The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 12, 1948, Image 4

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. | ? : : wo oh bey freee omnes manne When in need of Printipg. (anye a
Bulle | ) 3 Aucust 12 1918! ’ 3 By Gene Byrnes. . , | J [
The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa.. Thursday, August I: 18 _REG LAR FELLERS a PLAY THE FAMOUS thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
» ’ Mel ol Ea —————————— F
’ 00 HERE —
: {ov Gos, won RE NAN t . F, HUMMER
OWL LAFES Softhall Playoff Starts { Ae mvs She ount ureina |, [0
W - PRICES THEY MUST FOR Slate, Tile and Asbestos Roofing,
; - HAVE BALLOONS STEAK ONEY_FIVE cine) Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin Spouting,
a Ne ext Monday Evening i d ! A If C Hot Air Heating. Ventilating,
: Suction Fans, etc.
local Softball 04 0 ourse Office: 34 Detwiler Ave. [Mt. Joy
p i t Earl Phone 209-R
by residen Jarl 7-17-tf —
{ Mvers., held Wednesday night at the u
Fire H it was decided that th 4 a h SWIM AT THE daa THEATRE EG
nN of the first four i ition py \ 7 +49 ys oe
Sinbad gl mg : - J] SHOWS EVERY NIGHT | |=!
Monday evening, August 16 “ y i . / rs a e eac Matinees Sat, at 2; Sunday at 3:20 =
Park diamond, the ——————————
CARNIVAL AT MAYTOWN Everybody reads newspapers buf Eo =
three games, if | 5-20-tf
| . a tenis Anis hd = THE LOW DOWN At Mount Gretna | The Maytown Fire Co. wilt hold | NOT everybody reads circular ade | oo THU.-FRL Aug. 12- 13
' i : ‘ thi 1 ans from a Carnival on the High School | vertising left on their door step. BARRY FITZGERALD wl
jn i : ih ~ ne t Year, a farce com dy | Grou unds Saturday, August 14th. ’ Veronica Lake — Joan Caulfield
I ont y and ve esd a HICKORY G de ling v ih the trials and ihe | phtertainment will be furnished HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? “Th S . : d Si t ’y
a tribulations of a young couple, is | by {he Bainbridge Band and their DON'T WAIT TOO LONG €
AY : w vs ie roi of In this land of the uneasy, being the next to closing Ip "| Novelty Acts; amusements and re- BRING THEM IN.
1 pl ‘ 1 e fi 1c normal is to have an “emergency” the summer sci 9 the Gel | freshments. Ci Sh R iri C € % auran SATURDAY Aug. 14
A WI 3 E 0 WwW LY : 53 ‘ 4 Bye f rr [00 Our hands. ets was called na Playhouse ce which is opening : | Free admission and free parking. ity oe epairing 0. WILLIAM ELLIOTT DR
le I Tro decide gt o back. Uncle Harry says he needs a weeks stay on Thursday night —— etl Men 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET 45 EAST MAIN ST. ‘FABULOUS TEXAN’ ——
me Wil Will be ded ts UL Ut +
- | CS i nine the Champs./new 3 million buck steam plant at fame ie "4 | When in need of Printing. (any« LANCASTER, PENNA, MOUNT JOY
Toa W { ¢ re- late date lo ae hii ; some TVA to bolster the water power US. comedy liom. NC yy, vq kindly remember the Bulletin : R
qa hon . ’ u to | The scheduled time for each gam wall. Bugpen of Frank Craven promises to | . I Open 8 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. SUN. -MON. Aug. 15-16
1 3. a 11 ¢ tart Ww be 6:30 p. n oe fae, 1 nl Hl Binnie ob} - 5 Si rds
leq ad | irs i ; {1 ti . will not in other parts of the country where > one ol sp funniest shows of | ¢ = BEER! Call 118J5 Di Monday hn Matinee 3:20 p.m.)
LOST, STRAYED PS! EE ooo _ Sambo has not barged in and built the season. tis a well written SIMON P. NISSLEY 2 iva nner serve =e a SR dp
S1 EN \ local hotel n {be determined until after tomorrow Ha > oi de in Chi: : play and under the able directior MARY G. NISSLEY For Home Delivery
( FOLEN #2 JU i \ n the owerhouse—like in Chicago, and es 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WACKER
1 Q a1] | evening (1 ay whe he x : y 2 of Charl i". Coghlan will be UNE] 4 “CT!
ind B Yont ond Flesin oppose each otheriNew York, and Minneapolis, and re 3 1 : Mount Joy, Pa. SPRENGER Closed
An eoing i | chan ! I Pi 0 . given the me high type of pro- VALLEY FORGE rh
! hl | ‘eh o. the winner being|New Orleans and a 100 other places, : Ls ¢ PIEL’S B
ark tify {In thei final game, une Wine on 3 Vv is i arul bothered on ac- duction which has made the sum- | ==—=———=—= PRIOR A
u ; H | the first place team and the loser, N¢ body hot and botherec on 1C ar taste LW. Crate one df nob OR, 1 1 D a y :
u Wash Bh ev ky 1 tent count of a power shortage. From ; ALE & PORTER S d
| the second place team. 4 anding the most popular in Eastern Pa.
E ) educt, from reading ua ™™ eats .
Thru an agreement of the: teams what I can dec a unda M
About tos | tor we vargl Tove en of Co ER OE orton ter mrs Victor J. Schmoll y
tol y ncel the ad, that their tiie Deter 10am tous especially prevalent on Govt. jobs Patronize Bulletin advertisers. ALSO —Distributor— WE SELI fr
Oy Jo can chal iy place and the VFW team fourth. Specially prev: ois A FULL LINE OF OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. “ SELL 34 NICOL on i
man had been found And he: pa like maybe in the Orient wherc Diva. In Por Curb. Service Breyers Ice Cream 1 OR
hi MIDGETS WON EASILY AT beriberi is prevalent or in Switzer- At the. Fountain.and Balk
t Wednesd: ight Jim Krall Lia ‘here it is goiter. .
La pt wy gi { id COLUMBIA MONDAY NITE land where it is goiter :
YOR et Armstror 0 ce Ae A : But maybe it is just the way .
i aN or baw v laren ¢ his Midgets oink
Midge Ball me at Lan ca ter, Hank Bay 1 2 #4 : poh enna things went there in Philadelphia, Fruits & Vegetables . M ® Ww E B B
ahd when t an ended Chet Went Wo Lolun 8 0 At the end where the boys from Dixie just up-
1 nere ind. So, [and won easily o to U. J X g Uncle
rchir th th crowd. | of the third frame Hank trotted out ped and walked out, leaving Uncle | ’ KL SON
= Ws pe field ith the ex Harry in dire need of an emergency fd dr p 122 Saath. Bath Stig ;
J decided to go out to his car [an entire new Infield W : 9 mind states’ Rights ou arbara Stree
= ; . to get our minds off States’ Rights, :
nd wait. Well, he waited and |ception of Benny Brown and he “lete. And before going further with West Main St. Mt. Joy MOUNT JOY, PA. MT. GRETNA, Ls i
went on to hold lumbia scoreless. = ig o v
waited—until the vi Ty Jase one of (yon: os : 4 oo i i er this learned essay, the one and Electric Weldin ROOFING — SPOUTING
the 8000 fans had. let the park tre Brown and Estock greatest thing this U.S.A. needs to and Gas g « ATTENTION! SHEET METAL WORK + NOW PLAYING - ITS A HIT x
} x till no sien of his] lads ha five, Brow LSU . 3 - .
Wag su. no sign y gs hx : lower its fever and get its health Also Specialize On Cabinet Making and ROOF PAINTING
pessenger. leading with two apiece. : Had acl is Ane Our . vo
tne Sk “7 Govt. back nearer home where we ME rices Reasonable Mt. Joy - E'town 928R7
About two hour later, after | the former won 1 to 0 a watch things and keep govern- A a on Es 1di CALL 349-J2 Se Yk ® 99
driving around the streets search- | Mount Joy r h 0 A mental fumididdles and tinkering utomobile an ruc e dis 1g Mount Joy, Penna. 7-29-4tp eo Ye Ir
ing for Chet, Jim decided to return Cling ........ 0 0 O OO, iw; LAWN MOWER SHARPENING {
re i st 3 oy 1 0 0 0 gia" + ie eee
nome. He did just that, and rem rea 5 OF .
Doss an 1 0 1 1 Just keeping an eye on the local ’ :
when he got here, he found that— [ge lf" 1 1 0 Ochaps is a big enough job—let alone Cover's Welding Shop FOR REAL GOOD Now, your Home WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18TH
Chet had gone for the car alter }zZimmerman cf ... 1 0 1 0 walching Congress. Permanent is
he game, but somehow got lost|{Bowman 1b ...... 1 0 a Oi . ; Delta and Marietta Streets PRINTING Hiss : :
in the crowd and found himself at Horie b......»0 0 2 Yours with the oh MT. JOY. PA. Phone 289 EASIER! foros the CR which gh married
» AM ciar TH oh V Fic Jrown € - ‘ JIMMY . couple or anyone planning marriage will want to sce
Shirks Motor Freignt Yard. Fig- | Myers prt ins 0 0 0 1 . a TRY q I : I i g
h had gone home lGermer 2b ....... 0 0 1 0 Rational F x EASIER . —Don’t Miss This Smash hit.
yut hired one of |Martin 2b ........ 0 Oo 0 ¢ National Fur Take : T BULLETIN
Si : trucks. or one of their]T. p yermer 3b ..... 0 0 0 0, One-sixth of the fur-bearing ani- he EASIER!
hey : id ia 0 0 0 0 mals, chiefly silver fox, mink and . | .
drivers I do not remember which Foti Ss... 0... 1 2 1 0 their mutations, are raised in ca AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE | with new; round * Curtain 8:30 p.m. I Adm. $1.00 Plus Tax *
t was, t bring him home.---=--- - - ——| tivity. The leading producer: of furs —
And so, they missed each other. Totals .........: 5 5 15 3 in the United States is Louisiana, PLASTIC CURLERS
wees Columbia r ho a with 8,500,000 pelts taken during the Have your saws flied snd jointed er ee rtm =
i at 1 Scott 3b 0 0 0 2 past season, More than 8,000,000 of by Thachine 5 Mechinically
tart an argument a we |x . ree il . 5 recise filing. Saw OF, ema
oe : Reinhart +f ....... 0 0 0 0/the total were muskrats produced cleaner, faster. Quicker serv- . .
dis The diner who is Z = .- 0 0 0 0 on Loui a coastal and delta lce—you'll like ovr work— exclusive with RA SAS J ©) Y sATURDAYS |
{ in 0 1 6 0 marshes. Following Louisiana's CHARLES ABEL @® EVENINGS SATURDAYS
. 0 0 0 0 staggering total are Minnesota with 3 poof a SHOWS MATINEE
0 2 0 6 1,900,000; Texas, 1,058,000 and Ohio, 7 AND 9:00 P. M AND
The zeason jo woman f a4 0-0 1 ¥ H EAT RE HOLIDAYS
d tt the noon is be- 0 0 0 0 ERE HOME SATURDAYS 2:00 P. M
1 6 © F 6.5.10 P :00 P. M.
15€ ke quarter a 0 > Electric Are Furnace Mount Joy, Pa. |,
v ul menth and +10 0 1 0; It generally is believed that Dr, NE | Lal > PERMANENT A
out ight He bad . 0 0 1 1 was ig first person | 4 THE CREME COLD WAVE FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 - 14
bo in the United States to use an elec- |
Totals .......... 0 4 15 9iric arc furnace industrially. This fl D i RONALD REAGAN — ELEANOR PARKER -in-
in mins MOMNT JOY ........... 103 O1—5iwas in 1573 Dr. Weston patented your il er ed er Deluxe Kit, with Regular Kit, $125 (
| 000 00—0 |. ald Stas sores 107 * | plastic curlers fiber curlers $1 - 99 0
A 10le being | COLUMBIA ........ i laminated pole pieces and cores for | “Voice OF The Turtie Ih
heard in the divorce court, when}, Errors—Brown, Bell 2. Three hase dynamos, raising their efiiciency When you need Household or | $200 Refill, no ih
the teartul wile explained ghits ir a Base on Das from about 45 to 85 per cent, and § Personal Brushes just telephone | curlers. . . $100
ied ey ner Struck ol oy Estock 4, a]50 patented an anode and devel :
x 1 vont Ini ih oe Hi FE Potork the n r below. Most valve u ;
We were happy for over a year | Myers 3, Banner 6. Hits—off Estock| oped a nickel solution containing he number belo 4% prices pls dy MONDAY — TUESDAY, AUGUST 16-17
Y Hot 16 then the |in rings 3; off Myers in 2 innings! poric acid for making a superior, for your money. Prompt Service, |
baby l. Umpires—Witmer, Clinger. Time gene, malleable plated nickel. TT ™ BARRY FITZGERALD — HOWARD DUFF -in-
rs “1? f game—1:40 — — CHARLES WASAL Sl an’ Ph
The judge aske Boy or rl? rn -— — meee y
1 - Industry Goes Automatic es Mount Joy Phone 288R4 0 S arma “Naked City”
: 1 GAME HERE FRIDAY Use of automatic controls in J MOUNT JOY,
blond 1 in next do . bs cody has 4 me -
Tomorrow evening (Friday) an=- manufacturing processes has in- !
. sther Lanco Le e game will be creased to the point that today ap- EE HK > "
The average husband is one whe : en ri Dic d b proximately $1,600 of every $1,000, WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, AUGUST 18-19
| do vr 15 } a¢ the $eiod lamond, be-| 55) expended for new plant equip- MEMBERS oN (a y Tene :
then acc r tween the Mount Joy Midgets and ment goes into industrial instru- | ARE oO %| PAULETTE GODDARD — MACDONALD CAREY -in-
evar um Manheim Midgets. Game called at ments, whereas hi average in 1935 x GY 99
tL ay 6:30 p. n was $800 for each $1,000,000, a study INVITED LE “Hazard
AF —_— : Sanding of the Leacue: Mount bY Minneapolis-Honeywell Regula- J TO THE AN a9 ‘|
\ Flor L 1 plained + company Shows. .
Yes, I krol y My | Joy, 1st: Elizabethtown, 2nd; and lor company showy 1 |
1 € cna A —————————————
feelings are changed completely Millersville 3rd by toss from Man- Preventing Rickets 0 oO . { FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 20-21
tom what thov We “het had heim. Milk that is fortified with vita- tv YEE ATURE. — O "EN GRAY -inw
from it they were when 1 . min D, the vitamin with the spe- x VICTOR MATURE COLEEN GRAY in
accepted nim Sis a Ek OF aventing rickets A
i, | TRIPLET BENEFIT G cial property of preventing ' Y O
Her new boy friend inquired: |TRIPLET BENEFIT GAME =~ |" iq as vitemin D milk, Vita- f MOUNT Joy, PA. ||| “Fury t Furnace Creek”
But why do yo I wear th Mount Joy s Mi iget-Midgets, min D is added by any one of three
will oppose the Elizabethtown Mid- methods: Exposure of milk to ultra- h reatest el
nswered: Oh. mv feelir set-Midgets at Elizabethtown this violet light, adding a vitamin D e a cee _— — _
ing (Thurs) 8:3 Thic is : entrate or feeding cows irradi- . r
e rin ust the same ening (Thurs.) at 6:30. This is al concen ato
ih ee. benefit for Rice Triplets of Eliza- ated yeast. refriger

A very amusing bethtown. Pennsylvania’s Farmers Vv al ue ev er
: BE — : "mal 4 i
pened while we wer . Only 22,144 of the 171,761 farms In
ing on Sunday— J PITCHED A 3-HITTER Pennsylvania are operated by ten. offered af

1 i armers. Full owners total 134,
Joe, a truck driver, stopped very| Our own Marshall Gemberling in ant farmers. Full ov é . .
1 — : Wend: vitehed 172. The remaining farms are oper- ihis rice
suddenly on the highway. The |the box for New Holland, pitched a ated Dy part owners or by mana.
car behind crashed into the truck |3-hitt gainst Ephrata and won gers. Full owners hold more than

1889, that any individual was per- huge 7.7 cu. ft. capacity refrig-
erator was designed by Philco
and the owner of the passenger {4 to 1 Friday. 10 million of the 15 million acres 5
ar us rem ee ions farms in that state,
“r ie f I re ball 1 os — ® SHELF ADJUSTABILITY -
The investigating officer asked: A‘ game aseb: ras ayed “+ —
ote, Sacer hs of banal: vay dayed Oldest Mechanical Crafis ® BIG VEGETABLE BIN :
Why didnt you hold out your |at Elizabethtown for the benefit of Plumbing and sanitary engineer- 4 NEAT STORAGE DRAWER STARRING
hand? the Rice triplets born two weeks ing are among man's oldest me- EASY-OUT ICE-TRAYS : :
Joe replied: Well, if he could ago. » chanical crafts. Palaces on the is-| Never before so many quality R JE Victor Recording Star, MC. Prairie Stars - W o.v New York
not see the truck, how in heavens | S————————— YY land of Crete were piped for water features i Ag refrigerator at this . « Vo
ag . 11 nye ‘lv as : ancien al low price and
a would he see mv hand ras I after April as early as 3,000 B. C. and ancient sensationa price . .. and
hame could he see my hand. | Tt was not until el I brilders ‘understood many of it's Philco quality. Yes, this
Johnnie Boy Huey Sallie And Shorty Fincher
~ ol ’ t | . principles of modern sanitary en-
Sandwich Spread: What some | mitted to claim or own land in what

| gineering. engineers to give you the most 1
people get from eating between |is now the state of Oklahoma. re eee seme f 81 1" ak 101 ——— M h ll S aie § OF Pi $
a ne Tos or Baad Viens Jor oir monks name anch Dboys aybelle deiger Plains
— | According to Federal statistics the If a piece of cheese grows hard capacity refrigerators. And S h V
Be ry. 3 : separ henna head | American farmer receives 52 cents hefore Jo ou a Pe for bene: usque anna alley Boys W. 0. R. K. Jamboree Gang
Walks right down Main 5t., In alof query dollar spent by consumers =o, holes punched in, the lid. It
bathing suit. Why? Because | 1, oducts : wm 4 i bu . lips vi 24 7 00
( products. kee 11 and is - delicious A — rm
she says, that is the only time she | — eer WA erable Le or spa- 7 BIG CTS . 25 RADIO STARS i 1
gets whistled at since the new| gor quick results try .the BUL-| ghetti dishes. ~ A few other models in stock SHOW STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. SHARP LASTS TILL
look came in and . she ' stopped | etin’s classified columns. 16.4 will H alt i Ro :
wearing short skirts. ; ‘o date William Howard Tait is ADM. ADULTS Oc tax ine i
work Millie meets her girl friend. the only President of the U. S. to Earl B Longenecker . : 4 . Children under 12 accompanied by parents FREE H
Martin: What would you do if | The girl friend speaks: How did later become Chief Justice of the U.| Us . ” "” Free Parking Space Reserved Parking Space For Cripples and Shut. Ins.
ia oA) roup date 4 ; as icht?? 'S. Supr t, LANDISVILLE, PA, ¢
: es : Dol yell Oe pig 1 Io a or = yn PHONE 4111 Eats : Refreshments Games ~ Gate Prizes | 3
The scene changes. It is the | good time. | Stimulate your business by adver- a NOTICE - ADM. ADULTS $.40 tax inc. . DONT YOU DARE Miss IT. ' ER | B
next morning. On the way to! A WISE OWL ising in the Bulletin. J Open Daily Until § P. M. ES A CS SEI ESAT :

ns 0 8 NA SAI Tl V0 0 ns pr Hs Wyn ty ar . ria nn BA a hr wh pai ar na a J sr