A The Bullet lin, Mt. Joy. Pu., Thursday, Sapte mbei WY, T he Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 : mm ( | n become so, hy fol d Ev rsd t No { wu! ! ol : Viount J ered 1's seamstre Clothe : t have to leok home-made Subscription, per year x) ; Mor 4 1 isn't only the 7 M | ha re Keeping Single Copies 05 A fi to a leading pub- Si R ) on kniimg, cro Extered ot the Tet Ga cedl ind leathe Jov. Ba. in Ta A the trend for milady ter under tl Act \ 1879 Pp md usy itn nner = pursuit Well, we have YC ri ) a been for the ladies, God EDITORIAL iis rin when they choose their hats! * 4b e © @ HM it ever comes to a i3-months | IT GOES TO SHOW calendar, we hope it will | i in Oregon town, population a- months of June and seven of | bout 7.760, proves that Kindness pays Courtesy own re ew least depart Vy Crop {| ment 1 it so iam « i the 1 1 he ) n we used, ta i wratitude is a sur- | when the “violation” shows in red. rlus at a'l times vou generally get a ticket that in- licates a fine for ever-parking. In this small town, at the instigation M Wallac the southern De right time. As | the Chamber of Commerce who you ail kn it the hurricane | Invest $25 as capital for the plan, eason vihen the parking meter shows oe 0 red”, the patrclman puts a nickel SOMETHING TG WORRY ABOUT | In the slot, attaches a courtesy en- bes velol ch the tori It is predicted that the current elope in 1 the motorist can shortage of high school teachers, | Yeturn the five cents, Those with will 1 ave ad that there | hitle faith, think the system is will be an over-supply in certain | [0cihard) However extending lines uction. There is little | Such coumtesy is so appreciated, 3 that in » month's time the inter- 0p r help where there | 1 hi iid im Re Inter i x 1 rade school teachers ¢st on tne mvestment was 6 per Ti iid that if Junior gets well- | ent! Fils not only returned the trained grade school teachers, | NCH I but some sent dimes and within t} t few vears. Junior | quarters. Two sent half-dollars With the influx of | 20d cne sent a dollar. Maybe, over 1 {a period of time, trusting to the into the elementary | hers henesty of man, may be a loss to | La rand We schools, the well-trained teac There certificates | will he thise who neglect to return { the nickel and to be found, are less than in 1941 doubt it. Frequently, emergency are issued where the regular man who pays the dime or quarter will take care of the debt. Mayl ieve that the majol teacher's requirements are lowered | » so, but we be- nd applicants have had little or no | instruction teacher's training. ity of people re net going to return evil for rood We { then, bv ust such a Teacher's salaries are higher, in bist many communities, but in to need to be reminded, pro- many instances, the salary leve! henesty and courtesy as hss cennection with the teach- | in Oregon, that “chiselers” er’s qualifications. ® © 0° THEY NEED EMPL “Employ the capped”, is YYMENT | the writer had a similar exper- Physically of community courtesy on a wli- | south several years ago. Un- observed Oct. 3 -9.| knowingly he parked in a restric- These physic feel there is no vices, where ly disabled often | rit area and he » returne room for thelr sii when he returned fo a Jarve rod. tae fitness seems to be t a ge red tag, ysical fitness is neces- | the cops hand deynoe. Fhy sery in many trades but there are | occupations where such handi- | t: "You have violated om . regulations but i capped persons might be employed, | : but instead of to the of the one whe Hin: line ang costs you are 1 3 : xeused We want 5 { re hires na tor (nh morale of the | o Want you to return 7 0 our tow: whenever Jossible ed man who wants to | ve awn henever possible, . : thank yu f this visi May vo vorth. Given the zht | re eX ist. Ma oy 0 i yee me self-supporting, | you ‘nds come often ntribu to 1 economy of the | 1s an illustration of cour- at one never forgets and il add increased ouiput | fends, 3 Ser They ty ] { I } able md th wi i « si a, | ) e font 3 well | WS From « lican he Ye 1 y 3 1) i | capped are examp- les cot and Ww beneli : ; th y them ichs, econ- omecal 1 spiritually. | 6.14 ¢ ) ® ¢ 9 | 1 FIRE FREVENTION | =a : is) {10} I $319.85 or $13.91 A week 1s sot aside to remind us | 3 : ort >, ' | er] hor t gainst fire loss . | \ ti ws and ordinances, co- | : . | > (0 cperative effort in broadcasting the need o ty, the stressing in ! \ Hollir M S 1 Mi nce and carefuiness. A sue- | t « r 5 event ram . ws Assembly Program the 2 fie : 4 I \ f | n taught in schools | is equally import-| °° a nt. If we had started twenty-five | I 1 vears aso t present the faets, | ; > . + ehnarey might ha suffered less : ro 1 There are simple ’ ) Ww to e devastation to | : ti vel vOut in addy ad i de i t might include | ! the fire laws and ordinances, sta- : = . . : 11 Jay ( M tist less, technieal information nya y Er Iy Old K with the more complex 1 . 1 1 il duty of all of us| : : to make fire prevention a po ti y 3 In 1 ( | program, {ww both young and old ‘ : | yi Wil I that will bring safety to.our hones, | | Or m ) businesses znd public property. { { r eso 0 >IMmon ( viar . be STITCHIN' TIME 2 k Those who jok about women i 1 - A { wil not being able to cook without can 2 1 | i £ \ cpenc) J about mogern NE 3 IN i } Being uneble te sew on a buitor 5 1 eat your words! Without salt : Wm th ist | t pepper. Statistics for stitching nor more women today are | the fine seam, than ever | before. The oldest and largest | mar of sewing machines | f reports a 190 per cent increase over i Pre-war classes, in sewing instrue- | eh 1 101 tien in their 1600 instruction cen- |v lun 0 : | ters. A women says the main rea- | ¢ o 0 il built lor Sen for more women sewing is due | the purpose. F. H. Leuschner. ex- lo the drastic changes in styles. | tension poullry specialist of ihe : 1 Penneviv in State ¢ Buying ready-made clothes to keep | Pennsylvania Stat Colle ex ¥ i 1 . TR si abreast with the fashion trends, | plains that ‘it helps to fee ne 1 rey « hirde nf a costs too much for the average |W ater In inese areas 1.2 } i : ¢ | weak or more pocketbook, she believes. Lots of | vesk or more ‘Women are expert with the needle, | hen the pullets are to be caught.’ before the evenin CONTROL vear, remove old 0gist, | PY NEWTOWN | | HAPPENINGS |" ONE BALL AND CHAIN TO GET RID OF " Mr. and Mrs, John Cromwell - of ~~ nd Mis. K. Franklin, were Sunday LONG AGO | it of ind Mrs. B. L. Bow- A Vir, d M: Earl Geltmacher 20 Years Ago nt the weekend with Mrs. Min- 4 nie G of Kinderhook. N Martha Orio spent the ekend with Mr, and Mrs. George ( It hell pr M id Mn Irvin Witmer and ted | family visited Mr. and Mrs. John } f K i Ironville on Sunday. } « VI nd M Frederick Mum- Ville property ol d laugnter Mrs. John 1 ite VI Vi and Mi Good of I eth York, ai Mi Blanche Frysinge: Herst pe v 1d Mount J R1, called on Mi Reuben St or | M Daniel Mcore on Sunday ( ] d Mrs. Howard Johnson of the Lan Sanitary Lance r and Mr. and Mrs. Ray ( f Manheim were Sunday q undation wall for the uests of Mr. and Mrs Abram { ble dwelln ( I Gamber, completed li Minnie Gamber spent the 8-44; lard, 15! k-end vith relatives and I Middletown, G. S ¢ Prope VIh Mrs. Henry Rollman of ( Ww ithdrawn | Lititz visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm blic sale Haines on Sunday § Funk had hi thum! nd Mrs. George Schelkope bad cerated when a one fell | sponsored kitchen shower at the n it. home M nd Mrs, Darvin Rod- - es i" nd Mi Harry Kulm enter in horor of Mr. and Bre EREED GOOD LAMBS College, to use rugged ewe lambs v ; , i be thi He Te 4 Sheep growers are urged by for building a strong breeding ; t |] we es W. B. Connell, extension livestock flock and to head the flock with ed in Wh nd M Daniel Geltmacher | specialist of the Pennsylvania State a good ram. H ittended a family birthday dinner Fe Ge A. Kercher officially | at tae home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis lled Rev. Chas. F. Holland : Farlow at Hopeland, given in hon- of Marietta Lutheran | or of Mi Geltmacher mother Cl Church who celebrated her 53rd birthday. ean rus e tone WU J n I of Ho menses cet Gf — | rt EY EUBSS Be. 1 har | ACEO y - ! fonvre Prompt Delivery at . | Be lected. 1 (From page 1) e N Student 1 | Rhoads, secretary Fay Ackerman, ° Ft 2 co : : bis sistant; Mildred Mummaw, chor- Low ricés { N ¢ { New Dut ste Ackerman, assistant; i ff hibitio it the We [ pianist; Mildred Sie- ® 1 Gar J. H. Barto, prop. | grist, sistant; Shirley Von Stette: ’ 3 Twp he have | and Anna Siegrist, librarians; Nor- ct ident x We vr, and Robert Garber, . S & 0 i 0 I Soto NE Penn Lime Stone & Cement Gompany It w announced that the 1949 The Bulletin's Sunday school picnic will be held | PHONE ETOWN 66-R-2 a RHEEMS, PENNA. |at Hershey Park. On Sunda) 5-8- | S bh k ! morning, the new piano in the A Ci ap COK . Siadey Say 5 jl foe | [———— SEW AND SAVE — ee ( I na ue Knotty pine 1 1 | he + + sceial room were dedicated by the Boe en Rive ron tne me cw nena | TREADLE SEWING MACHINES : re = 2 1 boy n, D. D. John A. Fox, presiden | veal OOK cut In 1 > A of the trustees resente he three bos, 5 T Tard or drippings, 1% 1) ene 10 te CONVERTED TO Tr rt le Sh 3], DC. A Laut, evident of | [ELECTRIC We Buy ELECTRIC ey FOL i lf, t| Leban Valley College, gave the : Singers aa eee fay addy Paul Metzger. | | PORTABLES at Top Prices CONSOLES : i is I' flou 2 treasurer, reported the total ex- : Bor AE a Jeol ith i Sorgen NEW AND USED MACHINES G68 : 3 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | Add pomika, sph . uw REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES QF 0 : PRRs. ok abou! | PREVENT WHEAT LUSS SEWING MACHINES J s e done I : 3 d een pe ent of the wheat |? » ot tor. thay wrvested Pe vlvania this 2 z touid for avaw : y d d the Hessian | < to eight ie molunteq to abouts » he n 1 >] a < Use Celery Seed At x doll Planting bu m Y Leo VW he use. J. O. Pep- Ne ntomologist of the | | lishe : > { ( eed ¢ 1 ave aamag bread a | ——— rm | re Pick - re eal, in whict SIMON P. NISSLEY | $36.75 Complete oe Riek up aud Complete $69.95 ters for frying. Scatte MARY G. NISSLEY] [| : w seeds cver each layer of o FUNERAL DIRECT! . . - fern When Reving Gens seth nl Sewing Machine Sales & Service TY ry J. V. BINKLEY, 111 N. Market St. in latter hefo asin) oh i Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 216-J kled ove d snd AUSHERMAN BROS. | SEW AND SAVE remem of the celery hates te fave IY Realtors f Panini es rao iLL EL i ee cia | vod I James P. Haus, Agent l Trim It i Phone 25 i | lings of f tton balls, | Cor. Jacob & Mouht Joy Sts. l can dress up many home dec- | ——= ( n Yard trimming h i lety « l f edg- | fin p Pla K ( in mat - dressed up with edgi tt vard. Fringe is A 1 Clive You can ad edge of tae slight 7 y te rug a { : contrast ne rug Sit elt Have looped \ . ; cotton hall fringe, as : to \buyers of Ster{ing Silver 1 pur- I'he pricds of International Dy : Sterling hdye rot been raised. Da H 1739 ee ee cee You can Still get beautiful § | FREVENT HONEY ROBBING International Sterling Silver for Ww S robbing honey the same price you paid several { ther hives, stop it at once years ago! W. W. Clarke, extension For 6-picce place turist TF the Pennsylvania setting in most International State College v . : , Colleg It is a vice. Close Sterling patterns for less than the entrance to the hive as much $23.00 work the hon- Just one more reason to POSS10ie and do not * 2 ot see our distinguished collection 3D AOL eave any of International Sterling Silver. ANTHRACNOSE i ROL. ANTHRAC OSS FICKINGER Jeweler — 87 East Main St. Tel. MCUNT JOY, PA. appeared {this black raspberry the new ones with H. Bauer, nsion plant pathol- 1-W inds A dollars down won't get a- way... a savings ac- count in our bank. LLU] COMPANY:ZMT WS MT. JOY, PA.=— Vdd I Ke 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. SAT FU tainir m M NO whic 8 roo ough table oon Cor § FA Twi | oC corn ike PU ing ] of M1 of M front nd i Stree PU pron Qu ree ov let S fee! erect B. IF AT CHIN contay held n 3 Aon ( a, condit TS ond Willis rion Patri I Ci Milk your pro feed lowe Go vari High Poor tein top « and Has