytown,
Leaman, chairman, Lancaster
|S. Market St., Mount Joy, on Wed- |
| Rheems, will represent East Don- | and Son, Mount Joy, two purparts,| William Diffenderfer. |! the guests 1
were entertained at the parsonage
rr A ere
: wiki egal Twp. High School, Maytown, | premises at 37 W. Main St., and a |Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs. Andrew | .
County Agricultural Conservaticn | €84 5 ’ : te. : : : i . T_T re ’
nesday evening when plans were | 0 y 2¢ ; od Friday | in the Hallowe'en Queen contest | strip of ground on the north side Felker; Green Beans, Mrs. Andrew | TRADE NAMES Fan S | es
| Committee, ~~ announcec rida) Felker, Mrs. Edna Kuhns, Mrs.| payic LL. Morris, Salunga, to use|" * 1» Ws
{made for future meetings. The |
evening pC > 5 SUS: 5 : the name Morris Service Center for
In: each district there will be Ch:mber of Commerce She was Joseph B. and Susan S. Hostetter { a Felker, Mrs. Daniel Bruba- | the name I ors Ss el C Here Sunda ? i
| elected a community committee selected at the Jack Frost Frolic. | Mount Joy, to Clarence H. and |ker, Mrs. R. H. Hiltebeitel; Peas, garage, gasoline station, sale of new | . .
| ——— eee Mildred H. Douple, Rapho Twp. |Mrs. R. H. Hiltebeitel, Mrs. Daniel [and used autos and parts thereof | rvices for Pfc. Walter
Columbia, on Monday evening.
| sore / » Lancaster ior | of W. Main Stree t
| ponsored by the Lancaster Junior | of W. Main Street, Mount Joy Lioyd Musser: Yellow Beare, Mrs.
Funeral se
| consisting of a chairman, vice-

Wy" : : . two purparts containing 30 acres, Brubaker, Mrs. Allen Shearer; Corn and supplies including gas and oil, , . Tie ee
| chairman, a regular member and P M t Yo 1 : 5 Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs. David 3 om | W. Brandt, Jo, cf the First Marine
THE GLASSMYEL twa alterante members of the conte ersona en ion 23 perches, and 146 perches, Rapho Hess. Mire. Andrew Felker. Boots sale of food, confections and soft | Division, will be held at 1:15 p.m.
CANCELLED BY THE COURT mittee, and a first and a second Mr. and Mis: W Bilner a Mrs. Allen Shearer, Mrs. Charles |drinks at Quarryville R1. { Sunday from the Nissley Funeral
Arrearages against Ruth and Ar- | delegate to attend the forthcoming | Mr. apd Ws: Wm. Brinet ovat - Goss, Mrs. Jerome Brubaker; Car- — | Home, 228 E. Main St. Mount Joy,
thur Glassmyer, of Mount Joy and |, pty convention. [to Doylesiown, where they willl ANC, CO. CONTRIBUTES rots, Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs. D.| ENGAGED | with farther services. at. Newtown
At lic sania: Fuiie. formers po [make their home. Large amount of food and cloth- Brihakey, Ms. Jerome Brubaker; np. and Mrs. William Mateer, | United Brethren Church at 2 pm.
} ) $ | Mrs. Eli Hostetter returned home! ia from Lancaster county wote sparagus, Mrs. Daniel Brubaker,| =~ "°° 0 Yio: I Ten x
] ol Hospital » Ll y Mrs. Melvin Geyer. Sugar Peas, Mrs. | F10FiD, announced the engagement! nd burial in Kraybill Cemetery in
Monday from the Genera ospita | among the 7 tons of overseas re- | Charles Goss, Mrs. Charles Fisher, |of their daughter, Ruth Rensel, to | Donegal Twp
support order against Mrs. Glass- |, my practices carried out during where she wes surgical patient. { lief materials received at the Mrs. Daniel Brubaker; Lima Beans, | Pfc. James A. Madara, U. S. Marine Pfc. Brandt was killed in action
myer for children being cared for | the year 1948, list the conservation | Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop and | Church World Service Center, New | William Diffenderfer, Mrs. Daniel {
by the Bureau was completely can- | nai Tb | Mrs. Elmer Barnes of tit. Thomas, Windsor, Md., during September. Brubaker, Mrs. Ralph Frey; Peach-
3 d as { (Turn to page 2) es, white, Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs.
Lancaster respectively owed to the |
[ase Children’s bureau were
cancelled in Court Friday and the | gion applications for payments for |

attend the series of meetings may
Corps., son of George Madara. No on Pelelieu Island of the Palau
Jate has been set for the wedding. | Group in the Pacific September 15,

celed. Mr. Glassmyer's order to the | Weems | Pa, spent Sunday with fri nds here 3 CART Charles Fisher, Mrs. Kathryn Felk- Tet (1944. He was born Nov. 6, 1923,
| Bureau was changed to $20 a week | MARIETTA AMBULANCE | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith ol | REPORT MISSING STEER er; Peaches, yellow, Mrs. Andrew | REENLISTED RECENTLY | and went overseas April 7, 1944,
for care of eight of the couple's 11| DEDICATED AT CEREMCNY | York, Pa., Mr. and Mrs Harber! Clarence Leas, Columbia RI, re- Felker, Mis. David Brubaker, Mrs. Technical Sgt. Carl V. Robinson, | after training at Paris Island, S. C.,
children. | Dedication services for the new | Manne of York, Spent Saturday ported Monday that his 690 pound Levi Ropes Fear: Mis, Jerome Bru-| Bainbridge R1, recently reenlisted | New River, N. C.. and San Diego,
eset ttl Weenie | community ambulance were held | with the Leiberhers. ; [ wild steer was still since — page 5) in the Air Force at Olmstead Field, | Calif
LETTFRS GRANTED | Sunday in the Pioneer Fire Hall at | Mr, and Mrs. R. Sprosky of last Thursday from his farm on the Middletown. He served 28 months | Besides his father, Walter W.
Eli S. Arndt, Florin, administra- Marietta, The ambulance will serve Westmont, N. J., spent from Friday | Lancaster-Marietta pike. He said CONOY TWP. WOMAN in Furope during the war as a par- | Brandt, Columbia Rl, the veteran
tor of the Eli P, Arndt estate. | Marietta, Maytown, Bainbridge, Sunday with the | the steer is black and worth $250. AIDS BIBLE SOCIETY achute rigger and shop foreman is survived by four brothers, Jay
Paul W. Tressler. executor of the | Rowenna and surrounding areas. Marietta Ave. Mrs. Sprosky is a | ——— ee The American Bible Society, of a W. Marietta RI: Robert W. Mount
Samuel H. Tressler estate. | Te of Mrs, Lefherher. {SUIT FOR A DIVORCE Farks Avenue, N. Y. City, receives | DRIVER IS PROSECUTED Joy RI; Henry W. Elizabethtown
rr —— | PET DEER ATTACKED WOMAN linda rae | Harry G. Heisey, forty-four, of $200.60 through a bequest of Ger- Ralph Koons, forty-seven, of |and Richard, at home; by two sise
ADJUDICATION FILED | NFAR DELTA, IN YORK CO. DIDN'T SEE THE SIGN | Rheems, charged that Ruth H. Hei- trude Gise, late of Conoy Township, Columbia, Monday was prosecuted | ters, Miriam, wife of Guy Shultz,
In the estate of William H. Fogie, | In lower York Co. a farmer made Ivan F. Wolgemuth, of town, was sey, forty-four, E. High Street, Eli- in whose estate an adjudication | for reckless driving by State Pol- | Marietta, and Helen, wife of Earl
late of Newtown, Rapho Township, [a pet of an eight-point buck. Last | prosecuted at Lancaster because he zabethtown deserted him July 16, listing a total of $898.92 for distribu- | ice before Justice of the Peace | Steppler, Columbia Rl, and by his
there remains $2,834.24 for ii week the deer attacked Mrs. Alice | failed to observe a stop sign on 1945. They were married Dec. 30, tion was handed down by Judde Lester Weidman, Mount Joy | paternal grandmother, Mrs, Fanny
bution among the heirs. Schoff, fifty-seven, Ii | Marietta Avenue. +1921. : | | Wissler Wednesday, Township. ! Brandt, Middletown,