The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 26, 1948, Image 4

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    The nn









. on ra to." By Gene Byrnes " (EXPECT MORE FEED ted Stat
v i + Fone . mal y Gene Dyr hl
of fhe Bulletin M Joy. Pa.. Thuwisday, August 26, 1948 REG’ LAR FELLERS _ WE - : Eo Because of the favorable crop of Ame:
BR — | oe T] yma veports, W. F. Johnstone, Penn -
WL | AFES| ren a Tap SATIN - RN State extension SETI shad Aur
N' SKATES | NOPE!) THA'S TH' ONEY = mist, expects more feed will be a- st in
OV bons Activities Of Our AROUND A DAY 13 THING TO DO IN EH railable for livestock feeding. Feed | wr
KE T'DAY? wer gh HOT WEATHER? AE vailable ce Montice
(From Pe wes 2 EAN yy , prices may be more favorable as | oh.
forest and tream commities JAYS he 2 EA pn WN . related to market prices for live- : F———
$a) BUND : = of : stock SEPTEMBER 26 «+ OCTOBER 2°
ed f int NE Re E... Al / i . 1 |
rll A ——————
erry. Guth wo ra err wi | |
h Ww conti Ce Stimulate your business by adver For hi Re the A
i the wild ¢ 3% tising in the Bulletin. | etin’s classified co 5.
FY) em a |
I 1 re report showed Rb A A adsl, ~= 2”
these 1 G eral Fund 12¢ -— .- " SE — a . 4
NE News From Florin]. 15%, 2c.
Bre Fock or Hand Shall astermodel HT BAe HERE'S LANGLEY'S 19 FOOT PRESSURE ews rom orin hour day in 1916, by an act of Con THE SUN SHINES
I ie. Rock. 810, $16.20 10} |] TUNNEL, WHERE MASTER MODEL (Froti Psze 13 gress making it effective on rail-
( { 1 AS i age :
: Lt 7 1H RB DEVELOP AMERICAS FUTURE PLAN : ; Ce roads engeged in interstate com- You'll reciale the coolness of [reshly
Game Committee Report ter] LL . the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank tierce ou app: hy
| Rabbi } ie Association — ro a] AR ) Skeen to visit Mr. and Mrs. P. M. : cleaned tropical worsteds, summer gabardines,
|132, Rabbits 1 ped by and for th LLL : Beilman and son, Robert, who were TIRED FREER Palm Beaches and other lightweight fabrics.
-BY A ag ition 175 Rabbits furnished Bi NE Es leaving for Detroit, where they [EIR RE . . ves P
771 ihe State 195 P nts trapped an will visi e laters brother THEATY Every day the sun shines you'll be locking e
7 3 { wpped and will visit th atters
r7 ~ 5) W L V3 135, Pheasa apped ill kh SHOWS EVERY NIGHT 1 d d ins. :
A W I S E Y vatsadd hi Association 551 Franklin Skeen, before retnrning . your summer best in garments cleaned and press PH
| Pheasants furnished 1 he State to their home at Hollywood, Calif. | Matinees Sat. at 2; Sunday at 3:20 od ot : |
( Is) 45, 500 phea hick Max and his Orchestra, a Florin
bei ised by ( es Bai organizaticn, went on a good will THU.-FRI. Aug. 26-27 ® | 3
Mi Bros. fa mission last week, by helping to | WILLIAM ELLIOTT {
I \ lation sj 100 ac pread “rays of sunshine’ by giv- JOHN CARROLL
WORKERS READY SPEEDY ROCKET POWERED X51, es to. the hove ha 2 ) Lo. we
f Game fuge BER MODEL DESIGNED TO EXPLORE TRA! 1 a program the boys on the ANDY DEVINE
a ‘ H ve oc "4-ENGINE BOMBER M 210 - ! its : : ’ , )
: lhe Fish Committee If rvis 1 £ 7 BLOF SONIC STRATA WAS RIGIDLY Hershey Units and at the State “Old L An eles” YOU PHONE 119] WE CALL
W folleswi ock Catfish 1,600, > TUNNEL. THERE ARE TUNNELS TESTED AS A MODEL. 4 Hospital for Crippled Children at 08 g DYERS TAILOR
e | Trout 2300, Trout Fingerlings 8,000, RT BIGPANES, = merry” FE | | Elizabethtown. The children en- —_ 28 CLEANERS oe on a
'B Fingerlings 4.000 Se —_ LN yA i joved it to such an extent that Max SATURDAY Aug. me)
| 3 f .
| The organization has started a| ! > = LF 47 and his orchestra were invited for JOHNNY WEISSMULLER y Dein;
| . rn oN i x
Nurser on § farm of Mi ; Ar, (I rg IT a return engagement. Next Week | ¢4 cret of aa Wie Y EUG
Ti a ais of Mt. Jovy 1 hip Ve all GUIDED INTERCEPTOR, } they will play for the Shonk Reun- Tarzan’s Se " Nola | Cleaning oq i
= = Miss 1 lion v0 Donemy Springs Treasure WaT qa
I 1 Nu 7 4 OPED FROM A MODEL, 2 $e SECT TET Tessar = = 3 en
| 8,000 trout fiingerling dh 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. Roy Nissly 29-30 - Se
| Gra 0 of Sj net spent several days in New York SUN.-MON. Aug. A te.
i it Florin, Saturday, Septembe IMG 03 Me py a RIN as WILL GET THEIR - ee eee — nese (Sunday Matinee 3:20 p. m.) : ° ° wes
Jie Rock shoot on Saturday andy INTERNATIONAL MODEL PLANE CONTEST IN D WR. SS / S . s
only hul ) jo iy) y. Also an archery exhibition y “oJ | 00 53 CONTEST PROVIDES TOP COMPETITION R MILLIS The Pirate Let Us Haul Your Poultry Direct } te
T Se fternoon y JH. 473-653 TRIS FOR YOUNG MODEL BUILDERS WHO OPTOMETRIST In Technicolor h Ci 21
Lo [7 | muuca esr MAY SOMEDAY JOIN LANGLEY'S SEL- Krieg? ! : ; To The ity | a
I | |, MANY LANGLEY ECT GROUP. PLYMOUTH INVITES = 2 of 99 N. Market St. Elizabethtown Tue-Wed Aug 31-Sept 1 La he
y Ganda earing an army uni or . Ape SCA stm 4-4 || Eves Examined by Appointment “All M Sons’ Paul G. Mumma & Son ! ah
i Ity for Ben Laughlir - ARI 0k be A HA y ELIZABETHTOWN R 1 $x
= n uk IL 4 . 3 EC
g | appe n the Gi p LOW DOWN Daily: 9toland 2to 5 Co —————————— Phone Etown 151 or I3 Phone Etown 34515 i RI
ol Victor O'Leary i Ties and Sat meer ho “town 17 “to 3 3s
1 | ge as Lieut. Vi )'1 n THE E He. os ond Sat, 6:30 to 8 HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? a
os ash comedy nt, No Hours Thursda 5 En
but I dont } | 1 vhi Y ntinu I from i DON'T WAIT TOO LONG a eT I id Ht
the $1300. If my memo Ve EC Y Agi ROVE ei hl —_a@té BRING THEM IN. RIC RK RIC RK 3 3 ae
$1300. veel i Saturd 2
Sg ost | when the summer theatre 5 ity Shoe Repairing Co. MEMBERS NE Bs
food, tl 1 Mt. Gre I think I see an omen—a good one |D H. C. Ki Ih ff Ny on Na i ; ARE 10 5 a
otf It. a I hli ed with the ¥F A straw in the wind—it is hap- y. i e er : G 8 ue
1 in World War O N pening up there in Maine. And the Optometrist + 5 ae
1 : al ed. He logan about “how goes Maine, goes | TO THE N 1 ih = | ue
i 3 51 MANHEIM aie
i the Disti d Servic i | the nation,” that makes the omen 163 S. Charlotte St, I c rv
C I | mm . « RI
Sept l oy 1 the Purple To lcok even better Telephone 137-R | BEER! Call 118J5 rl NO i te
: 1 hat w T They are taking the bull by the | Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 For Home Delivery vv % EE
day 1 i D t ops in t Euro- horn those Maine folks, and Tues. Fri. Sat. 7.9 P, M. WACKER : D “ 0 le,
d ¢ ¢ i | orns, 105¢ Main IKS, : Oo 3 :
wht ; ean 1 Op I {building themself a new sc oo ol | soy Lo. sat, VALLE YP MOUNT JOY, PA Ale
a PA. USO: she . | [house from the sound up, They ELIZABETHTOWN PRIGR I > +
- A { vaudeville he are not down in the mouth or mo: | 16 E. High St. ROLLING ROCK A “EC 25 1%, “5K NK HK = 7 :
= ed to timate Rg 3 in" about it and hoping Uncle Sam Telephone 24-R ALE & PORTER ham rere
They a : eared in numerous Broadway will come along with the money and Victor J Schmoll § —
ot evel t ; and road preducticns In take 'em by the hand as if they were I A :
y land take ‘em : = —Distributor— | ATURDAYS
Inannel pport of man) PE tx teadmg not too smart and needed a guardian PLAY THE FAMOUS OPEN UNTIL 9 @. M | EVENINGS s 3
i 1 0 sm P. . MATINEE 3
thine: lik he a “Hous- ; Curs Servic sHOws 1
‘ . voit ea PY JOHNNY or something, like maybe « Drive In For Curb Service AND C
A Salur ma Wi t ee ATED rn HAPPY |. v5 So 7 AND 9:00 P. M.
ww. } iI to hi One of the big attractions at the (ing Director who neve HOLIDAYS a
Sen Hm hn 4 Fe FISHER ON SECOND ARMY earnival at Rheems Saturday even- | puilding put together before, but go ount Ire na SATURDAYS 2:00 P. M. 3 NS
; <i vil t to do all over { AIR CORPS BALL TEAM ing, August 28th. attached to the Govt. Payer Mount Joy, Pa. rm ———
% da I w wh I'd 1ar- M. Samuel Fisher, ei 11 i \ SETS getting out ana scaring up votes C M WEBB y TY
Hh : 14 son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 8, TOMMY DORSEYS ORCHESTRA oy, . . FRIDAY — SATURDAY — MONDAY, AUGUST 27-2830
ry ; Pe Be : ood o AT READING FAIR IN SEPT. Ol iar 1 the.
Wife I 1 v Fishe Florin, ha eel : Reading Fair officials are goin ach p eh & SON CLARK GABLE — LANA TURNER -in-
f nd Army Ai mmunity is donating his strengt
Hubby i: *You nembel ie second { to turn the fair’s new. modern rol - 3
\ t 1} Baseball te Fort Meade,| 0 WH , |and tim ne guy started it by South Barbara Street | bb *
But wi §Sps Buen ved the Army ler skatiag rink into a topnotch tes {Hs Hind, Ther vnc, the 2 5 | Homecoming
t [Me Disher, who Pe t r during the 1948 | 10 IAW ea oo SWIM AT THE MOUNT JOY, PA.
lad anyihl tate of East amusement center during the 194 tion ge i 3
= er rans Foci wins be soon Yo, 2 Sine te i] SHEET METAL WORK TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 |
An ni h Done I High School where 1 fs through 19: AL i t Si 3
ra to red in athletics. He was a pitenct : : . ; ervhody being busy rvbody ake Beach ROOF PAINTING 4
IE Yo : for the American Legion baseball, John 8. Giles, president of the happy. And when Saturday nig JOHN CARROLL — VERA RALSTON -in- : i
Dere & : bie nl or I 1947. and for Reading Fair, announced that rollc at thoy are’ 10 dy {or a 20-1 PHONES: 99 (
t \ team of Mount Joy 1 anc iol 1 ol houne: ey: ale sis 5-20-1 , mm 928R7
Cort I hi i : Ea Crantaripld ire being made for the use of ott 20 to bod versus headingl_ Loa 8 Mt. Joy 117-J E'town 928R7 66
Her! we rk tor un. special entertain. {200 WX DS a 000000000000000000000000 | The Flame
a | Sour Ct Ha eric iment feature every afternoon dur- [2°70 2 WE Govt va li M | : M
RE wa Stee. Either Decam pitcher|ing fale week, This extra enter. | BASLE 308 KL 8 0 "Qua ity eats PHONE WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1-2
£55 : : tainment will be in addition to the :
A TL Daye on Grond Circuit horse and the Yours with the low down, JEVIMY Op OF EDW. G. ROBINSON — BURT LANCASTER -in- 3
= : Ceniucky. Har | Grand Cire orse races ang
: ; 3 : 3 a i, 5 wets on the grandstand stage Sa Ci imi A FULL 1 LI our Fuller Dealer ob | nM S ns’
Look 25 a fe I nsburg, a I iG SR — However, Giles pointed out, they Oly PICNIC | ATR, y A y Oo M
1 } } - ‘ 1 : N FF DIM -
haa ind Sates will not conflict with each othe
the t { beautiful | MIpGET-MIDGETS TRIM in regards 4 ha time AT ROCKY SPR NGS SE PT. 4 When you need Household or
nk el d to | MIDGET-MIDGETS 17-2 © ¢ it ) The first annual G n Spot it it & Ve etables Personal Brushes just telephone FRIDAY — SATURDAY, 3-4
ping {4 FWY : Plans call for the use of the rol- : Rk Gi 1 ho hal, ruits g h ber bl Most valve
K an Re eo S00] In a game played at E-town jo. ping path afternoon and even- | Od Fiddlers’ Picnic will : 0a number Selow. vo MICKEY ROONEY — GLORIA DE HAVEN in
they supplied he ied wening, “Bob” Giles i nnounced that | #t the Rocky Springs Park, Lan- for your money. Prompt Service,
ey i - Luesda Veils, ing 1lle nas announcea th
: gM ET or Cry ind tur abate] (IY ie, Seren oe. TM eat marke CHARLES WASAL ummer Holiday
; i pear ae» Wig bay lor dancing M 0 Nn. Goi f Mi rles R2 Mount J Phone 283R4
17 to 2 Tuesday through Friday, Septem.) The Services of Mrs Charles H " West Main St.. Mt. Joy Suns soy
t © y vie 5 been eCuTed ) ne
: \ Tuesday 1 3 24 per 14 through 17. Dorsey's ap- De J ha : ’ ML ot Te “
ee. = “i Elizabethtowr MAINES in the roller rink will | th Pr Ihe x | : tle - ; onto
! | wil 1 mark the first time the Reading wah 0:4 Tid ers DI
Ole { £1
. toy el ability to
on the fairgrounds for the
they supply to maton Hig :
the color sche he various | 1" to three game series tire week present a well argatiped picei, HELLAM,
kitchens!! | en rl esata The days activities will start at PEN >
the day and evening until 11:00
r-old Saturday evening, August 28th. |P ™ aie ONE MILE SOUTH ON YORKANA adh

John A. Broughton, 26-y¢

| .
om W : Id Fiddlers’ from York, Ches- .
| foundi molder frem Ferguson, the Reems Fire Co, wil] present
2 2
} the a] ti ‘ fi a ter, Berk Mifflin, and Dauphin Pre Seniing
it t the, the pleasures o ie old time
Ge { ~— can t ret hoot it festival with “Something old ang] tend ti ples KL i MAYNARD =: s W
Fishin fit i ft a2 cy : : tentions to attend this picnic.
).. Tuesday. Ww h netted something new with games, cake- 0 de
: ! Vandalia O., Tuesda V > ’ > rr etl . n r I'S
I Ii t 4 | purse of $1,000. Sixteen walks, good eats with eigh big HIS
round 1 i { i : t 100 and sev- { SEASON OPENS AT LINCOLN


knockabout ! {| Dioie The hist q re Rey of A :] The Lincoln Bowling Alleys open A veteran star of many movies. Direct from HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. A MUST on your entertainment list.
SA : econd 100. SIX men appy Johnny and ! Ancol 3 g { Ss j
iachey : 195 Gang, king of the Hillbillies in a their bowling season this week J ILLI S
Broughton won special show to celebrate his re- |W it Red Barnhart as the manager. ( )E PH P A N I ) HIS DIXIE P A 5
1 Ts ! the two handicap races at Van- turn t the ir. Rov Rogers. The have been recondi- 1. i
: Byshe Heilig tended the Leg- alix Brcadway's favorite comedian. also ti ned and are in excelient shape. 1 oO 1 R N C H S
ion Convention in Phi st weel a a end the Rigolette Brothers and Aimee | YOU ave invited to participate in A B ( ) Y ;
and doubled duty with re + N 1 CARY. this winter time sport.
FNEF SOFT JX. GAME sisters, Novelty act and Wade and NEMO and R N E I E I 3
re et TAY ; i rhythm witi bowl after i RANGE RIDER From Station W.N.O.W., York, Pa.
quenching’ { WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Wad ng id rhythm with
lenching establishmen . ie : .
ft ht be: : Anvil A benefit softball game will be music by Roy Reber’s orchestra, :
tial while umpiring one ‘of the scheduled ELIZABETHTOWN MIDGETS: FLORIN BEATS SEILER
all ground and seeing mov | While umpiring veral weeks ago. DEFEAT MOUNT JOY MIDGETS |TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIP iy pg
s of people everal | games, St a ? :
3s " Th me will be between Florin, The Elizabethtown ' Midgets base- By defeating the VFW team two SHOW STARTS AT 1:00 P. M. SHARP
walls, exclaimed: “Boy, t} i 18 Bain : NH tonm 4 I ]
po vam ball team defeated Clayt Neweom- | straigh games in the semi-finals
ritzy joint, “two television this year’s champions, and a team . n defeated Clayt Newcon
and his friends walked in, Byshe Played for Bill Ellis, who was hurt = == ry | W.O.R.K. JAMBOREE GANG Heard daily on your local radio station
ing imag


And then a nal ightened hi col sisting of the best players of the ers lads 3 to 0 on the local High and whipping the Seiler eam tree Adm. Adults 40c tax inc. Children under age of twelve accompanied by parents, FREE
a sr ed Hi | ton Wiis wets bo 4 same Hs ol diamond Tuesday evening. ng foe indie A is. uel Free Parking Space Reserved Parking Space For Cripples and Shut Ins. |
he is seeing Be Ran Te kL Re yme is scheduled for 6.30 p Stimulate your business by adver- Champions in the local softball Gate Prizes : Eats 8 Refreshments - Games — Don't You Dare Miss it 1
Ain't it ashame? io im day September 1st. | sing in the Bulletin, league, Li .