The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 16, 1948, Image 1

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GQ 4 GQ 3 i Th? | + ee Te rN ry TL or Ay
1 e 14 nnual oO P .
ast Fenna. Conf erence Will Be € Her e On Sept. 28 30
Et Te Eel di LANE ASTER COUNTY The Local News Mortuary Record
he ce M O U Nn t J O \ B ulleti |} Very Briefly Told Entire Locality
org wriy-seven
The Ephrata Ensig celebrat- George M. Burg fe
+ > at Columbia Sund: I
OL, X1.V1 roy a 2 . ing its tenth birthday : :
VOI II, NO. 16 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, September 16, $2.00 a Year in Advance | Bonita Kauffman, eight, near| widow of Jonathan
py i Simpson, ‘0 bi: She was
v Lititz, is the county's seventh polio impson, at Columbia.
a " r ce ”, WwW | 5 rnb ‘ht two,
, YEN TR NY ob wonard S. Frank, a
orough Council Passed |" “x The 149th Session| ni" Ska Thurs., Sept, 30 | oo po sis fo ro dv,
Many residents of the cimmunity According to our experience .9 . to the Lancaster General Hospital aw ene + Fhila,, Mon=
ade a bus trip to New York, leav- | 34 av it w ’ . [during August day evening at 8 p. m,
° . mad I y let Saturday it would not have been § AHugy | 1 . A Yan 2 ;
ing Saturday and returning Sunday. | Ade da. on erence amiss to inc » » use of sling- Shirk Motor Expre Lancaster,| Mrs. Martha M. Bard, seventy=
3 3 ss to include the use of sling } ow "Phi M. Bard
S 1 nance They were Sadie Wittle, Fannie | shots in that fire-arms ordinance was fined §11404 in the U.S. Dis- Sah buy he 9! lip I Jar :
. Wittle, Mildred Gephard, Stella | Here Sept 28-30 which council passed at its meet- Be Holiday Here | trict. Court for violation G An is Ys rr Te
: Hoover, Mrs. McFarland and daugh- | . ing Monday night. The Manheim Mennonite Church | “000 pia
> — : A : | falter S teh iviv-nine. a
Will Invite Bids On N Fi En . ter, Miss Ruth Morrow, Mae Roth,| The 149th annual session of the Boys playing on North Market By a proclamation issued by | held a vouth conference Saturdav | Walter S. Bletcher, sixty-nine, a
a ew Ire gme and grandson, Kathleen McGarvey, | East Pennsylvania Conference of | styeet, shot a marble with a sling- Burgess Thes. J. B. Brown, the af- | evening and all day Sunday in t Lancaster ounty, at the
es Mrs. Myrtle Hess and son, Miss | the Evangelical United Brethren | shot acrcss the lawn between the ol Thursday, Sept, 30, will Raymond J. Davies, 15, Middle He was a
: i a . 3 : ‘ nn : Lil : nurse at the Messi: >, Har-
° ™ EXPECT TO ESTABLISH NEW Flossie Via, Jacob Shelly, Ammon | Church will convene here, Sep- pest office and fire house. It passed Le a general holiday in Mount Joy town, was killed when h olay A : ur essieh Home, Ha
Se . 2 a a T4 T Celle cvele dn't mal
Ellis Corll In ured: WATER RATES AT A SPECIAL Peters, Blanche O’'Shaunessy, Pheo- tembe; 28 to 30. Bishop J Balmer between two out-buildings on the nat will be Kauffman T. Keller cl could 1 Make curve. __
SRY . rs > ar a Ste a Mar owers, arrisbusg, 1s ne y J doe ‘One i ey day. dmation appear onn reine evenly VE
bi y MEETING NEXT WEEK—PUR- be Barto, Esther Stauffer, Mary | Si D. D. H bu th i C E. Reed property and into a rea Day Fhe proclamati PI Joht ( |
MEETIT NE] ul : : . ot | hers B i \ . argh 1 arr § illis
CHASED 2%0 FEET 6 - INCH Charles, Betty Charles, Mrs. Christ | presiding officer, Dr. David E.{wndow at the Bulletin office. The | elsewhere in the Bulletin Manheim R3, was treated at the | Harry S. Williams
€ : nto a uarry WATER PIPE Charles, Mrs. Mary Walker, Mus. | Young, D. D., Harrisburg, Confer- | impact scattered fine glass over a ' There is every indication that | Lancaster Genera] Hospital for a Harry S. Williams, seventy-two,
2 i : John Williams, Marguerite Divit, | ence Super intendent, and Rev. Ez- | printing press inside. all our business men and indust- | bone which lodged in his threat, [a former resident of East Donegal
Ellis B. Corll, twenty-nine, 218 S.| —_ : . | Mary Divit, Anna Mumper, Mr. and [ra H. Ranck, B. D., this place, host Had the marble struck a pedes- | YS will co-operate along with our | Parking meters will soon be in- | Twp. died at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday
Barbara St. was admitted to the The regular monthly meeting of Mis. Sprout and dangliter, Dorothy, | Postor, trian at Reed property it could | citizens and make the occasion so | stalled at Lititz and will be put t { the home of a son, Daniel Wil=
Lancaster General Hospital early Youn: Joy Boro Count was Wn Charles Reese. Samuel Engle. Mus Serving Christ and My Church hove resulted seriously. impressive to one of its native born | use upon completion at 12 minutes | liams, Harrisburg RD. He resided
Sunday morning, the victim of an |W Council Chamber Monday smberling shee Rincar ue | will be tne opening theme at a pre- | ee We erm | sons that it will never be forgotten. | for one cent at his son’s home for the past two
odd accident. | evening with 2 perfect Sat i oi Roms { conference banquet, as a prelude to | . There has been a slight change Mrs. John Hershey, Lititz, who is years and was in ill health for the
T wht YEE » | which, in addition to all Council- yy oe ! 4 ( . sonar tthe | in the progr: i blishe | traveling Europe , . . Reich’
ne mishap occurred around 3 | : lor, Dorothy Kaylor. I the 149th annual conference of the rie ews rom ! program as publisned in | travelin In uarope, sent word | past year A member of Reich's
a. m. Sunday when he was walking | ee _and Bingen Brown included Mi Arthur Bineor wos. driver and | Evangelical United Brethren | last week's issue of the Bulletin. [home that all her valuables, pass- | Evangelical Congregational Church,
\ 4 i | Solicitor Arnold. : : The | vies hav | ’ X of
along the old Harrisburg pike be- Yili are hide Church, comprising all the United | ie outdeor movies have been dis- | port, travelers check et were | he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Em-
tween Saunga and Mount Joy. A| The usual monthly reports were Ir. Jolin Willials fie guide. | Brethren Churches east the Sud-4 e ilies or pensed with and instead the Potts- | stolen at Milan, Italy ma Williams and these children:
brother, Jacob Corll, borough po- made by all committee chairmen. | que wanna River, when 200 pastors | town Band and Glee Club will | Tre — | Horace K. Williams Harrisburg;
i ‘ : The Solicitor was requested to ; fur nte WA Voir :
liceman, said his brother missed a os 1 nd lay delegates will assemble to | uic ead g urnisn entertainment at the con- | Mrs Victor Rambler, Manheim:
friend who was going to take him | an enlighten. Connell on urors re ra n present their annual reports for the | clusion of the afternoon exercises | Killed In France: Jacob H. Williams, Penbrook; Murs.
home by autcmobile and: decided toh ew to finance the purchase of a year ending September 26, 1948. Two men cleaning a cesspool at!until Mr. Keller's departure that | ’ |J. C. Stoner. Columbia: and Dan=
walk. are engine He informed that hody \ or oming ourts Dr. A. F. Weaver, D. D. Associ- Coatesville, died from gas evening. B d S t H ie] Williams, with whom he resided
| that a tax W sree { : ; T 2 | ! i :
Ac he wos walking: toward. Mt. | that a tax of two percent of the ; a x i ite Direct of the General Daryll Jamison, six, Nottingham, The Pottsville Band has thirty- 0 y en ome Nine grand-children, one great=
| boros assessed valu: ic { Juror rve at , w. 15 gy : . We : ik : ie ae y= I i ren, 2
Joy a short distance beyond ie | boros assessed valu ition, which is | ur ns to e a we ox | cil of Administration with resi-| Was struc k by a car and instantly | six pieces and there are forty-eight Information was received Satur- | grandchild and two brothers, How-
Ainerican eric the litle ld million and one-half, can be lev- | session of Common Pleas Court. | latice HO y , | killed. voices in the Glee Club : . : ga I 3 : =
American Legion Home he lights | { dence in Dayton, Ohio will be the u | dav that the body of Set Richard |ard S. Williams, Harrisburg; and
of an oncoming automobile blinded ied with-ut the consent of the vot- i and the Dec. 13 session of Quarter nrincinal sveaker, and will address| Five were injured and 33 shaken Arrangements are being made to | HAN : hirt : | ” Nor ot S Willi 1 : Mill Share
c ) ) linded | : ; ip: ak Vode Vo al Sbeak y Ww DD 1 > | Albright, thirty-two, husband of | Norman 3 illiams, 1 ers A
him. He stumbled to the side of | ors 3 f ons Court were drawn Wed the several Boards of Stewards of | UP when a bus and a truck col-| accommodate an audience of 3.000 | Mr Catherine Zook Albright, | also survive
l . . .. | The question arose as to whether | nesday at the court. “pn . es lided at Lancaster people {| Mrs atherine Zook ight, | alsc e.
the road to avoid the automobile | | A, 3 the 156 churches in the conference, eo! at Jsantasier, pie. | Quarryville i son of Richard ° The funeral will be held Satur-
., | or not Council could use the re-; Eighty-five persons were drawn | : : he constructi of the i AAT uarryville, and son of Richard 5 e funera ill be held Satur
ond stepped ‘on some guard Valls) fund of tl | t ; tt C Pl who will be guests of honor at this e construction engineer or tne { Albright, Maytown, would arrive [day afterncon at Reich's church
1 : : | serve fund of the water account 0 serve ‘a the ommon eas . 3 | Pe Turnpike C i$Si0 h: ke Yo 1 ¥ ’
that were lying on the ground S€ | pre-conference banquet. { Penna, Turnpike IMMISSIon 1S * | . . ‘ s
t g id. hs : . . . sh : al en wile] : { at the J L. Frey Funeral Home, | west of Maytown, and interment in
(Turn to Page 2) | for that purpose. Inasmuch as this | Court session. Local jurors are The formal opening of the annual | opened an office at Ephrata. ounty Finances | M Si i ph . a
: l { vo w x . pial in, : 5 I ietta, » adjoining cemetery.
— i= eee [ special fund started during | Cavid F. Earhart, Elizabethtown | co 00 will take Te An outbreak of how cholera .on { ie adjoining 3
| ol I > \ » place hues- / 4 5 : 0 . 1 vements :
| the war in 1942 and accumulated | R2; Pauline Brandt, Maytown; fay morning, September 28, when eighteen York Co. farms has al- Of 88 Y A [ he { A. gu } er FARM WOMEN SOCIETY
leon ny a ir. ye Notion, Ii 3 : ng » a0, vel completed, t it is known that | FARI MEN S
A t A id ¢ | ander a special act 'of the Laura Granger, Florin; Wiliam P| (Turn to page 2) ready taken a toll of sixty swine. cars go : os a A at I MET AT RHEEMS SATURDAY
: " ¢ - embers ) he L810 ME 4 LEV £
U 0 CQ! en:s ure, the solicit'r advised against | Fllis, Mount Joy; Richard Brook, | - — is Anglers found a 22 inch salmon Our townsman Mr. Ralph Eshle ro : : ”’ v ; # % . : S ci F w m No. 8
i" 2 . bos . | . . > a val de 0s flaviown Wii assl mn 1 =a 0 arm ( en 0.
D 1 Th W s use for the purchase of a fire | Bainbridge. | ° ° in the Susquehanna river which | map handed us portion of the |r t fur | held it 1 F tt Night cov
engine. Quarter Sessions, Dec. 13 they feel re Wi killed by an' flies ! re © nina Or Services fistg us snug fm BI
urm & eek : ecieclive ervice rey feel sure was killed by an nung Joy Herald printed in Jan- | { : Twp. | ered dish & Saturday eveni
iki Firearms Ordinance Grand Jury | eagle : Wh Sad Dunied Dh dn A graduate of Bost Donen! Twp. fered dish Handy Cy
: r en | y x : me uary, 1869. He ceived > copy S Sg / gi ntere he | at “The yme of Mr. ¢
Mixup Near Florin An ordinance relative to the use Edna M. Shellenberger, Colum- | : : ’ At the Timonium, Md. State Fair, a y the cony | 1 It Albright bi od. thels : Der! 7 he ihe of Mr. and
| : 2 from Philip M. Shoemaker at Higl corvice July 8. 194 . 1 at | Mrs Ww Scott Heisev, Rheems
No one was injured but damage | ©f firearms in the boro, which has | bia R2; Clarence Y. Baker, Man- | 1S riC a n the grand champion Hereford boar : pM. als | on Ju IAS; Mansy Ay "ED | sd na
ay Be hes asad : eS . X ire. Port Eustis, Va., a Fort Devens, | with approximately sixty »mber;
estimated at $375 resulted from a | Leen dragged around for months, | heim R2; John F. Froelich, Mount- | Registration for Selective Serv-] was sold for the banner prize -f yh : I rt Kustis, Ya ng Fors 1 on | wa 2 x pox I Sx y members
ollision involving a truck and two Was read and finally passed by a | ville : ; $1,550.00 ie paper has a complete report | Mass. and went overseas with Co. | and their families present.
( V g ¢ ruck anc wo J . | Ice 1s now taking place with the | #4290.00. of the financial statemen f Lar A. 179th Fngineel in July of 1944 Arthur Eshleman supervising
automobiles on the Harrisburg | (Turn to Page 2) Petit Jurors . : Mrs. Walter A. Snyder and tw : : ity ani en Eo : nh : 2 - pi,
: ; a % 3 2 | Marietta High School serving as a wrs. Na + Snyder and Wo | ser County for the year of 1860, | He was killed in France on Aug. | principal of Paradise Schools, gave
pike just west cf Florin, at 1:50 a. Farl B. Longenecker, Landisville, ce 2 Rae OTE daughters six and five, were as- 3 ge oy | :
m. Florence Bah | center for Conoy, East ; ; >" ljust eighty-eight years ago and im- | 23, 1944 | an illustrated lecture on his tour
. Monday : orence 5 arnhart, Maytown; [and West Donegal Townships and phyxiated by gas at their home in mediately precedin: the Civil war.] In addition to his wife and his | of Western stutes and Canada,
State Policeman Szabo said Carl | n ime 1g Dcnald Eichler, Florin: Lee G | Marietta Borough Registration Lancaster. ~ : Ma I ae :
G. Good, nineteen, Elizabethtown Forney, Mount Joy: Harry Bowers, | : gh Co I it i The county tax levied against all | father, he is survived by a son, The society will sponsor the Corn
1. 100d, en, YL « ow >) yo > da 1 1 cf pt ¥ » or raster
RY, in attempting fo pass a truck | Maviowsn . : takes place in the high school of- r R . many 5 Pe 0 i = x ™ the residents of Mount Jov Boro | Richard H., Jr; and these sisters: | Queen at the Mount Joy Commun-
operated west | Edward S *h: x : or - Cre arm il an { flee from 8 am. 1 p Medaily) oma. Bly ta Hues Brim rs art for that year was $51864 According Miss Anna Albright and Marguer- | ity exhibit next month.
per ¢ oy Edward Schade, | with Marietta Borcugh teachers hauling drinking water for their he et ; wife of R oxi He ot ———— Qe
h : v Y : or . MRS y SRA Voy inv . to the report every cent of tax for | ite, wile of Ray Fryberger, both at
thirty-one, Gloucester, N. J., side-| The price of Lancaster county | MRS. WOLGEMUTH ENROLLED |g ving as registrars cattle our bere ” {home GRAYBILL DIEHM HONORED
swired n a1 avelin net) % yi} » in} § SC 1 x YY | v By > ) Oro was pa nn AT +58 re : ns
Swi ed #1 auto traveling east, | real estate continues to soar in In OF THEOLCGY Men born in 1926 register today: The Penna. Farm Implement As- The ere Commission EE | Grayhill Diehm, Lancaster
driven by James W. Stoddard.! the face of any or all reports to| Mrs. Graybill Wolgemuth of Mt . 927 register Septe: sociation held icnic at Ephrat ; sli 4 / :
thick NC : ; ol ny I tov B Agi ls men born in 1927 register Septem- o 0 oi v picnic at Eph: 1 [that time were Daniel Good, Jas.| HARRISON NOLT BEGINS county commissioner and Repub-
y-eight, rigntstown, N. J.! the contrary. i , da. R2 has enrolled in the | hor 10-11: men borr 1928 reg- | Park last Thursday. About 800 lie :
: I or sy men rn in Ja reg 2 Yr y Q PW J ‘KK I) LIN a wn lean cnairman was named a mems=
The Good car ‘ehounded ainst T . | School f "Theology Vt Joyers and Levi S. Rei At that 5 WEEKS EUROPEAN TOUR ¥
cod car rebounded against An Upper Leacock farm =U 0; weology of Chicago | iste September 13-14; men born | members were present. ti : 1 0 H S Nolt cil ber of the State GOP executive
the rear trailes wheel and was sold last week at $1.000 yer acre. | Evangelistic Institute, 1754 Wash- a i Qe . 4 . Tl State is king re me a commissioner was pal $2.00 arrison NOI neat wllivel ; I U
wged 30 feet P I Cand ; will ; ingot Boulevard, a Bib! in 1629 register September 15-10; ie Sas Hla 15 aang per day when he werked and six | Spring, Columbia R1, was sched- commitie
gged 30 feet olice said Good | Of course it was less than thirty poeulevard, a ible ccllege | und men born after January 1, | ments to locate a liqucr store at] lef 1 led | N Yorl th TT
vill Qe tad Loy ales 3 Sun s ents ) I e lor ave « swpen- | led to sall irom New ork on 1
ke prosecuted for making a | acres. i iH IAI rial, missionary, and | 1030. but before September 1930, | Quarryville and some of the per mn ! Ing Gucen Mary. this’ wee} A WAS GRANTED A DIVORCE
a )ASS, ane 81 religious educati field Mrs. | Su ET "Ile re are "et ses gen), faaly, Wis veel. lo igi i
d Farm Brought $13,000 Tug: % oe a5 ie ke S, : Vi regis el Septembey 17-18 zens Yu ve are opposing it SG ——— hour. France. on the fivstiler of a Virginia 'T Vales, thirty-three,
Three Persons Injured H. H. Heagy, Elizabethtown to- olgemuth wil] participate in the Registration has been going The 283 - foot Stoudt’s Ferry kt { EF H this boi charged that Abel Vales
i : | Christian Service Li atorv I ; . : five-wee our of Eurcpe fe is Hess é ) ales,
Tiros persons were in) hecco dezler, who owns an adjoin- Christian Service Laboratory pro- moothly, with teachers working | Bridge, near Reading, believed to Week S Birth Record membie f rt 14 Fan thirty - seven, address unknown
i : 1 briny which Box fotos ember of a party of ) pid Ss ,
a two car collision east of Lancas- | ing place, purchased for $13,000 a am which has created interest in | spare moments during scheol § be one of the longest single-span : : i dese rte er mn. 7. 1948 he
I' Lancas hurel 1 { Bureau representatives being re I her Jan. 7, 1946. They
ter. All were residents of Phila, | farm of 57 acres and 35 perches, | gan 1 and ue ucational circles be- { hours, before and after school, and | cove-ed Structures in the world | Mr, and Mr. Robert Germer, of | yw. rded for vast services with were married Aug. 20, 1932. The
State Policeman Stafford said 1'2 miles west of Maytown on the | gus h ; foe i rs to jon Saturdays. Between August 30] fell into the Schuylkill River Sun- town, a son at St. Jo s Hospital | (in, overseas court granted the divorce.
Miss Isabel K. Endslow, fifty. Ard road leading to Bainbridge, at ° aurch education problems and September 7 168 men were | day night. Wednesday ’ : 1 TY
| . Endslew, fifty, / Es or 2 , Spl oleh anesd: I'he itinerary ls for visits to
mare, Who had been visiting with | Church, which wes offered FIVE-Y > ig registered in the 22-25 year age : ’ ay Captain and Mrs. Charles Frank, | p, yj Denmark 'S eden, N
; as ii aptain I < Ss yenmark, Sweden, Norway
Mr. ond Mis IL 5 Moo Lo! public’ sale hy JH: Hoffman, ibid Gp SARL HURT | groups Of these 128 were veter- Pl Fl h a son at Fort Myer Station Hospital, | and England. returnii t Everything That
etta R. D., was passing an auto and | €Xeécutor, Aaron L. Hoffman, de- Tr 3 2 i ans and 40 non-veterans an ower ow Va., Sept. 14th New York on the Queen Elizabeth
a truck and collided with : .. ceased, on Thursday afternoon. sLephani roup, five, daughter | ES Ween D. Zer-|
nd collided with another | f Edward Ti Ovst Poi . nd Mr Wor D. Oct. 3} a ene t
= it > " ( dwar roup, yster oint, 2 ANE g | :
car, also in the middle lane. Dam- This East Donegal Township | : | MARJCRIE CARTER IN At S | S rin phey, 128 E. Main street, a son | rere Pp
age was estimated at $1,500 form contains a frame | f : pg ie fio lo SUl- | SATURDAY EVENING POST nver P g Sunday at the Lancaster General | ppnppiSH GLOW DECEIVED
: ering a fracture + fe © of or . : ALA
——— — dwelling, large barn with modem | | th : | i le fomure of Marjorie Carter, of Lancaster The Silver Spring Civic Club | Hospital TWO FIRE COMPANIES Florin Recently
1e righ g alter she was struck ; : VIE ANEE,
cow stable. corn barn and small | e : eg io! : lew i truc} county, is represented in this | will hold its third annual flower| = ——— The Mountville mi Ironvilie
Local SS W orkers tobacco shed attached to barn, | - i oh oe see by Raymond | week's (Sept. 18) Saturday Even-| show on Sept. 17 and 18 in the {| DIED FROM STARVATION Fire Co es . wh Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCurdy
altz, Mariett: 1. | . } af : ) vere calle the othe x Iy 1 Mrs \
chicken house, hog sty, garage anc 2 ot on x oe wr | ing Post with a short story, “The | Silver Spring Evangelical United A 7-weeks-old child of Robert hi he reddish lot ta 1 Palmyra and Mrs. John Dunham
: Waltz told authorities : » hos- | ~ ; " - 3 mght when a reddish glov t d ohn of Avi rere
other outbuildings. ital Fe "the ho Girl Whe Ran Away Brethren Church. The exhibit will] Lee Nace, at Marietta, died from | go Joo. Silver Sprin i J John Aven were Sun
= yita a he li » girl ran : - : : | sky o Silver Spring gave rise t day i 1 ar . if
on erence Met Walter Dupes, auctioneer. [his x plran In ont! Wrs. Carter's story, which has a| be open from 2 to 10 p. m. on the! starvation, the attending physician the report that cotta rh of Mi Lillian Hamil
iS can | 0 tha ottages or P
——— teres Pennsylvania - Dutch background pening day and from 10 a. m. to | announced. There was absolutely 1 uses} . ton
The Sunday Schoo i ees yo wn > : Y shore of Lake Grubb were on fire Vi av n {orn 0) svehaA
te 4 y S¢ 1 W ker Con- | Miss ANNA WOLGEMUTH is her first published short story in| 10 p. m. on the second day. There | no food in its stomach or inte The glow turned out tn il Ir. and Mrs. Norman E. Hershey
erence es ening > : glow turned « to be he lad ¢ Mi foe 5 avd
ence is bi ty eve ing at the NAMED SECY-TREASURER I. J. B. Br Ww N i ny magazine will be about 100 entries and the | tines edt x called on Mr, and Mrs, John Le wis
hor e of sident Earl Kaylor with The 10th annual reunion of the 0 Nn ame Mrs. Carter is the mother of | exhibits will be judged before the a i whic were bai; ; a 4 4 y : Bn LHOIN : pus ay evening.
Seve mer rs & OSE sae : i p 1: 4 5 emg lested 10) 08 vi Samuel Shelly ar
oy di n nd paso! present. | descendents of the late Christian [two boys, one attending Columbia | ®pening of the show. Joseph Nit- | SUPERINTENDENT RETIRES tival = scheduled ba th Ql dds 5 elly visited Mr.
Pox 3 ltmacher, superintendent of | B and Elizabeth Miller, was held Justice of the Peace |: jos Inive golly the (ther going to Rut- | roy is general chairman and Mrs Linden Owens has retired ae aoe Si Fignd M Te Heisey at Lancas-
e Newtow Ty delice: T . : » ter n sunday
( Bytom n Evangelical TU. recently at Long Park. | were graduates of Mt. | J. Donald Roach is co-chairman. ,uperintendent for Crippled Chil- ri 0 — ! 5 un
dav School rts ols | . . : . n Vir. P Shank o anover, vis-
. ey was present als Prizes were awarded to Mrs, | Joy ro School She and her I'nere will be five sections. The dren at Elizabethtown after 18 years | SUES FOR A DIVORCI Mt ahd Rn
T'here was a discussion on the | Annie Miller Kachel, oldest wom- | husband devote most of their time | first will be cf specimen blooms of |i), the post A it f livorce 1 oq od : B. F. Kauffman
xt arterly ating. i ras i | : 4 u or divoree h been | [uesday
ne ot quarterly meeting, and it was | an; Jean Lorraine Honsaker, [to raising chickens, Hampshire |all the best known late Summer SE — at the County Court Hou ) io TM Voir or
decided that the host church would | ycungest child: and Mr. and Mus. | hogs and a Saanen goat on their | flowers, Section B will be exhibits . » Norman €. Houser. ; y and Mr Harry Eichler of
pe the Church of God and the date | John Honscker, Martinsburg, trav- farm along the Mount Joy and] of sprays of berried shrub. Ther Autoist Failed To lizabethtown R2, against Amand: | , ii ted Yohves In wh
for the event, Monday evening. Oc- | eling greatest distance Manheim Road (Turn t 5 figs SD me id ; I Sal :
ol a; g. ling greates stance. Manhei o page 3) H. Hous forty-six, Middletow:
tober 25th. Mr. Kaylor stated that | Lester Kachel, Lancaster | EYE) Sener Te Ta yi (Turn to page 3)
I a) ste Lest i ; .ancaster, was | He charges deserti Tt —
i | I 3 sertior 1 ( — We
the Conference would try and ob- | elected president; and Miss Anna | HEISEY BROS. RHEEMS. I y DEEDS RECORDED Yield Ri ht- of - Wa vas ll Nov 2 ‘
{airs 9% or ; i | .. RHEEMS, LOW ! : was married on No 24. 1920 SUFFERS LACERATED LEG
1a i a Speaker for that evening Wolgemuth, Mount Joy, secretary- | BIDDERS ON ROAD MATERIAL | Clarence E. and Della M. Golden, 68-year-old Landisvil man - Bi i do = \ Geltmacher, tw :
Rev. Farl Elrig, President of the | treasurer. | The Heisey Brothers Quarries, { Mount Joy Twp. to Abner C. and Wolo with failure to yield the |GETS STATE CONTRACT MS. Barbara Si I
Sunday School and Christian Fed- i . TS Ee | Rheems, ubmitted a low bid of | Georgetta L. Stern, West Donegal iy f wot pedestrian hi The Department of Property and an an Was trestet at
(Turn to page 5) { TRACKMEN RECOVER | $11.647 f : Twp remises i M tJ T ; gnt o Vi 0 edestirian a Pi 1 1 Ol roperty ma I te (reneral ospital
g { $11647 for stone and bituminous p., premises in Mount Joy Twi : : Ths aw ne .
- : - | exp . x . wosecuted by city lice Saturday. | Supplies Tuesday awarded a $29 VI ) cer
| $860 LOST BY RIDER | material to the supervisors of West|on read from Elizabethtown to |’ rc i rit. wae O50 tos at clastele AY yy for = laceration of fue
JAIL ED IN TURKEY THEFT | A passenger on an eastbound | Conegal Twp. T ph Manheim gene LL. Herr, Landisville, was | 950 « a or an electric AL sub- | right leg which required three sut-
3 y 2 8 : 2 p. Thursday. The ma- . cuted failure v i shit [station at tl Pp | t t
. ; |: trai Ir is wallet ailing | ; tis — presecuted tor to yield right ta } ‘a the ennhuy State | ur to close
"Ha ary Adam Miller, fifty - nine. | So his Watier wont i. terial is to be used for road work, ic KA Stauffer, Mount Joy, to of way to a pedestrian following | Scheol, Spi ing Cit to Paul A et Ce nnn.
in . i | %860 in cash as the ‘ain wen it was re a Cyrus S. & / rr, NV
Lebanon, a six-time offender, was | Landisville | it ve fe ported. voi Ss i Dorothy Derr, Mottnt! at the intersection of [Martin. a local contractor LETTERS GRANTED
sentenced to one and one-half to| ,.. = : 1e Lancaster alite Co. was (Joy, two tracts with a two-story | vine and S ve Rig sete eases — . .
3 Spiced 1 x d « ; 0 | . of. "he: PenaviVanis cceond > : an Ri I; - ro end ih Vine and S. Prince Sts., Lancaster Hoffer Kaylor, S. Annville Twp.
four years in the Eastern Peniten- | cecond lowest bidder with a figure | frame house and other bile TH IR IN » aur
: eniten Ta : when his automobile struck Mrs, | CHARGES INOL-PROSSED nd the Ui N
Seo on : | Railroad recovered the wallet for { $11.872 nts, NM : Bai and the Union National Mount Joy
tiary for stealing eight turkeys val- | , . jor $11,872. ments, Mount Joy, and a tract of Regina Bitel, eighty, 25 8S. Prince Charges of adultery and bastards 1 ¢
A. 1 to , 4 | the owner a short time after they | OO lanl, Mount Joy, $3,600. : Sie Shih adiiliery and bastardy ¢, administrators of the estate
ued at $80.00 from Roots sales! si i A unt Joy, St. Mrs. Bite] was treated at St. against Robert Johnson, Mt. Joy Rl lint 8. K
barn, near East Petershur | Were notified of the loss. The own- > COUNTY BOYS GIVE Me | Joseph's Hospital for | We 1 re oy raion ©, Ravior, te Sl HIE
arn, LAS ters g Be AD : . Joseph's ospital wr lacerations | were nol prossed | the court be- | Tov:
reel oe er, Gustov Wohl, was enroute from POULTRY SHOW S p ‘WwW 3 RX | I y Lhe urt voy lownsuip
Shanghai, China, to Providence, R J ¥.! W sk A NEW BAR CLIRE. and contusions of the left arm and [fore Judge Schaeffer. The costs —————
HAD A TRUCK “CIDEN’ Ching, to Providence, kh. I'wo Lancaster boys presented a| Jack Sauders, of this place is the ,dqmitted . : ;
ACC NT L THOMAS J. B. BROWN skit at the opening session of the bar clerk at Chest A | % flue were paid, according to District At- | AERO CLUB MET
Mr. Bard Locdor voy a. : re 3 is 8 sess {new bar cler a ester rm=- | Herr told police that he was |torney J M. Ranck T! mon ; set
rl Leedom, West Main St. | re Burgess Thomas J. B. Brown, | eleventh NEPPCO Poultry Indus- [strong’s Washington House since driving South on S. Prince S { John M hon " The monthly meeting of the Chi=
Who operates a large tractor-trailer, | FL AMENT AT HOSPITAL Poplar street, was named justice | try Exposition, held at the Farm |Monday : k l ¢ t a Ph SY ques Aero Club was held at the
. Fae IY, unl -, AR. hy: . ’ € day. was making a left tur nto Vine | STARTS SECON FE / f Alv
left for Tampa, Florida Monday | Mr. Eli Ament, local garageman,| of the peace here by Gov. James | Show Building, Harrisburg. oo linens St at OE a» gon ne TA ECOND YEAR home of Alvin J. Reist on Tuesday
with a load of potatoes. Several days | was removed to the Lancaster| H. Duff on Monday. | Robert Houser, Jr. and Robert | MARRIAGE LICENSE | % I ) a ol p- h,| Miss Irene Anderson, daughter | evening
later he returned by train stating | General Hospital where he under- Mr. Brown fills the vacancy | Wolgemuth, Mount Jcy Rl, staged | Jerome Henry Davis, Mount Joy finn i Ne and Sey Mp 5nd Wes Poul Anderson of a.
4 5 ” : ; ; . *) y 3 a y AV OV ; woman ying at 11 > iz 2 NT ae My 2 Myre :
that he had a “crack-up pear } went an operation for hernia on| caused by the death of Arthur | their short play, “Products Quality | R2, and Grace Elaine Whitacre, E } wheel He Ss i t 0) front { Columbia R. D. 1, began her sec- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller, West
3 ality y- & @ d y wheel. » said tha » ve | ond vear » Harri - i e
Norfolk, Va. Tassdoy, Hendrix, who. died ome time ago | Kegs ED, x wh ; 1e did not see | ond year in the Harrisburg Hospit- | Main street, spent several days at
. anyone crossing the stree: J al School of Nursing in August. Milford, Pa. last week,