The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 02, 1948, Image 4

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4—The Bulletin, ML. Joy, Pa., , September 2, 1948 REG’ LAR AR FELLERS : a = : See : a By Gene Byrnes F ey. ppg Ski
OWL LAFFS Harold FellenbaumNew a [a ot
County Tennis Champ




F } tern
¢ i 1 day in the United Staves | The first U. S. 8-hour labor law J Oo Y TS
« i ( . | SATURDAYS
REEL GromdNews THE LOW DOWN. i pel eo | po =
é-1, 6-2. 1 in 1882. It was made al, ied for it on all District of Co sHows AND
( B 1 ) )-&. 1 I'ovIac( or it on a 5 Cl Oi O= .
Pallet um dale By Eleanor Eshleman from lay by Congress in 1804 ! : 7 AND 9:00 P. M T H AT R I HOLIDAYS
( I nha { the’ plaveroutid antiv rt | lumbia public works. SATURDAYS
Eten 615, 6 mer drew fo 8 CK JRY GROVE , | iri see
I 1 had pre A Qa L F quick results try the BUL« | RT Mount Joy, Pa. Fines
e in 1946 but the title very ! hd inter of talk abot ir classified columns, | MARIETTA
bir Bol Zink i week e main event of the | i cures. It hg talk about the - : i - 4d THEATRE FRIDAY — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3-4
A WISE OWL |. omer resident, dia non week was a stunt nish pet fers which kind of | SHOWS EVERY NIGHT


4 1 | cw ited. TI 0- 1 kay, sar ould DR ly’ | Matinees Sat. at 2: Sunday at 3:20 MICKEY ROONEY — GLORIA AJAY EN ~in-
led in Y i 0 | ———— { Ly
‘ I I i wi ! : about anythiz - :
Ah, September, be : iif i ‘oi a tou he i veral stunts and {ned A he looks to me it 18 the OF | Two Hits Thur, Sept. 2
orating, lovely, COOL beple I as or 1h Dastic fe A large number : ith pict 4 “WRECK OF THE HESPERUS’
A Pele A ne Ww | N. Mark bethtown LL i v7
se fio crafts were on dispay during the Co CCT LT 100 off “ Wethiown {1 Boys in “JINX MONEY
You know, if we IW ourselive \t the me time. the Lancaster | thin vou need to be awake =

others see us we would know | HC SRE LH Ke Tnter-, On Friday mowing awards were | io Se TVET | eX (| FR).-SAT. Sept. 3-4
t+} bord 1 wd four 1 | I » y Ap ointment \
the first look is surprise and WC | 00 Ten League champion- Presented to the four girls and four | be took-in with a TY aero YVONNE DeCARLO
eat | y bon vho had the highest umb ! oy 99
econd verification, | ¢hin defeatin we York wh had th hi ver-washed pewter collee pot ol . . 5 BI kK B t
EC nt} 3 + of »Oi nt durir the mmer. Vit : ) ut \ Daily: 9to1and 2 to 5 ac ar


Which brings to mind is a : =! rl These prizes were donated by the |. ... .. ait vous Loss ob 10 Ev ny Ss Au * Sat. 6:30 to & | In Technicolor
ne {enn net tu . warez a he Brizes | tale ihe No Hours Thursday ree eS
sely scrutinizing (and it w | he] 1 ev]. erchants « Che rzes | ert, a | \7
das fl BE oe a orn es were: bow and t, a strin Levies intend eens | SUN. ONLY Sept.
de finitely learned that the I still has two mpl ved matche ! DX r to a I : ¥ 2 A lwo aving al movies need fixing, it -—, i Sunday Magins 3:20 p
{ike made by nature ‘h | but n do no better than hold Wallets, pace I nal’ pon no more truth thar wing all shoe . | > 66 WwW i - 99 —
mot powder over I : | lown the runner-up post 1} win-' and ao Saal. hat, ; 3 { have pay ( Taint so. 1 Dr.H C Killheffer Drea Senator as ndiscreet N
they call beauty cream 1 Y | ni: both matches McCowin anc doggy when the neon sign on the thea: . —
wrinkle ty comj — eee Zimmerman won with the highest tn Cptometrist
wrinkle putty ond com | Che gots 1507 7A 028 aze stands P MON.-TUE. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10-11
63 S. Charlotte St. |, Yvonne DeCarlo ™ Rod Cameron PEGGY CUMMINS — CHARLES COBURN -in N
a a en Sowing League Opens tL
cement. The first law of Ider e | _MANHEIM
| 5 ephone 137-R

“River Lady”
the handbag, Bug} 0k dom, yous 4 bits on mg, OF | wore "wines. 3) iver Lady | «Green Grass Of Wyoming’
- —NakeoMn S on Mon. 38 Ir hi I ad | ves, and go on about your busing Tow. Fri. Sat. 7-9 . | In Technicolor e H
: the 3rd highest number of points, | mph. 1p t A | |
The terrible thing about the eas wg PD. WT ire | The mama nd the papa who >
ny i 1 ( and Marlene Gar- 4 tod ir ki their} 9:2¢-1:
Nawful Look was its complete and town bowlir | had hia ; | are more ereted in parking t { 28-1: -
: ; had the 4th highest number of } ix _hoote some place ny place ELI |
total switch-over, Some seasons | _... ihe 1948 season on Arthur McCowen wa esd : Ww 8 16 E. High St. | Hi
the girls wore high necks, me- { gant 13. at seven o'clock ; 5.00 ne ro] so the hemselves, can “step Telephone 24-R | |
times they went without hat 11 Lea 10 will bowl at seven and t } {i : | : ih | IN
Ney Shey i itstanc I ={ problem meonto y were ii or |
they i the Ir Waist- | gp at nine o'clock shin. which + displaved } oS 2 ; sr Di
lines in the laundry bag. Following are the captains and ( ( y wi
( A iu e¢ e18t eek 0 I 4 J i Mable PL AY “THE FAMOUS

; i [ li
ground activities Through the] .,


But this year they just threw ev- Team No. 1 of A league, Bennelt . wtesy of the Rotary Club, Joh: ong oS i. | : : oe he
erything ove hoard Where = y Cc ipt Sp ingler, i ey, E Bye a Bowman was awarded a hie k fer | re er wo: HE v J 4 ‘ Mount Gretna ——
oe me pr uma i srl i ii, 0 rear Sl gre | me / | BEER! Call 118J5 The Fire Company Presents
[Fist Zan fost vena, 0 Zurn, ey 3 a bold, Sch ci. 0 > Diba “a 2 9 ; a | we JO SI RA Golf Cou e | For foe Deliyery ALL THE PLEASURES OF M
Mo ui? der At rscn } dennell and 1 1 1 3
TT ET ot Tn oY mem Tr 1/1 TF. ill Team

A lccal lady hired a new maid | Matec is 2 Geltmacher, H N | The fie ; Cs of : “o : OE Games Cakewalks / Eats
and was giving her instructions | Brown and Packer. Every hild I A Sf id i THE of PORTER
when she seid: Team No. 1 B league: the 1 af tho ond of fe ld Fiddle: vill be PLUS THE ENJOYMENT OF SEEING
“1 am a woman of few words. If | Capt, J. Hershey, J. Barnhart, J. mound season hi bis oo 3 Jat the Rock : Sprit Park, 1 | . Schmoll 8
I beckon my finger I mean come.” | Germer, R. Hurst and S. Reinhold cathe NY. Vankeos and thol : = 5 : os > si ; la e cac = Dis & _— BIG £ ACTS —
“I am a woman of few words, | No. 2, F. Good, Capt. Reinhart, C Ehilad x salts ho ™ p | OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. ( N ; T R Ki Vv d il
: Re ve? ark ewes op an ing/ aucdieviie rp

Drive In For Curb Service

tco,” replied the maid. “If I shake | Germer, Hipple, Way and L. Sherk ball

my head I mean I ain't comin’.” No. 3, L. Myers, Capt, Fitzkee, R.|,,, 1. 4

| Shorty — Sally = Johnny # Clyde — Rawhide : 6
— That's “help” for you. Balmer, Parsons, Peltor and HOW 0 vos 2 grand dines 0 salon Jo $ Bos Deen —
TELE No. 4 OO. Maleor, Capt. Barty i. bie clavaround i hia with od ors 1 una ity Meats
Up at the bank this morning I} Keene, Hallgren, Keser and C. Ma- res | ; : a hg) ) 2 ALSO 4 C. M. WwW BB
your wife beat you t the draw. READING FAIR ADDS A Re 1 F
overheard a teller say to a down- | teer.
town hubby, “Sorry, Mr. - = = = -

adi ir officials are going | 11:00 | PLUS THE GANG FROM W.O.RK, &
Woe is he! WEEK'S FASHION SHOW to the. fay © rua > i j ee
rr Speci: features are being | + = i , : ae a its i 3
si me i thy | St pie St | ge gy dallas TIP, TAP /and TOE
ure can get you in the darndest |" IMS to be ap } Jom York, Chess SHEET METAL WORK
¢ S ) D
nd the ing Reading I Sept 1: B Lifflix nad : { vo
messes. An E-town man was un- = sisi ; ; Cio i Lithin, and hin | ROOF PAINTING on oe Toy Sepia Dancers
alr, 2 1 ugh sep nreugh 1 inte < 1 J : i ' - .
der the impression that he had a. Te Silos. tress of re ed th in- (RALL S Meat Meat Market PHONES: | You've seen them in ovies, now see them in Person
successfully gotten away with get- =O : Ta Lends Fair i : + ad Mit. Joy 117-3 E'town 928R7
ing home at 6 a. m. one moming, | on §. Giles, prosid f the Reading Fai SY BS] es St - West Main St.. Mt. JoY | 000000000000000000000000 |
t the maid, who w 1 y uj Hct re nt oat : a the wl i i SAW ars : ali
vatio door fairs ti rink fi spec ent in- ATHLETIUS-DETRON
wher by sneaked in the back door Show-- hae ever: du Last Ti v 5 DRIVE CAREFULLY.. ARRIVE SAFELY | A Sensaiional Musical Novelty Act.
led him up. When he got her:
ne, he asited: “Why did you teli | 2905¢ io Wie of athe en [SAU omer Rak gan Midget Midge: = SEE THE BIGGER AND BETTER Presented as only Rheems can Present it (


vife what time I came in this - = i . 4 3 ale, y : a i — eee tsetse
The maid replied: “I didn’t ]
3 4 In a breath taking adagio act.

sked me what time it was { of; i A
nd I told her I was so busy I 5 Hew I = : ) \ ee ep esi
rise Co a : | A WORLD'S FAIR AT HOME A
Ta keen TR Te [be Gi fs tha | dees sinler soc 8 IB DAY & NITE - SEPT. 74 thu 18 ee emis
ung people. To get old in a hur- : + he Gir, x Pato . tot d = a . 3 i 3 eke ™ | ADMISSION 50¢
ry try to keep up with them. P Cal 11S or Simplicity a = Wi piay tol dancing mn Ene rimg, t All wae the rip in Councilmai | a © Y |
: Py terns, will act id Tuesday through Friday, S N | bus. wl FREE PARKING CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS FREE
J - 5 stress of ceremonie The fash- ber 14 through 17. Dorses ap- —— et) Ql rma {\ Ml | _ —
A loca papa 1s quite conluseda {a od vey a 1) 2 1 : SHUNTING: WET V4 | |
te ox 1¢ will | resented datly Pe ice In the roller rink will | HUNTING LICENSES EXPIRED 7 . x . i
Usually, he can cope with his of- | 10 Show will be © ey a he Tm ou RUNING GENES Can How lo A Uerd , Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin |
springs questions, but here's the wae Fait has retaltio i: SE “i hi =
last one which he is considering ; 1 re ino a fig 8 ine gance | brea 1 luesday. New (—.. hea mo es - emer eee rere rm mm rrr i
before answering MOU a Joy RE & ESENTED and on the fairgrounds for the jon re now available i
Bowling League this VERY GOOD ATTRACTIONS | mains $2 f esident licer
n. The season opened lust AT RHEEMS SAT. NITE [S15 for a non-resident license. V A L L E Y V i E Ww A RB K HELLAM, ¢
Sym = 3 Wil Hier: ee \ oi an oe ne FLOR! N WINS 5 TO 4 : BJ " PENNA.
unt Joys team com | Reet fol anti | Tho loin soft ay ONE MILE SOUTH ON YORKANA ROAD
wir,” Marlin Fry, Wikia ete with Shorty Finch [ed an altar team picked from se PRESENTING BY POPULAR DEMAND:
does the doctor doing the doctoring
have to doctor the way the doctor

eing doctored wants to be doc-
Wien 8 gets deh FR, ow a we Wigan WILSON dG SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 5 — SUNDAY
| seas

ed or does the doctor doing the |
ctoring doctor as he wants t


Saturday evening I wa low
ind Hess’ when “Candy” Rand
ime tearing ou South Barbara |
St. in his pretty grey coupe, com- Stmuia

STL CT re eB nes} & SHORTY FINCHER Yo ©¢
the Main St. intersection det hoes | ty ing I'nree In a WILL RELEASE BIRDS SAT o .
| for shay hol " { the Pheasant NMiisas og a
but it refused to start, and after | I Ho Jor you 5 : Reber's Orchestra : { ra : L a - : L & NEMO : i RANCE R
ID ES many le hen YS Featuring Leanard The Funny Man
the car took = nickel out of his | and I want you to suggest some MILLONS OF BUBBLES wr
vii bid He replied: “Yes, lad what can breath taking adagi C so Ro Sportsmen + asked me to H Favorites
motor stalled. He tried and tried | ' ee & GOI DEN VA O
“grinding several pounds” Hy The I: a exclaimed Oh, thank There will be games, cakew 0 4
. , | goodness I've got the right m it and plenty of e i 3th le oclock sist in re- § N
Myers, who was among the bench os ) ’ : : or cat i) Rl 1 O 1 R A C H
x | last I'm giv + childrer 1 t ern | 1 g birds a &
: rr , | game A {freight company 1 2.000 1h The chief indu f the state of i WwW
pocket, dropped it in the window { bul DE lt. a ( . S .
Th = f bubble ut encush y hyd )regon include fruit grow s, fish- M
and just then the motor turned ov- | : olghs 1a FS ey en

er —— —Of course, Ray says it was | * There's an epidemic . of purple Fee pieces to each, of 77,000 sche 4 dh sd wi abi
the nickel, but we know it was a | Oleomargarine! Mrs. Paul Brandt got PUPHS ap ns teachers inf Law @ ey Ns Spon SHOW - STARTS AT 1:30 P. M.
good car just being tempermental. | Guite a laff out of last week's pur~ was snipped to a 18 VEY ‘arse. 1t also produces § im {11 i i : . 2
{ ple oleo until’it happened to he firm there which refused it. 10ps I large quanuties 4 Adm. Adults 30c tax inc. Children under age of twelve admitted FREE
The things some people in publi he was d not b let th Bt % el ——— Theis YY ; FREE PARKING SPACE. -- PARKING LINE RESERVED FOR CRIPPLES AND SHUT INS THAT ENJOY THE SHOW
ife have "to cope with, frightens | “rail m it it, so it besides being a world play ground he state ol na e |

re. -For instance our .game, .war- ET et $e = RE pt nae :
den repdrts this lttle episode. A | our grapevine was ficient | - interests. New Jersey's, Mis of navigable waters and boasts PICNIC TanLEy RATS ae ps


lady called him on the phone and | and here it is! agricultural and fruit interests are 5 14.644 miles of improved state high- DON'T YOU DARE MISS IT
asked: “Are you the game warden?” A WISE OWL large and valuable. ways, EE all AY &
Sent AA ih oh AR a A Sf ER AN ANS 85 0 0 Bn Wy pe ed a pn ns ih PA Mn . a
ra in a , i /