The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 02, 1948, Image 5

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1 M K. 1 i
[anc rs. John Wittle and sons, roast at Wesley Wittles at Mt. Joy N EW WwW 1 The Bulletin, Mi. Joy, Pa., Thursday, Se ptember 2, “hr 1948—5
A ews rom orin’ Kenneth and Lawrence. Mr. and Friday evening ul rer NO es ML Med I 3 - ou J Co -
Coots + B | Mis. Reuben Goodling and son, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman | J | Council will be held at “Landisville Miss Mary Aument, chairman of!
om page : v : . — . i
EN H g ; land Mrs. Elmer Wittle, Katherine |and Miss Fannie Witmer of NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Mr. and Mrs, Earhart and family | Campmeeting Grounds, Friday thru | registrations. Over 100 persons are
r. and Mrs. John D. Wittle, Mr. ‘and Fannie Wittle attended a corn | bethtown, spent Sunday at Ann- 4 IE : ™MT of Lititz visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Monday, it has been announced by |expected to attend.
| . i THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY A : v Nice Oid
ville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abra ras alii waa ieltmacher on Sunday
ANI THE ENTIRE SUR- ; “ stalks.
ory ® - Lehman, RAY OFS I INTTY vir, and Mrs. Charles Stack, Mus Girl
For High Prices | Mr. and Mis. Jacob Eshlem ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Vary Stark and son, Harold, of Mt GEO S SCHUL E R
! 4 | entertained the Home Builder sa Joy, visited M and Mrs Harry By > Th Pre hi
x Let Us Haul Your Poultry Direct | Class and thei famili ; Ge Mount Joy Church Fogie and Serena Fogie on Sunday, MARGARET COBB e rreaching Musician
wi T howe Sunday ait it even Mount Joy, Pa. M Kathryn Geltmacher and [EN Sally Carter ied Aire Will Speak at
ide J ol I arter spice Pp Spe i
Oo The chy { ing, with a ve rood tendan Rev. James I. Mort, Pastor children were guests ¢f Mr. and W BE p Re A of the bill lying
J : oi Sr : A hemburger and doggie ro: Joseph } i r, Supt. I. I. Stoppard at Leaman Ac against the white of the sidewalk CALVARY
————— val Al ING ¥ |v i { on th m ple ho er 0 Ie on Wednesday and Mr. and | that bordered the engineering build-
——— BR nd © N vil ‘ { Worship Service Mrs. Harold St 1 on Thursd ing, she dropped the handle of the
: PN A of Mr. & Mrs. N Ww I arold Stoppard on Thursday I CHURCH
Paui =. Mumm Son urday evening Guests were; N 10:00 a.m. Church School nd Friday baby ange and swooped down B BLE ea
AYS 1 Crp Np md Mi N. S. Grit Mechan I ) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher upon | "woos i
AY LIZABETHTOWN II : vim ech: ix Senior Chole: Rehearsal | 9S ters Sard Look, Richey, look!" she cried Saturday-Sunday
Phone E'town 171 or 13 Phone E'town 34535 icsburg Vi Pau i er a i : dl het untly were Sunday guests of | happily to the cheerful bright-eyed
vs - daughters, Dorothy and Joyce \ Church Mi Minnie Geltmacher at Kind- | boy in the carriage. '‘A ten-dollar Sept. 4-5
eee _—_ Ls F. Gantz. of Lebano li fax erhook bill—a real, brand new ten-dollar y
: King and daughte Mr. and Mi Salunga Methodist Church Mi Paul Kauffman of Ironville bill. 1 found it myself, and I can Evening Services at 7:30 P. M.
emt Fi aay 's yi " Visor: Mond . ar r. | spend it any way 1 please!” [ M in Servi +
H. B. Wittel of Flizal W I Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor spent Monday evening with Mr, doi orning Service at 10:30 P. M.
Wi bigs %% 0 Turning the carriage briskly to re-
Annie Wittel and Mi A i Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. nd Mrs. Earl Geltmacher. turn the way she had come, Sally
Myers. A delightful time was had | © eptember 5 Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jones of | sped her on back toward the trailer JBJECTS FOR 1 ISAGES:
by all. 11:00 a Worship Service Columbia spent Sunday with Mr. | camp that nestled at the foot of the “Th of Lib or
nr Fast Donegal 1 | mo and Mrs. George Schelkope hill, a haven for married student e Statue L ny
JOY MASTERSONVILLE on. : . / ew Mr. and Mrs. Lester Togie veterans The Jrnace Heated 4
ONE 276W MANHEIM 210M Oe re Jon I} Krayhill's Mennonite Church Ti Ba ogie ol | "once inside her trailer home she oi
L 4s A ri t at the Washingt i Fast Donegal Twp. Mount Joy Nore evening hurriedly hung the pinafore in the Seven Times”
———— ———————— —————————— cementary ch 1¢ ( y | be nd C on 1 1 ol Mi anc A OD. G » "PC \ Cl 3 ’ *
mer is one hu ptember 5 wp eorge tiny ejothes "The First Psalm’
LO Gro n dred forty students. 6:00 am. Sunday School > rope. Minut closet and
RED 1 3 WY | - a — Yen : wer Wore Mrs. Lilli Witmer spe Sun- ~minuie reached for her : .
- 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship or 4 iy ! ne pent Sun .. vs a pri AF and Dr. Schuler is a member of the Music Faculty of Moody Bible
~y 4 A day with Mr. and Mrs. Hathway Fiction :
C A i

PE Kansas City, Kas, is one of th B \! sweater. ‘‘Do Instituteq Chicago
i Jargest railvcad centers in the Um- Vit, Joy Mennonite Church 2 Siem I of ig Joy R. D. vou know what
{ Vir \ : 3
ed States fa " September 5 and I . Gordon Shene- | 'm going to do with this money




x or I 3 Se} I
- SAYLOR'S SPECIAL ——— reer - 3:00 . Scliool Frock of Pottstown, Mrs. Andrew | first thing, Richey?" she cried hap- | (((
: A, a.m. 3 y wehoo 1 : ; op ; (
REY ai a Kerner and Violet Shenebrook of | I'm going to get you a play ' .
i i x 3] if Put Off Until T
- C Fn 5B 50 b k t ¢ g is Rr Columbia visited Mr. and Mrs, | Penh $0 you can stey out in the Don t ut nti omorrow
a as c : P weeling Daniel Moore on Sunday | fresh air all day long and have \
OF 1 wpa] TT el Ube ON» ay. "
3 } Everyone welcome to these ser- i or ; | plenty of room to wiggle around in. THE DRY CLEANING YOU
99 3 $ $ ice Ms; . nd M 5 Abram Gambe | Sally dropped the sweater to give
at 3 = and daughter, Minnie were Sunday | the baby a quick, impetuous hug. SHOULD SEND ouT TODAY!
rer Norris Green Giant Peas #17 oz. can 21c Cong. Carel | 0000! guests of Mr. and Mrs, ‘Roy | “Well get Daddy mt pips he
Hl sve ee vi Fe J a $ Gamber at Manheim wants, and maybe there'll be enough Something like a 49 gold rush takes place in the
0 <A qr 4 L. Dallas Ziegler, Pastor ~~ : re Nat erm by : 2 Ke 4 2 4 plé
24 pack 54,90 | $ ¢ i ag Mr. Wm. Haines and wife and ey lag oe to Est me (some carly fall when most folks find that cool weather is com-
tember o 1:14 ress material!”’
~ m $ randchildre J he pat ing and they haven't had their fall suits, topcoats, skirts
Green GCiont Peas ..... SS oz. con 13¢ Lb} $ 9:50 a.m. Sunday School I B : iq hy Sees Lec and | gpeeding joyfully across the cam- and fackets cleaned
¢ : ona attended the home comiag s toward to her hand strayi ; 1
= 10:30 We vin & Sermon. g | pus towar own, her hand straying : . . . . . ~
1 9 48 pack $4.95 iy 00 1 ; , Period to reunicn at the Fairview School in | { So we're passing this little tip on to you gow. Get i
ak n 7:00 p.m, Prayer Period. Pern ‘Twp. on Saturday sfternee your fall clothes out today and call us earlygSo that you
Hunts Purple Plums No. 21, can 2lc ) p.m. Song Service & Sermon) Mart] °F ya : rook | can have them back before you want the You'll beat
corms armed EY i sas A oat, ~ logie an. Sons, the rush and save a lot of waiting.
rer Heavy byru ase - 24 Puck $4.7 5 oii. Nocti Richard and Thomas visited Mrs. J
. 1 i Ver vie 1 A frad : . . »
Home-Made Chow Chowf .f......... 1 pint 33¢ rehcarsal ating = Colunth on
Norris Fancy Mint Jelly .. 12 oz. 23c os rs 1( ys
7:3 Aid & WMS
¢ ins .... 50s 49c
200 Sh. 2 for 25¢ | YOU PHONE 119-] WE CALL
wom Leading Composer


Lvangelical U. B. Church »
eon vars 440 Sh. 25¢ Ah y v CLEANERS — DYERS .— ' "TAILOR
Oscar K. Buch, Pastor 1 pea ere .
—— 1 v, Sept. d . { ER
).00 { School George S. Schuler, the preaching f f oe
Helima nn Sterling patie: for | A r musician, senior member of the mu- | ! | National Vulilule of Cleaning and, Dyeing
BAVANARN ALICE $23.00. Just on 7:30 p.m., Prayer Meeting and faculty of Moody Bible Institute, |
MA WINER SSR] N ro . ee our distinoui collection Chicago, will speak at the Calvary
UCOoa of International Sterling Silver. Church, Mount Joy, Saturday
bh © Maik’ evening and Sunday, September 4, 5.
> > 3 3 A !
Lats : I 3 3 Evangelical United Brethren Fhe evening services are scheduled |
16 © oa 4 1 C ib F i C iN A RY ( ie 3 Ezra I. Ranck, Pastor for 7:30 P. M. and the morning ser- |
53e | te vice 1030 | ( ; ean Lrusnec one
| - } J. | y
8 ] or dS 7 | — Jeweier 9:00 Sunday School Recognized as one of today’s lead- | :
% © yw * sy 738
- | $87 East Mam St. fel. 1-W} 10:15 a. m. Morning worship, ing hymn composers, Mr. Schuler | Has 8 "| RI
ville vr MOUNT JOY, PA. l lists “Make Me a Blessing,” “Over- In mid-afternoon, about the time P
PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2, 3, 4, 1948 | 3 monthly meeting shadowed,” and “Oh, What a Day,” | Sally was unwrapping her gifts. | rompt I Jelivery at
SAV W jot World Ser- among his most familiar works. He | often to the money in her pocket,

~ Rr na or rs - Ee 0 AL Eds. | tH hor of Mrs. Harvey was formerly minister of music at Sally suddenly slowed her pace, her | Lo WwW (Pri 1CeS
NEW ( R1. Moody Memorial Church, Chicago. | face sober.
Wednesda Mr. Schuler has compiled several | “Ob, dear,” she thought, “I've been | §|
so happy BO having some money all
4 a C (ob \ ] Con ional collections of ] songs : !
2 xR / : : 5 on ospel songs and choi my own that it hadn't even occurred | {| @
0 Ty no x 3 {| Bam Wy 3D i Meeting selections, and is author of books on | to me that it belongs to someone else. |} |
4 hi NT Ga 3 ! h 3 |
oy’ UH & NN Gd 8 & 4 a Laps / ; ports siven evangelistic piano playing and chor- | Ob, dear: » {
E | L 3. SMITH. Owner Sumy ein ir cn pana ve rine toe oor | PRAM Lime Stong & Cement Company
rusts tributor to “The Etude”, internatian- to the engineering building, she

ry TT Ee.
i |
entered, hesitated a moment outside
ered, eed re wer: |]| PHONE ETOWN 66R2 — RHEEMS, PENNA.
in. The secretary looked up as Sally ! 5.5
ally known music magazine

Ten sheet music “Hymn Tune

300 + ot Ofh Place to be'Piano Transcriptions by Mr. Schul laid the bill on the desk.
gi : ar are in great demand. Two ne “ve . . ; A ——
[i ' books. are. als pa ; i = hx I found this outside the building, iw AND SAVE
y 2D Li ? 3, © i press Mi Hanson, so I guess it belongs
4 The Church Hymn Tune Transcription for | to someone in here.” She was talk- Seu M hi Fl fi ified
ev. C. 1 Pastor Organ” and “Hymn Tune Duet! ing fast, turning to leave. ewing ac ines Set 1e
E. M. Wol ith, Supt Transcriptions “Wait a minute, Mrs. Carter,” the
aay : older woman called. ‘You may as
Any Make Treadle Machine

3 fi Crushed Stone Blocks = ; J wall oto 1, 1 dou ses boy
ES | : ler Activities Of Our £34 over Hid out win belo Converted to a Speedy Electric
. § . 2 Sehool Now vou ju run along downtown
Mortor Ce menry / Flue Lining Bivig Sahoo) wi vou can find to buy.” Your old hgrd-running treadle

sewing lachine will be con-
foraing Worship Local Boy Scouts 2 25 her good to have some money

- ; : 1 No all her own,” Miss Hanson muttered verted #/ into an easy-to-use @
pa 2 3 wn 7:06 n. ¥ eriod A meeting of Troop No. 39 wx os the door closed. “Of course I : . i
C i Fai} i QJ . y 2 elect dc machine with brand
{A ne Wa Steel and j Special Musical In the Soout Yoo wm North hacdd have held It » day or two In | 55 ofl Tikes foot control and hi
. afl * { 3ohul ket street witl . 8 Dre vase anyone asked about it, but that »
gn 2 3 . ~~ Market street with nine scouts pres- | case anyone ed a w X Tom
Mason & White ~~ | Alumir Um Sash During the Wes ent child probably hasn't had a dollar to | 2 wing light, that will make
: : m Q oe : . li spend as she likes since Richard | ving a pleasure.
{ LC y r 1 he bp ol « carl Shelly attend- oe i
Sand m 1 I Ihe patrol of Earl Shelly tend entered here! : $ 95
i ed the ; ual three-c 3 ree \ 1. 0 time | 3 S | 19
S FREE } 4" is v} 3 3 | : Ke um lal th fay camporee In mid-afternoon, about the tin = pecia <
— 1 verneaag W at Camp Chiquetan on Friday after- | Sally was unwrapping her new pur- | a 1
: 3} “ :4> p.m Ti ck Prayer Meet-noon. Donald Thome, Senior Patrol | chases at home, Richard Carter was Regularly $25.50
i Linte 1S Garage Do OFS 1D ion Bil School Les-leader was in charge frantically going through his pock-
| ol Sh ivi AAT cooked 1, € We'll convert your old treadle into a smart portable for only
he scouts Up camp, £9 he “I know I brought it with me,” he $26.75: Consoles, $69.50.
— on A supper and then went swimming at- | muttered as he searched one pocket We have new machines for immediate delivery
i od he § . fire program I do? t's all ie money we had S . M hi S | & S ’
—— Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Saturday morning the patrol par- left for the rest of the month—a nice ewing aC ine a es ervice
‘hur x 1 > new ten-dollar bill. I must have il
i Church Of God ticipated in the scout project which HS pped it when I opened my billfold J. V. BINKLEY, 111 N. Market St.
Dk { r 0 > : et Gi tig > » + 216. ¥
ie 2585, a 3 . i day, « er J consisted of building five types of | 5 s today Elizabethiown, Pa Phone 216-.
Custom Drilling & Jack Hammer Work ~ Estimates Cheerfully Given 98 are. Sanday School Oe ir Cons a fo ere 10a. SEW AND SAVE
10:3 m. Morning Worship fork knife ind spoon: construc- MOMENT later, as he was ex-| — .
: 1 ¢ } ir hl ST Ce 5] 2 1 plaining his plight to the secre-
= , 1 >i ting trail signs: a knowledge of tary, he was relieved to see a quick
dnesd: Scout oaths and laws and First-aid | 150k of comprehension in her eyes ®
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Bible | During the evening there | “You haven't had it turned in, have X erence Yainters
i was a stunt and camp fire prograni. you?” he finished hop fully.
8:0 pa enior Choir Practice. Sunday afternoon the scouts at- “Why, Yes,” she replied slowly, “I
j ~ have. At least, a young lady gave
tended Church services at the ten-dollar bill this morning and
M Mons: : . me é n-aoliar oi 1 norning ana
It, Plea ant Chapel Grove, after which they en- | me she'd found it outside. It
Brethren in Christ Church joved a swim in the camp pool and have been yours. Wait a mi Sef
id. C. H. Mover. Pastor 2 a swim in the camp p ‘ must have been yours. W it a min
kld H. Moyer, then prepared dinner at their camp ute, I put it in my pocketbook tor D Oo R A WwW
area safekeeping.” ® L
10: 1 Morning Worship I y caching into a drawer in the a. id Si
ol a.m. Mormng n the afternoon the Scouts broke d Be NM Hansor : uBed out a well TELEPHONE FLORIN, PA.
esk, Miss Hanson pul L well- f y y 1
( Meet camp and returned a happy group. worn black bag. After a moment's MOUNT JOY 150-J2 8.
i gids — search she found a bill, tucked away \
a According to Federal statistics | with several ONE-GOLIAT ONES, Thi | seme emer reese meee seer eee eee
Hs more than sixty per cent of Ameri- | Was crisp and new and had thé
Ale First Presbyterian Church a's Ia s have automobiles and numeral “10” in its corner: ‘Here .
\ er ING, Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor : PES Save aultnig i it is,” she said, handing it over with M r D | ] er
We Ze AR ny EN ive on hard surface roads : a Y en ng

ER iii wnday, Septetier 5
9:30 am. Church School hence Presbyterian Church |
Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor
ARL' RI {DR OHAN — . ‘ 5 | ness—we can eat for the rest of the
Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday, September 5 month, anyway,” he said as he left |

(pupil of Noble, Gianni)
took the money with a
grateful. grin, ‘Well, thank good-

Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Church School the office. ‘Thanks a million, Miss
¥ MOUNT jo, p PENNA. in Sentember 5 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Hanson!" SIGHT - SINGIN AND MUSIC HISTORY
Released by WNU Features
a = Vonis Plool Bash’ ri SlonCory Brick + Howell Overhead Dood 9:30 a, m. Sunday School. meen —— tte A Sete includec| ith piano lessons

Alzso—Ideal for Driveways, Park. Roady Mined Concrete + Hauling Crushed Steno 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. St. Luke's Episcopal Church YOUTH TEMPERANCE USIT STUDIO 55 W. WALNUT ST., MARIETTA, PENNA.
Areas, Porm Lanes, ete 05 “« 8t. Cicle Anthracite nesda I'rinity X PHONE MARIETTA 3501
5 The fourth annual retreat of Lan- 8-12-44

at low aoe! maintenancel i au - AU v pr pit 7:30 p.1 Church Council at the Sunday, Septemb
No services this Sunday caster County Youth Temperance