9—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., The Mount Joy Bulletin and Publisher Th u rsday, :. Schroll. Editor Jno. E. Schroll, Editor ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 I I remem ee MAYBE N's JUST HABIT Published Every Thursday at No. During the war when clothing 8-11 East Main St, “Mount Joy, were making cuff- less ouscrs, there i al lif - Subscription, per year $2.00 i Ji o EE Yan! Six Months ad $1.00 ficalty in buying suits with vests. Three Months ...... 60 Come the return to cuffs, but what Single Copies 5 happened to the vests? Double Sample Cop es breasted suits can carry along but the single-breasted suit needs the Entered at the Postoffice at Mt Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- ves: the ese buyer be ter under the Act ¢ of March 3, 1879. | tieves, Or, perhaps it has just be- em — come a habit, A certain line of me: wits, today advertises them E D 1 T 0 R I A I, s “vestless”, indicating this is fashicnable, + + + Seme men don't feel well- Politicians often remind without a vest, find the people | dressed 1 of fellows bluffing in a poker game. | vest affords them more warmth in ev 0 winter and, best of all, makes won- Teday, paying for the derfui storage space for week's groceries, there isn't any- glasses, watch, pencils, pen, note- bocks, and so forth, Free and easy in Mount Joy who doesn’t "we hao bread the my be i nenchalance, but we are of the one here which side of the vestless look, sort of a know Lutter is on. © 00 school of thought that feels a fel- ; | low can’t ever be a nis distine- Fred Alien, Edgar Bergen, and | w can't ever be a man of distin tion unless his suit includes the others are certainly raging war a- 3 Vest, gainst the give away programs, And oo why shouldn't they? Anybody that ai LO, THE POOR NICKEL $30,000 worth of any- can give away commercial thing is giving the salesmen a kick in the pants when it comes to listen-in-ers. oo os Along with the five-cent cigar bus ride and Big cities fare due to costs. In the old days when the towns were smaller 1s g ne the nicxzel even many newspapers, have had to raise the higher operating Slowly, but surely we're finding | out the origin of many «f our labm Herbert J. Nichol, an In- | organizer of the United | (CID) was list- Nichols hails charges and travel didn't cover the dis- troukles, ternational Electric] Workers, ed as a communist. from Lancaster and the were made at the Monday night. five-cent bus fare gave a pretty three the the transit cempany profit Now travel times as Privately buses Costs, held out perhaps, buat far, and up goes cwned lines can with a Cile » » Slevens House toy g : | nickel fare for awhile oe | they will gradually up the rate too. In small towns, street cars are dis- WE HAD IT COMING! | appearing with buses and trolley A famous Britain says that Eng- | coaches veplacing them. Styles land has reached its all-time 1oW, | change in transportation and the in the opinien of the majority f | (feat car looks antiquated along nations. We can’t say as to this, | Ge the streamlined vehicles. But, but we do know that Britons have changed their opinion and attitude you are going to and what is il you want style, ave to pay for it, about Americans, Citizens, who stylish at five-cents? The cost of have recently visited there, assure laying and buying rails for the us there is a decided difference and | rt There are prob- the British who this, but, on the The idea that gang- street cars, means that company cwners will have you wearing last vear's hat dut, — in our favor ably a lot of would debate whole, we are favored. of a generation or so Americans were principally sters, Indians, -cowb ys, were crude meney-grabbing has for some years to come, in many cases, you aren't go- ing to get last year's ride, for the | ago, same money. There is still the way cut, that is walking, likes to feel rain in his hair. and the wind many a and | citizen citizens, alt- |! (he ered It is said, where we used to | © » | be ridiculed for our “American | THEY CALLED IT BREAKFAST speech”, returning visitors from | the National Association of Re- that ceok the in spite of all the cay that many Britons are | (ail Grocers tell us imitating our manner of speaking. | housewife So it appesrs that we are credited | England, today’s can't way grandma did, kitch- | culture | (gnveniences in the modern a lecal man says, | en to for progress in economy, make the job an easier one. add that with the better - Letter planned. Vith the ccok borks, the ‘here | pes of and pesition. As “It's z2bout time.” ® oS CCTOBER 12TH English he is known as they do present day meals, exception of | | fancy | yreakiast, ave To the Celumbus, to the Italians as Col- exchange of reci- Colon. 1 history re- | fFzure the cut - distanced the Spanish as favorite dishes, you would | 1 s | is. much coafusion in culinary art would have | . bp famed name. Chris- | far garding this son of a|iorts, There is going to be Italy. wrgument recorded | A child of | t Co2'umbus, the some | tcpher ¢n this subject that except in areas and the Middle breakfast in Genoa, was | wool gatherer a Catholic, but histories as the Some has been survey shows, in s me farming historians | Ssuth, c¢ur morning World converted Jews. believe he visited the New weuld make grandma sshamed of | [ before Octeber 1492, that he was i us and grandpa weak from hunger. cn a previcus voyage to America | A piece of toast, glass of fruit juice, with Danish sailors. It is said he | cap of coffee, all hastily gulped, | didn’t set s:il for America, but was | weuldn’t have been a starter in the | Adding an egz and strip help was the India, to | Id dys. round. Most 12 as Col- seeking a trade route t prove the world is ef bacon wouldn't much. | states celebrate October I Then, most im- it started breakfast umbus Tay, but it is observed as | pertant neal of the day. Landing Day in Wisconsin, Discov- | folks off with energy to do a whale ery Day in North Dakota, Frater- | of a job. Ask an old timer. and he | nzl Day in Alabama. Whatever | will describe platters crowded with | continue to ys, hot biscuits, mush and follow, we histrry we pay tribute to the trail blazer of | pudding, fried potatoes, country 1492. and are grateful we were | butter, home-made jam and jelly, found, when we were found, in| nets of coffee, thick cream and this part of the round earth, very often, pie. There were pork e000 chops, side meat, fish, all accon- MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE, | panied by potattes, ef course. TAXPAYER We live differently, dashing thru Surprising how ignorant some of | breakfast to catch a bus, a train, | getting autos out of garages, find- us are, on the subject of taxes. We ; grumble, Breakfast is ing parking meal, | pay them, count the cist, space. but don’t fully The Commerce Department the total tax paid to Federal, State and Local government, for the fis- amounts to $262 for every | in the USA. not taken leisurely. A heavy in all the understand them. would cause indi- | And a cereal car- reports rush, gestien, you Suy. also, what | the hox tops tons, for prizes, if we listened to cal year, I I S Ww ed ft . grap na’ man, woman and child, granqma | A man checks his last tax bill, | i TY finds he pzid less than the $362 lor | MAKE NEW LAWN NOW each member of his family, and| Fall is the best time to Start th figures the difference was met by | 1¢W lawn, says A. FE. Cooper, ex- somebody else, perhaps big busi- | tension agronomist cf the Pennsy ness, perhaps real estate. | vania State College. A good law There are hidden taxes, we over- | requires topsoil, at least 4 inch tnick and preferably 6 inches. Fil look. When we buy clothing, pay : the r h erade with subsoil u rent, purchase groceries, we pay in the rough grade with subsoil uj indirect tax. The income, sales [to within 6 inches of the grade i i desired a vith topsoil gasoline, cigarette tax we recog- | 96S! d and with pso1 nize, but forget the tax we pay foi : bus ride, phrne call, electricity and Experiments water. The more one buys, the New York laboratory more tax is paid. When prices rise, the Iviry Tone taxes increase. So, if you add your the Frank H. Lee tangible tax, plus the indirect tax, | ed 957 of the you may find you come closer to Tew the $362 a person, than you real- ized. conducted by a showed that Panama Comp ny made Dy reiect- sun's feat rays. Stimulate your business by adver: ising in the Bulletin. - October 11, 1010 Inman rere [2 T sugar, 4 T grandma's ef- | « HAPPENINGS an Of we LONG AGO 20 Years AGO l 1 1£N hool will I esented witl foot ball te VI. D. Done i Roy B. Sheetz purchased the un- lertaking busine and equipment f te H. C. Brunner I ( A. Kercher was re- elected president of the Lane. Con- | of the Lutheran Ministeri- of Penna Marietta Banks have discontin- ed their Saturday evening serv- Ground broken for the new Hershey Community building Dr, Smedley who had an office t Dearbeck property moved the Zeller property on Mari- { Street 567 pupils have enrolled in out bli c¢hools Abram B. Earhart purchased the farm of the late Barbara Nissley in Rapho Twp., at $170.50 pe: acre Fxecutors of Eli B. Wolremuth old the brick house on North Bar- bara Street to John M. Kolp for $8500 Markets. Eggs, 38-44; butter, 35, ard 15 Rev. H. S$. Kiefer of the U. B. Church has returned for his eighth term. Tne Elizabethtown and Marietta Gas C extended its lines fron F-town to Rheems and Florin. H. J. Williams, Fred Schneider, Jr, Irvin M. Kaylor, Jno. Mum- ma, Jno. L. Schroll, Christ Heilig and Herman Hartman attended the Firemen's convention at Uniontown, rshall Gemberling, rove manager ol Baseball team, en- tertained the team to a chicken | dinner, in honor of thei SUCCESS during ‘Z§ season, 10 victories in 17 games. Over 1,000 persons attended both essions of the Welfare Conference at the Chiques Church —— ee eel Cm. The Bulletin’s Scrapbook ! + + * Week's Best Recipe Quick Apple Strudel: 2 c¢ sifted flour, 3 t baking powder, 1-2 t salt, snortening, 2-3 to 3-4 c¢ milk, 3 ¢ chopped apple, 1-2 { ¢ sugar, 1 t cinnamon, confection- | €1 sugar, chopped nuts Sift to- | gether flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut in shortening and add milk to make soft dough. Turn on floured board, knead gently Rell out 1-4 - inch thick. Brush with melted margarine, cover witl hopped apple Sprinkle suga cinnamon, over apple. Recll jelly- md form in semi-circle roll style n greased baking sheet. Bake 11 moderate oven 20-25 min. While warm, frost with white frostin made by beating confectioner gar with [little hot water unt smooth, flavor with vanilla Sprinkle chopped nuts frost- ing. Yield: 12 For Luncheons | over one-imcn slices Serve company this easily Put bottim oi pre- pared dish. halves of hard- boiled €geS on greased casserole. Cover with canned mushroom soup, top with crumb- led potato chips. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Use same meth- ! d for tuna fish casserole. Put layer of potaty chins on bottom, one-half of can of saredded or broken tuna meat as second laver. me-half can of cream of mush- recom soup as next layer. Repeat cess ending with topping of crumbled potate chips. Bake same length of time. Children’s Clothes A tip from extension clothing | specialist at Iowa State College, is | to cover clothes for youngsters who cut-grow them so rapidly. Buy a snowsuit one year, a coat the xt. 3¢ sure there is plenty of 1 the garment. See that line is loose enough fo: of movement, yet fits t tay in pla Plan clothing with imilar type fastening for children ea how fasten and unfas- ten their garments. Elastic should not go more than half way around and not be so tight it leaves red rks on the skin Inspirational A merry heart doeth good like medicine. -Proverbs 17:22 eee Nickel une near produced from Pennsyly and old | n Gap, ania, was t one time exported to all indust- rial nations, leading to many of the that gave the metal iniversal use in mechanical A levelopments arts Ephrata will get voting machines .this week. ° | (SAVE WHEAT FROM LOSS 1 Winter wheat can now be sown ifely in nearly all sections of Fennsylvania without danger or oss caused by the Hessian According to J. O exten- i'n entomologist of tae Penns vania State College, Se pe ve rouped around the last of September and the first of Octobe: en eee Fennsylvania, now one of the greatest game and fish states in the nation, practically a “shot-out” ite in 1895. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE H. M. SHEVNAN, widely known expert of Chicage, will personally be at the Brunswick Hotel, Lancas- ter, Wednesday & Thursda only October 20 & 21,gom 9 AJM. to 4 P.M. \h i re Ke | 1 th el n \ Vr. Shevnan will be glad to dem- onstrate witheut “charge. N. Artesian Ave. Chicago, 15 Large incisional hernia or rupture fellowing surgical operation especially solicited SIMON P. MARY G. NISSUE Y FUNERAL ee Mount Joy, - a cee ou | 'AUSHERMAN BROS., | | Realtorg | James P. Haug, Agent Phond, 251 ! I Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. | Walter Scheffler GENERAL REPAIRING LOCKS Ns Y AND ELECTRICAL DEVICES WASHING MACHINES Manheim Street Mt. Phone: 49-J Joy, Pa. 9-30-4t BENNETT'S Restaurant 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Monday thru Saturday Dinner served i1-2 and 5 to 8. bf Closed Sundays | BREYERS ICE CREAM BULK AND GALLONS BEER! Call 118J5 For Home Delivery WACKER SPRENGER VALLEY FORGE AIEL’S PRIOR ROLLING ROCK ALE "%& PORTER . Vietor J. Schmoll Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 2 P. M. Drive In For Curb Service nm HN an No bliyers of Steglihg Silver The prices ot International Sterling have not been raised. still get beautiful International Sterling Silver for You can the same price you paid several years ago! For example? a 6-piece place International setting in most Sterling patterns for less than $23.00. Just one more reason to see our distinguished collection of International Sterling Silver. { FICKINGER — Jeweler — 87 East Main St. Tel. MOUNT JOY, PA 1-W YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A DEMONSTRATION OF “HOT POINT” lectric Cooking TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1948 AT 7:30 P. M, IN THE East Donegal High School Auditorium MAYTOWN, PENNA. SPONSOFED BY THE American Legion Auxiliary of Maytown ADMISSION FREE - FREE PRIZES:— FOUR ELECTRIC COOKED DINNERS ELECTRIC IRON ELECTRIC CLOCK PAIR ELECTRIC/BOUDOIR LAMPS Sound and 1 Movie “IT HAPPENED IN THE KITCHEN” WOLGEMUTH, Inc. MOUNT JOY. PENNA. PHONE 273-3 It's To Sleep On / | Not Hold Money! Keep vdur ffunds where you know thev’will be secure every hour of the day...in the bank —— SEW AND SAVE TREADLE SEWING MACHINES CONVERTED TO We Buy Singers at Tr Prices 2 ELECTRIC PORTABLES ELECTRIC CONSOLES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIV uy m > SEWING MAC HINES s < A . ae > 2 2 Z | 0 < | = 2 » ho < w 5 a We Pick up and Deliver Anywhere $3 6.75 Complete Complete $69.95 | Sewing Machine Sales & Service V. BINKLEY, 111 N. Market St. Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 216-3 — SEW AND SAVE eee Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin All prices in this advertisement It’s out 2nd Week of Money-Saving Values Today A&P ) headquartei th shoppers on “2 fine T ods. You'll be light »d with the grand r of fine things 10 AA AAA AAAAAAAAA A RAAAAAAA NAN NANA § CHEESE FOOD 9 2-1b CHED-O-BIT © OL EOMARCARINE a ant { 93 | dic MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE * 55¢ ) AOD AAAAANA ANNALS ITER NAAN ARE AAAAAA A Ar SAA A A AA Florida Sugar Added or Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2: 3Fr 329 HEINZ BABY FOODS smo 10 18-02 cans 46-01 cans ANN PAGE CATSUP BK hae £0€ TUNA Fish CHICKEN OF Jug SEA Slee 33¢ DEXO jose 1% 3% ib SLil 4 tal! 58¢c WHITE HOUSE dns EVAP. MILK A&P PB JMPXIN 27 23c A&P SAUER KRAUT 2 2c HEINZ ToMATe Sip 2 on 25¢ CRANBERRY SAUCE mw 2 "= 27c TOMATO JUICE = Arinoui’s Corned TR) 16-02 Rn x F234 — 1% Now A PREAD AT ITS BEST — Mervel Regular 8 BREAD ts Bac ha 19° BONUTS ,. 00 mena oe 19€ MARVEL DINNER ROLLS © 1idc COFFEE CAKE ns via e290 JELLY STREUSEL cake AAAI INNIS AA NARNRRN RNR 131; CAMPBELL'S fo ens 2 AAAAA Slice NIAAA I A AA A AAA A AANA AA AAA AA AAAI AINA RONNIE AA AANA AANA NNN RAT RED, CALIFCRNIA Sweet, Juicy Tokay GRAPES APPLES "ofc of earns 3 ~ 36 } FLORIDA GRAF PEF HT 47 28¢ CAULIFL CWS FR abd ol % 250 YELLOW Oi: gd Mpls Bm CALIMYRNA_P{CS i%¢c ZANTE CURRANTS wo 2 Uy 29 LIBEBY'S WHOLE KERN CORN RED CHEEK APPLE CIDER Vo gallon 39¢ = CCFAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 16-07 cans 35e PICTSWEIT CREAN. STYLE GOLDEN CORN JANE PARKER Potato Chips 5-0; pkg 28€ » 10-07 pkg 49¢ CAMPFEELL'S PORK & BEANS A&P TOMATOES ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE ANN PAGE BAKED BEANS ANN PAGE CATSUP VEL, GCLDEN 2 16-07 cans 3%je gallon 65¢ 2 16-07 35¢C 2 16-07 cans 28¢ 19-07 can 22¢€ 8-07 jar 23¢ 16-07 can 10¢€ 14-07 bottle 20¢ 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. Sen are effective in all A&P Super Markets and Self-Service Food Stores in Joy — mn FA or PD) SD ED) ED ED) ES () DED HE) DD 4 ZC 4 (GT ED ETD GET) i >? 4% *, OD ADD (CED) ee () ED) SU () EW 2