The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 02, 1948, Image 3

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    i or Nu
Sr ——

A Labor Day for Mother?

Probably never thought much about it. But a
tribute is long overdue to the hardest working
girl we know of who never heard of the
week with Saturday and Sunday off.
So, Mom, please accept a bouqueffrom your
friends in our bank who have a admired
your efforts in balancing a slengfr family bud-
get yet saving gegularly for th#i ‘rainy day”
thal always liegl ahead. N
Next Monday oir hats go
son whose loveland affecti
faithfulness know no hour
{ to that one per-
n, whose labor and

( The city of Evansville, Indiana, is
the largest hardwood center in the |
United States, while the city of Gary
is called the “Steel City.”

Campaign This Fall
Sale Register
If you want a nollee on your

The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 2, 19483

New Low Figure

4 is sertec this riste reekly steady » i ar
American farmers were enlisted nserted in th re TW ekly A steady decline in the number
SIMON P. NIgSL : Jk life-saving from now until day of sale. ABSO-|of horses on Pennsylvania farms
MARY G. NIfsuEyY today in a livestock life-saving
my vgn this fall, designed to LUTELY FREE, send or phone us|has been under way since 1932
campaign s fall, 3
FUNERAL DI "TORS } 8 x yy rert the your sale date and when you are|and this vear has reached the low-
Mount Joy, Pa. | “keep ‘em eating” and convert the ls. That .
big 1948 grain crop into needed | ready let us print your bills, That's| est point in history, the State De-
les for the nation and the cheapest advertising you can get| partment of Agriculture an-
MeL sont sur the 0 WASHINGTON, D. C. a
the world. pb —
A bumper crop of feed grains is By Anne Goeda Thursday, Sept. 9-On the A Federal-State livestock inven-
(now being harvested, the American | The 1 y Tod - ices At Reich's Church, 1% miles/ tory as of January 1 revealed that
an Airs ot wa e last word in shopping comtort west of Maytown, on the Bainbridge| (he State's farm horse population
Pound on io Anime} Health ex | comes from a Houston supermarket fod, 57 acres with 216 story frame is now only 153.000 compared with
| plained. This is the time to start| where self-service customers can Sit i house. bank barn. tobacco shed V y 153 pi !
a new and intensive effort to keep a chair and pick their food from a mov- 1 bn and other improvements| the peak of 600000 from 1889 to
every possible animal on feed. | ing belt passing before them, by J. H. Hoffman, Trustee under/1892, more than half a century
Step No. 1 is to cut down the losses * 9% 4 nd Executor 3 fe iy 2 ill ag ag
Testament of Aarom : de
yy CAL ESTATE | cause diseases, parasites and | ea As horse and mule numbers con-
5 . VALUABLE REA] ESTA i caused by dise ges, parasites oof | Remember to save your old summer ceased. Walter Dupes, Auct. :
SATURDAY, SEI TEMBER 11, 194% poor sanitation in many of our nylons. Then when cool weather comes tinue to decrease, the number of
at 1:30 P. M. (DST) 35
of LX qi mi T atpul farm herds and flocks. you'll be glad, because they can be Sent 11-iOn the prerfs trucks and tractors has increased
The undersigned Wl eo ax pul To check these losses, farmers dyed the lovely deeper colors, the rs bute vs | by David Pennsylvania farms, the De-
lic sale on the premises lately = : “inky” tones, with all-purpose dye. ises lately occupied by vid 1 :
cupied by David N. Hostetterg# de- | were advised to observe the fol- Hostetter, on the road leading from/partment said. In 1940 there were
cessed, on the road leadin from | lowing practices: | %*.% % Salunva to Tronvill in W. Hemn-labout 39000 trucks, 55000 tractors
Sa sg onville, in Wf Hemp-| « VE walne ' olen field Twn farm of 133 acres, 146-|, 158.000 biles farms
Solna y in, alan. Supplement grains with extra Close-toe shoes are outselling the hii 1 it ngs Beit sh nd 15 omg il s on farm:
x i ig 133 y oh 146.91 | Vitamins, minerals and proteins | popular open-toe styles in the high uble dwelling. and Sestory the State. By 1945 these num-
arm conta g 3 Ds A : : . 3 A . a le dwelling, a 2-story i hak ; Raa RR 97 abs
perches, mores or le adjoining | for best feeding results. Boe ines: a es, Du forking be tenant honse, frame barn, tobacco Pes had increased to 56,271 trucks,
- 5 Ng : : os | Places the well-kept shoe, so remember The I National Ba 92,638 tractors and 165,166 auto-
lands of Amos comer, John Check on the time and need 101 to keep all your footwear well shined st d by The Fi Shu "Ex B hk 8 mobiles. necord U.S Ce
B. Nissly, Pa: comer, JOs- | have animals and poultry vaccin- | gnd hrushed, ( . . rust Co. of Mou oy cecutor of according to U. S. Census
eph Hook, E ler, et al. aw : | the Will of David N. Hostetter, de- reports
Pp ya y : . | ated against infectious diseases. | N , Tent . x . :
Farm is in state of culti- | * Xk ok eased. C. S. Frank, Auct. Sale at| wo. the 10-ve: wiod. 1937
x ation Make a gradual change from | ( A 1:30 pm or the ~year period, 1937 to
el | : + 3 a 946 he yor QOS
2+-28 STONES & BRICK DOUBLE | pasture to winter feed to avcid the | JF Sou Jie that foauter 2 so good — 1946, the number of horses on
> 3 a : > s , Zuce "a . : 5 fi averaged 246.-
i DWEL . Prame Barn, of digestive upsets and member of t Sas inl, Saturday. Sept. 18—Th East Don Pennsylvania farms averaged 246,
LE Frame bacco Shed, also a | . try preparing this way: slice and saute { Towns Pinkerton Road. 000 and mules 41,000. In January
NG CRY FRAME TENANT | More serious disorders. | in vitaminized margarine in a skillet | i ov UD es Set 2 Ne: 1947 dl eo 170000 } avd
HOUSE situs pri read loading | Check herds regularly for acci- | with cubed tomatoes and diced onion, a Ty er ve yu vere Juere Tes 0 horses an
HOUSE situate on the roac leading ig : hich tne ~ e ¥ own. one mile south of Mount 22000 mules. This January
from Salunga to Chestnut Hill, and | dental wounds through which in-, Kk Ek Lk the Gerber farm of 100 A 13 P. with 13005 dropped to 18.000. On
j other improvements. fection might enter. Have good ite a J, .. =~ stone house, 13 rooms, elec- : Adin op ers
Peps bu: | a | «To temove onion odor from mands, (i. re 1 y hats. an | {o-|January 15, 1948, the average price
erms by: disinfectants available, and use| b with salt i diate] » trie, frame b n. corn and t :
FIRST NATIONAL BANE AND re | Tub with salt immediately. On perhaps bacco shed, Tile Silo, 2-car concretel received by farmers for herses was
TRUST COMPANY OF MT. JOY | them wisely. | Youll want one of those choppers that's 150k by The First Nationalla record low of 380 per head
Executor of the will of David| Keep stock as free as possible | on the market now. It's a covered glass py. 0 Tuer Co ff Mount Joy. Mul veraged $102 ly $4
3 ’ : | ht inside drevents X A > Chey 2 a Jt es average 2102, only 4
| N. Hostetter, dec'd. | from parasites. [530 oh Jaside. Shobeet. , Prevents Executor of the estate of Alice Z higher than the all-time low
C. S. Frank, Auct. {~ Provide adequate housing, well - $ > wig Gerber, deceased. C. S. Frank, Auct re : : hed in Vist 2 oa Yn
Louis S. May, Attorney 8-12-4L| ili oo Ch : a] AZ kL A Sale at 1 P. M ache 1 January 932. Tule
5 mR | ventilated but free drafts, and a- oi at rat numbers were at their peak from
vv OR ' Ma PAW RIE { . —
PUBLIC SALE NOTICE [void over-crowding. { + Enjoy that Sunday breakfast! And to Frid: apt. 24-7 he B tin 1920 to 1924 when they totaled 55,-
i. x MRRP ¢ C i . riday, Sept. ? At the Bulletin } ec )
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1948 | Give special care to mother ani- | get away from the usual bacon and eggs Office. Mt. Jor 21, story frame|000 in this State
Pursuant to the power contained | 1s ay farrowing, calving and | team, add baked tomatoes to the menu. Dwelling. Zarage at 131 i i i
in the last Will and Testament of || bi : id = | Just cut off the tops and season with N Her ie : a M ot 5 Accompanying the decline in
‘ 5 » y © Jor . . ew ay ot el, # il JO )
Aaron L. Hoffman, deceased, the|'@Mbng ume. clean | salt and pepper, a bit of vitaminized Eli W Bo 8 IE ia Ye Fo : horse numbers has been a steady
undersigned will offer at public sale: Keil aon ee 2B Tanks

| well-bedded, warm pens or stalls.

margarine and they'll bake while you're

decrease in the number of stallions

WANTED: Elderly woman to take
care of two boys, school age, Mon=-
day to Friday pvening, or will be
given a home. Felgphone 274-W Mt.
Joy. 8-5-tf

WANTED: Girl for office
work, some knowledge of shorthand

pleasant working conditions and
good pay to starf. Bachman Choc=
olate Manufacturikg” Co, 3-26-tf

JOY COAL: Nut, Stove and” Egg,
$16.50, Pea, $14.50; Buckwheat, $10-
75; Rice, $9.75. Waite} rr, 230 W.
Main St., Mount Joy \Pa. 8-5-tf
HELP WANTED—Young man for
general Drug Stdre work, starting

middle of Sdptefmber, Apply
Sloans Pharmacy, "Wlount Joy, Pa.
[F INTERESTE in selling your _
car—See—Ben Staley or call Lans
Mount Joy. -9-tf

New-rebuilt-used. J. M. Engle, 411
E. High, Elizabethto 14) 4-8-tf
WANTED: Men for night crew on
fan cutting and shake-out, $1.00
hour, oh Holloware &

Enameling Co., [Marietta, Pa,

Stauffers Quarry’
Gagpd Wages
Time and half time over 40 hours.
Telephgne Mt. Joy 308

ALL THAT CERTAIN farm and Keep young animals and birds | doing the rest. y SH 0b Wom registered by the State Bureau of
tract of land containing 57 Acres! away from the older stock as much YY S i Septeml 295 On the/Animal Industry. In 1940 there
and 35 Perches of land, more or less, | ceil taza pl Saturday, September 25 n the A I ¢
as possible, to minimize the risk of premise 1 the Villag Saluns rere 438 stallions istered, 177
having thereon erected a ai, : M rt ecor Diepnisos In the Wifage oi 495 stallions registered, NEW OVERHEAD SECTIONAL
= 21, STORY FRAM | disease losses. | 0 uary 2Ya <tory frame house and framejin 1944. 144 in 1945. 131 in 1946, | GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7' 8x8’,
> v x ate or Shy. of Fas structure in rear, 2-ci garage > ; toto? : }
| fj DWELLING HOUSE | Watch out for any sign of aa | (From page D Spe Ir A Serr only 12¢ in 1947. 10x10’, 12x12’. In stock for im-=
with slate rol | Fray 2 Bank | outbreak of disease. Get a diag- | E. Main St. Ti i > § 04% p.m 4 M gh A ye N M ho X ne - a — eee mediate delivgry. Automatic electria
Barn, with tobacco shed find corn |... wo if oalens | = Jam ot, thursday at ido p, me. oy rs. Amos N, Musser lo . : overhead doof operators. Controlled
barn attached, Garage a Chicken | SW i Ones en thoy le [ after an illness of eight weeks. She Frank, Auct. Sal 2:00 p. m YEN CROPS WON'T BE CUT from the dash of your car. Also a
House, and other brovements | M4 Iso ats infected stock from the was born in Mount Joy, a daughter id s = In the vicinity of White House, [lot of commer€ial and pivoted steel
thereon ergcted, situa one and | vost of the herd or | of the late Samuel and Mary Mia-| City of Contrasts the section thru which a recent hail | sash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy,
| one-half miles Maytown on | tS Wisi ! i Tripoli is the capital and largest tid considerable. +, | Pa. Phone 145.
| the Bainbr at Reich's | mi Martin Denovan he brother city of Libya, with more than!|Storm did considerable damage, ten i
Church Ww d I with whom she lived and a step-{100,000 inhabitants Its Moslem tobacco cercps won't be cut as they SAYLOR S HOME GROWN CAN-
This fan a good spring | € gs ruout son O. K. Snyder, of Florin, are/mosques and Christian cathedral, |are worthless Federal Crop In- TALOUPFS = Now ripening, Place
of water c we house and a | | the only. its rambling Old Quarter and the|.uraace Adjustees made the decis- orders early by calling 144R-14 Mt.
od number of ees thereon. (From Page 1) i i 4 al : held from the! Substantial European structures of [jon Joy, Ruias Say r, Manheim Route
Those large, uniworm, qu lity eqas which are The premfses ay be inspected at | the bride wore a gown of eggsheli | le Was x rom new hint at the story of the| < along road fram Becker's Serdice
: any time uy application to the! oi, with a fitted: hodice, 1 Nissley funeral howe Sundny Wit peonles and callures meet Station to Fairview Church,” near
! . . a + | satin, d bodice, long | : Sel SN Hossler’s Church.” 9-2-2t
produced at low} fee ost and bring good 3 de | pointed sleeves, sweetheart neck- [ferment in the Mount Joy ceme- ing there. A Tripoli crowd, halted CL SSIFIED — | :
- ona ank. Fi . ; wy. for a passing automobile, donkey o : 4 - 5 x x :
. | . | Sale will be held on the premises | line, and a long train. A veil of | tory i ? hassing a : bils, d A > of ns FOR SALE: Pfizer. Royal Cook
ro tl . l I « '] , for example lude 3
prices on any market they're the profitable cod cc a al at) ie. His : int " = amel, may, lor example, include a| pop. this column are 25¢ per | Stove, lIvery amel, $60.00. Call
p Y . on Thursday, September 9, 1948, at | tulle was fastened to a tiara of British, French ‘or ‘Turkish army Ales lor tus colt «30 per. le To
2:00 o'clock P. M., Daylight Saving | blossoms. She carried | Juin M. Ruhl a0 15h, ox wg 2 "MY nsertion, If over five lines, 5¢ per | Charles Mease, Handisville 2646.
. . ’ J : & > Se Ss. She arrie officer, ai alia easar rom aj sarh tncarts a Mil al
eros. Plan to securg tem this season the Red { Time, when the terms and condi- | . i : John M. Ruhl, eighty-three,| on Aan isan ine each insertion, all payable in 7-8 tha,
tt tions will be made known by the | colonial bouquet of white roses. ( 1 M H lied early farm or 4 Greek: fisherman. wdvance. i
ms » made y hi 4 3 Mennonite ome, die Ra WANTED: Telephon
"ie ‘ A lersigned. | The matron of honor wore a pow- ; 2 . srr a as : ‘epho: perator,
Rose-way. Red Rose economically provides the uncer on h HOFFMAN. der blue dotted swiss gown With 4 Monday morning after an illness of Putting a ‘Punch’ in Lunch ROOM FOR RENT: Pdrnished, for | Regular duty. Experierjce not nec-
zs 1 . L* Trustee under and Executor] fitteq bodice and full skir +4 | one week. A former Manheim R32 Packing a lunch that “packs allady or « uple. Inquire Mrs I. N.|esssary. Apply Miss Nay Columbia
nutrients absorbed in egg-making, and needed of The Tost Wik ond testes 7 ued bodice and fall skirt. ‘Shel 2 re let 81 survivor punch” and avoiding that day-to- Moyer, 31 New Haven St, Mount |Telephone Company, Mount Joy,
2 3 Sy L | carried a colonial bouquet of A- He , V : : ; Ree cri 1% problems of 9-2-2t | Pa. 8-12-f
' . 1 . 4 < 4 an, | A ; : : tuhl was a son the late Jo ’
ie) kee hens qoing unaer heav roduction Deceased. | merican Beauty roses. The brides- | ; 3 ; ; | homemakers. Aim always to include =~" = Ais sh
P $ g g Y P . eves : aiid Wore 4. yellow dotted whe seph and Barbara Miller Rull and something crisp. something icy: JR SALE 100 yedr old Li ghorn PHOTO FINISHING—Any -§ix or
Walter Dupes, Auct. y Ww ¢ WISS | § Hens laying 65 R. Sheilen-
Paul A. Mueller, Attorneys 8-19-3t | gown styled like that of the ‘| the husband of Hie late Mariniand one hot, one sweet, one tart o; Se R 4 M I 9-2¢ Hight exposure [oll developed and
G5 it : I St ie 1 ’ jo | H ke Ruhl He was a member of] salty, and one colorful food, advise hel gor, Route Bi oN Soy. Jeo iil rived Sein 5 decklé edge, 25a
PUBLIC SAL 5 of honor. She carried a col- Ruhl's Evangelical United Breth-|nutrition specialist Each lunch WAITRESSES WANTED: Full or foi) 25 Span 3c each. Minimum
Cc ' OF GERBER FARM onial bouquet of salmon-iolored Ol I b hould contain one third of the part time, experience got necessary or ex Soe. City og
> nm y DTG + 1 ( a a ail : : 4 Md ’ 4 1 a ’ e 53 4 3
STEHMAN S FLOUR MILLS SA’ URDAY, SEPTEMPER 18, 1948 | roses. B th wore bonnets trimmed ut I : hild : food supply for the day for the per- apply in person. LandaSter County bis 0% Sv Jarome, ae itt
ra Containing 100 31 Per- with velvet bows. | ve following children vi son who eats it. Lettuce put in sand- [Farm Diner 9-2-3t mo TN Rn. wn
MOUNT JOY, PA, ches, situat ne mild South of Mt. | Mrs. John Alleman, Manheim R2 lil I ecm BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE: Five
; 8 : ¢ ony ) Sot Noll of Mrs. Elwood Cramey was the or- | M Join. Manne! wiches is likely to wilt and is better "ST CHANCE FOR A THREE | Lots 60x200 each on the east side of
Joy, on the Pinkertorf Road, leading | pres . y Mis. William Knight, Columbia R1 when wrapped separately. LAST ‘ be 4 ah sonacker ad: 3
f M Joy td Newt | ganist, and the bride's brother, DAY HOLIDAY. Labon Day. to take | Road} in Mount Joy
rom foi Joy Newtown, in | : | Mrs. Addison Shue, Manheim R23 mem i “nA Ey OY LY) 2 Borough. Price Contact
Fast Donegdl Townghip, on which | Jack Longenecker, was soloist. A A 1 Wrinkle colored snapshots. All gizes in stock. | JV ZV “2
ry tortor. yet Mrs. Harry Alleman», Manheim R3: Why Clothes Wrinkle eS . E. E. Brown, Phone 169 or 34.
are erected ¢ | reception was held in the Landis- i Buhl. | Chemist have discovered why Victor Klahr Cameras UMiddletown, 7-22
TW Q Bam | Rey R Manheim RJ: Pa {uhl exis pi or re ip 9-2-1 uty
F 0 R Y 0 uU R “ D R E A M H 0 M E 44 Sa Sr” a | ville Fire Hall After a wedding L a k : : x ? i f rarments wrinkle. Attributing 1
Framed Bolte” Bavn [ trip to Ocean City, N. J., the coup- | Ss R2; Cyrus Ruhl, Manheim|jes in clothing to the “personal JUST OUT. Kodak Tourist F63|NOTICE: I will buy all kinds sof
arge 4 & It | y 3 0 ) 16M 1 1 ‘ Ta . A ' 4 San "Wz te . ive
Corn and Rob: co Shed le will reside in East Petersburg. | >’ onan Ruhl, RL; ity of the ind ual fibers,” a mera, $46.50, othr Kodaks $17.50 | scrap iron and magazines. Also stove
Tile Silo. and tiger Buildings | "The bride is oriploved he i. Mis. John Fisher, Mt. Joy Rl; 45 port n to American Chemical up, plus tax. Victor, Klahr, Direct wood for sale, locust and oak, in
Shale tw be hf on the Premi: es ¥i f oo A 9) a Be oe | grandchildren and 30 great-vrand iety declared that any fabric’s Kodak Dealer, Middletown, Pa small lots or truck load. Guy D.
Sa b ses | Fice o rmstrong Cork Co., and | e to stretching depends on 9-2. Spittler. Phone 101- Mount Jo
i Saturday. Septe ai 9 i > { children. I to stretching depends on )-2-1t I 4 y.
I 0 P 3d ly, September 18, 1948, at the bridegroom is employed by his t ness of its filaments, the case SALI T - d Washing’ Madiine 10-30-tt
Ean vibes oy we Fe oY | ' whic Y are able to | OR SALE: Used Washing Machine
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK | grandfather. Mis. R Stine W hich they are able to move £
| Mrs. Raymond Sipling y Ania. Brother: and ir ($20.00. Marvin Messick, /Phone Mt.
AND TRUST COMPANY Oi — A in tion to one another and their | I .
| | Mrs. Estelly Sibling fifty-fou bility 1 or stretching [Jey 963R-5 9-2-tf ~
ook at the MOUNT JOY. 1 h ability to recover from stretching ) oN /
Executor of the estate of Alice THE WEATHER wite of Raymond M. Sipling, Lo. without bei permanenily - de PEACHFS Tree ripened. Place FOR SALE!
Z. Gerber, deceased. | Lato, Bainbridge R1, died Thu formed. vour order now, Elbertas & Hale.|LOT AT 10 E M ST, MT. JOY
advantaaes of | C. S. Frank, Auct. BY KENNET! DROHAN 4% hor hame after a five month = Deliveries in Mt. Joy and Florin. | WITH SINGLE HOYSE, MAIN ST.
Bernard J. Myers, Jr., The following is a brief summary Liilness. She w 1 emi { Water Pollution E ES. Hess, Mt. Joy R2, Phone DOUBLE HOUSE C ST.
; Atlorne 8-26-3t| . a ea hte mam was A BiH The two main sources of water], 9.2.9 Suitable for Busihess cation
ney | of the local weather from Wednes- Church of God, d! pollution in the United State bi ENE —_— ati Call Mount {oy 145
J PUBLIC SALE [day, August 25 to Tuesday, August the Willing Workers Sunday| (1) municipal — sewage and public PATHFINDER needs local “person| PAUL MARTIN, INTRACTOR
f Valudble Far | ; A or: 22
Re, 4. 1948 31, inclusive: Scinool Class of the church. Be-| Wastes dumped into streams, | kes for sub scription work n, Lancaster 4-22-tf
To be held on the premises ba Temperatures | sides her husband she i urvived on d rivers without being put County. 3 Fite oh
: Eat 3 a oy & Lowest: 63. (30t} by these childs Soro through a modern and eff ve |Box 101, est ester, Pa. 9-5-1t
RING in natural daylight—where you want Mig Wi AR rrr Hl He onl { Weshi op: Fo: Mig und (@ industyinl—ton. rm hat picked A
A of rove, adjoining erry il | 1ghest: , (27th 0 shimgton . Fuhrman, Mi Ne A ni as 1 id LOS" The person that pickec Pp
! . Je 2 ne ~ hk y | ns and ious fluids and solids of I \
it-—with pane Is of Insulux Glass Block. Schoolhouse, in Mo@int Joy Town- | Average: 79. | RY: Moric. wile ob Foe. i 2nd 1% is 4; Be : i the the Bob Feller Fielder ) basebal! WHY
Insulux transmits and diffuses light better than ship, Lancasteg. Co@inty, Pa. con- | Type of weather mond ¥. Elizabethiow ublic 4 oo ee de uate glove at corner of Dayid {and New
. . . . Pil Ong e en Of | hathto ubiic vaters V1 t aa ate .
ordinary windows while insuring privacy. Here taining 41 acre§, and 10 perches of | Ch Ferri ya ! : wns be op J: a us [Haven Sts. please return fo owner | : :
is :deal material for brightening up kitchens good gravel soil en which is erecied Clear days: 4. Harry ( Sipling, Mount Joy: ! Safi nt do reds is 127 New Haven St, re- | Continue to feed 100 oydinary birds
13 an Idea Ha a 9 = e tral oe Dae - a { Partly cloudy days: 3. Verna, wife of Kleeman Brosey Jr. | €iTects. a ward 9-2-1t | when approximately 80 Pedigreed
bathrooms, stairway Ss, entranc S ~. 21, STORY FRAME | Barometer Bainbridge R1; und Howard C. and Cooking Potatoes x CE: The atrial clef Aion of Musser-Bred Leghorns, lay just as
modernizing almost every room in your new Eas 9-ROOM DWELLING | Lowest: 29.93. (30th) Ray C. Siping, both at home Torts by WG. Ste or. & nl Treacurer | Many egedy Thirty years of breed=
venir Bi Ape ot 2 . 3 py i sts by two state periment Managers, Sceretary | !
home. Ask your builder or architect about the frame bank barn and| Highest: 30.17. (27th) en grandchildren and these bro-| stations wed that potatoes of the Mf. Joy Cerhetery Associa-|ing on out own farms have de-
many advantages of Insulux Glass Block. tobacco shed with stripping ‘room | Average: 30.04. thers and a siser also survive: Pau!| cooked in a pressure saucepan until | n will be held af the First Na-| veloped chi¢ks which are extreme-
and : pi bone equipped Soe wi Precipitation nd Harry Clausen, both of Lan- tender (eight minutes ) held 83 per ifional Bank & Trugy/Co.. on Tues-| ly heavy ldyers and are at the
& 5, : rad J al 2 | . cent of their original vitamin ( niday, September rom 6: P: Mi enma ig Sig
cows, with water bowls, and severa 1 I I 14 6:30 High
{other stables. Barn equipped with Total rainfall: .00 in. este nd Mi trast { | i 8:00 D.S.T 9.2.2t same time resistant to all
| Slo od ig contrast, potatoes boiled i wrdi- [0 8: ) $ : 9-2-2 : i .
. | electricity. This barn was remodeied | Greatest in 24 hrs.: .00 in. | Elizabethtown RI he th held only 75 net 7 it of pn the poultry diseases of this area,
in 1945, | TT | _- this vitamin on the on : and PEACHES FOR SALE: Belle of | Learn more about these superior
Insulux Gass Block wil [| Two smal streams through the|gavg yay ror POULTRY FARMERS INVITED TO some held as little as 41 per cent. (Georgia and Elbertas John chicks.
| premises. ho acres 2 Ie YI rey Fshle mar hones 31J3/0r 91R2
add beauty to almost any prem Novos failing A Be sure to make some hay for | WEED CONTROL FIELD DAY -- a i Phon 137 og x tf | Write today for prices and your
s Igy : : np NN CT AME PITHY TP TOP RQ ICL Mount Joy. w=
home, but it is far more | with wind pump. | feeding the poultry flock, reminds AT PENN STATE COLLEGE RUN TRACTORS RIGHT - remem (free copy of Musser's colorful 1944
than a decoration. It does | Sale to commence at 2 p. m. DST, | H. H. Kauffman, extension poultry | More than 2,000 farmers of Penn-| Tractors operate most effici HAMSTERS FOR SALE. Ed. Rye, ! dition of “Chick News.”
things! Investigate! shen will be made | specialist of the Pennsylvania |sylvania are expected for the Weed When run near full load and at May town, Pa Pelephone Mutielt :
ow 4 - 3205 8-26-4tp
key S. G. OBER | State College. He explains that’ Control Field Day Program to bel tated maximun § et : Musser Leghorn Farms
° Elizabethtown R. D. 3| 8ocd leafy hays provide essential held at the Pennsylvania State C. H. Binghan extension LOST: Gold lapel watch Return to at an :
Phone E-town 929-R-12 | vitamins, proteins, and minerals. [lege on Thursday, September 9th. | agricultural engineer of the Penn i Leste: ay ion at ] Rea, Phone Me. Jog, Fa
[Wake Dis Suc, 5.90 Chop the hay in lengths of 1 to 4 |This program, first of its kind, willl State College Greatest economy "© it Main St, Moaht Tae
OWENS = ILLINOIS ry An ur $-26-21 | inches and feed on the floor or in include inspection of experimental be achieved utilizing as much
| racks. plots with every kind of weed con-!0f the power possible in pulling ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE
a —_ = | eee me ie . full load THREE GIRLS WANTED: Secre-| Estate of Elias S. Sheetz, late of
N << | | i 5 | PI NT G TERRE ial nov In use, Dr. 3. R. Albrechyfii! ! 8 . —— — - tary, Stenographer and File Clerk, | Mount Joy Borough, deceased.
0b ) | FOR REAL GOOD A T GOOD WHEAT head of the agronomy department BINT CAVING BIG or Insurance office. Permanent pos- Letters testamentary on said
| Since much wheat is of poor |announced, PRUNE YOUNG TREES ition, Vacation with RY. Free Hos- | estate having been granted to the
GLASS BLOCK PRINTING quality, farmers are urged lo clean All research with various formu-| Fruning of your fore trees |pitalization Telephone Marietta Undersigned, all persons
out the lig asrnels : » | lati f 24-D an i 28st clear traight trunks and|2811 8-26-3t | thereto are reques 0 make im-
{ 1€ ight kerne Is and use the [lations of 24-D and other chemical diamine J mediate payment, and those having
J C < NAVELY & SONS | | TRY plumper grains for seed. J. B. R.|weed killers, as well as the flaming @ bP my o gop, claims or demands against the same,
: | , nc. | Dickey, extension agronomist of | methods, will be open to inspection. Ww. fo? Sole: + will present them without delay for
LANCASTER COUNTY DISTRIBUTORS Th BULLET] the Pennsylvania State College, |Any farmer in the state is welcome, | © the Pennsylvania State College. SAVE YOUR CROPS with Miller | settlement to the undersigned,
I eo * e { suggests that where old wheat research workers will | We insecticides. We “haye a complete UNION NATIONAL MT.
LANPISVILLE OFFICE MOUNT JOY OFFICE || | aE § 1 onan Gt BRON Whe state of New, Mexico Paris-Green, DF, Copper, JOY BANK, MOUNT
; vy AE 30 "| AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE | available it may be better than the hand to explain details, Xt Sale of DOA and Rotenone. Ask about JOY PENNA.
PHONE: LANDISVILLE 3511 PHONE MT. JOY 65 || { new, but a germinaton test should | We over 10,000 miles of highways, and |. airplane service. Call Marietta | Arnold, Bricker & Beyer :
} = | be run. J Subscribe for the Bulletin, enjoys a large tourist travel. |3288. eM Attorneys 8-12-6t