The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 29, 1948, Image 1

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American Legion Carnival at PRR Station Next Friday and Saturday, August 6 and 7

One Detour Off; Another On
By-Passing Florin Coming East

Mount Joy Bulletin

The Harrisburg Pike detour at
Elizabethtown has been removed
Local Aviators On and traffic is again moving through -
Highspire and Middletown, the | yxy T 4 i J . ra .
Breakfast Fli ht State Highway Department announ- | VOL. RY, NO. Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, July 29, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance
g ced yesterday. | TR
Several local aviation enthusi-| For the past several months traf- E WO MEN KILLED A THE CARBIN: REUNION AT Th L al N M R d
asts took part in a breakfast flight fic has been detoured through Eli- Weddings Thruout #4 INCH RATTLE SNAKE Everything That LITITZ SPRING JULY 31 € LOC ews ortuar y Recor
last Sunday morning during which |zabethtown along the back road to | George Floyd, Bainbridge RDI The fourth reunion of the Garber .
forty planes and about 100 pilots | Hershey and then through Hum- 0 C it nd Ezra Hoover, Rheems, spent H d At family will be held Saturday, July For The Past Week Throughout This
and passengers stopped at nearby [ melstown to Harrisburg. ur ommuni y last weekend at Sinnemahonin,. appene |31st, at Lititz Springs Park, Lititz. . .
Donegal Airport for iced fruit A one-way detour has been esta- . Mr. Hoover caught a number of | ery interesting program in- V B 1 fl T Id E t L ait
See ot Doct IE $0 atte bished on another section of he | Dring Past Week +. wa vi risa Florin Recently |... | Very brietly lold Entire Locality
Starting at the Lancaster Muni- | Harrisburg Pike by-passing Florin. |ing a number of deer and one Mr. and Mis. N. S. Grimm of (business meeting will start at 130) The present car inspection period Robert H. Myers, 63, at Manheim,
cipal Airport the flight came to (Traffic is detoured from the old : | Saws, While hilsing in the mounts ix ial PD Nei rising: with | P.M. (D.S.T.). nds Saturday, July 31 Mrs. Fianne B. Buch, 85, at Man-
Donegal Airport and then to the | Harrisburg Pike railroad under- | Betty Louise Warfel | tains. Mechanicsburg, were wi | . ends Sa : 7 be ihe
Geltz Airfield near Mountville and | pass, on the west side of the boro, | Victor K. Zerphey On their way home Sunday ev- Mrs, Annie Wittel. Invitations have been, mailed to| The Derr forpily reunion will be | he i : ;
to New Holland and ended at the | along the old Florin road and then | Miss Betty Louise Warfel, the | ening while defcending Snowshoe Mr. A B. Hershey ceturned to | approximately one hundred and held at Long's Park Sunday wy Elwood Gochnaur, forty-six,
old airport on the Manheim Pike | back onto Route 230. The road is | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ! Mountain in their auto, Hoover New York City Sunday alter spen- | eighty heads of families in fer states Elizabethtown J J RE ts Manheim R1.
Those who participated from being repaired at the western side | Howard Warfel, Landisville and | noticed a snake at the side of ding his vacation with his parents [If any Garbers in Canty boro limit to include five additional Mrs. Agnes S. Zerphey, seventy-
this vicinity are; Mr. Lloyd Nis- | of Mount Joy. Shoulders of the road | Victor K. Zerphey, son of Mr | the road, and succeeded in killing | Mr. Earl Gerlitzki witnessed the | have been missed ley are to con- joetes, od. the. Herd four, at Manheim
sly, Mt. Joy RD: Charles Bailey, | also are being leveled. | and Mrs. Winfield Zerphey, Man- it with the car. doublesheade: base bal game a | sider Hemissives nvied, | r. bok 2 pens gg Sh a Clinton Kaylor, eighty-four, at
this boro; Mr. Phares Landis and TT | heim St., were married at 2 pm | Upon investigation, the reptile Jn Duna Those vey il lo ne on Tonle Teunim at Llhamson BR. D. Sunday.
daughters, Jean and Mrs. Lloyd | RESTAURANT OPENS AUG. 3RD. | Saturday in St. Marks United | proved to be a large rattler, and and Mrs. ( Syton | lunches to oe lig wt picnic tab BUCY: Le hol ve Mrs. Laura J. Farmer, sixty-eight,
Nissly; Vernon Kinsey of Florin] Lincoln Restaurant, East Main | Brethren Church here. The | it measured 44 inches in length | MY: Samuel Becker Sr. Mr. and les available in the pay Sixty dollars worth of tools we at Lancaster Junction, Wednesday
2 | Sve A niki Mrs. Samuel Becker Jr. and two, Clarence Garber, Lancaster R6 is |gtolen from the shed of the Millers- :
and Stehman Landis of E-town. Main street, which has been closed | Rev. Ezra H. Ranck officiated | and had 14 rattles Hoover had hildr ME: Mr : i ise. Helen: Garbett N Churcl morning...
——— —— for several weeks, and under new | Mrs. Emory Charles, Jr., was | brought the snake home and he an if nd : 1s or. President an a haa : oy ile Menon ech r. skipped Mrs Millrd Weaver, ; 69, ‘of
The eastern 100 miles of the management will open on Tuesday, | matron of honor and the brides- | says he will have it mounted. : Sg ie of Mr, | Elizabethtown R1 is Secretary o 1€ The i BEA Sow Se Pt E-~t wn a the Lancaster General
Dream Highway will oct 55100000) August ard. | maids were Miss Nancy Warfel, | TY - and Mrs. ecker. Sao last year, will resume As year on | Friday :
= - Ce Sey | the brides sister, and Miss Peggy | . Sept 30, and Oct. 1 ad J Margie, wife of Paul Bricker, at
1] Zerphey, sister of the bridegroom. 'Hiestand Family Fl M t Bonita Lefever, four, Browns Elizabethtown, aged fifty. Gladys,
The F WwW Bri { Ne Fro | Peggy Ann Broich, niece of the | COMPLETELY SAWED OFF | orm - ay own is at St. Joseph's Hospital. She was} a. ¢ Roy Springer of Maytown is
e arm omen rie EWS rom bride was flower girl. . . BUT IT WOULDN'T FALL | [bitten by a snake at Safe Harbor. a daughter.
° oe Emory Charles, Jr., served «In Ninth Reunion Employes of Contractor Swang- Pla ground News A new shoe factory at Columbia pam
Convention At The Dailies For best man and Norman Warfel and | The Helstond Clin had their 9th er, who is building the West end of y was authorized by the State Tues- T. Everett Harre, sixty-four, a
. . Harold Kling were ushers. " iy Sanday. July 25, gf the new highway between here and Children of the Florin Hall | day. It will be a $100,000 corpora- former printer's “devil” on the
L di vill S 0 k Readin A reception for 75 guests was| oo Pe Ma hein =" “| Lancaster, had an unusual experi- | playground participated in a flower tion Marietta Times, who went on to
an S e at. uic g field at Bakers Diner, E-town, | A Par Ri m Saturday. show on Tuesday, July 27th Edward Hammond, 37, Columbia make a considerable name for him=
"Phe Lancaster Countv. Society Newsprint jumped $4. a ton ef- | after which the couple left on a | of Te rr was Jn A large oak tree nearly three feet Winners for the euros) 5 ily was arvested for stealing 49 dozen self in American journalism and the
or : . : |fective August 1. | short wedding trip The bride is | Grown singing ii led by Irvin in diameter on the Metzler tract, Marion Rein, Ist prize; ay is eggs and 39 pounds of lard from literary world died Tuesday in New
of Farm Women have made the Twenty-nine were killed in a | employed by the Hamilton Watch H : Ns had to be removed. Workmen saw- | Gerlitzki, 2nd prize and Fina | barked autos York Citv’s Harlem Hospital
lans to held their 31st annual Sr: : a he videgr is em- | estan, Seripture reading Ty it completely off near the ground | Espcsito, 3rd prize for the most Sy di “plas
plans do g plane crash in Canada. | co. and the bridegroom is em-|g; Hiestand, devotion by Rev. |° ke corny Y 5 ; the =
meeting on Saturday July 31, on The 88th Annual Muddy Creek | ployed by O. J. Kling, Florin. | sayre, recitation Joyce Hiestand and it wouldn't fall, nature had it hea Pog. * I he BUSINESS AND Noah 9. Shiflet
the Landisville Camp Meeting | Il be held Saturday, Aug. 7.1 The couple will live in Florin | Song bv Jovee accor 22 perfectly balanced. | miniature class, Lydia re PLEASURE BY AIR Nosh J. Shiflet. sixtv-one, Lan
grounds, picnic wi € é ae | | dion sin ¢ ag hy oy Finally they tied a rope near its | ceived a prize for the smallest On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sam aster RS, died Frid: at the Lan-
The mondig session will open Bite, the Sesing-eve dog of il Erma K. Snyder i el a 4 WR gu fe top and about a dozen men pulled it bouquet, witle Vivian Gable re- Balsbaugh, Mr. Alvin J Reist and sani a Hood ra an ill-
at 10 o'clock with Mrs. W. Columbia RZ, die | La evi R. Mummau, Jr. tand and duets by Raymond His down. ceived prize fos Hie MOSL { My. Norman Sprecher all of this ness of eight vears. Ida A., wife of
Scott Heisey, Society No. 8 as Bs oat. HON isto, Miss Erma K. Snyder, daughte | tand and Gordon Miller: Song by YY pul: f Mapes 1 Ty . bors, chartered 4 fom George Weber, East Main street and
song leader Devoticns will be the ve 1 be at rc of Mr. and Mrs. Ammon H. Sny- Roger Hiestand: recitations by ROTARY LUNCHEON | prize lor Pri sin iii ol plane and flew to Ocean City Frénces Marie. wife of John F.
in charge of Mrs. Neil Clark, of ria 10 gis der, E-town RI, and Levi R. Dennis McFarland and Cecile En- At the Rotary luncheon on Tues TR os Ns Ne > Ando where {hey spent. the day. : Shrum, of Florin, are daughters.
Society Ne. 1. At the business |” Sivtonn U. S. Jet planes flew from Mune Jr, son, of Mr. and dicott; Song by Clark Basehore; nooh, Mr. George Broske and a io a i for 1 slont x. Regen belles a i -
session which will follow, reports | Michie: Ger De 5060 flog { Mrs. Levi R. Mummau, E-town | Duet hy Join and Joel Hiestand: | MS: James Eshleman gave a i sel. Vo : lo Carol the Union National Mt. Joy Bank Rev. John D. Brubaker
will be given by Mrs. Abner H. | © san fo, Gorm, miles It RY, were married in the First | qk by Paul Basehore report of the playground activ- iy ed Ange Ne Sr {and Mr. Phares Landis of the Don- R ’ John D. Brubaker, 78. Minis-
Risser, Society No. 8, Bainbridge, 12 hours and 10 inte. Church of God, E-town. The | Gifts were presented to the old- ities. The attendance at the Ginder i te rise for = Moss szal Attport Sow to Wilkes Bare et te U i 1 Zio Ch dd died
Secretary: Mrs. E. E. Shreiner Robert Gerlach, nine, of Lan- Rev. J. O. Weigle officiated. est member Simon 3 grounds has decreased in the last | the Bull Rushes plant. recently, the former for a disability | t€? of the Unites Gat Eran: ae
Society "No. 7, Paradise, west. caster, Vas struck by 2 truck and| ppg Merle Breneman, Mr. Joy the youngest a a few weeks and it is the desire of The feature event for the week | checkup at the Veteran's Adminis- uns pees
and Wiis. Anne Rohrer Zook, killed while riding a bicycle. R2, attended the bride as matron Douglas McFarland and re or the supt. to invite the children an Mayiown Was a doll show on| (ratio. and the latter on a busi- .
Sotto. Bn, rn 5, C, Set, 5, | oon, Fahl tam, a nt ot nd ee | Ton wi ee” writ ono "| pavenal Manion
Mrs. Robert Humphreville, East od in i al Cine Mi E-town R1, sister of the bride-| 4 wy W. J. Sayre from the daily programs. oll : S soho De les fe : he
Petersburg, will sing a solo, and a amp gre groom and Miss Martha Yeagley, [Richwood N. J. Four traveling Rotarians were in | “¢ ng to Doles Jor the W y Bi Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Aspers
one act play, “Sisters Under Toe |, 0 body of aay M. ean 7 E-town RD, were bridesmaids,| phe games for the children were attendance at the meeting G. A. argent Shama tocolved 1 ize eek S irth Record and son of Upland, Calif., visit-
Skin” will be presented by the yra, was found in a wrecked | Breneman, Mt Joy R2, had (Turn ‘to page 2) Betzer, Frank S. Miller, Chester | Suman: Yeeeived a bY 2 Mi: and: Nb Charles Heaps. ed Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zer-
Society No. 15. : jor 8 the bottom of 2 20 it. quarry | served as best man for the bride- | Campbell and J. Wilbur Douglas. | for the best Souk while 07 M lots : Ave this ba cher, Marietta Ave. on Tuesday.
Following the noon recess, da 1 Smile 25000 seasonabl | Spoon: Ushers ere Robert TT Yay Joon Busnes Sl Se Hs Kis. daughter at 9:40 am Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shoalts and
afternoon session is scheduled to] oo ana > 2 vo fort) Brtown By, brother + 8S Workers Hold BIRTHDAY [doll on aude : Singer's dolls St. Josephs Hospital : three children of Wellandport, On-
begin at 2:00 pm with greetings] ox ers are now moving up he and Gerald Hos-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle, . . u I. A Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landis] tario, Canada are spending the
by Mrs. Richard Edwards the we Th A ther ser A a Sow S d M I West Msn 5 of a ing I Te % a in Landisville, a son at 8:20 am on | week here
State President of Farm Women: will be available in Penna. 5 | Joy R2 was flower girl. | econ eeting Sunday to a double birthday din- | y ii it id anges, coll Saturday ‘at the Lancaster: Osteo- Mos Lill Buckenttoa. will
Charles S. Winters, Terre Hill, 45- 3 . | family and Peggy Houseal the MlUan Laceensioe
Miss Rebecca Sheaffer Instruc- vear-old sergeant wis elected Pa be The second quarterly meeting of ner in honor of Mr. Harold S youngest doll, Patsy Lyons re- pathic Hospital. spend two weeks with rer brother
tor of * English. Millersville State | aE ian} ra. | Elizabeth Arlene leotard [the Sunday School Workers Co _ | Oberdeer and Mrs. Samuel Ireley coived 0 Drize. for the amis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shank, Man- | at Harrisburg and will then make
: iid Dept. Commander of the American | wayne Donald Ginder N~! Present were Mr. and Mis. | Prize loz ant 5 ; 3
Teachers College, will be guest Veterans of World War II The marriage of Miss Elizabeth ference was held Monday evening | ¢ and. soh Jerry. Mr | mal doll; Helen Felty for the old- heim R2, a son Monday at St. Jos-| her future home with her daughter
speaker for the occasion. Marimba A YWCA bus carrying 20 girls | A lene of Mr. 1" the Presbyterian Sunday School | Hy iy A a her a i | est doll which is 60 yrs. old eph’s Hospital ind son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
selections will be played by Miss oot no Tork Ir a et I ; it ; Ee | foun. Thole: weve four represen 12> I 5. Yordoar A Swinuning partics have heen Mr. and Mrs. Sanford M. Boll, | Joseph Moore, at Lansdowne.
Pauline Brooks Mt Joy and a : a : i : and Mes. Jerry Leonard, Jr., 190 tatives from the Church of God, ive) Barkara Amn of Mid- | i: xf botl laygr d Lititz RD3, a son on July 12th at The Rev. and Mrs. Carlton ‘M.
: Ci % v. 2 @ sengers. The bus was driven by Frank St, and Wayne Donald ® veh of God, five | dletown and Mrs. B 8 000 0 01 on . CC 3 . id
ladies quartet will sing. Miss Lena E. Risser, a former Man- | Ginder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl from. the Uniled Bretiven, four from| Mt. Joy R1 | Thussday at which de the groups he fanaa; Hosoi) Joris, ou Lukes Episcopal
The program committee compris- ‘heim twp. teacher. | Ginder, Cooper Ave., Landisville, the Methodist i three from the Evan- a jie to Twin Oaks Yo i Martin oe My i ig ang Ye Joyus Ellis left
es Mrs. Mark Herr, chairman, | | was soleminized in Donegal Pres- | gelical, nine from the Presbyterian, SCREW DRIVER USED TO Tr. Hg fon 2 Says el on Tuas ny a iis ! Boston, Mass., where
Society No. 19; Mrs. Donald TWO DROWNED IN RIVER | byterian Church at 10 am Satur- [4 no representatives from the | AND STAB MAN | lp nea ee they will spend some ‘fipe
Weicksel, Society No. 15; Mrs. | Charles Bechtold, 17, of Leacock, | dot. "The Rev. Thomas A. Me- Calvary, Episcopal or the .Luth-| Harry Dyer. Mnhicin] ‘McNaughton Family i : Miss Ruby Fuller, of Ickesburg
Frank Lichty, Society No. 7; Mrs. |drowned while swimming at Pequea Gregor eran churches. a id ai ih dort MARRIAGE LICENSES RD returned home Tuesday after
Graybill Longenecker, Society N Sunday. Given in marriage by her fath- The scripture was read by Mr pod assailants near Manheim «Held Fourth Reunion Robert A. Rye, this boro and pending the week here with Mr.
$5: and Mrs. Samuel Simmons | Robert Emenheiser, 20, of York, | er, the bride was tended by Mrs | Bailey, Superintendent of the Pres- ordi to State Police Martha J. Miller, Salunga ria Mr H A. Darrenkamp and
of Society No. 8 and Mrs. Ern- ‘drowned below Wrightsville on| Earl Grenaway, Lewistown. cou | byterian Sunday School, followed by ver suid he wes “attacked and| The fourth annual McNaughton Claud E. Zeller this boro, and po” oe _
est Shaub, Society No. 17, | Sunday. | sin of the bride, as matron of |# Prayer Following this, there was stabbed with a screw driver. Nine [reunion was held at Hershey Park [Elva M. Hostetter, Elizabethtown i, Me Darrenlamp
| honor. Miss Ruth Runkle, Hun- |“ piano solo by Miss Peggy Garber. | 1 es were used to close wounds | oP Sunday, July 25 A oy i. nd Mrs Join Ruler
hi . The speaker for the evening was! : | Y, res vi Robert Harry Johnson, Mount Joy who will return to town on Sun-
® . . tington, cousin of the bride ser-|_ PX ¢ CVENINE Was) his face and scalp. He was ad- | Games were played and refresh nr | : ; : dan
Lion Mi ets In By na ved as bridesmaid. | Henry Bago: of the Elizabeth-| © 4 t the General Hospital. Jens served to the following: Mr. |B : ih Betty Jane Koser, Mount Week ond. vidtore at’ Methods
‘ The hest man was Chester Scho- | oY College, who spoke on “Sun- Cpl. James J. Haggerty took |and Mr. Ralph McNaughton and Joy R2 p RS hethodist
enberger, Lancaster RI. Harold | Jromin Popes) charge of the investigation. State | children, Marie and Harold of Eli- Christian Dale Ne idigh, Marietta, a a Mr oben!
Hostetter, Annville and Robert | Police said they have only meager |2abethtown; Mr and Mrs. Fred Mc- [md Edna Ruth Zurin, Mount Joy a w : | a, Tung
ith hratfa ues. | Randler, of this boro were ushers | DEER LEAPED THRU A details of the alleged attack. | Naughton and sons Fred and Doug- RI. i - ae Mrs, Howard Hf:
GLASS DOOR AT COLUMBIA cere ios: Bonnie McLane of Bainbridge; | Harry Knisley, Jr, Maytown, and {Hall all of Williamsport, visited
pe A t ° f 0 iid Sa Yas the gh of 4 {SAUDER PROPERTY WITH- |Mr. and Mrs. William Edye and May i Cute fhe Lot Pi rar 4 yi 3
: t {doe deer leisurely meandering on |pRAWN AT $4755 FRIDAY NITE |[children, William, Lorraine, Bar- | Marlin J. Troup, Bainbridge R1,] ° ev. and Mrs. J. F,
ago | c V1 1€S 0 ur ! Union street at Columbia last PEAY First National Bank and |bara and Robert of Bainbridge RI; and Betty E. Hershey, Marietta R1 ara
Police Officers | Thursday The animal “hecaine Trust Company, of town, executor Mrs. Florence McNaughton of Pal- | Clarence this boro and Je-
| frightened, leaped thru a glass door of the Michael M. Sauder estate, |myra; Mrs. Elizabeth Cover, Murs. {mina Van Every, Lancaster ve i d d
Chiei of Police Park Nelss ro- lat Miss Sarah Warden's China shop, offered a 2% story frame dwelling [Sara Zink, Terry Lee Zink, Mr. and EE — S ecor p
ported the following motor viola- | third and Ur oly streets, almost |, public sale at The Bulletin Friday | Mrs. Walter Pennell and sons, Ray JOY TO GET SHARE M., Orpha G. J. Musser and
tions during the past week; | wrecking the interior evening. Same was withdrawn at [and Edward; Miss Doris Zink, Mrs | OF LIQUID FUEL TAX | Rt E. Wolgemuth, East Donegal
| Lee G. Pickle, Middletown, Pa | The animal, badly cut and bleed- nd will now be sold private- | Melva Zink, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Approximately $300,000 of the |Twp., to Lester P. and Thelma J.
stop sign violation Paid fine [Ng was killed = by a policeman’ ly. C.S. Frank was the auctioneer. Barninger Jr. and daughters, Jane, {liquid fuels tax fund now held by To helman, Florin, lot in East Done
and costs at a hearing before Buy: | club. ar ingens Soll lemme a all of Mount Joy and Miss Betty | the County Commissioners will be | il Twi
gess Tcm Brown. | ~~ LETTERS GRANTED Doup of Newport News, Va. [divided among the boroughs and| Joseph R. and Florence A Bixler,
Richard Mannix, Detroit, Mich, HENRY 0. O'NEILL WAS Maud E. Moyer and Viola M.| Prizes were won by Mrs. Eliza- | townships of ‘the county and Lan- | F rin, to Howard H. and Thelma R.
passing without highway clear of APPOINTED AJ OFP Anderson, Mt. Joy, administratrices beth Cover, Sandra Kay McNaugh- lcaster city to help pay for street|Sulrey, Manheim, lot in Florin.
500 feet. Paid fine and costs be- Henry O. O'Neill, Florin Hotel, |of the Norman J. Moyer estate. |ton, Jane Barninger, Mr. Charles construction. This was revealed by | Leonard H. and Hazel I. Johnson,
re | fore Justice of the Peace James E. |was appointed by Gov. James H. Paris R. Hoffman, Maytown; Guy |Barninger and Mrs. Melva Zink. | Graybill Diehm, chairman of the | to Thomas and Marion
The back row includes, left to right; manager Clayton Newcomer, | Hogkonherry. ; : put, Thursday og istic of the B. Homo, Bainbridge: Peter DO SN Me 3 ogc o ie Coughs Coils Bs Mount Joy, lot with g
Jerry Shupp, Donald Germer, Donald Martin, Ben Brown, Ken Engle, Jacob S. Lindemuth, Columbia | peace or Mount Joy Twp. : Zionk, Philadelphia, exegutors of New of Jeers were electec wit 20 represent itives of 12 county | house, barn, and other improves
John Bowman, Gary Ellis and coach Hank Hallgren. In the front row | RD1 and John A. Johnson, Harris- | O'Neill was elected to office atthe estate of Michael R. Hoffman, {for the following year. {boroughs last Thursday at Lancast- |e Longenecker Road, Mount
are Bob Hetrick, Ben Clinger, Jerry Estock, Bill Beaston, Don ‘Fogie, Bill | burg, both stop sign violations. [the last election but due to a tech- | Jr, late of East Donegal Twp | The next reunion will be held the er. Tov. $14.000.
Zimmerman, Al Myers and Tommy Germer. | Both will be summoned for hear- |nicality did not lift his commission. ese venetian stu last Sunday in July at Elizabeth- S——— llr | EE
The Hank Hallgren coached, Clayt In the presence of a banner crowd | ings before Burgess Brown. [He is employed in the office of the | TO VACATION AT town Park. | FIRE DESTROYS (WHEAT MAN KILLED AT CROSSING
Newcomer managed and Heavy Jerry Estock poured it on and came | Richard Hamm, Harrisburg for |J. E. Baker stone quarry, Bainbridge { MT GRETNA IN AUGUST II : ON A FARM NEAR FLORIN Benjamin F. Leakway, Manheim
Gemberling, Lee Ellis tutored Mid- off victorious, pitching a one hitter | passing over the white line. Will | RL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprecher | THERE GOES HER PROFIT | Fire starting from a brush blaze |R1, was killed instantly when a
: : sordid byt _jand shut out the Willow Streeters | be summoned for a hearing he- TTY and daughter, Marty Lou, 120 E. | Mrs. Anna Hauck, thirty-seven, burned over about 200 square yards |Penn. R. R. train struck his auto at
get base ball team, Sponsors ay Hele inl), fore Squire Hockenberry. | BLESSED WITH TRIPLETS Donegal St., wil] leave Saturday |Elizabethtown R1, pleaded guilty 3 field of cut wheat on the E. S.|Shreiner's crossing, west of Lancas-
Mount Joy Lions Club, just “mowed | yo (as given perfect support, | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice, Eliza- | for Mt. Gretna where they will [selling fire crackers and was fined Weaver farm close fo the residence |ter. This is the fourth person kil-
’em down” right and left and are every player on the team doing his [SALE WELL ATTENDED bethtown, the former very well|spend the month of August [$200 and costs. {of Richard Martin at Florin Wed- | led there in eight years. His auto
now up there for the final game utmost to cop a victory for a crack| The public sale of household known here, parents of eight chil- TD 9 We =e Ye — { nesday. was completely demolished.
with Ephrata at Lancaster next at the championship and a days trip [gocds of Mrs. Lillie Backenstoe, dren aged 10 to 21, were blessed |HIGH PRICED FOWLS FRACTURED WRIST | The Friendship Fire Co. answer- a
Tuesday evening. The boys won | to Broooklyn. South Market street, was well at-|with triplets two girls and a boy,| At a Chicken of Tomorrow sale at Mr. Andrew Zercher, Marietta | ed the alarm but farm workers ex- Rev. Francis R. Daugherty re-
the final elimination game from | LOST—One Barbara Miller, New [tended Saturday. C. S. Frank was at their home last week. Bob is|Coategville, twelve Cornish White | Ave. suffered a fracture of the | tinguished the blaze before the fire- |cigned as pastor of Salem Evangel-
Willow Street at Lancaster last eve- Era reporter, with a complete re- the auctioneed and Claud Zeller the [employed by Herman Risser Auto Rocks brought $266, exactly $5.50 (left wrist last week, when he men arrived. Nearby farm buildings [ical and Reformed Church at Col=
| port of last night's game.
clerk, Co. and was given a raise in pay.
per pound.

fell from a ladder at his home. {
were periled for a short time,
umbia. '