The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 12, 1948, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa.. Thursday. August 12, 1010 | YPN POO marshmellow roast. [ William Jennings: Bryan of Ne- [in several places and contains nu- |
f : tising in tl
A new fire preventative modern |braska was nominated for the Presi-
merous islands.

HAPPE N I NGS spraying system is being installed in |dency of the U. S. three times by| Ohio has about 500 miles of nav- | . -
The Mount Joy Bulletin pe or a Clem co ner at il didi; party Be Ten a ool ey ty ae WISE MOTHERS COME TO
— of — lor] J The ONY. riven ds.imesile ver 35 Seles Trac
0, Florin [he Ohio river is nearly 1,000 and over 16,000 miles of state high P FOR BABY FOODS
no. E. Schroll., E ditor and Publisher I, ONG AGO Jake Browns Football team held [miles in length, is 1,500 feet in width avs. | A & Ma


stiv re Florin Prk. DAY
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ETE TTT a festival at the Florin Prk. : Tey Babies are just about the ET Noy
to compete with the ONE, 05~ | Pain ~ | Clyde Eshleman and John Booth ail most important customers ol ZZ ented A
Published Every Thursday at No iy ince the national food pro attended the district Rotary Meet- M ar D en ; i n g er ASD, ee Fr by uve
Asi «VETY dL IM pecially since the nations - a) . a formuld «1k
9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa m | o <i an } rhe 20 Years Ago ing at Keiser, W. Va, Y re and Joy 13 ll on 4 formula G. K. [Wag
am has become such an important am . OI or discovering fruiis ; R.D
Np . - 25 Of cconomic issue. With production : . . whether you serve him -
Suse od yea $1 No f wheat, corn and potatoes, on a The John Herr Music Shop has When in need of Printing. (any- Pp i A N ° a n d Vv 0 C E strained soups or chopped Saturd:
han od . wad iad + Nissle thing) kindly remember the Bulletin (pupil of Levin, Noble, Giannini) vegetables and meats, it at 10
Ihr 60 vast scale, the small acreage farm opened for business in the Nissley |" Sa ash = find vour infant's favorite Fiel Te
Single Copies .... 05. lis lost. However. look what this |property opposite Post Office : COUNTERPOINT, HARMONY, DICTATION fave at AGE. ight mile
Sample Copies ......... FREE |... | Nias tor Ta Salis ; oi SIGHT - SINGING AND MUSIC HISTORY two miles
little business” does for the indi A French car with a with vl 1 Pa.. ¢n old
Entered at the Postoffice + Mt dual needs « the family and you license and driven by a French- ” " incluce Ww: nano - 100 Ne
gb fhe ah Mi | SH ve it ports Tn the | en stunned ot Navcore Oss] For your “Dream Home STUDIO — 55 W. WALNUT ST. MARIETTA, PENNA. pd
ter tie Act of March 3. 1579. lcehathe of thing Ceti PHONE MARIETTA 2501 Ali TES
er und the Act ol Ma i“ hen of things. tation Corn Picke
If a man has an independent in- [. S. Weaver purchased at pub- | Side Rake:
Tractor i
Drills, Pla
Corn Binde
- TT I ri 0 | ) ! Al come, theugh small, perhaps a pen- sale he Beni ]
E D i Ltr 4 sion, he can better farm the small | 1 150 at Florin for $3.2

J. V. BINKLEY, 111 N. Market St.
Elizabethiown] Pa. Phone 216-J 51 42° Eb. 43 10-16. 83
etme eee esses SEW. AND SAVE bag box bag
Procrastination is a human failing spending, near-record purchasing | Church, had a peculiar experience
5 or 1 a ‘ RF ne ih & Ran a
found among many of us. We over- | power In the hands of the public during an electrical storm, when a

+ +b 4 fe & wid A a I'he Columbia Mennonite Mission | via Anythin
3 ; : brings aasded materia hing ee : vn : AE d C | | P
Every man has his price but there | oe (000 TREE CN any @ largely attended outing in Use Our Classified Column — It Pays «
ension ont over. mi ies . |
are a lot © wh lon't get it. Fbys Meadow southeast of town |
are a it. of them who don't ge ! mall families are living comfort- . = | Bring ir
LI J Over 800 attended the Brubaker | he g 2
ably © ‘h farms, with fruit, veg- : Si \ etore Sale
Did you ever realize that some n Sie : f hick reunion held at Messiah Bible Look af the advantages ce SEW AND SAVE eaten e” ¢ py Lif
: tables, a cow er more, a few chick=- { { 7 ¥ ¥ # 5 5
sts x . * | 7 y _— 3.
people don’t know as much about . nin | College. 4 > , \ Next Sal
: ens, a couple of kegs. By managing . { ii pa a al. Tz Next Sal
JW as they do about : “i Mr. Leroy ( Bates bought the | Oo ££ ; si? wl \ a a ffl \ ti
tie TWh 3 2 gq well caring scientifically for the oh | . i # | Sewin aC ines eL ri 18
cthers. 1 ‘ A former SNIrkKs wow, a hve family ’
soil, thy get a surplus from the : : TY » 15) = I...
eo © 0 oi, partment fnouse on N. Barbara GLASS BLOCK 201712 1 op
VIORE CORN farm. The able man finds the day 2 ? Any Make Treadle Machine ei il. neec init, or R.
10RE COR? Si {
with hours of wholesome : | i
A vear age. the dry, hot weather, |" nie yi dh : Mr. James Berrier, Milton Grove, ITH panels of Insulux Converted fo a Speedy Electric
{ 1 in the nation’ rm toil, not toe tiring. He finds the I ht 1 mpl i fine large Glass Block natural
caused a loss in he atu Ss cor . . : . rough u a Sa ie ol ne large | . Sd
; growing of things, interesting. ‘ y : daylight can be brought inside You 1 . i ny
( Since mn alfect > cattle © » = ipe white blackber: : . 2 #20 our ¢ld hard-running treadle
yop. Since corn affects the cattle v dite min Tools forward 10 rip whi e blackberrie J while privacy is maintained. ; i ny 7 STRAINED CHOPEED
: : lany a city man : lott & ; ve go acl Will ha doh
and hog market price, as well as SP fille a Eshleman Bros., Clothiers in Here is an ideal material for ewing machine wifl be con-
presuction, a smaller corn crop vetiring and continuing to be active Mt. Jov Holl building are holde brightening up kitchens, bath- verted. inte an easy-to-use y , Pe -,
: having such a small farm. Mt a ; rooms, stairways, entrance Able Hiden sth: brand 1 g Jars Jars
wade meat more costiv and scarcer. ing their August sale of stock vr > clectriec machine with brane 3
ane a : gives one a feeling of independence, : : halls—for modernizing almost <4 r =
There were late plantings and sum- | ® hich i Ie. 2 Roving from Samuel H. Miller was appointed avery room in your new home. » new motor, feo! control and .y wire ah At
\ ‘ wie MYerine OY 3 | : Sud = . . Ni HIT a
mer droughts to cut preduction a- which is df cheng Tr District Representative for Edison Ask your builder or architect |a sewing light, that will make > ES AP. MILK HOUSE 4 cans 59¢
4 Dae bushels bol the Lis life. Blectric Co nd Cas Co about ‘“‘Daylight with In- (2 sewing a pleastire 5 fd =
hot 63 million busiels veiw 3 ® os i 0 : 7 h St sulux’’ for your “dream < 8 & FORMULAC KRAFT'S 2 1414-01. 45¢
coal set by the Department of Agri- 6’ 1000 one teacher schools were home.” | i » = €
» - yg mm - y yy “+ >
culture. This year, it is believed the WOOING THE VOTERS closed in the state during the past | u Specia 3 GQ 95 z PARBLUR bv or + 23¢ 150m
i CPO Prices are still rising and by the | m on k pkg.
country will have a bumper crop to | year, Regularly 50 . ;
( i » hi 1 ’ | 2 v7 Strained jars
cempare with 1946. Tt still rests end of the year they will be higher. Mt. Joy Hall Assoc. has had its Gerber’s Baby Foods or Chopped 0 85¢ :
. tes in Slane vet} ; That is a pessimistic statement. | fre escape repaired and ted prt . {
with what comes in sun and rain for i cape repalied and painte We'll convert your old treadle into a smart portable fer only -
te ¢ Be . A - A ~ an a 1 ; | — PENN
the remainder «f the season. At east But it is an accurate capsule sum Markets: Eggs, 30-32 cents; Lard $25.75: Consoles, $69.50. | | FE > ™ NE rN
euch tidings 1ift (he spirits of local mary of what mest economists are | 13 cents; butter 35 cents. We have new machines for immediate delivery.
uch l . 5s Fi 2 Gr / ted
housekeepers. [saying and writing. All the forces Abe Butzer, Rheems raised a Ine anuiaie
that make for price inflation—=higher weighing 17 1-2 ounces S . M hi S & 3 \
Su Er Pe 1 1-2 oust, ewing Machine Jales ervice
"WORROW wages, tremendous government Morris Reider, near Geyers




cook knows what chemical reaction
takes place in a mixture with the
m in a eream sauce for a supper | ward step in curbing juvenile de- | addition of each ingredient and it is
1 oral lingtiency. in forming a iunior po- | fun to work out new combinations, .
ist flavor with finely minced linquency, in formung a junior po in t N L
dish. Fla When proper mixtures are achieved, | ew Low Price
green pepper and a few teaspoons | lice force or iunior dep- |
on Request
teed mushrooms and diced cooked Certain cities have taken a for-
work that “putting off until tomor- are still in effect. bolt of lightning knocked down 2 |
rew what we can do today”. Each High prices constitute the most | hoses, upsetting the binder, and | ms - m——
day's passing finds something ac- | serious problem of millions of fam- | throwing Reider to the ground | - VEGETABLE SHORTENING This
ont lished, bu of enough atten- |ilies. But the American people must 36th annual sessicn of Mt OWENS = ILLINOIS FR RY 4 I-Ib. b Fhe 3b. $ chould
complished, but nt gE a | | >» th hE VE ohn d
. AT aw vk retin: ‘amp otine ane 1 hy car J ar
tion is given the jobs that arise next (not be carried away by the kind of | Gretna Camp Meeting opened this | U NIE a nN JILL (4 emo e ¢ eo 0 n Com
month. Winter slips upon us and |hysteria that believes that more week. \ Xo NEW PACK ed wit
we look to the roof's repair, the laws. more controls and more poli- The football team met at Lee El- GLASS BLOCK | Your Bathroom TOMAT DES a oo. Wri
pipes to be fixed, furnaces checked. | tical domination ef the economy can lis’ Restaurant. | Ed a Han cans fo caster |
1 wovide » answer. This is an el- Cfficials of the Board of Game Rl
window calked. Much of this can be | provide the answer Joard « ja Rl ? DADE § E ner si Br. wt
done when repairmen aren't [ection year, and many a candidate | Commission state that ringneck | J. C. SNAVELY & SONS, Inc. OW J GRAPE JUICE 1 2 Fc no 3%c
. BER : To a wice rheasan > : ! ie + / 7 ) 2-01. a.
busy. It is nothing now, this put- [will use price control as a device to pheasants are keeping Japanese | Landisville Office Mt. Joy Office | A Ds on S TREET oe 1 $ I 45¢
tine off until the last minute. We woo the voters. What those candi- | beetles in check. ! Phone 3311 Phone 65 |§ Get rid of the old style fixtures and start to enjoy a completely INGERSOLL'S RFADY-TO-SERVE 28%;-0z. @. 4 Paul Se
a . . v1 | oh BE |
wait (0 the deadline to renew licens- | dates will not point out is that no- School Board awarded a con- { C y | bath. New design, Easy to clean, Beautiful. HALF CANNED CHICKEN can
5 . ; al = % : ancaster County Distributors | ay men Su fake Month sav. First Pavmor i RE Peres
es. wet auto tags, register to vote, do hody will produce goods at a price tract to Hager & Bro. for paint- | . | P ts To it Tou Take Mow a ¢ Pay. First Payment i LEBER WAFERS Scr, i a 24¢ ec
Christmas shopping | which is too low to return a profit— | ing the interior of the Marietta St. fl | Town House Cra ckers BY 8 i9¢
En evi | Af B 8-0z.
that the greatest beneficiary | building. 000000000000000000000000 || * 3 KEEBLER tg. BV
ovo {ond that the greatest yibull : : PLUMBING — HEATING ~ OIL BURNERS | Em. SE —
Weel est Recipe: from price control is the black mar- | : Blanche Eshleman entertained the = FLOUR" br rar Tuzo Sie 35¢ ith €9c¢ T(
Tomate Ke‘chup: 1 peck (121% ket racketeer. Choir to a doggie and I §! 2 | : Tp ae rl. BE
1hs) ripe toma 9 medium on-| The commen argument that high | R L BREAKIRON | OLECMARGARINE nev print D4 &
ions. V4 t cayenne pepper, 2 c cider prices are largely the result of con- rh a ; > ® Ba | REILD CHEDDAR CHEESE wn BOs
vinegar. 1% T broken stick cinna- scienceless profits should be scotch- R= mien | PHONE MOUNT JOY 91-32 Mount Jov a ag 3 ane thie a
mise "YT wh clove 2 cloves led. Competition is the best means a | GOLDEN LOAF CAKE PARKE cake 25
nely ch tlic, 1 T paprika, [of limiting profits that ever exited. | | er bliss i Ee \ MARVEL BREAD 16-01, 14¢ 20r.
car. 91 t <alt. Wash and slice | As an example, the typical retailer fhe VE i LUY E _— or (sate pit = i
Fors : ; bout 15 min. or [in general merchandise earns a eC LUX FLAK FOR 35c—GET 1 SMALL FKG. FOR 3G 1
nti] it | pref [ ar ive ce ack VD : 7 1 BUY 2 CAKES FO ee
unt Int nother kettle slice To of gd five sols - on ol 7 Vane Greil | LIFEBUOY SOAP et CAKES Jor rox BC
with. quar ar you spend with him. In the
« { y nall quantity | debar ite > abobnatar SAAN BUY 2 REG. CAKES Bn
wat k nt tendar.” Run |foed field, with its fast turnover, he Kitchen Is Food Laboratory SWAN SOAP 21c--C:T 1 EXTRA CAKE FOR ;
or Ahi nd tomatoes | earns less than two cents. The pro- | I I. IKE to geet om all the joy is | y Ri AS ON JA Bx : §8¢ quails 75¢
ve 9 aken out o 1s most int i Fae! Bas
eo pulp. Add cay- | fits of manufacturers are usually tne Out hold eo I at | ( dozen
siev 1 } oy is aa : ing of househol asks Ii one - a I. A SET Sn Pas Si.
enne pe B mixture rapidly | about six percent. and are often less. | Lave the proper equipment and P t D i t 8 rr” Neer ve. 4.
luced 14 original | Certainly, ne one can say that this | tools to do the job. Then, too, I must romp e very aA 3.
a: rat hi} n excessive wage for the enor have everything within casy reach - . r
volur Place vinegar in pan with [iS an excessive wag "| and the kitchen has to be so ar- | F Agr | | U . 20 2s of I jr 0-
ai hag containing cinnamon, | meus service business renders | that 1 can keep ever) or ICU tura Se | Low Prices ed / go! vers
: i A | | MAT
¢ lic. Allow to simmer | erica. ing surface clear and clean w | Developed by the | §! 25¢ per
; ee : Rie ea oe | too much trouble. Ya | FE
20 min. th bring to boiling poin I clean things and put them away ay Originators of 2,4-D Weedkillers | & dial
+ vinegar mixture UNITED PARTIES f as 1 go along. It's no fun to fini WEEDONE CONCENTRATE 48 la /
4 y iy 10 interesting wf th job an 1 rge
Remo from heat, cover until|{ Whatever we may have to say a- DIE tess I J ves | contains 3 Ibs. 24-D acid equiv- 5 fra,
. ol u ON tL Valois S
When tomato mixture |gainst the speeches, promises fan- alent per gallon. The ethyl ester Penn Lime Stone & 0 m 0 m nv @ A LANG
La «ed down add vinegar mix- | fave of the Political conventions, we | Jota oe Dn) | g en 50 [id ied Calacle’ a
: . NE 2 0s 73
lt and sugar and | praise the line taken by both Dem- | times as much 24-D acid per Je
il bout 10 min. Pour |cerats and Republicans, in making gallon. Sticks rain or shine. Gets | PHONE E-TOWN 66-R-2 — RHEEMS, PENNA. J)
Boiling hot int erilized jars and | the foreign policy a bi-partisan af- those hard-to-kill weeds. 5.6- ;
immediate’ | fair. - This country is growing wiser, WEEDAR 64 - contains 4 pounds | - oo 3 NONE PRICED HIGHER
by . oe . : 4-D acid equivale . | E PRIC GHE
® oo 0 more seasoned, in international sit- Da pet v - i Tr cc W
a > Sa mula, ALIFOR! EET SE E
Take A Tip: nations. The United States has ma- Completely soluble In water: CAL NMA SWEET SEEDLE Mase Ps
T- have red cabbage keep its color | tured. With beth our political par- | is not clog spray nozzles. For | | GRAPES ir ay 1 p XK 4
With ar acid. Add a few [ties cenfering, consulting, together, 1€ easier-to-kill weeds and pre- | NU ad 2 - Att
i 3 . ok L emergence spraying. xX x RED DUARTE'S—SUGAR SWEET SE
tablespoon f vinegar for each cup |in the interest of the nation, gov- 3 §
of shredd-d cabbage, to the cock- |ernment is strengthened, respect for tm | 3 LARGE PLURT =e
sn ie : . > = : &
: Make cole slaw and |pelities increased. Those who lean The gallon price of | 2 RN FRESH FULL PODDED : A
1d dressing about an hour before |teward Communism at one end of iid Low Cost weed: | 3 Y. 3 Sh L DE #0.
wre Sar killers. J
rving. chilling it in refrigerator. | the scales, those who are confirme d Compare § The actual pounds of 3 Er Ww X LIRR BERENS Ibs. a5
x . y n x > ap i . ¥ - > = ~
The flavor of ressing will isclationists at the other end, will 2,4-D equivalent per S oar ~ x LOUISIANA hs 20 5
3 f t~ atid Dans J . 82 on
ugh the cahbage Add a tea- fing this bipartisan stand too strong me up a oo: messy pots and pans, | gallon they. contalir. | 3 J 3 GOLDEN YAMS 3 282
SL y : : ishes and bowls, | IN 3
£1 hang iy oe 4 | 5 | SNOW CROP 5.02
spoon. of butter or margarine for to hem their voices. | I like to look upon my cooking as | Vga Thess powerful weedicilery . 3 ORANGE JUICE QUICK FROZEN 2% bi 9%
1 eo © © 1 : | in any sprayer ~ N
each serving of steamed -or boiled laboratory work and each recipe an | BN a RN P FRESH 2
~ 1: NIG le rime hemistry, A goo TT | RES th i
n vegetable. . . . . Combine sau- JUNIOR POLICE experiment in chemistry good FREE Agricultural Bulletin 3 3 EANUTS ROASTED boa 2C
> AN

hsm, ~ Fi NSIT NT
SYRUP 2 16-07 cans
it is an easy step to convert them
of prepared horseradish. uty sheriffs. Since adults haven't | into palate teasing foods by the ap- | Sprayers Available
ath : x to well 3 } the proble lice Ff what the chemists call | A /
atch For Mildew: dene te well in solving the problem, plication of wha e chen A i | MILD & MELLOW
Wate “thermal treatment.” This means Bank auto loans ‘are
sther afte OW ilde nh some towns have decided to let the }
Leather often shows mildew in hot, sem itn “eat and heat means cooking.
humid weather, Keep shoes on high | youngsiers see what they can ac- | (Cooking with gas is easy, whether
available at reasonable EIGHTY O'CLOCK COFFEE bag 406¢
shelves since they will keep drier | cemplish. Already there are about | you are in the city or country. The
cost. There are no com- RICH & FULL-BODIED
Lum i | country gas is even richer and hot. | . TN - ;
hor on floor on low shoe |250.00 juveniles serving in the law | oUntry gas is even richer and hot P ul S H d missions and no “buried EED CIRCLE COFFEE 1-lb bas 41
than d on i | ter than the city gas. Ii is delivered | . estan charges.’ Your repay only ! the! actual | b bag 438 Those
AC sts > vith | enfercement jobs and doing a fine winders (bottled cas .
racks. Air closets frequently with fn cylinders (bottled gas) or in a VIGORGUS & WINEY


an electric fan. A centainer of cal- job. Their duties range from being tank truck just as t comes from the | amount” you borrow plus our moderate |
cium chiorids helps keep contents of | traffic guards near schools, handling ey i hey a3) 2 bw Phone 3285 MARIETTA, PA. interest charge and the cost of insurance | BOKAR COFFEE 1-lb bag 45¢ prod.
closat dry and also absorbs moist- |crewds at public functions and at |; der a wide variety of thelr own | which protects you. For all-around satis- orice
Sima py 3 an or i | | faction, you'll find that bank auto loans | a \
spirational: children, guarding agains allo- 1 | : NR, . POR
Truth is i ge We by |we'en destruction. Yo the most better community by organizing a- | are, best. Come, in _for, complete. details. | EELS.
falsehood; it may be equally out- | important rele is in crime preven- gainst juvenile crime. Already, in | | { Rose-
raged by silence. —Amiel. | tion among youths. | cities where this sort. of police force | [|»
: eo eo | After being given a view of po- Las been active, there is a noticable | i Th U * auirie
THE SMALL FARM llice records, learning crime statis- decrease in juvenile delinquency. fion National Mount Joy Bank ;
“Progress” of civilization seems to tics. seeing criminals pictures, If this method works in cities, we | | . to ke
have built up big business and studying case histories, learning the have every reason to believe it { MOUNT OY, PENNA, | E Main St Mount J P
stified the little Business. This has |outcoine of criminal tendencies in would work well in owns such as | Member of Federal Deposit Insurance’ Corporation : oy, ds
been most apparent in industry in [he young g these junior Sheriffs sigh Mouiit Joy. Such juveniles contd be : : | : {| Prices effective in all A&P Super Markets and Self Service Stores ST
cities. But.” in the cotintry, the | for duty. They set examples by a- a great help. Why not give it a| F 3 ) J
smail farm can mot seem |biding by the laws, work to build a | trial? v. J