The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 09, 1948, Image 2

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[RAL MORNING GLORIES extension agronomist of the Penn]
4 R pti Riv Nn Or. - | Little trouble ill be expe: o State College, recommends 1 to 1} : ad
The Mount Jo B in H APPE N | NGS ece on ave enc a ig oe 2 the | pounds of the ester form of 24-D Make Your School Lunches
y Bulleti : ts 8
{ potato field next year if they are! per acre applied to the sod which |)
congratulation, lauding the devo- Rate “pg in Energy & | -
The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 9, 1948 |

: 4 killed this month. G. H. Berggren, to be plowed down next spring.
tion and 'zeal of Dr. and Mrs. Bie-
dno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO ber were read, Mess ies wer | |
WSTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 5 ER EL ei f Dr. Frank Clark
received from lin

. - : iN nods pleasantly, during summer's | © Ae Fry, President of the United Luth- ™,
oF in 2 ve St nes > 3 hed : Ry y Sts 1 is by Sony 20 Years Ago an ( hue in See ica; DE » Th cash wn i DO
si YO Le i Reinartz, Secretary of the ‘
Subscription, per year .. $200 | lace or wild carrot, as beautiful as — United Lutheran Church in Amer- a : AL}
Six M n } rr 31.00 the choicest cultivated beauty. Mr. J. S. Carmany celebrated his cai. The Rev. Zeaasn M. Corhe 7 . / 0
Three Month . 60 : ider the bloom of the sumach, 80th birthday D. D., Executive Secretary of / bank certainly | 3
Single Le pies: a thn ory of the golden rod, and The new concrete highway thru! Board of American Missions: The 2 i: LOC
Sample , Cop'es Sa they take their place in your heart. was completed this week. | Rev. J. Fra Fife, President of a
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt vay overlook the round faced ho fr op of trans-conti- | the Maryland Synod. Ti Con- i BAF
Joy, Pa, as second-class m mat- sunflower, that used to grace the nental air rac 20 light commercial | gregation of St. Luke's extended 3
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 d to edge the chicken yard? irolanes refueled ut Middletown. | thvond He Pasta,
Hershey property was
3 rp, ( ) I ] Al arge proportions, dropped its seed withdrawn at public sale at $5,000. Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount
. i L 4 | fo ratefu! poultry, and added its Joy, Dr. Bieber's first charge after

It hid unsightly spots, grew to ti the Rev. Mr. Lee.




I Yonegal Twp. hig | \
1wrm of yellow color to the local Fast Donegal Twy righ choo he gradi i + Airy Sor. ~~ ~
re mbletioh I graduated from Mt. Airy Sen Wr
: WU isd bu Ing nearing compietio A
A went pron We think poets have n inary in 1894, and where he met California Sweet a
€ SOO s the Jovernment re- \ Y q Wy
A gon a on le v n a ssed up some pretty geod matei- Vir. and Mrs. J. N. Hershey and his bride, the former Miss Berth: \,
nr “i he ue. re ial, in their making of verse, two daughters of Florin returned Manning, sent its greetings and pr ro)
aks ni not ¢ abl 0 » bhe- { n an a or +. Covering 1 y \ i
) : wil © 0 0 from an all summer tour. Cove i congratulations in the form of Seedless \ \ .
yend means. arr 10000 miles v auto an 2.000 y 5 y ’ x."
: eo» WORKING TOGETHER Ske ml hy auto and ¥ check. The Rev. W. L. Koder, the nil
ro . The interdependence of the $20,- | 794% Pastor of Trinity, made the pre- )
Menday was Be gi aut iy C00.060,000 oi! industry and the A tramp dog killed turkeys, | sentation M May Charles, a : Crema oan,
' 1 ) ) king the : : inl 3 1 A dino IIT ~CRETY O
Lt Ua a” vay xn > S111,060,000,060 agricultural indus- Sr ns an hen pheasants on the | sister of Mrs. Bieber, Mrs. George Building up Hnanc:al reserves, :
a ir (in SEL A 114s 4 m I 1 t %v \ > 1
try is the subject of a recent news | Duily iarm, Marietta. Brown, Jr, and Mrs. W. L. Kode a 1 2 C
rernned . nnle Fly: 53.000 we ~~ : . i Lo ap o . . ‘ . ad oO . Ek i
OX i ty ve ke release, The changeover from man Markets: Eggs, 36c - 38¢ per doz. | were alse guests at the receptioi by 1c ding to your bank account Ibs W
made idle by three major labor bers ie 40c and lard 1dc. Dr i Mh Si ssp. orl "oo . . .
OF that numbey 28.00) | 3 power fo. petroletin Buiter ie and land Mo. | Dr and Mrs. Bicher each re- while income 1s up, is the sures
tie-ugs., fat IR y power has been one of the basic A vein of iron ore was discovered | ceived a gold wrist watch from | K MEAT JUMBO $
were maritime workers, 16000 re- | of a remarkable in | on the Boyle farm near Rock Run. | member of the congregation of Si wav to keep in sound Treg, oh CALIFORNIA PIN 25¢ 4
finery workers, and M300 team- |g production in late years. Postmasters League of Lancaster | Luke's, and were presented with ( CANTALOUPLE each .
sters. Last year, there were nearly 3.- County will hold their convention | a large four-tiered wedding cak shape. Ipan aft account lL. CALIFORNIA ICEBERG :
es Vv 00,600 fewer workers and 5.000,000 at Marietta. by the Vice - President of the TTUCE 2 fre 29¢
MCRE NEW STAMPS fewer draft animals on American! John Wasser, farmer on the Duf- | Church Council, why had Iso < ® LE heads
Peiiticians, during an election | than in 1940. Yet food pro- |fy farm was gore d by a bull and | supervised the baking of the cake | N tional MARYLAND GOLDEN SWEET ¢
year, hav way of garnering | duction was 33 per cent greater, suffered a head wound and bruised Dr. and M Bieber acknewl- Nion a POTATOES 3 Ibs 17
hy commemerative stamps, | Today American farmers use mare ribs edged with humble graciousness
: vy A anf: ) : WHITE
celebrating events of states, of or- | than 3.000600 tractors. 1.88090) More automobiles passed over the | the gifts and es received. MOUNT JOY BANK NEARBY U. S. NO. | |
ganizations, During 1849, an elec- | and close to 5.000000 motor railroad bridge at Columbia Mon- | and Dr. Biebor briefly of fw : Corporati POTATOES: df boa, 2c 10: 29
tion year, 41 different ones were | cars. Qn top of that oil powers a day than any similar period since | his long career as a minister of the Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation )
issucd, as well as special ones for | long list of other tools from gi- |its structure. Gospel. Dr. Bieber, now 88 years ~ ZN Nur” Sr” ~~ SN.
the president and other friends of | santic « combines io Mr. Frank Carson is making ex- | old, and retired as an active pas- — WELZH'S PURE (QUART BOTTLE 45¢) i {
the Postmaster. So {ar this year, | such specialized equipment as cot- tensive repairs to the Musser prop- | tor, is nevertheless just as active {i GRA PF, JUICE pint boitle > Ae Mas
12 commemorative stamps have | (on pickers and nut harvesters erty, West Main street, he recently as eves He is serving as interi 4 do 1
ha 5 : 3 nt | IN'S OR NAE.SC 20
been put out, 18 more shortly to Agriculture, therefore, is one of Purchased. at the Lutheran Church | TRE | ies on Na poo
Be: toleased. These have been | he oil industry's best and most de- Rev. I. A. MacDonald entertained J. Both he and Mi | SPICED WArERS 2-1b box £5 1-
Juan ar and | pendable customers. But the buy - he choir, orchestra and ushers of ire enjoying splendid | CONVERTED TO TASTY MILD
throu Post Office Depart- | ing isn’t all on one side The i the Church of God. both are activelv int | RD k a © 9.
licat Ys, i a Phin Eh eT ar. © Buy | CHEDDAR CHELSE ¢
ment. A publication, the Western | dustry consumes more then 10.0600. Philadelphia autherities are try- hurch and its organi- | ELECTRIC We Buy ELECTRIC ib ?
Cys x i i y . ki 2 14 1 J rt 1 | Singer | N TOMA < \
Stamp Collector, puts it this way | 60 pounds ef ericultural pr +e Ing to locate a dozen or more men, | zations and work. | mangers G. L. F. (IN TOMATO SAUCE) i .
oo 1 { ag al products | : EE or
“Polit and the Post Office | cach year, not counting food. Tons @!l bootleggers who deposited $10,- Tr TT eve | PORTABLES at Top Prices CONSOLES PORE & BEANS 3 cn 23°
Department |
are especially vulner- | of animal and vegetal : (00.060 in the city banks
pas mal an getable oils are | — tees ise ee WITH PORK AND TOMATO SAUCE
able in a camuaign year. used in the manufacture of special H- R. Landvater, Round ‘Top, iS ear I'skai Show NE Ww AND USED 1 AC HINES i ” 3 oR 7 RH


177-48 #
o> ee greases, Wheat bran, cottonseed | two cantaloupes 10 and 11 : FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RITTER’ BLAND & jars 2 1
TIAN yen Ar ase} 3 : a re which contestants will be chosen. | — ee i BRER'C '
CONSTITUTION DAY ind other pro lucts are em pounds 4 ounces : ° JANE PARKER'S "BACK TO S ooL
3 lise : m= : a : It was deci y make Saturday PAIRS FO JL MAKES OF v
Cur Cq ion was not some- | Ploved to plug porous undergr i A New Danville resident raised It was decided to make Saturda w REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKE Of mm rou Golden >
: as | September 11 the last day to accept | > SEWING MACHINES s Lagh Cake pif} Sof i
thing dre: over night, just an | formations found when drilling °7 bushels of cobbler potatoes on |’ 22 We Ty Jy vo aceon! | E fat g
| 8 = for the Dre : Yong: (> AARVEL 1-1h 4
cbscure government paper, a float- | wells an acre of ground. ud wth premium catalog at 2 BOSTON BROWN BREAD i Ie : 49 C §
: : . i me eel} 4 Geese. which time the printer will be | 2
ing passion of men who desired This is just one excelle Ax - - Yon . oO ro i RVEL 1-1 { §
pasion This is just one excellent. ex Taide Te 2 ICED RAISIN BREAD ive 15 38c
publicity for themselves. It was | of how all elements in a free ° . > a 9 3 CHEESE FOCD }
: 7 vit lanide CHEESE [OO ib q
on September 17, 1787, that the 39 | enterprise economy work directly ite urnpi e : 3 pon. mouon it w lecided 2 > CHED-O-BIT 2 toot Bae 000
founders, put their signatures ‘to | and indirectly to the betterment of hold a banquet again this year, same | m
(From Page 1) to: be held

8 : the week following {he S
the ft was presented! each’ cther. And that. i 4 the week following the Se
Ve i An at, m turn, is ly 7000 cubic 1 f con- wal & as .
: : : wi : ’ nearly 7.600 cubic yards of con-| 4 : Tvl Foor Ba
to the states for consideration, was | Way this country leads the world | ete. In addition, the job will use how, Mr Corvin etn ys Bb KEEBLER 0) ND TARY $ kag 23¢
. re | > : >
ified 2nd went into effect March, | In the production of goods of every
structed to engage a speaker for the
372000 pounds of steel bars and |
ps : : kind. : Tics
1789. Tae conventisn spent four | RG, and in the living standards 706,000 pounds of fabricated struc- Don’
6, pounds at 1 Yor
the instrument, | °F the people,

CAMPRELL'S| SOUP "1:3 1 32¢
A&P GOLDEN gor oy 3 330 TY
APPLE BUTTER sco me 45g qi
forget the dates for this
tural steel. ‘ay hibit . r }
18 wots tor | re Bre ane. year's exhibit Oct. 14, 15, 16
3 at 3 The three-mile section is the | ___ Sey ase We Pick up and x
» in drawing, in refer- | Eve w . coli | $36.75 Complete Deliver Anywhere Complete 569.95
: eo : Fi first of three which engineering NANNIES
v, mn ratitying. Such | 4 ct firms employed by the commission
roves |






it a work to] 1 ] } 1 ¥ ’ me 1 hi S | & S |
1ave beer lanning fc several | ¢
Sivan of (From page ve for sever t | Sewing Machine Sales ervice |
I hs ; , slut , : months. Planning also is going a- SALMON STEAK RED BR peer 7 28e 2
NE, Peder nis earlier of free-; aad EW head for construction of a bridge F \ \ | J. V. BINKLEY. 111 N. Market St. | 'D can wo al
liom is cur defense agains te 1¢ \ will mee ith 11 | { a: ALLSWEE 1-i { oe
sox Chur dolen t es ; Th te With [45 carry the new toll road over the ! | Elizabethtown; Pa. Phone 216-J OLEOMARGARINE ay 4dc gsm
anny, bigotry, transgression, jg iF orn gate further Susauch Niven | SIRE. 7 :
3 Susquehanna River, some 1,900 feet | SEW AND SAVE o FINE, MEDIUM 1-1b “DP, erg
regulate 1 rights | : W reported I Memorial E Fe : i h } t Bw an SAY WE ENCORE MOODLE un? CR pkg 22 id
: AS. C1 lne point th 3b secon NSA thee ere ah a “kai eB
w 0 3.74 cy . yt | ends. BO SS Sr veneer ES area SSH Fi INR 3 TE RIC CE gis 2 289¢
strenginen its principles for lib- to pur- I1 nnouncin he : 1 < ne ae ny i 2 ) §
| In announcing the call for bids d — Nie. © By ) 12-0: PE un
, h . 2s Y YL 'T Ei) E CHERRIES 9 : es
erty X50 10 | Fvar noted it will be 0 years i I AOTC » te A NN OUN C EMEN le Pi gly RED 25¢ J
eee ¢ le at the! Lk shies the fret to ouyers o 5 les EYEE) SHORTENING 34.44
«RF A for K. T Mee fe as nes Y 7+ op Ak We now have in our employ Mr. Roy C. Wagner who has lb é ¢ a ak
ABD A GADGET - tues in ML 0 A d on the present 160- Serling Silver HI just completed a course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3% DAILY DOG FOOD 3 28¢
Feoplc 1% have heen buying: "TV ye wit JOY mile turnpike, linking Pittsburgh ¢ RIN which prepared him for all types of service work. We 14 Bi i "ea pe
i cel sing : } “he compan rdered a smoker |, {arrisburg. T ier a . PUL AS i? pints ec CT We
have Leen deing a lot : es od xd Harrisburg. That highway, We Ii you need service bi Mount Joy 273] RI MASD] i JARS dozen DDE 73¢
i kK i accessories | i tor and | with its seven tunnels through the I'he prices ot International ath oi
| Christ : : 1 ‘ 1 To
an on wilh tC Ee Ahi omioed 3 Swine he nid {1% WY Ine. XE. Planters |
x: dy Leen add- | ple uth and James | months later at a cost of $75,000,- You can still get beautiful sli NT ’ VAN p k
bo cost and must | Markley were elected as trustees. 000 | We MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA COSKTAIL SALTED Oni cEf
£6. to 18 Th na | Olive lat nd Earl Zink T International Stegling Silver for 3% Opposite The Fire Iouse 2 x ¥
I re if they want the auto. | to the House. com he Fastern extension, which the same price you paid several be: 8-19-4t bs Hagl
Cama hia ve dealer for it, but Dee pol 1 to th use com- | will run from Middlesex. Cumber- \ SPINA I Nei i eh ede; COR RIDIN " . 3
they : wy Perhaps all | Mittee land County, to Kin f Prussia yous EX ToT RT CO R00 ay oz Hn 3ic Yooh 35 34
ey re wrong, Yerhe ann yi . : atid ounty, 1 ag « SS1a, 4 Rs : oz OL Car
wk for is a means 2f transp | the following balances for the Montgomery County, will be com For place \
WI bn the re ire seat vers Disabled Firemen's Fund | pleted by Decemb e f 1950. if the setting §n mogt International —
nr but erg Sed aver : y DE of 1 >
Er . . ia 670.95; New Uniform Fund $564.95: ie I. . Sterling Ypatteghs for less I
soot ight vidios. heaters, fox > ; Un f 2 x 1 as commission sticks to present plans, Se HE for I a 1 L ANNOUNCEMENT BEITY CROCKER
iota . ty us Lntertam- etl CER 20.00, Just oe more reason to L /
lights, special kinds of steering : Tha : A x ; 4 i 5 1 MIL]
wheels, ane to three kinds «f spec- | Ment Fund 351423; Building Fund |GRACE E. SOLLENBERGER sce our dijtinfuished collection : APPLE PYEQUKK 12 0x pkg 37e
cL En A re 53,070.58 Relief Fund $2.684.33: |+ Ee HORT 4 J f International Sterling S We have on hand Coleman Floor Furnaces and Circulat- REIN VT"
ial heater One new car comes | oy os lanl S00 BY ED AARON HALDEMAN 0 ernation terling Silver. ing Hot Air Furnace for home heating—Also Coleman Space St NNYFIELD
cquipped with matched lhiggage to x CENT tee ne Jerid Miss Grace Elizabeth Sollenber- Heaters of several sizes and _types—Also Coleman | Water Family or Pastry FLOUR 5 lb ba a 35¢ I
fit into the veer and adds $359 ex- Ji COTM tee was ordered ger, ‘daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'W. G EC R Heater—All efficient and ecogomical to operate—Ask for in-
tra f he distinction » have a lunch for the next meet- |G. Sollenberger, Doneg il Springs F | K | N formation and demenstratien—All operate with pot type 101b bag 69¢c CE —.
| 8 1 1 on. pel y 5 x nss, 23 vars o . wich For 1 3 cafety roe S
SL ey elas IRE will bedorie the 20 vaporizing burner noted for’ simplicity, safety and low cost TI
member of noble ene! re al Qe ere teste on i ig of Aaron - Jeweler — installation and operation, aun
of New York, informs the public Haldeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- - wr Ta > ” >
that they con't place all the blame Ris EN Oi B unin Haldeman, Hershey R2, at 2 §7 Bont Moin St. Tel. 1-W Buy new while available—They may be hard to obtain ux 30 ps 7 1 &
_— wl yy ali’ iS en er : . . ) > il INT ater. : wali . NJ Tu .«
on the dealer. He, the dealer, gets 14 ssel p. m, Saturday, in the home of the MOUNT 10Y, PA. he) bo tek Bend GCLDEN BLOSSOM -”
the car s decked out, from the (From Page 1) officiating minister, the Rev. Jacob | ) HONEY 16 ox jar 33¢ i 2? (

factory, and if he tries to remove | Ap Kravhbiil nd later eonveved 1+ Horst, uncle of the bride. am ae OLGEMUTH i Tear
} tries wraybill, and late eye a WW i RED CHEEK
many cof the gadgets, he often , the Lancaster Osteopathic Hos- Miss Mary Jane Sollenberger, 3 9 ne.

d the car's appearance. Al-| i 1 by we sister of the bride, will be maid of
£0, he takes a loss on the resale of 1 {dition to his parents, , honor, and Henry Haldeman will 3 Opposite the Fire House Phone 273-3 CLAP?'S GR HEINZ The he
the accessories. in most instances i} wl Zz Render |S€rve as best man for his brother. BRINGING > 2 :
t fon | dd Zelah Frances Bender an i 8-19-41 Strained BABY FOODS 10 jars 85¢ a.
So, share cur disapproval with the | (he victim is survived by three A reception in the home of the adds aks i e |
1 OT Ly Sy er basket cakes place of YER “Lr
manufacturer. In the meantime rothe Eve ett 1 me. Gerald | bride’s parents will follow the cere- dr Pa IONA NEW PACK You ct
ut a ry Id time wringe hoseap,, | of Safe Taw. oo ae
i you don’t like the set up, we can | Winrod 1 Jon Scott Bender. all mony after which the couple will to 25% more water. Twin tubs SWEET PEAS 3.20 07 cans 29¢ Cc
continue to drive cur old bus a- { cme. A paternal grandfather, leave on a wedding trip. Upon Qi, Jothe average family wash in |
round, er put in our name for a| john H. Bende
EE Hern Ct Dn et corer, fey. Will Tole fess han gnc hour. Sect today! | J] R d Jl HEART'S DELIGHT
horse and buggy. ne waternal srandparents Dr Fontana, Pa N—— —— | emo C ® 00 APRICOT NECTAR 46 03 can 37¢
Cucumber PICKLES 24 oz jar 30¢
® 00 ind Mrs, Ira Scott Miller. Hanover: | Miss Sollenberger is employed by
POETS, TAKE HEED Iso survive the Hershey Corp. and Mr. Halde- Tus soins § 1 Your Bathroom

Not as meny of us read poeciry,! The funeral was held in the | man by the Farm Bureau, Lebanon WASHES AMP-DRY
rn | ee. tll Qn.

enjoy it, appreciate it, understand | Mennonite Church here Sunday N ! 5
2 © br
it, as we should. There are simple, | afternoon with interment in the SA LU NGA i ow :
sweet verses, that are e mprehens- | York Road Cemetery at Hanover. i |
ible t¢ the mest uneducated man. | TT avy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer had as | gat vd SE he Sg Sle and sis w Shiny A REMET
that nsually deal with love and | BLUE ROCK SHOOT their house guest last week, Miss 3 Wel. a ei th
A ep Ric : \ Payments To Suit you. Take Months To Pay. First Payment | of
flowe:s in bloom. A man sovs that | 8 ATU DAY AND SUNDAY Naomi Spittell of Baltimore. Due November First
loo many peets extol the heauty The grand opening of the | Neal Nelson returned to his home . HR { C
of the spring flowers, the violet. | Sportsmen's Field at Florin will be |at College Park, Md., after spend- |] PLUMBING ~HEATING ~ OIL BURNERS |

the anemone, the ‘valley lily, the | held on Sat, Sept. 11th with a ling the summer with his grand- | ho 7, TEE = SS ee | 83 E M .
1 POC a ir | Blt ek Shoot beginning at 2:00 | father -. J. S. Kendig { in M un
Sa dil, he on ali oe their ie R ot beg 1g 2:00 ime 8 1 8. ndig. od | R i BREAKIRON ° a St. 0 t Joy, Pa.
eilcacy an oveliness, but neg- | P.M ie Woman's Society for |
Hl - . a = o ® : :
lect to praise the beauty and hard- un Sept. 12th another Blue tian Service mat at the home of LESTER E. ROBERTS All prices in this advertisement effective (A&P Food Stores and Self
iness of the fall flowers. Much can k Shcot and an Archery Exhi- Mrs. Mary Minnich last Wednes- PHONE 4-M PHONE MOUNT JOY 91-J2 Mount Joy | Service Food Stores in Mount Joy and vicinity.
be said for the wayside bloom that "ition as a feature, evening. | EAST MAIN ST., MT. JOY) oo - - — cides UR